Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1914. Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTE. 1640 Want Ads in the Lake Shore Newa are charged at the following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 V2 cents per line. . AU Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. #»MI IH11| 11111Mil Jill* HELP WANTED vAtsttou 'â€"- KAfiSHIBNCEP WAIT- reas/fS ^i'.week; good references Phone Winnetka Ti or <all 735 sBherldan-rdirâ€"Winnetkaâ€"â€"tâ€"'â€"â€"itc- - _MLSCELUNEQ»S FOR SALl^-WILL SELL. REAJ30N' -^fttste, two 9il2 Axmlnster rugs and four small rugs., - Mrs. Sanders of Vancouver is tne guest of Dr. Taylor. Mrs. W. U. went to Milwau- kee Tuesday for a few days' visit. • | Rev. Peabody qf^Chlcagd;'„.jte_ the. |guesi;forawee*: of Mr. fineil. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Conway of : Linden street, are to be in Chicago for several weeks â-  â-  â- â€¢ Granqufst, soprano; Mr. JDewItt j)e piie. violinist; Mn Edward K baritone; 1st. Mr. Arthur Oglesbee, pian- <*uiDn- «££& KING'S RESTAURANT For 30 year# the name has stood for pure. clean food, perfect cooking. Ideal oer vice and right prices KINO'S take a particular pride in their buslne«» and you set tbe benefit of it. £at at KINO'S to-day and you'll come back to- morrow. 10 Courae Table Be Mote IJinocr Sunday 75c •iih iihiiit Txi- >«JUoa and Washington 6U PUATION WANTED IN PLAIN sewing by the day, 11.50 per day. Miss " Rose Duerst, 1215 Lake ave- nue. Wilmette, Phone 907-R. Also 'nave the agency for the "Nu Bone /Corset," the Spiral Wire Boned Corsets, guaranteed against rust or breakage and best comfort yet ob- tained by any corset. 22w-3tc velvet J...X large reception was-given by Mrs.; -AH in i George Farnsworth Fisher of North -perfeGt^conditloi^N^ apply. Mrs. A. D. Speedie, Abbots- fdrd road, near ^ivy court; Kenik worth. "X" •" -,y.-V^- :"r'"-'r:~2ic STORAGE.â€"MlEIiMM^mEmiQOF Warehouse, Packing,;^Moving, Ship- ping. Hii'l723, B^nson>-av., Phone S55, Evanston, til. . ...V... 2Jw-tf WANTED BY CHAt,*'- private family, careful feur, with y-driver,. do own repairs, does not ;< smoke, drink op, chew. Age 25. Eng- fciish. Good references. Address p FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES M^?IWarT ISHii Sherman-av 092, Lake Shore News. UP &AKDKNERâ€"ENGLISH, 12 YEARS' experience of work under glass and outside grounds, wants position on T good estate: married^_A^LD._Mac- kay, 2254 Campbell Park, Chicago, t -III. 20w-4tp 39w-tf BGARONB RGGm «51 ASBURY AVE., THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE., EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE ! r.?.mpa"y 2392. MRS. P. C. DIEFENDORF. ::;:'- .;'--,"• -'lCw-tf STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIIRCU- LATION. ETC., of The Lake Shore News, published weekly at Wilmette, 111., required by the Act of August 24v «H<2v ^ Editor, Forrest Pollard, 1401 Elni- wood avenue, Evanston. Managing Editor. Business Manager, Lloyd F. H0IU3- ter. 8(50JPine street, Winnetka, 111. Publisher, The Bowman Publishing Room 2, Drown Building, Wilmette. The Winnetka Camp of the Royal ^etgJtfmra^ai^a^ communis house, .Wednesday. . •,j f ; Mr. L. B. Hesselbrock and; family are to leave Winnetka soon and make their home In:;:Npw York City. Work has been started on the house to he erected by Mr. LawrencevVoU- man at Oak and Chestnut streets. ^The last; Mission Study class will be held Wednesday, April 22, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Mettler, Mrs. Ira Couch Wood and Mrs. Wil- liam Burry took part in the Easter flower sale at the Congress hotel, on. Saturday. â- â-  â- â- >•_ Mrs. Frank R. Greene and Mrs. Hu- bert N. Anning will give a tea in