University Proved a Boost to the Village of Wilmette --------■----------------1 Railroad Also Came After and Added Impetus to the Set- tlement--Proprietors Forced to Pay for Depot Themselves. With the opening of Northwestern Uaiversity to students In 1866, the l,nd north of Chicago entered upon a new era. Attracted by the natural jesuty of the Ouilmette reservation, its nearness to Chicago. ** Well as to Evanston with her university and mj«ndid public schools, many1 people desired to make their home* here, and in 1869, the owners of the property gelded to this pressure and founded a Tillage, calling It Wilmette--the name having been phonetic spelling of "•ojfflmette." ettiatedf1lfnl«e«E|ft Interested ttJr transactions in this bate suggested thlrnfitte (FraikU Orover's "Antoine Ouilmette"). The first plat consisted of 525 acres, to w0lch 300 acres tn added later. ' Built Private Depot. THE LAKB SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M. 1014. 8 p. m., Kenilworth mission. Strangers welcome. Baptist Church. Next Sunday evening at 6:30 the ronng people of the Baptist church of Wilmette will meet In the Woman's club building for the purpose of tak- ing preliminary steps tor the organi- zation of a Baptist Young People's Union in connection with the local church. Mr. John Ruthven, of Morgan Park, state secretary of the 13. Y. P. his home on Central avenue, but was t;-» wiI1 be present and speak. Mr. then removed to the grocery store. R»th*«n will have a message that is Mr. McDaniel served aa postmaster wortn white, and it Is expected that until 1889, when he resigned and Mr the new "society will be launched with W. R. Kinney, who had been serving great enthusiasm. Next Week a social as hi* deputy, was appointed as his and business meeting will be held for the election of officers. ^¥ School in 1E54. Sunday services held In the Worn- *■£& «-., >.. » w . ""^ ^teD building, corner of Green JSmTSSSliSS^ ^/^ leaf av«snue "« Te"h street. Rev. b^Qnth^L*2^i^rJTl^en B Frank Taber- Pa8t0" Residence. PAtS£tii^SS^£iS^ 3sf101S Elcvcnth 8treet- Telephone 1150. telcler ir^iTSI VZ* iSunday wiU be observed as Ral,y d»y- . onHfteen chSSn%!%$£. **«** ** * B|>ec!*1 exertl8*8 at *» •ion who were old enough to attend, MP mm Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTE. 1640 Want Ads is the take Shore Newt trc charged at tic followiag rates Rest Ettete Qusificauoas. 7# cents per line. AU Other r.litwfkitioai. 5 cents per Use. Miaimam Price. 15 seats. No advertisement charged for lets thaa 25 cents. LAST LOST --SMALL COLLIE, BROWN and white, four white feet; reward. Phone Wilmette 1328. Itc ===r=SaaBBMBS3BMiM sad lation was steadily in- ixteteh years later the which stood on r ;wiaty4wVyt*r», y of the older people now living in Wilmette attended, was built For some time this frame build- Late hTthe yea7r8647the Chicago;****** UM*fo'a chu^h ***#« Milwaukee railroad was com- W*U -*■ a ^hoolhouse. but It wsa nn- Sunday School hour, 9:45 a. m., to which all friends are invited. Roll call of classes, graduation exercises, spe- cial music and other happenings. At 11:00 a. m. the pastor will speak on "Our Banner," a theme for both Sun- day school and church. There will be no evening preaching service. