Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1913, p. 7

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Hiininimiuiin airs. P. Hi HeflWn is ill in her ^m*.^i*~*0W,rt-**'*,HW' - ------^ , Boris, to Mftpmd Mrs. August S. Childs.,* daughter, Nov. 24, â€" Miss Helen Kirtland, S24 Lake ave- nue, IS convalescent from a serious Illness. , : F. C. Latham has returned from an extensive trip In New York and other -eastern Bta.Veni^'K'-'~' ;â€"~-^-.--•; ^-J-^.t' Mrs. W. J. Weldon entertained mem- bers of the Crescent circle In her homo Tn dakwood avenue. r T~~~Z _ Mr. and Mrs. P.. BI..Simmons, 11© Fifth street, entertained fifteen friends at dinner Thanksgiving. . Fred J. Beebe of Cleveland, O., was in the village for a short time Satur- day. He waien.route to Omaha.__ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913. A. Ei. White has returned to his home, 1936 Gfweawood- avenue, after atrip to Neiir York and Philadelphia, ""njlrTan^ Mrs. Donald Gobs returned Saturday from Hammond,- Ind., where they spent Thanksgiving with rela- tives. Mrs. S. C. Mitchell has returned from Detroit, Mich., where she has beeiTThe gtiest of relativea-for-ten- days, . • Bayard EL Simmons, 1219 Wilmette avenue, returned Sunday from Girard where he? spent Thanksgiving with --â€"relativesV-^â€" -â€"^â€"------'J.___j_ Frank W. Robins left Monday tor PoughkeepSie,"Wr^:whete 1rer wHIre main for several weeks the guest of relatives.N ' 7 <fWyr „. Mrs. S.' G. Nothercot of Cherry street lias as her guest for two weeks her sister, Miss Rebecca Urick of St Louis, Mo. Mrs. Ira Jones of 522 Washington avenue departed Saturday for Florida, where she will remain during the win- ter months. Mrs, B. K. Klemm and daughter, Helen, of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. UNCLE SAMUEL WANTSANQTHER SLOGAN ADOPTED Through the Postofflce Uncle Sam Asks That "Do Your Xmas Shipping Early" Be ^Added to Other Slogan^ EXPECT BIG BUSINESS RUSH taken1 from -drawers and other com- partments of the safe. 420 Park avenue, C. IL_Klemm, Thanksgiving. Mr. anirMra-^r^-Wingate-of-Ght cago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braithwaite, 90G Greenwood avenue, Thanksgiving. Mrs. G. M. Culver and son. Stanley, Neb., the guests4 of Mrs. Culver's sis- ter, Mr8*S. M. Braden. Percy Wl Andrews has returned from ^Calgary and Albejta, Canada, where he has been for some time, looking after his land- interests; ___Bev.:EcanlLAnde,rsojLjand^mily and Mrs. L. Anderson, mother of the for- mer, of Norwood Park, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. T. K. Gale Thanksgiv- ing.- â- *-'â- ' - Rev. L. C. Lewis, instrucXororiils- tory at the Western Theological semi nary, preached at Christ church Sun day in the absence of Rev. F. G. Bud long. Mrs. Joseph Lear, 1637 Forest ave- nue, is expected home this week from Wakoneta, Ohio, where she has been the guest of relatives for the last wcck.% Oscar TCHgef hraar, who servedâ€"as motorcycle policeman in this village last summer, has accepted a position in the State bank In Evanston, as book-keeper.--------------_____________"•_ Stanley Pierce and Lachlar Pierce, students at the University of Illinois, spent Thanksgiving with, their .par- ents here. They returned to Cham- paign Monday. Mr. and Mrs. JTL -#. Burnett, 623 -Central-avenue^ entertalnedlJMr^, Mrs. Frank N. Williams and children and Mr, arid Mrs. Orville Jones at dinner Thursday. ---- â€" â€" - Joseph N. DeVere a,nd Miss Jessie C. Lautz, both of Chicago, were mar- ried by^-Rev. T. K, Gale in the Wil" mette Methodist parsonage Tnursday evening. They will relide~JW~ Wll- e. ""'"' ""'-^"f^â€"=â€"-"--- ^" ~-~i^=^=- ; "Uncle Sam has asked for a new slo- gan for the holidays. Through the J^stota^department Uncle Samuel has requested that the slogan, "Do your Christmas shipping early," go hand in hand with the time-worn slo- gan, "Do ~^your Christmas shopping early." As the shipper cannot very JKfilL uihJpz^Dtll 1 the Bhoppec l?