Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1914, p. 5

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■ minim......n.■■.■■■■■■■,, Tiniiiiini. **£*Um SHOW N8W8,Jjrtfa^pMJjM . *+"......"^'milllllHHMiHM^UlMMMIIII........II.......Illlllli ChicagQ?s Most Prominent Teachers of Piino, Music, I>amatic Art and Entertainer! ,s4ssss^sss=sas ===== This Directory Will A*™*~ :~ 1%--•> »._____r%. w •.. ^»,. .. , *■* , **.,.'* D A, CLIPPINGER TEACHER OF SINGING »^ barter of "' |s,rtt«atic Voice Training, pi 41441* KlMSALLHALt ■Cireafar. CHICAGO. ILL. Balatka Academy of Musical lit urteous attention. Address^ ,nna h. balatka mfconapplicatian. Suite 41. Auditorium Bid*. ...... Chicago nam College Oldest soil Largest. School for Piano »nd; T» uates are -in aemano. IttooITratft Rntee of Tuttiorf.'Nineteenth Season. CRialofCue *«nt.', • ->.* * Harmon M. WgfcrSUwim* Fifth Floor KImbalI Hall', 304 8 Avenue, Chicago... ii Uiiltf " ,', li 1** Directory WOl Appear in These Columns Once a Month. . Clip It for Future Reference>»iM»Mti-t.....ihmm Anna Groff-Bryant " SUHUOS Of recAi akt+ cpvcatios AND VOCAL THERAPtVTtCS . Jane Rhoades Ament IN RECITALS OK SONG AND STORY INSTRUCTOR VOICE. EXPRESSION. TUBUC SI>E A KING CONSULTATION PAY-WEDNESDAY Sioalo *oite. 4lo Klml.,11 iiiii CILICAflO. ir - M' h%% The L«fi Musical Conservatory Guarantee!! dos?" through Lero G» P^"1- Chtc**'■ -1»cw Y*""- No* °J partial scholarship.-. Riven durinc the cc Auditorium Bldg„ CUctp. Rum WaDask 6867 Mr ctoSZFiSL *f?2l*' ..J ?<**«■• Lltrlnn*. D'Anblghe. Rlc. I a musical education baa a better cn- 1*4: i-awmnlnS . ^Uon« recUal" MarUn, Weldon, add others equally vironnicnt and optwtnntty in Parte 1st, is a young artiBt of great interest, well known TLTj^r1* ^^L^f* by MrJlw HooEes aang with great t of admirers whom his singing success with the London Sym the Colonne Orchestra of v.Uh the niilitary band stream duarua. Also selected to appear at has already won. As a boy. Mr. Rouse was the wonder child soprano of bis time. He is now a young mau Just entering his twenty-fifth year, and It is beyond a doubt that he easily holds first place' among American singers of that age. In December. 1911. he made chL^^hVyn^Bu^r^epfelS.! his ^»>ut before a repreeentativeCbl Ban and nic year: Wabaoh J. COURTLAND COOPER >F BERLIN latural Method df"$inging Stiin4O0 Athenaeum BIJg.,59 East Van Buren St. " ' CHlCidp"' Phone Harrison 7033 THOMAS A. PAPE FINE ARTS BLDG. "' Choral Conductor feather of Singing Ujflt. .1. BERGEY CHICAGO GfttA SCHOOL Tlioo«\ore 3. Werge.v, IM r. ami Volee Tent-Iter Mn. Ilergey. - I'iano 4*0-4J1 Fine, Arts Bids;. Phone Harrison 1.105 H.slcleiicc Congress Hotel GEORGE W. JBNKINS v-'-'J'.-. ... WELirr^SHOK^ "- . ■*"* yPtCB INSTRUCTION SUITK 300 KIMBALbllALL ;■; Chicago . Monday, Tuesday ^Thursday and Friday .....i ' ■----■------......