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, September 30, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. FOR SALE--A COMPLETE LINE OF new and used household goods at 50 per cent better than Chicago prices. Call and let us demonstrate to you. Smlth-Duce Co., 1217 Wtl- mette-av. tOw-tf WANTED--A POSITION AS COM- panion to elderly person or semi* invalid. Best local and city refer* eacea, for which phone kenilworth iSJk_______ ltp HELP WANTED WANTED--A POSitl08r"AS COM- panion to elderly person or sunny invalid. Best local and city refer- ences, for which phone Kenilworth 1320. lie FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT ROOMS RENT-^VEM PLEA* toed as far north as Waukegan and a"/ gk *ovm* }m j° m*ke room Mills, 1320 Greenwood av I the folhlw^^i^Milh^ee, ]!^^ESJ^J^JSSL?fi rut road later became a part of the, *gg "^Toccupying the same site. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul sysfi>J| Bhtbn church was built in 1871, i«n. .Although this road passed $?*1 P*>Ple ot the village having through Wilmette, no trains stopped formed an evangelical alliance. As ]i«re until the proprietors. Mr. Dingee W*» Were unable to support a r and Mr. McDaniel, at their own ex- dont pastor, the pulpit was supp! OBITUARY. Mrs. Catherine Smith. Mrs. Catherine Smith died at the 1 home of her daughter, Mrs. W.' J. Sturgeon, 614 Greenleaf avenue, last pmse, built eWdepot at a cost « * f**m-£n the Northwester*!f&!*£"• i9Jm*»L£* i£ i£ MM a few years later, this build- W^WM Bvanrton and ministirs f f£wJ?6*8: *£; *g*. Wah801?™ ^burned and as the population had fr°n> CWcago. As the village «to> Genjany In 1838 White she had j&eased considerably by that SilMPt « grow, the building became ^^ »J»« ,nJ*,,mettel ** on,Jr a Snew depot was built at a cost ot 1*8 •*»& *> sccommodsib the *&.**•?; 8ne Ml.**! for »lxty years a ■SoToO, the money having been 8n>8rt» ««**? "83 the CongregaUott- resWent * <*!^ *E5* th° M ^SB alists withdrew and built their own ca*° flre 8he wa* *burt»ed out" and FOR SALE--SEWING MACHINES taken in trade on our new Singer rotary; it will pay you to see this machine before buying, Our prices are very towi ,r Eomestlc ...... y;.......,......| 6.00 New Home ......*......*...... 7.00 Wheeler ft Wilson............. 7.00 singer .«.;.«*•*«*............. ».oo White......................... 6.00 Singer (drop-head)............10.00 New Wnite .(rotary) ... *....... 21-.00- Wileog ft Gibbs................17.00 Also other bargains in new and used machines. Patterson Bros^ 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. /Itc . ..I.. n-*^ ant front room or suite of rooms, furnished, in private family, with all' modem conveniences. Phone Wilmette 965-R. itc BOARD AND ROOM raised by popular subscription The village of Wilmette was incor- porated In 1872 with the following trustees: Messrs- Alexander Mc Daniel, J. G. Westerfleld, A. T. Sher- man, Amos Shantz, B. M. Munn and T. Boggs. Mr. C. A. Vail was the Tillage clerk, Mr. Norman Hall, village treasurer and Mr. M. A. Gedney, street commissioner. Two years before the village was in- corporated, a postoffice had been in- stalled with Mr. McDaniel as the first postmaster. For the first year after holding services ate appointment, the postoffice was in hall. the little she was able to save was hauled away in-an express wagon. She ..Schutta, Is survived by seven children, Mrs. W. * J. Sturgeon and Miss Elizabeth Smith of Wilmette, and Mrs. Farall, Mrs FOR" SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN In trade on our 88-note player. We are selling a great many players in Evanston and It will pay you to see us before buying. Schubert upright ....... 