«ft shopped, perhaps the postmaster's plea for help- for his employes may prove a benefit to those other em- ployes In whose interest the earlier slogan was -adopted. -^â€"-------------- U __-_:..,_. The Statement. _ The following is a statement from the postofflce department: â- â-  "This is the first Christmas season the parcel post system has been in Operation and Postmaster General Bur- leson is desirous that the handling of the mails be expeditiously and eco- nomically managed with as little criti- cism as possible, and the public given" the benefit of quick and accurate transportation and delivery, which will be done If patrons realize the EXPENSIVE FIRING. Vincent Nyazack. 20 years bid, 15Q2 Florence avenue, Evanston, was fined $5 and costs by Police Magis- trate Boyer on a disorderly conduct charge. A revolver which the youth carried was confiscated by Justice Boyer. Nyazack was arrested Sunday night by Patrolman R. O. Staten after he had created a disturbance by discharging the revolver wRoth the city limits. â- â€¢ It; is said that he' was -in a" drunken, condition when arrested. Mary Cummias, and two sops. Daniel topic Is* "the ideal Christian: HIS and Edward- Cummins, and tor, Miss Anne Cummins of Funeral services were Isold morning in Hubbard W burial was in the Northfleld /cemetery. CHURCH BULLETIN ;l 11II111 Hilt 11 ll ill 1 n 1 i\T THE EVAN&tON i THEATER : ♦inn it 11111 inn mini' "THE MAN FROM MEXICO," By H. A. Do Souchet. .,•'--;.'.; . WlfcMETTE. ;â- â€¢ I Baptist Church. |f Sunday services held in the Wom- an's club building, corner Grecnleaf avenue and Tenth street. Bible school 0:45 a. m.; morning service, 11 a. m. Rev. J. P. Abbott is preaching the gospel in a very helpful manner. Strangers and~ariy person without a permanent church home are^hrvited to meet with us.^ ;'/',â- '.:.'â- ' ^vThe devotional meeting Wednesday eveningviDec.|/lu, will be in the home of Dr. arid Mrs* J. Segsworth, 1147 Wilmette avenue. * - . - * Players./ '- Benjamin Fitzhugh.. Harry L. Minturn Col. Roderick Majors. .Gale Safterlee Willie Loveall.-----.. .Jean Clarendon Von BulOn Bismarck Schmidt...... ,...............1. .James G. Morton Edward Farrar.......Edward Ewald Richard Daunton-----Charles D. Brown Timothy Cook........A. C. Van Slyke Officer Googan.......... Cecil Alberts Lonhv^rww,. n-i-1. ;â- .... Jack Holden Officer O'Mulllns............J. Holden Clementina Fitzhugh......Nelle Redd Sallie Gracie ...... V.. Billee Leicester Nettle Majors-----..... .Richie Russell _Mh*auda~~^-,. eels;" â€" -iEmpmyeaiamiJifflbritiimps^^ To show that the department's in- tentions are good and that it Intends to aid the work, orders have been is- sued to postmasters to affix precan- In possession of the Evanston thea ter this week is "The Man from Mex- ico," whose reception on the opening night was most flattering. It may be râ€"._. W ."6. Church. Next Sunday will be membership day, In the morning at 10:45 the pas- tor. Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach on "The Church arid Its Glory," arid at 5 p, m. on "The' Church-arid Its- Safe- ty." ? There will be special music by the double quartet and' Miss Rae at both services,-.