Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2,1914. *......*..........MM...........mnn...................hhiiiih.............................>..........>».............................i Chicago's Most Prominent Teachers of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art and Entertainers I ' This Directory WUl Appear in These Columns Once a Month. Cap It for Future Reference j j g i■s■»■■■» j> A. CLIPPINGER TEACHER OF SINGING iniiiitiiiiil.....inimn.......i..........i.....i......i.........linn.....itn.....iniiiimm........iiiniiiiiiiii........>m hi.......iiMMiwnmd Amtktrmt Stste»»*c Voice Training, price $1.CO *•*» ^.t^lsn**--^•*** amdfm-Cb-lmr. 4,«-4is Km»ttit*u. cmc»qo.itt. D Musical Art traiain* in all branch** set Xaaic and Art. your inquiry willreeen* prompt ANNA H. BALATKA The Loro Gooch Musical Conservatory ■Mttfam for its competes* pupils laroQffn Lxtro - CatalosvM. £*) free sod •eholar»Wp««ri»«ndarin« the eomina- year- Chicago Piano Cillege Oldest and Largest School for Piano and Theory. Our Grad- uates are In demand, •erate Bates of Tuition. Ninetenath ■JST catalogue omt. - _ htaLtttRMHA ---- GlerraDiilardGunn Studios Fine Arts Building CHICAGO. ILL. JKS<*AM(N£ «. AH.ES, 3l«r. F«™aartfOTCIirel«^l»c»piiw£Bi:»el«l Kes.Tel. Lincoln 36SS HEHBYB.RONEY.le in ■ ffl.WEr.tnmn rum cucu is mini Coach for Concert*. Choir. Be- pertolre. Special lies Boys Voice*. Trainer-Jler. «on»yi. Boys" Conorrt Co. for 2» years, TralnerofBlatctifonlKaTanasb aodM noted Boy tiincets. Grseelaad lo»l. THE FORTUNATE BURTON HOLMES. The Earn© good fortune that has ai- * way* attended the twenty-two years of Burton Holmes' life as a popular lecturer on travel, has attended his cants subjected critical to a more or leas Furthermore, In initiation fees aad have made the enjoyment of these advantages prohibitive. Acting; upon the suggestions of pub- lic-spirited citizens, the Sherwood Mu- „ ^^JfT-ufc^AimaGroff-Bryant tlons to the faculty. In the piano ^^XSt3iS,l,mmtM}SS'^S^^.S^** summer's fmropoan journeyings. find- sic school has resolved to support and sponsor a choral society, of 230 voices, whose by-laws will be of sueh a lib- eral nature na to guarantee a correc- tion of the limitations of the estab- lished choral bodies. The member- ship will be accessible to not only those With proficiency in vocal music. ing Its climax in his home with the entire puoiujsraphlc re- sults of his summer's work absolutely Intact. Few Americans can beast of such a record this summer, for the military authorities Issued a prohib- itive ban on all cameras, with penal- Ostrovosky Institute Musicians' Hand Development „--d and reetwunexded by Zimbslist. Arthur . Sattuck. Edwin Schneider. AugustoCotUow r£d other prominent artist*. ilfi» lash) aU-HSUissianl jhctar Bci Under*** 64 E. In Sam St. ARTHUR RANOUS BARITONE Studio: 430 Fine Art* Building. Chicago ™ Ph»o*Hsrri*on 1»M 808 Reba PL. Evanston. Mono 3432-J j. COURTLAND COOPER rOF BtSLIN naturalMethod of Singing SHht 500 Atbeaaeiim Bldg., 59 Esst Vsn Sana St. CHICAGO PImm Harrises 7033 - ^ Blaring Music Studio VIOLDf-VOICE-PIANO-HARMONY PopHh enrolled any time: Positions secured v for talented pupils. PerrawilKh Bissiig, MHnt Iwrt* Wiltir. SiprtH Itlrate engagssaeriss solicited; separata Or Joint programs 500 KlmMIl Ball, CHICAGO THOMAS A. PAPE *if4E A*tt RUHL ^ Concert Pianist Available for Concerts, Recitals, Musicals 619 FINK ARTS BUILDING CHICAGO Phone North 3663 HERBERT MILLER BARITONE Vocil Instruction: Oratorio. Recitals ----------716 Fine Arts Building ■MiMaMiMMiMMnisnaManniaaBnnassMSBssisB 11H7 Bast K«»s. 4;«l»«fcurg. I III not» partment.