■ Melba Mae French 1 SOPRANO SOLOIST ,.., Violinist . Elocutionist. Pianist KHtertnuiment Furhlah€d'.for Concerts. lU'ceptton or TAJdges--indlvidunl numbers op entire programs. " 3632 Wayne Ave. Pbone Oakland 4363 cago auaieuce. jylth, Maggie Tflite of Chicago (1 rand .Opera conipadyfai^r Christmas concert at Plymouth church. Mrs. Theodore Thomas, widow of the great-master Thomas, personally conducted this concert.. Mr. Rouse and Berlin. He is of Ocrman parentage and American birth. At an early age he began hie musical education in Chi* cago. studying under the best teac! at that time. From the first he lleved in. the European education and cert in LondonV an^ with! wfW.tb *Via »t the first opport b Choral societies at San ite took dally lessons *ith Sb: THE HENRY C.LAHEE BUREAU OF MUSIC | was the ofcly JJh'icaio ehigeF ehfcaged.; 4t 1 Pine Arid tUg. Chicago, III. Since that Unto lie ha,s' rt^S to^ajlltn. j j portent place as a r^tajirat aij^" Cdn- icert'arUs^':' " ' I His appearances both in and out of jChicago are warmly enthusiastic, for the has tgl'ffffilp*"glgC^^Sg^ I his audience. He sings to them and not at them, thus assuring sympathy enOT4oauld W^t sue! cess as a teacher, as he is to well prepared to teach the voice froin the rudiments of tone production to ar- tistic singing in English. French, Italian and German. i?i$^*/=*■;*•--•'>*'t'*m rn-------- #(,'■'.. HENRY at HONEY. "■ (cr studied in with Tel Harrison 6305 . Jessamine E. Allen, Manager Musical ta!e-tbf th= hicnest order. HENRY B. R0MEYt Lechirer -teis, Ftoa cMstf to aSSt Coarh for Concert*. Choir. Be- \ hpttAtwn alntrnr nnrl pert.ilre. Specialized Boys lOW*WI1 Singer aiUl paeia lixos Boys Voices Trainer->Ur.-Honrr> Mr. R0US6'3 Studio is located ill Suite Boys' Concert Co. for 3S years, i _ Tralnnruf Blateh rord Kavaaagb and M noted Boy Singers. .*12. Fine Arts building. Chicago. SB8 Wellington returned* from a summer gan, and resumed professionnl work with His lectures on from Cradlo to Manhood." the Mr. Bergey returned to America and established the Bergey School of Mu- sic. Then he decided to have a season In Paris, and made arrangements so that a number of his advanced pupils nino could have the advances, of the French capital- While> he wgs' teach- ing In, Paris he coached with Jean La 4fter be retard to Arn^pa' the OOertW- Ar! T*»* aissp. rMenc, tltlaet» 1IM7 K«s« liMM. «J»U,Lut|;. Iliuoia tt S«uf>u>d-<.'»t Mwihi btan4« ll»h Hwun Stnt v freeted by Lont. n»*of Anna Oroff- I'lteattay autt Weduestiay. SaSUST' , if- P»ond tiiue he dpded to traiuing students for the opera and At the end of y had the satis- ttlWi Graeelani! I0S01; elliagtea ateaae. ■aa> ELGIN LOWRY FISCHER, DRA- MATIC INTERPRETPR OF CHILDREN'S STORIES, lecher tells stories for... th e little ones, which aid thoroughly American in good 'humor, charm and Mrs. Concert Pianist Available for Concerts. Recitals. Musicals j sweetness, and at the same tlntc fllted 519 FINE ARTS BUILDING CHICAGO \ Phone North 3G63 with.wholesome instruction about the | joys of nature. Her animal fable* carry a certain jolly lesson in self- j reliance and respect for the rights HERBERT MILLER BARITONE Vocal Instruction: Oratorio, Recitals 716 Fine Arts Building _------ ■•■•:..'V. Chicago condensation of his life experiences ; faction of knowing that several of his '■■» training bora. pupils would have grand and light 7 Though giving much atteution to the i opera engagements with the best corn- training of choirs, quartets and con- panics here and abroad, and decided c*rt artists. Mr. Roney will specialise.; that the time had come to announce as always, in the development of boys' his work as a specialist in this field. voices, in which work h«t'la credited I Consequently the name of with bringing out the great majoritv ! was changed from the Kergfty School of The flheat boTs^era Wfdln thei°^ Music to Rcrgey's Chicago Opera piiddle wAt in the ttaft iS years! school •T^ .vT-^r-- >:^ ^W- '■'■>'<4;- ■■' ' 1 Mr. Re*WHr has had In his^ork.uie| Thei.