Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE MEWS. FRIDA\C NOVEMBER ». UH Mrs. Auna Marprar^the James, wife. NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS. I9US. aftf document Ko. 4982290 aadi>enn' *»«■ .**£• °* «*• »**d «Jouiuy NOUee of proceeding* for the open -| recorded thereto ia Book 11930 of f^ ^.J* b*»J» «>e coort house lag and extendi** of fifteenth Street iRtcoriiliViiwp, 4*7. aad all perW" the CSty of Chfca«v County and in the County, of the .. or the Southeast Quarter fS. K. J/i i of'asid Coort acalast Vheee property f^81" *Jj** PW«,.«»»w«t or demur to Section Twenty-eight (281. Township LheneBts uav« hee» aweaaed to pay [f^6 ^^"toa^r^ .pelWon and object to Fvrty-two H2> North, Itange Thirteen!the cost of the said improvement[,h® re*°rt <* the eomm^toaera, a* -<l«) East of^Jie Third (3rd) I'rincipai J hereinafter described, that the VII- for*fid* and a^°° W ^jf*0 *° * Meridian. i lage of Wilmette heretofore filed aj^. the aame and the matters and STATE OF ILLINOIS i,-,..' \ petition in the County. Court of Cook j iL,n*f *«*»« charged and stated^wttl COUNTY OF COOK X IN THF cons-TV coiTftT oif «o«K *'■<* the Jttst compensation to be made:"'1*7*** ,n ««»"»»<* ■ wit* tne sbw ; uojversity of lHinois, aad a former j aoumJag at the university where Dr. j After j,er marriage Mrs. James, iiv THfc vovfirrtwvRT QV COOK*, ^^ propctty to ^ ta]jcn 0, reportjndtlia prayer of saidpetMon.; p^ma,. Te9iAmt <* Evaaatoa. died ^mas urged that the athletics ssdj while fceepto* house with a scrrant. To the December Term A D Ul4 imaged for opening or extending! ..P™r,ChJf*go* ,Hinoi»'Novemberi fy,^, ,B ^ N<mh ghore HeaWl KeJ other enterUlnraents r^^^ that lan- Condemnatlon General Number 98.121.1 Street at a, width of sixty j4"*- A-~ ™'4' „ aWBTP-Klr ^n > Wlnoetka. where she had been! reference to the death of his wife. \smw. to the Ust of those she had * 'Village of Wllmntte vs Edward II IKlx *6C) feet North from the 9oulh ™ *, iT r # p JTi> _ a patient,for Heveral weeks, j Myiases was the daughter of the already maatered In ber. studies in Bagley. Apgela I. Bagley. his wife. J. jIIn* of the Northeast OJart court of cook pre$ent at the bedside were Dr. Rev. Wilheim Roderich Lange. who Germany. She did this to assist her Edwin Dempsey andtMrs. J. Bdwiajj«> ot the Southeast Quarter (S. E, %)] i r,,?m L ,, w"rK«ft« James ifed a daughter, Miaa Helen, uas a graduate of the University of .husband in his work as principal. Dempsey, his wifeT Chieago Ti^ andfi*c;s*c<,OIK ^wsB^Br-sii^-i^-^fjwt^^^--- ~-ind-a-afflT Prof. Herman a. Jam**, Hslle. Gennany, and a chaplain In the She corrected examination japers. Trust Company, trustee. Susan B. Kcr- l»"'P Forty-two (42) North/Range Thlr-. Attorney for I ettt toner. ..,.-■ i - i . foot, and the Unknown Owners or Ler teen < 13) East of the Third Principal j ^^^^^^^^m ^m^m^^ sb*********** gal Holders of three <3> principal i Meridan over and across that part of jiF promissory notes, each dated May'17,! the Northeast Quarter (N. E. ' MRS F I J1MR6 | of the University of Texas. Lieut. I Prussian army. Her grandfather on thereby giving Dr. James iTsavo. ». #. «aaiis<3 i Anjthgoyi JjUBea o! ^ tTnlte4 gttieg | fccr mother's aide was William Oer-fene «a stvdlea. TAKEN BY DEATH navy la another aon. Ilneh. j«fe«sar of philosophy in the ^ J§meB atmmmimm _____________ The news of Mrs. James* death was j University e< Halle for atnt*jfc*1«-fy^^ ^ household nlatWiat L Wife of Univemty of IB-iST'aS.SiSri note President Sue- \i^«'*^«^.m™&..