Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914. I Miss Mary Barrett. 533 Forest ave- nue, entertained at luncheon Friday. I Mr. Paul E. Lobanoff. Hit Green- Wf Avenue, entertained forty of bis fraternity, the Alpha Kappa Psi, of Northwestern School of Commerce, at > beach party Saturday. , Miss Norah Palmer, 1132 Forest avenue, gave a kitchen shower this week for Miss Caroline Lusted, whose marriage to Mr. Ralph Walter Is an event of the near future. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Baker, 847 Hill street, entertained twenty-four guests at dinner and auction bridge last Monday evening In honor of their prodding anniversary. Mrs. Chas. Roberts, 1014 Lake (ave- nue, entertained a party of friends at * notion bridge last week. 1 Mrs. W. J. Mosber, 121 Sixth street, entertained at cards Tuesday eve- ning. The Epsllon chapter of the Beta Beta Psi sorority gave a luncheon at Field's Hist Wednesday. After the luncheon, the party went to the mati- ■pe. : Mr*. H. K. Snider, 730 Washington avenue, entertained at tea Wednes- da. Mrs. R. G. Allen of Wlnnetka is giv- ing a miscellaneous shower this week for Miss Maude Allen of 518 Forest avenue. Wilmette, who Is to ho a September' bride. Mrs. William MacLean. 825 Lake avenue, -entertained seven guests at luncheon* at the Country club last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. D. Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, entertained at a luncheon at Field's and a matinee party to see "Baddy Long Legs," this week. Miss Dorothy Collier. 601 Lake ave- nue entertains a number of her Camp Keewatin friends at a house party over the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Bradley, 744 Eleventh 6treet, and Mrs. Maurice Lowry, have issued cards for auction bridge at the tome of Mrs. Lowry, 1032 Lake ave- nue, on Labor Day. Mrs. David Forsyth Anderson, 800 Chestnut avenue, gave a delightful sur- prise for Mr. Anderson Monday eve- ning in celebration of his birthday. The guests numbered twenty. Mrs. CM. McDonald, 1288 Elmwood avenue, has been entertaining her sis- ter, Mrs. J. G. Seyfrled of Toronto. Can. Mrs. Seyfrled expects to return homo this week. The Misses Helen aha Elizabeth Pope. 810 Lake avenue, returned Tuesday from Big Lake, Wis., where they have been the guests of the A, S. Badger family. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gallie and SOB, Donald, 1118 Elmwood avenue, with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Decker, 881 Green- wood avenue, have returned from a motor trip to Pistaqua Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Hammond. 1 Crescent place, returned last week from a 'vacation at Dewey Lake, Mich. Leroy Hammond will remain another week, visiting relatives. . Mrs. Rogers and children Josephine and John, of Stanford; Calif., who have been visiting with Mrs. Rogers' sister. Mrs. B. Frank Taber, for five weeks, returned to California last week. Mrs. William Mahan, 718 Elmwood avenue, is entertaining her brother, Mr, Jack Brock way of Wyoming, and her niece. Miss Helen Barbour of Bloomlngton, Ind. Mr. Brockway will locate here shortly. Mr Mr. M. M. Gardiner, 720 Lake ave- nue, entertained several friends at dinner at the Skokie,"followed, by a theater party at Ravlnla Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Gardiner's birthday. and Mrs. H. L. "Droegmueller, 920 Greenwood avenue, left Thursday for Albuquerque, N. M. Mr. Droeg- mueller expects to return in a few days, but Mrs. Droegmueller. who went for the benefit of her health, expects to remain for a year. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stafford, with their son and daughter. Edwin and Margaret, of 936 Sheridan road, re- turned but week from South Bend, Michigan City and other ' Indiana . points. Mrs. A. G, Phillips of Michi- Mrs. David Forsyth Anderson, 888 j g^, clty returned.with Mrs. Stafford to be her guest for some tune. Chestnut avenue, entertained Friday at luncheon. and bridge for Mrs. Porter of San Diego, Cal. • i -- WitmeHe^ Societies and Clubs Messrs. Harry and Hubert 'Jordan, 505 Hill street, are visiting their brother at Morton Grove. Mr. H. V. Donaldson and family, 1126 Forest avenue, have recently re- turned from northern Mtcblgan. Mr. H. E. Brown and family, 206 Sixth street, returned Tuesday from their summer home in Wisconsin. - The Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon club met last week with Mrs. David O. Park, 815 Elmwood avenue.--The | The Misses Jeanette an Club Will meet with Mrs. Frederick Bowes, 1033 Greenwood avenue, next week. --------------r------ Mrs. Ed. J. Bradley, 234 Doyle court. Mrs. H. G. Hodgktns, 602 Hill street, U> spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Charles McKellar of Norwood Park. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hurrell of Para- guay, S. A., are visiting their niece, Mrs. Harry Cumberland, 119 Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Blake and three children of St. Louis have been the guests of Mrs. Blake, 1227 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Stillman. 1620 Lake avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jason Saunderson, of Sioux City, la. Miss Lucy Rich, 1016 Linden ave- nue returned Sunday night from Elk- hart, Ind., where she has been visiting relatives. The first division of the Methodist Word has been received from Gull Ladies' Aid society held its annual j Lake, Mich., that Mr. P. R. Finlay barrel-opening Monday evening at I and family are having a very pleasant the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee A. vacation. Stocker, Abbottsford road, ' Kenil-j Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates, 1126 Wil- worth. There were thirty-five present. | mette avenue, spent the week-end at 'The North Shore Golf club gave a Card party Wednesday ' The Country clab gave a luncheon and card party last Monday. Mrs.'John Clark Baker. 347 Hill niroot. <?n»frt.-iirwwi tho Reading Circle Monday with a program from "II Tro- vatore." ■The second division of the Ladies* -Aid society of the Methodist church &et Tuesday afternoon of last week with .Mrs. Geo. Paulson, 823 Ashland avenue. The annual barrel-opening' was held at this time. Mr. John Bellows is visiting on the Stearns farm in Michigan. Mrs. Charles Macklin of Sheridan road entertained at Bridge Friday. Miv F. W. Coolldge. 3rn returned of Chicago have been the guests of'from * three weeks' trip through Canada. The evening was spent In playing games and listening to some very fine vocal selections by Mrs. Page of Wilmette. the J. G. Wray summer home, Ke- gonsa, Wis. Miss Constance Jordan, 605 Hill street, returned this week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linegar of The regular monthly luncheon of; Juniata, Neb. (ho Methodist Ladles' Aid society | Miss Louise Heusner of Portland, Will be held next Thursday. ! Ore., a school mate of Miss Dorothy Collier at Dana hall, Is the guest of The Friday Luncheon and Bridge j Miss Collier elub meets Friday of next week with Mr. and :l. Mrs. O. W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue. Mr. Hilmar Zimmerman is the guest of Mr. Dwinnel Slater at his cottage at Channel Lake. Mrs. Hugh Foresman of Essex road gave a tea in honor of Mrs. Midgely of Chicago last week. Mrs. E. W. Burchard and daughter. Miss Marjory Burchard, have returned after spending the summer at Cape Cod, Mass. Mrs. Furter and Mrs. Reed of Edge- water were the luncheon guests of Mrs. Clarence Casque of Cumnor road last Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Meacham of Seattle, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Clarence Casque, Cumnor road, has returned home. Miss Ruth Woodward returned Thursday from Chambersburg, Penn., where she has been visiting for the past two weeks. Mrs. C. K. Parmelee and her aunt. Mrs. Ray of Detroit, Mich., who have been in Europe all summer, have re- turned to Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Stearns at their farm near Fennville, Mich. They returned Tuesday. „ Mr. Charles Macklin, Sheridan road, returned Friday from Ephraim, Wis., accompanied by Ogden Cook, of Milwaukee, who Is to be his guest for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Zimmerman " Tho Cozy Corner circle will meet with Mrs. Wm. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue,, this week. va~ -^ rw\ * „„.« i had as their guest Mrs. Pammel, wife daughter of 925 Lake'lvenueTotoreJ I <* *"**»<* L' * ***»«• *'** * Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr. Henry Boesch, 1426 ForeBt ave- nue, is vlsting in Elgin this week. to Lake Geneva and remained over the week-end. Mrs. A. E. White, 1030 Greenwood avenue, has returned from Christmas Cove, Me., where she has been spend- ing the summer. Mrs. F. D. Day, 810 Oakwood ave- nue, is expected to return this week from Racine, where she has been vis- iting her daughter. the botany department of the State college of Iowa. Mrs. C. W. Casque of Cumnor road entertained Tuesday in honor of the fifth birthday of her small daughter, Maysie. The neighborhood children were the guests. •Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Serrell of SAFE THE investments of your Home Bank are of the soundest and safest character. Its directors are conservative men, familiar with financial affairs. Its officers are efficiettt alid courteous. Local business is encouraged and local property increased in value through the sup- port and service rendered by the Home Bank. The undivided local support is, deserved. WILMETTE ?