Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 14,1914. Thompson's Letter To the People of the Tenth Congres- sional District: The order of business in the house . this week is the navy appropriation bill. This bill,, as reported to the house by the committee on naval affairs, carries appropriations amount- ing to $140,000,000 for the mainte- nance of the navy for the year ending Juln3^,itfli. To think of such a vast sum' being needed for such a purpose almost : staggers ~se- ;■' SSaay - wSfi question whether, so great an expenditure is warranted for the upkeep ot -the means of successful •warfare on the seas by aueh a great and such a peace- loving people as we are. of the officers and men in the navy Is to be found in adequate preparation ^?^rd^^tf^rtfM®ffo' wanTW question Is. what Is of all kinds, as well as the mainte- -v.-__. « _ . "Ir^Jil*-- nance of the navy yards where the adequate? Some oTihe «r*si powers ships are repaired and overhauled and of Europe have engaged In an arma- where many of them are built. ' ment contest, each trying to keep On the one hand w^hasve^thVso^^ linTO* *1>iff navy" men' who advocate;over armed. For us to follow-that the adoption of a three or four battle- costly and foolish performance would ship program, including a correspond- J be a great mistake. And it is un- ing increase in the number of auxil- necessary for the objects presumed to buy ships to be constructed annually and the following of such a program until the United* States possesses a navy equal, ship for ship and gun for gun, with the most powerful navy or the world. On the other hand we have the "small navy" men who say that our navy ~ is too big and costly already and that we have reached the era of universal peace where great- armed The presentation of such a1 bill forces are no longer necessary to the squarely,raises the question of arma- ment. The bill provides for the con- struction of iwb battleships, six tor- I»edb "boat destroyers and eight sub- marines. maintenance of our among the nations.--- proper place I do not, agree With either of these views. I believe it is still true that It also.xQTers t^, salaries]the best assurance of continued peace possess a tiii&-inffi:^"iitt'&]***-■ **^» P!an 9f ,armainenfc~inade-jof Europe has been ruled^for a quarter^ Stewart Building adequate security of peace, we must!*»*• to meet^ny siWgflon wlthln10t a century by an emperor who has I STORE AT 1Q4 STATE ST. not fail to keep it up to its present I reasonable possibilities. , foecomo celebrated as -an advocate of i'VifwafOW A TCivrilYl&Yli sizo and state of efficiency. If that B^en when engnglUB in conflict with peace and for his peaceful accomplish-jXil* WOJ.; tl*%l* V*In/V* ^ te'to "be done we must provide t^ „ '_Merchant in iiamoib's 8Ri-'Walcbisc--* number of now ships each year which! Mexico, if the differences existing shall But if he were to die tontaht what j ft V^ "J^ 9tB^m -iriJjr, Rtfa &*c«api»j isj^sarrj^b^jthe; have Ifr be settled by toTCei^e^mpriOw would bring forth no one. | .- ; . .^T . Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTfc 1640 Want Ads « lie Ltke aimre News ire cttigtf at the following rates Real Estate CUssiiicttions. 7% cents per line. M Otter Clwificalwas. 