12 CYLINDER MOTOR CARS In southwestern Indiana is a little town of leas than a thousand inhab- itants, but which is very much alive in many ways. Founded originally by Eight Cylinders Being Shown and More Will Come When Need Is Demonstrated. EACH HAS ITS USES ;J3very Type Fills Some Want for That Partic- ular Design. â- ,.,-,- "Many men of many minds, is as true In the automobile business as in any other, and the variety of engines coming into the automobile service gives evidence that the automobile is widening In use to meet the needs of all classes. Never before has so great a range of motor styles and designs been offered. From the single cylin- der which propels the motorcycle so well, and the double cylindered V- type, which propels it better, to the .four and six cylinder engines mostly used on automobiles, we now find added the eight cylinder, which a few makers exhibit. Does this addition mark a great wave toward more cyl- inders? Likely not. The day of new- ness has passed. Users today know what they need, nnd buy it, and re nine to be stampeded into something fiot in" tied simply because it is new. Tho fact Is that each motor serves* certain uses best. And as the great industry settles to its proper position in our everyday life, each form of -motor will And its place and continue In use, just as candles arc still sold and used, even though the gas, acetylene, and electricity provide more beautiful Ulumlnunts than even our fathers dared hope for. That the single cylinder motor Ib iflpl simplest and most economic no one denies, and It will continue to do the stationary engine work. Hut the difficulty of balancing, the heavier flywheel required, and tho greater] Strength or parts needed, because of tbe heavier impulses, all militate : ugainst its use as an automobile motor, and It has been largely, if not wholly, abandoned. The two-cylinder motor t»«o the great advantage that It «... be <>ul anced, both mechanically ana e*plo alvely. It is therefore tho mo«t ec<> nomic motor that can be applied to tho automobile, and was largely die bulwark of the automobile business In Hie early days. Hut styled changed said the four cylinder took a prominent 'ace in the automobile- Industry Made In many sizes and ,..>wers. It Its duty admirably, and little more could be asked-.for; but still do Signers did not stop, and the »lx<->llu motor goon became popular Want still Mo.c "Surely this is tl.e Una. thOUght, but Slii.ml.!, us lilt* pi,,, ol II: many cylinder:-* and pe.feci *a . u m tion, there are ihos» who *I»L m.-rt- and this has Ueen presented i.u tl>< tfitayltnder mutoju* to i*« »h.,wu by several makers this year While the eight-cylinder is not strl< u, new. diU __JKr*t SaleoTTte Kmd Ever Held in Evanston One Cent Buys Anything Advei The Old Fauntleroy Home. New Harmony, Ind. Built by the Rappltes In 181.'. 1'urchased and remodeled by Robert Henry Fauntleroy in 1841. Birth- place of tbe "Minerva," the first woman's club In America, organized by Miss Constance Owen Fauntleroy, Oct. 20, 1-859, with officers, written constitution and by-laws. Makeoneecmtdotheworkof$l,$6,$10,$15^deven$35. ^S^^tS^S^^^M^SSL and get one more just like it for one cent. You pay full price for the first, anoVget^he;WS^fEs^^M For instance: One Men's Dollar Shirt, $1; Second Men s Dollar Shirt,£*J£f&!JEgL Wntorefullv The saving effected is so great as to seem almost unbelievable; yet every ^^S^aS^JS^S^ examined, and you actuary get the first article at the regular retail price and thei second one tejartIfce cent more. We expect the greatest 4-days' January business that we have ever enjoyed Wed., Thurs., Frt and Sat, Jan. 26th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. John Rapp and his followers, resigned; cus always of the honor of their later to Robert Dale Owen for