Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1913, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1M. 0>e £ake $bort |)tw$ PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY iL.-------â€"------ BY_______i------â€" THE SOWMAN PUBLISHING CO. 526 Davis Street. Evanston. Albert H. Bowman 7. Bertha R. Bowman James Leonard Lee Managing Editor Associate Editor ..'".. City Editor ^8tmSCJtIPTIQN PRICE, $2 A YEAR All matter for publication in any week's issue should reach pur office pot later than noon on Monday. Entered aa second-class matter Juno 38,1911. at the postofflce at Evanston, Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1S79. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1913. •- GRAMMARâ€" A LOST ART. tn Philadelphla-they have what they are pleased, to call a "Character Devel- opment" common school course. Speak- ing^ofcthe virtues-of thejiew.departure ot the new course, Mb. Charles K. Taylor, recommends the aboiition of jrne teaching of English grammar In the^ public^sehoola He says. â- ":â-  "In place of grammar I would sub- ""'•'8trlute~ir course-in the reading of good .literature, which would develop the " moral character as well as have edu- cational value." ..... The value of "the-reading of good literature" cannot be overestimated, both as a means of developing "good moral character" and good literary tasteâ€"but as a substitute for gram- mar, the foundation upon which the II language and therefore its literature .'.-:â-  Is builtâ€"there is room there to doubt : the wisdom of the Character "Develop- 7^7 merit course. According to the results of a simple teat in grammar given a year ago by the Latin department of the Evanston -----Academy-to-studentS-desirlng to-enter toe course in beginning Latin, the,. â- ~r~ teaching of grammar has already been . discontinued in many grade schools. In,that test, if our memory serves us well, about two-thirds of the hundred girls and boys who" took it, were un- able to discover the subject of the sen- fence given, the wildest guesses bear- ing witness to their utter ignorance 7;~bTfne~funcCIdn of the various parts of ;; t~T|peeeh and of the elements of a sen- ;; tence. This experience in the Latin depart- ment of the Academy 1b, we are per- suaded, not the exception that proves H-^tpe-FUIe-of general excellent e in -In-. -- atructlon in grammar. Rather do we believe it to be evidence of the 111- succfcss which follows the attempt to ! glvevto the boys and girls of the grade1 schools a working knowledge of the rules which govern the correct use of American housewife spend fMMiflMr 000 annually 'or food. Ten per cent of this Is wasted before it reaches the dining room table. Women epend 90 WELFARE -posrum MISS REIDER 7. percent of the money manyearmr; It sounds terribly compromising and j no doubt the ladles of the leongrega- j t ion betook themselves home after j service In a thoughtful and conscience- j stricken frams-of-mindi-----------------7"~T it is not an unheard of thing" for j^ j^^^ 0f E^artStOn women to lay out a campaign„of house- r . â- ? .^.^.^ *•«.*« „oW m. or» pis imm*±* [mtmJm^wl^ robe to the soothing accompaniment | PoSltlOfl With Harvester of the pastor's exhortations. That the j Company . feminine part of the congregation) --------:,, Z T~~~~ which sits weekly under the Rev. Mr-1 g y g C fS"^0 R |S/<D1H^>HSi^^rH5rft^fc Bebesfobo did not rise in a body to; ...... dispute the implication of hiB re After nearly three years of efficient â-  ^jjg^iFSiiffg -»-â- ..â- Â« arith- sendee »b superintendent of the Cen_- marks only goes to prove Brat arttft-.-"""" """'::. Rv„„„i„„ rhkritlek the English language. _____ •â- â€¢â- ':-We should rejoice to see an exten- sion of the teaching of good literature In the public schools could wc but feel assured that such a course would re- sult in an Increased love for the fine IpgouT literature. The frequency with which one hears students in the high school courses In English refer in clones of disgust and dislike to the *nasterplece8 which they are so thor- tral Association of Evanston Charities, metic plays little part In the Sunday I announcement has been made of the computation. Otherwise would they j resignation of Miss Edith S. Reider codijjuibiiuu. v* ! from that office to accept the position not have remembered the niuety andjof 8ecretary of welfare work conduct- more millions of people in these 'ed for the employes of the Interna, --------------â€"jr. itionai Harvester company, with United States^mtf dene-a^bft-of dlvi- j offices In Chicago. Miss Reider slon which bringB to light the aston-j accepted the position last Oc- *-••-----«. itober, at which time she placed her Ishing accusation that the- A»«r4eanl7esTgnation with the" board-dt"olrec^ housewife actually spends a little (tors of the Evanston charities organl- „__zation. These officers were unable-to more than fifteen .dollarsL annually on,secure & succe8Sor immediately and,. each member of her household? 