Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1914, p. 2

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k*tjSi**i- " , " SOCIAL MAPPENINfiiS IN WILMETTB u of Mrs. L. T. 'Marshall, who leaves Wilmette on the 17th to rqake her _Zioo;e4n Rogers Park. J Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm and Mrs. Frank tT, Cutler will be hostesses at â€"at musieale to be given tomorrow at the Country club. The program will â- T^tSe- furnfslied by" Mr. Arthur Middle- ton^ cellist, and Mr. Edgar A. Nelson,. W^Accompanist. ter Ward of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halfh of Rogers Park. 'â- : Mrs. Wilbur, 1236 Forest avenue, en- ter tained... twelve guests at luncheon Thursday in honor of Misses Gertrude Webber and Olive Skelton, brides-UK be." . . '. . y_________-:v The Woman's auxiliary of St. Augus- tine's church^ gave a silver tea yester- day at the home of Mrs. Arthur llrown. 520 Lake avenue. Oyer 200 invitations were issued and a large attendance rwas assyredi~^|ighj; till program was given, consisting of songs' by Mrs^ Hoswell P. Fish, con; lyaito:;jqJT Chicago; a auet"^*Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Arthur Brown, accom- paniments and piano-' selections by arrs. Clifford R. Wassell of Edge- water. Miss Lenard, teacher in the; .gym nasi urn department of New Tribrt gave a costume dance. -t Mrs. C. G- Smith, 1325-Greenwood avenue, entertained twentylailM in-, a . , fuerday at the ^ermaHy-Saturday afternoon: iirlioiioH^ _A|* W*$% \5XL„!! Ln . J?* Societies and Clubs f Tljiere will be "a pdard miefing uf home of Mrs. S. S. Dingee, 932 Lake avenue, for the nomination of officers for next year. The annual meeting for the election of officers, as well as the last meeting till next fall, will be held Thursday, April 30. The program of the Country club for this week is as follows: Friday, April 17, movies, 8 p. m.; Saturday, April 18, Auction bridge, 8:30 p. m.; Saturday, April 25, club party, 8:30 p. m. The "movies'* tomorrow night!Mrs will probably be the-last at the club j avenue, at the Evanston hospital Fri THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 â€" :: 11 â-  â-  i n nil Mi i Mill I • EPfloph Afs Dfins I in Wiliti^*^^ * * * - * â- % â-  III Ifimnmw-""'* B. B. Buckman, 726 Laurel avenue, is in St. Louis for a short stay, v James J. Welch, 1011 Linden ave- nue, is in Canada on a business trip. ' MrrBr Frfcewls and family returned Saturday after spending the whiter in..Florida." ' â- ""* * '*""'"' Dr. L. A. Lower is recuperating in i»is-4ienaer-^046^iandettiinteTroe7^tleT a serious illness. Mrs, Arthur J. Thompson, 707 Lin- den avenue, left Monday for Plainfield, N. J., for a short? stay,..... „ Miss Marcia Manley of Chicago spent the jtimk,...euijl" witk"jpacTnt Case on Central avenue. ... >.,,.,..-,,.â-  - Mrs. -Siliai^;.s/.:wp^enr^^rlite' den avenue, is ' recovering from- - a slight illness of. a few .'weeks. „ Miss Anna Holmes, 1221 Ashland avenue, Is the guest of friends in Ypsilantl, MicJi., for a short time. Captain €.' C. Miller, 1046 Linden avenue, is the guest of his grand- daughter, Mrs. D. Milter, In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruch, 1201 Greenwood avenue,, left Monday for a two weeks' stay at French" Lick Springs, Ind. A daughter was born. to Mr. and Marshall R. Knox. 1617 Lake Mrs. C. (2. Smith, 1325 Greenwood ^venue; entertained Informally twen-i before the picture shows in the vil- j day. April 10 lage are opened. ty-fivo ladies at a reception Saturday afternoon for Mrs. J. S. Rice. 1328 ~Elmwood avenue, and Mrs. L. T: Mar- shall, ' Vit7~^(Treersvra(fi~aLvemve 1.1^. Mrs. A. C\T,iQlendorff/ 237 Linden avenue, entertained the members of the Humboldt Woipan's club Tuesday latter hbohT Officers were chosen for the coming year. A splendid program was given. Miss Marie Bitter gave several solos. : Mrs. B.