Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1914, p. 7

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THK LAKE SHORE NEVvS. THURSDAY; JANUARY^2£19HT THE NEWS' GALLERfoF BEAUTIFULLAKESHOREHOMES Classified Business List Win ^ John Steuman is in Pasadena, Cit f. K- Copeland is in the east on a Dusiness tr ^^ fa visiting in ^:^**tft xndV""' "i"'^ ■-'•■ ■: ■> ■""":" ';-4 paflWort, H ' gcrtbner and children Siting in New York. ' v E E Adams has returned from «»'days' stay in Olney, UK ,__ * «r S Mrs. fc J- Hopkins of Sheri- dan road left Sunday tor St. Augus- "u'/lmi Mrs- Craighead have left ft-innetka to make their home in New VM« tndrew Davis, who has been 'III Jor several weeks, is now convales- -^Sr Frank Baker, who has been in- thc west tor several weeks, is now in '"Ef'and Mrs. O. F. Spaulding of Cherry street are in St. Petersburg, iha. for a short stay. Mr G F. Gonsalves is building a new honi. at Oakley and Rosehill ave- nue8 in Hubbard^Voods. j Mrs E. F. Snell is to hold a recep-, flon Bt her home on Lincoln avenue the afternoon of Jan. 27. Mr and Mrs- R- H- Ross of Foxdale •venue are at home again after a six Wets"visit in Louisville, Ky. ■rjje engagement has been an- nounced of Miss Helen Pittman and; Mr George Mason of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Henry Thorsen was taken seri- • ously i» Sunday and has been unable I ja attend to his work as mail carrier. : Mr >' A- Seymour of HubbaTdj Woods died at his home on Thursday i 0f last week. He was 81 years of age. j Hiss Constance Tyrrell entertained1 the members of the Mission Study, class at her home on Wednesday after- noon. • Mr. and Mrs. Brown Caldwell of Stockbrids*'. Mass., are the guests of Mr. and tyrs. G. A. Follansbee, 765 Willow street. On Sunday, Feb. 1, Mr. Charles H. packer of Chicago will give an illus- trated talk on "The Chicago Plan" at tne vosP"' service at the Congrega- tional church. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick G, Budlong have returned from Brooklyn, N. Y., where tli'y were called last week by the death of Mrs. Budlong's father, C. W. Corbet t. The entertainment planned by the junior Auxiliary of Christ church, i which lias been postponed several times, has now been set for Friday evening, Feb. 6. at the Woman's club. The annual dinner of the Congrega- tional church was held Wednesday night. After a social hour the dinner was served in the gymnasium and the j rts-of-tlrr--past- year-s work were I rtad. j Mr. .1 A. I.cske of the Co-operative I company of Winnetka, was elected of the New Trier Com- mercial association at their meeting last. Thursday. Mr. W. L. Wehrstaed or the Winnetka garage was elected erre of ihe directors. Mrs. I' S. Post is conducting an English i lass which meets on Monday! evening at. Community House. Many; of the hi. mbers of this class are girls who have been in this country but a ! short time and much good is being' done by Mrs. Post. 1U, .....nightly and Friendly clubs j of Community House have changed their meeting nights from Thursday; evenings to Wednesday evenings. The Friendlv dub meets on the first and: third \V. dnesdays of the month and the FoM.niKhtly club the second and' fourth Wednesdays. . Mr and Mrs. Ernst von Ammon are! g«vin« ill. ir services each.week to lead . >*k»~- ~f aboHt. thirty young- peopl?, to iii.i--■■!■ s- .me of the new dances The • very Thurs'iay evening at: Comr<>»»".i noiise. A dance is planned it in the gymnasium of Com- munis n.itise. • innetka Council Royal Area-; nued the ceremony of in- tii«> new officers for 1914 at. ing on Monday night. This Hie most important meetings .tr and a large majority -of-the- v ere present. Refreshments GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS }&&*. tHu^S&Ek &p*+■*■**.. &■»■ y'*» m C. A. THORSEN Livery and Teaming Building Material KENILWORTH Phone 261 Residence Phone 264 Agentl Hartford Fir* Insurance Co. and Illinois Lift Insurance Co. GROCERIES Fine fruits---in and out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. Q EO. B. WINTER Home of Mr. John L. Curtis, Prospect Avenue, Highland Park. Quality and not Quantity--the best for the money--is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. S. VAN DEU5EN AUGUST RODELtUS- Successor to Rodellus &. Rosen. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watches and clocks. Many years' expert- j ence wjtb^.best-known Chicago 1 houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davis Street MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for-Men, Sorosis Shoes for hadlf^--**nd Children. Gentlemen's Furnish- ing Goods,. - ■ HAY ES & HA YES PRINTING Printing of All kinds Done Promptly ajQ-d______„ Satisfactorily by The BOWMAN PUB. CO. Telephonea 585 and 586. PLAYER PIANOS HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange H40------------ Sunday Dinner a Specialty. 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUltDING Telephone Winnctk. 7 WINNETKA PLAYER PIANOS 83 NOTE INSIDE PLAYER Installed in all upright pianos. ' Call and Bee this player. Our prices are very low. PATTERSON BROS. 1522 Sherman Ave. Tel. Evanston 654 Talking Machines Old Phonographs remodeled to play -v New Edison Rkcokio ,o l Language taught by phonograph. Phone wit»nwtk«H»»3'W itfnt CfntrnWJSOT- JAMES I. LYONS 25 UK ST LAKE ST. (HICAOO R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and Builder Repairing Promptly Attended To Phine Winnetka'425 Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois -^Courtesv Book of the North Shore. Residence of Mr. C. C. Linthicum, 1315 Forest Avenue, Evanston. VOICES PLEA Mrs. Frederick Arnd Writes Concerning the Financial Condition of the Evans- ton Theatre. MUST BE WELL PATRONIZED financial support, and this has not been accorded to the very excellent company now appearing at our thea- ter under the able "management and" direction of Mr. Harry L. MintAirn. On the contrary, the receipts at the box office have not been sufficient to war- rant the stockholders in continuing this form of entertainment, and un- less there be a considerable increase during the next two weeks the theater will be rented and a lower .order of entertainment will take the place of the stock company. This fact alone should influence Evanstonians to pa- tronize the present management. Manager is Capable. Now a word about the manager and the members of the Evanston Stock company. It has been my pleasure and privilege to meet them personally and also to study their work, and I have found them a superior class of Tli«' v num pi stalling the ir mp is on^7 .7 Of thr to< ml). I wero r. In?, >\ after the business meet- JOBBER SEEKS MONEY ONLY IN CAULT HOME A ' : ulio is evidently money- ma^, . i >,ivd the home of Prof. Robert F. (;a:i.;r-44;i4 Chicago avenue. Evans- ton, ,u,,t after procuring about $10 in rnon-j and a check, left many arti- cles nf jewelry and other valuables easily tcressible on dressing tables Md_iir dresser drawers undisturbed. The house was entered between 9:30 and 10: no o'clock and practically every room was ransacked in the search for cash. Charles H. Schrup, a student, who ■Ives at the Gault home, was left alone in the house that night. He left the Premises about 9:30 o'clock, and when By Mrs. Frederick Arnd. Ii seems to me important, at this J time, that the people of Evanston be j informed of the problem which con- fiouts them regarding the continua- tion of the stock company at the Ev- anston theater. The first question that presents it-1 self is, Do we need a stock company j in Evanston? I think we do, for the. following reasons: The price of admission ranges from j Trrr^cents to 75 cents and, on this ac-j count, amusement and recreation are afforded many who are unable to pay higher prices. ____________[nyalids Attend. ThertTare many semi-invalids in Hv: anston who attend the theater here, regularly, but who are physically pre- vented from going to Chicago for simi- lar amusement. For these two reasons the mainte- nance of the stock company should be encouraged on the grounds of philan- thropy. In addition to these, the plays presented are clean and of high stan dard and may safely be witnessed by the young