Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1914, p. 4

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mHP <>1911 duly ay- VOlait of WQutU. Cook County. HB- t© North Owet Buadfsri ^ Thfrt*4vw (IS*) test,- tfri jadt i»k *»** One HuMfrre *«•* feet; HMkc ' Mt -# «*A A YEAR fey said". Cnr the Jest %h*i»^I Mir one da* riiltK hi* wit*. th*> eseeutfo* wfeleh c-wsr* nitrite! Is tfte eptt- hsersra&of war .SMrik Oee - n--liliT and Thirty-fvo S3» feet; thence West One Handre: _»■■ i* t*.-£»*•***•' W**> •* to **• I**1** °l" ttwWHft f <-Oaf*laisc en area of One Hoadre4report sad have ita * aiah«er Saw <tM> ttet ** OM Haedred end Thtr- ■imiiii to JrffiS S^Taf t»* -**" (1,s> fr€t; •*«» "^ «W«'«w-;»ii«w»>t aad Interest is Mi to the South Ten; (It) feet of MM tract of One *to*ar*d of the Clerk of (Me) feet by OM Hundred and Thirty fourth day cf ati' fiiluuii. A. D. 1«4> <h* report fire il»y feet, to area above eaeeptei , The* fhw toft COSfcef suM blpww- ?^B,<gl* ' frot* aafd conveyance. saM Trust ~*&r --m star**- bf^tfce sald eounnfs- *>• *** Deed bete* Hated May 3t. IMA and- ^ntT ehthudfe <|Treport bereto, fbft** ***"** <***■-- --* filed for record to the Recorder's Of- *, if Sis cuf..e*vei aajfcd: du/nadesra, wbich sold t mess is n»turhoJ!» to ^'.>»Wi: co each Banal, Tarn A. p. IBM* of the sett County! thdM» tae Cft* * Chte***, Cealty and made* a• special? State aforesaid, en tbo 14th day aft •TaS Deeea**r. A Di 1914. so Is by law re- dnly hied thefr paired, whe* sad whose y**jj~**: - an- [ the edfce} pjeeV ssd plead, a*ew*r or **iBer *t* [ .the- f %h«' eetftfoaerV pctftfefi *a4 «*,**« to f. of the commissioners. a* ' notice or p«oc«dino*. .. Nedee of aroceedings for the opea- tng and aioouigo: Jf&esnti Street fa the VOteee of Wlimcie. &jo*Becords on the of twsu"j-sts See of said Coo* County on Jane t, ^y ^3,^, (f8jsojis>; that a speeiai I91t, mm- documeat No. 4M3SM sad zaseasmsat has bcaa mad* to; Mbe fa Book lir» of tLooost of the saM fm-n>T«meat sail 44T. sod afJ persca* .fc« ^e reocrt thasTof was filed fa ?T^'2*?^"Z*a6M?Zm~9??t aad parties eased fa the report sad tke ^^ cf the c^k of ..m court of the Kcrcheaet_«earur itL ft %> oaasssmeot rofl of the Coanalssfoaers r. t^ fM|rtIl &- ^ jfOTeaiber: A D ofttoffcMhaastOjasrter (RE. ?4) of tuA ta the abCT6 eBtit^, esase la; \^p^aadtte^tlar procredm.^, Seetioa Tweatyefaht (2S>. TowoihJp | ^^ Coort s Fortytwo <4S> Jtorth, Rsaae Thirteea beaefits bare (IS) Boat of the Third (3rd) rrladaal thm eoU ct ^ ^■W*^ ■':'\wm^msHmf Mecrfb«d, fte'tta>?VB> STATU0^'ILLINOIS:, „ »•* of WBa»e«» Wstofcre S!«S s COUNTY OF COOK f*"- pethloa to the Coaaty Coart of Cook ■*"iiaasir«~ a-u'mMtthiy Am* #sadk A4e^bjw#ihJb|iMMnffi; TBSi pftft Oa vS0 [IN TH» COUNTY COURT OF COOK ^^•J^^^^Tto^amdt * = x » cf the lore for oae'sBatSvo lead COUNTY <* now peadins. , The following fs a lots, tracts or m \ jitmtM sccoidaaee wkh I report sad the prsyer of i i Dehse- catoajR HfniMr imtom& «b, At>. ftlA ROBERT M. aWEiTZER. Clerk of the Coaaty Cdorf of Cook awake. The Bell tele. It is ready never any emergency hundreds of lives in storm, flood CHARLES H. JACKSOX. IHAfn^r itu TTHtfLtjtjft' .......""" "^.....