Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1913, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1913. ****** »•»-*•*"»' v**' What People Are Doing; The Coterie witt nieet Friday at the ..teShi.'frBTTXmmr** Michigan BVMrs F O. Burg ot Spokane, Wash., visiting Mrs. Charles Browning, 5«9 Sherman avenue. *°y Ethel Kalischer. 1037 Ridge ZZ, entertained at an informal !£cheon Saturday tor the Beta Phi 8 Mr* £8*Mrs. Theo. C. Keller and ,n„*hter, Miss Jessie Keller, 1007 Kenwood boulevard, are among those »ho frequently attend the opera this "Sss" Vivian La Chapelle returned Saturday to her home in Waukegan, m after spending a short time with '"er aunt. Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street. The alumnae of the Kappa Delta, ority 0f Northwestern university !pre entertained Saturday evening at of Miss Minnie Replogle. -The home - ,911 catalpa avenue, Edgewater. Mr and Mrs. William Francis, 1502 navis street, returned Tuesday from In eastern trip of two weeks. They have been in Atlantic City, New York and other points of interest. Mr E. B. Billow, 823 Washington 8ireet who has been in Lander, Wyo., for a month, has started home. Com- ing by way of Denver, he was caught in the snowstorm there and delayed. Miss Carolyn Dawes was hostess at a luncheon given Tuesday at her home Greenwood boulevard and Sher- idan road, in honor of Miss Ethel Kirkman and Miss Rachel Warner. Wigmore Senate of Delta Theta Phi law fraternity of Northwestern uni- versity held its initiation at the fra- ternity house Saturday afternoon. The initiation ceremonies were fol- lowed by a banquet. Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, 1129 Sher- man avenue, announce the marriage of their daughter, Tiildur Louise, to How- ard N Wright of Evanston, Friday, Ptr r, Dr. T. P. Frost of the First Methodist church officiated. At the meeting of the Drama club, yesterday the guests of honor were Miss Dorris Keane, Miss Agnes Lap- ham and Mr. Louis Nethersole. The nu.ting was ~heia~~as' usual at the Woman's club at 3 o'clock. The Emerson Street Presbyterian church had a rededication service Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'clock, at which timo Dr. David Hugh Jones spoke, and special music was rendered by the ehoir. The building has just been re- decorated throughout Mr. John C Shaffer,- 1704 Judson avenue, gave a banquet Saturday even- ing at the Blaekstone hotel. The guests of honor were Mr. Otto Kahn of New York City and the singers of the Chicago Grand Opera company. Two hundred covers were laid. Mrs J. C. Shaffer gave an informal t.-a' Sunday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. i miua Cuthhfit and W. A. Genedy, all Mrs. O. J. Mochon, 620 Clark street, has as her guest her brother, Mr. Fred Doody of St. Onge, S. D. Mr. Clifton F. Batch and family, 2123 -Harrison street, have returned from Minnesota. ( [viairtarChapelle of Waufc gan. 111., arrived Friday to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street. Mr. and Mrs. L. Battaglia, 2144 De- wey avenue, announced the engage- ment ot their daughter. Miss Kate Battaglia, to Frank Volante of South Chicago, Sunday, Nov. 23. S. H. Hypes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hypes, 1126 Michigan avenue, is a member of the Princeton Triangle club, which comes to Orchestra hall on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 27. The money raised by Dr. A. S. C. Clarke's lecture, "An Irishman Abroad," given Friday evening at the Second Presbyterian church, will go toward purchasing a new piano for the Sunday school building. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wright and two children of 1513 Lincoln street, left Saturday to make their new home in Sidney. Australia, where Mr. Wright has been appointed superintendent of the American Sheep Shearing com- pany. Mrs. Fanny Brltton and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Graham, and Miss Helen Brltton, formerly of 1120 Warren street; have left Evanston to make their home In Denver, Colo. Evanston Country club gave an auction bridge party with prizes Fri- day. On next Friday, Abbie Bird- sail Phillips will give a program of "tableaux vivants" at 8:30 o'clock in the evening, with dancing afterward. The annual children's Christmas party given by the club for young people under 16 years will be held Friday evening, Dec. 26, at 8 o'clock. The New Year's ball at the club will be Wednesday evening, Dec. 31, at 9 o'clock. - - - - •--------- Hemenway M. E. churcti had a .novel nay of advertising their bazaar and turkey dinner Friday. The sale began in the morning and lasted throughout the day and evening. On the trees in front of the church were posted placards advertising the affair. To these trees from the church in the evening were stretched Japanese lan- terns, which by their