Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1913, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1913. MS SPIRIT NEWSPAPERS ARE BEST PUBLICITY AGENTS Pastor Says That Newspapers r%IC IWIUOI trigrrrrrow vi nil Publicity Agents._____ i.............I...............*.................."'* Want Ad DepM^riieiit; The Lake Sliiw^iNews TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE 1487 WantAds in t|»e Lake^Skore News arTcbarged TttfiTTolIowing nus Real Estate Classifications. 7 'i cents per line. ,11 Otaer-CUssifteattom. 5 cents-pef-Jinef "The Cominp Christmas and thelPossibiJity of War With Mexico," Wasif*al)^s Subject Yesterday. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents The daily paper Is the most dlgni-I Ml M 111111111II11 â-  I â-  I * H â- â-  I â- "! 111III â-  §** ' ' ' ' ' ' M ' a ' ** fied. appropriate and effective metnod j TELLS OF YEARS OF PEACE "The Coming Christmas and the Pos- sibility, of the War with Mexico" was pr M^Btvppn'B rather strange topic ;of church advertising. An advertise- I ment in a clean newspaper enterin.-; the home receives more careful and ; thoughtful attention than a circular sent through the mails." This Is the opinion of the Rev. Christian F. Reisner." pastor of the IGrace. ^ Method[ist_ Episcopal church, New York, who has Just published a (book entitled. "Church Publicity," in which he gives his experience in two cities, Denver and New York, where he has built up declining congrega- tions into large and commanding one3 through the methods which lie advo- SITUATIONS WANTED ! SITUATION WANTED â€" .DRESS j making in families; alterations, coats, dresses. Phone 3181-W, Ev I anston. ___________ ltji , EXPERT DRESSMAKER. WISHES^ places by day; best references. Ad-, dress Box 463, Phone 320, Lake For- est. _- 6w-ltp DAY TO SITUATION WANTED â€" AS work. Phone Eyarstdn 4612. \VIffd W "LADY WOULD"" LIKE at the Evanston Congregational churc't Sunday. It was a historic study with, a suggestion, that the coming Christmas might so create the spirit of good will in men's hearts that all thought of war with -Mexico would dis- appear. "On Christmas eve, 1811, the treaty of ||b*nt, that established peace be tween Great Hritain and the United States, was signed," he said. "For ninety-nine years peace lias been main- tained between the great mother and this daughter nation. NexT'year at Christmas time we "will celebrate 100 years of- peace among the English- speaking people of the world. Already preparations, are being madejor that_ celebration. On Dec. :: and 4, at Rich uiond, Va., the committee having this celebration in charge met. To Celebrate AbrcadT "On the other side of the ocean preparations are also being made. Sul- _rave~ aiaiiur; the English Itonfe of Ui<* Washington family, has been pur- chased, and the English manor house is being repaired and restored tone come the shelter of all the visual evi-. dences of good will and friendship be- tween these two nations. "Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts has Just published a book entitled One Hundred Years of Peace.' He shows how, while there has been an absence of war, the rela- tions between the two nations have am friendly during^ =th£sc Ine >ears. During that ____jtinia there were manyperilous mo ments. Through many interruptions ~ and much bitterness on both "sides" these two countries have come now to a genuine friendship. "Both England*and America are yet somewhat provincial New Engtani makes too much of the souvenirs of -*-â„¢-yn'e"""WaT"T)f~trre~Re v ol u I Imr.