Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1914. ITIQTIRQ nnu iuu RANK U. S. HIGH it-. an Economic Progress This Country Takes High Place Among the Nations of the World. POSSIBILITIES YET LARGE lines, or doable the total In Russia, next In order. More than one-third of tfco world's mall service is per- formed upon routes located In the United States, while our public debt or one billion dollars Is smaller than that of Italy. Austria-Hungary. Spain. Gerssany. Australia, Japan. British In- dia, or Groat Britain, and Is less than cue-sixth that of Prance, and one- fourth that of Russia. Temporary recessions have frequent- ly marked the course of American commerce, but the tendency, according to historical tables published In the "Statistical Abstract." Is ever higher. !». 11 years, from 1890 to 1901, our foreign trade grew from 1ft billion to 2«4 billion dollars, an increase of SO per cent, while in the 11 years from 1902' to 1913 It increased from 2% to 4ft billions, a gain of 90 per cent. Wide Expansion. The foundations of this growth are laid deep In the soil and natural re- sources of our country atjd in the char- acter of our people. Thus the Ameri- can Union, from 13 states having 32S thousand squsre miles and 1 million people, has -expanded to 48 states and the territories of Alaska, Porto Rico and Hawaii, with su area of 72-3 mil- lion square miles and 100 million peo- ple. In the period since 1870 the value the basic elements of economic °* ottf '»fm f^ffj* ri'f"Iff5m progress the United States rank, high * *■"■■ to abouJ 10, b"Mf *°!la" * among the nations of the world, being £■** *» •*** *«** .JJ" ,,es" I the five countries only w.ucttlj*» 30 * ■»* "• "J!?*"* tons; copper from 12ft thousand to over one-half million tons; pig iron from 2 to 31 million tons; petroleum from 221 million to 9ft billion gal- lons; and manufactures from 4 billion to over 20 billion dollars. Data relating to education, labor, finance, prices, and other facts af- doltorsror eqMl7o"uT;"'interna.|f!cUnK the economic life of the peo- .exchanges of the world and ap- P,e ,*«**> contained n the "Stotis- •n.*Ai. .«„ m,™o «u» „«i..« «T# Ucsl Abstract of the United States, P«r?SLi«t-22 »ft?v.Ju, IW^U." which may be procured from Sill dnZ? * ' ^e superintendent of documents, gov- aoiiars. . ernment prlnUng offlce, WashlnBton, Foreign Trade Short. | u Ct tor 50 cent8 a copy> That our present foreign trade 13 j ---------:------------s------ far short of t he Immediate possibilities AS to Overwork. It.r.itltn --■■* ln.«iiltif Heredity accounts for about fifty far oent of the esses of Insanity. This Is encouraging. It shows that the shocks and conditions of modern Ufa do not make people insane; the stren- uous life merely brings out the Insan- ity that Is latent In some persons as a result of heredity. A noraml per- son cannot be driven insane by any Of the conditions of modern Ufa. Firemen's Watsr-Jacfcsta. ,. la Berlin the firemen wear water Jacket, with a doable skin, which they are able to fill with water from the hose. If the space between the layers becomes overfilled the water escapes through a valve at the top of "" met and flows down over the like a cascade, protecting hiss Immortal Ufa. The natural life Is the Immortal life Ton know a little more truth; then a littlo mora obedience, then mors truth; forever so. But all depends on being In earnest--Phillips Brooks. Room for Expansion Is Great and Advance in All Lines Is Expected to Keep Pace With Pitt Record, •> Financial "Poppa, If yon spank ma I'll give you any money out of my boa again."--Fliegende Blaettar. Naturally Fortified. •I am afraid that man is going to aay something he will be sorry for." "Bon't worry," replied Miss Cayenne; "people who make a specialty of seldom have the discernment to be aoyry." $3j Then He Met a Just -Well!" ha muttered. _ on a landing as he fell do elevator shaft, "as Mr. Kipling say, Thn Is another story.