--Mr. Herman Frederick Gruendler has been engaged, coming from, the Royal Conservatory of I.olp- zlg. Mr Gruendler studied under such p^ ^g^^ggg^ eminent teachers as Reinecke. Wen- ^™^*<"J£^%*^«*™££*: sel. Jadasohn, Rlchter and others Ed£.*£ot•ms^«av^s?S*^^ Mr. Eugene Stockdale. who ha* en- charge of the school of acting. As the head of the school of exprcs- but also to those possessing good u*i»lon. Miss Marie Harris has been en- trained voices, with Ohly a limited ea*«l knowledge of sight tending and har- dorsements from such men as David tx chica<jO: Thur.d«v Kri.i.y »«- Pelasco and John Emerson, will have ;?2**,r J£x&*.£2£rtU'*t T7?7*. Send for new BooMst and Catalogue AdjrJ1x ANNA GR01T-BRTAST *OC Flo* .Yrtsllull.lio*; or 1 «*7 ISnst K»»* StTewt. «»«le<UnrK, llllrtol*. ties varying from conflscation of film mony. The question of dues will he entirely eliminated, the only obliga- tion being regular attendance at re- hearsals. ' "Thomas A. Pane, who has so suc- cessfully conducted the concerts of the Marshall Field A Co. Choral so- clety. has been secured as the direct- or of the society, and under his guidance the society should become one oT the foremost choral organiza- tions in the city. The Standard ora- torics will be studied and presented; In concert with full orchestral ac-j companiment and the best soloists' obtainable." This would appear to be a big step Mildred Wentworth SOCIETY ENTERTAINER (l*jOn*iSiw.g|filst*»s.9r»l>tnmBt.> Private instruction in Popular Entertaieinr. Oral Expression and EacDsh; CwseMw*. SI Bellsvu* Place. Superior 8546. CHICAGO. One of Chicago's busiest teachers of voice culture Is Miss M. A. Monsel. 614 Kimball hall, whose pupils include many professionals now before the public. Miss Mohsel has established a reputation aa one of the foremost vocal authorities in Chicago. One of the many student studying under the careful guidance of Miss Monsei, and for whom an operatic career has been, _ » M . predicted, is-\Ia* Norton. Her dicUon RuSSell OCHGO! Of AlUSIC in whatever language she sings is per-j AND DRAMATIC ART; feet, her versatility is delightful and! __ _ . , S&L her vocal control an example for siu- BALATKA Musical College L Establishes MT9 by the ne#M veaesmtd Haa« Pn'atka. Catataoi* DsSiUd freaon apsltcatiun Dr. Chr. F. Balatka, Director DiMoma* teeesaiatd all over the srarM, « Adtlrcaa all comesunieatiens to The Balatka Musical College 339 Sooth Wabash A««nut Telephone Watash est* dents of Voice culture. 713 Fine Arts Bldg. 23 Rood Bldg., Evanston. - 75th St. and Vincennes Road. Voice, piano. Violin. Dramatic Aft. sasBBsasnnttnBSnsaeaBa Bernhard Listemann li'o.'m Soloist and Teachtr of Advanced Pupils ttT!-BXOJt StS JIKE ARTS vcaXBtCS- Wednesdaya and Saturdays trum IT.JL Resldvncoi Ol t r'ulUrtiisi Avr.,Chinas* rundle School of music. , The methods her<** uniform, plain _ the wbridi^masterpiece., i is an nn- ^^^^J^ m^tlng practlcal ,ppflca. Violinvlrtuoso and Teacher contended fact thst chore! singing «f<J | Uon oC ^ 6ame development to prt , . STUWO, the orchestra are the most powerful!