honor of Mrs. Poole, at the home of Mrs. Greene, from 4 to t- Miss Lillian Norton of Willow ave- nue and Walnut is day from India where she has been doing missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dewindt of Sfeeridae-road left Wednesday for Asheville, N.. C, where they will re- side for the next few weeks. The Columbia School of Music will hold a recital and reception at the studio, Nor i&V-Bank building* Thurs- day afternoon, April 23. The program FINE* Week Beginning Monday, April 13 'eturn Engagement fa. Their MOST POPULAR PL AYS Thursday Nights and Saturday 75c, $£55, $1.50 Sale Opens Next Thursday, 9 o. m. Ave. Jic-hlachms?. StUmeMntr. Drebiffof Panama Ifafa Ask for catalogue and prices. Ciicago Hat Minnfactoruig 6 Blading Co. SMlliicago little Theatre Fourth Floar. Fine Arts Budding TROJANWOMEN SI- Eves.. ».:15. X.AST WEEK llata. Thurs. and Sat, 2d-S-^Si You Need Not be HI to Enjoy The Edgemere Medieal Baths 4811-4813 Broadway, CHICAGO, ILL. „ 'f â- â€¢. . â- .'â- â€¢ .'. Phone EdaewaCnr 33S . Mails New Sodding, Seeding, Black Dirt Furnished. ;•/ Sell andJUant- Shrubs, Hedges or Trees Also Trim Them. Estimates Farn ished FREE. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1720 barrow Ave. Evanston Phone 2679 Mot* 7 a. m. or after 6 p. tit. tuH jttSW A â€"PLEASANT ROOMS !'â- ; with best of table board, 731 Tenth- st. Phone 992-J Wilmette. 19w-4tc For Rentâ€", FOR RENTâ€"FOR SUMMER, 6-ROOM :- furnished modern bungalow, Hub- bard Wood, two blocks from station. Address L. G. V., Box 6. Hubbard ; Woods. â- ":: . 21w-2tp FOB SALE ?*>>t »Afc»i!3 â€" Uu rjSiRNESS. PON i" > cart, rattan, in flrst-claas condition. Call B. E. Gage, Wilmette r> 15. i tc | hi » rjnown bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding cn(; per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, cr other securities. J. A. Patten, Ridge avenue and Lake street. Evanston, ill.; C. G. Dawes, Shnidan road and Greenwood boule- vard, Evanston, 111.; H.- H. C. Miller Estate, 1707 IL'nman avenue, Evans- tonn, 111.; G. P. Bowman, Grayvtlle, F. G. Meagher, Chicago, HI.; Cen- Owners: A. H. Bowman, 1402 Chi- cago avenue. Evanston; Arthur Rob-! win be presented by Mrs. Florence M. erts, 2203 Harrison street, Evanston; James C. Woodley, St. Louis, Mo.; F. A. Davidson, 1113 Foster street, Ev-j anston; J. L. Lee, C24 Clark street,' Evanston. telephone: wilmette 446 Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Piano and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. REFERENCE: C&ruther's School of Piano PUREWATER 'or the truly modern Rome TWO OKNTAA 1>AY Red Cross Filter Service TEL. MAIN 301B TWO ox 12"AXM I NSTKft j tral Trust Company, 125 West Mon-j i^0^}^tj^fkV^ACt' **""* roe ttreet. Chicago. 111.; Barton Ho- " ^arlJPapfil!_^omEany. fiOS South DeafT born street, Chicago, III. LLOYD F. HOLLISTER. Sworn to and subscribed before me FOR SALE ^i^ugs^newrCdt^^1a^&bbbkcase, early English finish; reasonable. Mrs. A. % D, Speedie, Abbotsford-rd., near Ivy court, KenUworth, 111. He For SALE- FORD AUT0MBILE and contents of house No. 524 Park av. Sale closes Thursday night, April 23. [Francis Irving] F.I. Jacobs. ,..... lltp FOR RENT- F0R; RENTâ€"TEN ROOMS. TWO bathsriiot-waterhTat. -Phpne-iO.STT Evanston. ltc (My 1915.) JONAS H. MADSEN, Notary Public, commission expires Nov. M^EILEENJLONG WANTED TO RENT â€" A SO MM Kit home within twenty-flve miles of Evanston; must be furnished and 5 ijpntain from seven to ten rooms j and hav& grounds-for children to > play In. Address A, H. B„ Lake ; Shore News. ________ 22w-tf -imamsmmmaamfass i â€" massessstmssssaai > IBjilESTATEfor Sale |= ^it .Kf»j'Hiâ- j"iTA'Ri:»OR-ST.. GlENCOe' t east of railroad; want offer. Must '^1 sell. Address W 342, Lake Shore "•/"News. .,"â- â- "'~ '• ~ WANTEDTO RENT ROOMS h^i^-itithi. iOv KlDN'l' â€" IS LIGHT v housekieering rociws for the sum- ^nerin Winnetka. Prefer east of M tracks, Mrs. JRJemau, 4724 Racine- S avi, Chicago* 111. He gij>»ifc.