Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1914, p. 2

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THE LAK» SHORE NEWS, FRID* 0, NOVEMBER 8 1914. ■i<i ii ' 3T SBSSS ial 'W *9 11 sm wumene WU**Ul*4Q {meet this afternoon at 1 o'clocfe to jj$w for the baiaar to be held on Tues-1 day afternoon and evening. Dec. 1. A moat attractive program was *1v- pn at the regular meeting of the Woman's club Wednesday afternoon. 3SS3E w'iimctfe Churches . b«a bee* made of served. An MJs* NeUte Prances and Mrs. J !:#&£&*** Baptist Church. c^tem»owoitii»lence tOWBIey«* street. Resl- ,! Frederick C. Little and her bro guests, Mi*. Louis Craig e*l a*jfl|j-:; ter. Miss Helen Craig. There *«**' four tables; *^ Mrs. Prank M. HWw «* Abbots-f ford road has as her guest this weekj an old schoolmate. Miss Bdward:; of 1 ttm„:' ...«• v w ...'Pit CTi I- Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mm f^^*,J*°*t °J very efficiently preaente* Ashland avenue,; Ifagewater. Mr. William Partner of k, „, intewretttlons were given ;■*»« r wood, son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar \\. j* ^ Dorotlby Meadows, and the!«:«• a- m- £»«*© od, 1421 Sheridan Youngqulst, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R lace c^ Wednesday Ayars and son, Mr. Stewart-.Aygaj of The ceremony was Evamrton. and Mr, and Mrs. A. C. wo# .at theJl«*l>odls^^aiaonage^«tatt^ Dr. abd^Mrs. Ira C. fJMnelWi and l KfccM Gale. Ml«s Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brooks of WO- wore a suit of peach-colored' mette. l, trimmed in Pitch fur, wlthj Mrs. Humphrey of Gregory avenue waist of lace trimmed in sil-, gave a small Hallowe'en party n*f bat wee n»ede-ef the ••»»• f urday evening for her little sen. -. ^*Umed, by Ceorge 1 ^wasjJ^jes ^j£^>*J| n^*™&+£ Tenth street. Bible school at j road has as her gees:this ^* M"; rphip at 11 a. m. i****1* Cr9i^ .*nd daughter. Miss Helen . lonpiace Life r» pebj^e sefv^ TiL»W «/th.Wrii nf director. Ite at C:15 win bejn charge of theftaitt „r thTw^eie wS. cluTwS Pa«*«r '.ho win'c&duet an ln»raHa- Helta sorority of Northwestern uai- Hi^„2?S?S«itM""* trton service for the new officers oi UprsHy at dittner Monday earning bl MonXy ?r«hfg. the Wilmettel the B Y R>u. seelf*. Evening aerV- Befief and M society HeK^sf meeting *•■** 7*£ *u****;f the pasters J»" at th.e Woman's club. if*rmon: -A Wife* Mistake." **"' Monday was ladies' day at the Ouii- Craig. of New York. Miss Chartotte Evtrefi wflljenter- twenty of the; Alpha Oaruniu d matched the rest of her cos- j On Saturday evening, Nov.U. there [m^ country club. A luncheon, pre* | «*'• 3 Mr. and, Mrs. Wood h*va re- will be "open house" at the O"1™** ;ceded tbe usual game of auction lilies. from, a short wedding trip and • Country club. Cards, billiards and ^^ Ladies* Aid society of the Con- wtth the bride's | dancing will be among «h« n*8"^ **'! rree;aUonal church will give their reg- next Friday in the There will be a sale _ until their own home in West tractions of the evening. On Frt<l»J';tttor iUDCheon Iworth has been completed. j and Saturday evenings, Nov. 2fl[-•{* i efcurch parlors. euUre membership of the North |£J. mef,nuaii^^jK*,Sr?!b* fa0c»r •rtlcIe-' <°iu>*«a by an eg- ,Gotf club, numbering one hnn-jsivco. for which elaborate prepare, j ^^ pngna land twenty five, was entertained «W*».be^ ***** ^ nlpl, of