Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1914, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER M. lilt SBTTLEBflSNT BOYS TO CONDUCT SERVICES Group from One o< the Chi- ll cago Boys'Clubs Here Sunday. Some or the boys from one of the four Chicago Boys' clubs will have en- tiro charge of the service at the Wil- mctto M. E. church next Sunday eve- ning at 6:15. Thaw boya are boys who are picked up from the gangs on the street, and are taken Into these dabs and laught to play properly, and to learn to make many different and useful article*. It nasi been proven iu these clubs that most boya like to spend their time in doing something profitable and not' to spend It all In play. - These boys have held several serv- ices in the Covenant M. E. church of Evanston, and those services have been pronounced; by some, as the best ever held in that church. This Is an opportunity for some people who buy their evening papers In the city, or have their shoes ehlned by some little street Arab, that the ragged little news boy and dirty little bootblack have qualities within that are worthy of development,* and they make just as good men as any other boy if given half a chance. The boya win come under the leadership of the superin- tendent of the clubs, Mr. John H. Wit- ter. Everybody is welcome to these services. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Q. White, 1021 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Terry of Highland Park, motored through Wisconsin over the week-end. Mr,, and Mrs. Henry Purdy, 4i0 & Railroad avenue, had aa their week- end guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Case. .Mrs. Babcock. and- Mr. and.Mrs. -F.-J. Bemble of Chicago. * Mr. Howard Robinson, 630 Central avenue, is attending the Iowa State Teachers* college, in Ames, la. Ho is entering upon his junior year in the course in agriculture/ Mrs. Albert E. Bayliss of Bristol, Pa* was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. & Allen, 518 Forest ave- nue, and attended the. wedding of their daughter, Maude. Miss Maude Muller of Chattanooga, Tenn., returned to her home this week after spending a few days aa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Springer, 724 Forest avenue. The Misses Esther and Alice Dyer, 1010 Chestnut avenue*-have left to enter school. Esther Is at Kemper Hall at Kenosha, Wis., and Alice is at Waterman Hall at Sycamore; 111. Mrs. Louis M. Springer, 430 Hill street, had as her guests last week, her three sisters, Mrs. Isora Mason Of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Seaman of Indian apolis, Ind„ and Mrs. Newcomo of Chicago. .f> f----■' TT WAR CUTS USE OF MADE CIGARETTES College Men. Nov Roll Their Own and Ctit the X3ost The war is- making itself felt in America in more than one way. It is noticeable In One respect among the college men, .who are now coming back to school. Instead of smoking high priced "tailor-made" cigarettes each carries a package of smoking to- bacco and a bunch of papers and rolls hjs own. • . :.?. • • In one fraternity, house yesterday when the men had finished their din- ner, out came the packages of tobacco and paper and the business of manu- facturing their own smokes took the place of the ready-made ones. Eleven men in this group rolled their own, and another one who smoked pulled out a package of cheap and Inferior manufactured ones. -------------------- SOME FACTS ABOUT ILLINOIS FARMS The Numbor ofThem and Their Value Given in List. Mrs. Garfield R. Jones of Pasadena, Cat. a former resident of Evanston. left Tuesday to spend a few weeks in the east, before returning to visit at the home of Mrs. Bruce B. Powell, 908 Ashland avenue. * Mrs. C. M. Hinman.of Edison Park, 111., who has been spending the sum- mer as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rexford Bellamy, 1050 Linden avenue, has purchased a beautiful home on Park place. In North Evanston. A number of Wilmette young people are attending Northwestern university this fan. Among them are the Misses Margaret. Scheidenhelm, Jeanette Tut- riill, Hope Mitten Lois Clark, Minerva e Anderson and Ruth Moulding. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Haiverson have returned from Savanna. 