Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1914, p. 2

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& SOCIAL. HAPPENIN6S IN WIUMEstfe 3> Mrs. Percy Sklllen was hostess yes*] tcr&7 at one of the most attractive of the spring parties, .given In her _ime at' 714 Ashland avenue. The j house was decorated In yellow daisies, i ,tijll««'*asdir^!fcd8ts--ia prbfusioa. ■- 'A, buffet luncheon was served; in the dining room, after which the guests played bridge. There' were twelve tables. Mrs. Sklllen was assisted in receiving by her mother, Mrs. E.; J. Skii'.cn, and her sister, Mrs.' Harvey Sklllen, of Chicago. Other guests from Chicago were Mesdames Gilbert Dun- can, William Shannon, Charles Ship- crest of Oak Park, and Miss Rose Lynch. ■'.'•'. _..!_- Madame Eda Goedecke has arranged a recital which will take place tomor- row; afternoon at 4 o'clock in prawn's naiiV and wjiv^e^glven by twenty-six of the junior students, between the ages of eight and thirteen. The par- ents and their Mends are cordially invited. Little Miss Evelyn Hun- phrey is to sing several songs, and Edwin Catts will recite. Jtiss Jessie Cain and Miss Helen EUlnt entertained their sisters in Kappa Kappa Ki at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Cain, 907 Central avenue, Monday eve- :'«ing.;'J J Miss Jessie Cain entertained in j honor of Miss Marguerite Ctinnyer on | Saturday. Her other guests were the i young Avomen associated with them at i the Eli Bates Settlement house. ,-■■'- . ■ - ■ ^*- * Mri. H. B. Mulford of 835 Elmwood avenue entertained at luncheon Wed- nesday of last week in honor of Mrs. W. P. Neferye of Fray, Pa. ^Ovej^atiiiundredrrpeople took ad- vantage of the exhibition given by the primary and junior departments of the Congregational Sunday school in the church hall Wednesday afternoon and evening of last week. The exhi- bition was given that the parents might See the work being done each Sunday , In the carefully graded classes, covering written and oral work, and it reflected much credit on the teachers and the two superintend- ents, Miss Bertha Wheelock of the primary, and Mrs. Morton L.. Patter- son of the junior departments. A dinner THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY «. *•**- Wilmetie Societies and Clubs -Mr. David Betts left ^Friday for ,a tea days* business trip to New Vork. A son was born to Mr.^aad^Mra.^ A7Berg1uaar«oTWesTFlfte«nth street, Friday. May IS. - Mrs. Frank Lincoln Fbwlef, ' C3£ Linden avenue, visited in Manistee, Mich., over Sunday;: nue, Who has been ill for several weeks, is recovering. ...... Mrs, R. A Deuzsehe of Ravens wood spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harry Hopp, 225 Linden ayjehue. Mrs. E. R. Wlliard of Selrra Madra, Call, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Bas- se! M. Wing, lull Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Elmer. 1517 Lake avenue, were the guests of rela- tives at Davenport, la., over Sunday. Mrs. Florence E. Hopkins, 11C Ninth street, had as her guest Mrs. W. W. Witt of Denver the last of the week. .Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Andrew, 411 Lake avenue, are enjoying a two weeks' stay at French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. William Vincent and- smail son, Billy, spent Sunday at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Dillenbeck, 110 ~L . .« a i »• «#! Ninth street. The annual meeting and election of Mrft A,bert page who underwent officers at tlie Ouilmette Country club ! 0 eratIon In the Pre8byterian hos- will be this evening. The new ticket! Jn CUIcago laBt week, l8 impro%. isasfonows:_ _„_____ ! ing satisfactorily. G. Geer of Palm Members of the Hiawatha Dancing club enjoyed a dance Saturday eve- ning. ._.:._,«1-1-- - t1--:-^.;: ■ ,' "'" - The Travel chib Will meet ne*t Tuesday, May 2G, at the home of Mrs. Kirk on Forest avenue. Mrs. Corrette j will read.a paper on "Saragossa and the Republic of Andura." The Woman's Christian Temperance Union met Tuesday. May 19, with Mrs. J. H. Smurr, 741 Eighth street, at 2:30 p. m. *- v Mrs. Frank L. Koontz on Lake ave- nue entertained the Drama Study class yesterday afternoon. The Merry Matrons will meet at tbe home of Mrs. F. W. Reford on Park place, Evanston, next Wednesday aft- ernoon. President--Clarence M. Puhlman. Vice-President--Louis A. Clark. Treasurer--F. J. Scheidenhelm. Secretary--Philip Hugenin. Secretary. Directors, two year term--(J. Henry L. Purdy, 440 East Bsllroad avenue, is in New York-tor ;_a short stayT'*' Miss Bernlce Shurtleff. 