~E. Buckman. 726 Laurfl avenue, entertained for Miss Ida Car- keek of Evanston the first of the week. ; Mrs. R. W. Gerald entertained the Neighbors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S.. Rice, who will soon leave for New- York to reside, and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Marshall, who will soon move to Rogers Park, were guests of honor. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers enter- Jnined sixteen of *.helr friends at bridge Saturday evening. The out of town, guests were Mr, and Mrs. Wal- Mrs. Emil C. Butz, 702 Washington Human Culture is a perfected Art with which I can bring about perfect digestion ab. sorticn, assimilation and axcreiton- The blood thereby, is replenished- the cells and tissues are reconstruct, ed. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, or anything that is un- pleasant, I cure chronic ailments, in many cases ailments of twenty years duration. These" statements can be verified by anybody who will investigate To know what I have done, or to talk to one who has been cured by me is to be convinced that these statements are absolute facts. Chester Levere Human Culturist 1812 Chicago Avenue avenue, wiTT entertain the Comanche Card club Tuesday, April 21. The next meeting of the Drama Study class will be April 22, at the home of Mrs. Wm. H. Rlddiford. form- erly of Wilmette, who now resides on Sheridan road,' Edgewater. The H. and W. club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King Tuesday evening, April 21. The next meeting of the French class, Monday, April 20, will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Major, 215 Ninth street. Mrs. Joseph H. Long, 611 Lake ave- nue, entertained the Tuesday bridge club, April 14. There will be an all day meeting of the Fifth Division or the Methodist church at the heme of Mrs. Springer, 430 Hi!! street, Friday, April 24. The second division of the Metho- dist church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. W. McCullough, 923 Elm- ttveuue. «j 11 ill â-  »â-  I III 111 11 â-  â-  I â- â-  â-  >t CHltOlgN TO GIVE DANCING C. Edgar Wescott, Abbotsford road, is in Mississippi for! a ahort stay.4 * 'â-  ClydeVP.ROS8, 1324 Chestnut ave- nue, is spending a week in New York. The Araicitfa club will meet tonight at the^tteme of Myrhaittfitti Abbots- ford road. -p-jMtefc-jfr-f^r-Farteyr-Jtar-wili entertain members pf the Friday club tomorrow eveningjin her home. , Mr. end Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball, Essex road, have as their guests, Mr. Ball's mother, of Cleveland, O. ....,,..., Mrs. Bentley McCloud. Wal place, returned Sunday from £**'&£ jbutti in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. W. S. Tinsman, Essex road, who has been visiting in New York, Is expected home Tuesday. Mrs. George R. -Morrell of Buffalo, N. Y., is.the guest of Mrs. Frank ft. Young of Cum nor road. J. A. Bellows, Abbottsford road, has gone to New York where he will re- main several days on business. Miss Bet tie Hall of Ann Arbor. Mich., is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. O. C. Eastman, Melrose avenue. Mis. Oliver R. Barrett of Abbotts- ford'road, is convalescent, following an attack of la grippe. ._'; "__ Mr*. J. K. Fowler, Sr., of Birchwood entertained, several KenUworth ladles at an "at home" Tuesday afternoon,. Tlie New Trier Prom, a new danc- ing club, will give a dance Friday evening, April 17, at the Assembly ball. EXHIBITION. ~ An. interesting program and exhibi- tion or aesthetic, characteristic