5 cents per link -, Miaimsm Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. KELP WANTED WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED kindergartner, summer Work as • mother's helper or governess. Wll- Address Elsie Brown, 416 W. Court street, Jacksonville. - 27w-2tp J FOR SALE--THBEB PIECE GOLDEN oak bedroom set, one 9x12 Axmin- ster rug, one round parlor table. One mission , bookcase. Phone Kenil- worth 831-L. , ' . ^.~.',\., ". Itc . Be WANTED -- OFFICE GIRL; EASY work. Apply 1145 Greenleaf-av. Phone Wilmette 4200. lt-dh WANTED--TO HEAR FROM WOM- an or girl going out as' mother's helper by the hour. Address C 198 Lake Shore News. Itc WANTED--A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family Of three; elec- tric washing machine and than to do heavy work; good wages--and-j-- comfortable home. 932 Ashland-av., Wilmette, 111. Phone Wilmette 1590. ' ...,*•'.-•' s ■ • itc HELP WANTED--Girl or middle aged woman for general housework. Call evenings at 806 Liuden-av., \Vil- mettQw.j,; _ ...„..,..-..■";,, ;~,., .-I.,,..,. • ~„«-,.J£c 1554 ASBtTRYAVE^ THE ASBiJRY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT dtflSINE. PHONE „ 23$2f. WH. *\ C. ttfEFENDORF*. • . 16w-tf ^-m WANTED TO BUY--SQUARE DIN- ning table, six chairs, one rug; state price. G. Behdeif, 1231 NortTi-av., Hubbard Woods. .......m*J&0 SALE FOR SALE--SEWING ■ MACHINES taken in trade on our new Singer. You must see this new Singer before buying'. Our prices are very Tow. Domestic......................$ 5.00 Standard...................... 5.00 Singer ...................... Wright, drop head............ White, drop head............. Wheeler ft Wilson, drop head. Singer, drop head. 7.00 11.00 13.00 13.90 12.00 The above machines are guaranteed from 1 to 5 years. Patterson; Brus.^ 1522 Sherman -aye., Evanston. Itc j? OK SALE--ONE DOUBLE BLACK and brass iron bed and springs; good condition. 80S Linden-ay., Wilmette. , Tip FOS~sX L E -- FIFTEEN RHO_DE Island chickens. Phone Kenilworth 83L-L._ _~ £L=______ s±±#*JD& FOR SALE--13 PIECE GOLDEN OAK dining room set costing $225.00 for flO^ bought at Scholle's in January; gobd afc nW. Smitn-biifee Co., Wilmette; Open,evenings.: 27w-tf brass trimmings and almost new; best open springs; $5. Phone Wil- mette 985-R, 1027 Central-av. Itp 1 , sassssssssms. Phooses FOR SALE--719 MADISON-ST., * rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 50x130; $4,500 for quiejt sale. Exclusive agent. 217 Kedzie-st., 8 rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 42x125; price if sold quick, $4,750. If you are goinglto move this spring call and see wuat I have to offer in houses, flats, apartments. 27w-tf Geq. H. Crain, 845 Chicago-av. to Rent House WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE with large living porch, and separate dining porch. . Wilmette. 215. Itc FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT-- One to three rooms with porch to one! party. Phone?Kenilworth* 1307. r ■' ■-' ■--• ;■ .•' r:"\. Itc'. Fact the number of auxiliary ships needed each year will probably be in excess of the number carried in this bill and of otner" kinds. • We are told that war' between, the United States arid any other great 1 of arms, thegreatest"'economy of both lives and cost in dollars and cents calls for the use of such armed forces as we do not have ready for use. This applies to the army rather than the navy. Wo not let our-desire tor woHdrpoWer is :.jiolonger possible. wish that were? literally true, but 11 peace cause us to fail to appreciate do not believe ;li is. The fact that [the need of adequate preparations for such a thing Is,improbable does not[war. "~ bfi invnivpii ho--•-«■ „? wn^t,htn-a'm# f* ,iinposa»?e- And it is the! lf tne ebnl and the am"heads in meet, not.the probabilities. .that nation and our own would be un-. , .