1 showing her loyalty, Miss Reider re- mained in charge until Miss Ruth Best, an experienced charities tleman would have us suppose. j worker of Chicago, was chosen by the board of directors to fill the va- ,cancy. Miss Reider assumed the TUBERCULOSIS DAY. |duties of her new position Dec. 1, and Governor Dunne has issued a proc-^rrer successor took charge of the Ev- janston organization superintendency lamation setting aside next Sunday, ,tnjs week. December 7, as "Tuberculosis Day." i/ Is Big Advancement. Since the observation is to be national i The change in positions by Miss I Reider marks a splendid advancement In its scope, other governors have ,Q her career of J sociological work. probably also designated the direction ! Recognition of Ifer ability in social j welfare work Is given by Mr. Cyrus which the instruction of. the people H Mcqprmick. nead ot the gigantic The record isn't so bad as the gen- X m * is to take on that day. In the past, when religious fervor flowed in rather different channels from those it now Is likely to follow, days were set aside for prayer for rain or for sunshine as the necessity decreed. Such a demonstration of piety is no longer common although there are still occasional evidences that It has not entirely departed from us It is by-these that opposition to Tuberculosis Day is most likely to be manifested. harvester corporation, and when a vacancy existed this fall by the resig- nation of Miss Goss, former secretary of the Harvester company welfare work, Mr. McCormick at once ten- dered the position to Miss Reider. The acquaintance and personal knowl- edge of MissrReider's worth in social work by Mr. McCormick resulted from a few investigations she conducted for the Harvester magnate several weeks ago. Since that time Mr. Mc- Cormick has kept In close touch with the well known social worker, and the fact that he has held the position welfare secretary of secretary Sr^^ tioniof^anaton^ariti^^ was prgailied, and the splendid work j longer one can carry-She-Aouble 360 itone^wUl^tands^a^ootim^ntMMLix«JJ from the tee. t^-^/ ha|^i f.nM»eBB "The seventh i^an^xcellentnoie. huii<h»b. 7~~7r^"V:L^~nt^â„¢7S always Mr. Watson rewards The Splendid organization of the Ev- Here as ***** »*• *\. Th ^ ,s anston^charitable association isdue, in the 7*«fr?^^*?V JJST be a large imeasnre to the untiring work-; ^J-of-bonnds^to the left, It^wouj^ of Miss; Reider. The growJbjJLJftehgt^^ JfTESJK1 association has been rapid, until it iajfences andTKe^direction of the holes. now recognized as one "of the most away from them. It would take much space to tell of when the bunkering is in it will be a the good, work accomplished. More very good one. _ _ '• • than600 families In distress, up nntll, "No. 9 is of fine length with^ a beau- Oct. 1, have been aided by the asso- tiful saucer-llke green in front of the elation, and with the efficiency main- clubhouse.-------- talned by Miss Reider the-werk has "No. 10 is a reproduction, on the op- developed along preventive and con- posite side of the road, of the first, structive lines, rather than toward; "No. 11 again rewards a good tee shot and traps a poor second in a Showing the appreciation of Miss'grassy hollow The shot up to the Reider's splendid record, a fare- hole is a long Iron length and there- well dinner was given by Mrs. James fore the green will be slightly bunk- A. Patten in her home, Ridge avenue ered and Lake street, Evanston. Thirty-1 "At No. 12 the tee shot is narrowed, three men and women, identified with Two good wooden shots will either charity work in Evanston, attended. • put you on the green or give you a As a token of esteem. Miss Reider was sight of the cup. presented with a solid gold brooch set "No. 13 Is a good hole If the ter- with corals and pearls. Mrs. Patten raced green retains its grip in sum- made the presentation speech. Ex- mer. Mayor Joseph Paden also spoke. "I do not like No. 14;. it is over 175 While moved by the appreciation and yards with a terraced green, splendid-epirit-shown by the support- "No. 