Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1913, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEW*. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913 Mil.........Mil......M.......IIIIIIHMIIIIItl : Want Ad Department JI TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE i4B? i ,â- ' ;-_ . â- _ ____;__ ,..'â- / Want Ads in the Like Shore News are char^ecTatnthTfollowing rites â€"--------â€"-------Real Estate Classifications, 7v£ cents per line. I, All Other Classifications, 5 cents per line Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents illlllllllllllll.......Ullllllllllllll..........ilM «ce^444«h«-Teini>le :t^Chicog© KING'S RESTAURANT ~T*5F*0-»««r»-ilut_aan>e *â- Â» rtood for pure. clean SM. !&*<•*«•â- *»•»» i«jjfjt jgjjWSff riffht nricei. KINO'Stake a particular pride Eat »t KINOS to-dsy and you'll cmel«M» mnrrnn. 10 CtUfW Tihlt Da HotC UIHW<r CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR. SandijTtSc 5th AVENUE »«*• MadUoa and Washington SU. Lake Shore SanitariuT r Specialty to the Succwafm t^!» RHEUMATISM SiSK Oot! Bon* f or invalida and elderly perS Cm« sooable ratea. Medical dir^*K£),u," â€" _____._ nna»JbU*taadanoa*J «5T~ »Ave. ___ Telephone Evaiurton 2MB *22»*i. (Franklin 2062) Young Society Woman Tells of; Her" Trip to Newfoundland With Dr. Grenfell, Fa- U mous Missionary. HELP WANTED YOUNG LADY IN BIRCHWOOD wants-. woman to take home small washing each week. Address W 256, Lake Shore News. ltp WANTED-TO RENT YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED WANTS room and board in strictly private family; home comforts. Address W 358, Lake Shore News. 2tp Expert Advice Offered Regarding Mining Properties; Especially in Nevada. The laws of Nevada are now the most stringent of any-58*te- in tne conduct of corporations. Nevada's wealth of Minerals surpasses any other State. It is indeed the land of opportunity. MADAME AUGUSTA HELEtN ONLY FRENCH DRAMATIC READER IN AMERICA Club and Society Bngcgements Dramatic and Operatic fotcttrttaticm. PROGRAMS and LECTURES M 1246 Wilson Aveniife CHICAGO J*j Pi^jftrts Buildi.. EXPERIENCED SENSATIONS SITUATIONS WANTED â€"^riss Mildred Al'mour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Armour, 1608 P.idge avenue, and, one of the most popular of Evanston's society girls, left last Bummer with Dr. Grenfell for teady-wfaure she becamtr-ae- tlve in the missionary work conducted there by Dr. Grenfell. Her story, which first appeared In Field arid Force, and which is as follows, should prove of interest not only to her many friends here, but to those who are in- terested in Newfoundland and the work. Dr. Grenfell is dolus there: Her Own Story. "Journeying to Labrador is from the very beginning an experience out oi the ordinary, and though a sum- mer spent in that country is one de- void of luxuries it is consequently more unusual and pleasurable. Ten days on a schooner sounded endless SITUATION WANTED â€" DRESS maker wants more customers; rea- sonable. Phone 3184-W Evanston. ------- JLtp DOLLS DRESSED, ALL SIZES AND â€"styles, at reasonable prices. For pur- tkulars call Glencoe 325-J, or ad- dress 18S Harbor-st., Glencoe. 4w-2tp FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR PENT â€" TWO PLEASANT rooms with best of table board. 731 Tenth-st., Phone Wilinette 992-J. 2w-4tc to me and I confess to great misgiv- iags when 1 first laid eyes on the George B. Cluett as it lay anchored at "the wharf in Boston harbor, but In the excitement of departure and meet- ing of the eighteen strangers who made up the party I felt at home al- ' most before I realized it. The quar- ~ tcrs seemed impossibly small, with my state room measuring not more than eix feet, by two, my berth a mere slit iu the wall, and the deck so narrow that the thought of a steamer chair of any kind was ridiculous; but after a day or two I would not have had it otherwise, and a doubling of the length of -the journey would have a great joy. • All kinds of*>wcather we encountered, warm and cold, smooth and rough, high winds and absolute breathlessness, fog and rain. All va- rieties of occupation were0-at band, from making beds and washing dishes to shining brass: and for a real spicy ending we just managed to escape a tire in thr-tmhi, a disastrous tw.ountor with a couple of Icebergs aiid u wreck on the rocks. FOR RENTâ€"HOUSES FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE ANL garage in North Evanston; all im- 7>7ove7nehts "except electric light. I'hone 232-Wilmette. 