Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1913, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, gpHURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913. tallest Bas^tbMPtayerinuBi^rmne^ ♦»M 11111 ♦♦♦♦♦• 11111» »♦♦; | What People Are Doing: _^ in lA/ilmottu ***+**: CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. ? _ Presbyterian Chujrch.,! Ninth.street and Greefileaf avenue, Wilmette. Dr. J. M. Wilson, pastor. The pastbTwiiir speak Sunday at 11. a. m. on the subject, "The Christ of Old Testament Prophecy and Israel's Hope?1 and in the people's responsive service at 7:30 p. m. on the subject, "The Seven Great Parables os the Growth of the Kingdom," Matt, 13. Miss Edith M. Corette, organist, will render the following program at the evening service: Sonata, B minor____.... Mendelssohn Choral Andante................... Allegro Fuga Andante R. Nocturne .....,-â- ..... .Schumann Offertoir." Allegretto . .. ..Beethoven Postlude in P.... ........• Xappelen At the mid-week service, Wednes- day, Dec. 17, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Irwin L. Simmons will read n paper on th subject, "Calvinism: A Study of Its Doctrines and the Churches Which Subscribe to Them." The Woman's society will convene Tuesday, Dec. 1C, at 10 a. m., for sewing, with luncheon at 12 o'clock. The Mission Study class will have feet 8»{. __Mrs^Ge.orjgeLJD.JUohards^ 723 Wash- Ihgton avenue, has for her guest Mrs, A. L^Nicnol of Charlotte; Mich: - Charles A. Monroe, formerly a resi- dent of Wilmette, now of Detroit, waa the guest of friends Friday, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Struggles, 1109 Central avenue, announce the birth of ,a Bon in their home Nov. 29. R. D. Allen, 630 Central avenue, was the guest of friends in Benton Harbor, Mich., last week. Mrs. C. A. Wolf, 630 Hill street, entertained members of the German club in her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Robinson, 630 Central avenue, entertained a number of friends in her home Friday afternoon. Mrs^Joachlm D. Decker, 901 Green- wood avenue, is convalescent from a brief illness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 835 Central avenue, had for their guests the Jast._of the week _Mr.__and_^MrEL O. W. Bartlett of La Grange. Mr. B. F. Lewis and daughters of !tOS Central avenue left Sunday for Miami, Fla., where they will pass the winter. Mrs. Roy N. Thompson, 615 Wash- ington avenue, entertained members m _......_.,_____ or the No Name Sewing circle in her -tiipr^ir T>*clock hour home Mdnday afternoon. Fred L. Burke and daughter, Miss Louise Burke, of Winona were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Castle- ford" o ve f"Sunday. The Fortnightly club met in the home of Mrs. Edward F. Schoeneck, 815 Oakwood avenue, Tuesday after- noon, Mrs. Fred N. ReQua, 620 Washing- ton avenue, was hostess at a dinner party to a number of her friends Wednesday night. S. A. Wheelock, 822 Central ave- nue, left last week" for Dallas, Tex., where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Myron F. Kirk, for a few weeks. Mrs. William Mann, 1121 Greenwood avenue, entertained members of the Drama study class in her home Wednesday afternoon. A-senioP-f«rmal-paFty will be given at the Ouilmette Country club Friday .veiling. _The cotillion will be led by Mr. Alvar Hournique. Mr. and Mrs. John Mensden and son of Plainwell. Mich., were the guests of friends in Wilmette last week. They formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown, COG Wash- ington avenue entertained a dozen members of the Neighborhood club Monday evening. ____,-----------------â€" Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Morrison, 1025 ilreenaoM avenue* - departed Fridajy for New York, where they will remain for two weeks. They will also visit in Philadelphia. Miss Eteanor Steiner, daughter of B. Steiner, 14C1 Wil- for social purposes that evening. ~ Rev. T, K. Gale preached at tne Gross park church Monday nighMind lectured at Plamfleld. III., on Friday night .. __-----------Baptist Church.