* naiift That -What does the post air '* row's crown of sorrow' far* sensed the thoughtful man. "I don't know what the post says," rootled the one who had had experience, "but I think it's the aching crown a fellow has on the morning aftor he's tried la his sorrow." ' "Mobbe," said Uncle wouldu* be so much dlvorcln' U a woman leak as saaeh Interest Java man's business while dey's married as she takes whoa she's tryin• to colleck aiim<w»'" With Himself In Mind. When you hear a man telling what Is the opinion of "thinking peopU everywhere" ha has direct referenc* to himself. for Mar, ft* ber class memorise a little prayer. When it wsa the turo of a certain ahy little Md to recite toe did aa In a sat* law and faltering manner. "Could you speak a IHtle loader, dearr* asked the teacher, t flMtoas* ****■ 7«» aay." "Well. JTa a prayer Ian n wasn't apashtoig to ymT Beporter--"I bear a wffld ansa roaming about In a swamp hero." Native--"Yes: he was a ctty man, try- ing to locate a choice building lot foals Just bought!" OaaV To bo able to say the right that's talent. thing, at Ths •ad Mr. the ban, haviac learned In fba aae af n word. timber that Is as first time she saw rot. "was that as Banter eastT" the .have an area In excess of 3 million square miles, snd the only nation of the western world (except Russia) having a population of over 100 mil- lion. In the interchange of products I among Its own people it leads tho world, its home trade at the present time being estimated at nearly 40 bil of the nation Is evident from a con- sideration of Its area, commerce, and other economic factors In comparison with that of other leading countries, as set forth in comparative tables pub- brhed In the "Statistical Abstract of the United 8tatcs, 1913,'Vcompiled by tne Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce. . Thus the present export trade of the United States (2ft billion dollars) rep- resents about $25 per capita. A per •capita basis equal to that of Argon*- j : tlna would raise the export power of i the United States to 5 billion dollars, and one that of Belgium I would bring Its exports to 10 billion dollars a year, while our aggregate j .foreign trade, when upon a per capita j jbfcsls as large as that of Canada, would j |ha considerably over 13 billion dollars I «* year Ons Third World's Railways. f~ Other comparative tables In the j -Statistical Abstract" further era pha- < pises the commercial power of the ; United States and its strong interna ' tlonal position. In railway mileage, j for example, we possess one third of j the world's total, our 258,000 miles I bring ten times as much as the mile-' age cf the United Kingdom and six: times that of Germany. One company j alone lias 238,000 mires of telegraph j Either you are necessary to provl* donee, and then you have no right to Ull yourself by overwork, or you are not necessary to providence, and then you nave no need to kill your- self by overwork. I put that dilem- ma to you In all seriousnesti, and leave you to eseape from it If you can.--Charles KIngsley. A Genuine C Rather a Large Order. A little boy was asked by his busy motbor to telephone the groceT Tor cer- tain household supplies. This Is the way tho message ended: "Please charge and send ten cents' worth of animal crackers, and please take out all tbe elephnntB, because tho bub, afraid of them." Dally Thought. Benevolence Is invincible If It bt not an affected smile nor acting a part.--Marcus Aurqllus. Sincerity. The more sincere we are In our be liefs, as a rule the loss demcBBtratlvi we are.--Beecher. Star Gazing. The telescope Is good for star gas> Ing, but most of us prefer a pair ot opera glasses.--Charles Leedy. Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 Wast Ads in the Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7V2 cents per line. AH Other Classifications, 5 ceats per line. Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents.. SITUATIONS WANTED I HELP WANTED WANTED -- WASHING; WORK j WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOR AFT called for or done at your home. ] crnoons. Phone Wilmetto 14X2. Phone 704-J. 35w-lti» I Sow lu SITUATION WANTED--RELIABLE colored laundress wants work by the day; also man to care for lawn, I etc. Phone Evanston 2231 or write Sadie Harris, 8311 Prairieav. 36w-ltp JWANTKp SITUATION--BY GIRL 14 years old to care for child or act as mother's helper. Phone Wilmette 704-J. :j5w-ltc WANTED SITUATION--BY YOUNG man; first class painter and decora- tor. Strictly sober. Chicago ex- perience. Address Box 4G3 Lake Forest, III.- 3Cw-ltu FOR SALE FOR SALE--GRAND SQUARE BOW- cr & Co. piano; first class condi- tion; recently rciinished; will guarantee tuning; $25. Excellent chance to buy a good piano cheap for beginner. Smith-Duco Co., 1217 WJlmctte-av. Open evenings. 34wtf = r^rw ROOM WANTED TO TRADE--AN ELEC- TRIC CAR IN PERFECT CONDI- I TION FOR A GOOD GAS CAR. AP- | PLY 1800, LAKE SHORE NEWS. _____ . "itp BOARD --WITH OR WITHOUT rooms; best of home cooking and plenty of It; a good place to get your dinners during hot weather. Call Miss Northam. Phone Wilmette S92-J. Address 731 10th. 33wtf 1654 A8DUHY AVE.. THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE. EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE *392. MRS. F. C. DIEFENDORF. 16w-tf FOR SALE- DROP HEAD SINGER sewing machine; overhauled; guar- anteed; $14; also" drop-head White Rotary. Patterson Uros., 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. 35w-ltc There is not a bit of goods specially purchased for this sale. Everything is staple, standard, high class merchandise that we have carried in stock this season. All odd lots, broken sizes, etc. are sharply reduced for clearance. If you have had your eye on a dress, a suit or anything at all, now is your chance, for all odd garments, all broken lines of merchandise are reduced for rapIdjelesranee July Clearance Sale of Beautiful Si EVERY WOMAN'S GREAT CHANCE - SAVINGS OF 40± AND 50%. $22.50 Silk Taffeta Dresses... $35 Exceptional Charmeuse . $35 Black and White Taffeta. $12.98 $22.50 $22.50 CLEARANCE OF COATS SOME VERY BIG REDU€TJONS' $14.93 Long Black and Blue Serge Coats... $18.50 Long Black Wool Serge Coats____... . .$9.98 $12.98 Long Grey Wool Alpaca Coats for street and auto wear..............................• .•.,#.. $4.98 Long and ? 4 length linen coats, loose and belted back...................................... $4.98 $27.50 Crepe de Chine Dresses $35 Silk Crepe Dresses....... If You Have Any Use for Suits SSS9 in ........... ■■ 1 fr -SSSSSSSSJ sssssss ssssssssssss You'll Never Have a Better Chance / We hope there'll be enough to go around, but they are such pretty skirts, we can't promise. Fine quality ratine and pique with Russian tunic over- skirt also yoke effects, se- lected pearl buttons........ sJb • Just a World of Pretty Waists ■ ■i !■■....... -warm «■■■■--w WmmM ~ mmmmwmmmmmm ■--..........!■ Striking Values that Readily Appeal PRETTY WAISTS,neat patterns dimity, lawns, voiles, all-over embroidery and plain materials with touches of color, organdie collars and cuffs, edged with fine lace, sizes 34 to 44.......... $45 Fine Navy Serge Suits.......... •$16.93 Navy, Tan and Copenhagen... $14.98 Tan Wool Serge Suits....... $18.50 Black .Silk Moire Suits....... $18.50 Green Silk Poplin Suits.....'. $16.98 White with Black Hairline.... Pique and Ratine Tub Skirts I mummer Street Dresses Reduced c've sold loads of them at higher prices. Good luality crepe and linene, combination effect. Copen- iagcn, rose and lavender, embroidered collar and cuffs; reduced for this sale to....................... PRETTY STREET DRESSES In fine quality black and white awning striped lawn, organdie collar and cuffs, net vest, wide pattern leather belt, black but- ton trimmed, women's and misses' sizes, a very stylish model............... BEAUTIFUL MODELS Made of flowered crepe, in pink, blue, and lavender, pretty embroidered collar ^/and cuffs, silk plaited girdle, Russian tunic effect skirt, a very popular dress, sizes for women and misses................ • FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO. IN i ,flne playing order; $50. Patterson ! Bros., 1522 Slierman-av., Rvanston. | 35w-ltc ! I j FOR .SALE- SIX-ROOM HOUSE ON jjV'aHhirigton-av.; $G,500; make offer, iione MIsb King, Wilmettc-215. Z. 3&w-ltji j DAINTY WAISTS, tnrstriped wash bilks, lawns and dotted swiss, low neck, y+ sleeves, trimmed with lace, insertion, embroidery and silk cord........................... = mmmmm SUMMER PARASOLS, in good quality silk, plain or fancy han- dles, in all the pretty summer shades....... 1.69 LOST AND FOUND L08T-=-8UNPAY. BLACK RIBBON watch fob with locket containing picture of man and lady, set with diamond and ruby; initials A. M. ""on back; either 1n"Wfan»T6Tr~or» Wilmette. Finder please return to 1043 Maplc-av., Evanston. Phoney Eranston 1857. Reward. 35w^ltpd j toST--MAY 29, PAIR OF BI-FOCAL glasses with gold reel. Call Wil-j mette 710-J. 3Sw-ltcj FOR SALE IVANSTO MHO ITE»^ 1580 8herman-av. 39w-tf WOMEN'S GLOVES, long in nut- ton length, heavy quality Milan- alse Bilk, with Paris point ba< k. double finger tipped, white only.......... EOYS- AND GIRLS' ROMPERS, in good qual- ity white linene, piped In-blue, slxes- 2 to G years........................ 65c KAYSER'S SHORT SILK GLOVES, in black, white, tan, grey, pongee and navy, doublo finger tipped, slaes 6% to 8%.......... INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S SOCKS, in fine cotton, lisle and silks, plain and fancy tops................. 50c 19c SUMMER DRESSES For women and misses, in fine quality crepe and lawn, in pretty floral patterns, Russian tunic effect skirt, wide ribbon <*y f\rgirdle, a very charm- «< %Jf ing model .......:...........y»vv GIRLS' TUB DRE8SES In the newest styles, long snd short waist lines, 54 sleeves. Materials are of percale, ginghams and linenes, in checks, stripes, *9g figures and floral patterns, / \§P sizes 8 to 14 years......... * %7%S Timely Offers of Fresh, Dainty Under muslins WOMEN'S CREPE GOWNS, tho roost practical material, easily washed and noeas no Ironing, cool and comfortable, prettily trimmed with lace, nnd Btitched in colors, ribbon run beading, cut full. Many styles € -»-. to select from...........i .1/1/ WOMEN'S- DRAWERS, umt.rel- la, circular or knickerbocter style, lace and embroidery trim- med, ribbon run bead* M 0 ing. This sale...........4SC PRETTY CORSET COVERS, of fine nainsook, lace and embroid- ery trimmed, ribbon beading, sizes 34 to 44. Special. „ -. this sale ...;...........39C WOMEN'S VESTS, low neck, sleeveless, of fine t - bleached cotton.......... J (JC WOMEN'S MI8E, in ENVELOPE CHE- 4hw--nainsook and crepe, fine val lace and Hon trimmed, ribbon run beading ...._.., WOMEN'S SHAPED VESTS, made of good combed yarn, short srecYosv and sleeveless. Regular and extra ^ ~ *i«>«....................19c WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, low neck, umbrella style, lace trim- med yoke and pant Regular and extra sizes. _^ This sale................39C BOYS' BALGRIBDAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, long or short sleeves, ankle or kneo length drawers, alsea G to 14. Special, this sale.„,., 25c 7Z5c WOMEN'S SLEEVELESS BLEACHED COT- TON VESTS, plain and fancy - _. yokes...........,.....................I DC WOMEN'S WASH PETTICOATS, in good quat- 38c Ity gingham, blue and white stripes, ruffle flounce *THE 3TORBTHAT SELLS EVERYTHING' BRASSIERES, ot good muslin, button back or hook front, lace snd embroid- ery trimmed, sixes ~ _ 3« »o 44......................25c CORSETS, in good quality coutll snd batiste. low and medium bust, front and side garters attached, in broken sixes. Values « *m tb $3.00...........................1.00 WOMEN'S COMBINATION SUITS, of fine crepe and nainsook, corset cover and drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed, t _- Special, per anlt. ,^_. ^.^..^^^u. ♦. 1 *00 ::

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