81C Lake avenue. Is 111 in her home with typhoid 'fever.: x.';&: -.j -?'.:: A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mrs. WHlIam Sanderson, '1057 Linden avenue, Saturday. May 16. Mrs. James R. Chapman accom fc^ %^l*rty^Wl»^worth?fa^r I ^1Q^Bwood^aKot"'tor .DoysTfiBfiHaf in the annual excursion which is con* ducted to that institution. More than twenty interested fcenSworth women went on the trip. A special, train from Chicago was chartered for the north shore and Chicago clubwomen E4wJtaij£lM^uer of Fort Wayne, Ind„ ! who made the trip.----------j - was the"igwissr'"of his;;5nfater./Mrs.] Mr«. w. X. Serrell gave a surprise Ernest Cazel, 1055 Linden avenue. party ror her daughter, .Miss Eleanor, over Sunday. Friday evening in honor of her birth- Mrs. Cl*lia||l Woolen, 109 Woodbine day Bridge and other card games avenue, returned Saturday from Ga- wer€ enjoyed, lien. Mlchvw|«re she has been visit- Mr and Mrs. Omar T. Reeves, Jr.. Ing friends anr relatives.-----------4-^ piann£g to take an automobile Mr. and Mrs, F. J ^Balcer^ »n,itri ^bQUt ^ ceDtTai &* of |?bann^n& retorned this week to their, mnoiB next wee]£ ^ wl„ speBil home^m\:tm' avenue,^after-an «* Memorlal ^r in Bloomlngton. tended stay at Atlantic City. „..*.,. \ Mrs.W. Ketohum. 1054 Lake ave- i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze will leave nne. was called to New York city the tomorrow for the east where they will first of the week on account of the serious illness of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Mahan and daughter, 718 Elmwood avenue, will leave tbe first of nezt week for an ex- tended trip tlii-oug'h the south. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper. 719 i lege. Park avenue, spent the week-end at! ^'r. Hartford, Mich day JjiOfiiliig. remain for several weeks. They ex- pect to visit Washington.* West Point, New Haven and other eastern cities. In West Point and New Haven they will visit their two sons who are at- tending tbe military academy and col- A Good RcjsoIutien By Marie Dolan, 824 Oak wood Ave. Tiny bees and ants work and save, but they are not wiser than I am. If 1 cali'tliave things and save, I will do without those things, for I am going to plant my pennies and watch the dollars grow. -. - My garden will be the Wilmette Exchange State Bank, Open Friday Evenings from 7 to 8 p. m. Wilmette Exchange State Bank and Mrs. W. L. Serrell were They returned Mon-! given ax most pleasant surprise ; in their home Saturday night when a crowd of twenty-five neighbors and 4411111 f I I I •♦ j friends walked in upon them to re- mind them of their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. The surprise was planned by Mrs. John Vennema, where the guests met and proceeded to the Serrell home. The happy couple were presented with a Sheffield tray, a chop tray with fork and spoon and many- other gifts. A daughter' was • born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith Saturday, May 16. Tbe Bridge club met in the home of Mrs. R. B. Sfolp Tuesday afternoon. ~MrsT George Dyke of Piano, 111., Is the guest of Mrs. Clarence W. Gasque. for a few weeks. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kles will leave iBlcbl. S. I Potter. F. Dibble, A. G. Frost. T. B. The Central Avenue circle will meet Friday of next week at the home of Mrs. Wykoff, 1223 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Fagg, 935 Greenwood avenue, "Workers' o'clock. was served at 6 ~FHd^y"*trBr Norman Betts enter- tained at luncheon Mrs. George Boggs and Mrs, William Lake and two daugh- ters from Ehglewood. ; Miss Frances Bragdon gave a party for the Delta Gamma alumnae Friday afternoon at her home in Evanston. - Mrs. Frederic Bowes on Greenwood avenue entertained several of her Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Springfield, Mass., were guests at the wiirentertaTn the Cozy Corner circle!home of Dr. M. R. Barker on Wash- ington avenue a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Irwih and ing satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. H Beach, Fla., left Monday for Rockford, 111., after spending several days with Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. C. »L. Wharton and daughter, of Grand Rapids, Mich., were ,.,,,. the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.!mavke th*,r'"t"rer W. P. Hammond. 1047 Linden avenue. [ MrB- * re<„ Y?K , , Mrs.™ C. Skinner, who has been \™ ^JS&J?!**!* ^^ spending the winter in California, la | „"„^ the guest of her daughter, Mrs a. W««B1j-^ rf,weekB,, ,to„ly ,mpPovlnK 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans. Renting and Insurance North Shore Homes and Vacant adelbert shutts OF ad. , Bes.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Adelbert Shutts, a well known resi-1 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 dent of Glencoe. died in the home of j WILMETTE, ILLINOIS , his sister, Mrs. Ida MesBinger. 780: ______ |soon for New York where tbey wUU&tierUlan road. Glencoe, May 13. He}' ome- was C2 years of age. Besides his i Willis gave a din-1 wWow# jirs. Belle Shutts, he leaves I one son, Buda, and a sister, Mrs. Ida , Messinger. Funeral services were j including fancy suits and evening Dressmaking Bridge was played. Fred i Hallett Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. F, ------ g. MT Cole, who has been 111 for three today. The fifth division of the Ladies' Aid society in-the Methodist church meets tomorrow at the home of Mrs. L. E. Blunt on Oakwood. The Reading circle will be enter- tained Monday by Mrs. Leslie Gates. Mrs. Lyman Drake entertained the French class at luncheon Monday. The Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon club will meet next week with Mrs. D. V. Webster, C19 Forest avenue. daughter, Miss Mildred, 027 Forest avenue, have returned from Florida where they have been spending the I winter. Mrs. Frances Schown of London, | England, who is visiting relatives in this country, "came Friday to spend i several days with her nelce, Mrs. F. J. Clam pitt. Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr., and two little daughters, Bessie and Eleanor, left Tuesday to spend six week in Sioux City. Iowa, at the home of Mrs. Thayer's parents. Mrs. Chester Stevens entertained a few friends at toa Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. W. A. Young and Miss Chaf- fee. Robert Stearns and family have rented their home for the summer and will spend a few months In Wiscon- sin. Mrs. Frank Young entertained friends at akard party in'her home Friday night fn honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Watsptt. " \ t /Mr..and Mrs. Omar T. Reeves. Jr., entertained at dinner Sunday, for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodson of fill Michi- gan. avenne„,Evanstpn...,. ,, . Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Watsoh, who formerly resided in Edgewater, are building a new home' in this village. conducted from the Messinger home Friday morning. The burial was in j Graceland cemetery. ! Mrs. Edward Lloyd's guests her - ^ .mother. Mrs. S. T. Walker, of Oak | V_J_ \_ „Jl„;„,„ ..„,«, tl_.. natu : Park, and her sister, Mrs. Farmer home in Wlnnetka until their new KILLED BY TRAIN. Dominick Dernardi, who resided at 1112 Green Bay road, Glencoe, died Wednesday from injuries suffered when he was run down by a south- bound Chicago and Northwestern railroad train just south of South ave- nue, Glencoe, Wednesday. A Town clnb dance will he given tomorrow evening at the Woman's eiub. Mrs. B. .1. Middleton will entertain her Luncheon and Bridge club tomor- friends at a luncheon party on Tuesday. and bridge i row " Miss Dorothy Rae and Miss Ernau Blythe Smith will give a joint recital Tuesday evening, June 2, at the Coun- try club. Madame Sturkow Rider will accompany Miss Rae. - Mr. apd Mrs* W, R. Mahan, ?18 Elmwood" avenue, will entertain sev- eral friends art a dinner-dance tomor- row evening in thPir home.