Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1914, p. 2

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THK LAKB SHOKB NEWS. 5= «Mp = Social Happenings in Wilmette = SOS *S= ] Mr. and Mm. William W. White s&U receive their friends at the resi- dence of their daughter, Mrs. Alahens sister, mas Dorothy Alien, I Whito. 1080 Greenwood aveane, * •peaday m***vts trot 7:|0 untU 10 o'clock In honor of their golden wed- ding anniversary. /Mrs. E. Jackson Casse was hostess a* a birthday dinner last Wednesday evening at her home, 633 Forest arc «ne, la honor of Mr. Casse. Cover were laid for twelve. -Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke enter talned at luncheon and Bridge or Wednesday afternoon at her bor- ppt Washington avenue. Mrs. R, M. Packman. 1034 lt. ue, entertained three of her •■" tennis of Bvanston, Mrs. Boylngton if Highland Park and others from the north shore towns win meet with them. All the north shave towns am i very much Interested In the Benefit end each will have a table or a con- cession on that day. There will be a 51SSS.* '?™?S!2£F& im-dBasXm a****** of the valley. Her only attendant, her ^ of honor, carried a shower bouquet of pink rosea, as did also Miss Elizabeth McCue. who played the wedding march. Two little nieces, Lois and Rebecca Allen, were the flower girls. Mr. Joseph Philips of Boston. Mass., served his brother as best man. The which If paid in the afternoon wfH give the nrivUege of returning later. In both the afternoon and evening and Clark there win balancing In the lower ball- room. Tei| and sandwiches will be served. Fancy articles of various de- scriptions and home made bakery goods wlU be for sale in the upper ism DAY, SEPTEMBER St, life Monday to Academy. lad. Mr. and attend Howe Military The Doty, 1010 tag Illinois university. Mr. Arthur B. getbold, 52J Washing- ton avenue, Is in the east on an ex- tended business trip Utile Pearl Monro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Munro. 1110 Elm- wood avenue, ie yssy HL Miss Flora Brownlie waa the week- Mr and Mrs. Frank I* Kooata, 1115 Lyote. 151S Lake avenne, hsvssi gone shire Hills. Miss Helen Dtaaee. 09 una, toft this week to cottage. • ".SgKflL1 Jerry Todd and Howard Searle toll 428 atMadl- D Srmwtt Allen »»"««>"»• A 8PecIal iml ushers were Messrs. p. Everett Alien, £Z^ ^ g,™ young people and a do- StSfwa^^^ Large white roses and greens orna «"*M* KgaM £Tl&J*r«« «*•* of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Gum- nu«ie4 .fttWM •*» dining rooms. ^J«-Jf »» «• * van ^••■•■q^,,^ <it alette*:.«. and pretty pinks were found on the m «■•>««■-« !Wr .j^ William Smith, 015 Lake ave- spac'ou* porch. Miss Allen attended mmmtLm <* tu* wilmette »•«.*»• *sts***r>>in a three IWika* Swarthmore college in Pennsylvania, The annual mee tingof the W"™tte J£ m Minneapolis .Mian. sttd Mr. Philips took a degree at Wlnnetka Woman's Christian Temper- j™^% p Barrett 633 Forest ; averf-rd college. Pennsylvania. He ance Union waa held Tuesday after-i at luncheon last w^Ve*ry'proi^mentta atactics. After noon at the home of Mrs. U Moody JJJ ""J^mS? 11 of,_ .....l^j u_________«_ ♦>,«* «..