15 is a unique hole. A. tee shot ers of charity in Evanston, Miss Reider «ave-ajshQrt_ad.dre8S_jan.d_spoke a Jew words of thanks for the token. Appreciates Support Given. In talking of the change, 'Miss Reider asserted that it was with re- luctance that she was leaving the work in Evanston. "I want to say," she said. "that there positively could never be found a finer community to work In than Evanston. The people are loyal to the core and manifest a sin- cerity that I don't believe could he duplicated elsewhere. I am exceed- ingly grateful, not only to the board of directors of the Central Associa- tion of Evanston Charities, to the other; workers and officers, but to the press' of the city, the city officials, the physicians, courts and supporters of the association for their help." of welfare secretary open for two months for her, gives evidence of the value he places upon her services. Miss Reider's new duties In super Tuberculosis Day has been set for j intending the welfare work among . „..._._ . . .. , , women employed in the factories of the Sabbath, not because the people of ithBtocal Harve8ter concern in the Illinois and of the nation look upon'united States require much executive , , "', . " , i ability and the entire responsibility the visitation of the plague upon usjJJJ'^ welfare q( thege women regt8 as a manifestation of divine wrath or | w|th the secretary. In addition to the Punishment. They recognize the fact! two factories in Chicago the peering - [and McCormick establishments, where that tuberculosis has its origin In ig-, a tota| 0f more than 800 women work, norance and carelessness, that the j Miss Reider will be in charge of the welfare work for women in factories "CHICK" EVANS TELLS OF NEW GOLF LINKS (Continued from Page 1.) five yards from the mathematical cen- ter of the course glves..a.jsight of the hole; if you stray farther only the topr of the flagstaff can be seen. "No. 16 is almost wholly a tee shot hole, - --â€"----- "The seventeenth Is of fine present day distance and comes at a good time. "The eighteenth is a cracker-jack finishing hole, and when the bunker- ing is in will be one of the best in the country. • . "The last four holes wind aroundj the clubhouse, so that a match could be watched from the veranda. "The course is a very good one of present day length. It is of champion- ship possibilities and will undoubted- ly be one of the best courses around Chicago. The drainage Is particular- ly good; an elaborate system has been installed with over seven miles of pipes and this Will insure early and late "playâ€"a considerable extension of the golfing season." COMPANY Thirty-Nine Years of Continuous Service has enabled this institutionâ€"the oldest bank on the North Shoreâ€"to develop its facilities to the highest point of efficiency and it places its entire equipment at the disposal of Evanston and the North Shore. XMAS BOOKS, CARDS CALENDARS The Pilgrim Jc^ift 19 WEST JACKSON BLVD. Just West of State Street, Chicago. KING'S RESTAURANT por 30 years the name ha* stood for pure, clean food, perfect cooking, ideal service and rieht orices. KINO'S take a particular prtS business and you get the benefit of it. rlMnfC tn-Ammt ottil «,/\,,'1l rvima h..k ... Bat at KINO'S to-day and you'll come back to. morrow. 10 Course Table Oa Hot* Dlnae Sunday 75c. cik IVCHIIC Bet. Madison and 'â„¢f,e"uc Washington Sts. ATTORNeV-AT-LSW JOHN HUGH LALLY GEO. H. HALL F © ffifefl R3 © -W T H ONLY smitten arc victims, not of divine ven- geance, but of man's stupidity and BolfishnesB and this Sunday, the Lord's day, is sot aside for work to dispel the cloud of Ignorance which has enveloped us so long. Sunday's campaign is for light, the light of cleanliness and care at St. Paul. Minn., and Auburn. N\ Y Duties of Position. i Her chief duties will be to see that the employes are working under proper working conditions. The In- ternational Harvester company wa^ among the first corporations to give attention to the welfare of their em- ployes, and many firms who are now The I following the experiment are asking i for information about the plan. It one days fight to vanquish this foe to , wl„ bp onp Qf m&& Relders duUe8 to our national weal, la not expected to furnlsh_ this information. She will â- â€ž ,- ---.:-. . ,•â-  „;-; -Tatao-Tiara oir the reports which are be final in any sense. It is but a be- ginning, "a small part in , submitted by the company's physicians the fight Land nurses. Where It Is found that ,,,,. , .. .