th. j The Tau Sigma Gamma girls will Bah dinner last Friday evening by i The Navah^CainpJfireOlrlaoi^«« UjTe && flrat d,nce Df the season " Wilmette Baptist church gave a man- *2rJ J2K.2 3 »«„„. t,«n rw., ♦*« i C Burnham and son. accom- '■ bj Miss Pattie Poresman, are | ning to spend the week-end on; the farm at Oregon, 11!., belonging to | Mr. and Mrs. E. Laughlin, Next Saturday evening tha. Asse:h- heanc of Mrs. J. D. Greig. SS5 «re«u- i bly hail will be in readiness for tb? wood avenue. Mrs^ Chas. L. Major; nrst annual charity ball, for. which Will have charge of the program, elaborate plans and preparations have The regular meeting of the Worn t's Mission society will be beM Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the [ INDEPENDENCE FN most transactions is not nec^ganjy. I^isv hotter to pajj. by checlj and thus have both a rccora and a receipt. CKejdMTon^ the WUmett* Ex«liaiigt1*** Bank are as good as cash. They clear through^ Chicago without exchange. A constantly growing bank, convenience and an advantage, you independent. pBrylJttStor.: The affair wasl^^^JS^SS^tSl "atTe!^fa ev*ftlB* at JonM' hgn <*** two W^^^^^^^^-^ Sv^°gua^!T ^nt^y »tum^n, Sov. liAl^^ t^vi^ ^J^^• Wilmette Woman's club will meet » dnl*duse. The committee In S!5w "^Wrt^i 8e«iSorth Doris i M**"1*^ afternoon. .,W* Annie D^(!^^^^egi^ch^; There will be a meeUng of the WU- Wtoan. and Mesdames B. G. Cal-!J'^1^1- , Si-Sin HaraSrei!,lwlto Woauak* Democratic league STEdward Mendsen, George Gar-l^^JS^^rJ^ SSS&l1^ Tue8day **Wg " *£ r. Barton E. Buckmaa and Frauk ^1 * «!!? L J ft*m.«nte. and ■•*!«'* »t,the home o! Mrs. Amos W. &£%^W*> soured f^ZX^ -venue. Th> toy memberof1^the committee or l^r *u*™' M'Xrie^Crabb, Gerda! P*0*™* wU1 *» the Brat o^ the sea door I , t? .' ,T V 1-JmHL uZiJr!*on planned by the Educational com " evening the Ouihsettel^^^n^Lv^1sareS^"*> *»* ™ <**« <* * "•»•*■* .^TLThold their third !^ «a^ g^^0^aWC^!Mrsf Ho,^ lb? party of the season at tliei8cau,tec "^ „"* f„irttt, «gJFbrm of Government." followed by a Ke^Veman's club. »"- ^a8r,e» 8an'ord ,2fI^/S ir<iHnd table «iscus.Ion. Elolse Bedlan was bflstess at Washington avenue, is entertainIhg at 1 The meeting of the Parents' club luncheon today. it^ld last Monday afternoon at the This afternoon and. evening at the; l^j^ ^.j,^ was exceedingly well at- bomc of Mrs. CharleB E. Lprd. Jl»j tended. The "Montessori Methods.'nr Central avenue, a hand-painted chtoa ^^ ^ loctA interest, was discussed *3le will bevconducted by Mrs. Rose \M Mr .jeW^R .Harper .superintendent Jewel, of Chicago. The proceeds wiU of (he WHmette public schools, com- be given over to charity. j parjson» being made between that sys Subject: "Mornooglaxn as a Life." The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Nov. ii, will be held at the been made. About 200 guests are ex pected. Mr. Joseph. H. Long, for thirteen! home of Dr. and Mrs. Segsworth, 114? j years manager of the WHmette office WHmette avenue. ' of McGuire ds On, has opened an Coneregetienal Church. "*" j office in room .611, 82 West Washl _ s-4S snnHav-char' ----**• j ton street, under the firm name ofv>»»»»t»g#ta»>eg»>i4»iae»>MgM>W»y ii-tfflSsln^s^sis^isss ixzzJS&B&er- and Michigan farm lands. , The Commonwealth clas% *dn-!" Mr. Walter D. Moody, massing, nounces Mr. Eugene T. Lies, general director of the Chicago Plan canunls. I United! sion, made a most interesting '■•It: . Morning scrwe. tlanlti," .. ^ superintendent of the Chicago I" Charities. He w|ll spoak on ^TThe I P^bv-' drc»o before the member* pi r of a Great tof?