Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. ^fctmSDAy, JANUARY 15, 1914. & i What People It \ir John Thomas, 2509 Pioneer 1 is in fcew York on an extended liUBiness trip- - v-' Mr and Mrs. Edward Wallis have *«rned to their home in Rochester, Hv after visiting their daughter, J^ Edward R. CUUnore, 1939 Orrtng- uha Mary Grant of Winona, Minn., „.: Leu visiting her sister, Miss Clara °«mt eao Foster street. The Misses GSnt'su'enLChristmas with friends in Cleveland, O. «r and Mrs. * Herbert Heald (nee Marion Stout) and two children of flnuth Haven, Mich., spent several Says in Evanston lastJreek on their -av-ironi Iftwa. Mrs Frank Hill of Paducah, Ky., is 8pending a week at the home of Mr. JJd Sirs. Thomas B. Connor, 1418 -glmwood avenue,----------- 5lr8 Linnie Reed Parnsworth of esitaieesa, la,, formerly of Evanston^ who Uas been dangerously ill, is now slowly recovering. Miss Helen Handy of Sewanee, Tenn arrived Monday and is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Vernon C. Ward, Jr., ~~j72<> Wesley avenue*--------------;____ i Mrs. John Staple of Gladstone, Ui'ch returned Saturday after visit- ing at the home of the Misses Hull, 1422 llinman avenue. Mr. r. Clarence Poole, formerly of 1015 Forest avenue, has recently changed his residence to_795 Lincoln avenui\ Winnetka, 111. Miss Florence Smith of Oshkosh, wis formerly of Evanston, has re- cently visited her sister, Mrs. Burt T. Wheekf of Edgewater. Mr. Frank Barton and daugftter, Helen 1827 Asbury avenue, have, re- rned from Morristown, N, J., where they spent the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Connor, 133 Dempster street, returned Monday from Burlington, la., where they vis- ited Mr. Connor's parents. Miss Ann Osborn, 1745 Orrlngton avenu<•. accompanied by Mrs. Mary K. yalemine of Winnetka, will leave todaV for Palm Beach, Pla. Mrs. B. F. Brant of Pittsburgh, Pa., left foi home Thursday morning after upending New Years with her daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Durrant of Edgewater have i .turned to their home after vis- it ins Mis. Durrant's parents, Mr. and Mrs George F. Baker, 816 Judson ave- n in lu- ll erbert F. Fisk, 1625 Judson . left Monday to attend the UTirh^ist educational conference at Out- nary Collegiate Institute, Hack- (>UStl"\ n, X. J. Mi William Jones and two sons Messrs. Wilbur and Jewett Jones. have .turned to St. Louis, Mo., after visitijis Mr. Jones' daughter, Mrs. Ir win Itew, 1128 Ridge avenue. i:, Misses Marshall of Milwaukee ! Ui, have been visiting their aunt | Mr- v G. McCormick, 1114 Church) stre.i. ;»nd their uncle, Mr. W. M Alist Dr ( ami phin. uar.-i Miss Louise Grover, 1003 Grove street, is at Oconomowoe, "Wis. Miss Mary .Towle, 1740 Orrlngton avenue, has moved into Chicago. ^_Mfc .andMrs, Hr^^earsons, 1816 Chicago avenue,. Will sail Jan. 17 for Egypt.-. .,,. --............-.....T_ _._.... Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Pearsons, 1816 Chicago avenue, will sail Jan. 17 for Egypt. Mrs. L. D. Parker, 1246 Maple ave- nue, has moved to Central avenue, Wilmette. " .- ______1__ ^.Mro. Ralph E. Starkweather and son, 420 Clark street, are now in Cai- ro, Egypt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Elliot, 225 Lake street, have gone to California for two months. ' Mrs. Martin Van Persyn, 1414 Hin- man avenue, has moved to Kenmore avenue, Chicago. •Mr. Donald Worth of Milwaukee, -Wis.^ la the guest otlMr. John ener, 1133 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Appleton, Wis., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Walter Kennicott, 912 Main street. Dr. Willard D. Duckworth of New York io the guest of Mr. and Mrs, H, G. Buswell of Greenwood boulevard. Miss Helen Rose of Northampton, Mass., has been the guest of Mrs. Parke E. Simmons. 