„,k„^ k„ ! l»oor working conditions cause phys- which is being waged everywhere by jP^ defect8 «mong ^ employe8> Mls8 anti-tuberculosis organizations which | Rejder will report the investigation must be followed by other days. |tb the board of directors and suggest ;a remedial plan. > la Well Qualified. tlon. The turf had taken good hold and the lies were not bad at all. The greens are large, well formed and with varying Hnes. There are a great many terraced ones, but the terraces are not- high and can be easily run. As a rule I am much opposed to terraced greens, but when they are large they make a very good golf test; I wonder, how- ever, whether they will hold the well- calculated long shot in summer when^ 'r the ground is dry. This is the dan- ger, and is my chief criticism of the course. Traps Laid for Unwary. "William Watson, the goif archi- tect, was at Westmoreland Sunday and I had an interesting conversation with him. He has had much success In his professionâ€"the remodeled Rav- Jsloe course is a good7 example or his 916 Chicago Title Ma Trust fitdg. 69 w7WwSlngtOD It Central 1M7. Kesidcnce11*1Oak Ave. Tel. lM FINE ARTS In Cordova, Spain, a now school has work and the .Westmojceland.,cour8e is an Important piece of golf architec- ture. "The first tee is near the east end of the club house and commands a good view of the greater part of the course. The hole is a drive and a pitch length onto a terraced green; the road catch- er a hook, and the player who goes to the right will be in the rough and will have to play over a pit. "No. 2 Is an excellent tengthâ€"two spanking wooden shots to get home. A hundred-yard, irregular-shaped bunker runs along the right-band side, and the green is well bunkered, allowing the bold, accurate player to get home and run over a little if be can. "No. 3 is another drive and pitch length. The green is on a hill and a REPERTORY SEASON "PHIPPS" Stanley Houahton. Author 'Hindle Wakes' "LONESOME LIKE" Harold Briachouse "Death of Tintagiles" Maeterlinck "ROCOCO" / Granville Barker %™£5£l%r But Siatt 11.00- Lake Shore Sanitarium Out Spoelaltr Is the aneBawfnlTreatment of RHEUMATISM WeTUsoTttat Nervous and Stomach Cases Home for invalids and elderly perrons ot rea- sonable rates. Medical director and Graduate nurse in attendance. 333? Sherman Ave. Evanston. n. Telephone Evanston 2818 Miss Reider is well qualified for the advancement, m acTdUlon to turtle blind. The green will be heavily been founded, made possible by a pub- „ ... valuable experience she has gained . ,jc donation of a fund equivalent to |q soclal worR |n |he twQ ymn aQd OUghly taught In their classes some U10o,000, not, however, to raise the ! ten montn8 8he Utt8 Dee,t in Evanston, times creates a suspicion that the sub-' average of literacy in the realm of ^an,j the work prior to that time with ; t - ., > „j,„„! Aii.iu.vsn rnr the new institution will! the Associated Charities in Chicago, .... U'tlCtttioh of fuller courses in reading â-  Au uonso for ttu new institution wt m ^ ^ e8pec,a„y well prepared {or, to be slow about traps, they should al- might lead to a total refutation of the takc in training the noble sect of bull ,s0clo,ogica, dut,e8 {rom training 8e- ways be a matter of adjustment lighters. There Is, we believe, in the cured ^ the university of Chicago. "No. 4 is the first one-shatter, 211 Spanish domain, one school In which |she i8 a graduate of that institution, yards, calling for a long iron ordinar the Intellectual training of the girlsUaving received her .degree in 1909 The new ! "Pon comjdjgtionof jh^speckTl ^course worthy literature in a revulsion against the dissecting methods and tibe endless drudgery which Is so fre- of <he nation Is cared for. ' j IllllMl V , . ,.07Th"9ocioldgy and political economy. quently a part of the "conscientious" ; school in Seville is the second ot its j ^^ taking the course at the Unl- •tudy of. for Instance, The Tempest" [sort tor bull fighters, a comparison â-  vergity of Chicago, she was employed „ . :• „ I which speaks volubly of -tin causes ,in the government service as special or "Mld-Summer^NIght'ii Dream, ^ ^ ^^ gpain ,ag8 be. lnve8tlgator, under the federal bureau Lof labor.- She investigated-the work- ing and living conditions of the wage- earuing women In the cities of Chi-, vro^K-vrblch Is as certain to kin the i^j^^^ mlpm Ux lne n,ar{.h Gf ^jrltrorthe-plaraK itts to banlanHp^j,.^ ,____________ all pleasure from the reading of it. j * & * #.