111., and are now making their home in Gross Point. In the announcement of their marriage it was erroneously stated' that the marriage took place in the evening pf. September 5, rather in- stead of the morning. The many friends of Mr. H. A. White and family, 400 Central avenue, will regret to learn that they have left for California, where they expect to make their home in the future. Mr. White' was .compelled to make busi- ness trips -from here to California three or four times each year and it was for this reason that they finally decided to make their permanent resi- dence there. They expect to live in San Francisco. ;_ . |" The following list of unclaimed mall matter la being held at Che wil- mettc posiofflce. Unless, this mall Is called for before September 28th, It will he sent to the dead letter office: G. N. Armstrong, L. C. Ayers, Miss C. Cam eon, J. O. Carlson, Mrs. H. W. El- lis, G. W. Garvin, Mrs: Flora Harri- son, D. Heron, Mies H. K. Kienan, Miss Francis Leach. O. M. Libby, W. I. Lord, Geo. McCombs, Mr. F. H. Mil len, A. J. Mlllman,^ F, L Bobbins, WmV A. Roome, Geo. W. Trent, Mr. Veaton, Hon. Robt. L, Waters Chas, Wittmac. WilHIBitS TH88h8 \i7tt ¥ ¥ a lit S T^mtn The hbmc of hstfh class Photoplays ^HT ■ ■ J ■ J M dCMh JLTM IV*tF# JKLJk VrlHf home of high class Photoplays iiZO Central Ave, WUmette All Seats IOc ■ v i -------- TODAY-Matinee and Evening Everybody's Favorite--"Little Miry PickfortJT IN "lit the Bishop's Carriage Produced by the Famous Players Co. ft FRIDAY •C To Forgive Is Divine1 l Two-part Kleiot Feature. And A Funny SnaKevillc Comedy SATURDAY--Matinee and Evening The Great Masterpiece Problem Play We can't say enough about this picture-/rS WONDERFUL -■----p----»--p--^f------^----^»^-' i :.■ Get the Wilmette habit. It's worth while. New perfection screen just like the village; new music. Everything for your comfort and entertainment. mammmmmammaammmmmmmmmm There are 251,872 farms in Illi- nois. . ~^ • The approximate land area of this state Is .Hn,Hfi7,0ft0 acres; tOSSOSt acres are in farms and 28,048,000 acres of the land in farms are im- proved. The average size of an Illinois farm is 129 acres. The farms of this state represent a capital investment pf 13,905,321,000. The farmers of that state own $73,- 724,000 worth of implements and other farm machinery.'" The value of the domestic ani- mals, poultry and bees on the farms of this state is 1308,804,000. The average value of an Illinois farm is $15,505. Kenilworth News Notes METHODIST PASTOR GIVEN A SURPRISE Thirty-five Friends Remem- ber His Birthday in te Manner. Thirty-five members of the Kenil- worth Mission gathered at the home of Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, 1024 Lake avenue, last Saturday night. The oc- casion was a surprise party for Rev. Gale, whose birthday was Sunday, Sept 20. It was strictly a social gath- ering and was very much a surprise to the minister, but the real surprise came when Mr. Schemp, after a short talk, presented Mr. Gale with a hand- some gold watch and chain as an ap- preciation of the splendid work he has been doing in the mission. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS. How it Happened........... .Boshlcr The Right Track..... .....Burnham Hidden Children V..........Chambers Silver Sand.....'......»___..Crockett Marmaduke of Tennessee. .Cummings iciehurst.... Raft.. .Craddock .Dawson New Clarion. .Harben Mr. Hllmar Zimmerman has re- sumed his studies at Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Jane Hlghbee will leave next Wednesday to enter the Elmhurst school for girls. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gillett. Abbotts- ford road, announce the birth of a son, September 5. Mrs. F. A. Forbes entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon at her home on Abbottsford road. Mr. Phillip Maher left this week for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he will enter the University of Michigan. ^^^ The Guild of the Kehilworth^TJnlbn church will open for the year's work with a luncheon on Monday, Oct. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross are entertaining Mr. Clyde Warren Upton of Philadelphia, Pa, at their home. The home on Sheridan road recent- ly built by Mr. < Buller, has been pur- chased by Mr. and Jtfire. Herman Hin* peter. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. M. Cole and family have returned from a sum? inert outing at their summer home at Pine Lake, Ind. ' * Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Marie Kasten to Mr. Huntington Dyar, both Kenil- worth young people. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah have closed their summer home in Michigan and are now occupying their new home in Kenilworth. Little Shirley Ross entertained a number of her playmates at a party on Saturday afternoon, September 12, the occasion being her. third birthday. Mrs. B. D. Parmelee, Rosyln road, near Melrose avenue, is spending a fortnight in the east with her daugh- ter, Charlotte, whoRasentered school there. . . . * * 0 .„_-, Miss Frances Serreir gave a kitchen shower on Monday afternoon for Miss I Catherine traka^wnose^^iTtBge^o Russell Rankin of He^rk. W. J Frince of Graustark.....McCutcheon Winning the Wilderness.... McCarter Saturday's Child ...............Norrla The Twenty-fourth of June.Richmond Man of the Desert..............Lutz is an event of this week. 3. Marshall hsve issued cards for a bridge party $o be given tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Macs- IfcVdn Sheridan road- A very Pretty haip^ wedding will riixiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiTtTisiisiiVsiiirissiixriTrTXXTO - ■r-"~V.' *---■•> ■•■-■ uncem We wish to announce the opening of our new store in the Village Theatre Building, and cordially invite you to call and in- spect our line of absolutely fresh candles, confections, etc. Our delicious chocolate creams are made in the village of Wllmette, and we carry the most com- plete line in the village. ^ : ^ ^ Our soda fountain is nen*% up-to-date and, thoroughly- sanitary and only the purest syrups are used in our drinks. Come in and be convinced. ~~r* You want a corset that will shape to Fashion--support in easy supple com- fort--preserve your n --and still be serving y ordinary corset woul pieces. Ask for *1>roof I figure lines long after an have gone to orsets We have the authoritative Warner styles for Halt and Winter. Make your selection now, and wear it when your gowns are fitted. For every figure--large or small--there is a Warner's fashionably designed to support the figure with easy flexible comfort* Every Pair Guaranteed Not to Rust, Break or Tear Wear a Warners BraMfer*With your com*, and your ngure from shcutder to thigh will be perfectly supported in lines of I'resent Fashion- Warner's Corsets $t to $5 Warner's Brassieres 50c to $# -- take place on Saturday afternoon at four o'clock at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Drake. Warwick road near Melrose avenue, when their daughter, Cti»m ln« L.f .VMftip riaitad in marriage to Mr. Rtisnoll B. Rankin of Newark, N. I. Allot a short wed- ding trip Mr. t.aicl fl.s. Rankin will make their in Newark, N. X The autumn :;(*:«*: i» h;rj proved to be exceedingly f 'Hilar with north shore bride* when HiuMMiM* |h« date of ihelr weddings. On v •■*iiitt:day evening, Oct 14, Mis*. <:»:.! !» Xfars. daughter cf Mr. and Mik. limine H. Mars, will become the l>ril»ti- < i Mr. Elmer D. Becker of C:.iraj»»t. (hi Rev. George Craig Stewart j*t ti\ Luke's church, Evanston, olB> h±ii« ?,■ m :?. A. W. John- son of Minh««ro':.*. r.Un'i., will attend Miss Hsjp as in ifr**ti ■»! honor and the bridesmaids *UI I - Misses Ethel Westmore of Hirehf •"«' Gertrude Mc- Kinley of. E>> ■•*«! >, I iorence Scho- field, a cousi.. n! '• » »:oom, and his sister, Edna »:••• k< r r.r. Carl LIU of Minneapolis, M-n;i *i.l serve as beet man. * <S t till III11 111 lllf Ml H | What People Are Doing; in ww i memm i i m)§ 11 mi eople Are Doing; Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott of 873 North avenue announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy, on Sept. 2. Mrs. Herman B. Butler of 716 Pros- pect avenue, has returned from Cleve- land, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Claude Jewell Peck. Miss Virginia Thorne. daughter of i Oaley. who will be her guest ffir-aev- r and Mrs. George R. Thorne ofj#rai weeka - - ^ Mrs. John Douglass will give a tea tomorrow at her home, 2404 Harrison street. Miss Mary Lord will sail today from Europe, arriving in Philadelphia on October it. 4 Mr. Niles Carpenter, 746 Forest ave- nue, is spending tho month at Little Cedar Lake, Wis. The Monday Reading club met at the home of Mm Everett T. Marsh, 2221 Harrisonr^lreetr " # Mrs. Robert G. Bear, 2731 Harrison street, entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday afternoon; . Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Wheeler (neo Adrlenne Tracy) have returned from; their wedding trip and expect to move IntQ their home at 1243 Judson avc- r«ue. Miss Auth Mitchell. 2203 Central street, returned Sunday from Marion, 111;, where she has been- spending the summer, to enter Northwestern uni- versity, v Mrs. A. 8. Van Deusen and family, Jfii:; Wesley avenue, have returned from their home in. Old Mission, Mich., where they have been for two months. •■'*;" Mrs. Abram W. Harris It and small dau-liter, 1745 Chicago avcuue, ar rived today -from Beaver, Pa., where she has been spending the summer with her parents. Mrs. Harris was accompanied' by her sister. Miss Redfern Corsets to$IC . i , edroom Curtains Annual September Display of ruffled and flat Muslin Curtains, AH made of fine quality of materials, full two and one-half yards long, ruffles neatly attached, hardly $ays to make them at these prices- Our dollar curtains contain 5 yards of 15c swiss, ruffle and trimming. Curtains of plain mus- M !• Curtains of patterned liny ruffled, trimmed m\M§ W muslin, dot and figure, group of fine \\^Mm'-ft also fkneJm^^^^n small tucks. Pair 75c. muslin in. dotsf spots* figures and plaid sy *#* fled or with hemstitch- ed band. Pair $1.00. Marquisette Curtains in cream and white, 2k yards long, lace edge. Pair $1.5CL Swiss. Pair $1.25. ins of extra width muslin, dotted swiss, figured pat- terns, ruffled and flat Pair $1.50. values in Marquisette Curtains, in white and ecru, clunylace edge. Pair $2.50 and $1.95. -- ---- seholdSale of Sheets, Pillow Cases. Domestics and Kitchen Helps Anchor Brand Sheets 63x99 inches ..'..,.r.\...I80o 72x99 incht?8T^r......... ,90c 72x108 inches.......... I 95c 81x108 inthes ...;....-*MM Mr. and Mrs. George 891 Sheridan road, who will return to school at Westover, Conn., next week, ■ eral week*. The harvest dinner and dance will take place at Westmoreland Country 1 will be accompanied by her ronnger ^^ pn ^^nr1lmy „yBning, QcL_lft sister, Miss Louise Thorne. Where tha L--k Is.----- "tt t had a wife who would do some •rng raw mft i wouldn't lose so much money out of the holes in my pockets,'* growled Mr. Gabb. "The only hole in a man's pocket that he loses money oat of is the hole at the top." replied Mrs. Gabb.--Cincinnati Enquirer. ■ OJxlOS inches . Pillow 42x38 inches.".. 45x38 inches... ;/.... $1.15 ases ... .... 22c .........24c This will draw to a close the social ftEcssrs. George Valentine, Pioneer road; Robert Phalin. Hartzell street; Gordon QollUams. 2423 Harrison street; Lerey Branch. 2101 Harrison street, and Dantel Com-; stock. 2408 Hartzell street, left this week for Champaign, where they will: attend Illinois university. • Caliooes, (frers, tih»es,atbite grounds, yd.....5tf c A. C. A. Tiokiop;,yiI..;....«.....................19o 45 in. wi4»# White Table Oilcloth, yd^.........19o Golden lied Dress Ginghams, yd...............8)4^o Peerloss Apron Ginghsnis. yd ..0.t.,,..>i,.H»...9gV Outing Flannels, full new tUick.jd.......*.l'*Ma ' nbleaohad Indisa-t^ad^ Muslia, f<fr 4w»ai»|^ boatds, yd..........„.......«...............»'2 Oakland Brand Sheets Kxtra Length*. 54x99 inches............ .$tte 63x99 inches.......... 70c 72X99 inches............ 75c 81x99 inches.......J.....86c 90x108 inches._____......95c Pillow Cases 42x36 inches.............18c 45x36 inches........----20c Tailors' Driniag. extra heavy, y*}4> Asbestos Iron Holdors, eaob..*.................«.«$» Sponge Clotba, for dish washing, eaob............9 Howard Dustlass Dusters, eaeh..................II H'oom'Covers, escb............................... Chamois Shoe Poliabers. each.......... Remnants, great assotted lot nt half price. Berkeley Cambric, yd............ Cuttos Bat d-Sewed Carpet Brooms, each mi 15e,10c _„.______48c

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