Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1914, p. 1

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VOL. VI, NO. 6. Phone Wilmette 1640. WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, FRIDAY/DECEMBER 18. 1914. Room 2, Brown Building. PRICE FIVE CENTS OR. R. H. 6AULT if-- IUL.U J ILL DEFECT! --------;--------- In Report To Commission He Says Freeing Half- wits from Bridewell Is a Peril. CAUSE MANY CRIMES From January to August 132 Insane Inmates Were Found in Bridewell. *T~ Thc community is constantly men- aced by the release from the bride- well of prisoners suffering from fee- tile.inindednesa and infectious diseases, according to a report submitted to the Chicago council crime commission Monday by Prof. Robert H. Gault of Northwestern university. The report shows that such prison-! ~™^ s were dGad era aro usually "repeaters, often ANIMAL STORIES WELL RECEIVED Cy De Vry Pleased a Large Audience with Tales of His Zoo. "I have been at cola park for twenty-seven years in constant com- pany with wlld0 animals, and have never received an injury of any Im- portance from" these 'ferocious pets.' *' So said Cy De Vry, the veteran ani tual keeper, in a s.tereoptlcon lecture at the Bvanston V. M. C. A. Friday night. De Vry gave his lecture before a large audience, whleh completely filled the auditorium. Ho said that tubercu- losis had always been a great factor as the cause of death among animals in this country. The reason for this is that keepers think that the temper-1 ature ..i the quarters must be kept the i same as that from which the animals! originally came. He stated that sev J eral years ago the death rate at the I park among monkeys \s,.,-. over! seventy-live per cent and at the sug- gestion of Dr. Kvans. who is the med- ical adviser at the park, they decided on an experiment. Mr. De Vry se- lected eight of the oldest and scrawn- iest of his monkeys and proceeded to give them a winter out of doors, that is with slight shelter and no heat. J« the spring the eight were alive, while more than half of those kept in steam QUIET SESSION HELD Voluntarily Agrees to Give 100 Pounds to Poor Fam- ilies in Village of Wilmette. This alone i committing a new crime shortly after serving cut their, time for an old one in the language of Pror. Oault, they exhibit a tendency towards "recidiv- ism." Examinations were made or sixty- one women prisoners in the bridewell. 'In forty-five out of the sixty-one cases," says the report, "there is un wlstakable evidence of infections which make these people exceptionally dengerous to the health of the com- munity at large the moment they arc- released from prison." Find 132 Prisoners Insane. It was found that between Jan. 1 and Aug. 20 of this year there were ~t?;T~ insane prist The conclusion was reached that all of the prisoners serving their fourth <k fifth term are mentally defective. They are turned loose" at the expira- tion of their terms, according to the port piovos "the worth of fresh air In the keeping of wild animals, he said. ' . Mr. De Vry said that he once or- j , dnred a valuable monkey from Europ*. jt,,e8e organisations have been panic and met the little shaver at the ex- u!ar,y aCt!ve and OUo °f th'? !arKe "* I press train, and brought him out to I companie* of that city has generously! Lhe pork In a taxi-cab. Early the next j agreed to donate to any deserving morning he had a call from the park needy family, lifly pounds of cJal on that the animal was very sick. He | the coudltion that they will call at called the doctor and hurried over to their yards fcr tt Contract for Paving Filth Street Awarded to F#ey*Co. - -ni-.-- -*f«Y, ,A._-^--r-pr---- -- The regular meeting of the Wil- mette trustee* was, held Tuesday night with all members present except Mr. Fred I>. Buckman. The contract for the, paving of \ portion of fifth street was awarded "to Foley. & Co.. of Bvanston. . A communication re- garding the testing of water meters wan received from the city of Evans . ;ton and was referred to the sewer jand water committee. A communica- aii PiritTP citpppnnir<Itlon from Mr. II. K. Snider--elal Al.L.H.Y lAlfti &Url«I!iKI.NI*jthat the wwer wu f0P hls Wa8hing. _______________ ton avenue residence was excessive ! was referred to the sewer and water. All That Is Necessary Is tO i committee. A request for permission to move a house submitted by Hall I Caster was referred to the street and ! alley committee. It was stated In the \ meeting that some of the