Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1913, p. 5

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ppwnmkwiupqBPMP m I'EBE LAKESHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913. Miss ZeUa Marshall, 2030 Orrington • nue, gave a children's musical Sat .irdav morning. -T^te* Jeanette Prentiee^O Hinmau -venue, has gone to Duquoin. 111., to si.eud Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Williams. S23 Hiaman avenue, entertained the Hin Jud Bridge club Saturday even- toMr uad Mrs. Jerome A. Smith, 1231 Maple avenue, left Saturday tor Pasa- dena. Cal., where they will spend the 9 The informal dancing class for voung people will be held Friday even- ins at the Lincoln wood school from S to 1" o'clock. Mr I wight S. Bobb, 1704 Hinmau avenue, returned Monday from a week s business trip In Iowa and South Dakota. Mis* Katherine Morse. 1019 Mich- iran avenue, gave a bridge party yes- terd»> afternoon. Fitty-nve guests were present. Mr.and Mrs. George F. Hardie, 911 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end With their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Grant of De Kalb. â€"Miss Louise Kim bark, 1015 Hinman avenue, has issued invitations for a tea to be given Friday afternoon. Jan. 2. at the Woman's club. " Mr. a"d Mrs. Charles F. Morse, 1019 Michigan avenue, will have as their Christmas guest their son, Mr. Frank- lyn Morse of Ashville, N. C. Mrs ('. I.. Rising. 847 Judson ave- nue, was hostess at a luncheon, fol- low >d by a box party at the Evanstoii theater. Saturday afternoon. Mr l-'dsar Blake, Jr., son of Rev. „nd Mrs. Kdgar fflafte, G12 Church stnet. is home for the hulldays-from- WYslevan university, Middletown, Conn. Mrs John Craig and daughter. Miss Ailsi-e. who have been visiting in Cin- cinnati. o\. left Sunday for St. Peters burg, Fla . where they will spend the winter Mr and Mrs. Sanger Steel and their daughter. Miss Harriet Steel, were . ntertained at a box party, given by Mrs Ceorge M. Pullman at the Sym- |,hon\ concert Saturday night. Sixty guests attended the dinner dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark Lewis, 1117 Church street, Sat- ipday evening in the club rooms of th.'nleaf Annex, Rogers Park. Mis. Otto A. Daniel of the Court apartment, entertained at cards Fri- day, nee. 12. M. and Mrs. A. N. Hoimrt won the first prize and Mrs. Charli s Browning the booby prize. Mr hick Hingeley has returned hoine from Wesleyan university, Mid- ill, [own. C( nn.. to spend the holidays witli his parents. Rev. arud Mrs. Joseph It.' Hingeley, 192<! Orrington avenue. Mrs Uohert Jared Bassett and Miss Martl.a Charles gave an informal tea Saturda> afternoon at the home of \ii- li.*.-sftt. I3t)l Forest avenue The itffuii »as in honor of Miss Lillian M.tF-tin and Miss Mary Ross. l-i'.u. ipal and Mrs. Nathan Wilbur n. tin r- i-eived at the academy recep li..ii i. ml. red Saturday evening at li~), bull to the students and their P......i- About 150 guests, pupils. tli- n parents and friends attended K.-v Joseph B. Hingeley, 192G Or riiiuton avenue, leaves this week for a trip to different points in Minne Puta. He will go to Kloodwood. Minn to visit his son, Mr. Myron W. Hlno'ley; returning home next Sun- (lav Mi Krank A. Gerould, 1200 Judson in on.. returned yesterday from Cornell university to attend the wed- dii.u of his sister. Miss Helen Louise C.-rouM and Robert Wells Cazear, wht. h will take place today, and to sp. ml the holidays. Mi and Mrs. Edward F. Carpenter, l 11 Hinman avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, t.> lames Chester Woodley of New Veils, formerly of Evanston. The an- nouncement was made Friday at a luncheon given by Miss Martha Charles, 1310 Hinman avenue, In hon- dr of Miss Carpenter. Mrs Charles F. Champlln, 2330 Or- rington avenue, had as her week-end guests Mrs. G. H. Stanger cf Boone, la. and Miss Charlotte Eichhorn of (In. aco. Both Mrs. Stanger and Miss EU-hhorn assisted" Mr. and Mrs. Champlln at their musical Friday evening. ____ Mrs. Arthur Goodwillje, 2616 PatR place, rtqplrne'd yesterday lrom Musko- gee, Okla. Mrs. J. J. Kearney; 2610 Lincoln .street, is planning to go abroad to be away all winter. Mrs." Douglas F. Fcsler, 909 Main street, who has been very ill for sev- eral