--Sunday school at 9:30.' Good .classes' tor all, and one of the -best^orchestras^on^Uhe~noetli-^n6ro- Junior league at 3:30 p. m. Epworth league at 6:15, in charge of Miss Helen Gemmill. The official board of the church met ^^^FJorence-Gulse-l-a1 thejarsoiujgejon^Tuesday evening. The regular monthly luncheon of the Lridles* Aid will be held Thursday noon of this week, The second division of the Ladies' Aid will give ait entertainment in the H,,t tu„ j„i,. * i„ .11 .!...,„ m> ,,„ church Friday evening, entitled "Our tnat the interest in all things Mexican n...... 1 .ji„„< am ,„j ,,. . t>u «» <.,«,♦ m«..,^iT„^^Ti^^rSr^^..^«„ki-hBu8y Ladles^Aid-and^Iow-They-Wou just now filled the house Monday night, or it may be that a desire to see the Evanston Stock company In a "laugh- provoking farce comedy" provoked an unusually large attendance. Whatever the motive which brought the audi- ence, it remained to laugh, although n.i„„„♦„„„ „F , ... there was'but one thing Mexican in advantage of early mailing of payj^ wsrte-pToTincTToT^^ "r" the~lasr act. Mexico, in the lieat of - -civU war, could burnish little more of excitement and distress than fell to the lot of Benjamin Fitzhugh in his necessity to explain a month's sojourn in jail without betraying his where- abouts------------â-  ------ -•-.._ of 519 Gregory avenue, are in Norfolk, ceied postage when required On mail matter of the second, third and fourth class, the plan is expected to prevent the great waste of time experienced by postofflce patrons while waiting in line to buy postage and mail their packages. "Under such authorization," a post- office employe. "saidrTrwhen a parcel Iff trlends; presented for mailing the clerk re- ceiving it, after Collecting the re- quired' postage, %tay--~md^ NO PERSONS INJUREO BURGLARS ROB STORE m ramm*mvm> ,SfTOIH»o13Gf^T«fl T«"Ck Into Electric Driven By Among-r those .who were guests of Thanksgiving were. Chicago friends Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Keith, 222 Ninth street; Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Hough and Miss Jessie Tuthill, 125 FifthStreet- Jesse Herbon, 1223 Central avenue. who has been employed.^ss a clerk in a local grocery,, underwent an opera- tion ori-his arm iri'the Evanston hospi- tal Tuesday. Accordinglp reports, he will soon be able to resume his work. He is well known In this village. ^^Mf.^sm MrsV^aricis~A. Bedlan; Ttt Washington avenue, entertained sev- enteen friends at dinner Thanksgiv- ing. Included in the list of out-of-town puests were Mrs. Josephine Barber of Fresno,' Cal„, Prof, and Mrs. Joseph Viiim and Mr. Mark Vilim of River- side,'111.7- v ;V-" "â- '•-; â- :;.-'â- --;' :':-"-vT-: Human Cultufist 1812 Chicago Avenue Evanston* Hi. % I wish to inform the public that t positively -jâ€"-^^ •;'..""â€" ;;;.OURE':; stomach and intestinal troubles, indigestion, gastritis, consti- -patiori,. tuberculosig. nervous disorders,insomniaandacBcmia. I ehaltenge the .most searching investigation of my oJaima. Chester Levcre parcel the amount of the postage, which will be affixed later by an em- ploye of the postofflce." r'~r;l:~~"• Warns Concerning Stamps. . "â-  Following- the forecast that the "coming holiday season, the first under the new parcel post law,. will witness the heaviest postal business that the service has ever experienced," the postofflce deportment has called on postmasters throughout the,coun- try to see to it that they do not run ^ut of postage stamps. Postmaster John A. Childs-today