5w-2tc FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"BOYS' BICYCLE, 18 inch frame; good condition. Steu- art Sherman, 1030 Hubbard-lane, Hubbard Woods, 111.. Phone Win- net ka 172. 5w-2te FOR SALEâ€"2'j H. P. BOILER AND "engine, complete on one base. Phone Chicago, 111.. Dec. 5, 1913. To the Intelligence of Investors: Herewith is the telegraphic story of successful efforts to honestly exploit a Railroad and Mining Enterprise. Sin- gularly, the supplemental railroad un- dertaking now promises to insure per- manency! The GoldSehl Consolidated and Tonapah Mining Companies both found advantages in these adjuncts, the former hi a private capacity and ihe latter as a Common Carrier getting great profits therefrom. Notwlthstand- Wilmette 893-Y-2. 3w-2tp For Rentâ€"Aptwts. FOR RENTâ€"6-ROOM FURNISHED apartment for winter months. Phone '2J12U ltc WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW â€" PRIVATE party. Winnetka, wants $2,000; five- year loan on new home; easily $7,000 security. Address P. O. Box 35. Winnetka. - ltp MISCELLANEOUS Her Destination "Our destination whs Si Anthony "â- an the, northeastern coast of New foundland, a little fishing village sit uated in a sheltered harbor where Dr. Grenfell has built up his largest mis s»on station. His work extends njj along the coast of Labrador where lie Las established several hospitals and co-operative stores, but. as a great inn jority of natives can be reached from St. Anthony, he. has made this little hamlet the headquarters' for the work. The hospital, the orphanage and the school house. Dr. Gretifell's own home. and also that of Dr. Little, the head . i SUI'geOU, the guest house where the ~ volunteer workers are housed and fed, the Industrial--bath-ring-, the mar him* fn shop, the cow barn, and various other (0 minor buildings, make up Ihe settle- ,,,, BURGLARS USE AX GAINING AN ENTRANCE While South End Family Is Away Daylight Thieves Ar- rive and Make Haul. I Chopping tln-ir way through two doors, alter gaining an entrance through a basement window, daylight thieves successfully looted the home of George V M<('aule>, X"»; Main street, Evanston. sometime between 2: and Fr.'iO o'clock Friday afternoon, tyid Made away with jewelry and other ar- ticles, valued ai more thaii_$70. Two < iiildrcn's savings battkft were iaclud-1 â-  7l la The loot. The house was ran-j sacked. All of the members of the irnlly were away from home. A broken window in the basement j of the McCauley home showed how . the thieves had entered the cellar j From the fuel room an old axe \va, j taken, which was used to smash in; the door leading from the basement In the kitchen Once inside the j kiti lien, the thi<»<-s again were *hut off from the <>th> i rooms ol the house. when the\ found Ihe door to the next room locked." The uxe was again used, the door being badly damaged No clew v\;is obtained The rob ben was lint ii-|K>r1rti to the pollc â-  iliiiil Saturday morning and delec- mii-s were ,-u once placed on the case. FOR SALE EVAN STO N HOMES BT 1580 Sherman-av. 39w-tr Corset '(Not sold in stores) Address Miss O. Berkenes 1235 Chicago Ave. Evanston, 111. Spirella Phone 1384 Corsets Cleaned aid Repaired FINE ARTS Tonight 8:15 REPERTORY SEASON "LONESOME LIKE" Harold Briffhouse "THE TROTH" Rutherford Mayrrc "BARBARA" Kenneth S. Goodman "AGAMEOFCHESS" Kenneth S. Goodman Best Seats $1.00 Ausidrea Chicair< Theater JJociety- CHILDREN'S BOOKS AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF PRICE The Pilgrim Press 19 WEST JACKSON BLVD. Just