/* Air frlfehus"of 1 Neighbors yesterday aftermwa. hi'aM urged to^De'lpTes- subject being. "The New Plan of Chi-.J: Chicago's poor al cage'* An interesting feature of the) Hfgllowe'en luncheon Saturday after noon at her home. 711 Washington avenue, in honor of Bliss Agnes Knight of Coventry, Eng. Covers were laid for ten. all, or the guests being ad- vanced pupils In. the Columbia School of Murfic. Following the luncheon a most attractive musical prograu* wasi ^j^ggggr-- "~*~^-i;^J -e^niwly-t? Idered by the girls themselves; The »e home of Mrs. James SuUivan., whoo,8< Ap additional feature of the Scs Dorothy McCauley and Vevllla |«18 Wi,meJttc a^Ue:^°W*!° Tj ! P«>Sf»«n *as a piano recital by Miss Krove were among the guests. *>: her niany friends. Among the j0^e a?u|er of Chicago. e Archang Athletic club gave an j do«ts was Mr. H. D. Mueller of oak j ^^j ^^ AlvislQti of the wiimette irmal Hallowe'en dance Saturday j V*rU, formerly of Wiimette. ; Methodist church held their regular ning at Brown hall: Decorations |, Little Miss Evelyn Segsworth of monthly luncheon yestorday in the ;oJd corn-stalks, lanterns, pumpkins,; iJ4T Wiimette avenue entertained her; church parlors. A pheasant surprise was ajven^atj^^. ^ tIie one _ow ,n use in tne etcw made the hall look very attrac- tive. There were about twenty couples present. A unique Hallowe'en party was ren last Friday evening at the home #+»e»MteMa*»Mt»*e»e»ef» of Hiss Prances Cutler, 1001 Lake a ve. ^ l«Aib of girl friends latftPritfriy a'ter- ] Mre. Albert \V. Hawkes. 714 Central boon with a Hallowe'en party, the j evenue, will entertain the Tuesday occasion belng-her eleventh birthday. J Luncheon and Bridge club at her home next Tuesday. WUntette Societies and Clubs "PATCHWORK GIRL OF OZ." Next Monday- and Tuesday, the \\ "Patchwork Girl of Ox" will be shown {at the Village theater. This Is another. of the famous "Paramount" pictures. ♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦•♦IddiiBlJ-tdddnd ."rough sal nue, by tlie "Kewpie Clan." One half of the young ladies dressed as boys, 'evening dress, and the other half in evening gowns of the very latest design, The home was most artistical- ly eecorated in the usual festive way. Those who attended were the Misses Maxjprie Braun, Frances Cutler,"Julia tetee, Elizabeth Balrd. Helen and ^r: crescent circle held a me^tbg *««! «by Butz. Le« Eldridge. Virginia.^ the rCBidenCe of Mrs. Herbert W. V- »■ istance, Kieanor Nichols. W!nni-; CaIdwe„ 930 UndeII avenue. Rheingold, Sarah •Gallagher, Mn A Q pnat 509 Central ave- her Cohen and Norma McMillan. -u entertained the Friday Luncheon 1, William. ^-Braun entertained an(J ^& ^ ^ hfer ho^ ^ Mrs. W. J. King entertained the Comanche Card club Tuesday ^at her home, 011 Forest avenue. On Thursday, the 12th. "Soldiers of Fortune" will be shown at the V\'il- r.iette theater. This picture was taken with, the aid, and co-operation of the navy and Cuban army. Dustin Fs.rnum appears in the leading role. about thirty guests "at her home, 807 Central avenue, Saturday evening, for her son, George. Mrs. Roy Thompson, 515 Washing- ton-avenue, gave a very delightful Hallowe'en party for her little son, Judd, and her daughter, Elizabeth, in the, woods near their home. Saturday afternoon. Large Japanese lanterns pud c§rved pumpkin.B _ja(ade-_.the ^weody spot" oxcoodIng4y-aHracttveT Ep> iurch met ,ast evening at The guests who were entertained In- ^ ^ houge * eluded Helen Dickinson. Harriet ^ JoQe6 ^ WagWngton ave.; Wp«on, Ethel Wray, Margaret and - was hostefjs fie TiiUrMa club Catherine Smurr, Margaret McCue. 