^J!?™l^^^J****** lj*timM±j*+Mmikmii» - --,"---t-t,-.-._--««^-.-- gathered in celebratlOT or the annual Dr. and Mrs. James were married «iy of uiinois. She CUITlbS. home coming for the football match Au«. 22. 1879, »t Bloowrfngaea. where | similar 9500 for the Youag -------------- | today with the University of Chicago, f f^, jaBae. was principal at that time Christian association. At the request of President Ut^[^^:'^^'-l^._ti^'^'-^"^\ While Dr. James was ■ Northwestern university resided a* 2*04 Orrtngton . was very active la a work, and' the news of her death I here, who realised she was v« but had not thought that the would prove fatal. .County" praying for We" a^rtaYhm^i tbc takw as .confesaed and a judgment [ of PriHrident" Edmund" J. Jamea""of "th^ | tne» will be no outward signs of |nolsState normal school. | of the Just compensation to be msde!*^"1**** ™ accordance with the said ; university of Illinois, and a former 1 mourning at the university where Dr. j After her marriage Mrs. ) of ! f* 12, signed by Edward H. Bagiey and lhe Southeast Quarter (8. B. %) of pnyable to the order of himself and by [Section Twenty-eight (28) aforesaid. him duly endorsed and delivered, each described as follows: Beginning at for the principal sum of Five Thou-'a P°'nt on the South line of the North- ssad Dollars ($6,000.00), payable on i «»* Quarter (N. J3- %) ot the South- er before one (1). two (2) and thr<«)«&st Quarter (S. E. 14) of said Section «3) years respectively, after dale, and : Twenty-eight (28) at its intersection . bearing Interest at the rate or five per with th* East line of Sixteenth Street - centum (5%) per annum, payable produced North; thence North parallel semi-annually, jtoth principal and in-, with the West line of said Northeast terest being payable at tho office of' Quarter (N. E. %) of the Southeast Wm. D. Kcr root * Company, No. 85' Quarter (S. K. V*) of Sect ion Twenty- Washington Street, Chicago. Illinois,' eight (28) six hundred forty-five and said notes bearing interest aft«r ma- j four-tenths <«4.r>.4) feet to a line one turliy at the rate of seven per centum j hundred ninety-one (191) feet South- <7','» per annum, and being secured I west of and parallel with the south- by a trust deed made by Edward Ii.! westerly line of the right of way of Bagley to Chicago Title and Trust ] the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- [ Company. Trustee, a corporation of"i way Company; thence northeasterly the State of Illinois, conveying the fol- at right angles to said southwesterly towing described land, situated In the! right of way line one hundred ninety- Countyo^Cook and State-of Illinois, rone (191) feet to said right of way to-Wlt: All that part of the South ;ime; thence northwesterly along said Twenty-five <25) acres of the North-, right of way line sixty-six <G6) feet; <-0s£ Quarter (N. E. >i) of the South I thence southwesterly at right angles «^*t Quarter't 8. ,B. »<») ofH lying West fo 8ai,i rIgnt of way Jine ,Wo hundred _of the rlihtofway of the Chicago and-frwehty-sevi a and one-tenth (227.1) Northwestern Railroad), containing u^t t0 a poln,. th„„f;{. south on a lin* Thirteen and forty-one one-hundredtJis parallel with.the West line of said (13.41) acrofi m:>re or less, exccpilm; Northcasi 4sfrter * X i: ', i of the dTLK ivin Everyone prepares for Thanksgiving da^ Why not be ready in advance? The offers on this page will enable y to be fully prepared a few days in advance. Don't crowd everything into the last day. Buy now and make it easier for both you and ut Friday Special Curtain Scrim Tard 9|C Yapd 36 in wide, white and ecru, 10 yd. limit Ni Phone or Mj!1 Orders Filled. Our New Toy Dept.