« Ml Oreenwood avenue. The annual I**■" """"W* Mr. Allen Crippen and family, 1025 Wednesday, the Mesdames Cowell bridge last Friday afternoon at Si me, 701 Forest avenue. There were .live table?.. nue, returned Monday evening from a frank 8; Lower of Wilmette. ffijSSS PaT Se ou^f-Swo ; proved very toterestingv A. this waaj ^^J^%^ SaV"**- ** - -- I guests Included Mr. and Mrs. D. Duerj the annual meeting, ofBcera for the | ™X "^m*^*^ smi^ ana *S»k. Mrs. Roberts. Hall entertained:.t gSp, Cf Kennett Square. Pa,; Mr;Usulujr year ™re rfected:-^ ^ ^ " and Mrs. Hbrace M. Philip, of Topeka,' dent, Mrs. Norton of Wtanetka; flrat jcod ™g+gg*£ganf ^^ vlstt at the home W*t. and Mrs. M. Kan.; Mrs..Albert R. Bayliss of Phila- vice-president, Mrs. W. C. Armstrong, j ™JJ "~J g*» jSf f^* „+ B. Skinner, 7» Tenth street, delpbla. Pa.; Air.'Richard Burns of 225 Central avenue; second vice-pres- »^J^HlS^t *£ wSZZwZ Mrs. W. G. Gets ot Milwaukee, Wis.. Philadelphia. Pa.; Mr. Allen Philips«Mast. Mrs. I. O Moody, 021 <*<** J£^?^^ of Lafayette, lad.; Mr. Boardman j wood avenue; third vice-president, ! "^^urfSiS, % RRnchman. 7M!W. J. Weldon. 913 Oakwood avenue. Hopper of Philadelphia, Pa.; I* ft ^ittefite Joseph Philips of Boston. Mass.; Mr teJ^J&G&imWbSV*? Lake, Wis., for the week-end. Mr. D. K. Dickinson, ill Washing- K^ !oM%ea7a^!Si. ! **X3iurto* McCoy n^ «H» •WMW' ?£iB* JW*r\"5"?- The Reading Circle will meet on Monday afternoon with Mrs. D. L. Tay- lor, 849 Michigan avenue. Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur P. a^fifie%es •%*^s^Faw ^»n«» am^sssy aaaaaaay a two weeafe vacation SOB, WIS. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sykes and fami- ly, 825 Lake avenue, have IStsSili from a motoring trip to Rockford and Dixon. IlL Mrs. Charlea Welnland. Iff Green- leaf avenue. Is spending two or three weeks with her daughter at her home in Blue Inland, UL Mrs. M. E Keith, 1007 Lake avenae, and Mrs, Walter Baldwin. Ill Wood- hind avenue, : Walloon Lake. Mr.J.KrtouawaptParkai Mat Saturday for a two ' with Ida parents and other relatives la TUsonburg, Ontario, Can. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Of Lake Geneva, Wis., were the last weak of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buck- man, 726 Laurel avenue. Mia. C. C. Gelong has returned to her Rome In the city after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. Estes, 1622 Wilmette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hale of Se- . Mrs. Brace B. Powell entertalnpd at luncheon Thursday In honor of ho- finest, Mrs. Garfield R. Jones, of Pa. dena, Cal., at her home. 008 Ashlan ;«nsn«e. Covers were laid for four. and Mrs. Steward Waring and Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Hamilton of Evahston. Summary of the condition of WI-LMiTT £ V *'"' ■: % B A N K Before the rnimaai smear of business on the . -1 ,,:, j, • ^^ 90ttnmhtor. 3914. RESOURCES. LOAM8 ....i,....<r.v......................... OVERDRAFTS ...«<......................... INVESTMENT BONDS....................* JUNKING HOUSE AND VAULTS........------ ROM BANKS.............;.....'....... HAIwiJ* ••.••■••••••••••••,•••••••••• ffti^ifjt M-f?. John T. Ling, 1116 Greenwood avorue. will entertain at aurtion bridffe tomor-ow afternoon^ ThV^ «^M' hp t»n tables. Miss Gladys Donaldson entertained at cards Monday evening at her home. 1126 Forest avenue | 'a-,t the * M-8. J B O'- '-> <">0 T ->1- .„ t. *-,+,h- -- i o ro h pa-fy ">'• dvy afte noon In honor of \y. ■<• -c pope, who have reeently- tjarnod from abroad, and Mrs. Willis ■it Sur:!nierv'ille, Mass. M-. and Mrs. Harry Cumberland o'" V fcitth strpet, celebrate<l (heir tir, w<- ldinp anniversary Satn-daj' V » mg- About forty young people wee "'•'3fint. An interesting feature of the evening was the advent of the SCotch piper, Mr. Alexander Hamilton. with his bagpipes. ■M-s Harry Cumberland waa a 'or "boon hostess Tuesday in bono^ f M . "nd M's William Hurrell of St. |&, Can., at her home, 119 Fifth r! -eet. Covers were laid for ten. Another very pretty wedding took place on Saturday evening at the home I of