Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1914, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. Tim I*-- Witmttlm wmiNerlk Shwtm Ntwaiwwr" IV PUBLISHED EVERY THUR8DAY By ' ■$• k*' THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO Wilmette, III. Offices, Room 2, Brown Building, Telephone 1640. T. C. Ferguson. SUBSCRIPTION .Managing Editor $2.00 A YEAR Entered as fw-conil-rJaiu- roatur 11. 1914. at toe SssSnmTii*«t WiNtwtte. Illinois. uimIt the act .of March X. 187*. THELAKE SHORE NEWS 8nan lBdecd- Thl8 m,t3r not ^ true In your own immediate neighborhood, but It is true when the village la taken as a whole. Why, then, should we ex- pose these children to a danger which in particularly menacing at this time of the year by allowing unmuzzled dogs to ran the streets? The attending physician recently called our attention to two instances where children were bitten by dogs in Wilmette. While It wan not definitely known that the dogs were mad. as a precautionary measure the victims warn given the treatment which is usually administered in such cases. ' This was, approximately a year ago. Today" continued the doctor, "th< children are pale, weak' and sickly and will probably never entirely re* cover their former health as a result of their experience." How would yon feel If this had been your dog--or your child? * * 35 THE MOSQUITO NOW. It seems that the slogan. "Swat the. Fly," hi soon to be supplanted by the more popular one. "Swat the Mos- quito," or to be exact, "Swat the Baby Mosquitoes," for your expert of today fas IL Wilmette Churches jj--X-. ' .1 ■ , ===== Addre-m all communis I lonn to 'The Lake Snore News, Wllrn.-tte. Anonymous communications will not be noticed. 1U- JectM manuscript* will not be returned unless accompanied by postage. All mat- ter for publication In the current week's Issue should reach our omce not later than Tuesday noon. THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1914. THE PROTECTIVE AHSOCtATIo£ Although handicapped-by a small membership and Insufficient funds, the North Shore Juvenile Protective asso- ciation, as is shown by their last re- port, is doing a great work. The five villages represented In the association (Wilmette. Ken II worth, Winnetka, Glencoe nnd Highland Park) with their combined population of nearly -twenty thousand people have many things In common which can be dealt with to the best advantage only by or- ganised effort, and It Is indeed, sur- prising that the total membership of the association Is less than five hun- dred. hardly probable that the other residents are Indifferent to the needs of the community, but they are Just too busy with other things to In- form themselves of local conditions. One of the great attractions of re- siding oh the North Shore is the free- does not believe in letting this pes- tiferous "bird of prey" grow up to become an obnoxious and sanguinary member of society. The mosquitoes with which we are most familiar belong to what is known as the inland species, and are by no means as dangerous as some of the species found in other latitudes, especially in tropical countries, but they are, nevertheless, if not exactly dangerous, unqualified nuisances, and all that can be done to rid the com- munity of them should be done. We are told by men who have made an exhaustive study of this subject dom from the evils and dangers of the tnat mogquitoes propagate only in Methodist Episcopal Church. , The pastor, Rev. Thomas Keen? Gale, will preach at 10:45 next Sun- day morning on "Quarters, the Un- known." At the five o'clock vesper hoar. Rev! John' Wesley, of Chicago, will preach. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. ' Young People's society at tt:to p. m All strangers and visitors In Wit mette are cordially invited. Any one wishing to reach Rev. Gale will be able to do so at the DesPlnlnes camp meeting. Wilmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held In the Wom- an's club building, corner of Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street. Rev. R Frank Taber pastor. Residence, 1018 Eleventh street. Phone Wilmette 1150. Bible school at 9:45 a. in. Morning service at 11:00 a. m. Serening service at 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor's subject will be: "Making the Most or Life's Gifts." The men's chorus will furnish special music. At 7:80 there will he a special service of song. Selections by the men's chorus and a male quartet. Famous hymns will be sung, with «J-' scrlptive sketches by the pastor. Gooo instrumental numbers. The praye* meeting on Wednesday evening, July 22, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. FInlay. 