~~2nd Floor For several weeks we have been holding a great Furni- ture Sale to clear the space for our beautiful new toy de- partment Very fortunately all of our toys were pur- chased before the European war set in. You will find hundreds of new European novelties beautifully dis- played, in the greatest toy store on the North Shore. We earnestly request early purchases. • Boxed Writing Paper 48 sheets and 48 envelopes in a beautiful large tinted box. A value rarely encoun- tered. Per box------ -*w* .•.portion thereof described as follows: -fJamjnendng at a point on the Souths .line of said, premises, one" hut tl<M>) feet East of the Wt said premises; thence Nor£ dred and Thirty-five (Uty east One Hundred (100) south One Hundred and Thirty! (135) feet; thence West. Hundred (100) feet to the of beglnniug, containing an of One Hundred H4»0+ f^ef by Hundred And Thirty-flve (186) jiIko all righ£, title and interei and t tract One «ht sfTti i| ti !M l|i-:ist. on (««) #et t coptinM thai the Mghw i'st ■-•■<• of. U'.r (8. B. 14 > of wild y-eight (2$) tn the of; thence Kast sixty lie place of. beginning, from tlif intersection extending along the 1** right of way of th> POTATOES Fancy Whi'.e Potatoes, -- H'-*^'! '-*w>ker» , j.t r |i< ck .19c I" r Im: lul .65C N'fH n;<»tV |h an Iwj bu-!,..l to ti < HIS! >mc:r. VEGETABLES umKor{hw,'HteTi> Kailruad. town uk West Railroad said ritrio of land, hi Ihr of Wilnii'Lttf^in ncco^nlance feet, i, area »-onv« ance.j fheSMthTen (10 > feet or said »f On J Hundred <l««) fr<«t by lundrJl and Thlrty-tive il::5) [above excepted from said The said Trust »)<'.<] is, '!:'»' d|M;iy :i, IDULaud filed fur 1 in th Uec#dojf^fl'.'C' of said *"r■'.< Couna/, oh |un#6,■ 1*12, .. No. A82.291 #id accorded therrin in •liooklll,'j;htl#JMcprdH on l»ago r.T. and djl otherasRons haviig or claim lng Interestswi any of the said pi<m- isee, designated and dcairilxii Al! whom It may concern." lii the matter of the Petition or ih•• Village of Wilmette for iho ane< rTuin ment of the just compennation ;r> 1 ■• •made for private property to !><* taken t damaged for the opening of Kix tcenth Street over and licrws u pari of the Northeast Quarter (N. K <, > << the Southeast'Quarter tS. K ',» 01 Section Twenty-eight H'm. Township F*ortj-two 142) Njri'i, Heat?. Tlil,'-<;i with the pro for tho' ma I said Ord Otlhcu^ffe Villas. f an Ordinanrt- lid improvement, « (jii file in th') Clerk, and also »-Hijit<' wiii he btTVefifed by mprovemont and 111 -• amount of benelitB to each parrel. Dial I 'iillinii: bi"l!' lit \. . (•■■ duly ;:[j po_ltitij 1<> h.-ii.] 1 onri :> f>iVi^!li*cate and rfpin iii" jimt ro;j.ip.:i'-niioh lot;.' made lor-private propert) to !*■ iaU« «i or duiiiaged fur y.iid impi<>vi ment. C.irro'.s, P r i>»ck 13c Deets. p 'T pf< k. .28c Parsnips i:.«. ■ >r . .1?c Dncd On ;oi t, S illK for t7c G p n n i e h D11 0112, l;| t,"; Riz. •: lr.< C11 Itc Frokii Pi im Bkir.c. 1 UOll 12c Hi.l;f 3rd & uaih, i.-vl, . 12c ruifl 15c y.erravv.-TuE. iZf!*,-- Hr-tr -Ue- Spiaach. 1" >• p.-, ), 23 c Ca!;b.-trje, 1 .'-->• 1.4 1. IK'.