Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1913, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSPAY-DECEMBEI* 2fc M»13. ; What People U*> in Evanston m* Charles H. Hathaway, 817 For- ♦ Ivenue, has gone to Elkhart. Ind., spend Christmas /with hfer parents. «r and Mrs- O. W. Youngquist will a family dinner Christ- mas da> nue. _ _Mis8__Mar^arjet_Erei!man_Js hoxat, from California. William' C. Levere is home from a business trip to fcew York City. Mr. Arthur L. Spriukle, 2023 Sher- man avenue, is in New York City jon, business. Mr* and Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt, .1575 i Ashland avenue, gave a dinner-bridge Friday evening. Mrs. Paul Dilg, 2330 Park place, en Mrs. Maria W. Anderson", 2327 Ridge avenue, will spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sutherland, In Chicago. ------ _c v _ Mrs. Louise Bangs Ferguson^ 746 Michigan avenue, had as her guest for a week Mrs, A. K, Patterson ol Naw York City, who has now left for Los Angeles. Cal., where she will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tletgens and family, 1622 Forest avenue, left Mon* day for their country hdnielh; Ken- tucky to spend Christmas. :~Mrs. yCharlesjQ. Dawes, Greenwood boulevard and Sheridan road, is one of the box holders for the charity ball and artists' fete io be given the even- ing of Jan. 9 in the First Regiment armory. ; Mr. A.; Miles Wright returned Sun- day from Cornell for the Christmas holidays. _. . Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Richardson and sun. Pierce, 2712 Harrison street, have gone to Malta, 111., for the holidays. The Delta Delta Delta sorority of Northwestern university gavr. their Christinas dance Friday evening "at the j Winnotka Woman's club. MADA ME AUGUSTA H E L EIN ONLY FRENCH DRAMATIC READER IN AMERICA Club and Society Engagements Dramatic and Operatic Interpretations PROGRAMS and LECTURES CHICAGO" , ?3I Fine Arts Building 1246 Wilson Avenue J ai luncheon Friday. â€" . a„d Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt and j Dr- w- c- Henderson, 2611 Prairie Jwjia". 202a Park place, will leave avenwe. ha» returned from a visit to Mr. Cyrus Williams, 2607 Park jS^foV'Topeka and Independence, [Union City, Mich Kwr<5 los C. Falcon, 818 Reba place, j one to Tampa, Fla., for the win-rjtary school in Wisconsin to spend the &aS g0J. ...;„ nrnh<ihiv remain until I Christmas vacation. ,r his. G. Falcon, 818 Reba place,] Place, returned Saturday from a milt- D»e ti She will probably remain until V*rll | Mr. and Mrs. N. Lovell White, 909 H N Kelsey, 1046 Ridge ave- Michigan avenue, are spending the returned Sunday from New j holidays in Cambridge. Mass.. with vUe'k to spend the holidays with his Mrs. Whites parents. rzu,. Mrs. J. D. Neilson, Sr., and family and Mrs. J. J. Collins of the.have recently moved from Cincinnati. uJpwood apartments have postponed j O., and have taken a house at Harri h fr Minneapolis visit until after the son street an* Pioneer road. S\t Year. ! Mr- and Mrs- John Somerville, 229 * Mary h Rnvee. 1710 Asbury j Main street, will leave tomorrow for n„i. and Mrs. William B. Burch! *emucky to visit Mrs. Somenllle's 8 , lu have gone to Florida to spend P"ents, Mr. and Mrs. Patten. t weeks I Mr- Franklin Morse. 