and interpetative ball room dances Will be given by a large number of Wilmette children, under the supervision of Miss Dorothy Collier, at the Oullmette Country club Saturday night, April 25, at 8:30 o'clock. , the purpose of the enterudnment~will. be to* show the parents and friends what can be ac- complished by training In. dancing un- der the direction of Miss Collier. The following program will be given: Shepherd's Dance, Sarah Huguenin, Virginia Lillenfield, Virginia Olwln and Ruth Dietterich. Colonial Dance, Henriette Bird, Jane 0t«ne&. Viinglttla:: Belt, Gertrude HrowB, Mary ;W^orthington, Helene SelbokL Beatrice Rand and Elizabeth Thompson. ' *, v'.*... â- ~ Japanese iJaftceV Margaret" Galla- gher. Waltz Clog, the Misses Pease. Polish Dance, Virginia Lillenfield. Teddy Cubs, Aisline Woodcock. Mary Stoddard, Betty Northcott and Betty Reese." Bachante Dance, Miss Evylyn Isom. Violin Solo, Miss Eleanor Serrell. Dutch Pauce., Babsie Skinner, Kath- erine Cody, Florence Gilleson, Helen Phelps, Walter' "Nelson, David Rob- erts, Seymour Nason, James Wiggles- worth. Irish Dance, Virginia Lllfenneld, Dorothy Hardenbrook, Sarah Hugue- Earn While Others Dream S.'J.OO will be paid to the boy or girl who submits the best advertisement for the Wilmette Exchange State Bank 'by April 23rd. $1.00 will be paid for all other advertisements which the bank uses. V Xopy" must be plainly written on only one side otpaper ?.nd not to exceed 100 words. Contributor's name, age and address must be. given. Advertisements for the contest may be left at the bank.. .. . - - - - , r' " * A good advertisement written today Is worth more than a better advertisement dreamed of but not written at all. Is Next Thursday Imette Exchange State Bank fry Todd. Miss Jennie Shantz, 1053 Linden avenue, has moved to Winnetka to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cazel. Miss Juliette Gates is expected ....... hoirie Friday evening to spend the) Mrs. James R Chapman of Roslyn I 0ree* Dance, .(a) Ruth Dietterich; week end with her parents. Mr. and !road entertained Tuesday for Miss VI-j <b> Moment Musical, Margaret Gal- Mrs. H. B. Gates: i vlan Small, president of Lake Erie col-1 Iagher, Ruth Dietterich. Mrs. Arthur Wilson of Waukegan! lege, and Miss Helen Dunlap. I Merrot and Pierrette, Martha spent several days this week with Mrs. Franklin H. Martin entertained j Thomas and Marian Reese, her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, j at luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. i Russian Mazurka, Miss Evelyn 428 Ninth street. i James R. Chapman and her guests, I Isom. Mrs. George Mullen, daughter of Misses Vivian Small and Helen Dun-1 Society Dance, Miss Dorothy Col- Mrs. Curley, was taken to St. Luke's lap. ! ller« Mr Robert Lester and Mr. John Hospital, Tuesday, April 7, to under- { Mrs. W. I. Woodward, Abbottsford ; Coolldge. go an operation. ' road, entertained several young ladies j Following the program, a dance will Elliot Wrenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. â-  at a birthday surprise party for her | °e conducted for the patrons of the William D. Wrenu. 518 Linden ave-' daughter, Miss Ruth, Saturday after-1 entertainment. , nue. Is convalescent, following an at-1 noon. jmm^SS!