- f" :l.l .6c j Dried Peaches, per lb. .10c 3 tbs. tor............25c ! Oried Peaches. larjfa size, per lb..............,.12c j Dried Peaches, Fancy Uoldcn Mulr, per lb. .15c I Dried Apricots, «ro'od <jual- ; ity, medlUTti .size, -- p< r tb...............15c :; tby. foi........... . 39c ! Dried Apricots, large elz<». I per P.. .............17c :'. Il>« j DrltcJ Apricots, Kichellou Hmrui. hiKbeat <! v. V<i il...............25c ^THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTH COOKING APPUE8 Caldwins, King'* Greaaintjs, :■■■ iba. 39c ,-ORANCe, i."E?^Gr<--A'-rD CITHON PEEL C.-ndipd Orange Peel, I iind. IllHO. « I'.'ll. I 'I .:', r.-.';,i ,' ; tt'li't] liy mi li Imp. 'ivrmi illli<>ll?!l of : li.-li bi'fi. ,'i!: I. of l.u.d !•< nrnw.l thcr, I '• t'timmlnmoiiern li„ . duly . >"p"i 1 aaU liaxt iiiii^ tu^ nwf.-sni -in i;> :«;•!<• ih. ill l>. . am irapi j II :purl of til. four I) 'I liai in' ..1. fl li. it. 11 ,if*rf il. lk ,ij, 11 I hat <ld\ Kast of th.r Third I'rimlpftl Mr I- ih- ridbiii, in the Village of Wllmelit Took Hiij i\-n County, Illinois--. an<l whi.f property H**i-«■< will be benefited by imj>i(>v«- Mi ment and the amount there* 1 11. NOTICE is hereby given lo tb, .1 li. fendants J. Edwin hemps. >. Mrs J . ,. Edwin Dempsey. bin wlf«\ .he »i> i: 1 ! f^pdants dcaignated a.s "All wiiuia il i\u\. may concern", and th<- in-ioown 'j \, Owners or Legal Holders of thr<v (it i,.(r, principal promissory notrs, ea«b doted to t>. May 17, 1912. signed by KiUanl H pi, >,, liagley antl payable to tln> ord: r of himself and by him duly i n !■: and delivered, each for the principal is I j'um of Five Thousand Dollars ($.. .js 000.00), payable on or before <m< 1 two (2) and three <:>» y^ars r.-.^p lively, after date, ;ng b. ariu,-,- iuterest I, « rent 1 •"> -I per S. . innu.. Ity. i> 1 ii 1 N t IwiiiK pu> abl.' ..- 1> K>-rfoi>t 1*. < i,; btiliirfiori sir. -t. |-;„ Id I). I H I.- ,:i ill .\, , itj i;t Ih.- r;:».- i.t \\ , » p«;r .... I 1 in ii^l. 1 *-. ,t of (Il aid il (I.- n Hi. <,f ih I,.- I.),,!!!. d. ..lid t ti.., leading. f«.||<JV. tl.< < 11(11 I A I) . .ill 1, nal.l < * -i\ li ibnt .1 i.;.i.- I na 1 i IItu :- l,.-i.. i.i>..i 1 .-.., .1 1 h. ir k;.).| ll.-M" . rrti. iii. •f lb [ il,.- i,l, .ah at the rate of fivt annum, payable principal and inter at the ofiicc of \V Company. No h.'. Chicago. Illinois. Interest after matt seven |>er heiug s.'i-ured by Edward II 1'rt) V. li. 1.1)1 1 Mr: .11 .-.» M -rl.,1 It. K|a:jlu un. 1 1" 11 ',) I..1 (1-M 1 Hi I :.l ( Special Price* on Richelieu Brand Canned Good* by the dozen: ! Richelieu Corn, -cap--tSc- per dox. Richelieu Telephone Pens. I per doz. cans.......$1.59 Richelieu Small Sifted Peas, p./r do Richelieu Refu Beans. di>z. Rlcheiieu Han( Tomatoes, dj PINEA Hipe Pine^pi Beans, d'^z. Kan*.. .$1.05 Richelieu Aspi agu* Tio*. n'tnure can* Kichebeu Slic Pineipple, X l>r ..-in cans. .$1.85 ee String ntis.. $1.< Packed cans $1 Lbna Heinz Tomato Ketchup, hrttUe ,L........_.,.. ' 2 '"bottles for....... Heinz Peanut Butter, j.u- ..................15o Heinz India Relish. ...................25e Sweet Midgtt «*, bottle.-......{So ucbe.-ed Pickle*. ................25c Mixed Pickles, ............35c w Chow, lo............25c tect Onions. ....... 25c Beans, with .S:ui< .-. can .15c Oeans. with----- mato Sauce ......15c ijghotti. per can.......15c Vegetarian Baked without pork, per can ... ........15« Heinz Mince Meat, larifc can...... wiyp^* .4Je .$1.02 lift'* Pri» Oleomar- garine. 1 lii. i i ii on . .23c untry Roll Butterlne, lb. roll. ..22c .