â€"Ohl~Errg^ land makes too little of that war The histories studied in English schools are strangely reticent about the Revo- " ~ Tutlonary war, while our American histories are a wee bit boastful But cosmopolitanism is on the increase Lord Landsdowne is the authority for saying that Christmas had a Rood deal to do with the generous terms or the treaty of Ghent, and we all know that Christmas had a good deal to do with averting war with these two tia tions when- Mr. Cleveland was presl- dent of the United States." A Boundary Dispute cates Bells the Only Way. •The ringing of the church bell wa:= the old way of advertising church services and the church steeple the old way of pointing th<- thoughts of the people heavenward, but now a more effective way is through the news paper and the printed page," he said "Only hermits now do without^read ing the daily paper. Consequently th« person who desires to get a hearing must in one way or the other speak through the papers. A newspaper ad vertisement is particularly adopted to attract the attention. .Q.f...the. man who d6<s not ordinarily attend church Banks as Lesson. - â- â€¢â€¢] lie-^tt-tircli that- is conservative and- fear- that publicity will indicate a d" slre for cheap sensationalism ma> take a lesson from the hanks. Ten years agr> no bank would advertise for fear that it would create a suspicion as to its financial soundness. Now a bank cannot do business without ad- vertising, and the people are afraid of a bank that does not publish its co.i ditiun and facts proving its solidity. "Gen. I loot h of the Salvation Arm). Henry Ward Meecher, I). L Moody, Gipsy Smith,- "Billy' Sunday, and .1 Wilbur Chapman have all been exten- sive advertisers."' take care of clrttdrenn sewing, or do anything useful, dress W 376, Lake Shore News. Ad- ltc FOR SALE â€" PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our Gram-Richtsteig player piano. This player Is made with a steel angle rail action. See this player before buying. Square piano ................$ 25.00 Kimball ...................... 125.00 Kimball player............... 40.00 Also Bush &. Gerts, Fisher, A. B. Chase. Chlckerlng. M. Stein way. These are high-grade; 75 and 88-note music rolls, 25 cents each. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. Open Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday even- ings. FOR SALE - FOUR-RQQM BUNGA- low large enclosed sleeping porch., lot 50x210; a saving of $400 if taken now instead of in spring. Phone I 1349 Wilmette. ' --------1 ;j WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW â€"PRIVATE partv wants $2,500 loan on new- home, now built and worth $8,o00.: Write or Phone Winnetka 434. Ben P. Kiefer, 1341 Asbury-av., Hubbard Woods. They always satisfy and arealwaysappreciated ltc POUNDâ€"MASONIC CHARM IN WIL- mette. Inquire of T. M. Simmons, 110 Fifth-su Wilmette.. ltc MISCELLANEOUS FIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR ance Company of Liverpool, largest tn FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS SUITE OF ROOMS OR SINGLE room with or without board; near Northwestern depot. Lake Forest. Phone 320. Box 463. ltp Foil RENT â€" TWO PLEASANT rooms with best of table board. 731 Tenth-st., Phone Wilmette 992-J. 2w-4tc FOR SALEâ€"TWO POODLE PUP-, .pies. 2'i months, old: suitable for j Xmas present. Phone 331 Kenil- ivurlh^â€"Maceu* -Sthtu-id*, AV-e-st Ken- II worth-aw ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS j including table, chairs, bedroon set. dishes, rugs and miscellaneous articles. 1322 Central av., Wilmette. Phone 1158. He ~FTfe rmsuxahce company 1 world, insures dwellings, household goods, rent; lowest rates. Charles A. Wightman & Co.. resident agents. Phone 20;;. lle We carry a complete line of gift books of ALL PUBLISHERS, also a magnificent showing of Bibles, Testaments and Hymn Books. See out display of Calendars, Booklets and Christmas Novelties. Subscriptions taken for ALL MAGAZINES. Headquarters for Bibles of All Kinds. THE 1018-1024 Wabash Avenue Chicago, Illinois WANTED- HOME FOR BEAUTIFUL Maltese kitten, female, gentle, well trained pet. Phone 363, Wilmette. ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT â€" GROOM â€"house.-----}:i22 Central-av MODERN Wilmette. FOR SALEâ€"BOYS" BICYCLE, 18- inch frame; good condition. Steu- art Sherman, 1030 Hubbard-lane, Hubbard Woods, 111. Phone Win- netka 172. 