*maTI . While on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, III. L Successors STAR FLORAL CO. of Evanston. Wilmette. Kenilworth. Glencoe. Winnetka and all north a horo towns. Also deliver flowers on board steamers saili ng from any Urge port. Two Interesting engagements were made public today, when Mr. and Mrs. Horry B. Gates of 1120 Wilmette ave- Dr. MOuIton and Miss Juliette Gates were classmates, graduating together in 1911. Miss Gates was a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and Dr. nue, announced the engagement of Mouiton belonged to Phi Delta Theta. their daughter, Mary, to Edward The Misses Gates are daughters of H. Richard Webber Jr., also of Wilmette, and their daughter, Juliette, tc nr. Everett C Mouiton of Fort Smith, Ark. The romance of the latter start- B. Gates, district manager of the Chi- cago Telephone company. The wed- ding, which will" take place next year, will in all probability be a double ed In Northwestern university when ceremony. a luncheon. The committee have met to discuss the plans, but no definite date has been set. It will probably be about the first of October. Kenilworth announce the engagement of their daughter, Prances May. to-lent quartette good music is promised „ „ ,,, , . , ,.. ...... | Herbert Brower Taylor, also of Kenil-1 throughout the whole year. Hi: ^!^Z!^^I?r^!!i; worth, son of Mrs. «!«.> J. Taylor, j The.guild of the Kenilworth Union Mrs. George B. Dryden, formerly ! church will open their meetings with BcGiW SERVICES SEPT. 13. The Kenilworth Union church will hare no services this week nor the week following. Sunday the 13th the church will have the first service of! the year, which will be conducted by NEWS WANT KDS BRING RESULTS Dr. Horswell. The Sunday school will I "" ' " " ' " " ' ' also open on the 13th. The musical I _..............■■............■■m■■■m■ ■■--imiwi ■---- committee, under the chairmanship of MrB. Cline, have arranged for some very fine music this year. Besides Miss Isabel Cline and Miss Kastholm, who are well known in Kenilworth, they will have a new tenor and bass. I Mr. Conrad, who has been abroad for several years, is studying in Chicagc4 thls winter and will sing tenor. The | basso is Mr. Humphy of Evanston, who has l een studying in New York for the past year. With this excel- FRESH ROLLS For street, preached Sunday at his former church in Battle Creek, Mich., where he is visiting this week. Mrs. Gordon Culver and little son, Stanley, 114 Sixth street, left last Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Webber re- \ week for Lincoln, Neb., to visit Mrs. turned home Tuesday from Paw Paw, I Culver's sister, Mrs. Braden. Mich. Mr. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central ave- nue, Is in Florida on business thia week. Miss Vera Lobanoff, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Is visiting in Chicago this week. Mrs. Johnstone of Baltimore is the guest of Mrs. M. it. Knox, 1617 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buckman. 726 Laurel avenue, spent the week In New York. The©. W. Bun to and family of 608 Central avenue have gone to Rogers Park to live. Mrs, Lillian B. Ruger of UttcarRfcr is the guest of Mrs. M. P. Vore. 626 Eighth street. - Mrs. Earle Smith, 208 Woodbine avenue, is visiting at her former home in Freoport, I1L */Mr. and Mrs. I7~C. Qamron, 124 Sixth 8treee~reTurhed tmlr weehnfrom Saugatuck, Mich. Mr. atid Mrs. Ira Ryner, 116 Fifth Mrs. Albert Snite, 112 Sixth street, entertained her cousins, Mr. Charles Taylor of Bydney, O., and Mr. Nowell Lyon of Waukegan last week. Mrs. Gordon Culver, 114 Sixth Btreet, has been entertaining her sis- ter from Waukesha, who returned home with her mother last week. Miss Kathleen Jordan, 505 Hill ' street, has recently returned from an extended trip through Salt Lake City, Denver, Land other western points. Mr. William R. Mahan and" family, 718 Elmwood avenue, have returned I ! of Kenilworth, is motoring through 1 tho White Mountains with Mrs. Wal- i ter Wet8ch of Evanston. They will j spend the first two weeks with their i children at the seashore. ;*■.....»HtrtfHlI 1111»». I What People Are Doing in street, are expected home this week Tuesday. from Oonover, Wis. : MT.wrMrayC H. Klemrn, 420 Park! made vice-prcsidentlittteF*«L-DeaT*_ tpy»i». Is «njnylng a two weeks' OUt- lag at Mwf itawg, Mrftftu..... Mrs. Robt. Slmpeon, III Doyle court, has been entertaining Mrs. Wm. ponlan of Lockport, III. avenue, who has been ill for the past week, is now 'recovering. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Schuyler Doane of 1427 North State street, Chicago, have left their summer home in Win- netka and are camping in northern Wisconsin.- Mrs. Moreau Roberts Brown an- from a motor trip through northern nounces the marriage of her daughter, I Wisconsin, stopping a week at Green i Rebekah, to Basil Thompson on Tues- j Xahe. i day, July 28, at St. Patrick's cathedral j Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Culver. 