Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1913, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11,. 1**3. r What People Are Doing inWinnetka Mr. August Butzow has moved into his new home on Oak street. ~ Mr. P. E. Herdman has returned | from the east, where he was called "by the death of his father. ~ Mrs. J. N. Carter of Quincy, 111., is \_______________ | the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mon- -â- ". t&gue Ferry. ManV ThOUSandS Of C0mmU-i Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Nerdham have j-oJd ilnir house on Fairview avenue i"nd have moved to Texas. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong of Christ tivureh has chosen as his sermon topic for Sunday "Family ,Religion." Mr. Lionel France leaves Monday for a week's hunting trip in tli<- so;ithr-rn part of the state. Mr. Louis Krieler of Provident ave- iiui sailed from New York Saturday fm- Rtrrope. Mr. Clias. Seiffert is in the west on a business trip. He is to be in Min- KoiTTi Bakota for thrf1 SENTABROAD ; What People Are Doing;: ;***««inGlencoe ******:; FORMER EVANSTONIAN TO BE ORDAINED ters Disgruntled With Poor Service Under Through Routing Plan. »•â- . NO RELIEF IN SIGHT Postoffice Department Issyes Bulletin Stating When and How Packages Ma> Be Sent to European Countries. CHILDS GIVES SUGGESTIONS Patroui of the North western Elevated line, who for the last few weeks have been waiting patient- ly f»r relief f™™ th" Pnf>r -service and renderedâ€"sinee the through-routing plan has been adopted, have about given up hope for a betterment by means of faster trains and are wel- coming the campaign which is being launched against * the "L," heads. While much bitter comment has beei: heaped upon the rail officials during .the few weeks that the through-tram service has been in effect, others, who and is able to be at business again l. if ota weeks. Mr. Charles Burkitt of the Bui kitr & Wylie Construction company was in Kankakee last week on a business trip. Mr. Frank A. Windes, who had his right arm broken while cranking his niito several weeks ago, has recovered fP]s niust not exceed eleven pounds in •veight and must be accompanied by a Americans who have r«latfv<>e or !'• lend* abroad may send them (Jhrlat- ii-as pr. .stilts by parcel post. Tho [.ostofflce department has sent out no- t ict-s telling how the new postal serv- i< <• can be made to extend to foreien . .nintrics. "Artifl.s of merchandise may b<- hi nt by parrel post to nearly every toreign country at the postage rate of 12 rents a pound, or fraction of a pound," "says the notice. "Such par- Mrs. Joseph F. Shinpen is convales- cent with" a_ slight attack of the grip. ~ Dr. and-Mr«r.-0;D; Swain are enter- taining Will Murphy of Grafton, N. D.,' this week. Mrs. Edwin Clark entertained sev- eral friends in her home in Longwood avenue Wednesday afternoon. Mi4, and Mrs. Jaeob~^Sehnur enter- tained Miss Olive Pound of Chicago in their home last week. The condition of Mts. Gilbert Wag- ner, who has been seriously ill, is reported to be slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Barnett enter- tained thirty guests at a dinner in_ their home in Park avenue, Thursday evening. i'r. and Mrs. L>w ight C. Orcutt en- tertained a number of guests at a dinner in their home in Green Bay road Wednesday night. Mr. Robert Phillips- Ordained bv Bishop Toll Sunday at St. Luke's. WJiUBfiZlZS Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE ^^- Mr. Robert Phillips, a former Ev- is'tonian, will be ordained Sunday, at :. Luke's, hyTMshop Toll. Rev. A. L. .Murray, who for four years was Mr. I Phillips' rector in Michigan, "ill pre- | stilt him for ordination. \ Mr. Phillips was educated in Eng- i l-.nd and for some years was a Metho- dist minister, working in Alaska'and imso in the state of Washington. A p,-,v years ago lie came 10 Evanston jat.d «a» < n^aK'ed in busin-ss. Later iie removed to Coldwater. Michigan. Mr. Phillips has many r:\anstou in the Ma&ouic j will go to El Paso. 111. On Sunday at 4::'.0 p. t C. A. THOR.SE-N Livery and Teaming Building Material Phone 16 1 KEXILWORTH Residence Phone 26 4 Agent Hartford Fire In'urance Co. and Illinois Life Insurance Co. friends in order, lie St Mr. Phil- Mat theWs- USE A m Red Cross Filter AND BE HEALTHY JEWELERS Successor to Rodellus 4 Rm, Expert Watchmaker and 0nUeu7 Repairing of complicated »»wa- Repairing of complicated wai**Z and