Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk I xstim Marion Roberta in vlgftin* friend* In Minneapolis. Minn. Mr. Frank J. Bersbach, 828 Ashland avenue, is in Now York on a business trip.' . Mrs. Ira Rynar, 116 Fifth street, has a*' her guest, Miss Dean of Marion, lU. - ^ ■ - ^ Miss Juliette Gates, 1136 Wilmette «venue, is visiting friends in Evans- ville, Win. .,1 it. William Panushka, 10J! For- i-it nvenue, left the first of this w«»ek (or the south, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Frederick Wing of Hartford, Mien., is the guest this week of Mrs. Kussell M. Wing, 1011 Forest avenue. Mrs, E. J. Borthwick of Englewood ^Mr. Joseph Long, who for thirteen years was manager of the local of- fice of McOuire * Orr. has opened an office in Room 611, 82 w. Wash- ington street, under the firm name of Long & Myers. Their specialty is to be north shore property, also lands in Wisconsin and THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, l»lf. farm I Michigan. from Cuddapah, the gray stones from Kornul, the brown from Ellore and jfrom Oolconda, the white diamond M. A. POKRASS * CO. An unusual opportunity Is afTorded the admirer of jewels to witness the I transformation of the rough diamond tc the finished product. The workshops of M. A. Pokrass * Co, in the North American building is I an object lesson to the layman. There are aasembled cutters, grinders and j polishers from Amsterdam and Lon-! don. who with artistic expertness pro-1 duce the finished stone in rose star! and table cuts: There you will find the white stones i WE NEVER TIRE 332 YOUNEVER TttttSSi TRY THE ONE THE CLOVER, 206 S.Wabash GUKi :Y,23 S. Wabash Avc.ifl[ _ y*u about theae> four em placeo to eat bacauaa they '•w« Mfe thesn because the food well prepared and the treat THE NEAREST YOU THE MADISON, 221 W.Madison St. THE UNION, 557 W. Jackson Blvd. which, with addition of suggestions In cameo, coral and black onyx rings, makes this display unusual. Their Christmas business is already taxing their artists' ability In novel- ties. Mr. Charles E. Lord, 515 Central ;.\onue. will leave Sunday evening on a business trip to Washington D. C. Mr. Fred M. Simmons. 110 Fifth street, left. We4aeede* evening on a w.jPk's business trip in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. F. H. L; Cotton of Eau Claire, Wis., was the guest of Mrs. .1. Clark unpen, 1621 Qreenleaf avenue, this week. Mr. C. C. Mitchell, .814. Linden ave- nue, will leave today for a week or ten days' hunting trip pear Liverpool, 111.' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Powell 90S Ashland avenue returned Sunday! evening from a week's stay at Madi-' «n. Wis. Mrs. A. S. Brown of Hannibal,! Mo., is the guest this week of her brother. Dr. John Segsworth of 1147 j Wilmette avenue., Mra. B. E. Powell of Urbana. 111., j mpent a few days last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar O. Blake,] '.^1 Tenth street. Mrs. Louis much, 1201 Greenwood j avenue, Is. visiting in Ann Arbor,! Midi., this week. ' Her eon, Louis, is j attending the university there. Mrs: Clinton Judd of Dixon, 111., is spending a week or ten days as the }; of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Humphrey. 112 Woodbine avenue. Mrs. Milton Cornell, and her moth- ei. Mm. M. E. Cornell of 1036 Ashland avenue, returned Monday evening from j a. week's visit in Cedar Rapids, Mich. After spending a week as the guest of Mrs. F. H. Gallagher. 1233 Forest j :>venue, Mrs. George Johnson returned j Monday to her home in St. Joe. Mich. -Mr. Robert E. White, who is attend- ing Madison university this year, spent the week-end with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. George White on Green- wood avenue. „ ., Mrs. .Harfst, mother of Mr. Henry Harfst, 1503 Lake avenue, returned w«jineeday to her home in Davenport. U. after spending the summer at her son>home. - - .- ■-- - ' lft and Mrs. H. N. Gilder of New York were the week-end guests of Dr.": and Mra. John Segsworth. 1147 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Gilder and! Mrs. Segsworth are sisters. -Mrs. Theodore Brentano is a guest! at. the home of her daughter. Mrs. f Frank J. Bersbach. 