- . - #. ^SUfTfi&S tini I hope '**mm we may never bejlikely in the extreme. But that «iflpxtrpo8e * T^M^t^^^^ as welt as other reasons. So an ade- quate preparation for war on our part is to be found in something less than on- earth knows; for*'t»«"h'elr'"SlP«r«r^ is a young, headstrong', gladiator, who might knock the present peaceful rela- tion of the nations of the earth, or some of them; into a cocked hat in \?br time than It taken to telt-llv---j In the meantime there is only one safe and" sane course, and that Is to proviuw' oilrsdves with "a navy and an army adequate to cope with any sit- uation which may reasonably be for- seen as a possibility. With that idea in mind it Is. my a iC-ai couuittuu that we the hPnw armamehfn maintained by1 involved In siich. these military powers I refer to. would never forgive myselt^i-hadimust take into account. Charles M. Thomson Washington, D. But on theMother hand If we are to|°w ^^* ^Y^^8^"*:?™l*ei*.°p/! °ne °.f the most' Powerful nations |On May 1st we. &il( oetapy our New LOST--MAY 2, EIGHT WASHABLE rugs between 1516 Elmwood avenue and 1110 Lake avenue." Finder phone 1132. Itc LOST--FRIDAY^MAY 8, A CHILD'S velocipede; near depot' Please re- turn to Cooke, 629 Railroad-av., Wil- mette. Itp _______L_________ SUMMER HOTEL A CHARMING EXCLUSIVE SUM itter hotel; house and three bunga low87"1ioT"and cold-water in roomsr private baths, electric lights, screened verandas, tennis, croquet, dancing, boating, bathing. AfirtdeaT spot for children. Very accessible, boat or train from Chicago, For rates and further information ad- ' dress S. K. Rogers & !Co... 1824 Hin- man-av., Evanston, III., Phone 3049. i: "■■ - ,22w-tf STORAGE-r- IREDALE FIREPROOF } Warehbusei Picking; Moving, Ship- ping. 1721-1723 Benson-av„ Phone 955, Evanston, BE" 21w-tt T -~ FO.R-.MLE = . ■_ t iv awbf In; ho Si e s '"gj-iai at '•:_____-t JTSMJ* 1580 Sherman-av. 39w-tf FOR SALE--3 SUBDIVISIONS. . -Klnfl'S Meadows. Wilmette avenue w of 15th street, 50x156.......................*750 ■* McDaniels' Woods. Hill street y^ct 14th, 50x171,.-. .$900 Gregory avenue w of 14th street; 50kl71 *.r-^~~~~~^~~~~*Jt0& Isabella street w of 14th street, 50xlt4.......................$650 _. ;:;v-.:--'i.-T»-i»a>U»v0ivi8fd!fc - -■■**---* Elmwood avenue w of 16th- Street 50x140 , v,.:::ji._;;^...:,_.. h..... .$750 Write for: flats.; - -'■■'p. E.^SchIlieri 19J3. LaSalle street. Phone 60S Randolph. tf. * Olt fc*AL.l!i--OSBD PIANOS TAKEN -----in- tradeHsnrdurauto de luxe player.. ! If you are In the market for a play- ; er it would pay you to see us before -i% ^buylhg^--- r:.rrr^ _Pond_ujprlght^--. VoSe ft S^ns..;.; Schuitz ...............-----... Kimball ...,...»~,». U ;^ ^, ■ EVeretj .^vr..^r^Vi^.W^^r^.> Kingsbury-Cabie ...;.......... Bradbury ft Sons ...........■•'.- Cecilian outside player with 50 rolbi ..L.^r-.-j..