THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0.1M4. NORTHWESTERN ELEVEN LACKS PEPJD_FI6HT Purple Team Put Up a List- less Exhibition Against Lake Forest College {?* Saturday. PREPARE FOR CHICAGO p Coach Murphy Can Inject .Fighting Spirit into Play- ers7Teaih Has ChanceT" Northwestern failed to make good t the eyes of football fans Saturday when the purple scored but'seven po«nt3 on Lake Forest. The "pep" and fight which Coach Murphy was supposed to have Instilled into the eleven was lacking. The line charged slowly and high, often being boxed b> the men from the north shore town; Hie backs, though naturally fast, did p ;get off quickly enough and ap- parently were willing to fall when tackled, Instead of fighting for a few more yards. "The ends appeared weak, and often-were cfa'cled^-fer--teng dis- tances by fake formations. J|The calltngof time by the Lake For- est coach near the close of the game, in order to substitute a player, alone saved the purple from being scored on and the score tied. A forward pass was successfully caught and a Lake Forest man fell ovor the line for a touchdown, but was called back be- cause the whistle had blown before the play had started. An offside play Immediately after- 4hl3 robbed the Presbyterians of a chance to score and Full-back Grasctt punted out of. danger just as time was called. Old Not Show Hi* Hand. M$t is a known tact that Coach Mur- phy did not intend to show his hand in t lie game Saturday, but the close- ness of the score would lead one to believe that the purple would have ■cored another touchdown if it had been possible. Had the team been Ued or beaten by Lake Forest Satur- day the eleven would be practically ^-disgrace the rest of the year, even though they should be successful in their future games. Even an ardent Northwestern fan can find little in the way of encouragement in the flaying of the Methodists. The mate- rial seems to be there, but the fighting Spirit is lacking. ^ JCoach Murphy has just five days to inject ginger and pep into his men. Unless they show some of the bull dog lighting qualities of Yale elevens by next Saturday Chicago will run through them, over them and around them. Everybody la Eyanfton and ^lvery"graduaTe of Northwestern will lock; bead Ha--man. Johnson; Held judge, Pattisoa. The Foster Field Speed Boys foot ball eleven defeated the Wesley Ath letlc club of Chicago at Foster field playground yesterday afternoon 9 too HAO CLOSE GAME. The Washington Park football eleven defeated the lightning Athletic club of Haywood on the Evanston field, Main street and Ashland avenue, yesterday afternoon. T to ft. In the second quarter, after Nolan, the Chi cage full back, bad scored one touch down, left half back Digree of the lo- cal team tore a hole through the May- wood line and ran forty yards before he was tackled one yard from the goal line. The next down he carried the pigskin over the line. Digree also kicked goal. The lineup: _____ • Wsbingt'n Pk. (7) Lightning A. C. (6) R.EL ......BostonLE........Hopp It.T. .....ReddingL.T. ... ..Purdon K.G. ...... Barren L.O. .,.....Louis C. ........JohnsonC........WiUisch L.O. ........DeanR.G. .....Muskln L.T..R. W. Jo'ns'nR.T. ........Levy L.E. .... Anderson R. E.......Eppert Q.H..Moore, Olson Q. B........Nolan B.H.B. -. .Carlson L^HJB^ ^Stanaer L.H.B. ___DigreeR.H.B. ..Reading F. B..........May F. B. Nattie, Nel'sn Touchdowns--Nolan, Digree. Goal from touchdown--Digree. Washington Park 0 7 0 0--7 Lightning A. C. 6 0 0 0--« Referee: Laurence Hebson; um- pire, G. C. Gourdeau; head linesman, Edward Zortt. CATHOLIC LEAGUE IN f IffST 31SSION North Shore Organization Hold Season's First Meet- ing in Winnetka. The North Shore Catholic Woman's league and auxiliary began their year with a reception at the Winnetka Woman's club. The hostesses were Mrs. Mary FitzGibbons of Wilmette and Mrs. C. G. Darling oFfstrtbard Woods. Ihe-pourers Were Mrs. L. W. Crush. Mrs. Geo. Sunderland, Miss Frances Flaherty and Mrs. Mary Fitz- Gibbons. The president. Mrs. T. N. C. Fitz- Gerald, explained the work and aim of the league and presented Miss Mar- garita Madden, 3816 Pine Grove ave- nue, Chicago, a talented young vocal- ist, who, accompanied by Miss Irene Noelle, graciously rendered an inter- esting program. Mrs. L. W. Crush, vice-president of the Roger's Park