Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1914, p. 3

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Says Singing Is an Excellent Tonic Festival Baritone Is Interviewed oh the Benefit of Music, While Pasquale Amato Compares MusicMere to That Abrbafc ^ - M INTERVIEW HE PRAISES THE AMERICAN SINGERS «If yon -"want to liv» to a good old.try. Taking hor^ company to Europo age, be a singer. Such is the advice [she there decided to devote herself to of Charles W, Clark, the dlstlngqlshedfgrand opera, reiintrulghtagtho fame ♦♦♦♦♦•♦M»M»M»M»M»»I New Trier High \,:, School Jottings The Senior Play*. The Senior plays on Friday evo* ning, April 24, were distinctly sue ccssful. As the three plays were en tirely different in character, they formed Interesting contrasts. '■'■- The first play, "The Mouse Trap,"* by W. D. Howells, with .? Mary Taylor for heroine and Charles Cameron; tor hero and sole man among six terror- stricken females, was so absurdly ludicrous that the audience was put In geed burner at once. Elinor Car- men, Louise Logic, Louisa May Greeley and Bessie Park were very attractive ladies en their way to a reception, and Harriet Salmon was a very charming maid, "Miss Bculton's Orchids" with Er- }win Eiifchaui, Cedric'Smith and Clin- ton DeWitt as tbrco amorous you*f Imectlng, May 7, will l»o |•» tho home jincn, on* Dorothy Urowa. Jan**' Greeley and Clementine Eastman Congregational Church. ' Sunday morning the sermon theme will oe 'Life and raith." Sunday after- noon at five o'clock; the theme will be "Ncarsight and Farsight." The Tuesday morning Bible Class for ladies has adjourned for the month of May. It will resume June 2 for a mid- summer session.; Wilmette Bapttst Church. Sunday services held m the Wo- TaaiiV"Cluir1nittnihfe corner" avenue and Tenth street Rev. B. Frank Tabcr, pastor, liesidenco 104t> Greenwood avenue, telephone Wil- mette 829L. Bible school 9*5 a. in. Morning service, 11:Ot* o'clock. Evening service/7:30 o'clock. In the morning the pastor will have for hio subject,*,^Christian Growth." The ordinance cf"<he snd reception of^new foiitw. Tho , -Wednrs'lay even;u<: Camp is a wide awake.' enthusiastic and interesting speaker and will be well worth hearing. At the Kpwoith League hour, 6:15 °'*:?0^'„-Mi;s: J?«°» ^H speak. Mrs. Campis a"Rraduato of the Passavant t Memorial Hospital in Chicago^* graduate of the Chicago Training School for Home and Foreign Mis- sions and. of Garrett Biblical Insti- tute and her field of work in India Will be of a medical nature and work among the women. Undoubtedly the Methodist church never sent more able and better equipped mission- aries to any field than these two young people, and everybody is wel- come to hear them speak and got ac- quainted with them next Sunday even- ing. Tho Epworth League witl hold th- Ir monthly social and business meeting nt the church Friday evening It I o'clock at which time officers for the Lord's supper! ensuing year will be elected; A goof members will j tiocial time is assured and will be In charge of Miss Agues Flcntye. an thrco enraptCTed young womeih-g opportunity for lite sort of acting which is somewhat diHiouit for til■■> ordinary high schCOt student and i.- highly appreciated--by--tha__ynniger [of Mr. and Mrs. W. Elmwccd avenue; R. Mahan, 71S Wilmette Preebyttran Church. Ninth street and (Srcrnleaf avenue, Wilmette. --The paetcr. Cr. JVM. NVilcoii, will Old Lawns MadeNew Sodding, Seeding, filark Dirt furnished. I Sell and Plant members of the school. "Miss Civilization." by R'chard Harding Davis, was a peculiarly good counterpart for '"i le Mouse Trap" in that It ruruishod parts for four--boy»|.Hpn- of mcmbera and t.u and only one rirl. Margaret Mr Mil- ;scrvJ<.p wiH lahc p\Acv . len as Alice, or Miss Civilization. jng |,our> speak Sunday at U-J<»!> n. m. on the nwhject, "The Upper Room Furnish e.l." and at 7:30 p.