1019 Michigan *L Misses Bartelme with their fvenue rejF°ed from ,^v,ille' N' ?' ,Te Miss' Jeanette Bartelme, 721 :J» 8Pen*Chrtstmas with his parents, S e idan road, have gone to Austin to Mr and Mrs- charle8 F- M°"«- d Christmas----------- Mr- and Mrs- R- E- Spencer Geare, ""mL Florence' Reckitt, ttWmmr*® Main street are Hi Baltimore, MQ~ ovpnue will spend ChrlBtmas in Rome,! and later they will visit in Philadel- ?tal> ' She will sail Jan. 3 on the' Ph*a. New York and Washington. steamship Lusltania for home. I Miss Ruth Allen gave a small Miss Estelle G. Marsh of the Ham- dinner at her home, 1626 Hinman ave- Hton arartmehts gave a 500-party.: hue, Monday preceding the Delta Kap- Monday evening in honor of the Misses j pa Phi dance at the Country club. Sylvia and Ruth Campbell of Rogers j Miss Mary Buchanan, 1426 Chicago Park. | avenue, entertained a few friends Miss Louise Nichols, 839 Judson j at dinner Monday, preceding the Delta avenue, returned Saturday from Tus-1 Kappa Phi dance at the Country club. cola. Ill-, for the holidays. Miss Mar-j Mr. Donald H. Wattley has returned guerite Nichols returned Friday from * from Kenyon college to spend the holf- Wellesley. j days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Ward, 2512 I John Berkeley Wattley, 2913 Harrison Park place, will leave Wednesday -Dec. j street. 31, tor their new home in Newton Cen- Mrs. Mary H. Bovee and Mrs. W. A. ter. mar Boston, Mass., where Mr. Burch and son of 1710 Asbury avenue Ward will take up his lecture courseJ jeft this week for the east coast of Mi>s Lucille Howard gave a j Florida, where they will spend a few Christmas party Wednesday at the i weeks. parish house of St. Luke's church. The j Mr an(1 jyfrs Chester Addison Bush, party was given for the members of 12310 Harrison street, are receiving Miss Howard's class. congratulations upon the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Mahin, for-1 son Chester Addison, Jr., Friday merly of Evanston, now of 999 Lake ' morning. Shore drive. Chicago, will give the j Mrs. James Surpless, 849 Ridge ave- dansant Wednesday, Dec. 31, in honor | nue is entertaining Mrs. F. L. R. of their daughter, Miss Margaret Ma- j Sweet of Boston, Mass. Mr. Sweet hin. arrived Saturday to spend the boll- Miss Kstella G. Marsh of the Hamll- (jays here. ton apartments gave a party Tuesday | Miss Katherine Knowlton, who is at- evenin? for Misses Sylvia and Ruth: tending Vassar college, is spending Campbell of Rogers Park. Those who jthe holidays with her parents, Mr. and yjll ;.ssist in rPPPlvlTUT arfl the MlSBOBi V1-.1 fj n tfW»Wl^nx^Ul Hinman HeUu Irwin. Helen Hotchkin, Marga-! avenue, ret HinKeley and Cornelia Bosch. j Miss Gladys Anderson is "ht home Mr Morris C. Leigh,-1025 "Elmwood: from Dennison university, Granville, avenue, leaves Friday /or New York, j o., to spend Christmas with her m^ \vh«re he sails Jan. 10 on the steam-' ther, Mrs. John Anderson, 2505 Har ship ('arinania for London, on a com-j tray avenue. blind trip of business and study. Mr.; Mrs. Ada Somers McWade of New l.einli will be gone several months and : York and Mrs. Joseph Somers of New- will \i^u continent centers before re-j ton, Kan., both former residents, are turning to Evanston. 'visiting their sister, Mrs. W. T. Hall, J!i« Helen Bloomfleld, superintend 1 1868 Sheridan road. mi uf nurses of the Evanston hos Mrs. Raymond Haas, who has been piti.i 1. ,ivt-s Saturday to accept a posi j living for the past year at 1411 Chica- tioi- at tlie West Side hospital, Chi- go. avenue, left Monday for her home ca*<. Mlie. will be succeeded by Miss | in gan Francisco. Mr. Haas will join Mal>H Morgan, who has recently given | his wife in the early spring. up her position in a Lansing. Mich.. S Mr an(l MrB. Clinton Merrick have ho-pital to come here. : returned from their wedding trip and Mr and Mrs. Nathan W. Williams j wiU be at home at 1322 Hinman ave- »ill .