419 Ninth street. Subject: "The Christian of Money." ........................ UiciaiBed enters: at the Pwstoffic© i I.....■■■.....lltel The following nun remains un- claimed in the Wilmette poatorace for week ending July 11: Michael I* Doyle., ^., t . . Miss Helen McPherson. Mrs. Marion. 720 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sherman. Miss Catharine Sullivan. Mr. Sarchert. Miss Alno Turpeinen. Miss Beatri.c Zosowska, 823 Ash- land avenue. If the above mall is not called for by July 27 it will be sent to the dead letter office. city nnd the better, safer, and more healthful surroundings for the chil- dren, but does It necessarily follow that because the location is more at- tractive the conditions are safer? Judging from the superintendent's re- port or the one hundred and sixty-six cases acted upon during the year, such a* indecent vaudeville, literature, songs, letters, films, etc.: disorderly conduct in public places; illegal sale of liquor, cigarettes, etc., and other nameless cases, it would seem that even In exclusive communities condi- tions are not 'always ideal. ft As the president. Ralph R. Louns- bury, specifically states in his report, "It is not the purpose of the associa- tion merely to repress existing public evilsi, but it is seeking to protect the future of our young people by pre- venting in advance the advent and growth of conditions menacing'their welfare before such conditions can be- come common........This work 1b primarily one of self defense--the first taw of nature lor communities as well as individuals." About $2,500.00 a year is needed to carry on the work of the association effectively. This would make It pos- sible to continue the employment of a paid resident superintendent who can give his entire time to the work. If you will give your moral and finan- cial support to this work which may be of vital interest to your own Immediate family, you will not only bo looking after your own interests but you will help to place the organi- sation on such a financial basis that it will be enabled to do the greatest food to the greatest number of people. # rl- '■¥. HAH FIDO A MVZZLK* Whether you like it or not, the or- der is out. An edict has gone forth from the Village Hall as unalterable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. 3___Jf your dog is roaming the streets to I day without a muzzle, don't be sur- I prised if he fails to nmrn tonight. For the Village Fathers liavc spoken: "Any dog found running at large after July 10th in the streets or alleys or In any public place in the village of Wil- mette, without a substantial wire or leather mu«le. securely put on, will be killed by the police." ~ This doesirt necessarily mean that your dog won't be home for supper, hale, hearty and hungry, for this may have been his lucky week, but we want to Impress you with the fact that you are taking a btfipchancc, or rather you are allowing your dog to take thlB chance. Whether or not this edict coincides with your views matters not, a village ordinance says that during certain months to the year your dog must wear a muuzzle and it's up to you, as a law abiding citizen, to observe this ordinance. Investigation his proved that. only about one out of every twenty families in this village own stagnant water, consequently it we watch every receptacle In which water can accumulate, draining it off when possible, or pouring oil on it when draining is impracticable, we would soon be rid of this Insidious warrior, since the matured mosquito lives but a few days at the most. While the bite of the mosquito is not. In itself, necessarily a dangerous thing, it often, through Infection, be- comes so, especially among children. Since "an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure," and since we can with but little effort or expense safeguard our children and ourselves against continued annoyance. If noth- ing more serious, we should certainly make that effort. <■ -{■- * / /;/• VJ' A LIii l.N The only business man who is wear- ing a smile these days Is the Ice man. He alone seems to be holding the cen- ter of the stage. On every hand the old annual complaint can be heard which is used every year Just as though It was an unheard of totidUlon, "absolutely nothing doing." "business has gone to the dogs," etc., but really Mr. Business Man, Isn't It a fact that your business is always rather dull during the months of July and August? Is there anything remarkable in the fact that people Uo not eat or -wear as much in these two mouths u*> they do in cooler weather? Why no, try taking a little rest yourself? j ako things slowly for a few weeks u..d get your mind and body rested for the fall rush. You will Had when the. cooler weather comes that >ou art get- ting your share of the businc-sa and that you will feel more like uii.