weeks, is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Lunian R. Wing, 428 Greenwood^ boulevard, left Saturday for New York to be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Eben E. MacLeod, 930 Michigan avenue, left Monday for a week's trip to _New Y-Oxk__and_ Mon- treal. Mrs. J. R. Cosgrove of Le Sueur, iltnn,, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Gale, 2119 Lincoln street, will remain until after the new year. The Parents'-and Teachers' associa- tion of Lincoln school will give a char- ity ball Friday evening at Lincoln school for the benefit of the Visiting Nurse association. Mr. and Mrs. Alva J. Fisher, 840 Michigan avenue, recently visited their daughter, Mrs. Morgan Butler (nee Bernice Fisher), at her home In New Bedford, Mass. Miss Mary Potter, dean of women of Northwestern university, will take part In the sixth annual conference of deans and advisers in state universi- ties being held at Hotel La Salle, Dec. 17 18 and 19. Miss Ruth L. Connor, 1418 Elmwood avenue, who has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. E. J. O'Laughlln In Los An- geles, Cal., for six months, has arrived home. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E. J. O'Laughlln, and her j two nephews. Mrs. O'Laughlln and j her sons will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Connor, until spring. Louis J. Rioux, Jr, was surprised on his eighteenth birthday by twenty- seven friends Sunday at , his home, 1240 Chicago avenue. An oyster sup- per was served followed by games and M*»; A.- T. Fisher,52522 Jackson ave- nue, Is in Portlands Ore,;, where she will remain for three months. Miss Helen Harpham, 931 Maple avenue, returned Saturday from a trla to Northampton, Boston and Rutland, Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wlghtman, 7218 Ridge avenue, will entertain Mr. Wlghtman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Wlghtman of Bloomlngton, 111., -dur- ing the Christmas holidays. They will arrive some time next week. At the first meeting of the Alumnae association of the Sacredâ€"Heart held Satusday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Mrs. Frank H. Spearman Is In charge. Mrs. Harold Knapp Is on the program as ac- companist. Alderman William Eastman of the sixth ward and Mrs." Eastman have gone to Boston for a week's visit among relatives. Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central Street, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. Henry Mitchell, in Qarv, Ind. Miss Lillian, Johnson. 1015 Sheridan read, loft Thursday for Columbus, O.. where she will attend tho-wedding of her cousin. Later she will visit rela- tives In Cleveland, O.. returning homo before Christmas. Mr- and Mrs. J. j} Collins, 1713 Ridge avenue, have gone, to Minne- apolis, Minn., to spend the holidays with Mr. Collins' brother, Mr. William Collins. Mrs. Collins will not return before the first of February The North End Dancing club gave an Informal dance Saturday night at the Wllmette Woman's club. . „ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver of Harrison street have returned home from a ,vtott among relatives In the east. President A brain W. Harris of North western university will be a guest of honor at the eighty-ninth convocation reception to be held Fri- day, Dec. 19. at Hutchinson hall. Uni- versity of Chicago, from 8:"30 to 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. John Ellis, who has been vlsit- tpg her mother-in-law. Mrs. John El- lis, 2309 Sherman avenue, sTnee before: Thanksgiving, left SatuUday for her heme in Cleveland. Mr. Ellis came with Mrs. EllhFbut returned home Im- mediately after Thanksgiving. MADAME AUGUSTA HELEIN ONLY FRENCH DRAMATIC READER IN AMERICA Club and Society Engagements Dramatic end Operatic Interpretatic ns PROGRAMS and LECTURES 1246 Wilson Avenue CHICAGO 731 Fine Atts BuHdiBg Mechanical Toys ..5c and up teddy Bears .... 49c and up $1.00 Poodle Dogs, only 29c Armadillo Baskets Xmas Suggestions (AT MANUFACTURER'S COST) Special Bargainâ€"$15 Cmftlnatioir Go-Cart, Bad and HigBeHair, Mow$3.98 Mexican Curio Co- Two Stores: 164 N. 5th Ave. 13 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago music. Those presenT were Misses Estella Wood, Mae Hoffman, Alvlna Lipke, Bertha Losley. Manda Blish, Genevieve Stelgleman, Irene Rloux, Evelyn Rioux, Florence Wood, Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. George Gushwa, i Mrs. S. C. Wood, Mrs. !