Catholic Woman's club, and Mrs. Robt. H. McColL presi- dent of the Evanston Catholic Wom- an's club, gave interesting talks per- taining to the work of their clubs, and Mrs. M. IT. Lieber, president of the Winnetka Woman's Hub, spoke and complimented the league upon its mot- to, "For God, Our HomeB and Human- ity." The league extends from Evanston to the state line north. The next meeting will be held October 8. puU hard for a purple ulctoiy uu Stugg »■ they >nl«ht be> Aud lllult> ^~a~decTfr field. Should *hl» 1n*al «»«vnn eo in ed echo from the walls. Some tlzce the local eleven go in aud play and fight for all that Is in them, no one will complain, even shculd they be beaten and beaten badly. But should they put up such a listless exhibition as they did Sat- urday,-^tt_Jvill be "good night" for most of the fans. k Had Advantage in Training. The team the purple went against Saturday had been training since Sept. I. Northwestern, owing to a confer ence ruling, could not commence prac- tice?1 until Sept. 22. This has given 'iHurphy-■ but" » *** days to get ac- quainted with his material. The con- test Saturday was nothing but a prac- tice game, In the coach's opinion, ond tie made no attempt to run up a score, merely wanting to get an idea |i to what bis individual players are capable of doing. Beginning today he will start in to perfect a scoring machine. Murphy has the ability to do this if he has the material. Some of the rooters be- lieve the players have the stuff. If they have, Murphy will be the first to know it. If the players are as good in some of the students maintain there is a possibility that Mr. Alonzo A. Stagg may get one of the bigge3t surprises of bis life Saturday after- noon next. North Ends Win. The North Ends, an amateur foot ball team managed by C. L. Pattisoa, Wanted to Know Hit Fate. Of the criminal court, London, the acoustic properties are not so perfect WILSON AVENUE THEATER. Guerre the vtaQa virtuoso who wm Hs Lost the wfuajsr. A man who prided himself on a won- derful imagination that could conceive appear with Mile. Carmen In a hlgh- tbe biggest lies on record ones made a clasB instrumental act at the Wilson wager that be could tell n greater Avenue theater, has studied abroad falsehood than any man 'n the town wlth tbe foremost pedagogues, has where be resided. The stakes being be€n conCert master with some of the deposited, he proclaimed that hs once oeat orche8tras to Austria and Ger- threw * nail with such force that It,,^ a8 weU M a viollxa soloist of pierced tbe moon. "Aye. that Is tmn,"j yen©*,. Leaving the schools of Pro* exclaimed another man. 1 saw him fe8gor8 Sucuy and Sevclk. he was re- turning to America, Walter Damrosch tried to engage Mr. Guerro for the Near York Symphony orchestra, which declined with thanks as the do it. for I stood on the other side and caught the nail" Hia Complaint. "What's the matter?" asked the Sympathetic motorist, as he halted where a pedestrian had broken down. "Tire trouble," replied the tramp, who was. indeed, our old friend. Weary Willie._____________________________ ceived at once Into musical circles of the Continent as a soloist and a con- cert master In most of the large musicals of Europe. He baa refused many flattering offers in order to con- tinue in American vaudeville, among his many inducements being tbe posi- tion of concertmasttr and soloist for Zoppot. Prussia, also of the Phil- harmonic orchestra in Kelt. After re- vaudeville stage was more to Guerro Stiuejlsd In Vain. She--Tell mo of your early strug- gles." He--There's not much to teU. The harder I struggled, the more the Old m«u uid ii oa."-5wioa Trw »e*tpL - Talking Machines French, Germ**, Italian mud Spanish Language Outfits Wimnrtkm »93W,or intral 3S07. JAMES I.UWM5 itsl lata Sfrttf. OKAfI Nothing too larfc or too small for HILL © EDMONDS Funeral Directors isir Automobile Service II OeSBVQ m E.VAN3TGN {ypeiius; nogm I Subscribe for The Lake Shore News ago Judge Itentoul eentenced a pris- oner to six months' hard labor. When the judgment was passed "Six months* hard labor" was echoed from the back of the court. The prisoner turned to the warder by his side and inquired anxiously: "Are these sentences to run concurrently?" Make Ouf Own Troubles. "Wo talk so much and we think ao much of the trouble we hove with others that we