Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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tm>mmmmmt m "giu iimiHiiiiniiiHimiiiiiiiitimi I Teachers of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art in These Cotmrnm Once a Month. Clip It for Future Rmhtenu Okmpttm >i<itiMmi<iH>itiiHniitii^nlMtinytiiHiHmit.....iiiniiiim......wiiiw......iiilimn...........wwiihm......MH.....,nii< lAtnroKE : VocjJ laatrectioe: Oratorio, Beciufi 1l*Tm* ****** ARTHUR RANOUS BARITONE C^certFUDirt f If Fi«C A*T* MltUMMa etc Hwaf»**e * a eawjraiae tt#h»itM ^MtVllffM the* wi-i *e arnmaaa i «uy^^|^|- TJ3B' eli •wn. ©r brie* fart* hi* mm Bi*mmt -->'<'n, in aee tte« railiii Car be the n Haarlem «*« Ravinia Program* The chief MA-iM aim atf iraalfm r*rrrrfif 1r slMnrttf. city. IVencai esenratarc in First Chare* of Dre&cl pflUiPVSrn ago. eehatltatlng u. 4mtmm va- ENGLISH LANG LI AG I The ssssxfJSa fensguace win restored to Its erfeiine b aOge-fdn hdhdaJlf W ^*- ' la the haade of Um are Intelligent progressivea, the a.* leaee of lyrie exetion, L ... tone** Sgdssj Cor <lstiartt~f utterance. 144 ■ fair to revolutionise the vocal and dftsBShl; as) ~ taught .hy' SBtft* eriae Schuster, founder aad director of too Ketheriae Schuster School of aiid expression, la truly powerful an- arailaisi which singers smso syeaosew in re- beauty of tone, ease of dellv- arr aad distinct utterance of the WBBS" ' l&mw child baa «,rt«ht to to taught in hie early education the correct manner of speech as well ae the cor- rect pronunciation or woras. The wrong use of the breath In sch and eon* la .the most destruc- fareft which gig, pus through the a form. Lyric diction makes - mam4I4Iam IsnMAri.lkle XdmsWanAoa.da Be vUDwllOB *aWg?OaMaVe*Jl~>SaDOalllOK not only a pleasing personality, but a means of developing both the mental and physical side of the child's evo- lution Into manhood and womanhood. All teachers who wish to participate la the building of a new race, whJeh Is rapidly emerging from the melting Sbt of the western world, should not miss the opportunity or Investigating ESTELLE COLLETTB McKAY. of Agriculture Flies Fi!Q0 in Horse Manure. fil - but its thorough use further breeding. vouia nsausa Dengere» The Investigation, which Included experiments with many substances, BBfl SSBSSSSSI ISbSiVae, . Vef SjIB^Vwvwg SrWOWV ***** of bOTeotfadgtbe breadta* of flies in horse manure without lessen- ing the value of tela manure a* a far tllUcr for use bv the farmer It was that If soma means of preventing cents a pound upward, according the quantity which Is purchased, wl effectually prevent flies from breed- ing. .'. While it can bs safely statec borex wtoe rS»not9.9t v6*tt eight bushels, or even larger ai In the case of some plants, neVi less borax-treated mentire hat been studied in connection with growth of all droft, nor has its ci lettve effect been determined. ' 1 thM^fom* .lunmmMllllI ' that tnererore recommenaeu inxv U4UlfJ e-IIBtW Mhubh lirile* ** treated manure should be acre to the field. As w f»at4d>rabry_«a ■aeeei/Vtftwi •■ Wttflng and ton borax. ff.f breeding In *nd comparing the res treated with bora* a*d untraat- ^UMlea, Thi soraX, It wW_ipMdt killed the fly eggs aad maggots la •he manure aad prevented their growth into flies. •M«l| Ameunt Will Oe. .-Is the east of garbage cans or tains ft* does produce a Wr HWS ImmmtMt m of eare Is advisable. zsrs?j:?wr4t stance •aasjjhja aha borax or eoleaaaalta la th* eaaatftiee given above, by means of a flour amor « othsr flsa atove. ^ cost only one §lh AV to prevehi flies In city stables. li purcbi tali cost 41 calcined c large ■hip- be consldsr time, if tbe value fof to farm- Poetic ay. As*, d, wisiii aft Jiit. -MftJcTHA.- Opera fy fletew. Kb, V. naedyKe.lt____Mart 7. evealag at f :ff>' OFSC2AXNE.- .... Beatrice La Pal .......Louis Kreldler "IL TROVATOKBL Oaem by ferdi flMsfdasV +mA mmAmr+twAA das* ar 1 rfjfc ■■<! ^Sfs^BSSB* safB ^^^_|^_------ ----- -s"|^ga*|| mwmimwmmM ■■99 -**••******* sJ^Bsewsejawi Count Di Luna ......Loali tea...............Cordelia Latham tacena .».,..<»,«. .Louise La Baron Saturday. Aug. a. sffarasea aft 1 4jvennxe aieucauxs .......wi (a) "Notturno" ...... (b) Seherxo. from "A Night's Dreanx' .... Bridal song aad serenade from sym- phony. "The Country Wedding".. .....................