^^ch ^^ JJ ^^c^ot pJmy. t H AUDlTOftllim sWJIMINO educators of the "masses. Rehearsal w!!l be Only (but) once in- to being shot at sight. In Spite °r one's Interest and not become an un this, Mr. Holmes has returned with; welcomed task. The rehearsal will thousands of feet of motion picture i terminate at an hour that 'will givo films, and innumerable stltt photo- jgj® ***** **&£**? ""g* . .*os.^ I ^ w *.. . T* iH™* to roach their homes at ft r*s> Teacher Of Singing J graphs taken by him. not only before ^j&fr hour# and tne wiendld train R. GRATZ COX In all its Branches Phone Harrison 4865 419 FINE ARTS BUILDING I ZUKOWSKY IMMUN SCHOOl. •tT Ftae Arts Zakowtky Trie Entafrntnts: MU-Jan. 4-18: Peb. 22; Meh. 8-22-1914 Choral Conductor Teacher of Singing B E R G E Y OPERA SCHOOL etnlure 8. HnrRey, l»lr. and Voice T«nu her fra. Sergey. r MM 430-431 Fine Art* Bldg. Plmn e.Har rlson 1SSS siii llesidence Congress -------------- etel GEORGfc W. JENKINS WELSH TENOR --VOICE INSTRUCTION------- SUITE 3*0 KIMBALL HALL ____________CHICAGO ■ HondayjTnesdayjTnarsdayand Friday HUELSTER OF MUSIC SCHOOL AND kindred ^.^ rAIToV.-," Offers the most thoronaU and complcta , education in all brsnehes of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART rVcaWe^s«s«sr«»sM*BuerGO0Klnbslinsll.Ciacsr» -?■ KIRK TOWNS BARITONE Vocal Tuition ; Room 612 Fine Arts Bldg, Chicago war was declared, but also during the early day* of mobilization and the early weeks of actual hostilities. To the natural beauties and patriotic ap- peal of such subjects as England, Scotland. Ireland. Germany. Austria, France, Russia and Belgium, the se- ries which Mr. Holmes announces for the coming season Is of up-to-date value for visualising the early stages of the conflict and making his patron* personally acquainted -with th s prin- cipal actors in their proper setting, and with the scenery end staging which forms the background Of the fearful drama of devastation how be- ing enacted. Burton Holme* will give three courses exactly alike at Orchestra hall, beginning on Wednesday eve- nings, Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. October 14. 16 and 17. re- spectively. The titles of his trav- elogues will be: "England." "Scot- land," "Ireland," "Germany and Aus- tria," and "The Allied Powers." ; RUDOLPH E. MAGNUS VOICE .' Studio: 016 Pine Arts Bldg. --"xmcseo Melba Mae French SOPRANO SOLOIST Violinist Elocutionist. Pianist Entertainment Furnished for Concerts. Reception or Lodges--individual numbers or entire programs. T S632 Wayne Ave. PflBne Oakland 4365 The Hadley School of Music Direction GRANT HADLBY, Baritone All branches of music taught. We Issue from time to time partial scholarships to talented' students. ~ Recitals given reg- ularly for benefit of students. Sand for catalogue. ^ „^_ 73 Auditorium Bldg. Phone. Wabash 1260 The Russell Quartet Lucille Hay ley. Soprano- aWirfHs.tton.Aito. Glenn Sherwood. Tenor. David Parshing. Bass. Personal direction of Estelle L. Russell. Available for dobs, lodges, reeepttona parldalw complete program. For term* and dstes addre*? Bsteile L. Russell. 