the I home, have preserved among their trying but of a community expert-j treasures the,, laws by which the meiit, still peopled by descendants Of i Minerva club was governed, together the early builders, New Harmony | vith a list of its charter members, stands today with an individuality; the last of whom has recently died. and traditions not possessed by many I Unlike the Sorosls, which was communities In the middle west. | founded partly In a spirit of pique be- n-i«. u/~i r.,,^^ ! wm*e of the discourtesy of the men Clsim We.I Founded. Qf the New Yorfc pnu c,ub ,Q fe One of the honors which New Har-1 i„8|ng to allow women who worked mony claims for itself, with exceed-1 wltn thero jn the newspaper field, to ing good reason; too. Is that of being He present at a banquet given for j tho birthplace of the first woman's | Charles Dickens, the Minerva club seems to have grown out of an Innat u aspiration amorg the v/omen of this quite little village to give expression to themselves In their Intellectual growth. Tho naturalness of their step, in their own mind >, seems to be evidenced In their quiet acceptanco of tho claim of the Sorosls to belnrf • he pioneer in the woman's club club founded in America. It was on October 20, 1859, nine years before the organization of the '"Sorosls," that tho little group of New Harmony women gathered in the Fauntleroy home, pictured In the accompanying cut, to form themselves into a club for th« mutual benefit nf Its members and of tho community In which they lived. Seeking enlightenment nnd i movement. Apparently the Minerva Intellectual stimulus, they chose tr member* found the solace they sought name themselves for tho goddess of |n their organization, a:id carried on wisdom. Thus the Minerva club J their club life untroubled by a wish came into existence with written con-1 fPJ fame, unconcerned with rivalry. household needsâ€"and those of her purse. ». j One general Idea emphasized by I the department's San Francisco-bound kitchen is that the size of tho ordl-1 nary kitchen should be small rather I than large IT the room Is to be usod ; only for the preparation of the meals. It should be as compact a* poaalblf to save traveling hack and forth l li- stove, table, and sink should b. a* near together us Ih convenient ../id the dlMtunces to Mipplleri and tliu din Ing room or pantry nlioi.M l.e ttliort I On tin- II.k.i of lli<- model room tho dtsianeos mo.t »t)mi.,ohly t.iivele.i In prcpartiiH und oorviug n.oalii utu in (Heated bt :;tr..lrlit lin./> "The fev <sr oriiun>cnt» tl... i,. n. o ., holla.>wlfe't» win U.shi)|> in tbe t .\t 01 iinolher kn.on of thin littl- exoll.lt (triH-i.i inn rouiidod, BUrfa.cn urn plain; li.ere are u« f«, „ molding., an posalbln to <.ii«l. (Mil Mulch nit.nt be removed v\itl» ««, nui.ii <ff» rt (.no feature- I., a tutlv .vith \ gn that may. HATFIELD TAKES BIG AUDIENCE TO BERLIN l>v rai.-»t d . r (ov\ei d ti> â- of tho work r Tim r«frlft(«r..i..: u . i. i.„H'f in tile vsoliu t id- le an tl.rift> hoUnt fttf« It ll i 111.<Ml Atth h.,tl«l otii«« .vith . naiixHed with .mo |..liit«<l Alt), mid ..io.iIi. i with oopaii. ult .he h If.-, hi German Professor Receives a Fine Welcome at • Lecture. ........ Lull ill lllo |»%ll.ll. Ilt..-I> luv . t..o a..j lluoflft. .I wllli ai, au.ll. I... til H o". took Monday evening ca^er to I.e. I*r<>fcj...<.i Juuiob Tuft llaillol.l I. <-tl, . ' Ult Hen... " l.OO i (In ,h,h|iI,:.'S .>: tlo UViW.atoti III..OOlicui KOCiOty The J. .,J, l<. . Oll.l.lt ,,. < <t Ik, CUIUO oOoll uliei I o'clock ai.tl l». & bo...re 8 u\oi-j k at viaa .ttko. and tlio over- flow oiled ttio hi -p» mi.ich i ad .o die oiu.T. um toon.*. (UK.I (lie fllftK.., itll < h.'.ir:. ..nil pe.ple utootl tvto Ue«p nioiiixl *.he vvaliit. ,. litre .ney oold .i.i mi.i' II... If tor on , part t,«.r< Ian. bii l..l. an..tb. . -I.all.. I p.ill.I ed /.ilu llo« i'l â- :ol -lit J â- tillten »»! ilie to'.. thi.