5w-2tc FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES 1580 Sherman-av 39w-tf ltc FOR RENT- -.7 ROOM "HOUSE ANL garage in North Evanston; all im- provements except electric light. Phone 232-Wilmette. 5w-2tc BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARDâ€"FOR .MAN AND wife or for two young men. Tel. Winnetka 53C-J. ' ltp What He Says. The author comments on newspaper men as follows: "Newspaper men are absolutely 'trustworthy if put on their mettle-!lid hntttrr.--Tt W Ernst to fat perfectly frank with them, telling them all the fact"! and th"ii notifying them what they can use and what not to give to the public. If you give them a full under- standing of the situation, even if they are not to publish everything, the: will ^ei the atmosphere of the stor." and easih can leave out things which ought not he told A minister ought never to be too busy to see a news paper man. and at no time should he turn down a rfuuest tor an article i; it is possible for him to accede to it "The newspaper man is intelligent, hlHiare, s> . all<l VV«II equipped to know til. W ill (.1 Hit- p.-ople and to put it Into thought His training gives him abiliO to understaml the peo 1554 ASBURY-AV., THE ASBURY, Evanston, rooms single and en suite, excellent cuisine; special rates for winter. ltc FOR SALE____ JimK HA4 j£-£US WING M AC HIN ES taken in trade on our new Singer Rotary. Do iiot buy Do "not buy" a .cheap new machine, buy one of these used ma- chines We wttl take it back at pur- chase price on new one at any time. New Home.....................?5.00 Standard ...................... ^0 Singe,- ............. ........... 800 Wheeler & Wilson.............. 8.00 Aiso +tn-!f»-â€"annortnt*>Bi -<+f-â€"»h+n>-w-«*!;a machines at very low prices. It will pay von to see us before buying. Kasv pa>ni>-nt8. Patterson Bros., lf>2'.' Sherman av. Evanston. ltc I EAVINO WILMETTE WILL SELL Bak-i > Iccllie tar, some fancy ph...rants fur bleeding, thorough- bred chickens and furniture. Phone i:;4:« Wilmette. THE FINEST GIFT Is JEWELRY You may make your selection now, pay a small deposit and we will deliver whenever you wish. Nothing makes a more satisfactory or enduring gift than jewelry. Yon will find hundreds of articles here for ornament and use and at prices to suit your requirements. Shopping at this store is easy and convenient. Check over this list and let us help you to pick out just the gifts you are looking for. CUT GLASS We are exclusive agents for Hawkes Cut, Glass. Nothing - finer is sold in Chicago, New York or London. A wldo range of styles, patterns and uricm___________«=________ DIAMONDS Mounted and Unmounted. We especially invite inspec tion from those, who, are well versed in diamond values. CLOCKS Cuckoo Clocks Chime Clocks Mantel CIock"i If you have never yet patronized this store, you will be surprised at the variety and quality of our stock and the very reasonable prices Open evenings until Christmas. A. RODELI US For the Attention of My Many Evanston Patrons FOR THE M01TTH OF DECEMBER I WILL MAKE DURING DECEMBER $65 SUITS FOR $45 ___$50 SUITS FOR $35â€" This Will Include the Best Material and Silk or Skinner Satin Lining. H.A.ROPINSKI No piece with- out this. Trade Mark on it Is cnuine. HAmtue^ High Grade Ladies' Tailor 1137 WILSON AVENUE CHICAGO OPEN EVENINGS FORMERLY AT 508 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Telephone 2635 827 DAVIS STREET Lake Shore News Ads Bring Results llf.,-ds Dr. McElveen told how that Kng land and, Venezuela had for many years disagreed as to the houudar> line between Venezuela and British Guiana. "Poor, weak. Impoverished Venezuela sought more than once t<> arbitrate that question, hut Knglam' haughtily refused, and kept pushing the boundary line toward the Oronoco river. Venezuela broke off diplomatic relations and the United States offered its good offices, but. Ivngland u;ih ik>» in the conciliatory mood. So on !>;â- < 17. 