$2.25 MIXED NUTS , >a 2,t»xe« ■ Jm iSc 35c doa. .$2.65 Hawaiian 2 can. .......22c . $2.25 s.mL'.iii 28c . .T.....$2 95 tod Pineap- i Heinz Apple Buttor, large ^tnru> jnrr per ~iSf~. Heinz Soups, Tomato, per cari . ...........15c Heir.- Cream of Celery and Pea*, can ...........20c Heinz Spiced Vinegar, per bottle ..........,29« bottle ................50c Heinz Olive OH, pint.......... .68c |.er quart .........$1.15 per Vt gallon........$2.05 heins Currant Jelly...25c Heinz Chilli Sauce, bottb- ........... OATS lr^*Tbund cartons, tha packed, 3 container* for. .23© . OUVSS ANC OLIVS OILS Plain or Stuffed Olive*, bottle.................9e Largs Six* Queen Olives. large bottle...........29c Mason Jars of Stuffed Olives ...............Me Ripe Olive*. Bylmar and filue l.iix I Brand*, pint cans............23c <iuart can*...........44c Antoninl Olive Oil. quart can* ..........99c M gallon can*.......$1.95 gallon cans ........$3.75 Raes, Llbby's A Pompelan Olive Oil. quart can* ...........95c ',§ gallon can* .....$1.83 Ralloa j^afjejl.........$3.55 SPECIAL One day. eld Bread for arsssfng, per loaf..4c CANNED PUMPKIN Van Camp's or. Stapely, j 3 largo £ans for..25c j Richelieu Brand, r lax Hi-. can ■..-.... iH 2 cans for,...., ■MSHBMHaSSSp Maple syrup Old Manse. quart cans ......... quart bottle* ......, Silver Keltic,------ -- large bottles........ 35c .39c .23c CEREALS IN BULK The most economical way to buy these cereals: Rolled Oats, finest qualttv. . . ...1»e 5 lbs. fot Yellow Cornmeal, - 10 Ibs,- Wblte Cornmeal, 10 lb*........... . ,29c Fancy Jap Rice, 10 lbs. for............59c Best Quality Head Rice, 10 tbs. for.......... ..7»e Hand Picked Navy Beans, 10 lbs. for...........99c -3Sc j Monsoon or Savoy Brands of Sterilised Bran. f.tciAt. sale: of CANNEJ K ILK Heinz Euchered Figs. botti.- .......;.-. Heinz Plum Pudding !;•<-. a"c anil........ .25c .$0e 55c 5 lb. bag ........ ...28c POPCORN SURE POP l lb. for......... .. 7e 4 lb&. for........ 25c Snowball Shslled Popcorn, pkg.. . ..»» HONEY ___■■ Fancy White Clover Honey, per comb 19e MQLASSES St. J.ilien, 2'4 lb. cans...___ 3 for ............ St. Eime...--------- sty lb. cans...... 2 cans fur Ginger Bread, 2>/s lb. cans...... 2 can* for ....... Lucie, can ........ 2 cans for....... A ...We 29c ...17c ...29c ...10c ..35c SUGAR Iff lbs. of sugar for 49c With <l grocery tirtlcr. Title and Trust < omp*.. y a corpurutioi. <>i ih- Slut. convcylnp ib< hf ( -intil wit : laud, situate] i, : nuV State of Illii.uU. t .III,it.1 1. .-.I 1 1 t'l.i .i 1 il. e." Tru >t . . 11!) ii..-.« i > <>r < il <■ I All II .-ti IMANKSdUll SPEOAl » , 111 I II \,.|lh I li <■! !■ li:,. •I li«», > thcr riii"i t,. Kbid'rlgl < '-llll | u < tj.. \ ■( \ , !(<•; tn .i i < fir. <i (i> lin hi i:\\ <-H Hl\t> ..|\ II,.) rly :it rl^l-t : of Hiiv Mm.- tv.., hn mill ..ii.-.ji-n' ii i :i27 i . il'<_ii' ■• South _jt ji i tr.-d lid l>'(' <i <:■■ ... Wc l"t v..ns j * ,1,-iz . . ,98c ^ an C.-mp a M.Ik, Laby ! 11/. p.-r i\ ■?. . .....49c t i ui.» M/.<\ p. r duS.Sfs to | ' .11 .•...•.•. j...- ,1../. . ..9|b ■ .j,-.c,> W,h. c ,..ris . ffi' 2lc 1 ea.jis Milk „ , ,„, 1 r.83e MH> - ! Sjvoy /Brand MilK ••• ••i.'<- I- ■ <'■•< .-49c •'. ('■•>'■■ |> .- iM.. . .98c ; a..den's M.ik (Oi t-atiH, l"T it..* . ,.98c FLOUR Occident Flour, V» bbl. sitc-k......$1.00 >* bbl. »a<k. ......$1.90 Gold Medal Flour, M, bbl. sn< k ........83c „ '/» bbl. sack .......$1.61 Vj bbl. sack .'.......$3.15 Pillsbury and Ccresota Flour, >s bbl. sn.