#.. fleldasark Huagartaa nbaaefliy He. f......Lisat "tavltatlott to the Di ....... .7.\z.'. Wwhmmwimtmmmwwt Btttf acta Oavotte .. Allearetto-flchermando ......Svendsen nsffrhssslB. from "Samson and De- Ulah"................ .aalnt-Saene Saturday, Aag I. eveatng at •:«. "MADAME BUTTERFLY." Opera by Puccini. Second and third acts. Same cast as Wednesday evening. ASS. i. with the following change Leonid Samoloff will Mas the role of Lleateaant Pinherton It place of Wai- ter Wheatley. Sunday. Aug. 9. afternoon Neapolitan Scenes .. d wentworth ENTERTAINER SM.SJ,) flf • Place. ' Russell School of Music AND DRAMATIC ART. Tlf fine Arte Bldg.____ fj Sjead Bldg, Cvanetesi. fSfa St and Vlaeeanes Road. ft MARILLAC VIOUNIST Bafsaws . . sAMSetfSMsr iftSJie«s\eSt . 4M Hit Hmr Sfdio: 422, 59Em»t Van BmtemStrm CHICAGO B STUDIO SI AUDITORIUM BUILDING ♦»» W«iMi AmM. Chic--t, rttoa.ctttiaf.rJL mWmWmWMwmmi I ■..... -------- s*fc------.e--------* oerncara Vimlim next ' ii i i ------a Esther Harris, Presideat All Branches of Music Taught A. Alfred Holmes Wat JpMSStMSS* CmUmtr*ml*rt mt Mitt* PLAJIQ ORGAN HARMOrTT bv s ajr9%rB%yga%s' Slg Antonio VIOLINIST Director of the IUlnois Theater Or- chestra. Orchestra may ha ssjgaaai few concorts. Arrangements can he made fAT Violin Recitals aad Musicals. Stadia. 1227 i. 44th Place Phone Drex. 5079 SS DB. FREOEKICJf CLARK Vocal Sam srieaf SOariwf Sad 8J Auditorium BaUdteC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm M.EILEEN LONG AND IEW WUTZit sfsttx. Vocal Art ( there now faU/ sMfsjSfW city allowing his stable or Maxurka .».....,«*..».. 8ulte-"Sylvla" ...... Overture--"Merry Wives of Wind- i Sot** Mr*o.................Nlcolal Scene Rellgleuae from "Ltd Erlnn- yea" ....................Massenet tuy mm* &**»• KATHERINE SCHUSTER, VOIC1 Only Authorixed Chicago Tes«her-Dors Duty Joacs Mcthcd of e.LXJUJ£e.PuLS.T.rI ° N.. .ttftdems assticl 7" The Auditorium Bldg.. Chicago Matltm &rh00l Method), Dramatic Art, Expressloo, Oraiory, t Theory of Music, Dancing, Etc. **t SJertew If* xiihiMMki tfjh--rlm^ UUeetet ^!taa«Ua asm. ?**l.j,S,ft*f*!: axe a sea. esai I ■^■<w----|«^*^egg^;', ',. ir,......' ■ -"-- - ■-Jfa----■ .-«i ■Aha ghja in ^ jyvenao so loar fttalat mended la thla way brilliant . SnJbra^i Timars, ti flotiar held tigsrs from uta Bear s, however, than the > Bfftr."' fought gams. The teamwork and m " much would 1 wdri on bas- Alm 2. Tol- artet- Olencoe--Chude, p.; Pope. 1st; Mills, 2nd; Wleddt at.; Wlbjl. If.; a*dsf l*f ' Fostarv |1el4-A. Friedman, er. e.; G. Rusa. 1st; * It; J. Toiriens! cf; Ciaiiined AdvertUemeiits TELEPHONE- WILMETTxt, 1640 Ifsal Ms ta tie Lite Saofe ftewi Ms AugtA st tls £oUo?is- fttef - IssS Sasit Gsjietksiidiii. 7 % Cwmii pii liae. Aii Omar Claiaitjciuoai, 5 ccats per liae. Miaimum Price. tS ceatt. No laVtfttMSieat caxfged for Um lata 25 ceatf. amajsMsMgallg4Mg4heasBBMisBM WARD AND >ARD~WITH OR WITHOUT l.v beat or home oeoklng of It; a good place to get di A4S1 hot weftther FOB SALB-BABY ORA In line finish and tone. - son Bros., 15B2 Bherman-av., Erane FOR SALB-BUFFBT CHINA closet, dining table aad chain. All 111 first class condition. 1231 Forest- av. Wil. 980-J. ltp FOR SALB-- 3PBCIAL small house afar lake. Phone Miss King. Wlimetts Tenants halting for houses MintLUNa Mrs! j. a hoth a^d sons will continue tie which Mr. Hoth waft his death last week, win be taken care of pi name at usual,___'-_'____ FOR SALB EVANSTON HOMSfl n"r. ION WANTED--NBAT F1F- ear-bld colored girl wants j as nurse Or to assist with the Bwork. References. Phone Wil. 1-L. 2tp ii in FOR H 4im ■I ■■ ii I' FOR BALE-NIC* ^1X ROOM COT- lege, ltt4 Blmwood-av. Lot 60x140. ksei bargain If goto IS ttsxt SO data. Reason tor selling, bed health aad 4m going to Missouri. Call or write, soar tX Moore. 1724 Elm w« Had X0 p. m. O. Helper. 15*0 Sherman-ev. NlIOLtCRAFT AMOfX iii i ",■ ' ;« ' asaaadisjssstp Children's Dreesea 1 to ll yeatm Ladles' Walstt. $100 up. To Order. . Ooraeta to Miaiwa Ut^atiiy-, Hematltehiadt THB Nx^licRAFT SffOfA -■ Have you lost something? Let us find It for you. tofsllthUy other atakes at ■ Bros.. 1SI1 Sher- ito ELECTRIC. i«t out if eoatUlea. Jftit bought gas car and have no use far electric. Caa be sesa at 101S Dstuv at, Pheae 4«0. Chicago Electric Motor Car Go. lie

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