THE LAKE SHORE NEW$ THURSDAY, MAY 21,1914. son kay a Plans, it Is Said, Are Under Way to Give Summer Play With Cast of Amateurs and Stock Players. GOOD COMPANY ASSURED Lovers of dramatic art in Evanston are Interested in the rumor that mem- bers of the stock company, headed by Harry Minturn and assisted by ama- teurs, may Sive at least one enter- tainment in Evanston during the sum- mer, with local charities as ben- eficiaries. First Effort This is the first time (hat any such elaborate effort to assist the charities during the summer has been made. The reason urged against such effort has always been, that even though enough persons might be found will- ing to give time and thought neces- sary to get up such an entertainment, so many people leave Evanston in the summer, enough tickets could not be sold more than to pay over-head ex- penses. Undoubtedly this was true in former years, but latterly such num- bers of people come to Evanston dur- ing June, July and August as to con- stitute quite a summer colony, and these transient visitors, here to get away from the heat of the city, while glad enough to find amusement out here, do not particularly care to go into the city for diversion. Moreover there are a great many people who do not leave Evanston at all during the summer and finally the local charities are quite as much in need of funds In the summer as at any other time, and it is much harder to collect money. May Be Two Performances. Where the entertainment or enter- tainments, if there are more than one, are to be given, has not yet been de- cided. The chances are in favor of the Evanston theater, the Country club or the Woman's club, according to the nature of the entertainment, which will probably be a play. The future of the Evanston Stock company la problematic*-If-they not return, and there Is, as yet, great uncertainty on that subject, the play house will be given over, it is said, either to moving pictures or to vau- deville. In view of this situation, friends^ of ~Mr. Minturn. numbering many members of the Drama' club, who have followed with appreciation his efforts to present worthy plays in a worthy manner, often against al- most insurmountable obstacles, will welcome this, possibly their last op- portunity to see Mr. Minturn or mem- bers of his company in an? play at all. On the other hand, the amateurs as- sisting Mr. Minturn, who will be coached by him, are sure to number many rriends in the audience who will he doubly interested in watching ama- teur talent playing side by side with professionals. Should Be Well Patronized. It is believed that enough persons will be interested in this appearance of Mtt. Minturn to not onlr properly liquidate the expense of such a per- formance, but to leave, afc well, a li and some balance for whatever char- ity may- be selected as the beneficiary. Women's Ready-io-Wear Garments <' Millinery, HairDressing, Manicuring Lace Curtains and Draperies Neck Furnishings, Tea Room vH.MOSHIE^<30. re wish to announce that we are mak- ing special prices on all made-to-order tailored Dresses and Suits, made up in the very latest and most exclusive wash materials. These garments are especially suitable for traveling and the seaside. We ore also giving special prices on Silk Suits and Dresses, made in the latest authentic fabrics, imported direct from Paris. ^ Ayisit wiUbe greatly appreciated. 