-S3, on "Two Silent Partners of the Crops" Tho recep conimunin;* ervice win laRe ptace at the morn CHARLES W^CtARK. is to return Beginning a career in her teens, sinj» ropean sue ing at the famous ohkTJ.voli {of many American baritone, who to America from--his--£ cesses the first of the month for a memories), she joined the famous tour of the United States and Can Bostonians as a prima donna, and ir. ada. He will appear at the North a very short time so popular had she Shore Festival in this city in May. At become, she was at the head of her that time he will sing in all the prin cipal cities of tho continent. Mr Clark bases his opinion on longevitv on the assumption that the physical exorciso of singing, is not only hi was the captivating young maiden who kept three experienced burglar* engaged in conversation until the railroad employes for whom she tele- phoned Could surround the house nn-1 capture the thieves. Frank Herd- uian, Guy Osborne, Raymond Kloep- :'cr and Stanley Ciague helped also o mane the play extremely realistic. Great praise should be given to Tiss Mary E. Raymond, whose sug- gestion it wii.5 to have the three pla> s instead of one, and thereby give many a chance to show their dra- matic ability; to Mr. R. A. Steven*; who assisted in training and in var- ious other ways, and to Mrs. Morton Iiasset, who was a most efficient Mr. Freeman will fl'ns "My^frote?* tor and My Redeem, r." ty- Saint Saen», and "O Rest in tho Lord," by Mendelssohn. McrninjkCrtfan Program. Miss CoreiiiHwill render: f-onnta. No. 1..........Mcnd.'iosohn Al!cgro-adog?o. Adajlo.................. Roethovea Rkduto Pnrkfr Evening Program. Second Concerto, .,..........Handel Andante-allegro. Told at Sunset..........MacDowelt. Angelus r..T?t"...:."...........Lipzt. Elegy ..........,,,.,..........Greis Russian March ...............dark. Tho topic Wednesday night is "Th" Shrubs, Hedges or Trees Also Trim Them. Estimates Furnished FREE. Satisfaction Guar an teed W. J. DOWNS 1720 liar row Ave. Evanston fhone to?* before 7 a. in. at after 6 p. m. GROCERIES Fine fruits--in and out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy - Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut COffee ia Good. GEO. B. WINTER AJUdUST RODELIUS Sttccessor to Rodellu. A (km Expert Watchmaker and Optichw. MwWng of complicated watches ana clocks. Many years' expert- ence with best known Chlca«c -| houses. Phono 2632. ta Davis oirnri MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Sarosia Shoes for Ladir- -<*4 Children. Gentlemen's Furnisa- Ing Goods. Quality and aot Quantity--tto« bear for the money--IS our mot- to. Our large stock of grooerie* is always Select," and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. S. VAN DEU5HN LH A YES & HAVES HOTELS irnn avenue hou&e Private Exchange 1110 | Sunday Dinner a SjjeeJfltltyi 1 to 2:30 p. JL Phone. 1110. Of oo» tt»» nri<v!< on NI-.W or USfcD SEWIN6 UA6KJES ft*f ■airing .f'RitmvY.' Wlii-»ii-rf Wiifoit. ■«>x Mod liih'.m. «nd »l) "»h»r n:aVtc» of ma- •:hiie». 1522 Sheiman Av« I'« 664 KvaNBTOW t coach. 'I he net proceeds from tho | Christian's Blossed Hope." and at tin play, which will go to the Athletic Sunday night Young People's meet fundj are not yet known Success in Oratory. For the fourth year in succession New Tiler has won first place in the distriet oratorical contest held to se- own opera company, touring this cour: and fortune that had come to her in tho light opera field, and beginning all over again as a student. After study to gain repertoire, ho." itself an agent of good health, hut also operatic debut was made in Italy wi'hllect eandidates to go to tho state"co't- that the mental stimulus magnetizes j immediate success. Engagements at test in oratory at Champaign. Helcno Hip body and helps it in all its fuuc i all of the important opera houses or Doty was tho successful ono thl3 Hnrope followed, and In 1004 she ap . time, first ameng eiKht from other peared at Covent Garden. London, to j schools in Chicago and suburbs. In gcther with Melba, Destinn, Caruso ithe extempore speaking contest neid and others, appearing in "Don Glovan at the same time. Dorothy Doty \yon ill," the groat presentation In whieti second place and w)H also go to tin tions. "The electrifying effect of singing a pood song by a true artist--one who feels what /be slags--is to supply a tonic to the whole system," says Mr. Clark. "Singing is hot only a Inn'; "developer, as it is casually regarded, but is a stimulus to tho entire bodv. Destinn made her London debut. 