„t,i tain today at a matinee din-jnue until after the holidays. Mrs. ii<-r dance in the ball room of their | Merrjck lWa8 Miss Gertrude Lake. nj w home on Sheridan road. The I Mr Qeorge Wittbola and Miss Ma- gu< sis' of honor are TOtss Elizabeth I t!lda wittbold have-Issued invitations Williams, who is home from Miss j for a Christmas party to be held Tues- Wriuht's school, and Miss Elizabeth day evening, Dec. 30, at their home, HmkiiiKham of Pasadena. I Central street, near Reese avenue. Ms Alice Mosley was hostess Sat-; ^r Leslie Blair., who has been con- ..u„v ;,fU-moon at her home, ?08-For- j nocted with the United States navy • m i.v-nue, at a tea in honor of Miss , for Beverai years, returned Sunday to Ati- I..I.1.- Hempstead. Those who as-|spend the holidayB wIth his parents, siM i uere Misses Gladys Beyers, j Mr and Mr8. John Bialr> 1907 Central Fnu,..-, Charles, Helen Connor, Lil-; gtreet lian Kwter, Louise Kimbark, Marion J Among the out-of-town guests at the Reynolds, Virginia Montgomery and j Gerouid,Lazear wedding were Miss Emma Towne. » 1 Helfen Norrls of Hot Springs, Va.; Miss Estelle G. Marsh of the Hamil-;Misa EmUy Muth of Cincinnati. Mrs. ton apartments has issued cards for-a | Blakegtey of Kansas, City, Mo.; Mr. rec.-inion Monday afternoon, Dec. 29. â-  clarence 0ttor Qf Detroit. Mich.: Miss fro,„ P. to 5. in honor of the Misses unian Deisel of Uma, O.; Mr. Lynn s:. :â- .:., i.nd Kuth Campbell of Rogers Tlmmernian 0,â-  Llma, q.; Dr. and Mrs. , Dallette of Goshen. Ind f♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦»♦♦ i| Open Wednes- i; day Night, Dec. i 31 till 10 o'clock i |i CLOSED AH j UNew Year's Day For 8 Daysi beginning Saturday, December 27 and ending Saturday, January 3 we will offer »»»♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦»♦»»»♦»»♦ on all classes of merchandise. Here is an opportunity || p.pp^j T It to buy many things at cost and for less than cost \> . - iit IJ6??^!! \\7 * a - i u c . . :: night till 9 o'clock n We must reduce our stock before inventory time. ♦ttt^tMMMMMM.......jj ALL DAY****^ TUESDAY FURNITURE BARGAINS $12.00 Genuine Elastic Cotton Felt Mat- ^^ m m tresses, 55 and Q^^ 60 lb?,...... ...0= $10.00 GOLDEN OAK DRESSERS, French plate mirrors, -_ * â€"" at.......................7.45 $12.00 BRASS BEDSâ€"2-inch post.', several styles, best Q £Z.C lacquer, full size only......O.Od $8.00 ENAMELED IRON BEDSâ€" Continuous posts, 3 styles, best ball-bearing casters, *? a r at ............â-  'â- ........0.45 $12.00 BRUSSELS RUGSâ€"Size 9x 12. several patterns in Q "7 C soft colors...............O. / v) $30.00 AXMINSlCER RUGSâ€"Extra heavy weave, all-over and medal- lion centers; ,» * â€" « 9x12 at ..............'.£4.0U $1.50 GQLON1AL--RAG RUGSâ€" Size 36x72, colors brown, light blue, dark blue, green and | - q yellow ....................I. i }r 40c FIBRE MATTINGâ€"Made of a tough, elastic fibre; OQi* very durable; yard.........£*oC 40c RAG CARPETâ€"8 warps to the Inch; dark colors; *« yard .......................£OC $3.00 GAS RADIATORSâ€"Six tubes. bronzed base and top, 1 (\Q at ........................I .S/O $5.00 KITCHEN CABINET TA- BLESâ€"Two large flour 2 o r bins, at........ ........J.OJ on all remaining toys, including many all-the- year-round playthings. ♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Pre-Inventory Prices make it worth your while to lay in plentiful supplies. This Coupon and will buy two 10c cans of N u w a y Pork and Beans. Richelieu Brand, Sifted Early Pt'aa. regular 18o: this sale, 2 cans for..... per dozen .... Small June price ...31c $1.69 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Cal. Navel Oranges, medium Blze, doz.2lc large size, doz.... 29c extra large size, per doz........43c Grape Fruit, medium size......5c per dozen......48c large size ........8c per dozen......85c extra large size..12c 3 for ..........31c Park. She will be assisted by the MU- s Naomi Moffatt, Margaret Hin.. L y, Cornelia Bosch, Helen Hi AI K ii'i- hkin and Helen Irwin. i>ut l r>«> quests attended the dance i r*> evening at the Woman's h> Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Andrews, sin ridan road, for the debutant â- !s of their daughter. Miss Dor- Aiuluiws. The guests of honor the Misses Dorothy Thoman, tance and Elizabeth Illsley, a Towne and Billie Klrkman. A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grant Buswell, j 1014 Greenwood boulevard, have is- j sued invitations for a reception to be j given New Year's Day for their son-in-' law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Will- â-  aid D. Duckworth of New York, who j~ expect to visit Mrs. Duckworth's par- ents during the holidays. Those as- sisting will be Mesdames E. C. Bel" knap, L. Wing, A. F. Salbery, H. C. ] Streeter. J. H. llanford, Edward Ills- . ley, Robert Lazear, W. E. Mariner, H. ! • r of voung men assisted. „,.„. T „. «.„„i__ Imitations have been issued by Mr., Carlisle, A. H. Williams, J. W, Kepler -"I Mrs. Marshall Monroe Klrkman' Misses Charlotte Belknap Doris Laz- -H-Mrs. Ella Gates Klrkman for thenar, Edna and Sarah Harri* Con- n.arriage of Miss Ethel Wright Kirk-! stance and Elizabeth Illsley, A. Mae mm and Mr. Howard Baker of Bos- Conklln and Carrol Murray. ".Mass.. which will take place Tues-; The wedding of Miss Adelaide day evening. January 13. at 8:30! Hempstead, daughter o Mr .and Mrs. oviock at St. Mark^s Episcopal church. W. G. Hempstead, 1833 Asbury ave- Tl„ ceremony will be followed by a j nae." and Mr. Kenneth Minerâ-  Hew. son r- option at the home of the bride's!of Mrs. Daniel W. Hess, 1143 Hinman gTsiidparente^^tai-chmere," Ridge-avenue,. wilL take place on the evening avenue and Lake street. Miss Kirk- roan will have in her bridal party her sister, Miss Billie Klrkman as maid of honor, Mrs. Walter Coburn, matron of honor, and the Misses Eleanor Spry, Rachel Warner, Carolyn Dawes and Frances Thompson, of Danville, as bridesmaids. Mr. Ralph Baker of Boston will serve his brother as best roan and the ushers will be Messrs: iYarner-Golburnr=George Neeves, How- ard Hoyt, Jr., Ludlow Washburn and Angustua Eddy. â€"-â€"-- •â- ' â€"â€" of January 6, at 8:30 o'clock, at St. Mark's Episcopal church. The wed- ding party will consist of Miss Alice] Moseley as maid of honor, the Misses Emma Towner Virginia Montgomery, j Gladys Beyers, Lillian Foster, Sarah V Wilson of Rushmere, Va.,and Kathryn j Kunkle" of Chestnut Hills, Pa., as bridesmaids; Mr. Harry Kimbark as best man aud gcÂ¥nrB. rahrtn Shf^rtdflP. Jack Hunter, Uonftld Kimbark, Kon- neth Carpenter/Harold Wing and-Da- viA Forgan as. ushers ursnsl SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Jan. 2 and 3. No Phone or Mail Orders Filled. 