charitable ___________ i organisations In the village are I anxious to secure the co-operation of Fortunately, tin number of Indigent j the village in helping, them take care families In Wilmette is very small, but jof tramps and ►.' homeless men who there are a few. who. because of sick- dally apply for assistance. At pres- ness, lack of employment or for other ent, these men; are .flowed to sleep reasons, rind themselves facing a long, in the basement of +the village hall cold winter with coal bins empty and j but it was suggested that some ar- cupboard bare. rangement could be ijisde whereby the, The suffering among the i^oor dur-1 men, by working an -hour or two the lag the past week, especially in our i following day, could ip this way earn " tbreakfast. No ikt n in the mat Obtain Order from Rep- utable Source. [large cities, has been greatly allevlat- ;ed through the efforts of the many charitable organizations. In Evanston good substantial, definite action was ti ter. REV. WHEELOCK ART LEAGUE MAKES ; Has Excellent Collection of Pictures in the Two Graded Schools. A meeting of the Public School Art league was held Tuesday morning at New Rector Of St. AllgllS-!the home or the president. Mis. S. S. i Dingee, 932 Lake avenue. Although not a great deal of business was transacted, several' Important steps i were taken. A number of cartoons ;bv Messrs. Bradley, McCutcheon and sebmedtgen, donated to the organiza- tion, were on exhibition. These are to be framed and hung in the various tine's Makes a Splendid Impression on His Hearers. Dim t\ u' "^"^ItooM of the two schools. Mrs. Paul _______ f F. Lobanoff presented the league with ja very beautiful copy of "Decent Wilmette Well'1>lny-" by "«doiPh Schrann Vltau, the j original of Which la to be found in the 'Art Institute. The membership com- I n'ilte wishes to announce that the j membership fees will be due on Jan* ___________ uary 1 and are payable to any mem- ber of the committee which includes ltev. Frank C. Wbeeloek. rector of j Mrs. Paul l-obanoff. chairman; and . Augustine's Episcopal church de-) Mesdames Rexford Bellamy, Emit Comes to Qualified to Fill Import tant Charge. YOUNG MAN OUT Of EMPLOYMENT ENDS HIS LIFE Unable To Find Employ- ment, Frank Sehindler, of Evanston, In- hales Gas. IS FOUND BY HJS WIFE Besides His Wife He Is Sur- vived by Two Small Children. Another tragedy was enacted from the "army of the unemployed" early live red ids initial sermon last Sunday. Puts, J. D. Coutter, Cross. C. P. Evans, i Saturday morning, when iBt«k- His text was taken from John 21:15, F \V. Feiker. Fowler, Helen Gag*. J. anl.,„A1^ ,_„ w,„ ,V CHARITY NIGHT IS SUCCESS the park where the new arrival was found suffering from pneumonia. He called Mrs. De Vry on the phone. anC -iie insisted that he bring the monkey iver to th(ir house at once, and would itsten to nothiug else. No monkey ever had the attention that "Mike" had during his sickness, well. 1 ■"*"" *'n Vry-mwdn him ft boil In thej Hmn enwo sdn parlor and stayed with him ail day, and it was Do Vry's part of the entertaining to sleep with "Mike" nt night and keep the covert on. lie said. lie had never felt such a sensation as when the long, hairy arms would gressors again dealt. "She has been In and out of the house, of correction during a period of at least fourteen years. Cherishes the delusion that she is the rightful owner of a great estate that Is being with- held from her. Paranoiac Misled by Fancy Work. * The beautiful symbolic embroidery ,iat she produces impresses the un- initiated ns evidence of a high degree initiated its eviuence ui a u*»u «i-»--- uivuiu. »c ...w...-^.*... .~ ---------.....-- m_-_»_-*»_ *»*/-.»* of InteriigenceTand artistic ihttt: Sht- ThtrlrodteH were so tangled that 4t- NEW TK1KK HMiH Is one of u %reat army whose repeated minor offenses retard the courts, add t«. oui sense of social Insecurity, and to the financial burdens of the munici- pality ." ii« the lolloping recommen tktlc.ns: Kstiiblirtumeut of fariu colonies for iiseased and feeblo minded prisoners. Provision for hospital facilities aticre necessary. Sentencing of offenden* lo Institu ujns "until cured." Creation of a commission of ex perts to sitrat the bridewell with pow- er to send insane and infected pri*- ohers to appropriate institutions. Prof. Gault was assisted In his in vestlgation by Dr. H. C. Stevens, di- rector of the psychopathic laboratory nt the University of Chicago. ited the little animal, and one day the