1746 Hinman ave- nue. Mrs. John Anderson, 2505 Hartray avenue, is entertaining her cousin from Minneapolis, Minn., for a few glays. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hopkins, 814 Sheridan road, have gone to Magnolia Springs, where they will spend several months. 3Tf. and Mts. W. L. Wells and Miss Margaret Wells, 1233 Judson avenue, will spend the winter at the Green- wood Inn. Miss Clara Best of New York City spent the holidays with her brother, A. Starr Best and family, 1936 Orrlng- ton avenue. The Kappa Phi Delta sorority of Lewis institute will hold an informal dance Friday evening, Jan. 23,°at the Woman's club. Miss Ethel Pettit, formerly of Ev- anston, now of New Orleans, spent Christmas in Springfield, the guest of Mrs. John Adrean. Mrs. Carl Wolff of Chicago was hostess Tuesday evening at dinner in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Willard Duck-; worth of New York. Mrs. C. F. Brant, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. M. M. Ball, 517 Rlnn street, ^has returned to her home in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dawson, 1225 Judson avenue, have gone to Philadel- phia, Pa., to attend the Pennsylvania Railroad convention. Mr. Milton Wilson and his niece, Miss Carmony, Forest avenue and Greenleaf street, are spending the win- ter, in Pasadena, Cat. Mrs! F. A. Will of Pittsburgh, Pa- has returned home after spending a lew days With her sister, Mrs. M. M. Ball, 517 Rinn street. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Forgan and family, 1112 Greenwood boulevard, have gone, into Chicago for the winter Mrs. E. J. O'Laughlin of Los An- geles, Cal., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Connor, 1418 Elmwood avenue. Senator and Mrs. L. M. Sawyer, 1,031 Maple avenue, will leave today for Chattanooga, Tenn., where they" Will visit their daughter, Mrs. David Bloom, and from there they wiii go to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Johnson, 1139 Sherman avenue, announce the mar- riage of their son, Herman A. John- son, and Miss Ida C. Carlson of Chi- cago, which took place Friday, Jan. 9, the Rev. Dalh of the Swedish M. E. church, Chicago, officiating. After a trip to Milwaukee the young people will be at home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs and son, Ralph, 1413 Wesley avenue, have returned from a five weeks' trip to California. his books as "Prairie Songs,** "The Long Trail," "Her Mountain Lover,"- "Cavanaugh, Forest Ranger^' Mr. . ,.. , , , ,, Hamlin shows this first hand knowl- Mrs. S. A< Wm of Pittsburgh, Pa.. edge and a certaln vlgorou8 and un. has returned after spending a few conventional directness, which promise days_ withher^siBter. Mrs. M. M. Ball. much fw & forthcom,ng ,ecturo. Tho ol« Rinn street. • forest ranger as the guardian of our On Tuesday, Jan. 19, at the regular western trees and game possesses in- monthly meeting of the University herein interest even although he may guild, Mr. Hamlin Garland, the well- not be so picturesque a figure as the known novelist dramatist and poet, cowboy of a former period. No one will deliver his especially prepared should miss what Mr. Garland may lecture, "The Forest Ranger." Jllr._Jm«Llojay_ab<mX this rather new de- Garland.......wRLjpeak with authority partment of our public service. The upon this subject. He is western in meeting will be open To guests upon birth, training and ideals, and has the payment of the regular fee. It lived upon the prairies and among the will open promptly at 2:45. Tea will mountains of the west. In s^ch of be served after the lecture. MADAME AUGUSTA HELEtN * ONLY FRENCH DRAMATIC READER IS AMERICA Club and Society Engcgemfnts Dramatic and Operatic Interpretations PHOCRAMS and LECTURr S Preparation of Papers for Club Women on any French Snbjtc ti 1246.Wilson Avenue . CHICAGO 731 Fine Arts Building QTT1T TMHAl I«% MUSICAL COLLEGEJi Plymouth Bid*.. Broadway V teland-Colletfc Entrance. 