West of State St. CHICAGO me.nt "The count rv is bleak and barren, I suppose, am; urobsbiy tmprewwd me go at li+stT ii • I think of it now as beautiful. N -»i will wonder how stretches of nick almost devoid of any growth, an absolute absence of any- thing tlrat might be called a tree, very little grass and almost no flowers can comprise a scene of beauty, but it was probably my. love for ihe work and the life there that made me fond of every hit of it. j_____ Natives Speak English. "The natives are English speaking, of Scotch^ Irish. English and French ^descent, almost entirely without edu cation, cut off from any knowledge' of the outside world, nature's own chil- dren, the_ simples!', most appreciative end affectionate people I have ever en countered. They are largely n Cod- tearing race, of the old-fashioned Methodist and Church of England b<-- llefB, but as they have only" circuit ministers In their little churches, who must make their living entirely on Un- collect Ion they take up, it means some thing to have a nmn like Dr. Grenfell give them the simple, straightforward . sermons Jbe-pJ^cTje g "His work, however, is fundamen- tally ptetHcal, and a w«trth-rful work he is doing. Every week during the Bummer months, the coastal steamer leg into 3t. Anthony, leaving from fifty to seventy patients at the hos- pital to be cared for by the surgeons, dentists, or eye specialist, and every week a large number are sent home â€"cured^^The patients stay as long as is necessary, have the best of care at the hands, of physicians and nurses â€",who are giving-their Bcrvieea. and pay "'la return only what they can afford. In most c-itses, of course, this' means â€"^BsoiuteTy -hotfilSgT" To"Tlrese -poor iaie-been iiomlbhed always-r wlth only bread and tea, as their dally j "fare, a repast «* fr^sb milk and eggsj loath One of the doctor's '« is teach- the natives to rare for Thi-niselves. make til em understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound el" cure, that fresh air in abundance \ ill save them from a majority of rlieir ailments. Fish Only Source of Revenue. "Their One source of revenue is fish- ing (luting; July anil August, and if their luck is poor, their catch small, or they shmild lose all in shipwreck. they must helplessly face a long, bit- ter winter of starvation. Dr. Oren- Ml, however, is their faithful friend and counsellor, going north in his lit- tle steamboat, the Ktrathcona. to give them medical aid. and what is even more necessary at times, a few hope- ful, cheering worth*, and pttHrrhw-of Ik lp from the mission for the unfortu- nate ones. Is it any wonder that this man who has given twenty-one years of his life io this work is loved and i doted by all on the Labrador?" Human Culturist 1812 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. I wish to inform the Public that I f^IUQf positively V> KJ JVX-rf Stomach and Intestinal Troubles, Indigestion, Gas- tritis, Constipation, Tuber- culosis, Nervous Disorders, Insomnia and Anaemia^ without the use of drugs or instruments. I challenge the mnnt iwartrhur imrMikrnnnn of my claims. CHESTER LEVERE lc heavenly, anu many are loaih to Heave when thev are fully recovered. EVANSTON THEATRE FOUNTAIN SQUARE Evanston amusement co. poop PHONES 2898-2899 H. L. MINTURN, Manager AND BALANCE OF WEEK TONIGHT ! STOCK COMPANY Will present Lanfcdon McCormick's Beautiful Comedy Drama OUT OF THE REALISTIC RURAL 5JBNES FULL OF HEART TOUCHES AtHtAMA THAT PLAVS UPOet THE HEART STRINGS OF HUMANITY WITHOUT A DISCORDANT NOTE Matinees: Tues.. Ihurs. and" Sat. Best Seats 25c, Rear Balcony 10c. Night Prices: 400 (iood Main Floor-SeaUUit 50 Cents. A few at ?5c^ ____ BALCONV 25c? 3J5C LOOES 50c.