governor called. "One of the many amusing Incidents, amusing as I look at it now. but se- rious at the time, was when one of my pet snakes, twenty-eight feet long, suddently acquired an appeflte. The particular food he wanted was an- other Bnake's head. The other snake was equally long, and when the hun- gry reptile got the other's head in his mouth, he proceeded to swallow him Nor Is the Christmas spirit lacking in Wlliiutte. The charitable organ-1 izalions In conjunction with the min- isters of the various denominations are continually on the lookout Tor families who are on the verge of nif ft ring from co!d or hunger and It is ;bought that they will be able to more ition to Mrs. Loretto G. Clarke's Pu- pils Give Jlse Program for Chatty. Only a small crowd assembled to this Mr. C. F. Edinger of the firm oft witness the cb*l4ren,'s>«bartty per Edinger and Speldel has \ome for-; romance, given TOt'tffttay evening war 4 with a magnanimous offer of, at the Wilmette W<W|ftt> clob "__*?! one hundred pounds of coal free to i the direction of: Lorotto Coftleld (any needy family In Wilmette or Clarke, hut It is said that a great Cross Point. This offtr is good for [many tickets were §g thus netting 1 Harper. Philip Huguenln, M. L. 1'aterson, C. C. Prescott, G. H. Moore, J. A. MacLean, G. H. Paulson, t\ J. Scheidenlulm, Carl Schroeder, W. H Shell man, M. B. Skinner, D. 1.. Tay- lor, James Watson, John F. Wegs- forth. and C. A. Wheeler. The Wi'mette Public School Art. league has reason to be proud of Its excellent collection of pictures, which has been placed In the two schools within the few years of Its existence. While the collection Is not as targe as a number of the Chicago schools boast of, still the aelfctton !b as fine as that of other cities. Upon entering the Central Avenue school, you will find on either side of Sehindler took his life in a gas-Oiled room at his Mme, 123Q Chicago ave- nue, Evans ton. Sehindler had been employed by Marshall Field & Company tor a num. the door In full view of every child j 80nieth!ng to 4o ber of years, was let out two month* ago, has been unable to secure work since, and was down to his tant cent, lie would tramp the streets all day look* Ing for a Job, but everywhere ho In- quired it Was the some answer: "Wo have nothing today," pr "Call around tomorrow." He became despondent and several times remarked to bis wife Ui at he might as well be out of the way. but she would tell him to cheer op, and that he would soon find took twenty men and myself an hour and a half to untangle them." Mr. Oe Vry concluded hi« j<« iur« with accounts i>f the struggles be tween "pet" animals that suddenly became mad /MojDOo ,. v«..» io <"it- said. a..d *2<t,Oi.O to role of Santa Claus fundlles In Wll- or any reputable charitable organiza-1 mette. ^ T tlon in 'the village The coal will be j The program opened with two se- dellvered in one of the company's fccted readings by Loretto CofTteid wagons upon presentation of such an; Clarke, followed by a group of mil- order. This generous .offer made t,ieal numbers given by Miss Grace voluntarily by Mr Edinger. will un-! Sf iberling, a faculty member of the doubtedly be the means of lessening j Mary Wood Chase School of Musical the suffering in this village and will j Arts. Other redtatlt|ns_whlch proved prove a veritable God-send to our or- extremely good were: ganized charities "The Night Before Christmas lDtf." -----------■ | bv Helen Hecht. "It costs ior them," feed them Junior Members of Drama- tic Club Delight Large House. IN. U. GLEE CLUB OFF TO PANAMA GREAT SPEAKERS TO APPEAR NEXT MONTH tors Will Speak in Ev- ' anston Soon. Singers Left Yesterday and Will Sail from New York. A month In tbc warm ciiraoa U^se to the equator will soon bo the experi- ence of the Tortunate members of the Glee Club who started yesterday {morning for Panama. The men left .