'Bud" Spinney, Ed* EUGENE LIBS TO SPEAK HERE. Eugene P. Lies, superintendents of the United Charities of Chicago, will V'GCk ' Tlie HohWMissionar, soclety*of ih*]#&&& ^-•7"^^^ Methodist church h^mi&W^ 1^^%^^^°^^ noon at the home of Mrs. C. G. Smith. I "5nft""tmchur,C1hB S2JS?S!£ ■ill W Greenwood avenue. f J 5 * ^ ^**£*JW be The Mrs. Charles H. Smith, 910 Forest I ^^M a Qre<tt Ci*" avenue, enlertalned her Tuesday i"* Luncheon and" Bridge club at "her I home this week. ] Tip EaaSBngylluh nfiat. AiiaiiBline's' Y. PS. C. si "Getting"-Out of j address was the use of,thestereoptt A metal worker would like to get into communication with others who' e»t. e.i5. Ruts, and Keeping put" Leader, Miss; con iu Hluitr^ting various poinf( Alice WafsoBi; ','7T~ "^ '-- ItheT dl^ussTcn,, Wednesday, 10 a. m. Ladies' Bible i class; 8 p. m/ "The Religion, of Car- lyle" . -tafcVand W«1& avenues T K *'«* oh leather, wood, pottery, chimed W^^^^n^^^SL'^^ colors, weaving or heedleworlt, j ^JW^^W**'**9^ te join in a Holiday Art Shop iu theN •:30 a. m. Bible'school I ~"h »bore towns. „qftaa_a!lW-~*tMM ^-sermons ^sl-Uto. Shore News. Bible characters. Snhject: "Gideon," | "Ip.'-.i ' . .. ■ - - ■ .,' .^-l . .• .. -U-.jt »i- 3:30 p.m. Junior' church. Our materialsJtfr the fall and win- 5 p. m. The Junior church will have , ^ seajK)n ot ^15 awj now uer<5 and entire charge of the program. Address A 113, ltc We have plenty of flowers for any occasion direct f ropt o«r greenbouacs. i««5 Central Avenue tc vou at lowest wholesale pricts. saving you lite middleman s profit, and you get them fresh out of the greenhouses, Thatia the reason they last so'well. Add «o your happiness by having flO\ie« %yonr home and remember > our- friend*. W*"deliver jn Bv-anston, ^Wilnjhlte, Item! worth, Glencoe, Wianetli ami Hubbard Woods. • * ' BPUft Successors to S a* r iorai Company 615 Railroad Avenue Telephant Wiimette 2* ---- d:lo p. m. Kpworth league. " 7:30 p. m. Swedish service. Chorus choir. Strangers welcome. P. S.--RememBert^he" "Go-io-PraVer- Meeting" night. Wednesday. Novem- ber 11. ter season of we cordiall/^invite you to call and in- spect sam/T We guarantee pur work.! ' MwKAPLAN I.ADIIV ANI» (iENTV TAIt.OK 195 ItnilrnadSive. neft'roii Ride.' TCenUworth Notes Geo; S. Miller & Co. ART I STICDBeOHATING All orders will receive orompt uttention. Work gttar»nt<-« cl. 19 yeart in Wiimette ^^ /'. O. Box 22 Mr. and Mrs. Truman^Braplvyl for mer resident* of icpnilworth. ar<; "isit- ing friends here again*.? '^ ( Miss Maysie" GasQue is visiflrfg ih Newt York/as. the guest, of her grand mother, Mriv"T. M. Gas«|iu«. ". Mr. and Mrs. Alexander \\. Hpnnah of Woodstock avenue announce th»- birth of a son Thursday';' Oct. 29 Mrs, Charles Armjltisoni^enrs^inod at cards Thursday .alterdlpoh- fd: . Irs. -'•'•"------------■*■" •- ■^-Li^1'1 Sanitary Bdrher Shop 1137 0REEHLEAFAVEIWB For BREAKFAST