^r^^m^m^^^ISSmmmmmmm' tack of Bcarlet fever. | Mrs. Guy S. Osborn was the victim t^JjOTBltCB CujGL&B Miss Arthur Is back in Wilmette iof a pleasant birthday surprise party w*,;^^^ after spending the' winter in Chicago., planned and executed by several Shp is staying with Mrs. B. E. Buck- j neighbors in her home In Cumnor man, 1024 Linden avenue. road, Wednesday night. Mrs.' Richard S. PattillO and daugh-| Mr|L John Benham attd Mrs. Sydney Jer have returned to their home.! Falriee of Sheridan road, who have 620 Forest avenue, after spending the been 8pBnding the winter at Santa winter months in Florida. ; Barbara, Cal.. returned to their homes Mrs. A. T. Forge returned to hernere Wednesday, home iu Madison. Wis., after a visit MiM tanni,,â„¢ D e»u«u b.0„ ,».j WUh her sister. Mrs. Hiram A. WUt-L^jLJ«f"^yBh,fS^fSr^d" mS^^fSnW°vv1iren?,eo r \ .IsoToXnVhas returned tZ 8c â- v-_uJ2ld «*JL: 8°n' 5,(LC1entral I Augustine, Fla.. where Graham has \l$?zJS££**rW^"gH'?i?1 1*1 bee" attendmg Keewatln suhooi tor gram beToro the members of the Oak' nin. Katherine Scheidenhelm. Eleanor j AmCFlCail Wddill^ CO. | TELEPHOWE WILMETTE 76 Blymer, Helen Skinner, Junior Grein-i(Not inc.) A. P. ORAHAM, Hgr.! v^ "^jt/ "-â- â- 0* '"'A. «m*a er. Jack Searle, Edwin Sweitzer. Wil-! AftkTndtof miteto welded. j U. W « f\. /xJrjT liam Freeman, Samuel Clark and Jer-ji|f^w|^J^tUwniow^$|||rp|1|edtrtc We do everythiiJff in Machinery Line COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 WUmette, Illinois 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE The third division has a meeting to day at the home of Mrs. H. T. Zaren da, 1611 Lake avenue. The members of the Ladies' Whist I club meot next Monday at-the home of Mrs. M B. Skinner. ' PIANIST AND TEACHER Five years1 study abroad under cele- brated teachers. , •. 43t EIGHTH STREET, WILMETTE. Tel. Wilmette 250. Collars and Neckwear for Men. noon Miss Francis Evans and - Mrs. Henry Borgseidt have returned to their home in Milwaukee, after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. A. S. Childs, 1137 Central avenue. Mrs. Walter D. Elmer. 1517 Lake avenue, has returned from Kort Tl,c lula"a W»lfar«> loaeiiug. under I worth. Texas and Da*e..port iow«. next week for Prairie du Chien. Wis., I where he will resume his studies. K. L. GQN&ALVES Contractor ana BulWer Rtpairing Promptly Attinded To Phone Winnttka425 ' Shop: 909 Linden Avl. Rusts AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 WUmette wm j J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and lasuraici North Shore Homes and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth 8t„ Phone 1026 CIMcc 1123 Central Ave., Phone ioz» WILMETTE. ILLINOIS Sam's ResioMranU THB BEST FOOD AT TUB 1 BSjPJfpSMB MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619W.sfliilroatfA«. WILMETTE, IU. THE WIwNETKA SHOP MRS. J. A. SKANT2, Proprieto? For Soleâ€"WHmIH Temiaal liV.'l." wmmm,i^*_^ a mm*m*i Have Your Clothes Made to Order by ;Twrn \BVSYShops I 29Easl Madison Sfl fiocond Floor. Room 20*. HEYWOhTH-BMJO.. S W; • '•or. WABASH AVENUE] 2646 W. North Ave. the «iiiH|ii<«-s of the Child and Homt â-  department of the \V limctte Woman's i club. Monday, was. a decided success. i The speakers were Dr Churchill of Chicago, Mrs. Freer and Mrs. Wells i of Hinsdale, and Mr*. Ernest Wood- yatt of Evanston. * j A group of ladle.1? fmtflrirstmi In this ', subject will visit some of the Infant j Welfnre stations Tuesday afternoon. Anyone interested is cordially invited to meet the party mat afternoon at a few minutes before 2 o'clock at the Linden avenue station of the North- I western elevated I i The riiilaiiLhropv «.nl t i.t.a >te j partm^nt held an all uay Su«vlag n.«>et- i ing at the club Tuesday. l The Crfiil |>nlt> glVtiu b> (I.. tliiikncC J committee takes place thl« aKernoon at the Woman's club. Prof S M Clark of the t niverfeity of Chicago gave a dramatic reading where ahe wax th~ euest a( i.tends for two weeks Kenneth Bennett tl.« mu. ,».,». of Mr and Mrs. Bei>.iett \:\% Tenth street, was taken to the Lvaiisi.^n hos- pital. Monday, to be operated on for relief from appendicitis. Little Naoma McDorreii. ).