mrHMfal KIWI, rnuAT. CUCTOBER 30, 914. that they wfll have bat fbree. V That the democratic party is at tempting to auto* the ftrmfng ofwrfhra sat* of shore the* of party is evident bat fa s»«te^rf-ta«ircoBtentlon Owe "a vots ^■•r oar CMiaTilifii la a. vote far Wii- i :'aea," die election of a republican house would mean nothing more or less than a repudiation of' the entire The ! which every voter to the polls TWsvambor 3r fa. "Has the democratic ______________________:___________J party kept the faith; has it Mia pledges?" If, upon inv« with a Jarfty aa ha thinks. Bat a prophecy to be convincing must bear soma re- ost events. Tiara must be advanced to autheaticate the prediction. And that is just what Mr, lack, foundation m fact. Two years ago the party to which ilr. Robins now belongs was bora. Into its strength was poured the com- pelling personality of its leader, Theo- What was It able to From How on--the it should be found that the democratic party has "kept the faith," it would bo a ransuflua on American eirizen- dgpijoreiaawtn mint Its approval by Cjdtmi st»tm senator to Washington. erecting a House which will be la synv io in niinofs even with aiS the aiowr of reseat conversion? ft couldn't even carry the state for its leader himself! ft wasn't able to elect its candidate tor g«»armMP_R_grfi»«i r« aaaa" » batby with the chief executive, there- by iiphaWlbg lifa bauds by this vote of" confidence, bat, if, on the other hand, ■ it is foasd that they nave not fulfilled their pledges, they should be taught that the taxpayers expect **thm prom- tees mad* them to he kept and that - ft vaeiUating, procrastinating policy j arm BOt be tolerated. The platform adopted by the Balti- more cuavanUon hi mi demanded -a And ail in spite of the fact that Roosevelt was present in the game, working for his own success and after that for the life and being: of his party. Failing in 1913 to score success in iu "»T»<gn endeavors, what basis Is there for expectancy of a happy issue for the Progressive party in 1314? Not the least in the world, aa will' be demonstrated when the speed-regarding guides, we did away with them when we invented the famous Victor Donhfe Beai ing, Double Wearing Typebars. Trie Victor type bars strike with a quick, re- bounding stroke. Result: sharp, clean-cut impressions, and t»he figbesL and most respon- sive Loach of any type- election retnras show Mrr Kotrtns to T*tettt5lB5S HmfOtMr and economy Umn ron fMet mad w a ^^^^ which befits » democratic govern- meat, and a reduction in the number; of useless o«ne*: the salaries of which _ drain the substance of the 060010." ■This kiu«»» Of Una cimfcoiiuu after i excoriating the "billion dollar con- gress** (republican congress of ISwf-; «Pj denounced "the profligate waste of eh* money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation through the lavish opprearlittans of recent «,f^»>' aractfcallr guarantees Sullivan's suc- Bcaa 1 imgi ■iibih which have kept ce3a taere_ txxes high and reduced the purchasing ! On the other hand, Lawrence V. power of the people's toil/* In spite of {• ,________ „ ■ -;■ Sherman is immensely popular in the those sominrlnHoan the soorooria «»<» »» «. vv v ^^^^^ districts. People there ttenaof tlmpreaarteoagrens footing ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ from the current iaaae of the 3*brt» ^IJf^<«^iB**Jz^ TJmy Amoricxm Review* -aggregate t**-- ^ imvt^md aemoaat7 at ^ g**--' ~ * •"•*■*«"* «** wtth Mr. Robins' protestations of vir- largest-ever recorded. e^eoomg even ^ ^ ftermilj-c interests like but that of the preceding congress *l<Bu*Jto_M^&JLJ*^-.%S3Z£Jto- good third. Robins' campaign, however. wiU have one affirmative result It will almost certainly give Chicago to Soger Sullivan. Whereas the immense pop- ularity of Lawrence T. Sherman might have' bees able to overcome the nat- urally Democratic tendency of Chi- cago, the split which- Raymond Robin,* vrflfc make- in--the- Republican vote TJT1CTOR, TYPEWRITER Wkw tram*, ene av- rnwciHi. cjrma. 20.1 south otAgaoaa st»kt CHICAGO VOTE FOR Marabou Capes Large, foil, fluffy Marabou pieces, made of se- lected feathers. Very popular for fall wear. Marabou Cape--seven strands, brown, s^k tas- .....................:v^„$3l50 Combination Marabou and Ostrich Cape, four strands of Marabou, three strands curled Ostrich.........$5.06 Cape of extra lieavyfcrown Marabou, nine strands, veryfujL^^^. ^JKLfllL "Sum Ostrich NeTk^feuff, in browns...................... $2.50 Pufl Ostrich Ruff, for evening wearT in bhie and white, pink and white and blaek and white, ten inch tassef. Price *.......................