clocks. Many years' ew£? ence with best known ~-=" ; houses. Phone 2932, Chicago 827 Qw»jfl^g MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes »« Order, Packard Shoes for Men Sorosis Shoes for I.adir- «;!"j Children. Gentlemen's Furaig^ ing Goods. " *~ HAYES & H AYES PRINTING are jnore conservative, have been withholding criticism, thinking that "possibly after the scheme is well under way and running smoothly, bet- ter time would be made. Evanston Trains Late. ___Practically all Evanston trains are now running from fifteen minutes to a half-hour behind ttterschedule. The Mrs. Thomas Grover and Miss Crover, who have been traveling in Kurope'for several months, are now in far is. Miss Dorothy Weart of Linden street had as her week-end guest last week Miss Eleanor Snider of Wil- mette. Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Wylie and congestion at tno> transfer stations in K>n j^ave tnig Week for a visit of a loop at almost any hour of the f w wepkB |„ isjf.w York with Mr. Wy- is so great that it is impossible ,,,.,& parenta Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vollmann to that the day for persons boarding the trains secure seats. At the rush hours, the crush is greatest and accidents have narrowly been averted as the patronj fight and push to gain entrance to the trains. Too few trains, especially on the Evanston-Jackson park line, is the burden of the wail of thousands of Evanston residents. Not Doing Anything, Claim. "They do not seem to be doing any- thing about it." is the climax of ah the complaints. Evanston-Jackson park trains now run at intervals of anywhere between ten and twenty minutes, according to patrons of those cars, in contrast with seven minutes or^better service before the through routes were installed. "It's nothing unusual to... walt.JJf.-. T,eelT minutes lor an Evanston train on the loop," an Evanston patron said today. "During this time three or four eacb of Wilson express and Wil- son local trains and a couple of Ravenswoedexpresses will pass. Then when the Evanston train comes It is literally crowded to Urtrgtrarris. jfilckLls dany. they have lessened the number of Evanston trains, but a man with a watch easily can prov*e that it has been done. One night recently I wait ed at Adams street for twenty five minutes for an Evanston train. It was 8 P. m. Six Wilson expresses and five each of Wilson locals and Ravenswood express" trains passed. I finally took a surface car. I have had several other waits nearly as long." Express Train Crowded. An Evanston express train left the Adams street station at 2:i>4 \>. in. re- cently, it readied the Davis street station of the Northwestern "L" at 3:50 o'clock, or fifty-six minutes latoi. Before boarding the train the pas senger, who timed the train, had in quired as to the time necessary for making the trip to the end of the Ev anston line. "Why, forty-one minutes is schedule, but I guess you'd better figure it from Klnzie street," said a guard. "I don't -think you'll make it today/' I_jfhe time usually consumed from Davis street to the end of the line is about eight minutes, making a total of twenty-three minutes' delay for this train. This delay was noted dur ing the middle of the afternoon, when drains are expected to- I'tfu-wWh many empty seats. The trip back from Ev anston was made in Blightly bettor time, hut with no superfluous seats after leaving Sheridan road.__________ have returned from their wedding trip and are to make their home in Winnetka. Mrs. John Q. Syme and her daugh- ter are to have after the holidays for New Orleans for a visit of several months.____. . Miss D'Orcy Orde of Glencoe was the guest of Miss Blanche Day of Sheridan road for the week-end last voek. The engagement is announced of Mr. Raymond Franco and Miss Cece- lia Sesterhenn of Evanston. The wed- ding is to take place in the early- spring. Miss Constance Tyrrell was Intro dueed to society Tuesday afternoon at in tea given by Mrs. Nathaniel 11. ' PtafrnTBFd IrfTHefTioniP on Shefirta n ic.adT Louis Wernecke of the Hubbard Woods pharmacy was found guilty by o jury of business men of selling clg- . LT'.