1R54 ASBURY AVE., THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE 2392. MRS. F. C. DIEFENDORF. -____________________________16wtf BOARD -- WITH OR WITHOUT rooms; best of home cooking. Call Miss Nortbam. Phone Wilmette 992^J. Address 731 Tenth-sL 46w-tf A dollar's worth of this remarksbie product will save you from $4 to $8 in your gasolene bill. It puts snap in your motor, it keeps your cylin- ders and spark plugs clean. ft is guaranteed to contain nothing injurious to the motor, ^v Send for a list of Evanston motorists who use and recommend it. Try a sample can yourself and you will never be without Hemline. FOR SALE IN EVANSTON EY R. L., 800 Dempster Street. Tyler-LeflingweU Co., 84? Chicago Avenue John Victor Lee, 901 Chicago Avenue Pennsylvania OH Co., 933 Sherman Avenue MISCELLANEOUS j .yon & Healy.. Steger ft Sons. church. For a number of years,-the Meth- odlsts and Baptists continued to hold separate services in the union church ^S*0t?)."1SrJS?XlS;!8»'u, ■-- ^^8"* •" - <*>■ s^"^ -■•■■•"■■ ••"<■"• It from the heirs of Mr. Dingee, Who together with Mr. McDaniel had do- nated largely towards the building subscription. In IS93, the Episcopalians began In Royal Arcanum LARGE MILITARY CORPS AT STATE UNIVERSITY e Illinois Regiment Larg- est of Its Kind in the World. Wilmette Churches The students' military Instruction camp at Ludlngton, Mich., this sum ■er was a great success. Of the 112 ftudents present, representing flfty- universlties and colleges, fifteen tore from the University of Illinois-- Illinois being more than from any other two Institutions represented. The University of Illinois is peace- loving, yet. it is endeavoring to per- Bm wbU the military duty imposed ipon it by the federal government in the land grant set of 18C2. Inasmuch as military training is re- quired of freshmen and sophomores the cadet corps has grown SO that one regiment organisation is no longer sufficient. For a number of years the pools regiment has been the largest Met regiment in the world. Begin ning this week (Sept. 21-26) the pew organization will constitute a brigade consisting of the first and second regi- ments of the University of Illinois, fte first regiment will consist of &ree battalions commanded by a Wdet colonel. The second regiment [M two battalions -arlll be commended a cadet lieutenant colonel. Besides two regiments °f infantry, there »re also a battery of artillery and a wnpany of signal troops. I 5KED QUESTION; GUN WAS ANSWER oil Northwestern Cam- pus Disliked Being Quizzed. ----------Presbyterian Church.---------- Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. The pastor, Dr. Wilson, will speak Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on the subject, "Jehovah's Care for His De- pendent Servants," and at 7:45, on "High and;. Low , Moral, Standards." The congregation is giving a recep- tion in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Wilson and the others who are returning from their vacations--a home-coming recep- tion--Friday night, Sept. 25, from 8 to 11 o'clock. All friends of the con- gregation are invited to be present. Congregational Church- Sunday school. Beginning with the cradle roll promotions of all who are eligible from grade to grade and from department to department will be made. The entire school will meet to- gether for appropriate exercises. cago. The funeral Tuesday" hoon, Qale officiating. Home cemetery. services were held Rev. Thomas Keene Burial was at Forest .$ 75.00 . 95.00 . 135.00 j . 140.00. . 176.00, . 210.00 . 200.00 FOR SALE Chickering Also bargain in an 88-noto player used 3 mo. Easy payments. Patter- son Bros., 16SS Sherman-av., Evans- ton. -'" .. - Itc ll'I'MI V * STUDY GOOD GOVERNMENT. The Civic Study class of -the-Psr*^ ents" club will meet Monday evening, Sept. 28th, at- 7:30 at Logan School. All members are asked to provide themselves with a copy of "Actual Government in Illinois" by Mary Louise CbJlds.