3100 Lexington St. Garfte:d 8448. service between Chicago and the north shore should preclude the pos- sibility of attendance becoming more oi an arduous Journey than lending your presence at the theater. •ALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE. This celebrated institution, which was founded In 1879 by Hans Balatka. the father nnrt Nestor of music In the west, and his son. Dr. Christian F. Balatka. formerly known a* the Balatka Academy of Musical Art. is South street, and occupies extra, large, light and spacious quarter*. ~' This college has been eminently successful also InHWrlnging before the , In other line* of education. The technical, intellectual and eth- to hoid|kal deydoppwut going hand In hand through the ever Increasing difficulties until the pnnil Is master of the Instru- ment and the art. For very young children the funda- mental principles are presented through stories, song* and games, bearing directly upon the point to be reached, but never used tor more amusement. Through constant appeal to the Imagination of the child the lessons become fascinating revelations rather than drudgery.-- "' Myrta Coo Bundle Is recognized us one of the foremost educators In her profession. Her own musical education began at an early ago. and after ten years of study with Henrietta Ferry of Lon- don she was placed. In one of Amer- ica's largest schools of music, froth ♦»f ^ftbatfc Avennek Chics** Caeeaw lliiiigiwiliJMtMMST L. BBIOOS Sccinwsy Halt.!. M.A.Monzel Musical College Kimball Hall Chicago, III. -- now located at 389 South Wabash avenue, northeast corner Van Burcn ^t^^ 4^*dnstad atfth Wtjlt frfr One of our staff whose ear Is al- ways "to the ground" for the first sound of advancement In the musical strides of Our community, bears wit- ness to another evidence of the wide* a waken ess of our neighbors to the voice of opportunity In the 78t&)t&xX' 41ou-of-a new^muslenl project to be Phone 11 Jane Rhoades Ament IN RECITALS 0V SONO AND STORY INSTRUCTOR VOICE. EX PRESSION. PU BLICSPE AKI CONSULTATION WAYjT Studio Half, 410 Kli.™ tmtCAOO, tf.1- known as the Peoples' Choral society. The inspiration for and organiza- tion of the society is deftly summar- j i?ed in the following editorial appear- ing in the Evening Post of Monday evening, August 31: ' "The growing popularity of choral music patrons in the .city 1* known by the phenomenal success accorded the. several societies Jipw in existence in Chlcftgoi\ Howove^ each_oOhe«e. organization* has been limited to cer- tain commimitiijs.nnatioihilitles. «** ^llglous dehotnfhstions or employes of mercantile establishments, and appli- musical public not only Instruments!' ists, but vocal srtists whose names are known world-wide. Hans Balatka introduced Mme. Jennie Und, Parens Rosa, Lena Hastrelcher. He has done orchestrating for the foremost organi- zations throughout the United States. Hah* Balatka has arranged music and musical works for the following named musicians, who have and at present occupy prominent positions: Emit Llebllng. pianist end com- poser;-- ---^---- Peter Lntktn, dean of Northwestern university. --Reginald Do Korea, composer _ot ore. Mrs. Rundle has spent several sea- sons in Europe, taking special work for t--Ahlng nndor Harr Br*ltntHspt [exandra Ralf of Berlin, and In Paris, besides sev- THE MACLEAN SCHOOL "A Psrtreulsr Scsm! for Partie.lar Ptspli" VOCAL ART, DRAMATIC ART, EXPRESSION. ORATORY. LAN- , OUAQES. THEORY OF MUSIC, DANC- -'* INO, ETC. " NHJIIT