-i ri fi i«.' n.ou of l».i own. and li-^dw.,.laK< linit./i ar • .xplain Kaeh woman »h< what .-<iitl.-> l..r « I'utor 1'i.a ben .< u«-i for the a<lvtt,it..K«- ot < a«l. pi-.: (i- 'il.. i * U ll. label., attached > i.a In n.a> liK<k foi v, n ref.iteri.lor .>od „ lh^ | rX>RiVlEREVANSTON i \ m GETS WISCONSIN JOB la the first time thai it ha- b*en ..erl | boti,-,. »lv«-.r. iro.n ilu uorth or i. ODaly and properly introduce la i tbe m.ulb i.um a hUi. dry . 3*1. ii short. Its time has not arrived In a h»»\ tuoiet rc^t a »u»y i*.»li &*â- * Other words, tuerythinc arrives v.t.enjnbich featuie is no.«t adaptable the public, or a suttlcieat portion o» it ber o* n us.- &..d poeki.book ready for it Bat the proiMTitt.ti ti.Ht win eight-cylinder cars doe . not i. rumber who will buy n.<x.,i., types. There is room tor . •tyles will continue. a..d u. must decide for hin.»«-if «^t ECltS his ln-ett». Many >lu .en industry ere asking. ' Win ib, J^ tirelve-c> Hndei .notor fv.ib.v. likely, but it ».il n«t »up<r.- at ill ride horseback, aitbou^ and automobiles ai<- tile i .'• Charles E. l)ut..a n. M. >.,uk. L j„ K.,v.^ . .... al.i well k.L M IL . I ...» ll ,1. bun oo~ u r^.J L. of kftl , ib .to ..*a Lvfi. npfx.itut.4 tfiatt iiiiii i ». nti'l .--iou«» by Governor tbiUll i ItliM »tute lie «i.« l-oru tit EvaM.. u . . iSTO ana .....I b«r. until be luuftsl io Oshkofih wtib bb. i treat < vb»n he was about ten > ran. old Alter b«Jn»; graduated ^»e.. (he .-.' olio . >:i Ai! e . .)«â- ! .... beat tt. t (lie ill lb. i. lie*. L ,^l> he find a ,.lact> The loctU.o wu.. y.co .. a k (be ....nun. in. , tlnr, of ..le s.kl.t, j. ..Ich v a« 11 lied lo ..rdcr L; rtey..,our <."..rr-..y T\.a i. meeting ol tbe ,.r.-v I -Un >cui v t re read ana ap,iroN d ami tl. »ec. loiv Mr \Vllliain (' l.\.i«- &u\.> u p..il of die work ol «bo a«»cl >l> d.,ri.>£ the pa-'t > . ar Tb » I.let tea. are of (!.t year had i. en .lie u.....l»oii.oi.l... of (he i.'vaiutoo i .»*(«.. i.al t.otltl> .ad the Kvansl >»n .toelety f. r .ho Kie t loll of HlslorUal Tnbh la wbnii hud bi. ifcbt Into .1.. nutlet, .tome .orty .lit liilr.il. >tle ulk.rj It belni; itlo i. mo. .1 ... .1. ..til... of .nree of (h. plied TbesOo v _-r< M I'atte.. Josepb t" J Mai. lltoil Ol. SJ. l.evvre «l. eac a l-.l ex lien J Xv'ara ana Wll.ivin (be uonillidlhn of *cr. placed lo-l.re th. l'llill|>l> Ap|M>lllt. Jmrksoi. State K ( /UlllUli ^aioltc l" »t>« lely for r .-le.Vio we. i eleete . u..ai.lo.oli.l; Of Al. Salon. 1 1'" Stewu by M«^»r» l**..r Miller tit .barn The ft*. ....o. . . i - .*a a..ip!y r<-pabl (. > the ^-icellei 1 leelu c i,i*r Hakwleld wa., at bl. b«e.t casional delta. >|U. n« I or Its v*perators sneei.ie*! aeithe* him nor hi* heor«-i nnj tl e> i. u. .iio:i ..cv .d.d ad 1 t; MODEL KITCHEN Mam, THE GOVERNMENT Will Be One of the l„i.iuo at the San Francis i Exposition. lbi t In... »ii4-c- by i»rl. l'rofe&<«or .-â- f .v..-I the OC ol ib. ..la.l.hie to disturb < he laet vas, that the speaker had -vt-ryone ia hi*,b KOvd humor wimin t. few min- utes after h« t'trtnrrieneeil to talk, and he kept taeiu so all the ev ning, It w»-< a t»o»t *»ign£in» "K-Tlia" which he prcdeatea to the audience and one which bad much ot interest and de- light, tlis p:ctut«?s were greatly en (roi.i the v>>hk...*h hi«n st htnh be came joyed and tbe evening was altogether back to Kvanston again and entered a most happy one, Norti.we.tern university He later; Next Monday evening. Miss Stella took up the study ot taw at the Har- skinner will lecture before the society varti taw school and was admitted to oa "My Summer in England." Miss tbe bar in IS95. , Skinner has just returned from abroad lie was former <ti»trW-t attorney of acd has something to tell worth hear- vv iiipebago county. Wis., and since ing. Her pk-tares are nitmerrm*. and_ ba« gained a reputation we a corpora- - the lantern us*»d next week ^rttj tie tion lawyer. Mr. Jackson was not an cce of special de.