-i. linfc to It after having flowed up .luring the summer. r.-? Rev. A. L. Murray, 2021 Lincoln street. Kvanston, will have charge of the 8t. Mark's church, Evanston, July 12 and 19. His own 'church (St. Matthew's) In North Evanston will have the following program: 9 a. m. Holy communion. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 7:45 p. m. Evening service. Everyone welcome. Thrifty Chinese Farmers. While our farmers throw broaic-t handfuls of grain on the harrowed earth, offering rich pasturage to pil- laging birds and rodents, the China- man, after furrowing the earth with his wooden plowshare, without turn- ing It, crumbles each lump In his hands till It la like fine powder. This done, at planting time he walks slow- ly down each furrow, carrying a grain drill, which Is a marvel of Ingenious simplicity. . Counsel for Life. What never ran smooth yet can hardly be expected to change Its char- so we must take It as we Real Estate Transfers in New Trier Township Wilmette village, Greenleaf and M. sub., lot 11. block 16, Dec SI. '09 (Ed- ward A.' Crosby quitclaims to Booth Fisheries Co.). $1. Wilmette village, lot 17. sub. block 2, June 25 (Chas. H. Srethold to Jcu- ale G. McDowell), $1. WUmette reset.. Baxter's sub. lot 54. McGuIre and Oak-wood avenues sub., lot 54, sub. lot 14, etc.. 42-13, June SO (Henry B. Scott to Albert L. Ode- sasrd). SI. Wilmette, Oakwood avenue sub., lot 16 and pert tot IT, June v (Harry B. Scott to James Crabb). 110. Switched the Two old Scotch fishermen, having imbibed overmuch, were on their Bar boss, and overcome with a greet de- sire to sleep, accordingly they stretched themselves on the warm beach sands and were soon slumbering heavily. The tide crept in, awakening tee one nesxeat tho water as a wavelet dsshed a quantity of the sslty liquid into bis mouth. Half asleep, he started to arise, saying: "It's liiss w« wis ewe' oot i' this boose. They 're the drink on us.' To stain Black Walnut Black walnut may be stained to re- semble ebony by washing it two or three times with a solution of sul- phate of iron. After the wood is thor- oughly dry apply two or three coats of Thlnge of Real Worth. a strong solution of logwood. Wipe When, a man begins looking at the with n wet sponge and polish with lin- find It and fashion It Into the very best shape we can by patience and good'humor.--Charles Dickeaa. Saw Wasted Time Ahead. My little boy was one day told to wash his face as It was very dirty. He said: "Where Is It dirty?" I said, "Wash it an orer and you'll be sure to get the dirty places." He said with a watt, 'Yes, and 111 be sure to get some of the clean places, too."--Ex- change. Batters Well Protected. The British coast Is so well pro- tected with light-houses that if a ship sailed right around England, Scotland, and Ireland by night, only on six oc- casions would it be where it could not see the flash of a light-house lan- tern. dock, when the mala thing Is to get the largest possible output in the shortest possible time. Industrial art takes flight. It returns only when further developments in culture make it Impossible for the race terjremais sattsflad with machine-made surround- ings, when the clock Is once more turned to face the wall, and man once more nets himself an Ideal of beauty and v/ord. rather than of speed. Quoth Teoore. DO you know whence comes the sleep that floats over the eyes of a child? Tes. They tell us It has its home in the fairy village In the shadow of the foTcat-^It-ls^ttsi-gatoV oil. Frequently Very Muoh So. Ton cannot admire will la general, because the essenee of will la that it Is peculiar.--Chesterton, A remurfeeM? ?£d ~s£rd haike? ^ seamen la that ephneotad wtth the 2 batross. These huge birds, meaaarla. 