^abartite iaao^rte ^bool, •Wffl^J&&^tyEM^*W& foundrd In Chicago in 1808, and known as the leading stHetty piano school in tho city, has just removed to beau- tiful quarters in the Fine Arts building, qccupylhg a suite of four rooms and >ugh her'efforts the piano "the school has grown in Pi de favor. .from a recent Interview with Mr. Bergey, we are glad to add the follow- Cham**? wj«: »y* ^m^fimmmtmimmm mWgffl^Sk ^rSeSS flowers'ore filled with the wisdom' PJig o^ th^ schoo^totbe nu«bcr ;,CW8 nb doubt hc,a ^ ^ ten phflosophers in their kindly symna ]ef «teen. l.eing composed M well J year8 ag0 g thc abovo artlcle 800W», tlLV jrbgarding, the shortcomings ot | '•>W teachers and concert #aoJBts, i^MtT a me(ui mA Mindtsglmi re- others: : .....^ have made the school famou* b* the^^UtearcH he now feels eatlemi^w Through these sweet characters Uumber and quality of their public re- t,.uc, conditions;™ -----r^------- Mrs. Fischer seeks to portray to the totals, and la noted among connols- :«|f Amcrlcsn students would stay children only the beautiful and joy- sours for their "Wg";prograni8r - fright here in America, where, as I say, eus side of life, tucking out of sight! The school intends to give a "house- thc teachers are every bit as good as XT T sT* t% V»ft:neT*l« "*ve where, through broad j warming" nett week. Invitations will jgn the ether side, and they woufd study «vV» , vHr» 1 A. -K* immm WwJNtiL i^may serve to make more he.IMUOJ Only to teachers and puplly ami Work aa hard as they would in attractive the good apd the beautiful, of,the school. ,.*;' .■ [^re^e-TWi?!!, the result would be pre- . Teacher of Singing in aU its Branches .v. PBoae Bsrrisoa -'4SjS>-:;,,':-^ 419 FINE Aim BU/LDING Mh. Fischer's childhood home wasj ,?*»• £anp Rhoades} Ament, whoso wisely' the same. This talk about the S -Picturesque old cotton plantation expression and voice studio Is in Kim- artIstlc atmosphere or Europe- is all i$ f*rr ajWay Louisiana, where her 1 hall hall, has arranged a beautiful and [bosh. A true artist magrshis own jday feirbws wgre the self^^ which wttl atmosphere." " ZUKOWSKY viGE-iK eemoot 837 Fine Arts Building; Rabbit." "Miss Mockingbird." "Bobby Coon." "Prince Jaek-in-fhe-pnlplt," and all the fascinating little charac- ters whom she impersonates in the tales she tells for the children today be given, under the auspices of tin- Woman's society and the Service club COURTLAND CO<M»ER & the: North Shore ,Congrej»tio|ial £& J\'?0HRTtAND cooper. church. Thursday evening. Oct. 2ti' aLJ W J- Cqiirtlattd i:uoper. who re- 8 o'clock: It Js to be an exhibition of turned to Chicago at the beginning of Zukotvtky Ttio £ngtg*ments. 19U--JUn.i-18: reb.Sft Kch. 8-22 1SU Bveri the "gentle, wise and hs»n* I famous paintings by the old masters, \ MM^^f-WJ^m^SS^ ^ .pearled black mammy, who wins the|a|id among those, taking part31 b««: \%iWSsf^BlmiWlt&^MM l.lloar or 11ST *>iet Knox (MiMbarg, Illinois. Russell School of Music AND DRAMATIC ART. 719 Flue Arts Bldg. 23 Rood Bldg., Evanston. St. and Vlncennes Road. Voice, Piano, Violin, Dramatic Art BAI ATI/ HlfifiV Musical College 11 ■ " "■"'■ ' I'll i"n ■■........l' I fL ' Hans Satettta. Ouab^nw matttd free. .