-*i*n. with an expert ' A complete kitchen *oi> atove, refrigerator, siaii » t and other necewsarti-« is hijjaa aeni by the department of agricultu/e tr* San fc*rancisco for the fair This kftcbta i* not a "mode*' in the re««e applicant for the position to which he fc> operate tt has been appointed. He was selected ------ by Gov. Fhilipp because of his fitness for the ofllce. Frfrnda of Mr. Jackson in thblocality wttl remember he was aa enthusiastic follower of tbe Ball Moose cause two years ago, but be fes aow again hi the that every housewife is to try to make fears as nearly like it as possible, but la rather a composite of many possi- fcj> â- nasi kitchens which fat designed •tt Sttastrate various essential pricei- af coavenient kitchen arrihgo- Tk* Aaseriraa koasewlf*. for it toMramental ia tbe election of Go*. »fat l*aiupp ia tbe receat Wiaeoaaka etee-j anaagaflacat win Chin as Point of Beauty Tb« habit of absent taindedty Srt^,*^ big tbe chin is imprudent Pecans- ia doing so the ski a may be strettiiedi and tbe pores unduly enlarged, in ite- Ing wrinkles sad extraaeaaa matter to gather. After the age ot twenty-, two «r twenty-three yeam It ia wall few watca witfe Jealcaa cam tfeks aaa» unii iiiiif if i>m jjg# APRON DIMITYâ€"First yard........10c Second yard ........................lc Two yards................I........lie PARTY CASESâ€"First cage.........$1.00 Second case...................... .01 Two cases . .$1.01 CROCHETED SHAWLSâ€"First shawl 30c Second shawl ......JT...............lc Two shawls .....M___ ...........40c DRESS FLANNELftTTEâ€"First yard 10c Second yard â- . #.........^.........lc Two yards PILLOW TOl Second top .................lie -First top............Oc ..................lc Two tops .§........................10c RATINE SUITINGâ€"First yard.......39c Second yard ........................lc Two yards........................40c LINEN SUITINGâ€"First yard........49c Second yard . ......................lc Two yards......... ...............60c Parisian Ivory Files, Shoe Horns, Button Hooks and Cuticle Knives, each...... ___.. .39c Second article .............lc A Suggestion Co-operate with your neighbor. Buy the higher-priced articles to- gether. Naturally there aren't many people who want two very expensive dresses, or two bed springs, or two other large articles of this sort, but, by splitting the cost with some friend or neighbor who does want one of these ar- ticles, you'll be aWe to get yours at half price. Nowhere has a sale of such enormous savings in all lines of merchandise been conducted. You'll do well to shop as early as possible, for we cannot guarantee these articles to last throughout the whole four days of this sale. No merchandise will be exchanged without the accompanying sales- ticket. *s H. M. ROSENBERG. 45-in. Embroidered Crepe Flouncingâ€" First yard.........................We Second yard ........................lc Two yards....... ...........i •.. STANDARD APRON GINGHAMâ€" First yard........................ Second yard ..................... .99c .Oc .lc Two yards................ BRASS FLOWER VASESâ€" •/ ....7c First vase........................$8.00 Second vase...................... .01 Two articles..............40c P. N. CORSET8â€" First corset .............. $1.00 Second corset .............01 Voile and Lawn Waists First waist.........$1.00 Second waist ....... .01 Two waists.........$1.01 8ILK ArM> CHIFFON DRESSESâ€" First dress ...............$35.00 Second dress ............ .01 MEN'S COTTON HOSE- One pair ............ Second pair ......... Two vases .......................