$5.00 Marabou and Combination Muffs. Wirthmor Waists These Waists are only one dollar, but they look h'ke^they*re worth mucftmore And, in fact, judged by usual Waist .standards, they are. They possess all that you would expect to find in higher priced models; good style, refinement, character. These Wirthmor Waists are sold here ex- clusively, and nowhere else can such splendid Waists be obtained at so small a price. Four New Models on sale every Saturday morning. Price............$1.00 Women's and Children's Hosiery EIFFEL FIBER SILK HOSE--double sole, heel, toe, with heavy lisle tops, seamless foot. All sizes in Black and White. Special, pair........... 25c LORD'S SPECIAL WAYNE KNIT LISLE HOSE, Fash- toned foot with blue tops. Made of Wayne Indestructible cot- tcn yam. Will wear better than any oth s^ iottaa hcee^at-this price. j_PAJESJMJL IXfor 1.25 CHILDREN'S EIFFEL OR PONY Fashioned foot, double heels, tecs, soies. knees. Satisfaction guaranteed, pair .. . HOSE, Seamless or 25c & 35c EMBROIDERED BOOT SILK HOSE--Double sole, heel. toe and wide double garter top. Black. q g~ White, Gray. Pair.................................if DC Waynew Foot, made of pure dye silk--A splendid silk stock- ing. Black and White. The best we have ever offered at, pair. .. .-. ..:,...., ,;^ .-.... ---l m\JxJ • •■ -- Mill Run of S1.50 and $1.00 Silk Hose. Black, White and Coi- brs. all si*e* Execptiffnat-----------■--------------------------- values. Pair 79c The Corset of Fashion and Health--Warner's ADAM WOLF HPf!fctL:AM CANDIUAXE FOR MEMBER OF THE repreaeat ttem in the Caited State* BOARD OF ASSESSORS senate. _ Th*»y failed to go after Uxe Tlw fo«o»m* «•(<« atu»ma*?radon*.i rnd the -*ato aa«rHMr aaftaClKca «f M» ,^ of u^ Pwgrwalve party In "^^J^To^S^^S^, 1902 ^a««ale'&tjeaterattaev«ryUme;1*t, win they be likely to (all in f°^p^$,%^^TF^,Zi ~l|»re thao»ffeirty anHHoa dollars ♦o3et#»» office*' have been abolisheo trhea the effect of reduced profits and facemea la aasat ■e^erely felt -- Whether or sot the president is en- -in t^ popular idol of roe yeara ago? tfrciy reepcaaibte for thi* tft-a <»**- We think they wttl not. '-fee-feas-ever-triad to check r--What will happen, then, im^acsvcnp ■■--iI ainlitr in politic oAca:* thooW be rveoc^ worship ne* that they have had time .&.« Md property anpr*Ba.-*<i. tsm Mpabikn P«rt7 is tlw GooBtr has fuUownl the csrctiwnt- tn coaatder the probability of clay feet sbi* «pttey of eaatnraimr in »Acc tmt own who kanrV ■HHlfiiliml neortfp far sf DM tUaec Wolf and W«her ha.« mad* for th«n- •alvaa enviabfai iwardi on th» Hm'liiin Beard. Taa p--phi of Cnteaga <nm tt ta tin »i--Knii t« m- ■elect them G«issff^D«ilv-?8««sr?<NT^3f*rSSe2 It smae ba qkwfnaa to erery roter that it wouM be unwise n i ■■»»■ men «f proead ataaaa and experirnee from taa reapproibU poettforu. nl la. aot caaae to light aad the appro- SnBlvan tfll carry CHicago, pertapa ^SZJSS^^^o^^S^ tike voracity of hi* followers the fact her 3? Jest this: __^JFor women and eliadFeH, are absoiutefy guanm^ teed to give^perfect satisfaction. BeantifuIIy made of strong elastic cotton or wooL Special Union Suits for S1.00 In all shapes, large, full sizes, 4,5, & 7,8,9, large enough for any one. Misses' Union Suits Half low neck with el- fbow or long sleeves, ankle length. Sizes up jj to 10 years^^^.... ,59c ' W to 14 years..... .75c Come in all shaoes and priatioaa recommended wkh hia -aac-^ 9^, thotwaad majority. Fherman *gjf^ tica esceed those ever hetoro ««*-]wfitt overcome this gain by his heavy J£^^™™J*.^ScSS^SM are Specially Well made. "tittejL--------------•■ m« fmrn the booth and central Darts mhthnemmmmwifmw^rT^Y^tm'wsmm:9tr~ v«of«m «n**Otrth--M-Higffrfi-t. ,-„„,., h n ..... t, tnlTTU ^aas Thia la bat one iastaace of th« dam- of the state safifclent !y to arte him vfe> ^^^m^h^^Zu^^mlJSSeJS^^ *~a Oj-uivmi tiris tew. They are Adam Wolf aad Wnv R. ABO KOOlna. Watew af taa aVakw af Aanatln. Taapconfe «f Caak Oeoatr aas*H*a aerrkan «f taaea awa te taa tory ea election day. rrsiic party's QAfalfllled pledgea. Taa of -coastitotioaal smead- Third pteee wilt bo his aad eefeat-his ) slagla term for presideat." pcrtion. Ctootio*. Nov. 3rd, 1P10 Womea Way veto For Thta Office Special Union Suits at Shell stitch finish. Reg- ular sizes......:...5$c Extra sizes--.... Gray fleeced, military neck, long sleeves, ankle 1 eiLg t $l^JS^ sturfy_garmeM_-Xj&-r boys. 2 to Id yearsV36c 10 to 14 years. 75c "Woman has entered an evolution and is beginning to seek perfect health just as keenly as Fashion"--we quote as* address from a learned doctor. The Corset of Fashion is. the Corset of Health--Warner's Riist-Proof Corset--And its aid in producing the deep chest, flat back and free, un- trammeled grace of perfect physical type is now admit- ted by all authorities. As a modest-priced corset, strong and serviceable for every- day wear, yet with pride of line worthy to "set off" your handsomest gown; we suggest Wurnct^s--------------- Rusi-Proof K$l lo$5 Styles for Evet% . Figure in Our Corset Department *3*e#-r5-s^~