Mr.: and Mrs. David Everett Allen, 53S ForeBt avenue, when their daugh- ter, Mauae, was unitea in marniga with Jesse, Duer Philips, son of Mr. r'jpd Mrs. D. Duer Philips of Kennett y* uare. Pa., the Rev. Roy B. Bowers oi!icinting. The bride wore a gown of yffcite charmeuse and a long tulle veil. Mrs. Albert S. Webster has Issued invitation* ior two caru yar-itb u> it- o.i vvoek on .veanesdaj and i it< rnoont. at her home, 60i \i'ashina.ion street, in honor of her ,u On Wednesday evening, October 7, /•■"■'■•unity meeting will be held at the Wilmette Woman's club under the ausp.ces of. the Catholic Woman's club. At this time Judge Hopkins will give a very interesting as well as in- stmcttye addrpss. -ustns farts £a!nt:rr eb. L< Lake, Wis., Mrs. Charles McCoy of NL J., is visiting at the home of Mrg. Karl tog from an extended business trip to D. King, 914 Greenwood avenue. 1 St. Louis, Mo., and through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mra. 1* O. Balrd. 67 Cref. ] Mr. Richard Btiras of PitOsdeipRto. cent place, returned Friday from their Pa., was one of the guests at the summer home to Frankfort, ittclt. jhome of Mr. and Mra. D» M. Alton, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith, 806 Oak- 518 Forest avenue, over the week-end wood avenue, spent a few days last Mrs. R, V. Williams has returned to week visiting In Highland, Mich. her home In Rushford, Minn., after Mrs. Roy B. Bowers. 1024 Eleventh havtog been the guest of her sister, street, has returned from an extended Mrs. E, Anderson, 1118 Elmwood ave- visit in Ashland and Overland, O. nue. MTST^ferbert Graves and daughtei, I Msssrs.^WMttvDrsko. 989 T^ake svn- 105 Sixth street, returned yesterday: nue, Marshall Davies. 530 Forest avo- frora a week's Visit in Omaha. Neb. nue, and Robert Wenban, 900 Lake Dr. and Mrs. R. Willis of Summer-! avenue, left Sunday for Dartmouth Mcb. J. B. Webster and Miss r oi Galcsburg, 111. There will; trough his own porsonal fe,\periancui. tables on each afternoon. > ""' -- i. Mrs. R. D. Allen was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the No Name ville, Mass.. are the guests of Mr. and; cottege. Sewing club at her home, 630 Central Mrs. G. W. Klhby, 835 Lake avenue avenue. A truly beautiful wedding was sol- emnized tony Friday evening when Miss Gertrude Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Webber, became the bride of Mr. Donald Payne, son of Mr, William Payne, the writer, at her home. 715 Forest avenue.. Rev. Roy E. Bowers read the service. Miss Janet Jones attended Miss Webber sa maid of honor and Mr. William, . Payne served Ws son as best man. JW tot a taf*f.:wee!w vlslt to New The bride wore a gown of white char- rm£ , * • # rM^M mouse trimmed In princess lace and! Mr- gf *£JA ^^ °J 2^S pearls, made with a court train. Her "•"»*• ?*?£*£ su*t?,v°,'^ Miss Katharine Mees Herrcs was: veil, which has been worn at several Mrs. Marshall nVtMo*. 1617 Lake ave- IvOSvS i* We offer extra fine long stem roses, nil our own growing, at KMamey, White Killarsey, Killamey Brilliant (new), Richmond i-:unburst, 50c per frozen And up. Also carry a full line of everythinjj in CU* V LO WK R S. Funeral orders fil let! on short notice. Flowers For all occasions. Pyfer & Olsem, 615 Railroad Avenue Tel. Wilmette 23 Greenhita^s If}?.* Central Avtnnt The Town olub will hold a dance Saturday evening at the Wilmette Woman's club. There was a luncheon and card party at the Ouilmette Country club on Monday afternoon. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. ,C. Mitchell, hist; Mrs. Charles N. Reese, second, a Airs. M. W. Zabel, third. V Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker gave a birthday dinner party Tuesday eve- ning at their home, 607 Lake Avenue, in honor of Mr. Baker's father. Covers were told for eight couples. A delightful surprise party waa given Saturday evrningem Mr. Joseph Palmes at his home onAvoca avenue. Wendall Clark, the son ot Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Clark, is attending the ioter-Lachen school at La Porte, Ind. >tr. and Ml** Thomas B, Bradley, 1104 Forest avenue, have returned from their summer home at Ephraim, wis. ,;>. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clark, 526 Washington avenue, left Tuesday eve- ^r. and Mrs. Robert 8. Truair of, Syracuse, N. Y# are making an ex tended visit, at the home of Mr.; Trucir's sister. Mrs. F. K. Eager, 1312 j Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Buck- man, 831 Oakwood avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hogle, 40? Central avenue, motored to Indianapolis, Ind., ] oyer the week-end. hostess at a euchre party Friday after- 0r the Payne weddings, was artlatlcal- nue« noon at her residence, 1724'Lake ave- iy caught with orange blossoms, and1' hue. Twenty young ladies, residents, j 8&e carried a shower bouquet of lilies of Wilmette, Chicago and Gross Point,; of the valley and yellow orchids, were the guests ot the afternoon. cent circle on Tuesday afternoon, Oc- tober 6, at her residence, 680 Linden avenue. Since yellow waa the color chosen for the wedding the costumes of the at- tendants naturally carried out the color scheme. Miss Katherlne Crock- er, one of the bridesmaids, came first, wearing a satin gown of bright goM; Sherman Sykes, S25 Lake ave nue, left last Wednesday evening to attend the Kentucky Military insti- tute. Mrs. John Weber and her daughter, The Ouilmette Dancing club wttT! nekt came Miss Dorothy Cody, anoth ,•.;•-:■>*■ novel feature of this month's card HBi^y-at-the^Wjmianjs^club the r-itpiou of every two iables-wttha prize r" « Prize .winners: Mrs. A. W. hold their first dance of the season er bridesmaid, dressed in white satin on Saturday evening, October 3, at with a cream Chantilly lace over- g the Woman's club. drape. Miss Jones followed, gowned _. j in white crepe de chine. All three at- tendants carried shower bouquets of The weekly luncheon and ootorday at RUPbnr8t f°sea- MiBB Elizabeth Web- the North Shore Golf club. M.'ss Jul'a S. Henry, Mrs. T. Knox, Mrs. ! m. Lit!?in": n ?-'rs I;*:.••;i. .id Mn. :-' -* was'sr Mrs, I. E. i'arw .. ;•. , , a utions are being made the closing of the summer's actlvi- t West 0 oiaiid Count y -u >". !.ii . and d&n^C wil .act ti ■'. • ■ r, :■ ■ s j-rhe Caii.p Hi monthly ceremoniaf meeting KaturdD noon on the beach. Five wood gath- crers, Margaret antl Dor6Tliy~Rbdmanr Grace and Katberin^ lies.s and Eli/.u- bsih Brown, received thn wootl gath- erer'a ring. The North Shore Luncheon cir.b Wet yesterday with Mrs. Hugh Hart- man at her home in Ravenswood. The first meeting of the fourth dl vision of the Ladies' Aid society of the WJlmEtt© Methodist church will be".held oh Monday afternoon at the! home of Mrs. Mary E. Si riuger, 707 Central avenue. -The Woman's Missionary and Aid society of the Baptist church enjoyed a delightful treat on Monday -tf,'<- noon, September 14. at th<» *■ Mrs. Revford Brl'nmy. "ip-* avenue, when Mrs John C. B!a> :< talked of her "Personal Experiences injChina.'1 About thirty todies were" presents The Cosy Corner circle will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. E. Wade, 1529 Charles street A misstatement was made In the Issue of September 10. in regard to- the. name of the dancing club just re- cently re-organised with Dr. Frank:'. Lower as president. It Is to be known as the Ouilmette Dancing club. /',.,. -- Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elm- wood avenue, will entertain the Thurs- day club at her home today :' the home o. Mi •:- .' ilv ,-_ ■'._nt al avenue. 