received the no- tice, so Evanstonians need not fear That there w|U he w Bcarcityâ€"of stamps. There Is little plot to "The .Man-file's responsive service based on from Mexico:" Its interest lies in the complications which attend the efforts of everybody to deceive everybody else and the blundering diplomacy of Col. Roderick Majors'in his self-imposed task "to fix" everything for his . In the cast of "The Man from Mex- ico" is included for the. first time Flor anston "Stock company to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation «t Augusta Durgeon. The tole Of7 Miranda, a maid in the ^Fitzhugh household, gave little opportunity for the patrons of the Evanston to judge the work of the new member of the company, but she has a pleasing per- sonality, a Clear and distinct enuncia- tion and an interest in doing evon a little part well, which will win for her favor from the friends of the com- .pany, J____L_J____......:......._-;•" â- "..... Jackson J. Cohen Loses More than $3«aWheaRpbber& Enter tiisStor/ Under the very eaves of the police station and within plain view of the guardians of the peace, burglars made a rich haul, the" WgCSt of the year in actual cash, in the'Jackson J. Cohen department storo in Evanston, directly opposite the department of police building, sometime between midnight Saturday night and- 11 o'clock^ Sunday night, when, a total" of $306.60 in c^isfi and a half-carat dia- mond ring, valued at f 42, was stolen from the safe.-JQisioVejy^J^e^bbery was made "Sunday night"at-11 o'clock by Mr,; Cohen. No clew which might lead to the apprehension of the thieves is furnished. Mr. Cohemis not sure that he securely locked the safe Satur- day night when -lie closed: the- store. No locks were broken and If be did fasten the locki the robber evidently worked the combination.--^:^- ^^^^..^^ v Entrance was gained through a win: dow "on the sputh side of the building which was left unlocfeed^ thought that the thieves watched the riiove- ments of the police arid at a time when no orie waB watching, raised thp screen and entered the store. -The... thief was careful to Id wer the screen which Is stHi-in ploco. When Mr C<men entefed the BtorerSunday night he found that the light which Is left burning hxw^ had been put out. A \ furtherinvestigation ^oweUrthat-the rear door was^niocked^shewing that the robber had left throu^hvthe^doorT ^TlmTtSarbbber was acQimjtoted-witb the^methodsof keeping money-in-the safe, Is the belief'of thei police. Noth Trig waÂ¥Takenbut-the-cash-and the diamond. Valuable papera In the safe were left untouched. A total of 4286 was deposited in one corner of the safe, ^^ Change, which totalled $20. wag Rbhert BeTry^mils. An automobile collision In which thsribt the occupAriisL of the mji tor yehlcles was irijaredy oceurred in day Is street at the alley- bctwecirQr rington avenue and Chicago avenue Thursday afternoon about 1 o'clock, when a truck owned and driven by Albert Robert!, a fruit dealer, 628 Da- vis street^ crashed into an .electric driven by Robert Berry Erinis. Ro- berti was driving vthe truck out'Of the alley and, because 'of buildings obstructing his view, was .unable tc see the Ennis machine, wlrich was passing- -along Davis' street;-u Both;ma- chines were slightly damaged. a Piano Contest.' Presbyterian Church. Ninth and Greenleafâ€"avenue^ â€"Dt J. M. WHson, pastor. The pastor will speak at 11 a. m. Sunday on the sub- ject! "The Church and State in Amer- ica." This will be an attempt to set Rewards." All young people are wel- come to this meeting. Mrs. Charles E, -Wells.will read a paper on' Wednesday evening at the prayer and social meeting on the sub* ject, "the Books of the Aprocrypha: Where they Came from and Their Place in Scrlpturarilistory." All who in- any way may be interested- are cordially invited to come and partici- pate in the discussion which follows the paper. GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues Giencoe.,.'