-------------- Mr. and Mm Char leu Diet hold will entertain their card ciub Saturday evening. The Amicltlu club met Thursday evening at the home of Mr William Norris on Forest avenue, the club gave Saturday Bayliss, of Nash vile, Tenn., left Thursday, after spending a week In Wilmette. Mrs. {Catherine Wallace Davis, who! is well, known for the delightful pro I grains and entertainments she ar j rangeH, Is spending the summer ai the I home of Mr. and Mr<t. Thomas (' j Thompson. 1419 Central ovenue ' Mrs Charles H. Bretl.old is t=iu-i ruining her sister. Mrs A. S Faun, j from Hamburg, German). f<>r several week* Mrs. Fann will epend the summei In this country with Mrs. Brethold and three of her inarrltd Bts- The dance j ters, who live in Chicago and Ha «;n- evenlng in ! vlrons. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal R. Knox, 1017 Lake avenue, entertained several re- latives from Chicago at dinner Sun- day evening. - ____ Mrs. W. D. Collyer. 524 HUT street, will entertain several friends at "Lil- lies" this afternoon. Jones'hall was up to the usual stand- jvfx-. and -Mrs. Henry A. Poi-e. ard in point of good music and was {Lake avenue, have announced the a very pleasant affair.______...... Mrs. Florence E. Hopkins, 11G Ninth street, entertained twelve ladles from Chicago at luncheon Saturday after- noon. After -luncheon the guests en- j joyed a ramble- in the woods where I they gathered large bouquets of wild I talned Monday evening at the home flowersv - ___________J==^S^^~ :»10 fll- el their - daughu?*-, Helen Jessie Pope, to Edwin H. Badger, son of Sir. and Mrs. A. Shreve Badger. 655 Elm street. VY'iimetka. The date of the wedding not yet been made public. Mr. ntul Mrit. Thouiun K wii.uin mid little son are visiting Mr Wilson's brother, Mr P. A. Wilson, c, Central avenue, arriving in Satur- day. Mr und Mrs. Thomas vV'llson Mrs. David Anderson of Ch«>«tuut formerly lived on Linden avem.e. leav- avenue entertained her luncheon < lub j lng ^)je ^j||age about seven years ago More than seventy-five people at- tended the card party given by the Woman's club Wednesday of last week for the beneilt of the building fund. The sum realized was in the neighborhood of ,$22, the average profit from these monthly parties. on Tuesday. The Ladles' Whist club was enter- ! of Mrs. Geminil, while the men met to make tnelr home in California. Cast Iron, Aluminum, Bronze, Etc. home is comnJeted... Charles G. wuclrrt'has purchased^he j John Benham place which-he will'oc-1 cupy as his home. Mr. Benham and ; family are now occupying the Jo«eph j Sears home Mrs". Sears and daiujtyer j will live in Chicago. {* Mrs. E. l> Stevens departed % ester- day for Washington. D. C, where she will meet her daughter, Frances, who is attending college in that city She will be gone about three weeks. AliSs Frances will accompany her, mother home. WORK CALLE.D ;: n FOR n, U and DELIVERED Phcas Wilmette 1636 wraps. Corsets made to order. MissM. Boland Room 54, Brown Bldg. Tel. 1336 Florence Chose PIANIST AND TEACHER. Five years' study abroad under cele- brated teachers. 431 EIGHTH Tel. SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for. $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette oS STREET, WILMETTE. Wilmette 260. I. W. SI PE, S Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMOTE:i384 Res. l302WilftttiA!ft., Wilmelle, III. I at the home of Mr. Arthur Taylor on Mrs, mi. Hammond, 1Q4? Linden I Central avenue. This is the last meet- avenue, was hostess at luncheon given j in« th*1 th«se J°,nt clubs w,u hol(l in honor of several ladles from Rogers until next fall. Park Tuesday afternoon. -- The Catholic Woman's * lub will "^Sffrsr P» A. Myers entertained seV« give their annual luncheon tomorrow ^fejl-jriands at bridge Jn( her home,! at the Woman's club. 627 Lake avenue, Friday /afternoon. -- The Anuclta