■" '■ ICHreATHERS tr ONOstrfc* DsamNrfknt the fact that i •o be ai__ be taken or f 3- E. _ To the December Term. A D. 1&14. demaaed for opeatoa or esitndtof; ^2S>. Towcahip Condemostlon General Number 52,121. sfsteeath Street st a width of *Isty- Range ThMeen Village of WUmette m B^MI* K(eft W feet North from the Soath fttoillarMefMiaBt| Bagley, Angela L. Bagley, his wife, J. line of the Northeast Quarter (N. E. ^*«: Beginning at Jr*rt* tfetapsey SndJbs. / Bdwln «i) of the Scabenst Quarter (9. E %) Soath line of the ****<»" to**" 'J^'r*^'* Dempsey. We wl». Cfftek^ TTIc an^ of Seetloa Twenty eight (W). Town- Cj. R i» of theSentheast QoHrt-r fl2!L^J™ir^" tSofeflrisS^ mokel Sfeaw dl*et:)iii|/Forty<wo'<4«) NorUt Range Thfr- 5^ * «.> °!;f£8<tf?» *w5tf1, ST.J^Sla 22!+***. aa*>bT Unkaown Qwaew or Le- tee* <IS> East of the Third PrincipsI e%fc» f») at its intersection With t-c ^^S^^StS^J m Elders oi three (-) principal *etUan orer sad across that part of Seat fin*of Sixteenth Street predated K ~f5!*^I^*MMT note*, each dated Msy 17. the Northeast Quarter <N. JB. «) of North: thene* North parallel with tb* ■ardor to asdemandj 1>t>> gsjaj-ij, Edward H. Bagley sad the Southeast Quarter (8. EL %) of Weet tine of said ||frrth«|st garter m^.:^.'^:^^mmm the drder oYhfibseiralidfiy ffecfton Twenty-eight (SS) aforesahL;'ftf. «. T^I> or the ^^^'Hfta*rfer; whom ftm ***** m \ irfnK 4*^ endorsed and delfsereC each £atflfe# ar foBows: Be^faning at "Si «- % > of 5?ectfcn Twwftty-ehrfct ore** side or tne for tlfejriiidpal sum ot Five Th > a pomt on the Scuth line of the North- tm six btmdred fiartT-fiTe and fswir j sand DoUan ■<43$bJtb), payable on; east Quarter <N. E. %.) of the South- tenths («*».4> feet to a fine one hun- sympathy, if we are to baf „ before one (1). two (2) and three ^ Quarter (S. E. K> ot said Section f'red ninety-one (191? feet Southwest the press, is largely with ' <3) yeaxa respectlrely, after date, and,Twenty-eight (38? at ft* intersection of and parallel wftiHhe Southwesferlf ione protection is worth many times its cost. Send Why we should wish sue- {bcarfag interest at the rate of flveptr rest with the. English anns'ccstuin (&%> per aneunv jteyable with those of Oermsay eiA | semi-annually, both principal and ic- ed in one way--Eng-, crest bc-iii^ payabie at .:!»•.• ofiS-je of are.tlM,tw*-g¥eM|-W-ci.'0; Kerioot * C^mpsny.'. No. SS epeektog ssttons. Aside from j Washington 'Street, Chicago, imm',% reaaon. ilf%we may csB .|t_iyjaa-JWtM:JLfikrh*fcii«^r*dt> e^tir it^^^^^^^^-y^^^ 7cW-to^ >rw* *w* England aothing She t uriry al ch* rate of seven per centum slight. If any, claim anon enf T%) per annura, and being secured It to a curfoue fact that by a fust deed made by Edward H. which, cf ill the great i Bagley to Chicago Title-sU^ Treat before the most.