Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1913, p. 4

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--»--â€"--'..-.-..". THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1913. Cfce CaKe Shore n«w$ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ----- ,-,.,.â€";â€" vr----'•----r----------- THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 526 Davis Street, Evanston. Albert H. Bowman . Managing Editor Bertha R. Bowman . Associate Editor James Leonard Lee .. . City Editor aumably "wisdom will die with them." j It does truly sountT alarming. The j majority of «ur population, theni, will probabiy be children of foreign-born pfrWMtts, the Immlgraata of today, - j One has but to shift his position to j ^nat^of-a-representatlverat the foreign^ COUNTRY CLUB SOCIETY FOLK SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 A YEAR All matter for publication In any week's issue should reach our office *ot later than noon on Monday, multitude of nationalities gathered sTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913. Entered as secona-ciass matter June 38. 1911. at the postoffice at Evanston. IS under the Act of March S.!*â„¢ Strange as it may «eem, the U79. j voice of hope in the future rises from these depths of the suffering and Strug gling aliens, the cry of despair from ~ A PROTEST. ihe PXP°nent of the oldest and mOSt "_Manjr are the apparently benevolent | favored of our citizens. ~ 7.----------~ - .'i. Ji Ji departments of the great metropolitan i newspaper, especially in that section' f,//.i//w; \MJhs. she reviews In her dreams will In- clude Robert Glenn aa "Billy," Philip Griff en as the football player, Ludlow Washburn, business man; Kenneth Hess, poet; Donald Scott, sailor; Jack Hunter, artist; Gus Eddy, motorist; Ed Hall, the young minister, and How- ard Hoyr,"Jr., the^brldegroomT- Tben will come another series of Du-Maurier's society groupsr Edward Ball, Miss Dorothy Thoman, Miss Gretchen Edgar, Miss Rachel Warner, Miss Sarah Washburn, Miss Lois Lin- thicum. Miss Gladys Burns and Mrs George Wllkerson will give "A Discus- sion on Woman's Rights;" Miss Burns, Miss Warner, Mr. Eddy and Carroll Alton, "Rivals in Social Suc- cess;" Miss Liathicum, Mrs. Wllker- son and George Packard, "The Maiden's Point of View." and Miss Mary-Belle Robinson. Miss Bessie Rob i __ _..,, nrn inson. Miss Nancy Palmer, Miss Mar- . LOVE SCENES ARE FAVORED garet Armour, Miss Mildred Armour _________________Miss Alice Moseley, Miss Louise I Tennis, Jack Hunter. Gus Eddy. One of the most interesting social Carroll Alton, Don Kimbark, Philip events of the winter season is sched- Griffen. Howard Hoy* and Russell M hr m MM. CouB.ry a> ^""or "Se SUS U&2£ people who are daily seeking shelter In America to obtain a view so differ-; eat from that of Dr. Eliot as to seem; another thing entirely. Read, if you , Please. za>«w„xh-The Melting pot-Tomorrow Evening at and discover there the Ideal of the true EvaOStOn Country Club Young American who is to emerge from the Society People WJll Present the Novel Program. tomorrow evening, when a group ot par^ young people will give a series of tab- Q<)|f Scenet to clo8e program. , ,. „ ,,, , Two erouDS of men recently met in leaux. "We are planning this jolly en- The evening program will close designated "Woman s Page. Why ad- a •» tertainment just by way of diversion,' with some golf scenes. Miss Are- vice which is usually scorned should the WJllatd. hotel In wasningi ^u{ oj< q{ (h( pretty debutantes who \&iae Hemstead and Rldgely Marshall _ . , , . u „„„».,«,.„_ iK discuss problems of conservation of wtti take parl jn the affair. Unlike will do the "Finding of the Ball." Miss be offered herd in such profusion is, P of the nations Of the most of the events of the present Nancv Paimer, Miss Isabel -Dwight. hard to explain. Very evidently it *aiuaoie asstis tjme tfaere |g nQ motlveâ€"charity or ^u«s ^loseiey, M4ss^ ^Vlrgmla Mont- hclDS to sell the paper in the opinion (",e 6rouP- tno members were to be otherwise-attached to the evening's KOmery. Messrs. Hunter. Scott, Hess bere(1 b the gcorc and not so events except the sheer fun of it. and (jriffen, the "Dinner at Glen- Of the managing editor at least, and: ' This, it is expected, will give a touch view;" the Misses Embree, Margaret so Marion