616622 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO -- tmmmmm Gowns Gloves Studios Tailor Made Sui Lingerie Silverware - - Custom Made Shoes Art Goods --" Shirt Waists --Jewelry^ . JULIETTE makes smartgowns for aft occasions at moderate prices. Also gowns made on short notice and high class remodeling ONLY ONE FITTING REQUIRED 622 Michigan Ave. -- Room 62! Telephone Wabash £614 OPPORTUNITIES TO SECURE THE BEST IN MANY LINES AT REASONABLE COST We wish to announce the opening of THE CRICKET TEA ROOM ' No. 9 Arcade, Barrtheisel Bldg. 616-622 So. Michigan Ave. Everything served is strictly home pre- pared. You will not be able to obtain elsewhere such good Teas and Coffees Luncheon 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. r Afternoon Tea EMILY C. WALTHER HELEtf"F. SWAZEY ^Arei 616 S. Michigan A ve. Tel. Wabash 4973 CHICAGO HW Gowns THE BARNHEISEL BUILDING 616-622 MICHIGAN AVENUE, SOUTH u^t SUITE 1012 ^" ^^|»HONE WABASH 3774 NEW ABUSED HIS FAMILY; pin mm'HUE Glencoe Man, Unable to Pay $100 Fine,'is Sentto County Farm for 68 Days. August Brandt, 520 Madison street, Glencoe, was fined $100 and costs toy Justice of the Peace John F. Boyer in Evanston last Thursday. Charles H. Brayne, a representative ot Uag; IHj; nois Humane society, prosecuted the case against the Glencoe man, who era! tithesBrandt bad got drunk and then "heat up" his family. Brandt wa* formerly a marshal of Glencoe. Judge Boyer gave him the.choice be tween paying >|10Dor "to the rock pile/'v Trie man wai unable to pay the fine so he was committed to sixty- SouthwesT~Uorner oT Davis Street and Ridge Avenue to Have $90,000 Building. Evanston is to have another large apartment building in one of the fash- ionable districts of the city. A deal has been closed whereby J. P. O'Connor and John N. Weljfcer have secured possession of the southwest corner of Davis street and Ridge avenue from Mrs, Anna Morse, who purchased it seven years ago from the Harvey Hqrd estate. The lot purchased by O'Connor and OEAMASSLEBm* _ MAKES CRAVE ERROR •hmh Paulson, HameinSt<3or Exclusive Ladies' Tailors Branch Office NowjOpen at 613 Diversey Parkway SUITE 910 Tel. Wabash 519S PHONE WABASH 3072 S. A, HAH IH INC. IMPORTER, WOMENS TAILOft 616-20 SO. MICHIGAN BOULEVARD SIXTH FLOOR CHICAGO Dean Thomas F. Holgate Takes Sherlock Holmes' Role and University Loses Mr. O'Connor and Mr. WeTteTTjasia frontage of 120 feet on Ridge ^avenue and 207 feet on DaVis street. They have plans which call for the erection of a twenty-one apartment building, which is to cost in the neighborhood of ,S90,000. The lot which thej^haxe acquired is the north half df th^^^marYey Hurd homestead, and Ja .one--of the best known estates in Evanston. The new ownerfrexpeet to begin building opera- tions just a^^oon as the brick strike Is settledrami it^albelr hope to ^ave An interesting letter received by a university student from John W. Adams, a junior in the College o£ Lib- eral Arts of Northwestern university, in whicb he relates ah interesting tale about Dean Thomas F. Holgate play- ing detective and missing his guess on the man whom he thought was sus- picious, gained considerable circula- tion on the campus this week and was charged with cruelty to children. It came out in^fre~^eser:thm Bey^he-bMldttigrcompleted in.time for next spring's rental season. The building plans, which were drawn by Architect Thomas R. Bishop, call lor twenty-one apartments ranging in size from eight to five rooms. The building will be of red brick with Bed ford" atoi a«sg!i!li!i Mmmmmm&^jzsm in washing from the Public Service company of Glencoe to keep upljher family. «SpORT" WANDERS AWAY. The Wllmette police telephoned the Evanston department Monday the dftgftrtpHnn of "Snort." a white and tan-fox;terrfefc#loSl in Wllmette yes- terday. 'A reward is offered for the 1030 owner. on Ridge avenue and an equal number on Davis, sireet^JBach apartment will have two baths and a shower, wnfle the building will be of the most modern construction.