-râ€" ^jg,,!.;_..-.mi imnijf.wy ' ' iii FOB â- ENT-:.--..v FOR REl^T^-TWO BEDROOMS ANt- a slttlpg "rbom, furnished or unfur- nished, with or without board. Phcne Wilmette 717-L. NEW WALTZES IDallz. Euin-fltfn. rlr. Ol'«n Day and KvimiiiK P«wer» f'ul'dlng. 5ulte IJ0t.37S Waba h A»e. '.or. vi..nroc §|., f blrago Pnone Central 3452 _T«'L-Byaaitaa aro ! H^rbertF^^^ Antones | Piano Cutter and Repairer 1925 Sherman.Ave., Evanston Telephones Evanston 2475-J and 449 ! Official Tuner for NorthweB»i-rn School of Munlr j , I On May 1st we tfrilh atcupyruur New i ! Stewart Building j i STORE AT 104 STATE ST. i |fliiwaMKtt^ â€"Merchant in diamonds and Watchesâ€"; | MtitB State Street, OppiJ'.e Marshall Field & Company! Typewriters Sold on Easy Payments For Rent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBUILT Some Special Good Bargains Full Line Typewriter Supplies H.L CHANDLER & CO. >2 Davis St. Evanston TONIC TREATMENTS. Are provided also for those who are not ill. Choice of Tonic Baths, Massage and Exercises. Single treatment ............-.9 1.50 Twelve treatments .............15.00 Twenty-four treatments.....-----25.00 Expert China Repairer China Restored by Baking Process. Bronze, I Marble, Ivory, etc. Missing parts replaced. | Only Exclusive Shop of its kind In Chicago. IEANBOETTER,£!!2EH; Phone Central S417____17 ««f ft Wsbats Itssai T PORTER'S HIGH QUALITY STOCK Illustrated Price I.lxt Free. Write for copy today. PORTER'S (1URSERI-S Kvun^in. NOI'K-ltlg Stbck of Larye Speciiuen Norway Mapli's :it Low I'ricos. S Talking Machines«« â€"â€"F-renah^TGermanyitallan and m^ajmmam*m*ii*t*i*K*ammaamc&9assssaateMUB Spanish Language Outfits When yon want a Machine' or Records, call up | Winnetka 693-W, or Central 3507. JIMES I. LYONS. 25 West lake Slree'. CHISAGO That you practice the strictest economy in your household we offer ym Which are exchangeable for n merchandise certificate, value $3.00. that can be used the same as cash in any department of Marshall Ftettf & Co.fs Store If it is not convenient for you to call, we will gladly send you a bookâ€"and ten couponsâ€"if you will drop a postal to the PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT. NDOLPHMAIffiET 222-224 WEST MADISON STREET NEAR FIFTH AVENUE PHONE FRANKLIN 3855 You will find our prices the lowest and all orders are delivered promptly by Qur auto trucks. mma i" mm MICHELI'S ' Famous Italian Restaurant EVENING DINNER 75 Cent* - ?5 Cents Private Dining Room for 50 to B 50 People A.rrsntfeinents Made for Motor Parties SINGING "I SAW YOUR ADVERTISEMENT i IN THE LAKE SHORE NEWS." HATS Remodeled Bell ItraWt Halt* Miule Over Into .SluifieK. Panama and Leghorn Cleaned and Blocked TITDW'17'D'C 4tli Moor, ao S. Stele lUnn&Jl D street, Cbloag-o ATTORNEY.AT LAW JOHN HUGH LAi-LY 916 Chicago Title and Trust Bldg., 69 W Washington Central 1597. Restdenco 1131 Oak Ave Tel IS88 system f lHourtisttfflTKKTII ln«estigile Ictne of WITHOUT aic SSyoart I'l.ATKS tanbO" ; t irurvel of enmforl andduttbilitj. OT coiobraled SS.uO sets tisio tfood li hsl of time, fainlrsj »ilr»'ting hi> IJ0iSss5!riiiSpsc!dlu6iJ. UONSt I.TATIOM I'HKI SoutUeast Cororr Rando'pli and ci»tH streets Oonn evenings until 7-Sunflay 9 to 12 UK I ! ___â- Maaasaaarsmi â-  niiraT.....sal i \\\m\waKsmâ€"wsam*mM*mmf 3 ^EVAMSTON THEATRE TtP r FOUNTAIN RnilflOr nunure **e*rso-**ae\eh B FOUNTAIN SQUARE t««NBTON 'MUSEMfNT CO , POOP PHONES 2098-2899 H L. WINTURN, MoNACER TONIGHT AND