CLAS8K8 IN CONNECTION -r^fjulte *W-ls-orant Park Building Tel. Mar. 7568. •« B. Michigan Ave. Chicago College cf Music Esther Hirrhi, president All Branches of Music Taught Catalog Mailed Free - 422 KIMBALL HALL With Mtn4tt$ioh* Cosirrrsfsry sf Mmtit IB Fner, StOtri 8Wt M = Teaekrrofl PIANO- OR0AN HARMONY sm Harold Bauer, eral normal courses In our Own coun- try Chicago. ISn-Bssssi DR. FREDERICK CLARK Baritone Vocal Instruction IfltMffttfpBltl CtSflHl.Cnat *3 AndUorlum Bni'dhn M. EILEEN LONG HUGO AND ELIZABETH STOKES SOPRAN'O Mr. Rudolph Magna*, tho vocal teacher, has returned from ft short vacation and Is hard at work again In ht* studio In the Fine Arts bldg. Mr. Magnus Is tho son of Mrs. Florence It. Magnus, whoso enviable reputation needs no comment. Having inherited to a considerable degree tho genius of his mother In the building and repairing of voices and having lived In the atmosphere of her wonder- fnl work end recelvedsfor many-years TEACHER OF SINGINO prpjL orma nawYWiwr 726 Fine Ann BulMIng il>d« Park 1402 ,1 | Waltt, Tw*St*f.*tt. ftWirCswfrql $4$» K4THEBINE SOHUSTEK. VOICE (Cihely Authorised Chicago Teacher- Dors Duty Jones Methcd of LYRIC DICTION opera. Clarence Eddy, organist. Wm. Lewi*. Sr., violinist of Lewis A Co. Dr. Florence ZiegBeld, president Chicago Musical college. Adolph Koelllng, pianist nnd com- poser. ' John Hsdstaedt, -president Ameri- can Conservatory of Music. ; _ Stm, Soeboeck. pianist and com- poser. Silas Pratt, composer of opera her careful training. It la not Strang* that Mr Magnus should meet with the Wm. unusual success which has been his. He Is ft thorough exponent of his mother's careful and painstaking method. A* Mr. Magnus' class of last year remains almost unchanged, the new applications from various parts of the country promise an extremely busy season for him.' j %£ tffotffl SfSsot** ilaa t»tta«« .. tllgntil ft The Auditorium Bldg. Chicago Ujr in* bsraiwrres AsshLin CariileTucker BARITeNB 53 Auditorium Bldg. Chicago, III. Phone, Wabash 7*84 ANNOUNCEMENT. MU* Elizabeth Stokes. 6042 I nglc- Singers from the great opera*Tend side avenue, itill's^iW l|ieiif^i^«»!*ltg*s numerous others. j on October 14. . • RUNDLE SCHOOL of MUSIC MYRTA COE RUNDU r s______s : ....,:t. . P»f»*mt 1 KENWOOD " 'n^lSSFSa* ,MO* W ti»FTTB t,*Kt fOBf tt 4841 OskeswiK A«>_______134 1 Prstt S|vU._______001 Csstrsl in. Alesw ffawset ■^T ■{- CHICAGO, StJITB 730 FIHE ARTS BOfLDtNG •SSM -S-- || Real Estate News i Glencoe, iotft S ana 4, block 43, Sept. 11--F. M. McKay, etc., and other property, by master In chancery, to L. C. Swesr Inger .......................Wr5» 200 t 10 400 10 Township 42. lot 2, block 35, n H. n W *, 7. ilk, \*, Sept. It (incumbrance, $1,000)--H. O. Kress to H. W. Jackson..... -i Wilmette village, tot B, reauh. lota 1 to 4, block 2, June 19-- M. e. Barker Jr. to W. H. -tVArcy...................... Chicago, N. S. L. Co. sub., lot S, block 23. Aug. 20--H. A. Ham- mer to A. Steffens ........... Wilmette, Union add., lot 1 and part lot 2, block 11, Sept 23-- E. C. Decker to E. H. Temple Wilmette, lot 7, block 13, s«b.. block 12, etc.. Sept. 21 (incum- ' V brance, $4,000)--J. CrabbtoO. J. Woodsrd .,.. .1. .^...>.. Mtt Wilmette, McDanielB" add., tot _ 14, block 4. Sept. 15--B. C,___ Jones to J. George.......... 