___________^_ DECEMBER 16-17 "BARRY OF FUSILlfcRS" Jteiictit TiilxToiilo^U ln«tltnt« (By Local Talent) DEC, 18-I0-2O, "HKLLO BILL" ^By Evanston Stock Co. Fire l>o|>;irUnont Ki-novolent -\«si>«iati<in ing brokerage reports of uncertainties, the stockholders of each of these great properties may rest assured of a long and profitable career. Tonapah Bel- mont is also a wonderful property, and Merger sustained the predictions we made of it when we urged its purchase at 25 cents one year ago last July. Within two months it sold above %\, and unfortunately rose to $1 87, which was twice its proper value compared with surrounding opportunities. Investment moneys for mining pur- poses have been especially limited dur- ing the past four years; therefore it is natural that the wiser mining men have sold some good stocks to buy ether equally good ones at bargain prices. When we urged the purchase of Tonapah Belmont up to 85c, most of the buyers were Philadelphians be- cause Chicagoans preferred to hold onto stocks like Consolidated at much higher comparative values. It seems as though communities get wedded to favorite properties and are unreason- ably difficult to change; but once a changed sentiment, good reason and judgment run with "a scare" or "a boost." For five years the Nevada Telephone & Telegraph Co. tried to prove to East- erners that intrinsically and in profit earning capacity its every month showing was superior to any similar concern in the United States. One year ago we advised the people of Chi- cago and vicinity through publications that this stock had a book, value of over $2, and would pay 8% or 10% dividends this .year (it baa already paid 1L", cash dividends this year besides earning a large surplus). We offered it through the Continental and Fort Dearborn and several other Chi- cago banks and by circular letter through nearly every "banker and bro- ker" In the City of Chicago, at prices of 15c to 50c per share. Now the only reasons given then by bankers and brokers for not marketing these stocks were that they "were not listed." The history of these stocks shows how foolhardy it is to depend on the "listed price" of any stocks. Most of tlit- listed stoeks have tumbled in prlc* till their holders are heartsick, while1 "unlisted" holders, like Nevada Tele-1 phone <S: Telegraph Co.. can sell at quadruple prices, and are haopy over I an > \tr;i _"-. per cent dividend for noli llll.x (IIT-:,. lit- Nevada ha* disproved liigall* theo he* that opportunity comes only once. As ;i matter of fact, we are frequently met with opportunity. There occurs in Ne\;id,t at least once each year n splendid chance for fortunate invest : merits And no banker or broker can t.ll more than you can easily learn tirst hand for >ourself. In most in staines -bankers and brokers" liafe| selfish interests in stocks which theTi arc-anxious to unload at a profit, be'-.; sides tin promoters' and agents' com-; missions "He who wishes pear; should seek a tree." therefore he who wishes the right kind of milling i stocks :it the right prices should go to ! the t-iuht people who are "in right" i-i ': th;it business. fbe public lias been mulcted by | tipsters, brokers, fakirs and swindlers In most lines of business activity, but w. s:i\ without hesitation that the average real mining man of Nevada b* tnrrrt- trustworthy than the average J occupant of a business office within Ihe l.oop district of Chicago, and tliej has had many years' ex- ; with both. When Judge j once asked aâ€"Nevada lawyer! • the western people were all ] i Utter replied: "My experi- i the various status of the confirms an opinion that the iipb-" ate pretty well distribut- r> where, only the devil has them somewhat differently to n respective climates or occu It is to be noted in tills con that .Judge H--------inade>â€"as Lovelock, New, Oct. ^1 19lo. Building. James E. Keelyn, Temple Chicago: The Rochester Hills Mining Com- pany bears a splendid reputation here. They have by far the largest pay-roll in the Rochester district and have conducted their operations in a thor- ough business manner This com- pany should have a good fu'ure: it owns" Ihe railroad out of Oreana. which is doing a splendid business They are shipping fifty tons ore daily -which is netting nice profit. Their atisfac7 Xihas Suggestions (AT MANUFACTURER'S COST) Mechanical Toys ...5c and no Teddy Bears. 