illumination and gayness attracted many passersby to partake of at least the delicious cafe- teria dinner prepared by the ladies Of the church. The dinner was served in the basement of the church, where the dining room and kitchen are locat- ed, and the bazaar was held in the Sunday school room. An unusual ta- ble was the * "memory table." Here were displayed articles contributed by past members and pastors of Hemen- in different parts of the United States. The proceeds from this table amounted to $22. Over $400 was taken injluringjthe day and even- ing, $125 of which was from the din- ner. - - of Denver, Colo., who came to attend tiie banquet given by Mr. Shaffer Sat- urday evening at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Augusta V. Crawford and Miss (rawford, 2735 Sheridan road, left yesterday for New York. They will tak. with them a string of Airdales to be exhibited in the New York show. They will spend the holidays In the East returning to Evanston after the first of the year. Miss I5es_sie May Hyde, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Louis J. Hyde of 1140 Florence avenue was united in mar- riae- Dec. 2 to Mr. George Ed- ward Walker of Chicago. Mr. Walker U u traughtsman In the employ of a rhi-.'no firm and the couple will take up their: residence in that city on Broadway near Wilson avenue. HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy'Groceries Hundreds of beautiful pictures. Subjects of all kinds, Landscapes, Fruit, "Game, Historical Scenes and many others. Many of them are copies of the most _________________famous pictures ever painted. ____ _v___ Fruits and Vcgetablcs4n Season Kenilworth, 111. Phones 1041-1042 Private Institution for â€"J-*-^'«--g-s-sâ€"CJ-ss-l-y Broken constitutions built up Convalescents and Invalids ___Receive Scientific Nursing Doctors have strict control of their patients Booklet sent upon reqnest CLARA LUXHEIM 2328 Hartzell St. Phone 1118 Evanston, 111. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES Worth $3 and None of them smaller than twenty-four By thirteen inches and many as large as forty-foil^ -i by twenty-two inches. All the pictures are handsomely framed in plain and ornamental gilt and Circassian walnut frames. No More PLEASING CHRISTMAS GIFT You couldn't select a better Holiday Present than one of these handsome pictures. There are pictures among them for every t^ste, for every home. Here is a useful, . beautiful gift that every one will appreciate, See the Remarkable Display in Our Window This extraordinary sale begins Wednesday, December 10th. Positively none of these beautiful pictures sold before the opening of sale. We earnestly desire you to shop early in the day. The sooner you come, the better Selection you will secure. Re- member here are $3 and $4 pictures^©*--$UA_and $1 This Sale for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday December 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. Two Gift4iooks of Quality First Book of the North Shore Price $1.50 and Second Book of the North Shore Price $2.00 Homes* Gardens, Landscapes, High^ ways'and Byways, Past and Present fey MARIAN A. WHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as -boQks^4Linot4)e reprinted. Make remittances direct to MAR I AN A WH IT E CANNED GOODS. Fall River Corn, a cans for...........25c Appetizer Brand Corn, 3 cans for...........25c Raven Brand Corn, 3 cans for...........25c Cherokee Brand Corn, 3 cans for...........33c Sweet Bloom Corn, 2 cans for...........25c Dot Brand Tomatoes,. .. ._ 3 cans for...........25c Rhodesdale Brand Toma- toes, HHIsdale Asparagus, white anil tender, No. 1 can...........17c No. 2 can...........22c Dodge County Peas, small sifted early June. per can ........* • • -15c 2 cans for...........25c Extra Small Sifted Peas. Dodge County Brand, per can ............18c 2 cans for...........29c Nashotah Peas, per can ............13c High Life Brand Peas, per can ............15c per dozen .........$1.65 Fancy Sardines, imported, in pure olive oil, Talis- man Brand, 25c can for..........19c Flag Brand Norwegian Sardines, in pure olive oil, 3 cans for.......25c Van Camp's Spaghetti, 10c can for...........8e Van Camp's Hulled Horn* Iny, No. Scan, 3 cans for...........23c Van Camp's Pumpkin, ' per can .............9c Van Camp's Sauerkraut, per can..............9c Have you ever tried kraut in cans? Better than bulk!_____________ Van Camp's Milk, 6c size per dozen .^........53c Van Camp's Milk, family size, 3 cans for...... .25c per dozen -..*-**.**.* • ± •-96c Van Camp's- Milk, tall cans, per can ....... 10c per dozen.........$1.13 Libby's Milk, baby size, per can.............5c per dozen ..........53c Libby's Milk, tall cans, per can ............10c per dozen ........$1.13 Hawkeye Milk, per can.......... • • 10c per dozen ..........95c Richelieu Brand Corn, per can............15c 2 cans for...........27c per dozen .........