1«>.;: pociaily lias she won famous "Mlmi" in La CohcmC, liaving sung that rol< The sfngcr^vNIl bo so thrilled by hi.; to tho "Kodolfo" of Caruso many own music and the inspirations of his j times. She has been favored many song that the very roots of his hair i times by "Command" performances at will ttngle.-and-he will feel tho vibm-j Buckingham Falace, Windsor and tion cleaf tOLrhis^Snger'tips. Singing j other royal residences during her'sev is a natural exercise, and some form eral seasons in opera in London. of vocal expression should be a parti Miss Nielsen is now one of the lead of every one's routine." I ing sopranos of the Metropolitan and Due to Misunderstanding. Rcstou Opera companies. Miss Kiel "The uncomplimentary remark* j icn has PWbahly made as great a sue mado about America-and American c'ss in ™m^ work the past season -tale dontest at Champaign. Dorothy ing, "The Faith. Ver&e-- Faith (s the An- rurnneo of Things Hoped For." Leader. Mr. F. D. Henderson. Hour, C: 15. St. Augustine's Epiceopal Church. Tho Rector, who has beeu In the east for the past ten days, will re turn to Wilmette to-morrow and will have charge of the services on Sun day as usual. The, 3rd. of May, Ming U»o first Sou i day of the me nth, thero will be a »-■>• , ond eelebratiou of tho Holy Com I Y3U NEED HOT BE ILL TO ENJOY The Edgemere Medical Baths 4311-4813 Brozi!nay Chicago n^OISflC Treatments are 1 provided also for rhose who are not ill. Vapor, Hot Air or Electric Bath $1.(0 Massage, Battle Creek '- 1.(0 Bath, Douche and Massage 2.G0 T 'I, audiences by certain European mu- sicians is very often doe to mutual misunderstanding," said Pasquale Amato, the noted baritone in an inter view. "There are a great many Euro pcan mediocrities who come to Amer- ica, are unsuccessful and return, say- inf? that America worships nothing but the dollar," continued Mr. Amato. "With these wo have nothing to do. They aro failures at home and deserve to bo failures everywhere. Unfortu- nately, there are also r.iany able, sin cere artists who also speak unkindly. T ho reason is that they have nevyi comt! in touch with America. They as any singer hv-fore *the American public. Sho has had more returir dates than any singer, with possibly two exceptions, now. before the Amer lean public. Miss Neilsen is available for concert, oratorio and orchestral engagements. Helen Stanley, who made her debut with the Chicago Grand Opera com- pany at the Metropolitan Opera House In Philadelphia, was horn in- Ctnchr- natl, and began her musical education in Chicago, where Mrs. Phillip D Armour's attention to the young wom- an's beautiful voice was attracted and i successful career on the operatic tniveled on railroads, they lived i!i|^!>Ke predicted for her. After sing- hot elsrThey~wercrTcTcla^To~"eat food: '"B *n concert, in Chicago, she came to to which they wore unused and to live! N' w Vor'J ami became soprano soloist Dcty won second place among tan contestants, Deerfield High Scluol, McKinley High School, Hyde Park and Napirville Academy being among the schools represented. Great credit is due to Mr. Walker, who trained' the gilds for^this par- ticular occasion, and to Miss Allrlch, who laid th<s foundation for their suc- cess in giving practice In the Xeno- bian literary society, of which sho lias charge, and in evory way encour- aging and guiding the girls to do as well as the bo>s. This year the girls have outstripped tho boys in all three contests--debate, oratory and ex- tempore speaking. On the same evening l-yslo Smith, New Trier '13, won ij,i tho debate be- municn at the 11-.G0 o'clock service The services on Sunday will be a: follows: 7:30 a. m.. Holy Communion. 0:4.r» a. m., Sunday'.school. 