49e and«£ $1.00 Poodle Dogs, only 29c Armadillo Baskets ir£SZ£Z.a£Z Mexican Curio Co. Pearls, Jewelry and Oriental Art IDEAKINS 69 E. Madison Street Chicago, III. Annual 3 Weeks Exhibition aid Sale. 207c to 50', Discount from Regular Retail Prices Next door to Chicip Athletic Club business with us lias been tory at all times.-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOVELOCK. Reno, Nev., Oct. 2i>, l'Jl'.i. James E. Keelyn, 1116 The Temple. Chicago: One hundred fifty foot level whicb is our lowest working (277 feet below surface workings) showing Up great. with considerable high grade running better than two hundred dollars. Am doing all possible to rush machinery; can see nothing but success. Will first make good as outlined, then tak.> up milling proposition. Do best pos- sible November 1stâ€"A. A. ("ODD. mm**m+m0++m$+m***m*$Ammm <i Our North Shore Store is located at 1007 Davis St., Evanston. Wm. H. Scotty who has been assistant under- taker to J. L. Hebblethwaite for the last eight years, is in charge, and will give his personal attention to every detail. We guarantee a saving from one-third to one-half. Automobile Service Furnished When Desired Reno, Nev. Nov. 5, 1 £< 1 n. .lames E. Keelyn, 1116 The Templ>. Chicago: «? â-  Started two more six-horse teams hauling ore for us today, making about [ sixty tons per day. The ore on one I hundred level is eight feet wide and j all shipping grade, on one hundred i fifty (277 feet below surface work j ings» level ore showing still betterrf The entire mine looks great. Railroal f paid profit for October and hauled our j ore free. A A. CODD Store Phjne Evanston 98 WM 1007 DAVIS STREET inaVMNftMMMMM H Manager Residence Phone Evanston 2903 SCOTT _ EVANSTON, ILL. James K K( Chicago: civil. Hit; The Temple, II whetlTi I .Lilian '.;»«! p. ed eve dressed s till till pat ions nection Have just received report from su pel inteudent at mine which says or..' lit-"lower levels continues to open up richer and stronger with every shot. Have nine feet of best shipping ore yet opened up on hundred foot level. This doubles value of our stock. Am leaving for Rochester tomorrow,- A. A. CODD Keuo, Nev , Nov. 22. 15)13. lames ]•; Keelyn, 11 LC The Temple. Chicago, m.: Thanks for your good wire. Am going right ahead counting sure on you. Have this day withdrawn all treasury stock from market except that which you have option on. Prices are forty cents per share. Recent discoveries on lower level makes trfck worth its par value.â€"A. A CODD Terry Simpkins Manager 222-224 EST MADISON STREET, Near Fifth Avenue "L" Station Franklin 3953 for Telephone Orders t o much as $2.'i.o(hi profit in one year om of Nevada's "bad mining men," ami â€"was mote fairly dealt with by them â€"than in n lifetime of Chicago invest mi-lit.", which latter had him en route to the poorllouse-when the Nevada '.MineOwners' Association introduced him to Nevada and prosperity. VVe supplied Judge H------with "Lit- tle Klort'rice',' tftock whe~ir-ht» latme- dlatT- associates protested against it. We challenge any other investment in Chicago stocks to a comparison. It U providing him with a living In his old ADDENDA The holiday season is "chuck full" of big dinners, supper parties, spreads, and various other occasions where good food is required. There will undoubted- ly be many of these gatherings at your home. Are you prepared? Right now is the time to buy all those good things â€"because now the prices are considerably less than you'll pay later and you'il be ever ready for the "unexpected guest." Remember always that the "Randolph" positively undersells every other market in the city, and that the quality here is always supreme. Stop here to^ morrow on your way to or from the Depotâ€"you'll be agreeably surprised. Monthly charge accounts invited. Delivery to all points along the North Shore. Double'S.