$1.55 Happyvale Sliced Hawaii- an Pineapple, No. 2 can, per can ............23c 3 cans for...........50c Richelieu Brand Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, per No. 2 can.......23c per No. 3 can.......35c Fancy White Potatoes, per peck ........25c Not more than two pecks to a customer. SYRUPS. " Old-Manse Maple Syrup, pint can..... ......23c quart can ..........39c % gal. can..........69c quart bottle........43c Maplewood â€" Absolutely pure maple syrup, quart can ..........45c quart bottle.........49c Log Cabin Maple Syrup, pint can............23c quart can...........39c % gal. can..........69c gallon can ......• .$1.15 Duff's Molasses, 2% lb. can..........21c 5 H>. ean........... .41c 10 lb. can...........79c BUCKWHEAT FLOUR." i Uncle Jerry's Self-Rising j Buckwheat Flour, 3 pkgs. for..........25c j Pancake Flour, 3 pkgs. for..........25c j Pure Old-Fashioned Buck- j wheat Flour, â€"-S~tbr bag for. mr..~. .23c -4 SOAPS AND WASHING POWDERS. sâ€"aponMaicsy; Extra Fancy Dried Apri- cots, per lb........:22c Seeded Raisins, 1 lb. pkg............11c Gleaned Currants. _. % lb. pkg.......-----10c Fancy Currants, Savoy Brand, 1 lb. pkg.....12c Ohio Maple Syrup, 10c bottle ........6c Not more than 3 bot- tles to a customer. Sheridan Corn Syrup, No. 2 can............9c Golden Grown Corn Syrup, ^ttor-10 can; .43c MOLASSES. St. Jullen Molasses, 2% lb. can-----.......9c Ginger Cake Molasses, 2% lb. can..........17c St. Elmo Molasses, 5 lb. can............27e Lighthouse Family Soap, 10 bars.............39c per box ...........$2.65 Hammer Soap, 10 bars .............23c 100 bar box........$2.15 Flotilla Soap, 2"bars in a carton, 6 cartons for.21c Amber Soap, 10 bars .............39c 50 bar box.........$2.05 100 bar box........3.95 Swift's Naphtha Soap, 10 bars for..........39c Gold Dust, 6c pkgs., per dozen...........39c Swift's Wool Soap, large bars, 10 for....69c 5c bars, 25 for.......89c DRIED FRUIT. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, medium size, per lb. 12c 25 lb. box..........$2.65 50 lb.*ox.......... 4.76 Large slze_. .Prunes, Santa Clara, per lb..........15c H25~lb. box.".â€".-;:.. .$3.25 501b. box.......... 6.95 Fancy Dried Peachea, » per lb...............12c 2 lbs. for...........21c Extra Fancy-Dried Peaches, per lb.....18c 2 lbs. for...........31c A NEW SALES IDEA. We have on display 20 sales items, each as good as-ths following, eaeTias great; a bargain The prices are not ad- vertised. In order to lake-advantage of them you must visit our Gro- cery department. We quote this item out of twenty: Quaker Oats, 3 pkgs. for.......21c Don't miss this sale SPECIAL FOR THURS- DAY, DEC. 11. No Phone or Mail Orders Filled. 2 lb. box Crystal Domino Sugar*for ..........17c 5 lb. box Crystal Domino Sugar for ...........41c Swift's Premium Butter- ine, per lb..........20c Extra Selected Eggs, per dozen......... .31c None delivered at this SUGAR. 10 lbs. of Sugar for 48c, with $1 order (flour. soap, butter and chick- en feed not Included). 25 lbs. original bag best Granulated Sugar..$1.29 FLOUR. Gold Medal, Ceresota, Pills- bury or Napoleon, V& bbl. sack.......$ .69 14 bbl, sack.......1.38 % bbl.,sack.......2.74 Chicken Feed, 100 lb. bag....... .$1.98 price. 20 Mule Team Borax, 1 lb. pkg.............9c And .10 other Bargains equally good. SPECIAL FOR SATUR- DAY, DEC. 13. Wayne & Low, Ayrshire, Brookfield and Meadow Gold Butter, per lb............34«/£e Extra Selected Eggs, per dozen.......... .31c None delivered at this price.. BAKERY GOODS.' cogeoâ€"Jgakjf. round, flat" and pretzel shape, special ..............9c Fresh Butter Rolls, per dozen ..........12c Green Ground Bone for chickens, 6 lbs. for.........25c BAKERY GOODS. Angel Food Cake, each ...............12e Jelly Roll, each.......iOo Lady Fingers, per dozen «* Two-layer Chocolate Cake, each...............18c Fancy Sweet Florida -Oranges, Bmall size, per dozen.......18c SATURDAY, DEC. 18, SPECIAL. ^ ~Bost Prime Sib Roast Beef, best quality, tender and infers per lb>..♦ ............l7He and 19c Selected Young Leg of Lamb, 5 to 8 Tb. avejrlger 6928 Sheridan Road Prime Chuck Roast Beef, per lb....-wj ... A&U±. Best Shoulder Steak, tender, per lb.........-15c Native Shoulder Veal Roast, per lb............ 15!.ic Choicei VealStew. per Kb........... ^. ..^..*.14c Best Kettle Rendered Lard, per lb.........13KC 10 lb. pall Snowdrift Shortening, per pail.. .'1.27 Little Pig Farm gansajg, per lb.............15c Jcnes' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, per lb.....iic Armour's Star Ham or Morris & Co's Supreme Ham, S tb 10 lb. average, per tb-.........l«JfC Selected Bacons sugarrcnred^ by_tb«L piece, 4 to 6 lb. average, per tb;TVTr...;.w............4$!f*:

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