___________ [over the Pennsylvania railroad for [New York, and will sail from Ihere to- rfation'8 Best Known Ora- morre*. They willI arrive at Barl- bold on Oecember 23 and will be en- tertained over Christmas by the ofll- Scials and their families. Richard McClanahan aud James Hcnnlng have been" added to the orig- inal selection made up of Barker, Riley, Eastwood and Moser. McClan- ahan will aev »§ leader and pianist, while Henntng will favor the audience with selections on the violin Through the efforts of some forty i-ominent members of the First Meth adlst church tho people of Evanston nnd the students of Northwestern uni- versity will have an unusual opportu nlty to hear addresses this winter by some of tho best known pdbllc speak- ers of the nation. Beginning Jan. 10, a series of fifteen lectures will bo given on subjects of great interest each Sunday evening in the First Methodist church. The list of lpeakers for the entire course has not been decided upon, though the first five, which are as fol- lows, were announced today: Jan. 10. Aunt Tabitha." by Edith Moore. TJollle'tTLeBsans." by Nathalie Yun~ STUDENTS GIVE PLAY!Kers "A Note to Santa." by L»yle Moore. ---------------------- j ,.Tn<, Moo Gow MOO," by Ruth Moore. The remainder of the program coa slated of two folk-plays by Constance D'Arcy Mackay. The scene of the "Snow-Wttch" was m the home of Marina Machlnoff, a Russian peasant woman, played by Margaret Smurr. Other characters were characterized by Dorothy Yunkers. Edith Moore, Helen Hecht, and Catherine Smurr, all of whom did excellently. "The Forest Spring." an Italian play, was cast in a deep forest near Saler- no, Italy. Those who took part 1n this pretty scene wore Helen Hecht, Roth Moore, and Flol Shawdan, whose Interpretations seemed very realistic. These children aro all pupils of Mrs. Clarke, who Is congratu- lated upon the poise, and power of ex- pression gained by the different chil- dren through her teaching. Rev. Frank C. Wheoleck. Jesus sail It to Simon Peter. "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Mo more i * w thmv " Lord, ^Thou knowost ' that %%£*** Thee." •.•' ** (ai The tevt. and the passage from which it is taken, is one of the lolling condensations of the Gospel. story-*- covertng much Qt eternAI signillcance and welght-^ef far reaching and es- sential considerations. v, * It was after the resurrection. Jesus was In association with the Apostles many days, completing His momen- ■ tous commission to them.; i. This scone was oh the shores of D Tiberius, the familiar Galilee. The Anostles had returned to their leaving the building, two large pic- tures which give tho child two epochs hi tho American history. On the right. "The Minute Man," by Daniel & French, an American sculptor living in New York. This statue which stands just beyond the famous Con- cord bridge, is a fine strong typo of the Continental farmer, who was ready to work or fight for freedom. Oil • feci otter aide, ia.; a, splendid Abraham Lincoln, taken from the one 1 he time honored play. 'She stoops tu Conquer," by the gentle Goldsmith, which tne junior members of the dra- matic club presented Friday evening, was enjoyed at New Trier by a large house. Horatio Chandler as Tony Lumpkin, the mischief-making step- , sen of the dignified Mr. Hardcastle i (Miner Coburn) kept the bouse In j laughter from his appearance in the jinn, whither the self-satisfied young Marlow' and his friend Hastings ap- peared, till he had craftily succeeded in spoiling the match planned for blm by his doting mother. John King, as the timorous, trembling lover, took a part which was foreign to him and caused much mirth. Miner Coburn, the personification of eighteenth cen- tury dignity and hospitality; William Mann, the typical eighteenth century father of an Independent-minded son. I Hro-nmyfttinns of Citv Heln Dick Taylor. Robert Brbe, William j UrgamzaUOHS OI V/lltf nviy Davis, Henry Everett as typical serv- fa Giving Relief tO ants or the old style, sll did well. Wll-' PAloiariR liam Dunbar as Hastings, though not DClguuw. always heard, did his sctlng well. The women of the play were good too. Clara Snydacker, who as Mrs. Hardcastle, with a daughter and a niece to marry off, reminded one of CAR FULL OF FOOD SENT TO BELGIUM rid trade--fishing. ». They had toiled all night and taken nothing. In the morning the risen Jesus ap- peared on the shore and told them where to fish. When they had dined with Jesus on the shore our wonderfully beautiful dialogue took place--beautiful for Its sfgniflcance and vitality. , Josus turned to Peter: Simon Peter, the zealous, the arduous, the devoted of all the others to the per- son of Jesus. Yet Stmon Petet? the Impetuous, the rash, too quick to speak and do. Yes, Peter, the zealous, who had proffered to die with Jesus-- and then had put himself in a pool- t?on where it seemed he was forced to deny Him. Jesus turned to Simon Peter and saith, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these?" He saith unto Him, "Yea. Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee:" He saith unto him. "Feed my lambs." He saith unto him again the second time, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me?" He saith onto him, "Yea, Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee." Ho saith unto him. "Tend my sheep." He saith unto him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonas, lov- est thou Me?" Peter was grieved be- cause He said uuto him the third time. "Invest thou Me?" And lie said unto ! Him. "l-ord. Thou knowest all things; I Thou knowest tbst 1 love Thee." at the entrance of Lincoln park. This It: too well known to need any de- scription. Another statue from Lincoln park Is represented in one of the rooms an Indian Krotip by John J. Boyle. This statue was given to Lincoln park by Mr. Ryerson. On tho wnll of the kindergarten room is a large picture of Sir Galahad George F. Watts, the Knglish painter.; There Is also a duplicate of this to the kindergarten of the Logan school Tho kindergarten rooms also have some of the Holy Grail series by Edwin Abbey. Besides his wife. Sehindler bad two little children to provide for. one two and one-halt and the other five years old, and if It had net boon for tfees* he would perhaps have carried oof his throat to end his life he did. Put His Children to »od. He helped put the children to boa that night, and seemed more cheerful ~" TMisiatik^iMif "aaht good night to his wire and her mother. Mrs. Mary Wangermnn, who Urea with her daughter, and went into his bed room, which is on the first floor. This was the last time that he wan. seen alive. •'.■■:,^ Mrs. Wnngerman and her daughter went up stairs to their rooms and ro- tired for the evening. About 3 o'cloek Mrs. Sehindler got up to get a drink and at once noticed the smell of gas. She awakened her mother, and they Went about the house to ■ find Its source. Found Her Husband Dead. --They opened the door of SoMawilot'o- room and were almost overcome by RED CROSS SEALS SWEEP THE NATION ■ I- ■ ' ■■•: r'li»i; -'! ", ' "■ t ■ President Praises Movement Which Is Fighting the White Plague. The official bulletin of the Chicago Medical society is authority for the statement that "Red Cross seals last year helped to support thousands of needy tubercular patients and gave them a chance for life. They provid- ed for many visiting nurses, whoso thousands of visits brought instruc- tion. eiM cheer to a targe number of patients." -"•■! As aft expression of his interest to the Red Cross seal and antitubercu- losis campnlgn. President Wilson re- cently wrote to the National Associa- tion for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis: "May 1 not take this occasion to express to yon my ileep interest in the work of the National Anti-Tuberculosis association, and my hope that its work is growing in effi- ciency and extent from year to year? the fumes. Sehindler lay on the floor in hts night clothes. The police de- partment was called, and in n few minutes were on hand with the put motor, but the man hsd apparently been dead for some time. His wife v as prostrated, and was unable to be piesent at the Inquest, which was held • l is morning at to o'clock at Schaefer Bros, morgue. ,4 The Sehindler family have lived In Bvanston since last spring, when they moved there from Ravenswood. Tho family is left without any income, and It Is not known that the deceased carried any Insurance. Survived by Parents. Besides his wire and family, Sehin- dler is survived by hi* father aa* mother. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. :geUriflftf».' of 6S« Garfield boulevard. Chicago, and two sisters, Mrs. Robert Bogner awl Miss Elisabeth Sehindler. Mr. flea** dier is in charge of the kitchen and bakery at the Palmer House, and m said to he a man of considerable means. The slaters of the dead man wore present at tee Inquest, together with Mrs. Wangerman. The verdict arrived at by the coroner's deputy. Henry Spears, was that Sehindler had come tc his death by fumes of gas through accident or otherwise. Evanston made good in its donation .... May 1 not particularly express my Jesus said unto him ^«V»»"P- lMere,t in the Red Cross Christmas Dean Walter T. Sumner; Jon. 17. |abottt January 13 and wUl furnish the Bishop Francis J. McConneU; Jan. 24, rakt ^^ w|th a concert on January Maud Bailington Booth: Jan. 31. ^ijj The men expect to return to Xr* Frank W. Gtmaaulus; Feb. 7. Bl8nop{aBSton and their studies on January William Fraser McDowolL j . Public announcement concerning the, *«** identity of the other