619 j in New York. At home after Oct 1 j Gregory avenue, are now occupying | »t 577 Ash street, Wtnnetka. their new home on Sixth and Isabella* Snowflake Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager BREAKFAST mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mm Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning' delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Co. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wilmette 449 ■--------- The High can be greatly reduced by buying your MEATS from us. War prices have no place in our store. For cash we give you North Shore quality for less than Chi- cago prices. Come in and be convinced. SOME OP OUR PRICES Pork Chops, per lb.......20c Fork Roast, per lb.......19c Pork Shoulder, per lb...18c Bound Steak, per lb......25c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, per lb..........18c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per lb.....................22c Loin or Bib Lamb Chops, per lb.........30c Balk Lard, per lb.........16c Pork Sausage, per lb.....16c Home Made Sausage Neat, per lb.............22c Cooked Corned Beef, per lb.......................27c Veal Loaf, per lb.........27c Shoulder Lamb Stew, per lb.......................19c Whole or Half Hams, per lb.......................20c Whole or Half Strips of Bacon, per lb.........26c Leg of Lamb, per lb......22c Whole-Shoulder of Lamb, per lb.............10c Rib Roast of Beef, per lb........................23c J I Nil I 1TQ 635 W. Railroad Ave. . • •#• IllaVlVfirfJs Second Door South of Central Telephones 278 and 279 WILMETTE mtmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmm Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am pleased to announce that the very-latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the PALL <Sb WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have- arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial - tavitatiea to you to -call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEQRGE J. E.BER II3I Greenleaf Ave. 2 ■an Hansen Photographic Studio Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Room 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette YOU CAN HXM3 YOUR Plain or! Fancy Hide at par^tM If Telephoning Wilmette 241 We Remodel I**<lt*»* Garments la the -----IiiitfHt Styles.----- which has just TfeStT'Teoni- *■ ELECTED BANK PRESIDENT. Mr. Owen T\ Reeves, Jr., of Kentt-^ streets, pleted. Mrs. J. O. Anderson and daughter, worth, who Is chief national' bank Miss Laura Anderson, were the guests examiner in tho Chicago district, was of Mrs.- W. B. Hough and Miss Jean- j recently elected president of the Dro> nette Tuthlll, 135 Fifth street, oniver's National tank. He succeeds Mr. John Fletcher, who was recently Miss Lillian Barrow, 236 Lanreli avenue, who have been visiting rela-; born National bank. Mr. Reeves has tlves In Rocfceteller, Diamond Lake | been in the government service for and Peru, m. tor twqweek*;have re-[Thirteen fears. He will assume his turned homo. Mr. and'Mrs. H. B. Mulford and daughter. 835 Elmwood avenue, will tnw dutrWrttitrUnit 6t September. Mrs. Thomas Brooks, 922 Forest enjoy an outing at Powers"and Gen eva Lakes, Wis., over the week-end and Labor Day. A 8URE 8IQN. Any old time yea see a man put- ting on a girfs robbers for her you can bet they are » AUTO MOBILE RE PAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather Dash Primer for $ 1.50 J. W. Meyer 6 sens 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone wilmette 426 Wilmette 561 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. ME! VINE WINNETKA Cast. Iron, tfsurss. Can be welded and made stronj: as new. Call up tho American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. (iBAHAM, Ms?. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phono Wilmette 1381 Wilmette, Illinois ■ ■ " ■'■>" Me^eiijJeaeSflll BTVIiniii AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of any Ladies* or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. We are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN ...... - .... 1.ADIEV AND GENTS' TAILOR Kenilworth, 111. Phones 1041-1042 «,., iuilro»« a™. mm™ Bid,. HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in jprices ftomTwenty-Five up to Three " infoed and Fifty IktUars* They are-€as«ets~yo^-wilf piy frwr#8^y to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture ail of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving you from Tftirfy to Fifty PeiL-dCeni. WM. H. 5COTT(ci£ht years with J. L. Hebbleth-a site) is manager and part owner of our Wilmette Store sad will give hli personal attention to every detail. % We challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee first claw service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone Wiliaettc 280 WM. E. SCOTT, Mauser 1123 Central Avenue

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