11:00 a. m.. Holy .Comniunion and Map PORTERS HIGH QUALITY STOCK lllustr;iti>il I'rii-c Mat Vrtm. Writo lor copy i»luy. MBTER'S KURSfBI S m£2t£+. NOTK -Hln St«M-k of J.iiv» Sj>ocliu«30 Niirwft.t at_l«t>w j'rlrHK._ ; m.. evening prayer and ad sermon. •♦: 30 p dreBs. The regular monthly incetiiiK of the vestry will bo held in the church i ofilco on Monday evening, May 4, at 8 o'clock. j Tho.annual parith meeting will be} held In tho parish house on Friday j evening, May 8th, at 8 o'clock. I The annual meeting of llui Wo I man's Auxiliary and Guild will be' held in tho parish house on Pridav; twecu Northwestern and Chicago Uni-j afternoon, May 15th, at 2:30 o'clock versities, winning the reputation of! Ail the ^vomen of tho parish aref being by far the best speaker on the! urged to be present. Northwestern team. -- Gtrts* Athletic Association i Wilmette M, E, Church. Talking Machines» French. German, Italian and Spanish Language Out fits |W« ybm wtnt a Machine or Records, call up I Winnetk* 69J-W, or entrat3307. j JAMES (.LYONS,25 West lake Street. CHICAGO Ti.t.KrnoNi:: wilmette 440 Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Piano and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. RKPer.KNCF.: Cnruther's School of Piano The Girls' a dinner dance i*'riday evening, the I For the truly modern Home TWO CKNTH A »AX Red Cross Filter Service TEL. MAIN 30 10 CIIA9. S. WALLACE. Aeeni Te!. Evanwon 270 WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLEWCOV, ILLINOIS . ,.,....... , ■ ! . ATTORNtY-A l»t*W rig ■lawi ii iiifM ii in i iiim^wihi i^ieimrwfia ' JQWM HUGH I ALLY X.EWS V/Ar7^ Ids BRING RESUL.T6 ',,§ WW** »* »»•« W*->S W. W»tK«|tttIi Bell System Intimate knowledge of market * conditions is a big advantage to the farmer^ in disposing of his crops. ^ ---- ^ The wise farmer keeps in close touch with distant markets by Long Distance Tel frequent intervals. ~ Thus he always knows the best time to sell, and is therefore able to get top-notch prices. Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager 8W3 In the May I, a life to which thoy wcro strangers They become aciiuairtled with very few people. Jn__a word, thoy wero pro f< undiy homesick and lost their sense of proportion. "As a matter of fact, musical per f<umance8 in this country whether ir; opera, orchestral performance, or re cital, average very much higher in America than they do abroad. The in St. Bartholomew's Episcopal church. Her friends persuaded her to go to Europe and continue her studies, with the result, that she made her debut at the Royal Opera in Wurzburg. Art on sageimnt for two years as leading * o- tirano followed, and she sang success fully Marguerite in "Faust," Elizabeth jlH ^"Tannhausor," TJeSdcmoha in I "Othello," Carmen, Pamina in "Magic Athletic Association givoj *?Z T,,°maB Kco"° Galc- pa^t.,.-. j iwrtfrri.gio, Ave. Mess hall on I *™ l?*c a,vcm,e' " ,on« 6&t4' . '----------- Next Sunday morning the last (om- winning basketball team of th^Sf? *2TS^7*BF **cm™season, the seniors. Tickets. 7:> w«» be administered. AH new n.c-n, ; cents. Toasts will be given after the; bcrV! ,ie / *!?. ,!fpo«,a,,y dinner, and ibe occasion will bo one 2^*^^TSaL^ I 192S Sherman V«- EvM8t0° of great interest In every Way. e... ," , , , 1™°?1 . .! T«l»phon«.Ex*nston3476-J«nd«» Almost every afternoon shows the ~ 9:3.° °itj\ock the Sunday schoo ofllcW Tun.r for Northw«,.crnSchool of athletic field full of boys, and many | ;vi" *"***- *"* *ood claesea and go-,1; J ' teachers for all. Tho Herbert F. A ntungs ISatto tuner and Repairs musical standard is so Itfgh that pnlj Flute." Nedda in "Pagliacci." Mlmi i:i the artlstsroTThe Href rank can aspir< "Bofaemc," Tosc« and the three so- to success in this country. Naturally prano roles In "The Tales of Hoff- the poor ones fail. -Wlttr;tho otfccJ!«H'mann-" Miss Stanley is gifted with it is almost too much to expect them to understand when they are unhappy America is so vast, it presents bo many wondrous activities, tirat no o?k can hope to understand it from a Pu!I man car. The artist who takes the time to.