828 Ashland ave- nue. ■ Mrs. Brentano has just returned | irom an extended trip abroad. Mrs. O. C. Eastman of Central ave-j nnel3^;aa-Jher_jrueato_over the week- <nd -Mrs. R. Femantez-.Matter and j 'iaughter. Alicia, and her mother. Mrs.! pur, and from the Bundelkund. These diamonds are of unusual size, purity and color. The guarantee of this firm is sub- stantial, and their large mail order business must be an evidence of the reasonable price of their output. Specializing in manufacturing and repairing Jewelry, together with their high class diamond setting and engrav- ing, affords the jewel lover an oppor- tunity to deal direct with the manu- facturer, thereby saving the middle- man's profit. A large stock of gold 0f | and platinum mountings in rings, ear THE CHICAGO LITTLE THEATRE. The Chicago Little theatre on the fourth floor of the Fine Arts building, has issued, for members only, a trans- ferable membership ticket for mem- bers' guests at the regular price of ten dollars for the season, which will en- title the holder to bring any person to every activity of the "Little" under the ordinary conditions of membership. screws and scarf pins is also carried | 21t 32 m SHAH. Near Madison Street CHICAGO, ILL. 11 Cmtm Taw D'Hatt Dlnntr Suadiy MM Hilrfiyj Popular Price Restaurant* Vaul MM iBSfrMMtll atPC Charles A. Wightman & Company Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Buyers of North Snore Property Stores, Offices, Flits and Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wilmette and Winnetka Loans Xegotiated and Insurance Placed ' 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE WINNETKA GARAGE North Shorn Distributors for Overland, Chalmers, Ford and Saxon Motor Cars Subscribe for The Lake Shore Newa ••♦•♦♦»♦♦.........»»•»•»»•♦♦«......JMM»<MMM».......MM»»M»M»M<MMM.....M»»......M<MMMiMMMMMM»M».....MM..........IMMIM.........» YARD WIDE PERCALE Light and dark colors and shep- herd checks, 28 inches C[ 1 ^ wide. Yard. (10 yd. limit).. .9£v Its patat, miliar 10.0. srtfers. Kmi mi ti children m--mm--m*mmmmmmmmmmmmmm--mmm King's Machine Cotton Black and white. 6 spools for . (ONE DOZEN L!\tm Mophoaa.aiilerC.O.O. ordirj. Nidi said ts ckMnn ------------ea pwi Alice Bradford of Porto Rico Mrs. Arthur Hoard, 1055 Wilmetto •! venue, has as her guests Mr. and Mra. S. E. Newell and daughter. Miss sue Newell of Boston, Mass. Their visit will be one of several months. After spending several months as the guest of her brother and sister, Mr.Vana Mrs. Orvllle D. Jones, 1613 Forest avenue. Miss Gertrude Jones liaa returned to her home In tttica, ■ Mr. and Mrs: Albert G. Scheiden- l;olm returned the first of this week tc their home in Brie, Pa., after spend- ing several days as the guest of Mr. s-nd vjra. p. .t. Seheidenhelm. 8<H For- «st avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Marsh Bowes of 1033 Greenwood avenue, will leave tomorrow evening for Indepen- dence. la., where they Will be present at the marriage of a friend. Their visit will probably be extended-over the week following the wedding. Mrs., Clarence H. Kavanagh, who - was the oharming hostess at the Vis-! Station Alumnae luncheon on Wed-' nrsdsy, has been elected to go as a, delegate to the convention of the Fed- ; era 1, Catholic Woman's association, to be 4fW *B New York this month. __ Mf. and Mrs. John D-Conifer, 903 I afce avenue, have as their guest this week Mrs. Coulter's aunt, Mrs. Rich- ard .Mason of Gladstone, Mich. Mrs. Mason is on her way home from an ♦■xtended visit in Connecticut. * Mr. audiMrt. C. W. Davis, who are on their way to St. Petersburg, Fia.. for i 'e winter are also guests in the Couf fer.-Jjjosae.Y~ Mr. and Mrs Charles C. Knight and I rtDughter. Miss Agnes Knight, of Cov- | cntrjr; Eng, are guests at the borne of Mrs. Knight's sister, Mrs. George H Graham, fill Greenleaf avenue. The. Knights made the trip on the Olympic, on its last crossing, coming all the *ay under the English flag. They ar-'; rtve* in New York about Oct. 19, snT6* will visit here for several months.. Mra. Henry Schwann of Hamilton. JSnati la;the guest «f H«.^Jbha W.ji Harper. 713 Park avenue. Mr. ■^hwarm w«« tomwrly a teacher at New Trier high school, and is now superintendent of public schools In Hamilton. Mra. Schwann was at one tiroo'recording secretarj of the Wit mettb Woman's club Toe Biggest Event of the Week Sale of Linens John V. Farwell's Travelers' Samples This unusually fortunate purchase enables us to offer wonderfully beautiful linens at prices which mean for you savings of one-third to one-half. Every woman who reads this an- nouncement of the coming sale will immedi- ately realize the exceptional character of these / offerings. Sale of sample linens begins Wed., Nov. ^catffc^i Large Damask .Towels Guest size Damask Towels Large Huck Towels Guest size Huck Towels Damask Lunch Cloths Damask Scarfs ! Liner. Crash Doilies Some of the Sample Linens Linen Crash Hand Embroidered Center Pieces '.