Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22,1914. NGLEWOOD THE NEWS' GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES PUN GIRLS' CLUB Delegation of Women from 1 South Side Suburb Visited ^ Ji^sloiyo Obtain^ Ideas for Similar Club. J^VMIfljy«liE^F^R^N£ I Although the clubroom for members 5of the Girls' League of Evanston in j,T.he Mann building in Davis street has, been in operation less than a month, ; the popularity and fame of the move- ~4nent is being heralded in many other <?ities and towns. That the Evanston -organization will be held as an ex- ample and that the plan will be fol- jgfewed in other cities and suburbs, was demonstrated Friday, when two women, representing the Englewood branch of the Juvenile Protective as- sociation came to Evanston and spent several hours conferring with the directors of the association and proccring information which wiil as- sist them in forming such a clubroom In Englewood. ~::'.i.: 2y Representatives Pleased. The Englewood representatives were ^greatly pleased -with the splendid equipment of The Evanston cTubrooms and~<4«wlared it to be the most cheery, comfortable and home-like quarters they ever visited. They inquired in, detail concerning the method of start- ing, such a club and the management. ] Miss Lura Robinson, director of the Evanston Girls' league; Miss Kathryn' Beebie, In charge'of the room; Mrs. Robert Berry Ennis, and Mrs. Sher-! man C. Kingsley supplied the neces- -sary information. They told the En- glewood visitors how the movement for a" meeting place and rest room for the girls-had its inception when Mrs. Ernest Keekitt and several other prom- inent Evanston women became inter-, ested in the welfare of the. young women and secured donations of fur- niture and other equipment for the rooms. The need of a rest rbom for girls In Englewood, especially since the busi- ness section in the vicinity of Sixty- third and Halsted streets has experi- enced such a growth, has become im- perative. The visitors stated that such a rest room as has been started In Evanston is Just" what is needed in the busy south side Chicago section. At present a neighborhood house, ^Wbteh hr not located near the business .sections, is the only meeting place lor the young women of tin- suburb. -s- Thus far the expense attached to the opening of tin- club rooms has been approximately $2,000. It iH estimated that it will cost about $2,000 a year or probably avlittle- more, to conduct the club rooms each year. The EiiKle wood women wen. surprised to learn of the low expense and asserted that <iiiiiiiw*<o i What People Are iuGlencoe Hickory Tree," Summer Home of Mr. Ira J. Couch, Golf, III. --Courtesy Book ofTSe North Sharer Bungalow of Mr. Charles J. Roberts, 2444 Hartrey Avenue, Evanston. 1 j Mr. Howard Nutt is convalescent aftei a severe attack of tonsil itis. ^irsT-^steHe-B.-Tayior entertained 'swerat-friends~at arluhchei Mrs. Gordon Ramsay has issued In vitations for bridge in her home. 100 Beach road, for this afternoon. Mrs.. William Underwood has re- turned to her home in Wawatosa, Wis., after a visit with relatives here. Miss Florence McGuire has returned i to Kemper hall, after spending three f weeto withrtier parents, Mr. apd Mi < J. Fred McGuire. Sir. and Mrs. Caiman Martin, 600, Lon&wood avenue, had for their guests ^iastjweek Mrs. H. Gilmore and son of j Michigan City, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jackson enter- i tained members of the Neighborhood j Bridge club in their home, 382 Lin- ■ coin avenue, Monday evening. Sev- eral prizes were awarded. The annual dinaer._joI._the Glencoe Union church, which was held last night at 6:30 o'clock was largely at- j tended. The annual business session I of the board of trustees followed the i dinner. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortimer; 21!* i South avenue, are planning to leave ; soon for an extensive European tour, ' which will include a trip on the ! Mediterranean and a visit to ti.e Holy Land. <% John A. Flanders has returned from ! San Francisco, Cal.. where he has been for the last six years. He will remain at his home, 575 S^ieridan ' road,-indefinitely. --BsFmiHrfs stay in the west, Mr. Flanders has finished an engineering course in the Leland Stanford university. Walter J. McGuire of fchis place and Walton S. Bell of VVinnetka have just I returned from a month's trip in the ; east. They visited in Baltimore, l Washington, D. C. Philadelphia and I New York. From New York they i hoarded a steamer and returned home via boat to New Orleans. They were I on the Atlantic during the severe i storm two weeks ago when so much t