-k. .........85c ', bbl sack..........$1 65 bbl suck....... . ..$3.19 CEREALS Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pltgg.......... .....23c Puffed Wheat, 3 pku*. 28c ^Puffed Rice. 2 pkgs ..23a Shredded Wheat, -' pUkx ..............21c Appettzo, pk«. -------- .. l2'/ie Grape Nut*, pics. ... .%3>/ge Triseult. pktr. ..........Itc Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food, pkg........... 23c Quaker Yellow Corn Meal, pfce....... ........8Mis Quaker White Corn Meal, pkg................s'/ae Food of Wheat, pkg... 11c Pattljohn'* Breakfast Food, pktf................ISPSe Cream of Wheat, pkg. ,14c CRACKERS Uneeda Biscuit*. 3 pkg*................13c Crispo Crackers, :: |>kgs............... 13 National Blseuit Co.'s On ham. Oatmeal or City Sod* Crackers, S.pkss- ........... Crispo. Graham, Oatme or City Soda Crackers, ___15 PMC*! ■'■ .... tvttj'i- Nabisco Wafere, 2 pICKS).......... . . 20c pkRH..........' Snaparoon*, ■'• pits*..............^"^$3 Crispo Graham Dainties; J -- larfto~t 1h> --.-- -. -........ ;vS$a^| Lily Seda Wafers, Innfo tins ............43ovl Huntley A Palmer's Little"! , Folk Biscuits, -- ~.--»w5J per lb. ..,,,...,►'......1$e SWANSOOWN FLOUR CAKE: l*et PKS. .,;... ..,.«•. LIBBY'S PICKLES Sweet Pickles. Mason Jar ...........24c Sweet Mixed Pickles, Mitsan jar ...........24a Sour Pickles, M:tRon Jar .........,.24© Sour Mixed Pickles, Atason Jar .....:.v....246' $1.00 ■ or- soaps ;:ici: part of trW South 1av<.|ii> t|V<< ( «cr«a of tb«« Northca.t <M.irt> r i %' i;r 'i> of tbn Swuth'ast t/uartcr < .s j M> of OyiUK Wort oi *...- tight i.r of tb« C'hJrago and Nortli«(.M Uailroani. containinx Thlrtcwt forlf-onti one hundredths (i:i 411 u-. ntofc or less, fuepting ,t p thereof desoribed a^ follow.-* tiifcticinp at a point r.n the South tin. *it said prptnis*H. oue iminlrcTT < »on>'] a'raT[. | vTiih t!»> Wet lino of fKl Kant vt ..the West lino of yaid Ncrili'-at-t (Jtiaricr i.\. J\ '.i> of 'lie premtsea; thenrv North Ont» HundrcJ Soutbcasi f?uart«-r <S }' «-t of s=iiil :nd Tnirry-fiye- (ISSr fcot: tt»cn< ^ s,rIiOI1 f u< ntV Tight i^nTrtho"iH*uih Khitt Onfl Hundred..(100_» fwt; th»nt i,(ir th n.of. tlienoo Ka t ■»!>">..!< c'.^> H,eu Curran fSoulh Ope Hundred and Thirty II.o i,(.tto tile l»la<a- of^ bos;innlHK, ..vcfpt (135) feet: thence W<»ot On«» Hundred ia^ tin -Tfi-'-pi th" itii^rf"'cti"-! .'f 'ho . me:j».tB3t._oL besinntn-. .^4^^ ^XHt«tdh?«- «*oa>' th^ Vi^rst containing an areS of On«» llundrei «ido ^f the rlpUt bVwny of tho t^hl il«01 feet by One HundrqU euli. Thir- ,.aB« :ind JSonhWestem .ltaiirondL ty-fivo «13r>» ftot: also all ti&ii*. itiu- rommoulV kr.wwn an W«.'«t Uaiirlpatl stOd Intcsreat 4n and to the South '1 on \vnujc, \titb; said.-"SI rip "-of band, In lh*> *M> feet of said tractor^ <*fhrH«a«ircri Viit»i;*> of Wilmette, foou C^twtj, Hl« «i*0) feet by Ono Ilufiared anrlTb;.^ It0^ .•idljrd I. '» I • ll.K >be,< QoileJ c ■ I- .tb- . ...III.- Eiqland tA, u . .J5c Cher- . 15c bv eacmeosultana rmsIns Pastry Flour, i-lb. bag 21c I "SjgSSP'V£Mk,W f*& 2". lbs. of sugar for. with any $3 grocery or- der. Flour and not included. COFFEE Santos Coffee, per lb................25c Sold Roast Santos Coffee. per lb.......____7...28c 4 lbs. for___........$1.00 Bogota Blend Coffee, ' Pd- lb................20C Bogota Coffee, per lb. ..............33c Java and Mocha Coffee, guaranteed genuine, per ih....................