Hauled continues to ex-1 raany score. In the other there were of nove)ty to the pr0grani. | Armour. Helen Glenn. Eleanor Spry, . _, . f' many hundreds of men anxious to par- Mrs. Abbit Birdsall Phillips is di and Hemstead. with Messrs. Kimbark, tend "her "helping hand, the Friend or ' recting the arrangements. Mrs. J. H. Marshall, Washburn and Ball, the the People continues to give his opln- i tlclpate In an important public aw-Hou8ton and Mnj James T Baker ..Dlnner at Evanston;" Miss Marshall . _ . T, * This latter group had in hand the de- are chairmen of the evening. Robinson and Donald Kimbark, "Driv- -fon. the Voice of the People continues , hove scenes from the society draw-' ing at Glenview." and Mrs. J. G. to be raised in protest or in commend-; vismg of meaas t0 Pre8erve inK8 ot various artists illustrative of j Houston and Howard Hoyt, "Driving . ... u „„„,„„ cats of the nation, that it be not awak- the wooing of the modern maid, are at Evanston." atlon, and we are told-each. mornings _ picturei chosen. The debutantes bow to keep well, how to keep young, »ne" ™««'» '» th" fUtur" t0 the «â- " and young men of this city, with a zation that the trees have been de- \.dTKli company of older society mer bt roved Few doubt the necessity for and women, will take the roles. , , ,,,....... . The opening section will bring love r-artments of the papers else they i <«rI>' action in thf> moveDlf'nt to con-scenes from the drawings of Harri- QU ,,......„: serve all, our national resources, re-cog- son Fisher. "The Proposal"-will oa would not be there. Shouldn't it then etc. v etc. People very assuredly read these de- nizing our trees as far from the least posed b.y Miss Gladys Burns and Don- be worth somebody's while to know "»•»« ,JUI »"' â„¢ â€" ""'" '.....~- aid Scott. Miss Mildred Armour, Miss , . , a, IH ., i.„ important and so we rejoice in the Louise Tennis. Miss Sarah Wash what goes into them? Should it be ,____ A dance will follow. NEGRO DISCHARGED OH BURGLARY GHARCE Ernest S. Thompson, colored, who was arrested on a burglary charge fol- lowing the story told?-Jby Mrs. Anna Williams, 1639 Oak avenue, that a negro had entered~hei- room and was frightened away by noises in another room ten days ago, was discharged Tuesday morning by Police Magistrate j Boyer, following a hearing. Thomp- son was positively identified by Mrs. Williams, who testified in a portion of the hearing conducted Monday afternoon. She was emphatic In her statements that Thompson was the negro who had frjghtened her._________ 'iff â- PAID ON SAVINGS B A N K (' ft 1 H E NO ORE Our Prices To Please Everybody Complete Funeral â€" Casket, En- balming and Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. â- . ./is cloth covered Casket, lined with wh te silk, with complete furnishinife, onl> $30.00. NOT IN ANY TRUST We conduct farnerals in all parts of the city and suburbs. No extra charge for distance Calls answered immediately WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Main St. Tei. io*s Evanston .... ._ t j.i *„ t„r.â„¢ evidenced by the large and possible for the boys and girls to form burn. BOYS' SCHOOL OVERCOATS A special purchase of Gray, Blue and Brown Chinchilla Overcoats, conver- tible and shawl collar models, sizes 10 to 18 years, enables us to ofler them at $10.00. Worth more. Oth.-rs from SS,.50 to §20.01 WALKER a HARTMAN their ideas of life and right doing from such questionable witticisms as "Chap- ters from the Primer of Matrimony" which appears now in one of Chicago's daily papers? ITake, for instance, this "chapter" Worn the Primer of Matr4oK>nyr~pub- ljhhed in a paper which enters many -homesjrand g+ven spaee in the eolumn next the editorial: "Whorls the pretty girl powdering earnest gathering , in (lie national cap iial to further that end. and Miss Rachel Embree will (.live "The Trousseau." Miss Billy Kirkman. Miss Bessie Robinson, Miss Margaret Armour, Miss Virginia Montgomery and Howard Hoyt, Jr.. The other and smaller collection of wrrj depict "The AVedding," and Miss interested ci.Ucns were concerned Kirkman and Mr Hoyt "The Firs* Evening in Their Home. with a matter of conservation, al- Then will follow a collection of so- though they called their meting "a ciety pictures from I)u Maurier. Miss Cret lichen Kdgiir and Donald Kun- l';.by Saving Congress." Its object was bark wiU bp ^en ]n t|„. 