damage was reported along the coast. The steamer, Momus, on which they i were passengers, was within twenty miles of the oil freighter which was destroyed. YOUTH ARRESTED. I On complaint of his fatner, Bruno j Michaleck, 17 years old, was picked up | by the Evanston police on a vagrancy ! charge. The father says the youth 1 has not been home for more than seven [Weeks and is Incorrigible. The fam- j ily resides west of the city on the ! Main street road. ORGHtESTRA; H AT r CHICAGO L lmendorF Artist Traveler Lecturer I Iwibr^^aiiiS The Edge of the Balkan States I With »-h» orisins! EJiwajd. rf "•*" ' Color illustrations „_ Graphic Motion Pictures rESTJRN INDIA Tickets Now, prices 25c to $j FINE -I ^m*** ADT^lJalll,e«s /*lvl 0| Thursdays, Saturdays FIRSTTIME ON ANY STAGE A Play in 4 Act* by R. M. LOVETT Auspices Chirag Theatre Society AttspiceaChicago JjKt SgatS $1.00 THE ELIZABETH MILES Maternity DRESS + [Patented July 15.1013) ONE OF OUR MANY STYLES A serviceable dress made of black and White Elysian foulard with reseda $ C 00 and black trimmings. O--» If not csrrled by your dealer order direct or call oa THE ELIZABETH MILES CO. 337 West Madison ft.. Chicago So. B.Oor. Market Street ORPHANAGE BANQUET WILL BE HELD JAN. 27 II.. Mrs. (lias (I. Beers, president of the circle. The public is cordially invited, and In serrations may he made for the din- n> i 1>> nddressinR the Illinois Chil- ilren'.M Home and Aid society. Room ; 1*17. 2t»!» South State street, or by I t» Upturning Harrison f>tJ27. they would start at once to raise a fund for the opening of such a club near Sixty-third and Halsted streets. They • xpert to employ an experienced v onian lor the work and hope to have j lie Hub mollis open within u month. A few more pieces of furniture have b<en given for the rest rooms here. Tlie members of the King's Daughters -havi; --eo plate _H__tuiw_ kitchen cabinet, nilly eipiippe.l vvitu jr-iokiiiK utensils, in the quarters. A combination book ease atiTI \\ i it iiig' desk and a couch have been donated TTy other Tmcrcstcd fi lends: As an entertainment feature eacli -Thursday afternoon musical and era- torical progittins will be given in the rest room. Five students from North- western University "HchooT'TTT Music -and--Hie Cumnock S« liool of Oratory Prominent Social Workers to Speak at Feast in Chicago ~-publicised, [hedrick plages ban OH BABY CARRIAHF8 MARTHA FOOTE GROW BIOGRAPHY AUTHOR annual l»aii<t"«-t and ting ot i ■tin- Illinois i'lnliln-if si (let \ will Th lie III (I ■.".!» o'clock p. to . HI « 1 lonio and Aid .Jan. 27. 1MI. at j tin Auditorium ' hotel Tills event | unusual iuteiesi. Tin'1 speaKi i> "I il Jacob Hits ut .New i_si in aucia! work, fmniiiK to children, Miss .lane Addain Judge Mei tit i YV. Juvenile court, and Henderson. The year just etulin in increased activity. v. ho were dependent .signed to the custody tiling w ill York, whose in!' specially Mint pi is widely know 4 nl Hull ll< I'iiu kne> of d Prof, (lias Commissioner Rules That They Cannote Placed in T hut-re Loonies Hereafter. Former Dean of Willard Hall Writes on the Life of Har- riet eecher Stowe. Mi cade s. Martini Koote (.'row, who a de- daunted. "Let us never doubt," she says, "everything that ought to hap- pen Is going to happen" and she went bravely about her part of the work. The story is told so sympathetically by Mrs. Crow that we wonder if there was not more than a bond of Interest between writer and subject, the name of Foote which is common to both strengthens us in that belief. It is meant for girls of from 12 to 14 years of age, but women of any age will be inspired by it to re-read the delightful l works of Mrs. Stowe--anyway tlie lit- tic-silvery ladv I Fourth Floor Fine M% Building all Seats $1 Chicago little THEATBE Today at 2:30 i 8:30 P. M ! Womankind in 3 Aspects Revived by Special Request KING'S RESTAURANT 11:- ; ha* been one rr.wiu hundred have been as of tlie society. family which • rretnr or mrrtt-in -p+ettl-ee thou-1 be forced to at the. storage of] H,i ., • TTTrecfor of Pub j t|1(, Hedrick has' is police that here JOSEPH L. McNAB MARRIES EDNA COE i- probably will lie an antii.v I( \\ can lanes. sill< SaleJy Walter ( d an order to tli IT til appeared in a program between 4 and 5 o'clock Thursday "afternoon Many -other entertainment features are being arranged. alter the lobbies (if the theaters must be l,.