* >.?.ii>*ny,. T-ustce. a. corporation of has given us proof, noon Bee.occasion, of sn un- friendship That country in this country was fighting Eng- todependence. George* the attempt to secure to help put down eSio* Catherine the Second' lutatly refused to allow her sol- (0 be ased sgatnst us England jaiaed to Pruasto an d with the utul prtoces Hesse aad Bruna ft was only a eueetfo* of money the serrlcea of forty thousand nraum troops was secured Again in 1812 when Wo were at war ; wftgteBd, the French, .taking ad-'scut{i Sip *f our weakened condition. do less than 384 of our salting anting their cargoes Into fsore than six million dollars) I using it fee their owe expenses. I* again proved her friendship for at this tics by offering is mediate twee* this country aad England al- ough the otter was refused. ___ the Stale of Illinois, cotov#ing the fol- lovring deacrlbed land, situated in the Coejitty *C'Cook aTeld-Stat'e of IHlnets; t!j*vr*L: -_AB-tiiat pact. of the ■ South T»'en^-Sre ■ (25/ "ikj&*-.-6i toe K?m'k~ east Quarter (N. £, V41 Of the South- east Quarter (3. E. »4> of (tying West of the right of way of tb* Chicago and f^idhWiMftp.r*--Railroad-*»- eontainln? !Ealrt«all a»d: fo«y^»* :oBe*undredlhft (13AH -acres more &r tern, excepting a portion- thereof d> scribed *s 'f|news:- CoMnJSBCfsnr st .-r poirtt-tfv 'the^Sout-h line; of aald preniiaes, one hundred (100) feet East of the West Un of t&\d premiHf?s»: thenc*? North Otie ifun- drtd ar,d Tbiry-fiv* f IZf.f fc«>f; thence east On? Hundred (10ti) Sser. th^n^re Or.e Hundred and Thirty-live t?X>) feet; thence West One Hundred (100) feet to the point commonly known as West Railroad cf beginning, containing an area with the East line of Sixteenth Street Ijn* of the right oTway of the Chi- aroaacedNorth: thence North narsBetfeagh and Nor*hwfe?tern Rattway with the West tine of said Northeast Companyr thence Sku^hwurtead^^eJ Quarter (N. E. 14) of the Southeast.-ight ahgles ttf s^V rjr» h^.-^teriy Quarter (S, EL-%y.of Section. Twes*y-;rMsSt--of' w*y flafe c^ s,«f ' •'*-?' -:-€?y- eight (28W six hundred forty-five aud.'«5«»' ft«l> feet to mi-l " ** <J *™7 BneTTBe»e^"'an«bir>:f'er'" -gs? -s* , hundrrd nfnetyone' «1M>' feet South-! right of war Kne.#?|ty-.h. .W* taM-it west of and paralfcl with the south- thence southwesterly -t - tr it »?le|: westerly line of the right Of Way-of to said ri?ht of wrylinp two fcV -&0I the Chicago and Northwestern Rstl-twenty-seven and paetemh U2T?>' way, Company; thence northeasterly, fset to a point: thrice South o* a Sue. at right angle* to said southweEteflr- ^ajmUef with thi» Vt*=E line eCl'aafJtj right of way Hae one hundred ninety^ Xorthesst Quarter: fN E. KY of the one '<!»!> feet to said right of way, So**i»^st Qaarter (* E %) of said ■Bwrj' thence northwesterly along esid^ -.rtioif Tv^nrz-eigh**-'^-) totbeRC/Utb; right o* way line sixtysix (6f)_ feet: ?,ne thereof: thence past sixty-sis f**l then to said fwenty-sexea and one tenth (22?Jl> highway extending **nng the West feet, to a point; thenae South on a nine'side of the right ofiwsy of the Chl- parariel with the West line of said csgo and Northwws:a rn Raflresd. Northeast Quarter. (N? E, _iil_ of^lh^-jcommenly known as West Rnfirca-^ ifcutbeast Quarter (S. E *£) of said Avenue, with said strip of land, in the i Section Twenty^lght (2»> to th" South Bne thereof; thence East sixty six (fC) feet to the place of beginning, excepttug therefrom the intersection oTlhej^highwffy ex!