Many WHmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in _^"Wax Paper--> Baking Co. rt?mtftlM. Tel. Wiimette 449 WiUComttoYour Home if Called by \ #%_ aa ff*.Ave AhmlaaBK -^ai^ar-:! t l^«St> IrOH, Bronze. Etc Seibold. Mm. and Mrs. Frederick B; Crossley «njtcrtalued the "H. and W." club at dinner Tuesday evening at their home, ; coo Washington avenue. , Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McMillen and r»'and Mrs. John W. Hiff will chaper-, the informal dancing party to be; ;Ii*en under the auspices of the finance L committee of the Woman's club at the ; clubhouse next Friday evening. eon and Bridge club this week at her | residence, 1002 Eleventh street.' 7 Tjne Central Avenue circle_wlU meet tb^s afternoon at the home of Mrs, Henry C. Cooper, 719 Central avenue. The ■. -Woman's association of St. j iaeSe • •; Episjojaipal ._ ohurChi will Hansen Photo Studio ENLARGINGS and FRAMING -PHOTOGRAs?HS Ro(im 20.'Ero.-n Bulldlnf.'WILMETTE, II.L. Cop* and have your Xmas photo taken Mrs. F. H. Gallagher entertained a few of her neighbors informally last Thursday afternoon In honos of her guest, Mrs. George Johnson of St. Joe, Micb., at her honw. 1238 Forest ave- nue. ' -■■■■■- Hr. and Mrs. J. W. Tuthlll of 511 Hill street entertained a number oi thflit ssishbo.* last Frstey evening a "500." A club was formed, which: will meet every fortnight at the homes of the various members. Mrs. Gilbert Pond gave a very pret- ty dinner party Saturday evening for her Bttle daugher, Elisabeth. T*«»lve wore made delightfully •Hit auch- pretty favors as hob- Uns. kewpies and little gnomes. The home was very artistically deco> rated in the usual fashion for this Hallowe'en. Hn. Edward Bvers entertained four- tee* children at a Hallowe'en party. J-'atttTday afternoon at her home. 1020 Sheridan road, for her three little daughters. Jeanne, Virginia and M*r-£ Jorie. Mr. and Ml*. Samuel H. VoweU gave * rattier unusual Hallowe'en party Sat- urday evening at their home. 116 Sixth |! street. The guests, eighteen in nam- l.^r, were given the task of untangling ^r ipift/g »6b Which l«d the5S Sj» r.bout the bouse and finally ended M Ihi home of Dr. Ira C. Oamron. a nnjgiibor. Here, to uleir surprise, a r oat delightful musical program was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Irtebe. both Chicago Opera singers, ^ter the geeste reSurned to the Vow- ^^Be, where refreshments were EVERY SATURDAY--Maiiue*and Evening "TREY Q* HE ARTS" . A Picture Worth While THURSDAY, NOV. 12--Matinee and Evening FAMOUS PLAYERS CO. Present the Favorite - by RICHARD HARDING DAVIS ■Mi Every Night a BIG ALU, NIGHT at the SEATS 10c *---- AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Pot Easy Starting; in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 '■■■ ^MS rT » ■ -.?V ft -.-i J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wiimette 426 . Wiimette American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) : ' A. P. «.It A Jl AM. Mcr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. plMa«wibM|umi. WUraeUe. Illinois HARRY LYNN rV© Patrons wiUiaasist in the.cause oUuwfMcgjt/^priies-hTf their orders in ,time to catch one of the regular deliveries, which leave the market as follows: - First Delivery 8:30 a. m. Third Delivery Second Delivery WftJMUiL.M_ Fourth Delivery^ :^ Prices for the Week-November 9 to14 Fancy Home-dressed Chickens............... Leg of Lamb, fine quality..... ................. Rib Roast of peef--roasts that please............. Pb*1rit0ft3t>'«..