14 to IS feet from tip to tip of th2 wings, are only to he seen h,U stormy regions o* the Capes of Goos Hope and Horn and the surrosndS latitudes. They follow ships for wests --Bare eroant tnmm>fjB>sni srfth p*--^ ] for their misdeeds have been dooms* to acour these stormy regions for eteiu aity. ^* Trifles make perfection, hat perm*. Hon is no trifle.-Mlchael Angelo. Hang la Hand. *T tell you Rat. my hoy," the bit man of the town confided, laytatTa patronising hand es the young Irish- man's shoulder, "I wish I had your tongue." "Sure, sor." grinned Pm "but R would do yos no good without ma brsins.»-~Woman's Home Coa ly lighted by glowworms and two son sltive magic flowers grow in it. Smiles come from the spot to kiss the eye- lids of children.--Babindranath Ts> gore OUR MEW BUlLPfWi No Middle Course. Kindness Is luunapoimabi: io your relations with men; if you are not kind to a man. then yen are hostile to him, and you invite nobility m bi.n -- Leo Tolstoi. Ancient Terms of Forestry. Conan Doyle, In bin "Sir Nigel." the scene of which Is laid In the four- teenth century, mentions the following terms used In forestry at that time: A cele of badgers, a skulk of foxes, a pride of lions, a singular Of boards, a sounder of swine, a nye of pheasants, a gaggle of geese, e badling of ducks, a fall of woodcock, a wisp of snipe. Parrot Made Trouble. The entire street railway system of a city In Australia was tied up when a pet parrot escaped from its home and dragged Its chain across two wires, causing a short circuit. Good and Evil. Natural good and evil are pleasure and pain; moral good and evil' are plearure and pain produced with Inten- tion and design.--Benjamin Franklin. No Lamp. A three-year-old lad was out walking with his grandfather when he noticed the moon. Seeing that It did not look as It does st night, he remarked, very solemnly, "Well, there's the moon, but It ain't got any lamp in it nowp New Idea of Irish Brogue. According to some language «cu- dents Irish brogue Is the ancient way of pronouncing English, preserved in Its purity by residents ot the Emerald isle *lth A /'.'.\ Hi 7 I. ; . / Hr. lul du\H .»£.), an UU. i. l»«rty, COIIipOHCO d( 1 a o » kticfii/O L.UHl Mors Toleration Needed. ouo needs to take people 'to. t^t tor, for worse.' But the trouble Is that most of us are only prepared to take them for better." Thirteen Their Sacred Number. Thirteen was the sacred number oi the Mexicans and ancient people ot Yucatan. Their week had 13 days and they had 18 snake gods. naw Source of Ivory. French scientists have found a new source of vegetable Ivory In the albu- men of the fruit of a small palm grow- ing in the French Sudan. irony From John Bull. 8omu enterprising firm had better start cheap excursions to America, so that wo can Bee the old masters occa- sionally tendon Globe. ' Marriage Maze. "Never marry for love where there Is also money; you will be bored to death. But never marry for lore where there Is no money. And never marry for money where there Is no love. Also, never marry without love or money."--From "Pantomime," by G. B. Stern. STATE BANKofEVANSTON A, TRUST COMPANY But He Didn't Mean Quite That. The Curate--Now, my deah chil- dren, I want you all to join me In singing that be-utlful hymn, which I hope and trust we will sing together in the great beyond, "Heah We Suffer Qrief and Pain."--Sydney Bulletin. Thf-ee Pernicious Thlnb. Three things too much and tht •,« i«k» little are pernicious to man-- to speak much and know little, to spend much and have little, to presume much and be worth little.--Cervantes. Silence In Bowling Aii.y a nolselfss bowling alley i* a lftreao-h novelty, one having betn in- vented In Paris in which the clash of falling pins is silenced. Wants Salary Also to Aacomi. uonham -"They say that in tee u6Xt world people will do tho same as in this.- Mra. Boahaut--"WelL I hope you get more pay." True Charity. Now ii.o end of the comtuanUiuont 18 chawt j- out of a pure heart and of 8 good conscience, and of faith un- feigned 1 Tim. 1:6. Honor and Justice. A U.....S vanity tells him wuat la honor, a man's conscience what Is Justice tan dor. Burdens of Life. Wilnt to V.O liVO for, If not tu u.U life lcH difficult for each otLer?-- George kUiot Money Not Necessary. He i>> you think that money h necesniry to happiness?" She--"No* Jf one h.'