300 Wlnnetka, Park Bluffs, tot 15, block 2, Sept 32--C. M. Hey- wood to J. S. Miller.......... 3 Winnetka, Lake Shore sub., tot ^ 13. block 10, Sept 21--1. Vogel to D. W. vVestervelt.........Let* Kenilworth, Kenilworth Co. sdd., lot 10, block It, Sept 17--J. Goa....... ..... »r3it Township 42. und. y» of part a * %. 33, 42. 13. July 33 (incum- j brance, $5,000)--R. H. Baglsr to E. Dempsey...........»"■ Norwood, PSSM, McOsIlnm""* T£ add-, lots 47 and 43, block 3, Sept. 24--JFrF.-MeCoHom et ftl, to M. E. Conroy............. Wilmette VUIage--Lot 18, block 3, reaub. block 1, Sept. 22-- C. Meyer to E. M. Kempe... .- Wlnnetka L. A. sub., part block 4, n. w. %, 20, 42, 13, Sept. 21--1. C.Wood to R. W. Bell. Wlnnetka L. A. sub., part block 4, 30, 43. 13, Sept. 21--I. C. Wood to H. H. Dallas.........L500 OuUmette reservation. S. 8ec. Smith sob, lot 3. block 3, psrt lots 2445, Attg. 27 (Incum- brance, $500)--E. S. Relder to O. C. Sleeper....... -- •••*" Wilmette, tot 3, block"*, reaub- division block 2. etc., Sept. 21 fincombrance, $2,500)--H. H. Curttc to *. D. Wrenn... _ Kathcrine Schuster. CORRECT TONGUE ACT! V4TV jtesaace fairly takes away what cour- TRtrtE-SAStS-OF-SPBEOH -4 sge he msy think he hss. AND SONG. Crudities of utterance canaed by mental negligence, nervousness, or physical inefficiency can be overcome by the diligent mastery of the prin- jhsve been tryln& to find the nrinci-j^j^igit^:-i^Om,-SUOeigh 1175! P,cs underlying the reliable control of ! power In the human voice. i The entire vocal apparatus is more 1,500 j or less closely connected with . the tongue. This organ is, in truth, the managing lever, which, whan correct- ly moved, will insure the right use of the coordinating and co-operating parts of the larynx, pharnyx, pslate, all resonance chambers, and it will -*BjBf >wj-sr»rw l The Russell Quartet gave ah entire program before the Community club of Elmhurat. They were assisted by Jerome Levy, 'cellist. They were well received and expect a return engage- ment during the season. 10 5.700 M-USfCALTlstRVfeia IM N«»R FUTURE.' The choir of the Methodist Epia. copal church, now under the dlrectton oTTST. C. W. Edwards, director of the Illinois College of Muslc^of Chicago, ht- to Slve some etoborate maslcSi service* in the near tmnre. They are preparing the; cantata. "Faith sad KSL» by John E. WesL fer an e^rei^kten-and wUl give Urn can- tahif -Star of the Bast" Christmas Several tsnor and *">•*•• •? awhi and the directorj'^w «; ctel adrantagea to voices capawe oi solo and ansrtet work. Rehearssi gatnrday evening. ANNOUNCEM ENT. ■ Owing to the European trouble. Mr. George W. Jenkins, the noted Welsh tenor of Paris, France, has opened s' plness, no mstter how much luxury It also regulate the response from the studio suite, 30$ Kimball hall, Chicago, bring* at the moment. The story of diaphragm thus bringing into action Mr. Jenkins comes to America well the young couple, living **rn sm^nww^O^ Thlsjronderfnl *ew »eience of Lyr-, m umtamn aea« Itoresjki and Frank lc Diction seems to be able to solve KIng cj,,^, all problems of tone and speech. which graft brings to the home and with the searing-invective with which the author has clothed his document. Had Eugene Walter written-notli- ~ ing after "Paid to. Full*' and •ThajqCWCliAL MERCHANDISE Easiest Way," his place wonld have been secure among