---------------------- Sunday services held_in_the Wom- an's Club building, corner of Green- leaf avenue and Tenth street* Bible school, 9:45 am. Morning service, 11 a. m. An adult Bible class has been or- ganized and a cordial invitation is ex- tended to all interested in the study of the Bible to meet at 9:45 next Sun- day morning. * c ___ Rev. J. P. Abbott of Austin is very helpful in his ministry. The devotional meeting, Dec. IT* will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W..M. Burns, 427 Ninth st. The Woman's society in every department is doing splendid service under the capable management of Mrs. Charles C. Ollvei and her corps of helpers. The Wom- an's Bible class on Sunday at 10 a. m. which-Ja under the leadership of Mr Charles C. Oliver, is doing-exception- ally fine work in Bible j£udy. The Men's league held a most en- joyable meeting on Friday night, Dec. 5. Mr. R. C. Osgood, assistant trust officer at the First National bank of Chicago, spoke on "The Income Tax" in a most entertaining and instruc- tive way. The next meeting, Jan. 2. will be "Recreation Night." GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues â€" â€"Oteneoe. Horace G. Smith, Pastor, Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship. 11:15 a. m.: 7:30 p. m. Glencoc Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. WINNFTKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J*: J. W. P. Davies. residence 1004 Pino street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a. m-; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 6 p. m. The communion serr- j ice: First Sunday in January, March, | May, July, September and November. Phone Central 3461 Alva Van Dyke, 610 Washington avenue, Wilmette, who is said to be the tallest candidate in the west that ever applied for a position on a col- lege basketball squad, is causing the Indoor spor£ fans at Northwestern uni- versity a topic for discussion. Van Dyke, who is a junior law student at the Northwestern university, made his appearance last week, hopeful of Members of "yellow dog" club in reunion /&V1VG PHDT0 Bvfvr making the team. He inches tall, ...... ......__ H (,,,., Van Dyke has not had much export | * ^ ence in basketball, but promlaeii to r ^ avenue has resumed her studies follow the coaching of Coach Grads gchool followlng a sllght closely if assurance is given him that i , ,. operaMon hg_m^^Mar_iiL,the,J)all tossing five. . '"'ggi,^"g^ lc3r-^DTest^ve. He is almost a foot and one half taller • returned Thursday from Wapa- than the average member of he team. whpre ^ ^ been tne and it is thought that this additlona and frk.nds for tQe height will give him a big advantage ^ ^ ^^ over the other players. The of tfte patron saints was The tall youth Is very slender and d witil. soleinn hlgh mass at fear is entertained hat he may not,JJ h Sunday. be able to withstand the roughing r Muldoon. bishop of tactics sometimes employed in bask- «\- « ' . „ Lace Dyeinjr a Specialty __________ M. Gillespie *>â- Â£â€¢** Dr«»»ef Stoles and Muffs Cleaned and Remade M. E. Church. 217-218 Venetian Bltfg. 15 E. Washington St. Chicago The Sunday school will meet at !>:;;<) next Sunday morning. Good" r/^l\rCV CL/Z^eD music by the good orchestra and good J £l Ct L.(JJNC I O/iC/l classes for everybody. At 10:45 the pastor, Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach on "What Is Christianity?" and at 5 p. m. on "What Is the Gospel?" Good music by Miss Dorothy Rae and the double quartet at both of these services. Junior league at 3::>0 in the after- noon for all boys and girls. Epworth league at"»;:15, led by E. M. Stafford. All men of the church are request- ed to keep open the date of Thurs- day, Dec. 25, for the Men's club, which will hold its regular monthly-meeting etball games. "Ke. He is=r only 21 years of rClarence Snyder Camp Mem- Jbers Enjoy Banquet in Chi- cago Saturday Evening, The bowl of the "yellow dog," which is English for "Sosawagaming," domi- nated the merry reunion of the boys r -and counselors of Mr. Snyder's Camp Sosawagaming at Kuntz-Remmler's in Chicago Saturday evening. A genu- ine birch bark menu card, with the symbol of the "yellow dog" duly im- printed thereon, set forth a pace that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. So successful -has the camp been that 'whereas, only eighteen gathered for ' " tKtT first banquet last year, almost fifty sat down to renew old associa- --- tions of the summer last Saturday ~-rjBTBnjn^^M1^€larepce g- 8nydor' d- rector of the camp and well known to residents on the north Bhore from ---his fourteen years' connection with -the Girton school of Winnetka, pre sided, assisted by a good represents- â€"HIoH"«frthe-t:amp counselors. Tbdse ^ -present #fcre asfollows: ^Nathan Osborne, Francis