0 V U The Woman's Catholic club will hold its first meeting tomorrow after- noon at the Worn an'8 club. Mrs \V, D. Wyckoff will entertain Hie t'jameni'he Card club at her home, 1233 Elmwood avenue, this afternoon al 1:H0 o'clock. A social will be lieid al the liome o£ Sir. and Mrs. T. A Copeland, 807 Ash land avenue, tomorrow evening for- j th*1 members and friends of the Bap ; tif.i church. The social committee of V.)u Woman's society of the church is lit charge of the program. A rummage sale Is on the calendar of the Neighborhood circle for Thurs- day, October 16. It will be in charge of Mesdames Edward Scheldenhelm. M MIMen and C. N . Roberts. The Congregational church of Wil- mette w.ii hold its annual meeting next..^Wednesday evening at 630 e^eloHt. A dinner, fifty cents per plate, will be served at this time, preceding the business meeting. Anyone wish- ing to attend must notify Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 400 Eighth street, not later than Monday. An interested to the work are welcome. ^^- f The regular business meeting of the] fifth division of the Ladies' Aid sO*j clety ot the Wilmette Methodist, church will be held tomortow after- noon at the home of Mrs. Louis M. Springer, 480 Hill street bcr, a younger sister of the bride, and her cousin, Joseph Glover, stretched "he ribbons, and two othor little cousins, Altle Miller and George Glov- er were flower children. The homo was wonderfully decorated in yeUoW chrysanthemums and lilies of the val ley. r --1 M^*-« W'-bbp- ir< a merl)"- of the Kappa Sigma Psi soro-ity Arte a- extended wedding trip. M nn'1 M Payne will be at home at Paw Paw, Mich. Smwfi Purity and! Quality2 Ffrst Made ixrWHniette- Wilmette Fruit Store G:n»G' "> Et■•"NfONr, M n«t«r Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mra. A. J. Taylor, 44S Monroe street, )•, visiting relatives in Glen dive, Mont. Robert Dyor, 1010 Chestnut street, i.s uttendinR .. hool in Ashevllle, N. C. Mrs. C. C. Carnahan. 700 Central avenae, left last week for Csliforul.i. Mrs. Harry Miller, !Zj Ninth street, Is visiting in Plymouth, Ind., this week. SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For £asy Starting is Cold Weather Wc equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Servrce Night and Day -- 1 wmt--mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone WUmelte 426 Wilmette Our materials for the fall and win- ter season of 1914-15 are now here and we cordially invite you to call and in- spect same. We guarantee our work. WM. KAPLAN -- LA DIB V AMD WWW TAIM»»------ aSS lt<Ulroa<l Av«. BefTron BMr. Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Pnper-- Wilmette Baking Co III* Wfrtti *»• Tel. WihnritB 449 Strictly high gratlo 1 C. W. Kdvk-ards. Piar 2831 Washington Boulovarrf, Chicago Wltmetie Branch, Brown Bidrj. Room 23 Cade Insiruc'.lnr inn. K'vi.-i Burwasa. Verier (Cdn>i K-liir Marshall. K.\|n-., MSrir K<Uv;.nK HfciTin ,\HCl O.hvTM. Write or call for Information. ■ Hansen Photographic Studio Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Room 29 Brown Bldg. Wiiiitte A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED We can save you money on every purchase. By paying cash, you can secure the very best quality at the bottom price. Why help pay Chicago dealers' rent? Read these. prices and then call phone 278-279 Look at These Prices Round Steak, per pound...............................age Fregb Ground Hamburger Stealc, per pound. .........18c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound..... '...'