tnoro than half persuade ourselves that if everybody else were Just right wo could got on easily in life; but the fact is that moro than half of our troubles with others grow out of our own faults and failures, and are'not due to the faults or failures of other people at all." Why? Well, why does a "shoemaker's child never have shoes?" Why does the average architect live In an ugly and poorly planned home? Why does the modish dressmaker usually look dowdy? Why Is the lecturer on the "Duties of a Mother" always a spin- ster? Lesser fcvi.. The millionaire had been dead six months, and those months had been mighty busy ones for the heirs, what with will contests, law suits, family „"bIHi claims the championship of the J quarrels, etc. One day one of the central states, crushed the Chicago boys said bitterly: "Tbis infernal mix- Ail Stars yesterday- afteraoenr^SS^o JTrp^TrtmosTTnakefl me wish father 0. The game was played in the North ! hadn't died." End field at the end of the car line. The jChlcago squad isxomposed most- ly of ex-college players. Touchdowns were made by Hanna, Gobs, Johnson anil Bates. Johnson also kicked one goal. The North End lineup:_____._ Henna, r. e.; Whitlock. r. t ; Meyer,! r. g.; Battaglia, c; Wheeler, I. g.; Bottles Airtight. palm, t: Enflihy. ».e-" Hoskin.TTh. p.; noaar r. h. b^ J!BubjBr„ Jnhnson, Q^ ~b.; Miller, f. b, - Substitutes: Zopel for Wheeler. Shuett for Pabn, Bates for Shuett. Kueble for Battaglia, Bassett for Hos- Corks may b6 made to seal catsup airtight, If they are slightly larger than tops of bottles they should bo boiled in clear water for 20 minutes; this decreases their size, says the St Louis Star.- Insert to mouths of bot- tles while hot; they will expand In cooling, and in this way-wSl inake | perfectly air-tight stoppers. New Number on Clock. Donald, not quite sis, is just learn- ing to tell the time. The other day he wis playing In the room where the clock is and his mother in an ad- ? PURE DRUGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Purest Horchound Drops, lb.... .25c Absorbent Cotton, lb.------.......37c S.S.S. Blood Purifier, $1 coze... .69c Horlick's Malted Milk, $1 size. 79c Elixir Iron, Quinine and Strychnine -40c Prescriptiona accurately compounded by a capable pharmacist Guaranteed Enamel Douche Can 89c -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING' Attractive St newest models for fall and Basque and redingote style, winter wear, materials are of) fine cheviot and poplin, yoke e1 skirts, white satin and silk poplin collar cuffs, wide black satin girdle, women's an misses' sizes.................... Smart Fall and All wool serge, cheviot and novelty mixtures, in redingote effect, half lined with be^tt quality satin, yoke effect skirt, velvet collar, cuffs and belt, v/omen's and misses' sizes........ Charming New Waists WAISTS, dainty, clever models, in voiles, lingeries and lawns, prettily trimmed with fine lace, insertion and embroidery, low neck, Jong sleeves, ^ ££Cmany attractive I f3a^~ models to select from * • ^^%^ WOMEN'S SHORT PETTI- COATS, of good quality tennis flannel, in plain white, r*%/"\^ blue and pink, also y/v|C neat stripes..........mmw%»s v WOMEN'S KAYSER GLOVES, in chamoisette, the washable kind, in white, black /m± m* and natural, 2-clasp S^^C style, in all sizes.......Aev %-/%»* Better Looking Hats at Lower Prices You'll find lots of them in our millinery department, scarcely two alike. We're confident you'll be sur- prised at the unusual values. SPECIAL--Beautiful velvet shapes for the hpme milliner, *p ^C SPECIAL SALE OF ' II Every Afternoon This Week from 2 to 6 Flannel, soft nap, regular 12^ quality, a yard at.. No phone, mail or C. O. D. orders. None sold to children. Remember this sale will occur every^afternoon this week. ■'•:;.....'A, - We have just received a shipment of comforters made up accord- ing to our orders. They are exceptionally fluffy--filled with fine batting--covered with sateen and chally. The prices are lower than what you have paid for much inferior grades. A FINE LOT OF COM- FORTERSycover^d with mer- cerized percales, filled with soft batting, beautiful designs, COMFORTERS, extra large size, covered with best auality yard wide chally, lined with genuine turkey red calico. A special bargain, f\ ^f for...... ...........m&3m size 73x82, very fluffy. *} QQ Special, for...........