people. Is it not as mucli people, able and conscientious In their work, the kind we want among us, and should we lose them we will Ann it at least very difficult, if not impos- sible, to replace them. the telephone and signal system and directing the officers, Sergeant McEn- ery looked after the ||psecutlpn. It happened that McEnery heard the most of Beeker's-speech and replied to him in a manner that nettled and ex- cited him so much that he left the court room In such haste that he -for- got his overcoat. Becker made the as- sertion that he owned much ^property ir. the southwest section and that he knew conditions well there. He ridi- culed the testimony of the German girls and stated that any girl who went into the territory near Washing- ton street and Florence avenue after 8 o'clock at night did so at her own peril of being insulted. McEnery's speech was decidedly un- prepared but words did not fail him in scoring Becker for such a statement that women were not safe on the southwest streets after 8 o'clock. ence, the testimony of Bishop Fallows and A. T. Benson of Chicago was heard by Justice .Schatz bo that it would notjj be necessary for them to make an-t other trip to Evanston. I Bishop Fallows testified that he i knew Fhubrey seven years ago, but j since that time had not had any busi-, ness dealings with him. Fhubrey,-it is alleged, procured $75 from Mrs. j Morley In advance after he had been ! engaged as an agent to sell stocks by , Mr. Motley. It is said no business1 was delivered by the agent, hence the j arrest. The case is being closely con-: tested, attorneys being employed In the prosecution in addition to repre- sentatives from the state's attorney's office, while Fhubrey has two attor- neys representing his interests. •00 , arid te ARE MAKING Ladies* Tailoi -Made Suits for $30 to $35 ..... Best Material and Workmanship Jladek *^"pl t IS NORTH STATF STREET Opposite Fields Phone Central SIS CHICAGO. Suours»si»mTKKTH limtllfalt »craeot WITIIOVT and 35i»ars IM.ATKS sa«50.i k numl at comfort and durabllilr Our cettbralfd M 00 tats hi>* stood tht till of tint. Painless Mhactlng. but oothsa.lngsneclallied CONSULTATION FBlEK. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clnrh Streets Open evenings until 7 Sunday 9 to VI "There was a time when lawlessness reigned in that^section," said the po- lice officer, "but that portion Is now within the city limits and we are pre- serving order there. If conditions are ...._._ _____ --------- | such as Becker describes, that drunk- RANGE FIRE FLARES "•" n">n are ,n tne *""f'ets every night A rtare-up in , range fire 'in the | after 8 o'clock, where do they get their home of 1> T. Lawson, 1142 3t»nf^ If such la rue I think a Hgd olice ,t V.n a m Friday tnvrstigittton should be made tn Beek- cautu an early run for the flV^lervllle. Maybe a blind pig is flourish- partment. A boy had started the fire 'nK thei in the stove- and to hurry tire heat along had poured on a quantity of oil. No damage resulted. SERGEANT ACTS AS iJITY PR6SE&UT0R BISHOP SAM. FALLOWS IS WITNESS IN COURT When City Attorney Does Not Appear, Sergt. McEnery Ac- quits Himself as Barrister. Famous Chicago Divine Ap- pears in Local Court as a Character Witness. Desk -Sergeant, Dennis McEnery the voting neopie. is ii »o<. "» «>«>•» j , , _ our duty to provide wholesome enter- |.n»*«l his ability as a barrister Tues- Lnmentihr the young as it is to see day in the vanston police court when Sat they have wholesome food? Boys he cotnpletely outwitted John BeC^r ^j-e'umed an hour later he found ihe drtors open mnd^aU of the rooms ransacked.. He notified the police and a thorougii investigation was made. Bowbt^^: igey jyere jjttgjjjf Jo flgd My clpw which might flead to the «scoverj» of the IdehtltW©**^ roh- ber. -- z ■*- and girls require amusement, and is it not better that they be entertained at home rather than in the city with its lights and restaurants to attract the iu ? """^ ^^j"2 Then "the home theater has Its ad- vantages for older people as well, be- cause when the play is over they find themselves