-------- ' The Civic Btu&T class Is under the direction of Mrs. Jno. B. Boddie sad meets one hour every two weeks. There Is no fee charged and anyone interested in the study of jjlvics is in- vited to attend. - Situations Wanted EVANSTON HOMES MASON & SMART 1580 Sherman-av. Mw-Ti The morning setuiuu theme will be, "The Widening Outlook." The vesper theme will be, "God's Surrender of the World to Mian's Con* trof The Y. P. S. G. E., at 6:15, will be led by Mr. Bowers with the subject, "Everyday Missionaries." The annual dinner, followed by the annual meeting of the church, will be held Wednesday evening, Sept 30, at 6:30. Dinner tickets, at 60 cents, should be reserved not later than Mon- day by calling up Mrs. A. J. Coburn, phone Wilmette 701-J. All friends of the church are cordially invited. Wilmette Methodist Church. . Lake and Wilmette avenues. T. K. Gale, minister, 1024 Telephone 654. "A church with a message and a welcome." 9:30 a. m., Bible school. 10:45 a- na., sermon; subject, "A Great Surprise." 3:30 p. m., Junior church. 6 p. m.. sermon; subject, "The Cap- tain'" CaIl.H - 6:15 p. m, Epworth league. ------i Cling Ever to the Good. . - Let no pleasure tempt thee, no profit allure thee, no ambition corrupt thee, no example swpy thee* no per- suasion move thee to do anything which thou knowest to be evlL-- *FrMklihV • ^ Brimr in your old Ostrich Feathers and bar* them m*dB into NBW CHIC NOVELTIES. 6lff FSPTp P" «^8Cv^la»1wua^at, UIL.LC3riE ,5 B_ WMhinKton pt CHICA SITUATION WA»Tsm^P IR ST class dressmaking by the day; all kinds or garments; also remodeling; excellent service. Address Lake Shore News 101. ltp POSITION WANTED--AS SECOND girl, in Wilmette; experienced. Call phone Wilmette 1097. ltp fXPERT Piano Toner REGULATING. VOICING. REPAIRING »lSM»witl;'Chickling;A«*bc»: U S«en with W. W. Kimball Co. 7S7 821 Stain Aw. Thofovffh ♦XMniflsatton foi* MpAirs ISTInUTII FRCI SEND COPIES Of THE NEWS TO YOUR FRIENQ8 OUT OF THE CITY Lake ^avenue. MAOEEY ved Gasoline and Oil Co. 1533 Michigan Avenue, Chicago The Condition of Lake Water '■"I i ...... Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage is the subject of much {UgcusaiofL Authorities aatree that LAKE WAT#B is mi lit for drinkinkc purposes.' WHAT IS THE REMEDY? OKDER AT ONCE COR1NNIS WAUKESHA WATER^LWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & SCHMITT, fnc. Telephone Evanston 980 Distributors e writers Sold pn Easy Payments Forwent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES ~ NEW AND REBUILT REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Some Special Good Bargains Pull Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. CHANDLER & CO. 630-632 Davis St.,Evanston ■J'l)» "'<| «- wmmm ■S ■as Have you lost something? Let us find it for you. *,^,...:- -{ ■ ■ '■ ...... Is your maid leaving ? " us find you another. i DOUBLE COTTON FLEECED BLANKETS, German finish, in *T3y» gttg MfMl »Stl f »pwl»l few i OLl 10 STYLES OP LARGE SIZE DOU- BLE BLANKETS, grey, tail or on- white; for.........................&■ NEAR WOOL BLANKETS, finish, large size, in grey and tan, for.------........V;. CRIB BLANKETS, whits pink and bias border; -*( •pedal for..............IO2C COMFORTERS--One lor of Odds and Ends of Comforters, cov- ered with sstssn and tllkollne, Slied with white ICQ batting; for.+• t^^^rrtrt&gk 11 r SCO PILLOW! filled with feathert; •pedal for...............' FEATHCR PILLOWS -- Extra wall covered and filled. 3-lb., ape. dally prised l oh- »♦.......................