'Amenities to discover means of reducing the of the Honeymoon," Miss Dorothy Thoman and Ludlow Washburn in "In- l.eavy infant mortality from the essen- f<.H(.j(((Ut, Qu,.rios," Ml8a Helen Glenn ttally preventable diseases which an- Miss Hester Washburn, Miss Eleanor .. 'j . ..„ «-«!. wi q,0.»0 ,,t Spry and Jack Hunter in "Things One nually deprive the United States of u'.^1„ H^t„or IlavflJ^tt_^MMt4d^aa4r4- Second Floor. The Shops Building 17 19 21 23N Wabash, Chicago Formerly with Marshall Field & Co. Phone Randolph 2275 thousands of potential citizens. We must expect it to take tini-' to establish a proportion between the •alue of bubba and tl«-.« On oui fol ests one can st t a detintte rinamlal value, 1 lit- babies eumiot tx- re«-k»n«il iti dolla*)* uud wula. A* a pt^oplt: «c have not yet learned to compute values in terms <ii human lives. When w .• "b^rnnoBe? "She Is a young wife preparing her- self for her husband's return from the office. â€" "Look! What is she doing now? 'â€"- "She la pinning a rose in hcT hair, squeezing her No. 3 feet into No. 2 satin-pumps, and putting on an im- ported pink peignoir. ., sliall have mast 1 red that, lesson ther. , "Why does the young wife go to all this trouble? "Because she wishes to be a vision ^de luxe, in order that she may. at tract her husband's attention. "Will she succeed? "No, my child. A man takes his last look at his wife at the altar. But;-per- baps her husband may bring a friend home to TttnneTT arid she will attract the FRIEND'S attention. Nothing is itii Philip CritTen. fieorge Packard nd Ridgelv Marshall in "Nemesis," he first nart of the program will After ih e Inahloli ..1 Ihe ,la.v when most things have a wa> of getting re ^, ,s.d thele Ulll follow -Her Old sweetln arts.' wherein a bride sit.. dreaming of her past and the men who have followed in her train (in Mend of the usual 'Reveries of a Bachelor") \Iis~ IWll.i KiiKiiian. the debutante grand daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mar- shall M Kirkman. will he tju- blidfe as she is to be in the first of the pic- tures and the group of men whom The Edgemere Medical Baths 4S1 1-4.81 3 BROADWAY, CHICAGO lost in this world." *â€"iS It WttpfcfiOfficT Does It reflect life? Does it do any good? :â€"ia-the advice of Lacka Jkan I.ihh^ Ciuch at; anybody woultl wish bin daugh- ,. .11 he no more wanton sacritlce of children In factories. There will be tw more such lircs as that in the Triangle v u , »â-  i, You Need Not Be III to Enjoy waist factory in New \ork in which » _ _ _'. 8rores or girls were caught like rats T7i a 1 rap and burned to death That thefc Were SOI1K t «" IkiihIi ' 'I pi rsons iliKnst'd enough in the vs.! fan of the babies of ihe [.....r to att.Mid the gathering in Washington pi ..mis. •• |,,uur,.ss in Ih" a. .(uiiein. in ol l%ie>v\l e^ge In ihe matter of l • lal.; \ â- ;_ VLliii'.: of our internal 1. sources. TRUST COM A Gift That Will Please â-  F YOU wish to remember a boy or girl at Christmas I time in an especially appropriate manner, open a savings account in his or her name with this bank. The pass-book showing that money has been depos- ited in the bank for the boy or girl win be sure to please. You can open a savings account in this bank with $Uty or as much more as you may.wish to give.. STATE BANKof EVANSTON We ate wondering what soTTTuTman there may b<- who can fulfill the con ditions which Llic village of (ilencoe desires" ill the person who accepts tie task of giving to the community a businesslike administration. Out !.. ighbor is advertising for a man be tueon Ihirtv and forty years of age. ter or son to seek or to follow? Does â€"any mother"WlBll her daughter to be- come absorbed in the Beauty Hints of y-'&OXaXSI RfSSEtL? r, -Surely bigger things are worthy to r be made a part of the Woman's Page in this day of progress. There is so much that they should barn of things ~ that "count that they should resent the implication of the Woman's Page, rattier than ignore it as many how do. ••£ m * FUTUltK A MERICA \ H. ----------What an astonishing vaibty tfnrfr -â€"one secure by viewing a condition from different points of view. For instance, _ CiiAKi-KS W. Ei.iot. president emeritus ; ot Harvard university, sees calamity ^^a*Sad--fm--rht? Un+ted States b^cntrsrrof the tendency to race suicide- in the :>- -;- -n^drc enlightened people of the coun- Why not make g,, household pet t^Mryr'~^corafing"To"Dr; Emot, 1.000 useful :ts well as oriiJiria-iital? Prece- Harvard .students and their wives! dent has been set for such .