at home and not confront- ed with the tiresome journey from Chicago. What Can Be Done? The second question that presents 1">2" Washington street, in a hearing of Ames Drewltz, Washington street and Florence avenue, on a disorderly conduct charge. Becker Is Drewltz's ^employ^r^rcdia^car^^n-courtj^his counsellor. After considerable testimony had been given by three German girls con- cerning tha, alleged misconduct of Drewitz, and also several German men had given testimony in the defend- ant's behalf, Becker attempted a flight in oratory. itself is, What must we do to retalu the stock company? We must patron- ize It--not once In a while, but often, not one class_o? people but everyone. tained upon the good will of the com munity, but must be given continuous ^As-has-beea-usuaUn-scores ot cases recently, City Attorney Lutkin was not present to prosecute and the bur- den of establishing the guilt of Dre not one class 01 peot»« uut. »»«,««-. --- -- . 7Mitten. Butrohnaa ***""""* " . ... . it-__^_- xirminm T.annincr anted as Internreler William Lahnlng acted~as InterpreleY and between his duties of answering Bishop Samuel Fallows, 2344 Mon- roe street, Chicago, made his appear- ance in an Evanston justice of peace court late Monday afternoon as a character witness, much to his cha- grin. He was summoned In the case against F. I,. Fhuhrey, charged with ob-_ taining money under false pretenses, in a warrant sworn out by Richard A. Morley, 1012 Hinman avenue. The case was started in the justice .court of William J. Norkett, but a ebange-ef venue-was taCen to Justice William J. Schatz's court. A continu- ance was granted until tomorrow af- ternoon at 3 o'clock on a motion of at- torneys who did not want to try thes case at night. As a matter of convenl PRESSING _REPAIRING Phone Winnetka 278. Maynard Bldg. H. E. ODHNER Merchant Tailor Ladies' and Gents' Suits Made to Order " ill Klndi of Fancy Cleaning Klinge ®> White HIGH GRADE GROCERIES MP MEATS Ridge Avenue, near-Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 430 Phone WiimetlW crF GROSS POINT, ILL. Telephone Winnetka 278 C.T. NORTHROP USE A Red Cross Filter -4XHO tatJtKMVI All WlrintGutraatecd Electric Shop HA-KRY A.WlTKOWSKY Proprietor WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOF. ILLINOIS Phone Winneik* 5S7 __ PJUH Glenso«_4»0 Johnson & Johnson MASON AND CARPENTER CONTRACTORS lei. Winnetki 845_____rMbird RE.AL ESTATE. LOANS and RENTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods A Pleasure to Show the Property C. A. FORBER0 DEALER IN fancy Groceries, Meats, notions W Hardware Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 Hubbard Woods, 111. Don't Read This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile We have an entirely new process ofclean- ing carbon out of the motor. We burn out the carbon with oxy- gen which does the work better than by scraping and is abso- lutely haimless to the rest nf the motor. Do not confuse this with the old liquid forms of carbon remover. It is unnecessary to take dowji the motor. We can complete the job in half hour. The best part of all is the price $1.00 A CYLINDER Winnetka Garage WN. T. WEHR. STEDT, Prop. A Specialty We have so wide a reputation for skill in handling ivomen*s fine garments that you may have-overlooke&4he~ fact that we do equally well wtikmen7sJ3qlhj[i. We do ihe work rigMliefe^uf^vanstoli^ 622-Bajds^Si^ Tr^ n - - - Vt-------'9 ■ ^Evanston 1730 Phones: >wi,merte 1475 The Royal batfes^Taflop* -------- SAJTVOLK A. L. PAIS. Proprietor* - : gg Spring Styles Wsvi^ATrive<i s Vou arc invited to call and «Mittttt^",lBS^)^SlS^^^^iJg^ Samples for Women's Tailored Suits that have jnst arrived. Special Reduction of from $10 to $15 Until Feb. 15th Call at either of our stores for courteous service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cleaning, Dying, Remod- eling work called for and delivered. --~__--;_-^. ^AtfcVOfcKVft L.^Ai& Props^-- TWO STORES TWO TELErMONES 603 Dempster St.--1521 Em«rson St. IIW--,-W* N^w» "'Wagf^dir^rittg"";B^

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