. Horace G. Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship, 11:15 a. m.; l&Qp. sv ----------Giencoe Union Church.____li__ Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:4b a. m.; prcacning service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. WINNBTKA. Congregational Church, ,. ' Pastorsâ€"EjawjB, F. Snell, rosldence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone G05-J; J. W. F. Bavles, residence 1001 Pino street, telephone f70. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p.m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, "May. July, September alid~N6vember7 First Scandinavian Church. â€" Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a, m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young peopleV society wlirraeet Sun- day at 5 p. m. Services in the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing * Specialty M. Gillespie r..^^^. Stair* and Muffs Cteatted and Remade clenrly-fortTiThe-^riptuT^^ on which the American commonwealth 4s ~ -foundedâ€"asâ€".ever.__againstâ€" -the mediaeval. Let the people know arid then choose. » At 7:30 p. m. he speaks on "The Unpardonable Sinâ€"the Logical Cli- max of Pharisaism." This is a poo- Matt. 112. Miss Edith Corette will render a special musical program on the organ at 7:30 p. in., as follows,:-. Allegro (Second Concerto)... .Handel Fantasie on "A Welsh Air".,.._._.Best Qgertoryy-Prayer^,.'.. .'.|.. ..-Guilmant- Postlude, March *:-... s A . i...,. 1 Wesi The monthly young people's meet- ing-will4)o-held-at-C^5-p^m^endJtbe- The best bread made on the North Shore THE- Wilmette Baking Co. J165 Wilrnette^ve. Thdne~Wilmeftei 449 r~ ~r~zr~r^siTUARYrâ€"T^_.,^__'_ Jehn Cummins. ^ â€" John Cummins, one.of the oldest residents in Hubbard Woods, dleiLsud- derily In the family home 00 North avenue Wednesday morning, following an illness of a few days. Beath was caused; by paralysiSi--He was-6& years old. _ A resident of Hubbard Woods for forty years, Mr.: Cummlna 1 was well and favorably known. He was born in Canada. He was married with Miss Margeret-"Neblssi1iri;.718lC-;;:B^HlS'»7Iiis wife he leaves ono daughter, Miss A*t YEAltS fit continued battnrsi, almayi giving ~~*X~~ the btst values tor the ttast nirni**, hat prompted us to ask yba to Make four Christmas purchases of tdvvard Kircnoero; Diamonds, Watches and Fine Jewelry 132 No. State St., Chicago Sni tor one ot oar "UiH BoeJHyil." ~^""â€"~ SPECIALISTS _ AOTOltOBILE REPAIRING For Fspv Starting in â€" . Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServiceNighf and Day fJ*MfMey& S Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 .Wilmette TnBWKEfSHOF MAKER OF individual Gowns, evening eo««s 1614 Oak Avenue Telephone 2071 Evanston NEW PROCESS CLEANING :;""......"A^pp^iNG":"""^^ 631 Wesl; Railroa^^rVvevâ€" Wilmette. Hltaofo Phcnc* Wilmette 020 ' m The CAPITAL and SURPLUS f 60^)00.00 on Savings The North Shore VlilQ DDCCCIiTO Headquarters forhmnO rilCuCilia S.BEIL1N6 SONS' JEWELRY STORE, ELECTRIC PL ACE and CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. We oar'ryy Remember we are nt»t"on State Street and can a6Ford to sell htgh grade gomls at-a-v^ryJow prottti A saving of 2o% gOarariteSd;; For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the; most dIscrlmtnating guoHt, call 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 41S414. Wilmette Auto Delivery Sanitarv ___„ Shop : ": riRST.. CLASS SERVICE :."; Children's Hair Cutting; a Specialty AlXflATR GML)TS, 2$C Wilmefttt IJ39 Greenleaf Avenue Sum's Restaurant ^WE BEST FOOfi AT? THE '•â- â- '.