%e vacuum Coffee, Richelieu Brand, per lb.........45© Richelieu Coffee, Steel Cut, roasted and pulverized, p«.r lb. can...........37c- 3 lb. can------,......$1.07 Manor House Coffee, gtoel out. roasted and pulver- ized, per lb. can.....37c 3 lb. ciin............$1.07 Chase A Sanborn Coffee, steel cut, roasted and pulverized, per lb. can ..................$?e :i lb. can............$1.07 24c 24c Chow-Chow. Mnsou Jar ... Sweet Relish, Muson Jar .... CANNED SALMON Shooting Star, Pink Sal- mon, tall cans......... 14c 3 cans for........... .37c Plymouth Rock Red Sal- mon, tall cans........lie 2 vans for___........31c Richelieu Savoy Salmon. ,23c ,.Ve ..26c .22c *?4c I.., Mm.. ..25t ..39c « Meat. ..26c M : t, »C Napv* Fa.nily 1 or .... a Soap. i Entire Wheat Flour, [ :>-ib. bag .......... i Bohemian Rye Flour, i-lb. 1MB ......... i Gold Medat Flour. ■ U>. Ikim ......... • Graham Flour. j r.-ib. omk ........ w* .21c 19c 2?c .2tc 12'- 9c L'idUvK't Mince M = •V.irJ^rajn. o-r pkjt Ground .Cinnamon. I r |.i">j. ....'. Pcultry Seakoninv r~ T-ri ,-. . C. 4c I .48 4c .ti' Pi kl« Soap, f..-.- 2-1 c 37c Tcfi^ Pineipple. Rich's. .'•i,!*' ••"V.........25c -"'■ ,;m , , , ,48s fie* of said. Count/, on June $, n^as Is returaable to tse D«eeab«r MO'lt^lr 1 CI y-T- '.inr-d Cur .nit- . 1-» Cotde.i f"FttttS. E.q 9 Cte It. , Cur. J 0». '. 2tc. Prawns. V.tHfrn-nm ui.i »te... j„.r uT. ?, K.r tat. ',....' Prunes, ♦Vitiforiiii, Ii'-r lb, . ■'i ;' Hi-, f-ir________ .25c, Canton Gin- .....15c :..55c" ...48c Ginger. '■■ Klass ... .25c Cryatait:ied fl*r, Ki.-tr '. lb. lii . .. . +r to trri .v.:;. 1 11.. 11.. .... Preserved Canton rucb'?. U\ 11 . l.\r-j ____.....,,, Chinese Ctimquots, Cp.inis'i Plo::entos. -'.'"' I'.-r ..- ,n ....... ..'....lis Red Cberrtes, formerly . ilb-1 .Mnr.isi bino, per bottin .......___2Sc -tacdiom notttt laripe tv-,tii.. Crem* De Ment be ries. Green, p^r b.'Jttle.......•..■iJgisi .'.•IfitsS D'.i.j Soap. 10 l-.«rj ( U. S Mall Scap, i" t« us tn......37c Armour's Liqnthoute Soap. til bars r.,i...... .37c National Laundry Soap. !'» bars for..........37c P. & G. German Mottled Soap, lu bars for____37c P. A G. White Naphtha SSSPj Tft t»HT>T for. . 37c Star Naphtha Washing Powder, i ih pkg___16c Cold Dun.------------------------- AFTER DINNER MINTS r tb............,19C smalt pkK. largs pkg Baker's Premium Choc- olate, 1 lb. pkg----- 33c ic SWEET POTATOES Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, i, . lbs... 19e per lb ............Sc FLAVORING EXTRACTS Sauer** Finest Lemon or Vanilla Extract*. 3 T0c i.ottl. s at.......23c 2-ox, imiii).. .........22c 4-o*. bottle ..........35c Burnett's Flavoring Ex- tract.-.. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange and Almond. 2-os. bottle ...........35c 4 It. 16c 14e Pkg...,....... Lighthouse Washing Powder. 1 ih ^pkg... Swiff* Pride Washing Powder. 4 lb. pkg___14c Argo Starch, : pkgs...11e _CELERY CELERY Fancy, Tender Home " Grown Celery, 6 stalks to the bunch. - per bunch ........15c On sale an sreek and abio Tuesday and Wed« Jtcsd^y bef-re Thanks, giving. AMERICAN CHEESE New York White Amer- lean Cheese, per lb. ............2$c CHEESE. BUTTERINE, ETC. 4 Full Cream Brick Cheese, per 1U -----.......___84c by th« whole brick. . per lb.................aic Llmburger Cheese. per lb. ...............J3c Prtmost Cheese, per lb. 17e Blue Label Cheese, each «e Swiss Cheese, per lb .S5e imported Swiss Cheese, per lb. ..............45c VINEGARS Cider Vinegar, qt. !..>:..9c 3 bottle*......