American drama- tists. He has, however. In "Fine Feathers" given na a further insight Into hla abtlity, and gives na thia latest development of hi* ripening talent as a St study of what the Amer- ican drams Is and should be. • in this play he gives us in Jane Reynolds an eloquent sermon for a large class of the American women of today. The ptoy is built upon the premise that graft ia futile aa a means to hap- Classified Business List JEwaLERS GROCERIES Fine fruits--in and out of SSu son--always form ft part of onr large stock of Select and Fancy 1, Groceries. Raker's Steel Cut Coffee Is Good. QEO. B. WIN TIB It! AUGUST RODELIUS .! Successor to Rodtllus A Rosen. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watch** ■ and clocks. Many years* experi- : ence with beat known Chicago ; houses. Phone 2*32. 327 Osvls Street acssasnss* MEN'S WEAR Nothing is of greater value to the educated public than the quality of atterance. ^jost ftink of- being isMe to make VICTORIA THEATER. The cultured and cosmopolitan na- ture Of Ottr theater-going public I* cer- tain to guarantee a ready patronage to sny amusement event; of such Quality and not Qusntity--the host for the1 money--Is our i*0t> to. Our large stock of groceries it always select, and P«sh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. * every Word understood Wlthont rope- -irMMi ;M «F|M ireftthers," the toteat tltion. In a tone that is beautifully re*- j American drama, which H. H. Frasee present here at the Victoria the-, seldom ft competent penile speak- a r, week commencing Sunday mfttf«°» Ulion, rn » *m~«.«w»s:m--~--------',----- wosrwsa <"■'"•- w««v» •« --. *.---- i^____^_~^-«^_ \„,,irv tt wttt hrlnr ensnt The ontln^y nun or woman .m P^tjiereftt^ Is seldom a competent pnbllc speak ater. week commencing Sunday mat-1,,^^,*,^ whmt »s_ h»v» mk sr or elBger. Not becaime be I* ^V^-slsto tjsWr whtet Wsf Pro-j"•^ **"*• "•*•.'• -ow» lJ0 ,0"B »• intelligent enough„for the demands j ^^ ^ f^^ m Auf0st, itl3. re- ,«J,«> **»" the occasion, but simply because ni0jned there until Christmss. and Island, paying for n bungalow on the Installment plan, all on a salary of 125 a week. Is dsepened Into tragedy when a college friend, now become wealthy s* » contractor, offers ,ft^ bonos of $40,000 If the husband wttl i . paaa upon an Inferior grade of ce-jA. »» VAH » V ** ment in the building of a dam. After ^^^^^^^^^ rebuking his frienif. the husband -'ts j-SH finally persuaded hy-hte-Jfflfer who be- lieves In the scheme, her belief, how- over, being superinduced by the Ctotnes Ready Made-Ctothoa to Order. Packard Shoes for Mas. Sorosis Shoes for LadR? f«A Cnlldron. GsnUsman'a Faiato* ing Goods. HAYES Kssmtsmatmi. HAYES & HOTELS 411 WlrisgCsarsstted Electric Shop KAIBT A. WITkOWSBT THE AVENUE HO Sunday Dinner s Spsetolty. 1 h> 3:30 P. at tIMt ansa of ordinary eonversattonsl speech la ao then startled Mew York theatergoers Inadequate that the presentation of foff tho balance-of the season with these condition* ia public (solo) **>' its virile picture of the tragedy Hsrry L. Mintnrn. Evsnston* fa- vorite actor, will head the exception •fly strong oast playing Fin* Festh*rs. WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS CHAB. B. WALLACE. Asm 1 teal OinssiiaAvw Ts*. Rsaai

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