{-io Elm- wood avenue, who fell and broke her limb three weeks ago, is improving nicely It will be some time before South Watt Corner Linden and fourth. â- Â« 100x109 • Directly < n front of station. Cheapest corner there. No*. Uai.ugt (stores) being ereoteJ wro.. tt.c street Look today. SOWES REALTY CO., E^l. Agents Main 2181. 30 N. La Salle Street of the "Matting Pox" by Israel Viang- ring tbe Easter vacation" 'COME* TOMORROW and Ail Next Week -and you can buy an actual $25 and $30 NEW SPRING SUIT AND EXTRA PANTS Of the Same Material at Your Suit will at the club yesterday Piano solos were rurnished by Mis* Elvira Burwash of Chicago. Miss John W. I IHff was hostess. The next and last meeting of the year will be the annual luucheon, April 29. Those wishing places re- served are requested to notify Mrs. C). C. Eastman by mail before Satur- day, April 25. The Chili! and liouu department ..( the Woman's club will entertain ill the teachers and the board of educa- tion at luncheon in tne club building Wednesday. April 22. Airs. O L. Mar- tin has charge-of this, meeting. There will be a school exhibit in the audi- torium consisting of the work done m the different grades during the past year. she will be aftle to walk. Neil Saunders, who is attending St. John's Military Academy at Delafield, Wis., spent his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Oeorge l'^ Saunders. 901 Forest avenue Mrs F B. Schwartz Washington avenue, who underwent a delicate op- eration on her throat in St Luke's hospital two weeks ago. letutued to her home Monday, April proving slowly. Mrs Dortseldt, from and Miss Frances Evans, ten teacher in Milwauke and is im- .vniwaukee, i kindergar- are spend- wltn thefr Childs, "line Soiree de Danse" (An evening of dancing) < WILL BB HHLU AT IHK Ouiimette Country Club i Saturday Evening ') April Twenty-fifth gggSBM , 'i â- lil|i,i'..u.~ms Admission 50 Cents DANCING t-. /one after the perfor.___a Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TEUraONB WUMBTIB 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette M, Wilmette, in. new process cceanimg and Dyeing 1162 Central Avenue Wilmette. Illinois Phones Wilmette 32t> FOR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 IS Block Vest ot Keoilwortb Ospot W. K WILSON 72 Phone ilea Competent Dressmaker wants work at your home oifi at my establishment TELEPHONE WILMETTE 241 NEW8 WANT ADS BRING RESULTS NORTH EVANSTON OR WILMETTE, two furnished or partially furnished rooms with private porch if pos- sible, and with board or near board. East or West of N.W. R, Re Phone, Evanston 174! or write, 2522 Ashland Ave, EVANSTON. BeTOLJ KNOW lh., the WESTERN CASKET 6 UNDERTAKING CO. can save you ifom 30 to 50 per cent on all FunertJ Supplies? HOW CAN WE? Well *e manofacture all of our own Caskets and Supplies. That's H WE CHALLENCE a comparison of prices and quality. Automobile service furnished when desired. W. H. SCOTT (who was formerly with J. L Hebfelethwaite), is financially interested in our Evanston Store and will Manage the same. 1007 DAVIS STREET Phone 98 EVANSTON UKSIDKNCK PHONE 2S03 To Your <hvn Measure Hand Customl Made] Wilmette Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wiimetter •â- -r*-3 uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs 1137 Central avenue. Eugene Jones returned to Madison. Wis., where he is attending the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Tuesday, after spending ihe Easter vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira a Jones, 522 Washington avenue Miss-Alice Armstrong will j>lay in the Evanston Stock con.puny during the next two weeks, the closing weeks of the present season^aml will appear in "The White Horse Taveru," and "The Honey Moon Trail ' Mr and Mrs. L. T. Mai shall have sold their home at. 1317 Greenwood avenue to Mr. Frank B. FVgle, ()jvho Is connected with the Chicago Exam- iner, and will leave Wflmett? April 17. to make their home temporarily in Rogers Park. Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr «ho has been planning to spend t&.* months) in Cedar Rapids, iowa, -with her paFF ents, lias been forcedta po^pone her lui-Mt.iAl robl iCA IiON.i Ktl'ulx I -I' lilt. OwtlLvll(«>N ul- Located at Wilmette State oi lilh.oi^. bciore the commencement ot business on lh<; tourth day of April, 1914 KCjoUkCES ; S35-S40 Suit and Eifra Pants now S25 S45-S50 Sui!" and Extra Pants How $30 Fit. • »tyK>. ch=r»ou?r and workmanship] I or nvw »uit. |f| SPECIAL NOTICE *** Rgc-ry garBient HjJis^ STLJb^arS- trip indefinitely, owing to the illness The pastor. Dr. Wilson, will speak ;Qf hef tWQ childrent Be88ie and Elea. j Sunday at 11 a. m. on the subject, norj wUh tpnsjlitls. Wt!ni«K«l" iiiil f»ery ord^r receives my|y^ . L.-f rs*jr.:tl atU'rtt it»i'._ wl.trh IMltrM Vdiiiy 'The Priesthood Not of an Order But lot All Believers." and * at 7:30 p. m. ton "Presbyterians and American Inde- j pendence." The latter will be a ser- mon in the interests of the General btjr to meet in the Fourth church, crhi^goTTTrMay: ijjerwjnal littentioii. which assures yoirtW"'i"ijhurcll',: Chicago;""tfTMav'. ne~wlll spe /A perfect natl«fcction. ftm . ,. .. , W WO KXTBA CIIAKOKS OT ^'^ addre8S y°U"g Pe°P,e- f"r mzee or 1 in in«s durint; this offer. Now :.- your clianci- to get two suit:, for the price of one. All Goods Marked In Plain figures | fe 1 &$» nsrsr etyfes to select from. Positively No Disappointments Both services will be in response to I the request of the Church Federation Council of 'Chicago asking that the 'sermons on Aj>rtl-r»-hg-OTr^The C6TF structive Principles of the Reforma- tion and Apostolic Christianity." " Mr. and Mrs. J. Rollin Grey, 41J) Washington avenue, have rented their home for one year to Mr. S. L. Marks of Chicago, and will leave May 1 for their summer home at Waucaca, Lakes,. Wisconsin. TheyJ AU.Tth^Protes^tjChltrches ;p£ JChi^- in^aetrâ„¢n«w33Bie7^ Mr. Wlthee._ant cago have been requested to observe family will move to Wlimette ~ts~ the day in this manner. 'siotT time. "T will sppnd next winter in the south. Mrs. W. C. Armstrong. ,225 Central avenue, has sold her home to Mr. E. F. . Withee of Chicago- Mrs. Arm- strnjog:^ will leave Tuesday for Paw Paw, Mich., where she will make Jisr future home. Her "daughter, Miss Alice. JKill jQlaljier ih lallew weeks •is.. ..... < rdrafu ............. l estmems............. 5 iiscellaneous Resources. Due from Banks.......:.. Cash on Hand........... $340,660.71 2.322.00 . 62,400.00 25,000.00 .. S4.379.9l . 1L926.39 Totil Resources....................$496,689.01 LIABILITIES Capital Stock- Paid In . . . Surplus Fund.......... Undivided Profits...... Deposits............... Miscellaneous Liabilities .$ 75,000.00 18.750.00 1.687.86 . 397,538.71 3,712.44 Pink tnd White KillarneyrT^icfrnorfd, My ^Maryland, Mrs. Taft,-Mrsi Ward, BEDDING PLAICES for all kinds of work. Canrus, Geraniums, Salvias, Petunias, Asters, Snap dragon, Baskets, Roosevelt Ferns in Pots and Baskets. ___ CUT FLOWEiS Anything you want, for any occasion. Easter Lilies, special prices. DELIVERED fresh from our greenhouses, 1625 Central Ave., Wilmette, Telephone Wilmette 23. n to Decorative Weddings, Funerals, etc. Estimates furnished free. Motor Delivery to Any Puriof£vanstonrWitmetter KenUworth, Winnetka, Hubbard Woods^r Glencoe &OLSEN Successor* to STAR FLORAL CO.

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