-pi dear of the .vehicles left In the • inclosure. Yesterday afternoon Idiector Hedrick was passing a mo Two hundred and seventy-ope family j , jon picture theater and discovered homes have been approved In which] that the lobby was being made a stor- children ma> be niveii p-rnmneni i i„u place for the small carts and cabs. care, one hundnd and elahty chil- linmediuulv the police were instruct- d'en have found care in family Uumes. ,*<! that the ollicur on the beat* where One thousand three hundred children | the theaters are locate*d shall en- are now in family homes visited regu-j force the ordinance, that no obstruc- UNCLE,. SAM EXPERIMENTS. (Jver 4K<»,OU+< s<iua,re yards of dillr-i -eut types ot roads lor eApiriuieuUiJ and object lesson purposes were cor. Structed during the liscaf > ear I'.tlL'- 1913, under the supervision of ti'< f>Hlce of public roads, Inited States de partment ol agriculture, according to Bulletin--&3-of tin di'piirtment, mak ^liig a total of over 1 <>o<uhKi square yards of road constructed under tin- supervision of this office since H»05. =.»^jjpfoj-ty-p^s-^f xoadsrViUllj.. w.v'.r." bTick^ concrete, oll-eemont concrete, bit urn- inous concrete; bTtamlnoua-tiurrac"Gu~ concrete, bituminous macadam, sur face treatment, macadam, aspbalt-slag, oil-asphalt-gTavel, oil-gravel, oilcorul line, gravel-maeadam, gravel, slag, sand-clay, sand-gumbo, burnt-clay, shell, and earth. The object lesson and. experimental work during the uijEoafcJLo. the hilly and carefully by vvorkets of the Miciety. Six hundred and two (ascs ei worthy, but abandoned or untnar- ind niothers. involving 77o children, l:.:\e l,een assistid; of these ID.'! w ere found employment and :?1S children found can- in families where the n,other could keep in touch with rrrr child ^uid luiUi ibutc to its support. the society supplementing her deli- ciemy < A special committee composed of Mr Tnhn X - T^irpggrjgL. _*$L_^h^H^BS, V KtiijfBtey of t'hlcago, and_Mrs. Jtrivn (' Spry and Mrs. Wnt. A. I.ocy of Ev- anston, will be. in" charge of arrauge- ments for the meeting. The Evanston Children's Home, 8U't> Ridge avenue, is one of the receiving | homes' of children for the Illinois ! Home and Aid society. Fifty-six re- servatlons of members" of the North lion lie allowed in the lobbies The order' wTlj |iroTiaTiK" prove a hardship to many mothers who are "movie" fans and who have been in the habit of taking their babes-in- arms to tlie theater with them. Un less the theater management provides soi'ne 1'ihiee which \sill not obstruct the passageway of entrant* and exit of the theater, it Is probable the attend- ance of this class of patrons will be greatly decreased. The enforcement of the tire ord- jnofrar^hat-aTr-parsgaKo Way p 4w-4heate¥s- Trrrd pTrblic--places-Khari-fae kept-open Is an important one and one which Director Hedrick is particularly in- sistent shall "be fulfilled to the letter. ago was dean of Willard hull, has" written the life of Harriet Beecher j immedlately>Uad Old Town Folks and. Stowe Mrs. (row, who is now living! T1"' ,,,:"' "f (,rI> l»land brought In the east, is still remembered in Ev- \ ,:""1 ,h<> library for her. anston. win i, she was personally I popular j Celebrated for Character j New ICnglaiMl Mrs. Stowe said, was celebrated for "crisp originalities of r charncti-r,- ami ■ nrn agitmsl thlnf i backgnumd tie Beecher family stood sharp-cut and peculiar set." Not ;►*! original character in this gnat family was Harriet Hccrhcr. Mis. Crow lays the development of this brilliant < liaracter to three influ- ences the strong educative influence of the home, where the father, a bril- liant preacher laid for them Hn>-broad principles of argumentation and the- ology, while from the talented mother they derived their love of the arts; Harriet's inmate religious feeling which in a time of strictest beliefs we find strangely broad and modern; and her guiding principle summed up in her own words "where people are de- termined to be anything they will be." The story of* the life begins with the early years passed in New P^ng- land, where we become acquainted with this wonder child who wrote es- savs on "free-will" at nine years of For 30 years the name has stood for pure, clean food, perfect cooking, IdVal aervice and right prices. KINO'4 take a particular pride in their business and you K«t the benefit of it. Pat nt KINO'S to-day and you'll come back to- whir trees at Tfirr houselmifW*:--10 Course table De Hoi ' Sunday 75c Sherwood Music School Founded by Wm. H. Sherwood ' ■ 712 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBER, President WALTER KELLER, Director Highest Standard of Artistry ■ _ Piano. Organ. Harmony, Conni Point Composition, Vocal, Violin. Public School Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression. V<. r catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue Cfh AVFNIIF I!ct Madison and Washington Sts. 3HI