___ ..24c White Vinegar, qt. but..9c 3 bottles .............24c Cider Vinegar. In gal. jugs..........33c White Vinegar. ^ta saL jwf*■. ...j. .,. 1.1 JBJa Mf'bropk** Imported Eng- lish Malt Vinegar, per bottle............23c Holbrook's Imported Eng- ine Tarragon Vinegar, bottle.............". ,28c y/mn Camp* Soups, . --T^ato^jaucJten. -Veget- able, t*ea or Cream of Ceb-i-y. Any assortment. 6 cans for ______.....45c Sheridan Coffee, per lb,...........35c 3 lbs. for .e..,.,$1.00 TEA Basket Fired Japan Tea >;<'<■ quality, per lb.. .39c Formosa* Oolong Tea, Hue quality, per lb....39c Fine Gunpowder Tea, 6«c quality, per lb....39s English Breakfast Tea, tiOc. quality, per 11.....39c Lipton's Yellow Label Teg, 'i lb. can............fSc •i lb. can.............29c 1 lb. ean....:;.......57e Ridgway's Tea. orango l<i- -"■brf.-U Itr "ertW77..v.l-..t4e •a lb. iAn.......,,...37e 1 lb. can............. .53c Broske Bond Tea, *» IK can. Mt lb.- oati;. 1 lb. .iii... ..14c .27c ..53c BAKERY GOODS Fresh Mince Pies, -- -r- "each................ IBs None-delivered. It Cake frgm our own Bakery, per lb.......25c Two-layer Chocolate C«h«e ......,.>..!*.:;-.ISe Two-layer Orange Filled Cakes, each.......... 1sc Th.r^'i"ir*r Chocolate Cakes, each ..........28c Lady Finger*. per dozen ............*0c Cocoanut Macaroon*. per lb. ..___.........25c Sweet cider, per gal...33* NO charg. -----CRACKER MEAL National Biscuit Co.'s Cracker Meal. .1 pkg*. for...............25c OTHER BARGAINS IN BULK CEREALS German Lentels, i lb*, for.............17c Dried Green Peas. ' ■J. lb*, for.............17c Yellow Split Pea*. 2 lbs. foi... .......17e Navy Beans, hand picked. .. lb*, for............29c Owseefh Brown Beans. i lbs. fnr.............19c .Red Kidney Beans. 2 the. foav...,........ISe Bulk Hominy. 3 lb*, for.........___11c Pearl Tapioca. tall can* Mt lb. Hat cans.... 1 lb. fiat cans-----'. TUNA FISH Pierce's California, • \s lb. cans......... X lb. cans.......... Whits Star and Blue JH» lb.-. .ms........., 1 . lb. can*..........j SPECIALS IN CANNED FISH Marshall's Kippered Her- 'ring, can ............1$0 Japanese Crab Meat, I* Ih. >.ui.-............24c Burnham & Morrill Lob- ster, '1 ll>. cans............23c '.; lb. can*............32c Crystal Domino Cut Sugar, 2 'Ih. "Boxes.......... .19c 5 lb. boxes...........39c CANNED GOODS Corn, Fall lilvor. .Appetiser and Raven llraed, .1 1 .-ms for............23c Tomatoes, Baby Brand. No. -j cans, 3 cans..,,8JH Tomatoes, Bhodesdale and Wrestler Brands, large No. :: cans, 2 cans for 880 Peas, Ncwugo and Pino V Hill Brands. Early Jung:. . IYos. s cuns for..,.; Karo Corn Syrup, .8 can* for....... Pork and Boons, Richelieu Brand. ! lie cans. ...r Perk and Beans. Bumh 6 Morrilj. 1 0.1113 Bir CANMfistf rKUiTS. Sprague^r/arner eT^Co'* Monsoon Brand Sliced Peaches, can....... .15c Lemon Cling Peaches, bnlvrs. per can.......10c California White Cherries, per cart..............15c Apricots, per, can.i Romford staking 1 lb, <satnS....:.. Dr. Price'* Baking. 1 lb. cans/.......... Grape Fruitola. a d< li. lou-. grape fruit marmalade.. | 3 Inn iara for........goe ftosemanr "PteWes, ih^ most ilellrlon* pp-klea packed, atl Wo«..2Se SwiMit Burn*. Hw»et Cauli- flower. SWeet Onion*, enow Chow and'Mangne t'hutney. Macaroni and Spaghetti. White Pearl, lonar pke* ff tor ................23c PEANUT BUTTER Moorehouse Nuts. !••<• Jars ...............7e »e >«* ..............11c- wrs ..............1*0 _ Mason jar* .. ~lrand,

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