-ta to minors. The fine assessed v ;is $1 and costs Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Magrus of 650 Sher)dap po-iffi <yHP havi; been at Hot Springs, Va . for several weeks, arc to let urn to Winnetka tin last of this v,. ek. Mr. and Mrs. .1 II Arnold. «le. Imv. been the xnests of Mr. and Mrs il A. t\<i Windt for several weeks. ha»«- re- turned to their home In Cambridge. Mass. Mr. Gus Ohlin. known by vall the elder residents of Winnetka, died at a :«'h-H"ftgo hospital last week. He has li en failing for several weeks. The Rev. Mr. Sidley of the Ej»isef>- pnlian mission of the Philippine Islands gave a very interesting ac- iniml of his work in Upper l^uzon of the Philippines at Christ church last Stni day. Md A S. Falls of the Northern Trust company spoke b, fore the mem I. is of the Royal Arcanum at theff meeting last week. Mr. Falls had as the subject of his- talk "Home Htirhi-- i-g" , Mr. and Mrs Frail k t). Magic of Siierldan road are t;o Wive a dance at ihi Woman's club, DeV 21, far. Miss ; Henrietta Magie. F. O. Mapie, Jr.. and John Magie. This will b\ one of the. largest affairs of the sensory Chief of. Police Peterson IsNwnflnod to the house from the effects of iKbul- lei wound: While cleaning his volver he aceide.jitally discharged and the bullet went through,his hand' customs declaration. This declaration can be secured at any postoffice sta- tion and should be made out at the time of mailing the parcel and at- tached to each package. Parcel post mails for Christmas de- livery close in Chicago and vicinity as in the eastern states follows: For Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Austria and Hun- gary. December 6, 5 p. m. For Italy, December 9, 5 p. m. For France, December 10, 5 p. m. For Great Britain and Germany. December 12, 5 p. m. If possible, mail packages several days in advance of dates shown A Few Rules. Some rules laid down by the post- office are: Mail packages of merchandise at carrier stations or the main postomce and not at substations or drug stores. See that each package bears a re- turn address. If there is any irregu- larity in the mailing of the parcel fne sender will "be notified from general postoffice. Do not seal parcels. Parcel post packages must be open for inspection. Do not inclose writing or letters in 'i.ircel post packages. , ,, . , , t 3 i^ .. a, f!u i^^» »......_______^j^t-on and Margaret Coy have returned .Do rmf-rtmx Christmas stamps'trr , ^^ „..,*„„ * \ir„._____„ ,,„„ ether"adhesiveThartty stamps m labels James Dennis, who is convalescent i I'ps will preach at from a serious illness, plans to leave j cnurch. soon for Florida, where he will spend! the winter months. Members of the Neighborhood bridge club were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert E. Haigbt, 854 Grove street, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McCurdy enter- tained at a dinner dance at the Wom- an's Library clubrooms Wednesday- evening. Fifteen couples were includ- ed in the list of guests. Mrs. Mary Julian, daughter of Mr. j Old Phonographs remodeled to play and,Mts. R. Antowszewski is expect-j Mkw Edison Recokds d home soon from an extended visit: Language taught by phonograph. LODGE TO GIVE DANCE. Members of the Royal Arcanum lodge of Winnetka will give an invita- tion dance at the Winnetka Woman's club building rooms Saturday even- ing. The committee in charge of the affair is composed of G. B. Walkey. Earl v\reinstock and P. D. Blake. S She is now the guest of friends in Cleveland, O. Friends of Artemus D. Watson will welcome the news that he is steadily recovering from the effects of an operation he underwent in a Chicago hospital last-week,____:__... •â- .------------ Justice of the Peace NSanlord A. Goss, the popular village official, is slowly regaining his strength after being sticken with an attack of heart, trouble. Mr. Ralph Milbr and sister. Miss Laura Miller, who passed Thanksgiv- ing in Glencoe with the family of Sperry B: Pope In Green wood avenue, left for New York this week for an extended European tour. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Foreman left last week for New York, where they will sail this week for Europe. They will visit all the southern countries of Europe andexpeet to be gone about four months'~ Misses Elsie Meyer, Catherine John- Phone Wionetka 693-W and Central 3S07 JAMES I. LYONS WK*T 1.AKK ST. CHICAGO M. EILEEN LONG NEW WALTZES Hlalts. emn-ntrp. rtr. Open Daj and Krentng Powers Building, Suite 1301. 