THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER *> «!* Social Happenings in Wilmeite By RUTH K/SLET Plume Wilmttte 1940 Mr. Donald OalHe, 1115 Elm wood il^red by Madame ttivennte William* javenue. and his fet*«d. Mr R*«S5fS; nvim. t Dewey of Kockfnrd. 111.. attaaded the] Today's Calendar pointa to the home-coming at Illinois university -chrlatma* Shop'* to be held to toe last Week-end. ! Assembly hail this afternoon and eve- Mi*. Stanley Braden has returned ■ n»nf% uni(v the aaaplces of the Worn Mrs. Geor«e Gardner entertained at) The Central Avenue rtreJe will be *J"l*"*!j° 22?L /^ ^i ■»>«■««■ •f«l*^"7k-of-^* Il0ly tnaebeon and bridse Tuesday alter-Uterfnlned this mew** at the home ;'*^^2nS ^ arttele, of various of Mrs W M Wkeltaiaji >l* Central!of *"* «*»»Bt*r, ^f8- Gordon Calver. t ^^tg wtn be on sale at very resaon- 51!» Gregory avenue. ! «t»Ie prices. Cue of the rooms ha* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Couffer. 903 Wiimette Churches neon at her home. 71». Central avenue. Covers were laid for twel/fe. The Ouilmette Dancing club will avenue. Mrs. Charles St. Augustine's Episcopal Church. 7:30 a. m.--Holy communnion. 0:4". a. m.---Sunday school. 11 :W~«j. m.-1-ilornlng service. The Rev. Frank C. Whaetoek of East bam nton, Mass.. has accepted toe barrow. SIS Ooybs *^a*2^ thTda^«mn£ ">««. <**«<« »<* home yesterday ior to******* ■•"J/J- «■* ** Krank »*-*«* «*f* will be dancing. In Z,Z»^„T12■ • taeettai of the Ce-y Corner circle, *^"*e,,n- f4 ?%!? ****** ^ i the evening a playlet will be present- saoirow evening at the Woman* «* .^^ luncheon nnd ***** *• Clucago-lUliMrfa game at^ by loca, ulent ; invltatfoas have btea ,issued by Br*?** club* metttowee* with *«« "XT^C TOaVw ^r^Tcentral °nt> <* *c lf^M*8t »•*»..-f.tW. M>as Ktoabeth Helfron for a dancing Arthur AWen on Thirteenth stroe J« ^ ^{J*** "£ h„me i £rj **«>« ^W on the north shore was lirty to be held tomorrow evening at An slt^Uy meeting of the ^-n-,*^^ J •2?&S £ DurineiU,e tbar,ly Ml-*"" W*-". 'h«»«»* Sr hoihe. «|0 Forest avenue. There tropic department of the Woman>}^SL^u^^S&^iJSS]lfilxm ** $* X****1"*™'■'»* «*' Kenl*- Sfi be about twenty-flve guests. '«l«b is beta* held today la theitm^S£TS^2V^-XT' ""l*"** <**> Saturday evening. rco*ns. . Mrs. K of; congregation attended the annual ban qnet of the Method 1st social oonven been fitted up as a French tea-room,! call to St. Augustine's church and will :take charge Sunday. December ft. 7 Congregational Church. ■ Sunday. Novembor 22. 9:45 a. m.--Sunday school. 10 a. m.--Men's Bible class in the! auditorium. j The Men's Whist «Jul» m*t Monday evening at the Country club. Mr. aud Mrs.-.G. W. Burnett enter- taitted their "S««W club Saturday eve- jtlng at their home.. 62H Central ave- nue. There were two tables. Mr. and Mr. W. W. Kerr.-707 Forest avenue, gave a dinner party Thursday; evening for their "fWly," the occasion being his elev- enth birthday. I.atcr they attended the 'Village theater. The guests in- cluded "Ned*" Greiner, Robert Belt, Robert Smith. Olney Brown and Bart- her^hsence. Mr. Thayer's^mrent. **\-^em iBSS'.^SUZSii^^' "-V"** *?» "Trtte , f™R^v Md MnTThomaa fSTene Gale *lt!HBt two nundred *»* ««* ^P'8 •»*' * P- M.-Union commonwealth class Vt. Jordan. 1317 KUnwoo, ; «•^^|--^3JJ"^^/B5S^J5J;! *M*- tai* •*» •■*•* °* *"■• «iB,^,!' -»»■ * »*lMWta« in the M. E. church. Mr. avenue, entertiuned tne members of j ^J^6™' ^Sed the ao^al ban- iiur' H a 8ttc««» *«»" * ttWudal as ■ Henry E l^jgler. librarian of Chicago tfc* Thursday club yest*rd*y afterv.