club members enjoyed a dance in Jones hall Saturday eve- ning. Can bo welded and mado strontt a,-, new. Callus the American Welding Co. (Notlne.) A. P. OKAIIAM. Mitr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE AVE. Phono Wilraotto 1391 wilmette. Illinois ft Made Clean Handled Clean Delivered Clean Ask Your Grocer t>» Call Up WilmettB Baking Go. fres'wTimeJrtAve. We Are On the f VUR Good*. w©fft ««"* V-/ Prfces are Right--with these in your favor you can- not possibly be wrong in having us fit you with that New Spring Suit We do Cleaning^ Pressing, Remodeling and Repairing. Work Called, for and Delivered George J. Eber ■ Telephone 10 1131 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE - Mrs. August Wllbelm, 435_Tenth street, gave a farewell 4>arty Satur- day afternoon In her home to sixteen of "her Chicago friends who will de- - part noon to anend the summer at various resorts and summer homes. Mrs. Harry G. Wilson. 923 Forest ayeaue^jtrovlded a childrens party for her- little granddaughter, Rather Ine Calhouun, pf Glencoe, Saturday^ J^ikrniioinL -Sight G-lences children at- tended the party. WE ARE TAKING ORDERS now for the dull season for Ladies' and Glen's Suits at reduced prices, so as to keep our help busy. Garments remod- eled to latest styles. Cleaning and pressing. Suits pressed 50c. Til Up-to-Oate Udle»' ut Hen's-. Tailoring FOR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20 00 l'j Block Wes< of Kcoilwonh t)c, -• W. R. WILSON Box 72 Phone t 1 t6 -^-^-T-r-' NEW TOCATION ,«»- FOR the convenience of our customers weTsave^ opened a new Retail Store at 615 W. Railroad Ave., where we shall have a complete line of pldnis and flowers at all times, fresh from our greenhouses. We have^a full line^ofWerjrthing you will need for Spring planting, and in order to move the stock quickly we have reducejd the r^ees. Geraniums, SOc per dozen and up. Vinca Vines, $1.00 per dozen and up. Cannas, $1.00 per dozen and up. King Humbert Cannas, $2.00 per dozen. Rose Bushes, fresh from the benches to you, $1.00 per dozen. ^ Roosevelt Ferns, fine, SOc each and up. Asters, Cosmus, Coleus, Calliopsis, Candytuft, Cobea Vines, Feverfew, Forget-me-nor, English Ivy, Lobelia, Pansies in baskets, Daisies, Nasturtiums, Mignonette, Salvia, Petunias, Snapdragon, and many other plants. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & QLSEM FORMERLY STAR FLORAL CO. FLORISTS Wll METTE, ILLINOIS OKt.cNMOUSES 1625 Central Avenue RETAIL STORE 615 West Railroad Avenue ■■ h. Wc wish lu announce to the people of Wilmette and the North Shore that we opened a new Undertaking Store at 1123 Central Avenue, Wilmette. ; 3f*B. W. R. Mahan, 718 Elmwood avenue, will entertain-at a birthday party for her little daughter, Helen Mahan, In,honor of thi» third anpiv"' aary of'her birth, this afternoon.; ^Pwenty-fivfr children were invited to j the function.--:-----,--------------------- Miss Janet Jones, 822 Washington mVenuer^wJU-^e-aTlInett-abower Sat? urdsy TTifteTnoon tor""Mt8ir ^Gertrude Webber. ~ ■^-.■~- --■---:■ 283T Washington loalmrd, Chicago Wilmette Irancb. Brown lldg Room 23 Strictly high gradeHnstruc tions. Piano, violin, voice. expression, etc. C. w. Emms, Marie Elnrds flimofl Girzin ml others Vtrllt ar eill for Intornulion liiM Kdlth Poret avenue, entertained friends from the Moody In Rti»ute -' at --.luncheon Monday afternoon. v This cloth covered Casket, lined with white silk, with complete furnishings, only $30.oo._ ..... .--.--. WE.IMESCHKIRCH =r=======««wBniHeai in *aa» 7W: Tel. 1610 1225 WUraette Ave. Mr. W. H. Scott, who has charge of our Evanston Store, js_ fifta^g^Hly tt^fey- estcd In our Wilmette Store and will manage the same. With Mr. Scott affiliating himself with our Wilmette Store, we feel that we are furnishing Wilmette with an Undertaker who is well known to most of her people. or the reason that we MANUFACTURE our own Caskets we are pre- pared to serve the people at a saving from ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF, "Wesikkn! 1123 Central Avenue

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