%,%( | Dark days depress the spirits of Mr. A SIMPLE SUM. What la characterized in the press ,;a remarkable sermon" was delivered ago. Philadelphia ahd-Kew-York, and finished her work in Washington. John rD^. RocRUiJXtn on< rBffff^ ^^^ hrongln h6r ln contect from his profession of faitli in sun-1 -g^â€"â€"â€" waee.earners in the tac- light aB a means of raising the moral |torie8 ana department stores, giving guarded, and there will be some pits to carry about 150 yards off the tee. I mention here that the traps which are in are unfinished, and there are a great number to be put in. It is well ily. or a good stiff wood against the wind.â€"Forrrâ€"large bunkers will be put in. "No. 5 is a crook hole with a second Bhot piteh into a bowl-like green. A well-placed tee shot gives sight of the pin. otherwise you go It blind on the second shot. "No- 6 is a fin<\. long 525-yard hole. A MONTESSOR1 Elementary School Small Classes- Personal Attention Elements of education attained before six without effort or strain. If interested, the teacher will be glad,to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Care College School, Kenilworth, III , Phone Wilmette 024 25 fo reduction in prices for cleaning and repairing. We will clean and repair your oriental rags and carpets at a sacrifice price in order to show you the quality of oar workmanship, and put you among oar many78afh^^^ai- towers. If yoa have any doubts of our workmanship, we will clean a small rag free. We glael to giyfLyjoa _ an estimate without any obligations on your part. Prompt attention given to all mail and telephone orders. We are in a position to do your work without delay. Thanking you in advance for your patronage, we are respectively, Evanston Carpet Cleaning Company L. H. KOSHGARIAN, Manager Main Office and Plant: 930 CHURCH STREET Telephones 277 and 72? EVANSTON Highland Park Office: ST. JOHNS AVE.. Phone Highland Park 307 Winnctka Office. Phone Winnctka 150 "Westekep Our NortH Shore Store is located at 1007 Davis St., Evanston. WtmH. Scott, who has been assistant under- taker to J. L. Hebblethwaite for the last eight years, is in charge, and will give his personal attention to every detail, we guarantee a saving from one-third to one-half. Automobile Service Furnished When Desired Store Phone Evanston 98 Residence Phone Evanston 2903 All varieties of Shrubbery. Vines,- Roses, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbaceous Flowering Plants Perennial Gardens JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor 8t8NoyesS4reef PHONE 1106 .standard of "men. It aPfreaTT however, i trenn e^eTierrcerTrihPtrlsr invaluable B^-lthat the capitalist>poke without ^]*n^JJ«t" ^ ^ g | ^8terday~hy the Rev. A. B fma, one of the foremost ministers of' sideration.. if indeed he-spoke at all. ^nctaiati,in-"'•^cFtfie^nn'rdotof-th^ Rnvs' Sf!Hfim OJ^ERCQAIS A special imrchasfr-of Gray..Blue and Brown Chinchilla Overcoats, conver- tiiile and shawi cullai nitulelvsizes io to 18 years, enables us to offer them at fio.oo. Worth more. Others from $8.50 to $ao.oo. WALKER S HARTMAN ^-^^^^.^^gL Formerly with Marshall Field'& Co. Phone Randolph 2275 WM. H. SGOTT Manager 1007 PAVJSJ5TR1ET __„ JEVANSTON^JXX. EVANSTON THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE CV*N8TOW AMUSEMCMrCO., PROS'. PHONES 2808-2899 H. L. MINTURN, MANAGER AND BALANCE, OF WEEK TONIGHT EvaBSien sioch con PRESENTING Willie Collier's Greatest Laugh "THE M^NFPM MEXICO" By H. A. Da Souchet Three Acts of Serearafng L^nzht^r Tl»-F«l«tisatr«rc« Sine© "Charley's Aunt." " "" Thursday Night Dec. 4t Benefit Woman's Club of Wilmette Alatlnees: Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Best Seats 2Sc, Rear Balcony ,„ Night Prices: 400 Good Main Floor Seats at 50 Cents. A few at 75c â-  -;'-•;•â- â€¢__________BALCONY 25c. 35c. . LOQES 50c. - 4»«lK>t0ic 8^li EicelieBlProdBtttoiiof "Out of theFold" national bugaboo "high coat of living" Wa* .pfaeed .-'squarely upon-the ahoul- lor-nowlieTe Is a-hlgh-Btandard of mor?i als more conspicuous by TEr abseuce j titan in the bigh~placro ^f eoi6ra4o'sJ government, and tbtot. a amiu. which ders of the woinen-of the jard. Said I ^oaatg jj$p"-days of BunBhlne-in-everjq - -r^ir. BE^Foan. "Cooking is the biggestlyear. AVo shall have_ to look else-; single -bnalne»7~1g" America. The j where tor moral atlmnlns. . ,.-. .1. .. EMERSON STREET, i mile west of mmI Now is the time to plantâ€"Come and make personal selection Evanston,^Bliiiois^ ^^^ F^ ^fc...â- .._.,.;....-::,.,. ,:

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