«n«l!r!g al*>ng tbn Weatfsid* of the right of way or the Chicago-^and Northwestern Railroad. ice southwesterly at right solas', f«e* *° **»* p'ace «d*s**ealB*>-*a*eB|f*j aid right of way Bne two haadrediiug therefrom the filerBecticn of thef cf One Hnndrrd (100> feet by On^ Hundred and Tbfrty-fhre (13." • feei; Mao ail rifeht, title and interest In and to the South Ten (10) feet or said tract of One Hundred (100) feet by Avenue, with ?aid strip of land, in ttte Village of Wilmette, in accordance; with the provisions of an Ordinance for the making of said improvement.: said Ordlnaace being on file in the Office of the Village Clerk, and also Daring the Civil war, the South was ■eouraged by both England aad sjtace. who immediately recognized e belligerency of the Confederacy. Wmt* attitude throughout the en- County, en June 6, 1012, as d cument war was eoeertly hostile to the No. 4,M2,m and recorded therein to j q%s «t tmm time she actually Book 11.9:0 of Records on Page 447, One Hundred and Thirty five (126) what real estate win be benefited by feet, in area, above excepted from said ' such improvement and the amount of conveyance. The said Trust Deed is such benefits to each parcel. d Msy 31,1«2. snd filed for recerd ■*-■ la the Recorder's Office of said CoakJ?2-- ■■ m preparations for war. The plan England aad France was to weak en both the North aad the South. was sn Englfsbmaa who supplied the mines for the Spaniards to use to Havana harbor just before the battle- • Mafne was blown uo. but It is only and all other persons having or claim- ing interests in any of the said prem- ises, designated aad described "All whom It may concern." la the matter of the Petition of the Village of Wilmette for the' ascertain- ment of the just compensation to be to mention here that during this mad* for private property to be laken ', England was decidedly friendly f damaged for the opening of BL> intimated that an alliance :remh Street over and aenss s pert England and the United , r tMe Nurtheast Quarter (N. E 14) o! would *Ot he unwelcome to he 3 ulheast Quar er (S. E. HI of I* the event of any other, section Twenty eight (29>, Township (ffiltofi wtth Spain against ua,,Fortv-two (42) Nor^h, Range Thirteen American statesmen de- n3> East of the Third Principal Me- wouid ridian. In the Tillage of Wilmette. Cook far sam* ben*encfa1 to Eug- County, nilnois. and what property to this country. Duringthis -.ill be benefited by such improve and Austria both favored - went ind the amount thereof.-----'------ and the German press was do- notice Is hereby given to the de- ■|y pro-Spanish. Portugal, now ten&anu J Edwin Dempsey, Mrs. I. r'wWm the Allies, sllowel the Edwin Dempsey. bis wife* the de- _ feet to do«e«* at the Can* indents designated as "All Whom It jjliaits and was the teat of the ^f concern", and the Unknown fa. e**mtrFe* t-> 'd>clar«» her Owners or t.eeal Holders of three (.1) FroHl Now oh--the Jh ft %\~*kKd Model No. 3 ■nfesy Here o.