^ ... ____ ; Mrtweiter, who is interested In tie caused no little amusement among the students who now believe they have n. good joke on the conservative head of the liberal arts department. This is the story: A young Evanston man by the name of Jules Darrow, formerly an employe of the Public Service Company, de- cided he wanted to go to college and study dramatic art. He came to a final decision last Friday morning, and bright and early went up to Univer- sity Hall::ta-ftnd- out-what-be--could- about such, courses. The offices were still closed so ber was amusing him- self reading the bulletin boards when Dean Holgate arrived. - He^askedthtr young" man why he was loitering about the building, and since his answers were not clear, the dean telephond for the police and turned him over as a suspicious character. The' poilce ^T^h^Ta>»^^^ found that^lie-Waa-^WF villain of the Desperate Desmond type, and that he was only bent on getting Jnfo^rmatlon about an education. barrow's ideas of a college are somewhat altered and he thinks his job at the' Public Service Cotapany at least keeps him above suspicion president club: Mr. O'Connor is a member of the firm of X^Pran* J. W. ff Comwr t&m building; Chicago. Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMEJTE; .If40 Want Ada"mrJne~Lfte ^norcTfeirn »f» 35$*f it 3B CThTwiftg ritn Real Estate Classifications. 1)A cents per line. Air Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. WAITED --- OFFICE GIRL; EASY work. Apply fTBlT Greehleaf-av. Phon© WJimettMSOO. lt-db WANTED -- FIRfilTfCLASS CAUINET maker and finisher. Call at once. L. A. PerrauUp 1124 Ceutral-av., - Wllmette, Til. f Up WANTED--TO TUSAtt-FROM WOM- an pr girl going out as mother's -.helper by-the b^r,-Address C 198, Lake Shore News. ; Up WANTED -- BY- EXPERIENCED kindergartner,' "summer work as mother's helper or governess. Wil- ling to travel:--At iiuuiiy Juno 13. Address Elsie Brown, 416 W. Court street, Jacksonville. 27w-2tp FOR SALE--COMPLETE SET OF German encyclopaedias; will sell at - half cost; also- small four-bumor gas stove, $2. 1210 Lake-av^ Phone Wllmette »95-R. ltP FOR SALE--ONE O. V. B. 80EGG hot-water incubator, almost new. AIbo one thoroughbred Roso Comb -^Rhedtrlslattd RcdrRoaBter, one year old. BnrgalnB for quick saTeT Tel. Wilmettc 1211. ' ~ • "" »£ FOR SAt.E^-3SUBDIVISIONS. Kingo Meadows. Wllmette avenue vrof IGth street, COxlpe...............;,..;.;.$75(1 McDaniels' Woodo. Hlll^treet-vv-oFllthr50xl71;^T^f9 FIRE INSURANCE--ROYAL JNSUR ancB Conuiany-ot-ilverpooVJargestl fire insurance company In the world, insures dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles A. W4glitman,=_&uL_Co^--reside MARRIED COUPLE WANTS Posi- tion iis cook or general housework, --and-honsemarrr "-Ca'ir 912 Sherman- «v.~ phone 1122 Evanston. •«.-- -.-- ,r-v-=*:-, ^ -. 28w-2tp Gregory avenuo w of- 14th street, ---- 1 r,QxlTl. .»..........■+........v..1800 J Isabella street w of 14th street, --50xi74 :. r.""~."T r..: t-n... -f E. T. Paul's Division, Elmwood avenue w of lCth street .50x140.......................f7CI) Write for Tints. -^LLJ. - -y-.-. -M C. B. Schiller, 19 S. LaSalle street, Phone 608 Randolph; _^ tfj BOARD AND RQGM S554 ASBURY AVE, THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXGELLENT CUlSlNE. PHONE 2392.- MRS. F. C . iprEFENDORF, -, >• : • . -lGw-tf- project with Mr.. O'Connor, resides at 819 M0Dn1^ gentry. SEND COPIES OF THEvNEWS TO YOUR FRIEND* OUT OF THE-CITY FOR SALE--13 PIECE GOLDEN OAK dining room set'costing #225.00 for fiOflhcash; bought at Scholle's In January; good as ne^. Smith-D«ce Co., Wllmette. Open evening*. ":::-.'" - 27w-tf itmiaALE^PHILQ COOP. PATENT roost and lncnbator. Phone W1FT taette 835-W. $12 Elmwood-av. ltc '-,-- -:--: vi-■::.^:. ■_,=:::-':.■.- '-■ lie TODAY--MATINEE AND EVEWIWU 'Sarah Bernhardt^ in La Tosol FOR SALE-HOUSES 217 KEDZIE-ST., EIGHT ROOMS, ; hot water.heat, bard wood' floors, lot: 42x125; price if sold quick, f4,jT5j>J Geo. H.^ Craig, 845 Cbicago-av. ,. ^ 29wtf Friday Night "Tango Night New Dances* New Steps r»--;■-: SATUItDAY MATB«E Special Children's Pro^rani 3 JATtaiRAY EVBNINO 1» ASelig Drama in Parts li ON THE MINUTE STORAGE -- laEDALE FIREPROOF Warehouse, Packing. Moving. Ship- ping. 172M723 BeHSon-av„ Phone 955, Evanston, III. 21wtf -------- FOH9PAJE W EVA N8TON H O ME 8 •'- ■'■■ ■-■ • ■'¥*■■-- ■ ■' •'-- 1580 Sherman-av. Comine Monday and Tuesday, W» 5 The Only Moving Picture of an Actual B&t Photographed by E. F. WcigeJ, Staff Photograph The Cbicago Tribiuw AU Seats 10c COME AY«D|