-.ppUca'w« Or. Chr. F. Balatka. Dirseter D.t; ma. teeoaaSMd nit o*«r th* worM. ' ......... ■ AdVirrssaJlecMMatthicaiiovato The Balatka Musical ' College 339 South.Wabash Avenue Telephone Wabash 6SM '" . •'• ' I'i.-'.. • ""■ Mi".' «"i S»MH-i»l Itate* ak,reader* of this paeev ap •»»■ M.A.Monzel Musical College Kimball Hall Chicago, e$r " ' t"" ■ ■■..... Bernhard Listemann I'iaUtt Soloitt and Teatker «# Advanced Pupil* sTt-nios sis fiKis Airrs suBixonia WednewctaraaatfSaMudaysfremtr'.St. Ue.l,lm.|.: at t Stutter to* A*r»C*tmgm %' "a Particular Scheol far Pariicutar People" j VOCAL ART. ORAMATIC ART EXPRESSION. ORATORY. LAN- GUAGES, THEORY OF MUSIC, OANC- ■-'-----------.^-'-fl^|ffC.-T • " " ; NtCHT CXASSES IN CONNBCTION Suite 60T-_l«* Craat Purk Qnildhig ; Trt. MjirV TSftV "'til S. M^ehlian Ave., ......^^^___________Chlcaao. UUllOgV Ul Rather Harris, President Branches of Musk Taagkt Catalog Mailed Free 422 KIMBALL HALL • 111 ' I 'I I I.M A. Alfred Holmei mih KtnJMu** Coasernilarf s/aTsjic i» Fear, arttejri tm. muetnkm T*a«-n«T of lata* experiane% .oarer i'i jrt-ar* of succ«Mj!4i tsajrMBSi . ELIZABETH STOKES SOPRANQ.^ ' TEACHC1 OF SINGING vVtfPIL OF MLLK. 7?G Fine Avta BoW'TUie JKNNY nUFAtT. ' Hyde Park m ORGAN ■..... HARMONY DR. FREDERICK CLARK Baritone Vocal IflstrB«ioiv4 Sr^rittpspilafCiminW.tBirk R3 Audl)^.rl»m BiiPding Lulu Jones Downing Announccit that the Mythological Palomino. ?».»," can b» merited with privil aSd full iimtfiiRt;on» Varysui able f«r aeyartistk program. 'Pipes, of Pan." can h* rented with-privilegooC prpduclH^n aflj full iontruct^onit I»aoccr» fiir-iishwl uivl tf wiial Miporvision. if deaiiea. For terms apply to Unsit Art #i|iitt Viwe Arte H>>H«U»s <:itlCA<iO Enyeart Van Hoove.**- Voice Placement. Schoo) of Sbriglia • , , and Planconv French and _ ■■■ Italian Diction. Suite 82S Flat Ana Building Tel. Watmh 7111 . BARITONE Vocal Tuition Charles Rouse .Sf BARYTONE RECiTAUST Pupils, Monday & Thursday . 112 Fine Arts Building PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Suite £25 Pine Arta lildg.. Chiratro. . Pourdnl t«96 Thc only school-of it:; kind in America for the; 1 raining of teachers. KysUm adopted at tho " Conservatoire Nut tonsil de Mn»l.|Ur," Foru, Frnnre. Cnrakaroe maU#d,on reuueat. " ALBERT LABARTHE. Difrctw. :,;1: ■ ■ rove of every Sfld^^Oiltfwfr he i*velope«l atul coached sof^t voirJeraa she croons theson^ inllabys. is an exact impersonation of,as ••Carmeneita," by Sargent; Mlsa %&**» J^Sal studiost Ine Athenaeum building by the addition Of Mlsa M. Beryl Jacobs and Mis. J. H. Marshall. These are both instructors of recognized ability, who Will teach under the personal supervision of Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper's long and sue 'jts*s> very real, mamrn>vWlm llrst taught Kdna, Turner* as "l* ChttUt," by Jean 'tfer that the wild ndwerfe truly aTe in! Sate: Miss Helen *lie;. _ ;is habited by Pixies, who know where! "Queen Louise." by K. Lotfman • Mrs. the good children live, and that the! Walter Spry, as "Duchess Devonshire." little animals of the forest and mead- by Gainsborough; Mrs. Oscar R~mel, Room 612 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago lows make fine playfellows to those as "The Gleaner." by Jules Biclor;. • Phone. Wabash 7220 ! who are gentle and kind to them «T" MAfl N US ^E^wT£?» i ' *: . ^^w - ^ Gently opened a Studio at 626 Fine VOICE |,Aria bldg..,^Qpes;;.tfl Chicago, thor- ---■--■.