470o-08 Broadway Tit. U|mt*r92W 9 A school Op music and DRAMATIC ART j i STEINHAUS VIOLIN SCHOOL Partiol Scholanbip To Talented PnpUs I VOICB COACHING--Dancing By Miss Olive Dcpew ■ : of the Greenwood Inn. Willard D. Duckworth, who was , ,1 in New York has arrived entertained Friday afternoon utli Mrs. Duckworth (nee Jose-,^_-■ ■ -T OWaBlianl, wl,_ ,oft s„n- Buswell) will visit the latter's ~. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant Bus- and arc living on Lake Shore drive Mrs. Arthur W. Gould, 806 Reba for Mrs. V. A. R'ossbach, who left Sun- day with her family for their new home in Hollywood, Cair~ _ „ Mr and Mrs. C. D. B. Howell cele- d Mrs. Julius P- SSJami twentyfifth wedding anni- Will Mr M..« Hedwig Breuiiemau --- --;r; i ve on Thursday evening. JanT „. Ral.4, Ha«y noi ^ Btrcet, spent versar^ on ^ ' boulc. a i•••« days last week at Lockport, ttej"^,^ 0J_„ D....,„„,.. n, r>v,t«atrn en. of Mr. and Mrs. Murray A (1-1 tr and Mrs.-Edward-J, JKalliS-aniL Hit! daughter have returned to their ho..- in Atlanta, Ga., after spending th" holidays with their sister, Mrs. Edward R. Gilmore, 1939 Orrlngton av.-iiUe. Mr. and M*°- Gilbert Smith, for- iprrry ot Evanston, who have been in San Francisco, CaL, for a number of years, will return to Evanston this month and live on the corner of OaK awnue and Dempster street Ernest Thompson Seton, author of "W ild Animals I Have Known," and t .1 i. r of the Boy Scouts of America, vii) lecture at the Congregational c^HMfe-Meaday^Jan^ 19, at 8 o'clock. Hi- will talk on wild animals. The proceeds will go to Northwestern set- Hinu-nt. V large number of Evanstonlans at- t. nilfd, as participants and spectators, ti'- artists' fete Friday night. Among th. in were Mrs. Mitchell Hoyt as the Finn. Mrs. Graham, wearing a white s'lk gown over crimson petticoat, m.mined with pearls and leading an i' ifan Pomeranian; Mrs. William D. "•■nil. as the Duchess of Cumberland, " -"iinii'd in Whife taffeta gown, large nitito hat trimmed with roses, band " Mack velvet under her chin; Wil- uilJx Jteanr-aa-the-Dukfi of Cumber; ' nd; Mitchell Hoyt at King George IV., black velvet suit trimmed in t? i n k; Miss Sadie Buckley, formerly 1 Evanston, as Mrs. Sheridan, blue Hffon taffeta with red roses; Mrs. Salter Primley as Mrs. Drummond Smith, blue chiffon taffeta, blue pic- ture hat; Mrs. Irwin Hew as Mrs. "John Julius Anglestein, ivOry satin cown; IrwinIBejLajLJohn Julius && gresteln; red velvet coat, knee breech- ee, coat embrolutrcd in gold; Mr. and Mrs. J. S^ Bousquet, Mr. Bousquet as ftne.h nfflppr nrid Mra. ftoiiRquftt as :__a JFreneh_j»ioniaIIdaffie.~ In Uie~b6xe8 wcre-Mrs; -RiHR Lamont^^^d^lnany ___othere_Jram_E^nst©ji^_Dojifadjenv^ . --------- , ^^ark-and-MIsB-Doroflty-PlclMon-alBe brother ot Harom f ogueUlBnoir^aw look-part. ----^-- -- IZi_4o^arterI?^ck vard. Miss Sara Burdick of Chicago assisted by Miss Winifred Hull at the piano, gave a most enjoyable song re- dital durfng the evening. About iorty old-fime friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. George Alfred Foster, liJ22 Sheridan road, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Melissa Elinore Foster, to John Darrow Hub- bard, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Quincy Hubbard of Chicago, formerly of Mo- bile, Ala. Miss Foster is a graduate of the Northwestern university and Mr. Hubbard was graduated from Lake Forest college and Northwest- ern law school and is now attorney in the medics legal bureau of the American Medical association. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grant Buswell gave a reception New Year's day in honor of Dr. and MrB. Duckworth (nee Josephine Buswell) of New York. There were about 400 present, many of whom were out-of-town guests. The house was decorated in the Christmas colors. Those assisting were Mes- dames Luman Wing, A. F. Solbery, E. C. Belknap. H. C. Streeter, H. J. Han- ford. W. E. Mariner, H. W. Carlisle, A. H. Williams, J. W. Kepler, Edward Illsley, R. Lazear, the Misses C. Bel- knap, Edna Harris; Sarah Harris, Do- ris Lazear, Mae Conklin,. Elizabeth Illsley. Constance Illsley, Carrol Mur- ray. ______; _______ A. neighborhood party under the an- spices of the Parents and Teachers'-as- sociation will be given at Lincoln school, Main street and Forest avenue, on Friday evening, Jan. 16, at 8 o'clock. A program of readings, vocal and instrumental music, will be fol- lowed by dancing. Refreshments will b£ eefved. Admission will be 10 cents. Announcmont has been made of the UndermitiliiiCaiid White Wear a|Teinpting Prices=^JanuaiT MJtoJl PEPPERELL SHEETS, 72x90. Specially fiQs* priced ...........%}*?+' ANCHOR BRAND SHEETS, 72x90, best quality, for 83c; 81x90, same quality, j2Qr* PILLOW CASES--45* 36. soft fine muslin. Specially priced 4 pp PILLOW CASES--45* 36, Hill muslin Pillow Cases, extra fine 7 £ig% quality, for......* JM* PILLOW CASES^45x 36, Fruit of the Loom Pil- low Cases «Qp *J}&fa& PEARLINE WHITE DRESS LAWN, regular 3gc quality, a yard ....... CREAM COLOR IN- 19c I IN- piA LAWN, 18c ol r quality, a yard.....02*' UNDERMUSLIN BARGAINS Time now to buy Undermuslins, for here are offers of great value. Deep price cut- ting, prevails for this event. Beautiful Gowns, Petticoats, etc., at once-a-year prices. ft « rM-A- LA WOMEN'S GOWNS--Made of good muslin, button front and ^%f\^% slip-over style, trimmed /^SfM, with torchon lace------ .-.-.... ^^r WOMEN'S GOWNS--Button front and slip-over style; yoke of fine lace and embroidery, neck_and_ sleeves edged with lace...... WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS M Made of fine muslin^ lace -g f\y^- and embroidery trimmed, £ Vf/^ at Women's Band Aprons i jattuarvSaleolChildren's Muslins I %ome"'l Tighufming Made of fine lawn, deep hemstitched hem January White Sale Price*. . 17c WOMEM'S BRETELLE APRONS of tine lawn, embroidery trimmed. January White Sale Price ................ 19c WHITE MERCER- IZED WAISTINGS, 32 inches wide, regular 29c values, 1 Zl r* a yard..........•■ ^2^ WHITE fpERCER- IZED POPLIN and CORDED PIJiUE Spe^ cial price, a yard .. -:■?: 17'2c WOMEN'S COMBINATION SUITS --Made of fine nainsook, corset cover and drawers prettily *■ trimmed with lace and em- Hay broidery....................www WOMEN'S CHEMISE of good fine nainsook, tucked and hand em- broidery front, neck--and- armholes edged with linen torchon lace; all sizes------ 98c CHILDREN'S DRAWERS of good muslin, tuckedjggand hem- stitched hem;;Spzes 2 to 12 years .....ijS|.......... CHILDREN'S JHRAWERS of good quality muslin, picked and 4 ft] embroidery ruflp; sizes " " ' to 12 years____a........ INFANTS' LONG SLIPS of fine iiiiiiiKook, hemstitched lawn ruflle at neck and sleeves. This sale at................ 7c good 12k f fine CHILDREN'S SLIPOVER GOWNS --Best tjuallty nainsook, neck and sleeves embroidery edged. Oft- ribbon run beading; sizes JigK JLin-LL^.................• • ™-"w CHTLD REN'S PETTICOATS of fine muslin, tucked and lace trimmed ruffle; sizes 6 to 14 years. January White Sale Price .............■.. Corset Covers CHILDREN'S COMBINATION PETTICOAT, with waist, tucked and hemstitched ruflle...................... 