-< departure â€"f^hom we may tousider to be "women ;L> Mis. W. ff Ya,\uuuuu, Jr.. who ts- 'of somewhat the same Inteliectual de-'having a German wolf dog trained to Tunir Treatments are provi.le.1 also f..r tte, --------- lire not ill Choic.....f Kifti-rn Iiuths. Ma.ssaio- nn.l Kx< Si nit le Trent men IB IH-U.t ..f Treat m.....« ATTORNEY-AT-LAW JOHN HUGH LALLY 916 Chicago Title and Trust Bldg. 69 W. Washington St lfTh-lent business experience and Ccnirai 1567. Residence 1131 Oak Ave. Tel. 1886 ability u. give a better administration than has been given In the past and \. ho will give his whole time to the task for $1.8i.'fPa year. One suspcciH that tlx man who is ;,hle to^arn only $1.S"0 in the year â- ill have rather a sorry time admin- i I'tliiu the affairs of a municipality .veji though his charge be not a me- tropolis v,. f.-nr Glencoe's offer Is too Shrubs AJl varieties of Shrubbery. Vin»s, Roses, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbaceous Flowering Plants Perennial Gardens JOHN FREEMAN, I' 818 Noyes Street >l>rietor PHONE 1106 f. During the past lew years,threat ad- vance has been made m the con- struction of Electric Percolators. Quick, clean and conven- ient, they furnish the best and most modern method of making coffee at the dining table. Cost less to operate than for alcohol. A N Electric Coffee Per- ^*- colator is not only a most sensible gift for Christmas; but, the zestful, fragrant aroma of each delicious cup of coffee at the breakfast table will con- stantly be associated with pleasant thoughts of the giver. The 3-pt. "Electric Coffee Percolator illus- trated, No. G 79899, will be sent prepaid to any addrcs.•> within 200 miles of Chicago, upon receipt of $13.15. Others at a vary- ing range of prices. In ordering, state voltage of your Electric Light circuit. ;95 $7.95 Special XjjjQjj 7 Jewel Elgin or Waltham, special................... Worth $10.00 15 Jewel Elgin or Waltham, special....... ___ ...... Worth $15.00 17 Jewel Elgin or Waltham, <t 1 f\ *7C Worth $20.00 Genuine Diamonds, Special at $98.00 Per Karat Wc Are Diamond Importers and Guarantee to Sa>c You Money L. LIT! Diamond Importer and Jeweler WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 325 WEST MADISON STREET Between Franklin and Market St Sir----------------- ESTABLISHED ISOl Many Other Suggestions in Holiday Gifts Electrical Electric Traveling Outfits, Beautiful Electric Lamps, Electric Chafing Dishes, Electric Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Bread Toasters. Electric Curling Irons. ElectricLuminousRadiators, Electric Toys. etc. etc. These and hundreds of other Electrical Ap- pliances suitable for gifts can be satisfactorily ordered by mail. IfyotHrave notra copy of our mail- order catalogue, let us send you one^ Holiday visitors to Chicago from out-of-town are extended every courtesy here. "The Shop of the Gift Electrical" Electric Shop-Chicago Michigan and Jackson Boulevards C I). Mi'Junkln A.!- They always satisfy and are always appreciated by voting or old. We carry a complete line ot gift books of ALL PUBLISHERS, also a magnificent showing of Bibles, Testaments and H>mn Books. See otir display of Calendars, Booklets^ and Christmas Novelties. Subscriptions taken for ALL MAGAZINES. Headquarters for Bibles of All Kinds. TffE Methodist Book Concern 1018-1024 Wabash Avenue Chicago, Illinois Tor the Attention of My Many Evanston Patrons Special Reduction FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER I WILL MAKE DURING DECEMBER $65 SUITS FOR $45 $50 SUITS FOR $35 This Will Include tfiei"BesrM.aterial and Silk or Skinner Satin Lining. H. A. ROPINSKI £^^r 1137 WILSON AVENUE CHICAGO OPEN EVENINGS FORMERLY AT 508 DAVIS ST.. EVANSTON / -rgtoppretrt) will, iiot repnwfaroe tln-m- j attack any ot wiives In "the'next half century. Pre-! W sti TJTb ml^tresB. i ^ii;ii4 [ERSON STREET, I mile west of canal Now fs the timeld plantâ€"Come animate personal selection. Evanston, Illinois â€"^Pi^i^99f

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