36k Meadow Gold or Brook- field Butter, per lb.... . Extra Selected Eggs, ~ * per dozen...............,. J 1 C None delivered at this price. Wool Soap, large bars, 3 for .................... Mason jars of Stuffed Olives, 25c jar.......... 5c pkgs. of fine Toothpicks, 3 pkgs. for.............. Swift's Washing Powder, 4 lb. pkgs., per pkg..... Coffee Cakes, all kinds (none delivered) each (none delivered)..... Appk and Peach Pies, 19c 19c 5c 13k 9c 9c per dozen ... .91.10 Fresh Cocoanuts, eacli .............8c Yellow Turnips, 5 lbs. for........ 11c Celery, per bunch.. 15c Jonathan Apples, per basket ......17c - -Large Mess i na Lemons, per dozen........25c COFFEE AND TEAS. Fancy Old Crop Santos Coffee, per lb ... .25c This sale only, 4 lbs. for........89c Bogota Blend Coffee, per lb...........30c This sale only, 4 lbs. for ..'.____$1.0Q 60c Basket-Fired Japan Tea, this sale only, per lb...........37c 60c Gunpowder Tea, Sweet Bloom Brand, regular price 15c; this sale, 2 cans for........23c per dozen......$1.29 Cherokee Brand, regu- lar price 12c; this sale, 3 cans for.. ,27c per dozen........98c Richelieu Brand, regu- lar price 15c; this sale. 2 cans for___25c per dozen ......$1.39 CANNED PEAS- CANNED TOMATOES. Blue Dot Brand, regular price 10c: this sale, 3 cans tor........21c per dozen........79c Rhodesdale Brand, reg- ular price 12e; this sale. :5 cans for.. .31c per dozen ......$1.15 Richelieu Brand, regu- lar price 17c; this sale, G cans for. ..87c Savoy Brand, regular price l"c; this sale, 6 cans for........87c this sale only, per lb...........39c CANNED CORN. Fall River Brand, Appe- tizer Brand, Raven Brand, regular' prico 10c; this sale, 3 cans for........21c per dozen........79c Dodge County Brand, Early June Peas, reg- ular price 10c; this Bale. 3 cans for.. ,25c per dozen........95c Dodge County Brand, Sweet Wrinkled Peas, regular price 12c; this sale, 3 cans for.".......ztc per dozen........97c Dodge County Brand, Sifted Early Jun<i Peas, regular price lf>c; this sale, 2 cans for........23c per dozen ......$1.29 Dodge County Brand,. Extra Sifted Early June Peas, regular price 18c; this sale, 2 cans for........29c per dozen......$1.48 Richelieu Brand, Tele- phone Peas, regular price 15c; this sale, 6 cans for........79c French Peas, medium Bize, regular price 19c; this sale, 2 cans for........32c Very Fine Small French Peas, regular prico 25c; this sale, 2 cans for..»......41c Durkasco Brand, regu- lar price 17c; this sale, ti cans for. .-87e FLOUR. Gold Medal, Ceresota, Pillsbury and Napo- leon, % bbl. sack____$ .67 h* bbl. sack____ 129 Vi bbl. sack____2.53 bbl. in wood. r- Chicken Feed, 100 lb. bag... 5.39 $1.89 Green Ground Bone, for chickens, 6 lbs. for.........25c CANNED MILK. Libby's, tall cans, regu- lar price 10c; this sale, per dozen. .$1.03 Libby's, small cans, â-  regular j sale, per dozen. .49c Peerless, tall cans, reg- ular price 10c; this sale, per dozen...99c Hawkeye Brand Milk, regular price 10c; this sale, 3 cans for........23c per dozen........79c Van Camp's Milk, tall cans, regular price 10c; this sale, per dozen ......$1.05 family size, regular price 10c; this, sale, per dozen .......93c small size, regular price 5c; this sale, per dozen........82c SUGAR! SUGAR1 10 lbs. of best Granu- lated Sugar for 45c, with grocery order of $1 or over (flour, soap and feed not includ- ed). 10 lbs. of best Granu- lated Sugar for 39c, "with $1.00 order or over of canned goods only. SPECIALS FOR SAT- URDAY, DEC. 2t_ No Phone or Mail Or- ders on these Hem* Meadow Gold or Brook- field Butter, per lb......... .38'/2c Extra Selected Eggs, per dozen........31c None delivered at â€" this price. 