^„........; Above pianos are 75.00 80.00 90.00 iio;oo 125.00 125.00 26.00 overhauled and guaranteed ;_easy j«y ments^liPatter: son Bros; 1522 Sherman-ay., Evan- ston. Open Tues, Thurs, and Sat. evenings. Itc mm 2898-2899 [ CH»S. E. HEW, HaBlger FRIDAY-Mat. and Evening "thfe Sea Wolf,f A Drama of the See Saturday Eve., 7.30 P. M. A Man for A'thai Sonny Jim of the North Pole Also a KEYSTONE COMEDY $ 50.00 Coming Monday, May 16 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle IN UOXipH IRltPTUfUfcS Mondsy, Tuesday and Wednesday MATINEE AND EVENING EDWARD EWALD PRESENTING k Potpourri of ^fttX SEATS^tOe Owrt ipn inn 2 )• 5 Ms 7 to 10.30 P J. Open a Charge Acccoant. Credit Of tic* Main Floor •THESTORETHAT SELLS EVBRVTttliSC** <IAi Clearance of Mesh Bags arid Vanity Cases SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AT BARGAIN PRICES. VANITY CASES, large Size, good, plated, regular 89c value, 40c SILVER-PLATED MESH BAGS, six inch frame, new style mesh, regularly IL59, this sale Q£4/» each. i..;;,. V.;..............crc^v for VANATY^SASES, good, 35c value, special, each........*........••• MESH BAGS, 7 inch frame, special hinge look, our regular | Qfi ?ffJRTseller7tOT.....^... rrrv-*-**^-* large size, 2tc MISSES' WHITE CANVAS PUMPS, with neat ribbon bows, a number of styles to select from, sizes 11% to 2, special, at...... /; CHILDREN'S PATENT COLT^OJL DULL KID PUMPS, with one strap, made on good wide foot form lasts, sizes 8% to 11, special * CT/i at,............. ...........i*OU BABY'S SOFT SOLE SHOES and Slippers, In all colors, • at.;...., ;.^. :.£„.... .Y,^ Dorft neglect those old shoes. Bring them In and we'll put them In tiptop shape. Shoe repairing called for and deiivirsdlr^ :;v BRASS BEDS, 2 Inch continuous post; heavy husks, 5 coats of best hot pro- cess lacquer, specially priced................. DRESSERS, mado of selected" oak, cabinet work and finish, much better than usual on this grade; heavy bev- eled plate mirror, Special. .... . . . m-r.-. ARM ROCKERS, in quartered oak or mahogany finish, very strongly made, roomy and comfortable, special................. 1650 1L45 REFRIGERATORS, carefully finished hardwood cases, scientifically in* striated, very^economical in Hy Aft ice consumption, up from... / »fm%9 plain and selection, 2. MEN'S SILK SHIRT8, in fancy colors, a large -very beautiful coh . at $3.50, $2.50 and. MEN'S LIGHTWEIGHT SILK HATS, assorted colors, blue, white, grey and brown, ttee^vury thing for .the warm \ weather^at 60 _cents_i__^_„2M /1/V and ..........v........ ..,1,1/1/ CHILDREN'S NOVELTY HAT8,4arge assortment of colors, black and white checked, #lain white, itso straw hats, the latest shapes "eomein^the-ilah- -Halt-sty ler-7-" at 50c and..... tm Twilled, Bleached Crash Tow- eling for roller . J0*t.j els, 10 yards I for ...... No phone or mail orders. iafcr-May \%t 8 Table Oil- cloth, light •and dark patterns, seconds, special yard .... -----No phone or mill orders. Special Sate of Stamped Goods to EMitoidet Save Menbefts Rid trading Stamps, It Pay** Bargains in Bed Linens, Comforts and Muslin PILLOW CASES, 45x36 Inches, soft bleached muslin. '■ Xfllkj*. special...............v.v~*WeC PILLOW CASES, 45x36, ^enMJtitched^aiftinusilnrr1 extra good quality.i.vv... COMFORTERS, covered with sateen and silkoline. gobd filler, -f OQ only........h..^.. Jr« O cp Light Blue Baby Flan- nel, sold regularly ; lor 12%c yard, ; rr special, ten yards.. No phone or mall orders. Be sure to see the ffiensiveJUsptaV during this sale ^TAMPEt^NIGHTGOWNS.......43c 1H BsH STAMPeb SCARPS. STAMPED BRASSIERES . .43c STAMPED PILLOW CASES......43e STAMPED TOWELS. .43c STAMPED DRESSES. .43c 43c STAMPED CENTERPIECES. ^43c STAMPED PILLOW TOPS..,.,..430 BATTENBERG SCARF8 AND CEN, TERPiECES,_ very pretty designs "specially priced.................. .43c »'5wr^v There is perhaps ho season of the yearihdi dainty MusUn Wear appeals so strongly as fust now. the timeliness of these offers makes them doubly attractive* , White Undet^irts^ bf,_ Talte«r,lvifB^^Ioped^g seams, goll effect:.