------ .......... ......-:'. • Pork ChOptf V^.r.;?.:■-. ..:,..... A ...:.,..------..........., Porterhouse Steak, prime quality..'..,--------- Sirloin Steak.......... ;............. Hound Steak ... .......... ■•c....... Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, regular 17c Shoulder Pot Roast...................... Shoulder Beef Stew........................ Loin of Lamb Chops............ Rib Lamb Chops.......................... Shoulder Lamb Chops..................... Lamb Stew f...... . Loin Veal Roast..... Loin Veal Chops. .... Rib Veal Chops____. Shoulder Veal Roast. Veal Stew^.frv.------ 23c 25c "Wholeor Half Hams..,...... Whole or Half Strips of Bacon Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart 40c J. Je NILLESe Telephones 2tS and 27? 2nd Door South of Central Av.. --T Fruits and Vegetables la Season Kenilworth, ill. Phones 1041.1042 WU IIIIBSilli--a--B--W«faW»»K8aWWWi 561 Fir St. Phone 675 L | AUTO DOCTOR t W^cajl^exanihio^purjjar, giy^ estimate and do work in your own garage. - -• ..^^ ... E. C. MELVINE WIN NETK A t JOHN A. BERGMAN Medical Gymnastics Ladies' and Gentlemen's TaHorfag I am pleased to announce that the very-latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the FALL (Si, WINTER SEASON of 1914-ltIS have arrived, ahd i herewith extend a >cordial invitation to you to call and inspect same. By placing your oiclers early, before the busy season sets in, you . will receive garments when desired, and'thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for . it-., . .-, . ^s<- ..»-,.-*< t '•.■-■■■■■<•.< :,;..■'•-,-• •:;■«•.rWy, >•.- •.<«'.*.■.*«-.■ '*.•&*•**■-■;tft<*«!^lXi<> Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect.Fit KytL\Jt\.\jitL J. JLrOILIV *J|*I «il'idiPitW.Ave. i ijiinMii ««*• T< »hJ}r ^e*^K??,n h £°* B'<>« HottN, HM lo 3:30 p. ». Dally Phoni- Wll. !»i-- Itaihleuce Treat;nunt «;tv#u-- Houw 1'bone■ Wll. 390 --■--^--stay i: ■■I," 'I" 5SH* 2831 Washington Boulevard. Chicago Wiimette Branch, Brown B!dg., Strictly high grod<> inctructions C. W. Edwards'. Piano. Klvira Burwash. Voice. iiilna Reiner MarshaU. Exprta- slon. Mario H J wards. Piano. And others. Write Or call for Information. jiMtjM mmmmmm We are carrying a full line of shrubs, bulbar dftd - perennials. We also trim hedges and trees G ut Flo wers f o r A11 Occasions Purity and Quality First Made in Wiimette ------ ----> Wiimette Fruit Store ! GEORGE PIER ANTON 1, Manager ! 621 W. Railroad AvC ;:..TeCavii>e1a.a !»*>* - ^ ^ . •>«aMaai4 wutoiiire.tir. and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does n,pt mean a Cheap Casket. It does mein a aay place else, we manufacture _ our own Caskets at our Own Factory* thus saving you from Thirty to Fifty Psr €ent4 :yifrU' H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. HebblStltwaite) i» manager \nd part owaer of our Witmett* Store and wiH fhre fait personal mtltnUon ^ every detail. <f We fhaNertge - ---p ■-•-■- ' {X-..... mi ■■■isjufgf ssssa slsas service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHffN DESIRED. Phone Wiimette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue

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