•: MOST REASONABLE PBIC ES TKI.KrilOM.: WILMETTE IKi Miss Dorothy Macauley- Tttcfccr of Piw> tnd Vocal r WILMtTTE, ILL, RercRCNce: C*ruthcr*» School of Pinno Ralph W.]Faiipel TheVillaigeBiectrielafr In connection with hto regular Electrical Contracting business, has put In a full lint of Colunv hia* Crafonolas aad Records. \'ou are Invited to como and ^ - __------JiearrlhemT^- ^dM«r;Vjte:B AjltROAfy; AVEi--â€" (Phone 522 » Wilmette -}j 4^&i=JtBMa|TAv£ssei "Wilmette. ill: Telephone Wifmcttc 21 for floor Mops. Woogworh aad FBniitBrt lP«.rrfur.»le«l for liottio 456 W QUART WHY PAY ^LOOT W. G. BEYRER Hardware I. WrS«*E,S Gontra«:tor 6 Builder JOBBING A tPtCIALI Y ' PMCESRtASONABLE ;.'r' TEtEPHONE WH.ME1TE 1384 Res. 1302 Wifmelte /lve.r Wflmelfc, HI, WiliricttcaukLivci CROSS «t CO.. Proprietor* CABS CARRIAGES SURREYS AMOVING EXPRESSING BOARDING J, B, Heckler 1137 Gcccnteaf Avenue _..â€"â€".j~~3mmittt% Illinois EeaUBstoJe^Lodii^ Renting and Insurant Real Estate bought and soW on *. 7.__:' commission First, mrrtjfaffc Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for non-resident j Phone w"iimct«c 50o AutnniiiMloiuKl Orirlli»s«l*r"i(>!!,lfr riu. Triirih.NamJ All I*.iUifr«J.-tii1., «Pt>;iir«-.t. Charles 1% Peteraeii IStSS C<nlr;il Av»nii» cr«>« iAr*rr'--'---i ;v;-;:'WHii«'kt*rKi:ri.t„ All work promptly ami rtfintly a.-itir Tel«plioHe WilMttte 21 ^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦seeo«es»»>oeoe««eeeee< ffl We have taken overbite Wilmette Motor Car Works, and have started in busineiswith ikeFfirm^i& customers wtih prompt, courteous and Efficient service. Rep a ir a special J. A. SHANE Real Esfate, loans, RerHng and Insurance N<»ril. Shore Iliuiippnu,! Viuiinr * Res*. 7fi3 Twelfth St;# Phone 102G Office 1120 Central Ave, Thonc l07f> ':""'";!".i WILMETIir. lUIKOIS • «WDM.TH Shoe Repairing :_-" â€" AT WWEST PRICES * Tel WUfitti E 90 C03 W.»3iira«« *re. i'Bm itui Dr. Elijah & Harris HERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR '. Aftar twettr* y-arr*' rxpBri<-nri. witfc n<<rvnu<i*iu>n in (he Knst.unmmircc* Mi return «.. prneticw. â€"Alt nrrvotiadborders, inchirling H*«>f- nchp Norrmw Dy«p«p3i«. Nvuralgi*, S»*- »V»t of rofcwncc.i f rom torrtm ratkntau: Appoiiitirene» by teirpfM.n«~Wtk»Vay tit*,• Biswwct, 1730 forest *»*, Iffisefi*, mmf- ' ome* Phone 20$ - ' Shop & Rc«. PkoM |fi|•'; A. C, WOLFF Titr,â„¢:sheet metal a«4 furnace work, t-ttrnaces, "utters, spouts and metal toots* ;: .•:;:• r.<T I MAYRS FUaNISHRipj v;/No^.;-V'-f Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 1124 Central A*r, Shep. <its P»*fc Avcv (tsst,, yeiHs WILMETTE DAIRY Pare Milk sad Crsans, BgtU 1819 Eimwood Avenue Sift. l^'jtk ^%'sV ' iwiniw ana uaciii T«.LtW10N&-'*i« wit>ittTirn^-:,:.iu,. MO R 1< IS C RO B T A bjgk class liofi of ies- and second-hand STOVES, KCGS ihi EOUSCBOtO GOCCS is eU St?!« zl E Second hand FurnUurs boogM, sold sod excB«ag«d . KltMO X-*Â¥V,t KVAMWTOM - ^rmti0pum WILMETTE FLORIST • LAWN GRASS AND CLOVER «~ Self Watering Flower Boxes Whe Fkmcr-B«4 Cosrt-Sfertthksry sadHtr^y r<r<enf«U n % â- MMBMBOWMM

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