aitBUt Chicago. Illinois BIG REWARDS OFFERED. Notice has been received by the Kvnnsion police of a $5,000 reward age. The second stage is passed in Cin- cinnati whither Doctor Beecher re- moved his family with the desire of consecrating them to the development -of 4hc-West, -whose-possibilities-ha.rec:; oprjTteeTi. Harriftr-aBsisreTi-Tirer Bisier in school work, did a little literary work and married Calvin Stowe, pro- fessor in Lane Theological school. Living as they did on the very border of slavery, where the direct line of the underground railroad to Canada led, Harriet could not help but observe the Spirella Corset I NOT SOLD IN STORKS] Phone or address MISS OHM 3ERKENES Telephone 138) 1235 Chicago Ave. Evtjnston Popular Corporation Counsel - for the City of Evanston .J" Marries Neighbor. ! Another -one of Kvansion's well known and popular bachelors lias suc- cumbed to the attack of Cupid. This time it is Joseph I.. McNab, thfe in telligent and efficient «iror|ioration counsel for the city of Evanston, who was united in marriage .Tan. 15 to XTIss Edna foe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. ('oe, 1222 Kim wood ave- nue For a number of years Mr. Mc Niib lias been on the eligible list of bachelors of the Kvanaton club. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents in the afternoon by tlie Rev. David Hugh Jones, pastor -of-the First Presbyterian church. It was a quiet affair, only the Im- mediate members of the families being present. The bride --wore--a-- gown of white embroidered net over white satin, and oarried a shower bouquet of lilies_of _th« vJaUey and white sw'eet™ peas. There were no attendants. The bride is a talented artist and is a graduate of the Chicago Art In- stitute Mr. Mit^ab, who is a son t)f Mr. and Mrs. John McNab, 120G Elm- wood avenue, is a graduate of the Unl- verslty of Wlaconsln; The couple left immediately on a honeymoon trip Everything and any- thing in Good Jewelt yy Dia monds & M atches Edward Kirchberg 132 North State Street Opposite Marshall FieiJ &,Co. Voice Specialist 93 G. V1H RI1REH ST. Tel. Harrison 4577 Pupils fitted for Church, ifceeital, Concert, Ora- torio, and Opera. Four thoroughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr. Munro tests all voices and supervises all work. Special Announcement SPRING STYLES HAVE ARRIVED VOU are invited to call md 1 exatnine the New Spring Styles and Samples for Women's Tailored Suits that ---------have jiTSt^urrtved. / ~ .^f^iL of_ tno Blavc, system but at ^bjongh the south, and upon their re, thto--I 1 inn--tfiu--i?rt*--nlnnr--4-rt--liirif--tnl ml------■-------------Er--=~------:-------r--=--------------------■------------■-----------------------------' Special Reductions of from $101 to $15 for January and February OdH at our_store for courteous^ vt - , "____--trt_____»-*- «i .ii L4-i oq jphte i Shore ."AcTvTsory board__of this homo local eommiuees of f l.i'.»,^-11.a». I uis ' ' ' ,, -~-^ -- which *s offered -l*y the Winnipeg, Can. , . does not include* the salaries and ex -^ -penses of U»e d©4»artment engim;ers. g^^%^^^-Th«^TgBd^woTlv^d^r^tg-^he^y^ar^w'aa ____, done jn Arkansas, Florida. _C»eorgiai have been made f(>r this annual meet lug and banquet on Tuesday, Jan. 27, '-ai^thsi^JluditoriumJimtcl.^ Mrs^-JoJin. | CT Spry is president of the North Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, N« braska, Nortlt Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,- Texas, Virginia, Wiscon- sin, ajaa tne TJlftrtrt, of Colombia. provincial police for the arrest of John Krnfe.enko, wanted for murder and robberyjtof ft^baBk^ofllela^jand-Who- escaped froth ti\e Winnipeg police sta- j Shore Advisory bi5irrat===Tv*^4ry-m^ot a these flfty-si^ reserrations have been made by members of the Mary Old dings circle, auxiliary to the W S. A; $2,000 Is plfeTedfor his accomplices who agisted him in making his es- cape. i 2S£ ' ._ this time was not clear in her mind as to what ought to bo done about It. Preparation Work„^ All this experience was but a prep- Ion for the real work=8hehad-ta "Wo--her literary and patriotic work. Through all the hardships and griefs of these years, we find her faith un- turn will reside at 1573 Ridge ave- nue,___A • Service and satisfaction guaranteed. We also Mutlc Within H«r. **It is true I can't sing well," said the cat, that had"just swallowed the canary, "but I have a good deal ot music In me all the same."_________ do cleaning, dyeing and remodeling laTtres^ittid Iten'fle'riifiiV^niWiiitsr"' --~-- on 1. STE IN,=tl1 ^t^ti^^^hoiw+82? ■'caEsstes^^^^..-,^™--™^^ ■■ •-•'y'---- :-

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