-? RuaRta provea principsl promissory notes, each dated her frfeadshfp by teadtog as her moral May 17f 19t2. signed by Edward H.I *ttsp»rt. | Bagley and payable to the order off Efes*A»e ;jftaJarft!Ji! facts and t& & ttistetf *a& by hto> duly endorsed nr*r* that willed:both the Oerman-Aua- rn(J wavered, each for the principal l and the ARfes are TjakfnT mm ^ Five Thousand Dollars (*5,- Ml Wde for American smoatM^ appJO), payable on or before one (1), Her aid* d^airrwa our sympathies two (2> g,^ taree (9y years respec* •ny marked degree. Of all the na- (iT(,ty. after date, and bearing interest f now at war. Rossis most de> a(. tne rate 0f pve per cent (&%) per moral support aad least Mnoni|t payable semi-annually, both Wtth this country aa S huge prtMeitmi «na interest being payable it etore and all Europe as era. we would do well to at the office of tt'n. D. Kerfoot & Company, No> fff> Washington Street, THE Victor Decimal Tabulator i- so simple thai ir is inbuilt in every machine at no acldi" tional (^oat; yet so accurate and speedy that it is the marvfI of all operat >is. _ -With one pjfe*wirc--o^- the ta^»ulator key >ou can Bhift the carriage to the proper column forprinting .01 or |UHX),000--a great time saver n doinir bilt- iiij: and t ibulating work. This is but one of the many vital anct exclusive to the prc*I4e*tfa*p*eal and Chicago, nilnois,^^ siitd-noter oeanni features of- the -Victor ^l^iieeit^^s8 *«.win interest after inAttrity^ at the rate 0^ thtrmapfaipe uttXJJimy and wi bw auutun. ano>--r-----------------------------------w--.r t*omdrrp«if. Dv you want to know more about it? Amachine and demonstrator are'at snyaMW*^afai ie eaa do te^^^ gJrpeBT-t7gr]Bgr being secured by a trust deed made '£•£-* hy Edward H. Bagley to Chicago despatches which have been Title aad Trust Company. Trustee, from Europe since the begin- ft corporation of the Stat* of Illinois . he war are to be relied upon, conveying the following deaerlbed y crown iirtoce mast by tod. situated in the Coootyj^Qpak,i_XOJigj;OJBinapq. b <l Hie tn<L resemble a Sieve, as he has »ad State of Illinois, to-wit: AU that date and time. practically every day stoee pgrt of the Sooth Twenty-five (25) i ______ . Emperor Frans acres of the NoTtbeaet Quarter (N ».' jj&s&JEmHm prme* ^ of the Southeast wn«n»-TBi he has died five timea ^ j of Oylng West of the right of wayj •efour. of the Chicago end Northwester* *• m * .Eaiload . coatatotog Thirteea, and ding ot aple* innat be tfifttty-oa* en* hundredths (U.4D aeres s hit of **rk> even •*«« the 'more or lose, eaeeettog a portion». y ZQ3 SOOTH r>SAft&OBI» STMtfiT CHICAGO ampl CS, Your Choice There are just twenty left from our former safe that we must dispose of this week. Lot includes tan, green, navy, lavender, browns and plaids in crepes, taffetas satins. All one size, 38, but they can be easily altered. Values are from $18 to $40 Skirts Black Satin, Black Taffeta, Pongee, Navy and Purple Wool Ratine Wear-Ever Aluminum Demonstration WEDNESDAY Griddle Cakes will be baked on Aluminum Griddle, without grease and the usual smoky odor. THimSDAY Pot Roast will'be cooked witnout water stirring., X&S FRIDAY ^_ Riee'will be cooked directly over the fire without stirring. SATURDAY Fudge making in Aluminum Pans without stirring. You are invited to attend these demonstrations every day. Mrs. White is a Domestic Science expert and can t^ve many valuable i^mta on cooldnfr and the use of Aluminum Wares. Special discount of^parceiit on^ati Wear-Ever IBuMnuni TJtensilsjAis An Extra Offer: quart With every $2,00 net purchase a 70c ZyT

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