19c mON 19c INFANTS' SHORT DRESSES of fine nainsook, tucked and embroid- ery trimmed yoke, neck and sleeves edged with__ broidery; sizes G mori to 2 years.--~~. Fine nainsook^V-sJiified neck,embroidery trimmed^ sizes- 36 to 44r at . . . WOMEN'S DRAWERS of icambric, deep ruffle flounce of lace and embroidery, at ..........'....-»--.-. rw|„•:" fln©7 39c WOMEN'S EXTRA SIZE DRAW- ERS of good quality cam* m n brie, ruffle flounce of lace iL|ff: and embroidery......£",. ..i ^^V" WOMEN'S fETTICOAfS~or~ggOd muslin and cambric, deep ruflle flounce of lace, loser tlon and embroidery DOUBLE WIDTH LAPPET AND CUR- TAIN SWISSES, all new patterns. Jan- uary White Sale, JB'/* a yard .-......................... O2G ONE LOT OF EXTRA FJNE IMPORT- ED SWISSES--Oriental patterns, sold regularly for 35c a yard, O?/* for ..............................CtOL WHITE CURTAIN NETS, fancy pat- terns, worth up to 60c a yard. January White Sale, OQf* r -engaepm"^ 5EJHBfl_^T Boston fo" ■j$x. F- L- YOB*16 of Decatur, 111. Miss Boston is a sophomore at Northwest fira^aldnra; meinber of Delta^Gamma Mr. Pogue Is a fifth year lnau at the University of llllnola and la-a-menu ber of Alpha Tau Omega. He la a Sheets & Pillow Cases Special Offers of Bed Linens 43 c 69c RLEACHE©- SHEETS^72xgo, The White Wing; special this sale ELM DALE SHEETS--81x90, soft white muslin. Specially priced at.............. Laces & Embroideries That Appeal to Every Buyer ......... 4c HAMBURG EMBROIDERY-- 3 to 5 inches wide, a yard.............. EXTRA FINE-EMBROIDERY--Nainsook and .cambric, wide and narrow, worth up to #y| ^ ................ ■> v____Zf 2^ 25c a yard, for. Great Reductions on Many Home Needs Here are only a few of the many strong values Second Floor PURE ALUMINUM BERLIN KETTLE, 2%-quart size, ex- tra heavy and highly pol- -ished; fl.19 value BppHiil tmrgaln .. mr COFFEE MILLS, to fasten on -the wall, with, size glasB cannister. -------gtQ/i Special this sale...... Jgv WHI8K BROOM, made oL good quality broom eorn; 15c valoe^-^- Sc WASH TUB, No. 2 size, made of heavy galvanized Iron, drop handles; 75c AQ/* value. Special.......QoC DINNER PLATES, with beau- tiful rose design. q Each...................OC' GAS GLOBES, for hall lights, green or amber colors, will fit any Inverted 19c-value,- burner; i»c va:ue.------------------f^sr Thia sale ^^iv^jv.«•:*M&M*. mmsmmm PURE ALUMINUM TEA KETTLES, C-quart size, high- ly polished; 93.50 value. Spe- cjai-Jbargalo^._____--* g/v -while they last. ..... I »Qjf No Phone or Mail Orders. ASH or GARBAGE CAN, 15- gal. size, heavy galvanized iron, with coyer; ^1.4» voiue, Special this sale at....,.;............... SfOC Clearance of Children's Coats Coat bargains that must appeal to every mother. Beau- tiful -Coats- that Aave^ great warmths and durability. A Lot of Chtt&rerCsCoais Chinchillas, kerseys, vel- |^% Qft vets and broadcloths; sizesn 2 to 5 years .7 ."Y~.~TT- A Lot of Children?$ Coats Black and all-wool novelty mixtures, aJLcolois; sizes^ 8 to 14 years . -.-^ . . .;. CORSET-^eOVER EM- BROIDERY, extra fine work, nainsook finish, sold regularly for ^O/* 50c a yard, for... .£<ZfC> 27-INCH FLOUNCING EMBROIDERED, Swiss iinish, close--and^-open- 23c work, regular 48c quality, a yard,.. SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING, 27 inches, juctrajlnej^^^^^ 1Q/* SWISS EMBROIDERY -- Banding to match Bouncings. Special price this sale^ "tO^n a yard 7-.,...V.. a^^?C- TORCIf^R LACES -- - Extra heavy and\ widle. Special,;- ^tf im a yard CLUNY LACES and Banding to--match, 15c value. Clearance Price,,yard..... 7ic ^Tffg 5TH» j TH,^T_»B' I.S EVERYTHING' ■P

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