1&&S. President Cleveland sent a ~~ Message to congress in which h" mail talned that it was the duty <>l" t- â- â€"tfrrtted States to resist i>> every mean* 7 Die wJIffil aggressions or Great Bri â€" tain. He deplored war, Jrat he rrratHr" ed that the people of the l*n7t. d Stale-, would refuse to supinely submit to wrong and injustice This \iswnH â-  and determined language surwrl*< d England and annoyed Wall gtrem l:ut the people stood. . behind President Cleveland. For eight d.-iys affairs wrr JOHN G. SHAFFER TO ACT AS SAUTA CLAUS hf Publisher of the Evening Post to Present City Employes With Turkeys. Showing his gratitude for services p< rfMi-liied, J. <" Shaffer, 1704 .ludson aseiute, of Kvamstou. tiie Chicago pub- li;lnr, will again act Santa Clans to the nieuiher.s of the EvausLon police aid fire department this year when h< will present each of these city em- pluyi.s \siih a large turkey. Mr. Shaf- 1. r has wrlLt.enJ„'l|.i',r of I'olice. Shaffer Marshal Carl Harrison ask- ing for a list of the emplovex in the dubious. There were tumors of ««••. aye, preparationk for war Then came Christmas, and tie-, pulpits of l.oth lands preached about tiie angel i horns of peace and good will toward nx n. and war was averted ____"Now we face liie_ pftftHlhilitles of I fo| two departments There are thirty-one ol ill (lollee (h partinent and thirty-five fir f1ctif< is. Kneh will ti-er-ivf n tilrk« d. Livered at his home the dav' befor Chriptinns. Mr. Shaffer has lurk- is to the | o|| i atii > hi istmas f' years The public fnl for the gift been distributing emeu and fir. m>"n the last eight "tviints are grate another war, n war with" <Tur~nelgblRrFâ€" -en thei-aonth__Ons of the four great enemies of man is war. The other three are poverty, pestilence and famine. " War Is the sum of the fn- liumanitles. It fs fratricide It '.i murder in uniform. Tt is the trade or barbarians, ft is hell. Christianity â€" STATE WANT& SUARBSr1 The state needs more guards on its lists for emplo) ment tit the penitcn tiaries at Chester tuid Jollet, the r< formatory at Pontine and the hospital at Chester, and will hold an examina Tion Tin Jan. ?,. p.u I. aT Miir|di>-*shoro, and the entire democratic movement 1b against war. But wars--areâ€"sorntr- times necessary. War may be a lesser evil In the presence of a greater evfl Anarchy is worse than war: so Is slavery 7 Tt Is befferto be a bleeding eonqaaeaE or n dy-ing-soldler than an abj«ct »lav-'+ But war has no pride or pomp. It itrn deyilish thing. Every "war, if successful, Is a calamity Christ was the prince of Peace. Of "me increase ol His peace mere will bo no end. May this Christmas sea- Ron with all its good will and hroth- S;.t Til gfield and Ch lea get -~ = Application will be received at SFririrfteuT up To~TT T1 m.. Wednesday, 1 iee jt, i!ii:: Tiie salary ranges from $1."> to $0"i »Tth maintenance. The ap- plication must be accompanied by a recent nfrnto of the applicant (a postal will doi, Candidates tmi~t be between 25 and i>5 years of age, not less than 5 I<,('1 ? inches tall and wfigh noflesS than 150 pounds. â€" The t v.uniiuilluir .will be icryprac-" tical and will cover the applicant'.? (raining arid-experience, his knowledge :;=%rh~ooa n>Ske~TiTeii caase talking'sbotrf of the dtities hn has to perform. A jearefnL physiEaLftast. will be iu.chided. 'AfMftd _____ For Convenience Of Shoppers 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. During this period, 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., three trains run continu- ously around the Loop on the outside tracks, stopping at each station at ;>-iTrrnute intervals. Shoppers Coming Down Town on the Northwestern Elevated may leave their train at Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. and, without leaving the pi' itform, transfer to 'Around the Liop" trains. This enables passengers to reach any station on the Loop without using tin- transfer bridges. Shoppers Homeward Bound in iy board Northwestern Elevated trains direct from Loop stations on