Dakin, Harry Wyetb and Harold Yegge of ^^Ehranstonv* Edward Parmalee, Grant Keehn,- Hove Tinsman and Robert LeBter of Kenllwprth, Clark Collins, Italpli Franklin of Rockford, Dr. C. R. Reed, J. C Baird, Robert Lester, James Stavrum. K. A. Slav ruin, Dr F. C. Caldwell, Edward Manley nno Wiiliam Nicola!,- Some of ih<- b<>\s present wore stu dents of the Florida Huron Mountain school, which Mr. Snyder has" this year inaugurated as an outgrowth of the summer recreation camp. Mr. Snyder js making this an out-of-door school" with (private instruction almost entirely, putting in rhe first three months at llig lwi>. Mich in the same location as the camp, and the winter months ,f\ Captive island, near Fort Myers, Fla. "I am more than ever enthusiastic over this idea," said Mr. Snyder, "and everything promises a big success for my project. The boys already with the school have certainly enjoyed the work so far to the fullest extent and have gained untold benefit physically from the out-of-door fea lures of it." EASTON MEILATTEND N. U. LAW SCHOOL The registration in the Law School .©£.-Northwestern University lacks only twelve of being up to last-year's num- ber, according to President Harris' annual report. Twenty-three states and 'foreign countries are represented. Among the colleges represented there Rockford, preached. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan avenue, left last week for an extended stay in the east. They will visit In New York, Pittsburgh and other eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. George I. Diearich have returned to their home in 722 Washington avenue after a two week's trip in the east. They visited in Washington, I). C , New York and At- lantic City. Miss Hattie Kiench, who has been a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Alfred B. Wilson, 510 Central avenue, has left for her former home in Ox- ford, X 11 , where she will remain for a few weeks. Mrs. Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue, left yesterday for Union City, Pa., where she will remain with her par- ents. l>r. and Mrs. A. J. Hunter, until after the holidays. Mr. King will join ber at Christmas time. A children's afternoon will be con- ducted for the children of St. Fran- cis Xavier's church in Brown's hall Friday afternoon. Dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. A sale of Christmas articles also will be con- ducted. The best bread made on the North Shore ---------THE------------â-  Wilmette Beking Co. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 440 PUBLIC SAFETY DINNER. The Men's league of the Second Presbyterian church will hold a "Pub- lic Safety" dinner in the parish house, Main street and Hinman avenue, at 6:30 p. m. on Friday, Dec. 12. The speakers will be: Hon. Peter Hoff- man, county coroner; Maj. M. L. C. Funkhouser, second deputy superin- tendent of police of Chicago; Walter C. Hedrick, commissioner of publiv safety, and Hon. James R. Smart. FORD SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServlceNlght and Day J.1VT Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 4Z6 Wilmette MAKER OF Individual 6own$, evening goats 1614 Oak Avenue Telephone 2072 Evanston Schultz & Nord (Jailor inn NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING 631 West Railroad Ave. Wilmtttt. Illinois Phones Wilmette 320 telephone: wilmette 446 Miss Dorothy Macauley Tcachct of Piano «nd Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. Reference: Caruthcr'8 School of Piano Oil for Floor Mops, Woodwork and Furniture 10c refunded for bottle 45c PER QUART WHY PAY $1.00? W. G. BEYRER Jtordware L W. SIPES Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PR. I CE^iV EASONABfckV TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. WhheHeBxehange State Bank CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 aft The North Shore Headquarters fori S. BE.IL1N G SONS' JEWELRY STORE. ELECTRIC PLACE and CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. We oarry a complete stock of everything in the line of Jewelry. Remember we are not on State Street and can afford to sell high grade goods at a very low profit. A saving of 25% guaranteed. For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the moBt discriminating guest, call WILSON'S North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-413. Wilmette Auto Delivery Sanitary Barbershop FIRST CLASS SERVICE Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty ALL HAIR CUTS, 25c Wilmette 1139 Greenleaf Avenue Ralph W.Faupel The Village Electrician In connection with bis regular Electrical Contracting business, has put in a full line, of Colum- bia Grofonolaa and Records. You are invited to come and hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. P.hom 422 ________ ____Wilmette___141 Wilmette Club Livery CROSS & CO., Proprietors 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmette. 