+^, Golf^ett sooK, slashed, prettily triifhuied with lace madallions and edging of valenciennes lace^u *it_.. v. . 1.29 COMBINATION^^SUITS, of me fffiiiisbnk; ^yoke and arni-holes: trimmed with lace and embroidery, gathered with wash ribbon at waist, sizes 34 to 44.?.*....................• WOMEN'8 GOWNS, of fine muslin and nainsook, slipover, button front and Russian style, trim- med with embroidery; torchon and val lace* gath- ered with ribbon beading, ribbon bows, y f\{yoke and sleeves... ? • •"r.....•.•••*« - *M •1/1/ WOMEN'S DRAWERS, of fine cambric anilgmus" lin, knlckerboo'ker style, trimmed with embroid- -efy-,begded Insertiouj.'gathered with ribbon, , alBo Jlnett lace edge. ife i n Here Men! Is a W01«EN'ST?RlNCllSSrSLIPS;orfihu^an^ ndinsook, V nock, deep yoke of lace and em- broidery edges, with narrow lace, lawn rufile on skirt, edged with lace and., ,. , . , .<f jfiCk ombroideryTTrrr*.av«-^V........^rV.^;... / • C/<7 PRETTY^COlrlSET COVERS, of «he nainsook. dainty ribbon headed, embroidery edge on front; and back of yoke and armhoies, .yoke also trim- med with laco; medallions, sizes ■ •-'-: '£•£% ^ 34 to 44.......:,.......................D%fL WOMEN'S TIGHT- FITTING CDRSfeT COVERS, made of best quality muslin, yoke trim- jned: with^embroidery;, sizes 3G %oriCrir.v- CUT RATE DRUGS. 25c Peroxide of Hydrogen, lb;,... .tOb 25c Menthblatum Salve.......... .1tn: $1.00 Sal : Hepatica..,:.;, - *:« *vv'»>ll" 25c Dickinson Witch Hazel, pt. hot. 60o Dlcklnson'i Witch HaaSl, qt. bot 35o BOc Milkwsed Cream. 25c Bell'e Pine Tar Honey..... :■:.: RUBBER GOODS. $1.75 Hot Water Bao»,..;....i;.vflii $1.50 Fountain Syringes......... .«?* $3.50 Whirling Spray Syringes.. .$1.« PERFUMES.. 50c Colgate's Sulk Odors, ox......S^S 50c Bulk Odors, others, ox........2»c KATHLYN WILLIAMS' PERFUME, --- ox;""rr.;y;-7v;~:-rv:.'.'.. .•»;*.'.'.«v*$1.8$; X STAOTUNG SALE JOF $18 ANB $20 VALUES There's every model, extrehic listi with j>atch pockets and con- servative styles-~^-every coloiing, newr^eensr-black >ti#^ vvhiteir checks, stripes and mixtures. It fliakes no 411iw^ce ^iCTe yotfve bought your clothes in the past or what ^oir've^paid tor^ them--4iere*s^ a chance too good wpass^up* ffiin Tuesday till 9, Saturday till 10 Our White Hat$s wilijundoubtedly create i sensation, they so close) pattern the Parisian nice els now just rising in pop- ularity. Beautiful. white hats, charmingly trimmed with chic white wings, some With the newest ce luloM trimmings, Witlrwhiteitllrand Elsewhere you would have to pay an exorbitant price fpruhese^hats* Hgfg yfM can get a perfect beauty for *.. IP IE BOYS' SUITS, don- bio _s,breasted Jairit. nic{korbocker trousera, mostly-all. light colored greys and browns, abso- lutely ,1 I i- -w-o-o J, trousers are . itat^t and well taped, sixes 10 to J7. regular $7.60 anlis, st;,.... OtDU Men's Poroskrut* Ualos Short sleeves, long legs, a very garment' for summer, sizes m. 34 to 48. Special....,... ^v,.... 7* Itk fancy and plain greys, mixtv something durable and strong workiogmen. regular $5.60 I ■ value, at .................... * <

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