- ™T Linen Crash Hand Embroidered Scarfs in white and ecru ___ H a nd Embroidered Battenberg Drawn Work and Spacchtcl Work in large variety Shoe Repairing We have the best facilities on the North Shore for repairing shoes. Every bit of the work la done right here In the store. Shoes called for and delivered. ^Mort Mm M Complete Departments Evanston 2400--Wilmette I WO •THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" A SPECIAL PURCHASE MEN'S GAUNTLET GLOVES p.. Lined and unlined, large gauntlet cuffs. These gloves ere ideaj for automobilists and motor-cyclists. They would ordinarily sell for $1.50, but on account of alight im- perfections, which you will hardly detect and which do not injure the gloves at all, we are able to sell them for 98c. HEAVY KNIT SWEATER COATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Good warm sweater coats with large shawl collars, color, ox- ford grey, thoroughly well made. Regular Q&r* $1.25 value:.........w&%+ SAMPLE WOOL SHAWLS 200 of them, black and white, with pretty pink, blue, lavender and red borders. Pretty shawls, worth up to $1.29, for..........\........ 49c 12k Lambsdown Outing: Flannel. A yard........ Daintily finished in stripes and checks. This is the softest flannel made. A desirable fabric for night clothes, children's petticoats, etc. Special Offers of Dress Goods For Goats. Suits and Dresses T Double Folded Shepherd Plaid, in wool finish. 1 ?^r Specially priced----... *»2v Scotch Pfr.ids, suitable for chil- dren's school dresses and skirtc. A yard... . *»|» w • -- •»■ «-■ ART CRETONNES, genuine homespun and Repp material, with latest art designs. Yard...;........ the 49c SCOTCH SUIT IN G, checks and neat patterns, thing for children's and women's skirts wearing material, unusual value. Per yard......... in small just the dresses, suits A splendid 23c CRAFTERS' DOUBLE FACED DRAPERY CRETONNES, in dark, artistic patterns. This is a very desirable fabric for draperies, furniture and cushion coverings, etc. Yard........ STYLISH NEW SHIRTS Narrow laundered mushroom tucked shirts, plain and fancy striped pat-1 AQ terns. $1.65 value.. 7*•WW' , cross stripes, double cuffs, also BOYS' CORDUROY SUITS Bulgarian and Norfolk style, two pair ^-of -knicker trousers to match, lined throughout and well taped, J Qf sizes 8 to 18. Special, at.... TfOa/ Other good suits at $2.95 and up. LITTLE FELLOWS' tyCOATS Blue, grey and brown chinchilla and other fancy mixtures. All made with convertible collar, belt or belted back. Sizes 3 to 10, priced, 5 g| at;..... ...... JaVV Other coats from $4.85 io $7.50 WE'D JUST LIKE TO HAVE EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE SUITS WE'RE SELLING for $15 Every one is AN ALL WOOL FABRIC, care- fully tailored to fit perfectly. Styles for the ex- treme young man, and more conservative models for older men. Snap, vigor, and more than a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you pay. MEN'S HEAVY BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS Extra quality flannel, cut full, neatly trimmed, sizes 15 to 17. f CO Regular $2 value........* o^l Underwear Night* Shirt* PLU8H SACK WO<SL 8HIRTS * DRAWERS Full at warmth aiul wrar --well finished and cut large, regular ♦)."•« atradtv with scarcely uoticvable Imperfections % f A eaeh............ 1(17 I MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRT* 1 •'■:.-' Roomy and comtotiabi*. ' neatly frimmed and aeam* welt aewtd. aaag adUury collar, aitea IS toJ»_yra, Specially priced .. In Our Fancy Goods Dept. BEAR-BRAND YARN, the best knitting yarn on the market. ^|V» All colors. A skein.........Us\j BATTENBERGCENTER PIECES, 24 inches square, fine work. A desirable article for the table. Only..... EVANSTON PENNANTS, of good grade felt Size t Q _ 11x30 inches.................. -^rC MARABOU TRIMMING, in all colors, best quality. Ai\*+ A yard........... . T^JKj 39c A large lot -of -pn&zy, ;new w o m enJs~ handkerchiefs, plain, wide hemstitched anil embroidered, corners. 3 for e of Children's Hats at Half Price I»BETTY CORDUROYS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES IN ALL COLORS School hats, dress and semi-dress hats. A selection of many, many charming children'sTmtaT Tins announcement wfll create uitea ^tir, becattse^ou seldom see hats in mid-season sold at 50 per cent reduction. We advise an early selection to assure you of getting ju^ -what^you^want. CHILDREN'S HATS THIS WEEK HALF-PRICE ^tttTt?^1?tltytta^MMtMtMtMMttttttt|MMttllltltTTt^"*^**A**"*****a*a***.....liiintiiflinnMiMftff----------^~*»,iw..........>^^>.^^>^>.>>......