$2.01 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR AND BELTSâ€" Each article ...../.................19c Second article ......................lc Two pieces........................80c QUILTING CALICOâ€"First yard......6c Second yard ...............^.~.-....lc Two yards......................... .fc CRIB BLANKETSâ€"First blanket.... .89c Second blanket lc Two blankets......................40c COTTON LISLE HOSE First pair.........* ,50c Second pair...........lc Two pairs...........51c MEN'S WA8H FOUR-IN-HAND ,10c TIESâ€"One tie ..............25c . 1c Second tie.................. 1* Two corsets „..............$1.01 Two dresses .............$35.01 Two pairs ............. ___11c EVENING AND 8TREET DRESS- ESâ€"First dress ..........$25.00 Second dress..............01 BOYS' DOUBLE BREASTED SUITSâ€"One suit.......$3.95 .01 Two dresses $25.01 Second suit Two suits MEN'S WOOL PLUSH-BACK UN- UfcKWtMKâ€"one garment .$1.50 ...... .01 Two ties ...................Me NEGLIGEE Hoys' Gingham and Flannel ette Waists, one waist 25c Second waist........lc Two waists . .tN'S LEATHER fACfct, l*N VAS GAUNTLETSâ€" One pair ......... Second pair Two pair* ... ARGfe TR . 4. NG *. £ 341 «* AD JUSTiNG OIL MOP- First.$1.50 Second .'. '............... .01 . $3.96 JWEN^ SUITS One suit . . Second suit Second garment Two garments MEN'S shirt ....... Second shirt $1.51 Two f«.. ivliik Pit. i..*~ it '/a ^i ileco. atcd, firwt pitcher Second pitcher l'vvo lu. .1 fl Hkll ) I Second >m i ..tt, SHIRTSâ€"Ons .........$1.50 ......... jQI Two shirts ................|T3|F 'S GREY SWEATER TSâ€"One coat... $3.00 ltd coat........ .01 75c lc coats..........$8.01 »URE ALUMINUM ROUND ROASTERâ€" First...... ............. $1.91 Second.................... .01 $1.51 »~/IESfc.KV...^ XETTLE gray grsnltt First.. Seeond ... Two «.. Stuart 39c 1c 40c SOT. ENAMELED DISH PANâ€" Fli*t..................... Second .................... 1c Two fu. .20c 49c lc 50c L Urany Fv»«t Stools One stool....... Second stool Two stools lc 86c 1 c -1 S^OSS CElMat OIL First bottle..........25c Second bottle.........lc ATr./*u One rug Second Two r»... ti(i(t» »S »2.50 .01 $2-51 1c 31c FURNITURE PC One bottle Second bottlt 1 v»*» Lx-tclcc. HMOOR-8 T^i , One can Second c«*.t . 1o .26c »»C WUER-- .......1Se -. 1e Two cans .16c uLYi'EluNE One bottle . Second bottk Two buttles lc lie lc civic Secon^ I- ------ Sccon* uii ...... K^tA. Z5* 26c TOt LIGUID COURT One t.jbe Second tfetM «UROrtA Mv/i, l Second jar tiftilKOGEN One Bottle Second bott«e Two bottles .ASTERâ€" â- »** ..... lc • Ij, ... i fOOT RELICf- Of,.ie ^i fi> tge........ Second p.xkagt . Two ft^ti.t\a<fco . EROAIDE DOOv.Hr. ,-k a One package . Second package .. Two packages* iEROXIDE cs. 1c 26c 50c lc 51c Two for GERMAN I.A.It tNAMELâ€" One................... Second ................. Tw»................ . .TTla . »VI£R PILLSâ€" One package .......... Second package ........ .26c lc .10c . 1e ."tic OAt* CkllPS One package....... Second package____ lc Two packages.........6c lc 11c • A», **/ tOc ic lie One can .. . Second can . 10. lc lie i t i A , LufTUS One Ia ttle . Sec.vid bottle Two t>. tttca i*TR»> ROl I t . K> Package Second ^jcl My, Two j»^..KA^^o PEAS M Two packages)....... ..iDLITZ POWDERS One package........ Second package.......lc it t6c roc lc 11c Two packages CLEANED CURRANTSâ€" Package ............... Tan* packagaa .12c â- 1e lOv lc Macaroniâ€"White Peart Package ..........10c Second package.....lc 1 packaces I". ..Zlu Two cans for .lie Spaghettiâ€"White Ptan, Package ..........10c ..lc 1 i GRANGE FLOWER SKIN FOOD- One Jar.....................Sac Second jar..................1c Two jars.................2Sc ^MATOES-SolidPaek One can.............lie Second can...........lc Two cans M* lie Salter's Vanilla Extract. Bottle ............10c **^*rHil hnttlr___^«^lc- ...lie 2 bottles TORJ b. \ I. R Y r I Rosenberg's \ ^ m