BALANCE OF THE WEEK THAT L'PROARING COMtDY SUCCESS u itfST-OjT SUNDAY, A PINK ' cameo Brooch on Lake-av., between Twelftii-Bt. and M, E. church. It? jtuirn to 1120 Lakeav. Reward. Up fORSALEr-HOUSES iTOB SALEâ€"719 MADISQN-ST., S p"rooniir^BSf^""Water heat, hardwood floors, lot 60x130; $4,250 for quick .Bale. Exclusive agent. ^Wanted-^eash-Totfer on 80 feet front on RIdge-av., between Dempster and ; Crain-sts. 217 Kedzie-Bt., 8 rooms, hot wntei heat, hai'dwood Hoois, lot 42x125; |||gi|eft"If joldL:<joicto l*rT5^„_r ._ r^.l^g/fnrit- atid^ ihtsdw^ -trees; lot ^260. Bargain. ' 'Geo. II. Crain^ 845 Chicago-av. JT you are going to move this spring call and see what I have to offer In houses, flats, apartments. 17w-tf Geo. II. Grain, 845 Chicago-av. tt,rrr tffe Regular Company will appear: Chas. Carlson. Eilamae Morse; Pete Jans, Alice Royce, Miss Hrlen Horning, Alice Armstrong, Ralph Norbcrg Don't Hall to see yrur friend In this humorous laughing ptay NEXT WEEK-"Honeymoon Trail" THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS Tuesday Recapt'oi Matinee, April 21, Mr. Harry I. Minium Will Be Host Farewell Week of The Stock Co. Going to Move May 1 ? ~_You \ ill want yotn telephone transferred totlu new location without <iday. Huii.lredtt of tclci»tu>iic "Move Orders" are ueeived at this time of the year We i.iust have ample time in which to arra.i^e all these telephone transfers. Not11>' out office just as soon as you have vlecided where you writ move. Gin present telephone number, the date you uitend to move and new address. Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager Telephone U903 The Best Shingle Yet f XEZSfJrM Thick butt, to give the correct shingle effectâ€"finished edges to prevent fraying. Will not Hap in the wind. ;^A." cHARMlNfcf" EXCLUSIVE SUMf |^%a&r hotel. htrtt8^_jRndihrce bunga-; lows, hot and cold-water in rooms private " haths.: electric-â€"^ights.4J ; sereeced verandas. Tennis^croquet; j j â€" djamtfogr^^tfngri^ Bpot ifof children. Veirylaccesslhie^ boat or train from Chicago. For _ jrates aM^Sw^ryistmmMioa^ ^resa 3. K. KogeriiTg:Co:ri824 jaiq-. il man*v.,T^vaiiiroi|^aflti^*oiieMiM V--â€"-:- r~^~r..*,*.:-r-----â-  22w-tf Save Money on Shrubs and Trees 10,000 finest Northern-grown ornn^ mental shrubs and trees .left on our hands by failure of large Jobber. MUSt be moved at once. You can buy at '}ess_than wholesale prices. Plant your grounds at half tho~ prico -yxxu-ltftve-to-pay-elsewhero. A few-dbfrâ€" lars will add hundreds to your home. -_=^Sentr for our free etrculnr with bargain prices nntl llln*' tmiioua. If you havo not already received one. Act qulcklv, as the stock Is moving fast. You never could buy nursery stock so cheaply lie-fore. llarberrles. .Ilydranircan. I.ttacs, I'.ri.tal Wreaths, etc. at less than i'oc ench. American Kims. 8 to 10' feet hl«h. «0c earh t'liarges prepaid on orders of. S.I or more. Nineteen special' collections witlj fuU pTahtlni.' dlri.'ctlon.i.-.=JPon't wait, Onlef tolofC the «oc4f-ta soRi; NOW IS^fflfJ TtMU TO rr.A7fT. -r:~;r'^'^ % . . „.â- â- -â- - (3)- Will not curl or dry out. 5 Passenger, 4 Cylinder .........$1050 7 Passenger^6 Cylinder........$1575 E ~F©R^T\-B£MORSTRATtON BEFORE YOU BUY .". Aijrs'v TfVzjo soo° Mite Guarantee /Mf^Mf UJQf Without EMm£k4Sg£- -^ FANeHEft Evanston Will not catch fire from sparks or brands. Three plies of roofing at the thick end of the shingle, meaning seven thicknesses when laid on the roof. Equaled in durabilitv^or-appeai^nc^^ri^ by tile or slate. Telephone Evanston 3950 or write isr fail thformaf^^^lsv^ddf^sWt o f buildings where the applied shingle may be inspected, t-„- 1 105 W. ChicagorAve

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