37 S.Wabash Ave. Cor. Monroe St., C hicago Phone Central 3452 GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. GEO. B. WINTER Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is our mot^ to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. -" A. S. VAN DEUSEN HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUILDING Telephone Wintietki 7 WINNETKA Suggestions for the Christmas Shopper Pictures, Picture Frames, Pottery, Leather Goods, Mirdeâ€"Jewelry, -Am and Crafts Ware. . .'.,. The_finestJine of C hristnias Cards, Engraved and Hand Painted, known in Chicago. Bayberry Caudles, Candle Sticks and Sachets. The Only Shop of its Kind in Chicago en the addrrss side of packages. Postmaster John A. Childs of the lo- i al postal office has prepared an Inter- est ine list of suggestions for Evans- ton people who intend to send Christ- i ihs presents by parcel post. The following is the list and it would be injvisable tor persons to-elip the sug- H'gtions iind refer to them be fori tak- ;;it package* to the posfoffic Preparation for Mailing All parcels must l>e \\iap|«'i In .-mil ;i ruaniiei that the eoiiieni- <an he laslly examined: that is. unsealed hexes may be nailed or screwed if. v. it li reasonable effort, the lids can be I.-Illl.Veil •Panels containing fraglh ait idee. s ich as millinery, toys, etc . and arti- i :< f ronststiui? wholly or in part of Hass, must he securely packed so as ii pnveni their break in*. and stamped or labeled "Fragile." "Hooks should not be enrlos< d with merchandise. vc\:' "Parcels containing liquids will be mcepted for mailing only when v tapped and packed according; to the parcel post regulations "The name and address of the scod- ii. preceded by the word "From." must I e placed upon every parcel, prefer- aUl.v up in the upper lelt hand corner. '! lie words, "Do not open until Christ- Mas.' niay be either written or printed mi parcels. Limit of Weight and Size "Within the first and second zones | Hovering a radius of approximately 150 miles), the limit of weight is twenty pounds. Beyond th* second /, »ne the limit/jof weight is eleven oonnds. f "Parcols^nrast r.ot exceed iseventy- •vo indfes in length and girth com- j binjed. "In measuring the length thef gtejatest distance in a straight line be- j (en the two ends of the parcel shall j to their studies jU Waterman hall Sycamore. 111., after spending the Tnanksgivlng holidays of a week with their families. Music School Founded by Wrn. H. Sherwo-i 712 Fine Arts Building lifciiKGlA KOHKK. President WALTEK KEJ.LKH. Ui.^tor Highest Standard of Artistry Pian". Organ, Harmony, Counter Point Composition. Vocal. Violin. Public "School Music. Musical Hi- lary. Si hool ol ICxpression. I'.ir catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue Herbert F. A ntunes Platto tuner and Repairer 1117 Main St., Evanston lelephonea-Evanston 0476 J«nd HO Official Tuner for. North western School of Music Inflicting quite a severe injury. Mr. A. I,ec Adams and Miss Emma . ,\In in h of Olncy, 111., are to be mar- ried today at the home of ike bride's parents in Olney. After a phor ding trip Mr. and Mrs. AdajmsAvill be nt home at 926 Cherry strept Tin hum recently moved with th\^parents to parcel at its thickest part. I Evanston, are to take prominent parts Rates of Postage. in a series of tableaux trt be given at "Parcels weighing four ounces or | the Country club in Evajnston. While ioss are mailable at the rate of one i'tlVlhg ih"-Winnetka theyâ€"will â-  be ro m-nt for each-ounce or fraction of an [â-  i roembered as taking part in all the ounce, regardless of distance. Misses Sarah ami Hefeter AV»«h- bejtaken. while, the girth is the actual ,nd Mr. Ludlow Washburn, w&D-^asurement by a tape encircling the affairs of the young people here. Mr. Benjamin Carpenter took part -vith the Lake Forest Players In their I resentation of several "plays at the V ine Arts theater Monday evening. Mr: Carpenter took one of the leading parts in "Mrs. Pat and the Law." Mr. Ernst von Amnion and J. Allen Haines of Winnetka also took part in the plays.____________________ ^T~ Mm Frank Fuller, Mrs. George Hig- T^rceTs weighing over TOuT omices j are mailable at the pound rate. "The pound rate for delivery in the j first and second zones Is five,cents for first pound and one cent for each ad-1 ditional pound. "Beyond the second zone the rate 'â-  varies according to distance- 4 Insurance on Parcels. ^mrtestrflrBtr elassTrf postage ir paid j ?t the rate of two cents an ounce, par- i George W. Munro Voice Specialist T.(. Harris.. 