- oughly equipped both as a singer and Studio: 616 Fine Art* Bldgf tescher of singing. After yearB of Juliette DaBbieli; aa "Dreaming." by Knight; Ray Walker. sjj!^*M"me. Le w,, .*>/.;. CHICAGO ,'..:., .., 1'iM' {i-i.,1 fi"i»O'V0>V hoi Mrs. Ethel Beakefleld, as "Behind the ^21. ; __' ^27«i2 * . t S^Lifflk^ w tH-HZr u»^fc yi£T «eaaful career In this country has amboo, by James Hepllsh: Mrs. ^^ him rcnown as not only a , teacher who can produce results, but .„ as ptfe who may be relied" upon to ovor- Bnm.-by Le^ Brun; Dqt^Ay Norris, ]%&&> &%#&^efe«^s^insea brir- fgrTftyt ■: *?y 0eor^e Buchner . re^Oar a<Hadled methods of vocal .■uaFArwtiBar • ...„«„ f«hcWng. By natural met hods he r<- aKY- i stores to normal conditions voices the last I whjcb nave suffered through imperfect "■■ '■"'-...... ii ELGIE LOWRY FISCHER Story Teller for the I ittlc Pi Mammy MelodU^ : : : . 33S.Vibi.hAv, Phone Kand 3T»» KA.TrJERI.NE SCHUSTER, VOlCl -Only Authorized Chicago Teschc*-- Dora Duty Jones Method «f laYRIC 0ICTION *^a feaeaesVC^p, tto aee-ssxapSS:- Aertt«.|lt ^llss KbUi.tIdo Hcbastvr's loDit ospermnen in t"«CBiint.teor (iiimi»«m»e sylilt aaSteas leuioa) so imellfseatty' . jo her ItMa. - (Mitf>i(Mi> I.URA ih rv Juvks tterlia.Uerata l altltuile. haro enabled her to erasii the or urt|i(ei><i( aty sw . -eea csi't'iiuona'i. | shall b» atad to bare tbs »'bi4*a»o a^ut m m-r b«M» = The Russell Quartet iaetUeaagrW. Soprano. Mabel Harton. Alto. Glsnn Sher wood. Tenor. David Pershing. Bass. Personal direction of ESTSbUE L. Russell. Kstelle I.. Russell. 3100 Lexington Sb Phone Garfield Ml«. j litlf f ■ »'■ r' ■**»■ a=te ; study under the best instructors in j Jheodore S. Bergey. duit ' thin country, he went to Milan. Italy, three years, has taken a prohounced ] tralnlug' and attains the limit of possl- where he. had two years of study with: stand* for European education, when \ bilities in developing the voice of any Vidal, thc authorized vocal rcpresen-; ninny hav<> asserted that American artist. These statements are conllrmetl tative of the Scale. Afterwards Mr. teachers and American education are by the volume of letters from satisfied Van Ilooven went to Paris, where he sufficient. Mr. Bergey does not say and enthusiastic pupils. spent six ^esuUyyrea^ ^ti^^^iB^iL ^tk, great masfer."-' Oiovamri Sbrlgha, be undertaken in America, but ho SEND CO PI IS OP THE NEWS TO teacher of Reakes. Pol Plancon, maintains that even the foundation or YOUR FRIENDS OUT OF THE CITY ■--^ '" *' f.........' ■ i n ' i i n n ■ a 'i i it ■ -- ?\ The Auditorium Bldg.. Chicago mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm RUNDLE SCHOOL of;MUSl' MYRTA COE- RUNDLE ■ : '■.:•:'■' i EEHWOn© 4S»-' (lakenwsld Ave. tHWrlj 5TUOIOS - . ROOF*" VKkK VL«f TtB . LASt rOtftT Utl Prsii Hr.1. eoi'eotrst***. ItSMttiiejit CHICAGO, SUITE 7J0 i-IN!t ARiS BUILDING Jafet/^Qyil- BUSY "HOTEL." 