ten speakers wflt be made as soon as the committee com- j pletes the Hat. It la known that! among these ten will be Boo* Washington* the sad Lyman Abbe., foek, The suite department is paying all times of the famous Mrs. Maaprop, the expenses of the "trip, while in re- though she was much more full of turn the sextet will put on twelve con* I grace aud dignity than that dame. certs before the different clubs of the'Helen Osgood and Margaret Ren- canal tone The first will be given at neckar were the beautiful, langulah- Balboa Heights. The men will then travel to the Pacific, coast of the tone, working under the direction of the Bureau of Clubs and Playgrounds. The men will return to New York SMALL FIRE SUNDAY. A small fire broke out in the resi- dence of Mr. deem, IMS Central ave- nue, last Sunday morning, bat wee quickly, extinguished by .the fire do- part meat. . The fire, which was ato covered at 4:30' in the A WORD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Stevenson of T 651 Central avenue wish to thank all friends fortbclrtndiieseniwMer It Is the *"rt **^SE£_ at*], whoso aale ho. been themean, of foods to relieve the suffering of thej ^S^J^SX^^ti^S^W r»,iln8 «*** *r "^^Y k women and children of war-striuken ■ "*£*,'" ^fjesus the Christ, b* *■*»'*»«•,ne? ■ *«*•,**« to *< Belgium. For ten daya.eom* seventy- JJJ ,0™ tla« ^nd life ofVveir doB* lbtn *rw b»|ow anl»«* *«»* fivTofganlx.tion.of tbe city Imd been I ^.^ ^ Hh.gart an<! ,,f* °f CWy|for new friends of Rod Cross seals. active collecting foods to send to the ; mlai"J.,? t» l««*.Hnnidv the flock Is «vtr5r iB*1 -*"1 **' ,,,*IB• more m** b«w*ed a large hole Ja Uwf floor of the lar zone The first appeal *n« sent\ ^tn«uf* » ^£2. ££„,„ 'ttrW ^^ whlch to ««« tubtrculosto. 1>to|- ,««„ »nd but for the arontH out bTSiiss Anna A. Gordon. ff^f^^t^r^^^^U^ ^ ** Chriatma. spirit In you bri« Ing. though on the whole, wholesome I dent of the National Woman V Chris -I througn a man andbverftomes the damsels whom one would expect to be j tian Temperance -anion, and this r*-iwrtria nnion meeting of #ftJho|wyn" in an eighteenth century play- The I salted in a. which was held at the I lesus must' needs impress this-cen. [help to the men, women and children 1 would probably have destroyed tho 'of ybur own community who are suf-J house. The damage was fully reset en .■ ferine from the world's areatest die-1hy insurance. performance did credit In every way n panizstIons, wmen was ncm m «B|traI necessity on Peter in the tender- to the actors and their coach. Missrtfvanston Woman's club. Here plaus,^^ gbarpest. but most convincing Brooke. were prefectcd and the soliciting f«» • a|td BO we nave the scene and The proceeds will be announced food began at once. j glor<r Qf <nr iejA later. The result was that Saturday -after- ..... J ■ i-.-------------- neon a freight car left Evanston com BOYS* CLUB GIVES DANCE. fertably filled with foods for Belgium. Saturday evening the^Boys* dnbrThe car-ta being sent to New York gave Its annual masquerade dance at \ by the Chicago ft Nortb-West ------------------------»------ TWO EXCELLENT FILMS. ELIZABETH STEVENSON DEAD. ' The Village theater baa aootatOflfl After a long Illness. Uttle nine-year- next week two exceptioaatty baa l tral it he Jj* ^ ^ true church ever slnee, "Simon, son of Jon.s, lovest thou Me.more than these?- "Lord, Thou knowest that I lore Thee." It is the Ideal and first principle of ycur rector as we begin oar work as the Woman's club onder the direction , read. There its contents will be load- er Mr. Frederick Richardson. Jr. TbeieU on a boat ehartere*by the Bocke- ^ winners of the tour pr'aes for the most j leller foundation, »nd AMlvetod in; ^l- ^^^ ulkA people. A personal love -T^--.^, w^ a*«r*» fjsen^ja^nnt. where the suppSoa will be dls- ^ lfU) p^^ ^,^1 loday is the e Amer Blaaboth Louise Stevenson. films for their patrons. Oa Mead and Mrs. Bdwtn G. aatf Tgm^J'fa.MamtBm with Ch.s. Kichman a. fiaaielV. rise, wtU be given, and o» Tawraflar 1 rerigi 513 Central avenue. Wll matte, died last t*?ldar moraian at „ P:30 o'clock. Tho funeral service.Friday "A Geath»»aa were held from tho home oa Sunday sippr-a five act nfternooo. Roe. Fraak C. Wheelock of tea life fsataring Tom Wise. flt, Augaetine's Episcopal ckarckipictnrf. have met with great reading the service. Burial at Rose- j throughout the ring. Mrs, Sotter hllL Uttle KliaabOth leaves besides! doubtUss draw 1m

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