.t> unlimited credit" Average Stature. The difference between the tallest end shortest races In the world Is one foot eight and one-eighth Inches, and the average height of the world's peoples is five feet five and one-half; Inches. Must Experiment a Little First. We were all meant to love one an- other. But not the same way. If we find we can't love a man and be where he Is, we should keep away from him. Vacation Season is a time when many homes are unoccupied and when special precautions should be taken to guard against loss of valuables and important papers by fire or theft. , You are assured of absolute safety if you place them in the modern fire and burglar-proof vaults of this bank. Private Safe Deposit Boxes are rented it $3.00 per annum and every convenience is pro- vided for the use of our Safe Deposit patrons. 3% INTEREST PAID ON SA fHEEVANSTON PHOME8 2898-2899 CHAS. E. NBW, M|r. Avoid Fretting. "There is nothing more wearing man worrying and fretting; they leave ugly fingermarks even on the fairest face." Wasted Day. Of ait days, the one that is wasted is that on whiob one has not leashed --Chasafott. Truth Badly Expressed. A dentl&t in Lohgton advertises: "Them old, broken and decayed teeth are a ruination to your health." THURSDAY, Matinee and Evening IN SIX REELS The story of an American heiress captured by the Sultan of Morocco A magnificent spectacle is shown in the burning of the city of Fez FRIDAY, Matinee snei Evening M two rcfii A pathetic story of a disloyal wife and an honest, hard-working husband TAggQ AND CABARET SATURDAY, Matinee and Evening CINDERELLA Featuring Mabel Tsliafeio. Interesting to all, both children and grown-ups Subscribe for The Lake Shore "" a dog. while the number of families not own- iac children is, comparatively, very 1.ess men ami two unidentified kOIm "went In the <in< h" in north Uvauatun An account of tin- u<-cld<iit in given <>i> another pat;*' or this Ishu<- It was r«» ported (hat the two girls were Beriou» ly Injured while the two men wen- only "shaken up ' After the police had telephoned tin wives «»f the two men, Mrs. Lledlhe. one of tho wiv«« 1b said to have remarked that she thought her bUHboiwl was on a bust iH-BS trip and that Hhe would "hasten to liml her husband Tor an explana tion." Wo lire perfectly willing to t>< 1 what's left of our week's salary that tho shaking up Mr. Liedtke «ot in the auto accident seemed a mere trifle compared to the one he got after he went home. .K .'. _;. Speaking about slowing up. lias any one noticed that the cars on Green- leaf avenue have slowed up any since the last meeting of the board of trus- tees? But Good Thing to Remet>.t>or it's hard to -realize that your troubles seem as unimportant to an- other man as his seem to you.--Ex- change. now it wonti He * uSelflsb, ec-lf-sacriuctutf wout> en- thoue are the onea that make the best wives." 8he "No doubt; and they also make the worst husbauds." --Judge. Give the Head the Cn>jn "A still tongue makes a wise h<s*d," says an old adage, but we think It should read, "A wise head makes a still tongue." __ C A 1 t WlIJLIAM S.LORD Evanston, Illinois *ILMETTE 600 THEN YOU WANT AN YT 11 nu Jtisi Two Things to^ememBer They Are Limitless. Truth and honesty set a limn to our efforts which Impudence and hypoc- risy easily overleap. Haalltt. Now that a proclamation haa been is- sued which requires all twimn «f dng» to seer that these animals are properly muzzled, why doesn't some one intro- duce a bill requiring all property own* •re to mutzle their mosquitoes? Tho Balance. There Is no felicity upon earth which carries not its counterpoise of misfortunes.--Jeremy Taylor. Waste. Life Is too short to spend one hour of It In the Indulgence of the evil pas- sion of hatred.--Lamartlne. Useless. Invective may be a sharp weapon, but over use blunts its edge.--Tyn- dall. r~~r hays tbiaes that are SSSSSSSSSBBSl 1st The Automatic Bargain Square YOU remember the plan. Prices are automatically reduced until at the end of thirty days, if any item remains unsold for that length of time, it is given away. The conditions are: Sales are for cash only and if you wish the goods delivered a charge will be made to cover cost of delivery. It's a different idea* but a money saving one for you, and lots of people are trying it out. 2nd. Store Closes 6:00 p. m. Saturday During July and August The hardest stunt ii* the retail businejl^r emp^^ * are going to ask you to let us know your wants before 6:00 d'clock every day. I ■

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