'Since" the cool weather has set in n.any applications have been made at (lie village police station -by home- less men who have been overtaken by night within the village limits for (king quarters, and none has been away. During tho paiit week between 40 and SO men have "regis- tered LAHEC CONCERT COMPAWY^^ The iithep.Coldcert comjihiiy, \rhich includes Mine. Iva Bigelow Weaver, soprano; Signpr Alberto Salvi, harpist. 'and the Nor&eet Sisters, violin and piano, will be heard at the Auditorium hotel oar Friday wening. Norr 1|, under tho auspices of Chapter A of the B. 0._K- The program will con- sist of groups, of solos by the indi- While the accommodations are not.; vidual artists and the Bach-Gounod ffigkly a la Blackstone. sttH the place "Ave Maria," sung by Mrs. Weaver i- comfortably to- warm and the men ."carrying Uie with the harp and violin obltgato. ssssesss l?$';i Classified Advertisements '■ TELEPHONE: WILMETTE 1640 Wast Ad> is tig Lsgc Store News are charged a|.the following raja? Real E»ta»* t*!lsa«first;«««.7 lA <-«.ts«.e f.«» said banner," and nearly all of them ex- press their appreciation when "check- ing out" in the mowing, ^v __ %A ~---------Z--'-~"-~: ,;;.■ ~r : j~ "BRIDGE AND RUM»»<PARTY. TSIe Kenilworth club", gave a "bridge and rum" party Tuesday eve- ning in the assembly hall. There ^ere twenty tables of bridge and six oi: "rum." The prize winners In the bridge contest were: Mr., and Mrs. Louis WUson. first; Mr. and Mrs. Hai^r Taylor, second: Mrs. Fred O. Merrill and Mrs. Frank G. Ely, third. In the other game, Mr! Owen t.> R3!h. °SLM!?' F7°k §-mS&9^m^k7^1lkWbm tearing away of werethe flr«.prize winners. *&*£, g, veil 5 mystery that has shroud- SS: ltt1J&T&\*£sS!Zof sexuaI lmmonm" ^.Farmeleer ^ "rlTrthewosidecent inay-that-ha^been^ vi ; : ~ "~~. '., ^ (rrNew-Voi* for a ,year.M-~Hearst,sj ParrelMade--JreffPsy-' i'jM>t|tBilhe. : ' - ■ ; VICTORIA THEATER What the press and others about "Damaged Goods." _ ^ Cincinnati,TO.. Dec. 1. 1S12. Woman's Municipal League, Boston Mass., 6 Beacon Street:: > Moral value of "Damaged Goods' officially endorsed by board of censors. cppointW' by Safety Dfrectwr Cash. Pls> was patronised by highest dass of citizens and was universally en- dorsed'in Cincinnati by press and pub- lic. (Signed) Henry T Hunt, - « Mayor of Cincinnati. •.-.. _ f. ... « "Damagedfoods" is, above all. TypeWfiteri Sold on Easy Payments For Rent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES rNEW AND REBUU.T REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Some Special Good Bargains Pull Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. CHANDLER & CO. 630-632 Davis St., Evans ton 7 tf cent* per line. 5 cents per list. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for leas than 25 centa. •i •['•• • i n 11 k FOR SALK EVANSTON HOMES MASON & SMART i iMamsriiisB'ai • im. ft. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANfM^-i^isskArs Ing by the day. Tailored dresses a I specialty. Aloo girls'dresses. Poor1 years' experience. Phone Wilmette j.-fflr-^..l^l-^_- • %' ____i___JiEj SITUATrON WANTED--AS CHAUP- feur; best of references; three years in Evannton with last employer; | keeps car. neatly clean and running smoothly. Phone Evanston 1803. FOR RJ8NT-- 1322 Wilmette; furnace 1 7-room CENTRAI.-AV., modern house, 51W-2tc RENT-ROOMS FOB<IU5NT--PkEAAANT ROOM J|K - private family; board optional; ex- cellent transportation. 