20 Mule Team Borax, 1 lb. pkg:.........9c Gold Dust, 5c pkgs., 2 for .............5c Coffee Cakes, each.. .9c (None delivered.) SPECIALS FOR MON- DAY, DEC. 29. No Phone or Mail Or- ders on these items 40c Broom, made of fine broom corn, 4-sewed, on sahnjno day only at...............27c Star Naphtha Washing Powder, I lb. pkg......13'/2c Amber Soap, 10 bars for.......36c Lighthouse Family Soap, 10 bars for. 36c P. & G. Mottled German Soap, 10 bars for.33c »»»♦♦♦♦»♦♦#»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦ < â-º Save Money On Your Meaten 16lc<i 14k Native Shoulder ^ ^ Steak, tender, lb... ,^--. I OC Best Sirloin Steak, ^ ^ tender, lb.............dlC Choice Veal Stew, # A per lb...............14C Milk Fed Veal f „ Shoulder, per lb.......] OC "Best Rump Corned L â€" lieef, per lb..........1 DC Sweet Pickled Salt Pork. 3 ti 5 lb. pieces. i r? lb. only .............I DlC Selected Spring Leg of Lamb, per lb..... Armour's Star Ham or Mor- ris & Co.'s Selected Ham, 8 to 10»lb. average, ,-«.,-<**£ o P'-r Ite ..............1 04C < > Sugar-Cured Bacon quality, by the piece, lb. only....... Hest Kettle Iten- iered Lard, lb.; t . Snowdrift Shorten ing. No. B pail for.. good 19lc | ; isk I 67c l Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quality, ^ ni per lb......... .....1 5/>C MILK FED POULTRY- Received fresh every day, the finest JKr t chickens in Evanston. Special per pound........:... frfvl g ♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦j Pre-inventorySale Home Needs OIL MOP or DUSTLESS CHEM- ICAL MOP, with . _ handle, Special............DOC PUDDING or MILK PANâ€"5 quart size, gray granite enamel. n Regular price 19c; this sale....J/C DISHPANâ€"10 quarts, blue ani white enamel; 49c value. /+rSpecial...... ...........2i7C COFFEE POTâ€"3 quarts, gray gran* ite enamel. /%A This week ............... -&9C SALT BOX â€" Earthenware. wiUu hinged wood cover; ..... i A " 29c value ............... ... 1 ifC M4LK -P4TGHER â€" Poreelaittâ€"or earthenware. -t g Regular pj^e 36es~.-^^^^r^-y£ CUPS and SAUCERSâ€"Pure white .semi-porcelain, writh fine --------YT^ gold design;.15c value. Pair...JfC SALT and PEPPER SHAKERSâ€" Pure aluminum. Regular < >-» - price 20c. Special, pair____lUC IRONING------BO A R D â€" Adjustable.' stand, extra well s*f\~ made; 98c value............0«7C WASHBOARD â€" Made of heavy zinc, hardwood frame; ^^ - 39c value ..................29C COAT HANGERSâ€"Made of heavy retinned wire or hardwood. Zr~* Special bargain, 3 for..iT..... 5C No Phone or Mail Orders on these items. $1.39 Women's Felt Nulll--------^r fters, in all colorsv,, *,,:, *.,,_, %JjqC 98c Women's Black Felt TsrulIIuefs...;... $1.50 Men's House Slip- ^ *%fi pers, tan or black...... ..1-^" $1.50 Boys' Gunmetal Calf Shoes, size 9 to 13Vfe. at .............'.";"."."".".. $1.00 Women's Leather House Slippers at . â- ,.;.._ $2.50 Misses' High Top Shoes "ar............. -fill 83c 4,m 9Sc Misses' Felt Nulli- flers at ...-----.........v. 89e Children's Felt Nullifiers at........------ 10c box Shinola ,^:^^_^. 10c box Two in One..... 10c box Tan Combination. 10c bottle Jet Oil... ...... 10c bottle French Gloss___ mc ......5c ,...,.6* .....8c ;....5o .....5c »♦»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦#»»»»»♦»♦ Shoe Repairing Good Work - Low "T-^: â- i'i. __:._x ' â€"- -<â- >; fe..-.i : â-  '. mile west ot canal N_ow js_the time to plantâ€"Come and make personal selection ^vanstonriffiiK^ ;.v-r=.L_â€"_„..._;---------J.._^:.:.' .. .

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