^y^^^^^T^gJ ««H « social standpoint; -bout public library, will speak. mO0U- ^ - c . 'Gonatthe^Au^RortamSte? S',tw hM^ '•"'^ ^ f11"^ «:15 p. m.-Y. P. S. C. B.. "A Joybua Another of the Tuesday Luncheon "on at .»•Awu1"*"™™ hotel, luesuay ^^ frmj|(| ^^ wag ^ by j,^ cJufe,' aad-Kridge clubs met this w*ek with *t«",n*; „_V"^v. -- .1^, ■ cfts«. Presldont of the club, nnd her j Mrs. Jamca Whitley; 7J7 Elmwood After spendla ; several weeks last avenue. sooi chrysanthemums. THE BUILDERS J .WISH spending ts not *-* servativc I universally Investors builders. Leader, Mr. John L. Pago. ,.'• ( Wednesday. November 2S. 10 a. m.--Ladies' Bible class. j >; p. m.--Rev. B. F. Taber, minister, [ of the Baptist church, will speak at [ the union Thanksgiving service, in the; M: K. church, Friday, November 27. ., • partner, Mr. H. Fresinau. The hall ;f^- *;•£■. .*?,Mt,lter' H,S ATI^ I r.^«n looked very inviting. In Its A number of friends surprised Mr. *f "Jf- *20 "»*« «venu«s Mr. John: aocoraUons of, smilax and yellow and Mrs. Frank Bobbins a_t_.thetriMacAdamu of Vancouver. B. C, has! jhvme. 102C Unden avenue, Monday.; ^Ua^uthem California to si^ ^ ^ ^^ evening, the occasion being Mr. Rob-1tne wimer. . .._ n^.to. - . ^ btas' birthday __^^= _^- ^ Mn. J J. Siddall. Jr., :018 Lake *•? ***-.*l the persistent work of ^^r^K™nue card club werel**«nue. la spending the week visiting{*"• "o^ Foreaman, chairman of the; 7:30 p. m.-Juulor Sunday school The lAndeuAvenue CaM tlull wer« . 1 a ner!committee, and her assistants, Mrs. entertainment; admission, l<rcents, royally entertained Saturday evening Un Mansnew, u, un ner return ner, ni„#.b«r««ji m»> n 1 a»«in 1 i--.i.,r j|r- g^ p Biymyer, who bas 1 c- Kt wjackwood, Mrs. H. 1^. stolp, been Visiting there for some time. ^ ed Mrs. Stattman. win accompany her. Miss Marion Diets entertained her Dr. and Mrs. Milton R. Barker. 707 Dr. and Mrs. John EL Walsh of Olen-l'ridge club Tuesday afternoon at her j Washington avenue, left Tuesday inrita roe announce the engagement of their Lome. 1W5 Greenleaf avenue. [evening for Minneapolis. Minn. ^•jJJT'/JJ^J'J, ESSffiS BIWe aCh°°l at 9M5 a' m' d«Wtterr*iorePce Bthel to Walter J. i Between the hours of 3 and 0 last Barker w I return today.^but Mrs.| M^C.i^^^n^^^i^^]Pte^MnE uerxl^atn a. m.; subject. ^SSre^also of Glencoe. !Tnesday afternoon. Mrs. Ira M. Hatch Barter will go on to Pasadena, Cal., j J,^™*' SSKTmBIiSS "Thy Uod' Thy8eIf' Thy NeWibor.- B. snd Mrs. Paul Hm* Colley is- gave an informal teh at her home, | -here she will append ^J^^^! ^ 'Z Mrs". 2 M Att2^SIZ&JEBR!* * 6:U P" ^' Jfe*^ and Mrs. B. Frank Brown, 606 i Mt« w- s- Tinaman, Mrs.'C K. Par- melee and a party. Mr. and George B. Dryden of Kvauston and.. ; rt Mi. _nj m__ i-mt,M n rhot. jt'ortystereopticon slides w -rick Clarke, baritone. and^MIss Carol their home'on Lake gveoue for their;attended the annual invention of ^ ^'J, ^^p:J"T Dr a.nd'{TheP0 Wl" be no grayer meeting on Robinson pianist. T"™. »»ft »n honor of his twelfth birth-1 Illinois Federation of Woiaui's duba. ™' ^.SSLL^ Jfi' m^ VVednesday evening. November 18, M« F-T Casey entertained at day The guests were Hurt Austin.j llr and Mrs. MlUon- Reed Barker," J&J?SSS£^J?VS?«S Billy Kerr. Robert Belt, O'Xell Brown, | 707 Washington avenue, had as their if ■■»:■. cxrixiirixurrxxuxrxiriixrxxxzziiiirrisuxinniiiii tettt Austin Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Eastman enter- a." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter! Mother, Mrs. R F. Blymyer, who has j lataed the "H. and W." club at dinner , Stattman. Mrs. Charles Gibson assist- been visiting there for some time, \- Tuesday evening. Covers were laid ed Mrs. Stattman. , *M uccompany her. ■ ^ . - ^"^ "^ HawkS dwerat to twenty. Miss Marion Diets entertained her _Dr. and Mrs. Milton ^9-M W£g^J^Byj Rldg^y Mrs. J! H Baptist Church. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Resi- dence 1018 Eleventh street Sunday it services held in the Woman's club; J building. Greenleaf avenue and Tenth' ■ I When Buying Cut Flowers Mr. said invitations for a musk-ale to be given tomorrow evening at their home.: Mrs. R »»£f AelUand avenue. Mrs. Colley^f aopraoo. vsrlll be atsslsted b^y Dr. Fred- J !»!."• Green leaf avenue; for her mother, Mrs- «& M. Allen. . The pastor will ™ ..A....„TO sermon, "Some , „^.'1 Neglected Reasons for Thanksgiviug." B. Orelnor entertained at dinner at'day from Springfield, III., where Oltf|:~™M^ **^^°^^ used. IT. Van Pelt of Cleveland, O.javenue avenue, returned Sutur- jlity and •freshness is the first st beautiful Chrysanthemums', Pom ting in the Use, of cut flowers from our greenhouses. giv!t^ them bridge Tuesday afternoon at her nome,' 3*7 Central avenue. Tbe»e were slst tables. -Vn. Wiiiiani |l. llopkina ..enter, taintd four ftiends from Chicago at Itii'Cheon >es»crd«y at her home. 122! Ashland avenue. They were Mes chines W. J- Young. W. J. Young. Jr., Y.'aiuim Kirkland and N. M yunlan. _______ Jo Robert and Harold Smith ami Gordon j guests last week, .Miss Helen M. Rai-1 C?arke. ; guol of Philadelphia, Pa.. Mrs. David The dancing parties given by the j W. Reed and Mrs. F. U Beeman of There"'win be< a. bazaar at St fcephv ehitrch nest Tuesday, Wedxtes- duy and Thursday. The Women of St. Frances Xavler's church gave a dinner lasi evening at' the Woman's club house. Aii«ouu«rn:ent has been made of the engagement of Miss Hester Maries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. 'l%_r Day It h, 'tho Fore«t tvcjiuo. :o iir Jojiejih Henry Billon of WoodMnc i avenue. finance committee of the Woman's club have been discontinued. The Crescent circle has. planned a lea for Friday afternoon, to be held Serl-1 ai the Congregational church. Miss ' Wright, assisted by Mrs. F. I). Day and Mrs. Herbert Caldwell will be in the receiving line, Special music will be supplied by Miss LePagc of Ev- tuiston. Waukon, la., and Miss Bertha Bee- man of Northwestern university. The Rev. L. O. Baird, 57 Crescent place, officiated at the wedding of Miss Mabel-Velletta Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry Greene or Chicago, and Mr. Lewis E. Myers of Valparaiso. Ind., which was solemnized Saturday afternoon. i'r. mid Mrs. R. II. Huntsman, 211 Miss Vera T. LebAnoft* rtas hostess I Ninth street, have had as their guests st an attractive birthday dinner-party (Mr*. Huntsman's parents. -Mr. r.ud Wednesday, given in honor of her^! Mrs. J. Haskins gfnitli of New York brother, Paul E. Jr.. at their homo? j city. Hi. smith returned to New York 1118 Greenleaf avenue. There were j Tuesday evening, but .Mrs. Sutifi \> ill twelve K.ut*»ls^ jremn-in here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. (*. .Mitchell, 8H | == )TJih"den avenue, opened their home | ! Mr and Mrs. C. M. Armstrong. Mr. and 31r?. Grant Jlidgway. Mr. and Mrs. .In:ues H. Prentiss. Mr. and Mrs\ Hugh Foresman, Mr. and Mrs. Mark-Cresap. Mrs. Cone. Mr. and Mrs. F. M: Hicks, Mr, .and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sanborn, Mr- and Mrs. W. H. Isom. Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Case. Judge and Mrs. Sidney Eastmanr Mr. and Mrs. Fred BttUey, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. CHne, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Chand- ler, and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burn- ham. The Travel class ' afternoon with "Mrs- Greenwood avenue. met John Thursjlay IlifT, fit! Tuesday evening to about twenty of their friends to practice a number o? Use new dances. Wilmette; Societies and Clubs »♦»♦»♦•»»+»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦ The Fellowship club met Wednes- day evening at the home at Mr. and •Mrs. N. F. Webb. 427 Ninth street There were four table*. The fifth division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church will I tfft entertained at luncheon today at the home of Mrs. J. F. Stone, 7o»; Ltndeu-avauae. -Mrs. stone nnd MrsT C. C. Mitchell are the hostesses of the day. The Monday Itrldge club met this week with Mrs. VV. W. Kerr. 7<»7 For est avenue. The Woman's Association of St. Augustine's Kpiscopal church wilj give 3* luncheon today at. I2::$0 u'<*tock. Mrs B l-'rai.Klin I'.ihl;,i.d will be in charge: A business meeting and pro gram will follow. :.Mrs. George Martin, 1046 Elmwond avenue, was hostess Tuesday to her Kuncheon and Bridge club. Wllmette clubwomen will be inter- ested In the results of the election at Springfield |ast Thursday. Mrs. Cbxrles H. Zimmerman of Chicago Was elected president of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. She pas always been prominent in club =^*rOrk. is now vlie-p.esldent of the Tenth district of the federation and pter.ident of the i.eague of Cook County clubs. Candidates for the other two offices were elected without r~ Kenilworth News Notes Word for Jude Johnson. There is this thing about worthless 4 Jude Johnson: Whenever he strikes j a town that doesn't please him he doesn't knock but gets out.--Atchison Globe. this service being merged into the' union Thanksgiving service to be! held in the First M. E. church at 7: :i0 ■ P. m. on that evening. Rev. u. Frank j Tabor will preach the sermon. Methodist Church. Lake and Wluuetka avenues; T. K. Gale, minister; 1"24 Lake avenue; j#4. telephone 654. i 9:30 a. m.---Bible school: orchestra; I classes for all. 10:45 a. m.--"John, the Swift j Driver." Series on Bible characters. •". p. m.--Junior church: all boys and girls invited. Come and hear about the Kaffir boys. •" p. m. - l'nIon Bervlee addressed by Mr. Henry G Logler of the Chicago public library. 6:13 p. m--Kpworth league: all toung people welcome. <::;♦* p. in.™Swedish service; Rev. Hedstrom, minister. That is thereasGQ Our uaices a1 you conifler qua! Chr^fantherau Poipons, all and __r sprays. ses, all leading a 1 nations, them _T <lo>:. Flowers arra Our new sto: Avenue. wei onabj ;!uieas. S.'J.OO finest. of 0 lies, 50c, 75' frfect Is possible to produce,. 5»c occasion. ate<l in the Village Theatre, ^HCu Wllmette Fyfer & Olsen 8u^8«£3S5x cc>- Wilmctte, Hi. We deliver to all along the North Shore from Evanaton to Glencoo. rTTrTTVTVTVT«T»Tr»TTTTTT»T3r>»>TTT»»>*JH»T»>TS>l>«1i; Mr. and card club Tuesday afternoon at her home. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet with Mrs. J. S. Nor!' ris, 1314 Forest avenue, next Tuesday t'tternoon :it 2:-'!«i o'clock. There will be reports of the slate convention a' ! Charleston, also account* of the three state-; voted dry. B. G. Me.Ctoud «.:: has been appointed Personal Mention M Wilmeite Folk, culbertsoti. l"~\ Green- is been ipiite ill for the il am •. nd- Mrs. C. W. leaf avenue, I past week .Mi. h r.(l <; White. 