■■live-'-hete and try to under- stand it will find his reward great" Has Had Broad Experience. Alico Nielsen has had, perhaps, the most varied career that any singer on the grand opera stage today has ex- perienced. A native of. Nashville 'Tcnn., while still a mere child her beautiful soprano voice of unusual quality, which, added to her artistic ability and her versatility of inter- pretation., marks her Jor brilliant j achievements on the operatic stage. j She has duplicated in America the success she obtained in Europe. J These four celebrated artists will sing at the 1914 Music Festival the last week of May. " Holland's Flag.' Holland's flag is also the emblem of liberty; but nobody knows how dur« parents moved-^^a^m^ wh»r« i,„, ^,„c.;„.1 „.!,.,.„«,... u„M„ came.changed to red. where her musical education began many times, girls, either doing track work, cr playing baseball or tennis. Many games are scheduled with other insti- tutions every week. Probably thoi , .. _ ,, ... ... . , ... ! pletion of tho grcatost interest just now is in tho I'. inter-c'asa track events for boys. The German Club. junior and intermediate [churches will meet at 3:30 o'clock In ! their respective places for tha corn- election of ofllcors. And the preparation or a program to: ! Mother's day in th« e*,»»,'>t» will *«» discussed. -i-- The German club had a current I At the 5 o'clock vesper hour Rev. events number last week, each Inom-1 Cecil Leltoy Camp will preach. Mr. ber responding to the roll call with: Camp and bis wife have volunteered a current event. A one-act farce, their services for missionary work which represented a German school, j among the natives of the jungles of afforded much amusement. India, and will sail in the fall. 'Mr. 'rotect Your Lawns With An Iron gjmcer y^t^mmy^^xwp^^^^^^ Phones 2898-2899 Fountain Square Chas. E. New, Manager High-Class Motion Pictures ,' , "\___ COMING - ::J±-~.. . MONDAY, MAY A ■ >"■ ?m!U m SO L DIE R S OF FOBTilNE ----^------UrctWESflSMf> IIIAY 6, MARY FULLER IW ^V^^ *t©ftNOFARC TANGO CONTESTSrEVERY DOORS OPEN AT iifefe jt NOOW* ALL SEATS 10c 3 Sailings Every W«l O ^ TO AND FROM W* ■ -VIA- " •>v- Scenic St,lawrence Route i to got out your old bicycle and look; it over. If it is not good enospjh for nnothor season we will take it in as" part of the cash payment on A1914 Model Bicycla mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^tmmm;. Cash or Easy Payments Cnmn and Ionic over our now modtflu: thii a*. •urtmont Ih the Hn<«t w«'lia»o over had. Stoma kixmI harc»in« in Hooond-hamt whco!«. Ala* anme tlrttf of Special valuu, Itcpairinc of all kind*. t. ^" "* . H.E.^haiidlcr&Cd; T«2=r University Rook Store, Evanston,III. Montreal-- Occccc--Liverpoat Manlreal--ntietec Cfasgow Montreal-- Quebec --Haw«--lontfon flast:n - Clisgo» -- The Hew Turtlne Quadrupla Screw S. S. "Alsatian" and "Calgarian^ji 2S.000 Tons Dijpiicemrtil UBBEST-FIIIEST-FJiSTIlf ■y CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean PasHge less TiM rest Oajrj . Till Sleamsr if Many Attractions Cabina iti imiu^ with privntn bafh and toilet. Spacious atato rooms. Utasa inelnird promon> adcdnclt. Veranda ('afo. G«m- f.n tahlp Fx>nnK«>!i. Ehwtris P*»- 'Hcnccor Elevators. f>rch««tra. Cymnnsium. Un:uirj.a».icd ae- commlation. all classc-i. Iioweat. rates. Summer reservation liata now open. J-.'arlv bookinK* roc- ommended/8«nd for descriptive Booklet "6." Fair fall particu- lars u to railings. raUn. «te« apply ncarvat iiocal Agent, o ' V Rose Bushes bench plants Kiilarney (Pink) Richmond (Red) Per dot. Mrs. Aaron Ward (Yellow) Per tOO (jK •# jj% ~ Delivered $ £ £: ORDERS BOOKED NOW FOR YELLOW DAISIES SMARDRAQON ASTORS AND PA1««E5 ALUI4C0.(6«iT«llitiii 127 Kcrth Oearmra Street. Chietio rhoM»B»iirffllBh5«30.«ali«i»llcM-093 PerlOO Plants$5^-2$atW0 rater-delivered Rich Black Sail Por Load of 3 yard.. $3.00 D*llvorod WHOLtSALE ^,_r EVANSTON PHONE ~taoi"? '" ^ «r««««r«« jr%jr f'MWIW C.-ntnl»7» X f :........:--~----:

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