&H.'orFish Stamps All Day Friday w snares 1*10,000 Mining age. have underwritten of Rochester Hills Company stock, and desire to dlstrib ute one-half of this to the public iu small Tots at bargain prices: The ' Company owns a railroad which is paying bet**f~+lttH» -Savings- Bank in forest, and It owns Mining property which will undoubtedly pay 20% to 4"% on the investment during the yrar T91L "~lt Ts now snipping over 1,500 tons of ore monthly which brings prove tbgjtreatggl dividend j $25 or more per ton. Buy somfe of the investment during the Now the writer is thankful for abil- ity to maintain himself and family in comfort by legitimate- mlning^opera- tions in Nevada, and has abiding faith in, "Rochester Hills." which will un- doubtedly pay er on coming year. It certainly offers op- portunity as a Christmas present at bargain prices. .. ________________ j this stock as a Christmas gift to your family, and .vdu will be grateful to his.Tor giving you the opportunity. " Mine - Owners^Associalion Tel. Franklin 2062 1116 The Temple, Chicago 10 lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar, with order. ..42c A few boxes left Nuway Family Soap, 66 bars $24^ 10 bars.......39c Angora Brand fancy Golden Pumpkin, can 14c, doz.........'..$1.50 Special for this sale: Price's Baking PcJwde , 1 lb. can for........39c Our Justice Brand of Flour^ is a wonder. Give It a trial at these low prices, »,*, bbl. 67c, M bbl............$1.27 5 bars small Ivory Soap at ................ .21c Sea Foam Brand fancy C a I i fornia Asparagus, large can 19c, doz.$2.25 at. 10c Large bot. Maraschino Cherries, same as im- ported, 90c value!..59c Randall's Armour's or Welsh's Grape Juice, special for this Bale. quart ..............39c Just received 100 cases Mon Reve French Spatt Sardines in pure olive oil, while they last, can 12c, doz..........$1,35 Special for this week: Curtiss Bros.' 1 lb. can Plum Pudding .....21c White or Yellow Corn meal, 10 lb. cloth sack, for ................29c Fancy Hotel Mush- Old Dutch Cleanser, special for this sale, 6 cans for ...........49c Extra fancy Nuway Sifted Peas, 22c value, can 15c, doz......$1.55 Lammy & Son fancy Silver Lake Tomatoes^ can 14c, doz......$1.50 A few left of the "Nu- way" Sweet Peas, a 15c seller, to close, can 10c. doz...............$1.15 Nuway Toilet Paper, a 10c roll at 6c, or doz .60c 3 pkgs. Raisins or Cur- rants for ..........29c I 5 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans at ..........25c rooms, for this sale.19c | We carry in stock a full Are you paying too ; line of the well known much for your olive oil? Hart Brand of Canned Try F. Bertolli Puro Goods. Come in and let 3 5c pkgs. Crispy Crack- |^t_aJiaxL QiL at- cans 79c, «s-sh«w yea these. Gul 14 gal. can........$1.50 special by dozen or case. Save Money in Our Butter Dept Mountain Brook Pure Creamery Butter, 35c lb., or 5 lbs. for. ..$1.75 Holland Brand Cream- ery Butter, 1 lb. car- tons, this sale, lb...38c Elgin Creamery Butter Style, 31c lb. or 5 lb, pail for ..........$1.49 Strictly Fresh guaranteed, doz. Eggs, ...39c Pure White Ctover Honey, per comb ,. ,22c Crisco, special for this sale, each .........23c Large imported Edam Cheese, direct from Hol- land, each ...________90c Genuine imported Roq- uefort Cheese, lb...45c Ship Brand Imported Camembert Cheese, thte; sale, each .,.......29c Snow Brand Horse Radish, 3 bots. for. .28* Cudahy's Pure Fig Mar^ malade, special for this _ sale, each.........23c Save Money in Our Meat W0 Fancy Fresh Dressed- Hindquarter Spring Chickens, lb......18'/2C Lamb, lb.........15i/2c LlttrrPTg PoT*ri.elT(S, Fancy Sirloin Rolled r-H>............... W/sc, | Beef, lb..........17|/2C Selected Southdown Native Rib Roast, choice Mutton Ltfg, lb. ..tV/zC cuts, lb..........1914c Loin Lamb Chops._____j Large size cans Select- IDl . . ....... 18'^c ed Oysters .,. .32c Full pound pRgr Berfcr shire Bacon,- special ta» sale......i»..«.-«'«*§B Armour's Star or 8wlff« Premium Bacon, by the piece, lb.........27!/fce Swift's Silver Leaf La frforfrpaii 49c, No. SP 79c, No. 10 pall. "" --;:

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