&yc Women Should Vote fiJsftSr *»""'• by having them reblocked in the latest up-to-date $tyl»f at a The LargWt Refclockin^ EtUbli.hro«ntintheWorld Ernest Mulligan, 2020 Sherman are* >w. Evanston, la not easily scared, faler ordinary Hri'iimitanfM , 'e. Rut when a' man to whom he ■••eMressed-a caanal ojueetioB pokes ferolver In hie fsoa^^otL he Just gtt't atop to argue. -1-- .: '- --:-'; - fwt night he aaw a colored man .ding behind a tree on the North- Pern unlrerslty campua. MnlUgan « him what ha waa doing there, man told him it was none of hie Rfaee. and. emphasised his remarks pointing a gon in MuUigma's face. «<sn lost no time In getting away notifying the Evanston police. As- ftat Chief Johnson, Sergeant Dlck- ■o and Officers Paasch, Iannlng Roland (you know the police car holds five) went up to overpower dsagaroaa man. He waa gotta they arrived. Charles A. Real Estate A^enU. Braters and Buyers of North Shore Properly Scores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wilmette and Winnetka. --t-t-^-""---- 1504 SHERMAN AVENUE Kitchen Utensiis at Very Low Prices PRESERVING KETTLE, 12 quart size, made of fine gray granite enamel on steel, regular price, dsc. This sale, 4Q* only..........'."i'.:«•... •.«............. *$%JG> BOASTER, round, self-bastlng, seamless, with ventilated cover, made of "Old Bngllah Gray" granite enamel. Special bargain..,..;............. *«. CARPET BROOM, four sewed, made of soa- soned good quality corn. <s-9^ Special...........I.................. J J C SALT BO laV'knpoTted, blue decorated china. hinged 'wood cover. These are our refhlsr 86c values. Great *%e~ bargains...............................£ oC BREAD RAISER, 14 quart capacity, made of heavy block tin. ventilated cover. Aj% „ |. v. i...........OyC CLOTHES PIN8, well fiaisbed, hard- wood. Special, 100 for.............. 9c BATH SPRAY, best quality red India robber hose, pure alumi- num spray, 76c value. Spectai.......... Shore News "Want Ads" Bring Results PHONE 1640= & Classified Business List CENTRAL MERCHANDISE % 7 J^*% ■ ■■ mwr JEWELERS GROCERIES Pine fruits--In and out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Bakers ttteel Cat Coffae ie Good. GEO. B. WINTER Quality and not Quantity--the bast for the money--Is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries ft always select, and Freeh Fruits aud Vegetablee a speci- alty. AUGUST RODELI US Succeasor to Redelhis A Rosea. ! Expert Watchmaker has Optklaa. Repairing of complicated wetefc-- and clocks. Many years' experi- ence with best known Chicago bouses. Phone 2S32. sgsse MENS WEAR Clothes Ready Mad Order. Packard Sboee Sorosls Shoes for Children. Gentlemen's IngOooda. ' HAYES «* HAYES HOTELS 59c KITCHEN OR GARBAGE PAIL, made of heavy galvanised Iron, tight Suing cover, Iron ball, 49c value. Afl Special..................JStrC No phone or maii orders aHed. DISH PAN, 10 quart alze, gray granite enamel on steel, strong handles, 29c value. tf - - Special... >*„......,,.;,. 1 DC No or mall orders. WASH BOILER, No. 8 size, ex- tra good quality block tin sides, heavy copper bottom, stationary wood bandies, one piece cover.-- Regular price, |1.75. * aa Special............:.... l<29 RICE BOILER, double, 2 quart capacity, high grade gray granite enamel --* ware. Special bargain...............4ifC COAT HANGER, made of heavy rationed wire, regular price 6c each. r- Special. 2 for........................OC m A.S. VAN DEUSEN THE AVENUE HOUSE mm^^mmmmmm^^Fmmmmm^mSS! Prlrate Exchange 1119 SU WirlaaCMraatted Electric Shop HAfilY A. FbMBbsI Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P.M. Phone llta mm' Red Cross "^nttsXti* •An CM AS. S. WALLACE. «•*•( I OS I Osflsswa Am. T#a>»MiMSt