4S77 59 E. Ml MIREI ST. Pupils fitted for Church, Recital, Concert, Ora- torio, aud Opera. Four thoroughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils hooked at any time. Mr^Muriro tests allvoices and supervises all work. Don't Read This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile We have an entirely new process of clean- ing carbon out of the motor. We burn out the carbon with oxy- gen which does the work better than by scraping and is abso- lutely harmless to the rest of the motor. Do not confuse this with the old liquid forms of carbon remover. Tt is unnecessary to take down the motor. We can complete the job in hali hour. The best partof all is the price $1.00 A CYLINDER Winnetka Garage WM. T. WEHfcSrEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Phone_±66 Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly an'd Satisfactorily by The BOWMAN PUB. CO. Telephone* 585 and 586. PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS 88 NOTE INSIDE PLAYER installed in all upright pianos Call and see this player. Our prices are very low. PATTERSON BROS. Tel. Evanston 654 1522 Sherman Ave. Ladies' Tailored Suits, $25, FIT, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Designer and Maker of Fashionable Gowns for Women JOSEF POCIUS %«. STATE AND ADAMS STS . CHICAGO Telephone Harrison 2802 R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and Builder Repairing Promptly Attended To Phine Winnetka 425 Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois_____ VPE ARE MAKING Ladies'Tailor-Made Suits for $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship J)(QC(Qj$ Ladies' Tailor 118 NORTH STATP STREET Opposite Fields Phone Central 815 CHICAGO ** Mcfenffl tENTISTS All Wiring Guaranteed Electric Shop HARRY A. WITKOWS-KY Proprietor SrtoursrsltmTEKTH Imejtigaii lent of WITHOIT and 35 r»ars PLATKS satt 50« A numl ef comfort and durability Our celebrated $8 00 sals hare stood the last of time. Painless extracting, but ooth sating specialized CONSULTATION FRKK. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark Streets I phoae'WinneiU 58 Open evenings until 7 Sunday 9 to 12 WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, 1LUNO+S Phone Glencoe 490 Klinge <£t> White HIGH GRADE GROCERIES AND MEATS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. Phone Wilmrtte 4.10 Phone Wilmetfe 4 J I GROSS POINT. ILL. Johnson & Johnson MASON AND CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Tel. Winnetka 645 Hubbard Woods, III. LJ1 C. A. FORBERG DEALER IN fancy Groceries, Meats, notions & hardware Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 Hubbard Woods, III. WM. EDWARDS PAINTER and DECORATOR INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Estimates Furnished P. O. Box-222. Hubbard-Woods || Phone Glencoe 447 i-inson and Mrs. L. M. Johnson of Winnetka aro amonB the number of! eels cannot be registered. They may patrnnoRsPB *f ths «n»f" «"«° gfaten at i be Insured against loss, not to exceed ty stHdJo of Mrs. Ruth Coffin CoIlinB j tlfty doliarB. on payment of an addi- on Lincoln parkway In town. Mjbs - [of Winnetka, J3 aloo one of the pat-^t^trtB; over twenfy^flve ~doUariv-4<ft ' fonesses. - cents.. tional fee On parcels valued at twen- | gajja .inhns Av^, Highland Park,111. iCarohne Klrkland, a summer resident ty-flve dollars or less the fee is live TELEPHONE: HIGHLAND PARK 3.2 0 Mrs. George Smith. Jr. Private Employment Agency CALL ME! I furnish good help â- w-Hh good reference. Office Hours: 8 to 11: I to 5__-_ Saturday, 8 to 12 PRESSING REPAIRING Phone Winnetka 2~S. Maynard Bldg. H. E. ODHliER Merchant Tailor Ladies' and Gents' Suits Made to Order T04rT-4B GageTStT Hubbard Woodsri 11. All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning Telephone Winnetka 27 9 C.T. AEALESTATF. LOANS ^nrRTNTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods A Pleasure to Show the Propertv Men's Clothes A Specialty We have so wide a reputation for skill in handling women's fine garments that you may have overlooked the fact that we* do equally well with men's clothes. We do the work right here in Evanston. 622 Davis St. \ Evanston 1730 Phones: /Wilmette 1475 Dehmlow's THE- Arnold Massage Vibrator JIVING THE Celebrated Oratory Massage AT. HOME Was $25yisnow$l5 METIWPOMTAIh- ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. EverythingBHetHcmt ~ 103 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO Phone* 4193-94-95 Main T"

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