1..JI C -ill mv. is in New York on an q Litniiiens trip. Mr. Herbert Graves, 105 ,Sixili street, is convalescing from an injuiy Itcelved last wet k. Mrs. E. I'. Falch, 611 Wiu>btu«ton avenue, has as her guest .Mrs. Frank Planner of Blackwell. Wis. .Mrs. lOgbert C. Reese Is visiting at tlie homo of her son. Dr. Charles V. lieese, 727 Forest avenue. Karl Camron, eldest son o! Mr. and Mrs Ira Cr-Gamron of Sixth street, i. seriously ill with pneumonia. Miss Gertrude Ketchum. 711 Ban; : >i nue. has been confined to h< r honi" this week on account of illues.:. Mrs R. V. Van Belt of Clvdind <>.. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs Ira M. Hatch, »15 Greenleaf aveaue. Miss Maude Twining or the Evans opposition. They were: Correspond- ton hospital was the guest of Mm. A. _jh_t secretary. Mrs. George Thomas Palmer of Springfield, and general 'federation slate secretary. Mrs. Fred- ciick A. Dow of Cp <>ago Hepresen lailves rrom the Wllmette Woman's club include Mrs. Donald M. Gallic. |^r& Blmwood avenue^ and Mrs. B. i*rT»ftk Brciwii of wii Washington avo- A"new auction bridge club has been organised to meet every third Tues day afternoon at the homes of tlir^ vWlotlSTHembers Ol|"TJ<?ceinber 3 the club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frimond L. Dalton, 1625 Lake avenue. I* Snile. 112 Sixth Stieet. |a!| week. Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Baker. :,or Lake u\emie. returned tli« lirM of this week from Fremh Lit k Spi ins". Ind. Mr. Frank Warne of New York «il>, spent Sunday an tke guest or Mr. and .Mrs. G. \V. Burnett, 623 Central ave nue. Strt>. Frank Butler of Denver, Col. is spending the winter with her daugli- ii£'_Jv.,/s- Albert 1', Suite, US Sixth street. * Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Bruns. 71". Michigan '.avenue, are tourin;; tbrougu icSlra. Charles F. Heinboth, |0ir» Ash-yth,. WchI Indies, returning b; way of Uir.d aveuue entertained the North i'alm Beach, Fla. Bad circle at her home Monday aftVr- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bi'et'.i <ld, 1102 ; *OOOi ('. HI lid ;i\ mie. ii.ul ;(S ileir ;-nes: ; v-4T>e t^Hwanehe ^'ard cb»b wHl tn""t " ^»k their diiUghTef ^MrsT 7j. the new Federal Reserve Bank of Chi j cago. The Woman's guild of the Inioii church lit I l it:* weekl} meeting .VI011- riay afternoon. Miss Edwards or (ilea, N. V., is a guest at the home ot Mrs. F. M. Hicks ul Ah bolts lord road. Mrs. F. Travis mm tw„ s.jjis lia^t. moved into the house at the corner _o_L. AhhottHford road-^an<t +ry roorr. " Mrs. Vennema will speak nu 'How F-»r Shall the Child Control the Life of the Home?" at the meeting of the educational department on Wedue* day. The Joseph Searn clut will hold lis, s« eond annunl banuiiet tomorrow eve liing in the guild rooms of the Union (luirch. The Chi-Omega soronty of North- western university gave a dance Fri- dry evening at the Kenilworth As senibly hall. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick .Tr | and family of Oak Bark have removed to Kenilworth, where they will reside permanently. Prof. Charles Zeubiin 01 Boston, formerly of Chicago univetsity, ad dressed the Kenilworth club Tuesday evening at the Assembly hall, on "The Common Life." Mr. and Mrs. .lames Cart-wright Mc- Bride of Chestnut avenue entertained :it luncheon Sunday evening for their guest. Mrs. William T. Wiley t'ov *r:i were laid for ei<ht Mrs. Wiley has returned since to her home >u I'rinceton. ill Dr. A. \V. Harris. pre»i.lent 01 North western university, delivered a liK'fcl interesting address before «i meeting of the Neighbors yesterday iftenioon at the Assembly hall. IHa -nbjeci wa» "The Education Women." Spex'ial music was ren GE IS NECESSARY .....A.18^c ....:... .28e ave made the cash prices low enotijrh to get if EXTRA SPECIAL rmonr's Star or Swift's Premium Ham.'