Wabash Ave. and Lake St., e^d South Side Elevated trains direct from stations on Fifth Ave. and Van Buren St. "Around the Loop" trains may_ he. used to connect with any train run- in? on the outer Lo >p track with nit need of using the transfer bridges. Use the Elevated for Chopping UNIVERSAL TRANSFERS- Five Cent Fare to any Point in the City AvoivLcxowded streets. Shoppers will find the Elevated particularly convenient during the Holiday shopping. The Elevated will take you within a few steps of any of the large stores in the Loop district, with sheltered connections into sevrraLjoi-theuudiret t from station platforms. ^ Take the Elevated to Grand Opera It should be remembered that Northwestern Elevated patrons can go direct to and from Northwestern Elevated trains at Congress St. and Wabash Ave. ., THOUllDilHlDOrjll^I Manager 222-224 WEST MADISON STREET, Near Fifth Avenue "L" Station Franklin 3955 for Telephone Orders One Word of complaint about high priees for, Christmas table needs from the "Randolph" customers. They're mighty well sati>hed with the low prices they pay and more than satisfied with the high quality they receive. TTere is an excellent opportunity to prepare for your lioliday spreads and dinners at remarkably low pricesâ€"and yet get the very finest grade of food. We give S & H. or Fish's stamps with every purchase Three automobile deliveries a week- reaching all ihe North Shore points. Charge accounts are respectfully invited. Double 'S.&H.' or Fish Stamps All DayFridayJ C^,0!Tl<"%T A T Peterson's Swedish Milkr Ol^HrV^x/TLl-/ Wafers, a 25c value for 19c 10 LBS. GRAN. SUGAR, WITH ORDER .... .40c 10 bars Fels-Naptha S«>ai>..............39c Shredded Wheat Bis cuit. per pkg.......10c Duff's Gingerbread Mo- lasses. 2.r»c value. . 19c Diamond Match Co.'s Double Dip Matches 15c Raisins pr Currants. 3 1>1<KS. for ..........29c 8 lb. box fancy Prunes for .......98c Special for this saleâ€" Citron, Orange or Lem- Curtis' California Ripe <m P^eh --for-thte sale, Olives, 25c can.....15c per lb.............18c Renroh, fancy, large Curtiss Bros.' 1 lb, cms, Hawaiian Pineap- Plum Pudding, 30c val.. pl>-. _'".c can, doz..$2.75 special for this sale 21c Special: 20 oz. jar Pi- New England Mince men to Stuffed Olives. .Meat. ?, pkgs. for...25c ::.> value, jar......19c Sprague - Warner Co.*« For this sale onlyâ€" 20 oz. jar Mince Meat Upton's Yellow Isabel for ................23c Tea, per lb.........59c "j, 'b. cans Star. Lob Spanish Sweet Peppers, ster, 35c can, 3 cans 15c value, can......10c for ..............$1.00 Save Money in Our Butter Dept .Mountain Brook Creamery liutter, best to bo had lb. ............ Pure very per ..34c r, 11.-. well packed.$1.65 STri'cTly fresh EgiS, aTT guaranteed, doz. ...39c Holland Creamery But- Cudahy's Pure Fig ter, pure and sweet, 1 Marmalade,. 1 lb. jars, lb. cartons, this sale, for this sale.......23c l)er *b..............40c Pure White Clover White Clover Honey, Honey, ia jars 23c & 49c comb, each ......19! 2c Genuine old Elgin Creamery Butter _ Herkimer. Style, good to the last White Cheese, this sale, ounce, per lb......30c per lb. . ....,......., 25c 5 lb. pail.........$1,45. Save Money in Our Meat Bep% Be sure and leave your Native Rib Roast Beef, orders early for your, per lb...........20'/2C Christmas T u r k e y s,| short Leg Southdown Geese, Ducks and Mutton, per lb Chickens. Our prices are positive.y the "ow-, ^^"OP Spring Lamb est in the city ,$«»• '^loj;^ Selected Hindquarter j Jier jD 22'/>c Summer Lamb. lb. .15!4c Sweet" Pickled' Salt Little Pig Loin Roast, Pork, per lb......17}/2c per lb. ...;..------1/!X2eJ 9peclal Berkshire Sliced Bacon, in 1 lb. cartons, for this saler,, L,. .31c Fresh or Pickled Ox .1V/2c Tongues, per lb. .17J£e Fresh Pork Tendefloin,_ per lb. ,...........^3c Swift's Premium or Ar- mour's Star Whole Hams, per lb.....ZOi^c Fresh Bell-Shaped Leaf 53» mm Lard, per lb. ....12'/2c mmmmm â- â- -

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