.;...'..'. -22c Loin or Rib Lamb Chops, per pound...................30c Bulk Lard, per pound... . ............................16c Pork Sausage, per pound..............................16c Frankfurters, per pound...............................16c Cooked Corned Beef, per pound............... ........27c per pound........:..................ttttt Shoulder Lamb Stew, per pound......... .............18c Whole or Half Hams, per pound........................22c Whole or Half Strips of Bacon, per pound___..........28c Leg of Lamb, per pound..............................22c Whole Shoulder of Lamb, per pound- ■ ■............... 20c Rib Roast of Beef, per pound.............,........... .8£e ...... - ____ '■■■. ■■ j ' j ' ' ..... ' . ' ' i ' »i--■■-->■?»»■■»!■*--* efe niaVV&a) aad Doer ae^ef Central Ave. Telephones 275 ond 2?9 WILMETTE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMlmhmmmmmm Casta Iron* ^©"^"Eic Can ha welded and made strong aa new. Call up the ? American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) *. P. OK.tHA.M, >T<rr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. I'lione Wilmette 1381 Wil tret lo. Illinois ■■ HAKRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilnorrb. IlL Phones 1041.104? ■■lap Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring ! am pleased to announce that the very novelties in materials, de- aigtis and trimmings for (be WALL m WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial, invitation to you to call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sett in. you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, 1 ant for Best Quality,. Correct Stylet, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. £BER 1131 Cnsirfaaf Ave. I " j» 8 f»^a>Js^piapis|jpaMs^ The Central Ayenae circle met day afternoon at the bomi» of Mrs. - rredertcfc A. amlth," 72» Eighth street. M:» Prank Lincoln Fowler will be. hoftt«ea to the members of the Cres- Severai of tbe women latereated inj -'- of the Ardeu Shorn clab will i meet at Die borne of Mrs. Thomas M. Kno>:, 515^ Forest avenue, taia after- noon to discuss the plans of the; bazaar to be held on Nov._Jjat.thei Evanston Woman's club. MraV'o. B. i Now Is To Plant Bulbs We are. carrying a full line of shrubs, bulbs and perennials.-----^-We also trim hedges and trees Gftt Flo J. FLINT & 621 W. Railroad Ave. T«l*phon« ltOS Wilmette, 111, Phen* 1116 561 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work In your own garage. E. C. fWEi VINE -.' WINNETKA GERTRUDE LEES Announces the Opening of a At 621 GREGORY AVE. Lessons at Studio or Residence ' ' TELEPHONE 1285 T^~ Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Casket! ranging fa prices from Twenty-Five u tjei Ci " Hundred and FiveHundred assets you i-ejstv- r\^. --.i^.-.--______ i »^ uW,w»tt ww rwn' wihhi igrinr pure cise. tre UCC«f Ions pujp^ own Caaiee ji our Own Factory, tbm saving you from Thirty to Jf WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hebbtetliwaita) is msasfe* sad east owner of our Wilmette Score and will give bis personal attention to every detail. «J We challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee first class service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone WUmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central ATenne

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