- J Rioux, '. Messrs, Effron Lipke, Buddy Rioux, j Sam Wood, Harry Hagen, Bill Lipke, Harry Wood, Wilbur Rloux, Stanley I Wood, Harold Rioux, Frank Wood, George Gushwa, Louis Rloux and Mr. iixl Mrs. De Br-eau of Ludlngton, ! Mich. ! The evening of 'living pictures" given at the Country club Friday even- ing was a great success. Eighteen tab h aux. as arranged by Mrs. Abbie Bird- 1 sail Phillips, who was assisted by Mrs. • J. G. Houston and Mrs. James R. ! Baker, were shown. The first four i tableaux were love scenes from Harri- son Fisher. Those taking part in 'them were as follows: "The Proposal," JMiss Gladys Burns and Donald Scott; i "The Trousseau." Miss Mildred Ar- ! mour; Miss Louise Tennis, Miss Sarah Washburn and Miss Rachel Embree; ; "The Wedding," Miss Billle Kirkman, ; Miss Bessie Robinson. Miss Margaret Armour. Miss Virginia â-  Montgomery and Howard Hoyt, Jr.; "First Evening iii Their Home," Miss Hillie Kirkman 1 and" Howard Hoyt, Jr. Among the so- ' fifty pictures from Du Mautier which followed was "Amenities of the Hon le\moon," Miss GrWheu Edgar and i Donald Kimbark. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Service for Ford Owners Reduced Prices for 1914 Runabout . Touring Gar Town Car . $500.00 55<MH> 750.00 Complete line of 1914 models on hand at our salesroom and service station. G. E. Holmes & Co. 510 Davis Street^Evanston Telephone Evanston ^S84 or Rogers Park 7886 EVANSTON THEATRE rT..T.„.:.TT^.-J*^ * QUANTS 2898-2899 FOUNTAIN SQUARE Evanston amusement Co., prop PHONES 2898-2899 H. L. MINTURN. MANAGER 5 Big Performances Commencing Thursday Matinee Dec. 18 OTHER MITINEE SATURDAY Grand Benefit for the Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department of the City of Kvanston EVANSTON STOCK COMPANY Presenting , WIT US vnvvvKlt. GOODHUE'S 60 Laughs a Minute Farce t,-omeay «« 99 One Long Continuous Roar of Laughter. F«r THIS ATTRACTION ONLY the price of ALL SEATS will be $1.0^. Dec. 16-17 "Barry of the Fusiliers" by local talent for the benefit of -----------„-----________Evansten Tuberculosis Institute.___________; FANCY BASKETS â€" 300 samples of Fancy Baskets. Sewing Baskets. Fruit Baskets. Fern Baskets. Baskets ot all kinds, at less than half regular price. HAND BAGS, COIN PURSES AND VANITY CASES IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Nowhere on the North Shore will you see so fine a display at such sensible prices. LEATHER BAGS, leather lined, a number of AQ styles priced at. . .............................^JTmsC HAND EMBROIDERED OPERA BAGS, >- ^ made of fine silk. Special for...................Oi'C I ♦1111*11111!»♦«|m1111|I ♦♦«11111II1111III 111 1111 Some Special Bargains in Women's Hand Bags and Vanity Cases.____ J ;oo neiK-fttvIc leather, silver and gold plated Vanity Cases and Hand Bags, a most appropriate Christmas gift. £|Q^ All <>f these worth more than our price.........• • JfOv Other Bags ami Cases up to $15.00. FANCY COMBS BARRETTES AND COMBS FOR GIFTS FANCY BACK COMBS, with Rhinestone AQn settings. Specially priced for................•â-  • •f'Sr V* Better qualities up to $5.00. FANCY BARRETTES, plain and Rhinestone •-eltings, for ............................... WOMEN'S FELT NULLIFERS In red, hlue, grey or brown, with-ueat fur trimmings and hand turned solos. An Ideal sift for the women, at.......... ifKm.. . 1.39 MEN'S ROMEO SLIPPERS Tliey ~«mkt> vary--pleasing gifts, besides- uiviiiK comfort to the wearer; in tan or Mack ; all sizes at ................... 1.50 Santa Glaus CHILDREN^ FELT NULLIFERS â€" In red or grey with fur trimmings to match; a very i^ood sift for the little tots; sizes SU QQ to 11, at..................JJ=f*yC Sizes .*. to s at 75c. MISSES' FELT NULLIFERS The\ conic in red or Rrev, with fur trimmings to match, ami they multe very pleasing gifts for the children; QQ sizes 11 Uj to J, at............................-FOC MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Made of Hongola kid, with good leather soles, in tan or OQ black, at ..........."00 ' » »- -*- ,ti if.ifc J â- â-  * â- Â» â- â€¢â-  -•â-  -•- â- â€¢â-  -»- j rTTTTTTT TTTTTTm 25c 111111111 11 I T • n T "â- " â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ......â-  â-  1 â-  â-  â-  â-  t j h «> ' "....."IT"~~'1~---------- â€"--------------â- â-  x m----_.----m------•â€"______. . >N I! Xmas Gifts for Ghifdren CHILDREN'S DRESSES of all wool serge, in hrown. navy and red, full plaited skirt. trimmed with silk ; sizes s to u years 2.98 asks you to 4o your shop- ping as early in the week and as early in the day as possible. REMEMBER Only 7 More Days GIRLS' RAIN CAPES, made n't good rubberized sateen, guaranteed rainproof. hood lined with fancy plaid, with *J|5P xchiM'l bag, in Xm.i box. for ......... 2.50 A FUR SETS â€"t hildren's Fin^K. of black and l>r.>wn cnuey. satin linedf in Xmas l><>x................. 3.98! CHILDREN'S COATS, r (\(\ j special offer at............xJmKJKJ - Umbrellas GOOD QUALITY SILK AND LINEN â€" Guaranteed rainproof umbrellas ; very attractive handle of many kinds; each with silk case and in holly box, ^ OC at....................UmuO CHILDREN'S UMBRELLA â€" A practical gift for CAj* Xmas...................D\j\j MEN'S UMBRELLASâ€"A suit- able gift A large variety, made of good material, with attractive handles; ^ f\f $5.00 down to........X «VU PERFUMES Great assortment of Holiday Perfumes. Put up from the very finest extracts. J^-ounce fancy bottle.........25c 1-ounce fancy bottle....... .49c 2-ounce fancy bottle........98c American Beauty, Stolen Sweets, Lily of the Valley .Princess Vio- let "and White Rose Perfumes, bv the ounce, only...........39c SaJe^wmnetiJ&anted in all Sections. Apply Gift Books Suitable gifts for young and old. Why pay high prices for them when we have hundreds below regular price? Fairy stories, mod- ern novels, classics of all sorts, irom 5c upwardsr Beautifully Illustrated Fairy Talesâ€"Dot and Totâ€"Santa Claus â€" Wizard of Oz â€" More About Live Dolls â€" The Enchanted Island of Yewâ€"The Live Dolls in Wonder Landâ€"The Pearl and the Pumpkinâ€"The Magical Mon- arch. Leather Padded Gift Volumes â€" Poe's Poems â€" Cranfordâ€"Court- ship of Miles Standishâ€"Lady of the Lakeâ€"Black Beautyâ€"Whit- tier â€" Wonder Book â€" Lalla Rookhâ€"Lowell's Poems. 25c The Man Without a Country â€" Swiss Family Robinsonâ€"Mill on the Flossâ€"Quo Vadisâ€"Pickwick Papersâ€"Middlemarchâ€"The Vi- car of Wakefield â€" The Scarlet Letterâ€"The Sketch Bookâ€"Silas Marnerâ€"Under Two Flagsâ€"St Elmo â€" Hans Brinkerâ€"Treasure Island â€" Her Raraom â€" Boy Scouts â€"Curse of Clifton â€"The White Company â€" Thaddeus of Warsaw. TEA APRONS TEA APRONS for Christmas jtift*, of fine\vhitc .hlicjex:..lawil, JIL a large assortment of styles and patterns, prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery, ^fi*« TEA APRONS, of fine white dotted Swiss and - cross-barred dimity, lace and ribbon trimmed, make beautiful Xmas gifts..................â-  WOMEN'S PRINCESS APRONS, made of good quality percale, in light patterns, in neat checks and figures, ricrac ^Cf% braid trimmed ..........Cl^\j MAIDS' APRONS, plain band or brittelle style, deep hem- ^Cf* stitched hem ...........Ll^Xj WOMEN'S SEWING APRONS of fine lawn, lace and AjSLi* ribbon trimmed..........TvV COVERALL APRONS, wom- en's kimono aprons, of good qual- ity percale, in neat checks, figures and stripes, piped in CO#* contrasting colors........D*\* INFANTS' MITTENS, of fine wool yarn, in white ^^#* and colors..... ........Ci^Xj INFANTS' SILK MITTENS, plain or fancy stitch, each pair in Xmas box... ._:;_ • GLOVES FOR XMAS GIFTS. in fine French kid, in pTfcfcTwhite and colors, well made and perfect in fit, each pair in a pretty Xmas box.... WOMEN'S GLOVES, made of imported kid, with double row stitching on back, in black, tan and brown; each pair ^Tft/% in holly box.............|7v WOMEN'S IMPORTED GLOVES, for street or dress wear, wide range of styles in heavy embroidery stitched backs, each pair in a Xmas Hj Cft box..................1 JL a J" CHILDREN'S GLOVES FOR BOYS AND GIRLSâ€"Lined kid gloves and mittens, also gauntlets.......... Gloves for Xmas gifts, in white and black French kid in 16-button lengths, extra broad stitchings on backs, one pair in ^| jQO holly box............,wf*K 9 '" ~~. ~._ â€" : \:~----- •-.'-â-  .' ... SELLS THING at once* ., .. is the time to exchange yow^Trad^ ing^ Stamp Books for^ Christmas Gifts.

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