.. Armour's Star or Swift's Premium Bacon Fancy Home-Dressed Chickens...........> Leg of Lamb, fine quality................. Kil) Roast of Beef--roasts that please. I 'oris Roast ........................ I 'ork Chops........................ Porterhouse Steak, prime quality Sirloin Steal: Round Steak Fresh Ground Mafrit Shoulder I'ot Shoulder Reef Loin of Lam!> Rio J^amb Chop" Shoulder Lamb Lamb Stew......' Leg Veal Roast. . Veal Steak___>. Loin Veal Roast Loin Veal Chop: Rib Veal Chpps. Shoulder Vcal_Roast VeaTStew..___'.... Sauer Kraut, quart...........,........ Spare Ribs, per pound...........*...... I.ard, per pound...................... iirookfield Sausage ................... Fresli Oysters, always on hand, per quart. Our poultry is strictly country dressed and is sold at the very loAvesf market value. J. J. NILLES £?* W. R.aHroad Aye., Witmette •T* •#• I^*a\*aV.K#«J Tel.278«Bd279 Secoml Hour South oi Central Ladies9 and Gentlemen's I am phjajwif to announce that the ve trimmings for the F#LL C& arrived, and I herewith *xtend ^cot inspect same. By placing youiywders e: will receive garments when Thanking you for past favi Best Quality, Correct materials, de- of 1914-1915 mvitamii! to you to call and fore the biisy season sets in, you ired, and thus avoid annoviu^jj^B^iintments. and soliciting their^|0Mmce7l am for ics. Artistic _____ ^anship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J7 ErBER 1131 Creenleof Ave. J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wllmette 426 Wllmette Fruits ai Kenilworth, Hi. |8V6)oceri8s Itauwtm Season Phones 1041-1042 Tuesday afternoon with J_fe.Alice JQ.^iiuaxe^f-ehteagor^ Thttle. $ii WahhlnaiUjn aveooe. ^||FThlnihl.. clnh *Hl mii-i Tut^s !4ay afternwtn at *h« home of Mrs. J?«4 &Jmmarlu r, l ».'S Lakt- av.'iiii.>. >lr«. tirorge Manon. |02r» ThlrteettUii sir.-.-t. i> visiii!,^: in Monmouth. 1:1 She exi»tecta to extend her visit over' th»« ('hrl^nuih holiday >. Tlie rirnt «JSvt«ion of the Uriinjettf* - Announcement ia made of the hirth 5nliodiht church w»lhol<|-a food aal>- of a daughter 16 Mr. andI'Sira. K, (*. Wednesday gttetnotm .in tbe^fioode, 2%% Woodbine -arenue. on i r iiurch i»arlors. Thuraday. November 5. ifra ImuU A. Clark, tl« Ijtke ave- Mr. B. K. Bluland. 1228 Kim wood e. will lx? hosteaa today to the Frl* av*nu«*. ii* a member of a party of men Amcb>*m mud Bridge elub. wbo\are standing thin week in the Thomas O, Wian«U of Chest- woedd^ in north*™ .Michigan, deer; entertsined her hwehaen htaati Now Is the Time Man Wa0rfc carrying/fulilin rennials. #We else « Cut Flow^s for J.FKINT 6 Son 621 W. Railroad Ave. Telephon* llO*___________ Wllmette. sidence Pb*ae 11 M» Western Casket and Under 1 materials for the tall and win wc'cordlally invite jou tqJ0n and in sp»Tt same. ___&__F»nt_p our work w u»wr4« A Western Casket dees not mean Price. We carry a Jine of Caskets Hundred and Fifty Dollars, a ~ _ Flv* Hundred and Fifty Da] Oiir^owit Caskets it our Own Factory, thus WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Habbktfcwu w.ffl tivm hi* pertoaal attention to .very detail. ^IFe service. AUTOMOBrLE SERVICE FURNISHED you 1 and. couip, EAfRSEl Cheap in prices torn re Casleif you any placyelse. Thirty pany mean a Cheap Five up to Three y from Fifty to annfactare all of Fifry Per Cent. owner of our Wilmetta Score sod of prices. tn_______fitee first class