£a57*X • Better qualities for $3.29 and $3.98 BIaiikets*roO EXTRA LARGE SIZE SINGLE BLANKETS, heavy near-wool, dou- ble fleeced. Special, for.................... 79c HEAVY DOUBLE NEAR-WOOL BLANKETS, in grey and tan, large size. Special... 1.79 11-4 FULL SIZE WOOL BLAN- KETS, in neat checks, made of l&mbsdown. A big bargain, for......... m FOUR POUND BED PILLOWS, made of heavy German ticking, fancy patterns, filled with genuine crushed feathers. Special, for............ The Lowest Prices on Meats of High Quality HAMS--Swift's Premium or Armour's Star, lb.....,19 Vic at. Native Pot Roast Beef, lb.........W/2c Native Shoulder Steak, lb..........17</2c Native Sirlcin Steak, lb...........22' <>c Native Round Steak, lb..........v.. .21c Best Porterhouse Steak, lb.......... .28c Best Short or Club Steak, lb........ .25o Best Veal Steak, lb..................32c Native Flank Steak, lb...............18c Fancy Veal Chops, lb...............20c Fancy Lamb Chops, rib, lb., 25c; loin, lb..................... .....28c Native Shoulder Veal Roast, lb.....16'/2c Choice Veal Stew, lb..............13'/2c Morris & Co.'s Narrow Strips Bacon, lb...............................** 22'/2c_ Bacon, sliced by machine, !b..........28c Armour's Star Bacon, 4 to 6 lb. average, lb..........,,.... .v...............8756© Rest Pure Lard, 3 lbs. for............45c Snowdrift Shortening, No. 5 pall for 62c , Selected Georges Codfish Middles, lb. 18c ATmoiR*s Pure Lard, No. 3 pail for..48c Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, lb.22c Beat Little Pig Pork Sausages, lb.V..18e SATURDAY SPECIALS Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb. 20*40 Prime Rib Roast Beef, lb___18c and 20o Selected Spring Leg of Lamb, lb...18;/2c Hindquarter Spring Lamb, lb......18>£c Fancy Veal Leg or Loin......... ..19'/2c Calves' Liver, lb..............■......25c Beef Tenderloin, larded, lb....... FLOOR COVERINGS ' Touchdowns: Hanna. "Batc^ jB*w- son and Gosa. Goal from touchdown, --„ Johnson I Jolnln« room asked him what Umo It North Ends........U 6 S •-», wa*. He glanced at the ^ «« •» All Kara...........0 0 • <N- * j awered. "WelL mamma. It lieferee: Spragne; umpire, Bui- minutes past the keyhole." Get ready for the indoor months BRUSSELS RU G S, size 9x12, some splendid color- ings and deqij 14.50 in allover browri. AXMINSTER RUGS, size 9x12, latest patterns in me- dallion and panel -t q gr/l enacts. $25 value! cf.Ol/ AXMINSTER RUG3, size ^6x72, lon&aill^ nap, soft colors.. RAG CARPET, c wide^dark colors, 45C grade........ RA colors green, dark blue and brown.. 98c LINOLEUM, 60c grade, cork linoleum, a yards wide. Square yard........... 45c Attractive Specials in the Household Dept. WASH BOILER, Monroe Brand. No. 8 size, made of heavy block__tin^ extra hcavjr copper Twttom. sta- tionary wood handles. Regularly sold at; IMS, Extra--------- 171V special...... WA8H TUB, family size. extra heavy gaivamtea iron, stationary wood han- dles, wringer attachment $1.26 value. TO/» Special.........,... / iris TOILET PAPER, fine quality crepe, large 10c roll. Special, this sale, g per roll.................................DC 10 foils limit. EGQT*BEATER AND CREAM WHIP, genuine Rofc. rt Lightning Mixer, beats the white of an egg in 10 seconds, whips cream in one minute. Pint size, 39c, value... OQn Special ..........-----................. &zfC CURTAIN STRETCHER, made of basswood, nickelplated non-rustable brass piaa, center brace. Special............... 59c IRONING BOARDS, perfection, stands abso- lutely rigid, strong st< el braces, tested and approved by the Good Housekeeping *. g* -- !as»itate, $2 value. Special...........I 0*> CODPON OIL MOP--Triangle shape, gets in the corners, large site, padded to protect furniture. Cleans, polishes and dusts at the. same time, oiled, rezdy for use, with 5 4-inch dc- IC IRONS, 6% lb. size, extra heavy nickel- plat ed, large, evenly dis- trfbuied' heating" black enamel wood han- dle, detachable plug, e ft. cord, socket attachment, double seek stand, guaran- teed for 10 yean. Regular price, $3.50. Extra special. No Phiw or Mail Orders Filled 'STLJE8S DtrtTCLOTH, large size, does'not soil, leaves : no lint. Regular 25c kind. Snecial... .1f 1.98 C AS SE ROLES, nickel- l dish. 59c proof brown baking dish. special, this sale only. r,..........