204 Sixth si UP tie entire street railway system of **kT-**-*htfjf*+ -^** ♦*** "P Whan! MThfjro fnn nr flft rifniffl ** th> fact a i|| parrot •scaped from its home tQat u is „m#> to look with an open anl dragged Its chain across- t*°rmjnci at the serious probtems present. wir*f, causing a short circuit ! ed in this play."--Senator Kern of JEWELRY PURCHASED AT THE K HOUSE OF ^Sw iRCHBERfj DIAMOSOS fM-*W.M7 %SjV ta dependable mercbsodi« and demonstrate* it» .;,i^4fW^Bden,;; am.-::, r-SV^Y. JIOIM!!, PR4- -tw» blocks from ft.: W. "V terminal; board optional: busi- ness woman only; references. Ad- djrssjs Lake Shore News A l. Its SITUATION WANTED--AS CHAUF- feur. with eight years' experience. Three years* experience last Evans- ton employer. , Keens ear neatly j ^ and running smoothly. Will agree; roR SAi^-SECTIONAb BOOK m ^#»We 8»to4T- W»n?"B*-|' ease; five sections, complete. $12. nnston 1808. Address A til, I^ike Pbone Wilmette 1245. He Shore News. ' ltp '• ----"'""" "■ ■" ■ r* .....'-----'-* "^" "'" ------ PAIR OP SOLID FOR SALE ... saw*' -- Clf AS. S. WALLACE. A«e*at 1*31 OniacAM Ave. Tel.g^aaea ■ ii ' ii SI Classified Business List hasf.. ,iases%JnsTiiri ^u aa. /^■i./.x.pjiji NCRAL MERCHAKDSSE JEWELERS AUQUST RODELI Successor to ReaJettyt 4 Expert Watchmaker and Repairing of compUcatsd and clocks. Many years* aspie ence with pest known Cbteag* houses. **noss 2S32. •27 0avieS GROCERIES MEN'S WEAR BSSeSBBSSSBSaaSSaWMSSSBS FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT -- HdfJSE IN ,H%B-| bards Woods; furnished or unfur- nished; seven rooms sad porch, i Pbone Wlnnetka 680. -;^ Hcj SUBLET: brass sadirons, ar.. Wilmette $10. T27 Linden- HP :llaneous LESSONS MlVsW- Hk Indiana. IFREE1S APrac tic olCourse drersmaker. fee the DWom&*»PI^ "Damaged Goods■• Jan.. InUUted *i^?£^fr.ZZS^W* now." "Right up to the notch, | movement In this country that must be il jgj^Sm^iir^ «m „.,»», sals. too. Pets evanlng dress on all his i regawsu as opogu^malas ------- f "aLgSgrfgt^af.iSywnv^ seaYscrows ifery day at durt." 1 York Tinres. jf awaw-t»^aaio.Jii.^«aTWW»L,. TENANT WISHES TO modern 8-room house (831 12th-st.,i Wilteette); ecreeneaj porch; liberal i concession. Quinlan A Tyson. 1164 Wllmatte-av.. wilmette. its jPOK^RENT--A VERY DBSIRABLE flat of seven rooms, with an en- closed porch: $17 per month. Wm. R. WUson, Kenilworth, 111. Phone KeedfwoveA 1146. P O Box 78 Learn to make your own trays, sandwich baskets, aid candlesticks. Miss A. Hopkins. 116 Nlnthst. Phone wnmette 1M4 ltp FIRE INSURANCE--ROYAL I.NSl'R- aace Company of Liverpool, largest lire insurance company in the world, Insures dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest, rates. Char! A. Wlchtman * sgents. Phone »)3. Vina fruits-in sad out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cat Coffee is Good. QEO. B. WINTER Clothes Ready Ms da fTtdasm Order. Packard Sheas for ~ Sorosis Shoes tor Ladir- Ohildren. Gentlemeos Pursl Ing Goods. HAYES C^ H AYg) a__Quality and not Quantity--the best for the money---is ou? mot- to. Our mrs^ st^k of groceries U nlwsys select, sad Pres* Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. S. VAN DEUSEN ii' HOTELS THE AVENUE HOI Private Exchange 1110 Monday Dinner • «»~*i*it; 1 teS.SS P. at ItlsX

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