111. Telephone Wilmette 21 CABS CARRIAGES SURREYS MOVING EXPRESSING BOARDING Sam's Restaurant "THE BEST FOOP AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Rairroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insurance Real Estate bought and sold on commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents Phone Wilmette 500 Automobile and Carriage I'pholstorlntc- Trunks and All Leather Lionels Repaired. Charies~Ri-Retersenâ€"- Harness Maker 1225 Central Avenue ------ Cromt Livery WILMETTE, ILL. All work promptly and neatly done Telephone Wilmette 21 J. A. SHANE_ Real Estate, LoansL Renting and Insurance ,,♦♦♦,♦»♦♦♦»♦»«♦♦♦.............»»•♦»♦...............»♦ B. RUBIN . „.......ri „. ., ij mayor.______________________________ :^^K^^^^Galisch; Po^la" ereven in the tasL Thos^ "^Hf^^^^^^^S « «Z Street Walter Birkland, Paul Daube, contribute the largest number of stu-:?/ thr best vaiun for the least money, has Edmun Elcliengreen, Richard Ro8en-|^entB are> in order: Northweatern t:°.T„e.tttS t0 ask yoB '" makt yoar Chr,s,mas _baumr Joseph Lederer, Benjamin t;ruv<tnta.y,^he University of Chicago, Herzberg, Murray. Rice. Robert Fel-1 lft|i UnSvf.rsitv of Illinois, the Unlver- -BeulUal, Dradley-«att7^^11 ^'^IbUv of Michigan and Indiana -Itffcrer- Marshall Youn^Geprge Jassoy, Jo-| matrlcu. eeph Cohon., Robert Rosenthal, wil- ,, „. . ,n, HaV^jfcvm^ ^nd-glgiumid-LIUiciU {• U.tos, out of a total enrollment of 305 purchases of Edward Kirchberg Diamonds, Watches and Fine Jewelry 132$No. State St., Chicago Send tor one of oar "Gift Booklets." 0 We have taken over the Wilmette Motor Car Works, and have started in business with the firm resolve to treat our customers wiikjmmpt, courteous and efficient service, Repair work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Prop. ♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ North Shore Homes and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS First-Class Electric Shoe Repairing AT LOWEST PRICES Til. Wilmette 590 603 W. Railroad A»e. Wilmette, III Dr. Elijah G. Harris NERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR After twelve years' experience with nervous cases in the East, announces his return to practice. All nervous disorders, including Head- ache, Nervous Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Spi- nal Curvature Best of references frornjformerjatients. ^Appointmelits by telephoneâ€"Wilmttt* t304. Residence, 1730 Forest Ave., Wilmette, Illinois Office Phone 296 Shop & Res. Phone 168 A. C. WOLFF fin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, ---------gutters, spouts and metal roofs. :: ;: „•: :: ESTIMATES FURNISHED NOW Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 62S Pork Ave. (rear). Wilmette WIXMETTE DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream, Buttermilk and! Cheese 1819 Clin wood Avenue TELEPHONE 224 WILMETTE. ILL ____M. O R RIS GROST "ttS&r FURNITURE STOVES, RUGS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS in all Styles at Half Prico Second-hand Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. * lOOt O rMERSON S'l\. EVANSTON TELEPHONE 189 titeAnaL Chicago .Tnlfifl DeLescaille of -TJsvenpOTtr "EtaeM TJhu Xai of^Van Is 175. jj»>euiJuiw ciuwbi, vim jmu-w »«.»-: in twelve .years tl>o number of col- couver, &• d-T^TWHIiani "Franklin of , ieges represented bas increased .from ] 3^^^^^^^^j^g»jbgjjgg^ tn fir,- tbe-number of college'ma- enport, Phillip Lasher and Richard fp!„„j£t^iJaB rncrea8ed from 53 to 66 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^m^m Morgan I^arfc The counselors present, in addition hold • academic degrees has decreased to Mr. Snyder, wtio presided, were from 35 per cent $0 21 per cent %XWf4 GRASS AND CLOVER SEED z^^eeeee Self W&teHn^Flowftp Bnxea Wire Flower-Bed Guardâ€"Shrubbery and Hardy Perennials :; Telephone 629 â- :.:â-  " _____________________________

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