Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1915, p. 3

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I THE LAKE tHOSB MEWS, FRIDAY. JANUARY ft, Itlf. •CUM. Still- est C. floadaew Of Highland Park, performed by tteUw. Mr. Roy E. Bow era of Um Congregational chorea ol WUmette at t o'clock at the homo of tho brides sister, lire. Samuel Walter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weltman will entertain Informally nasi 8unday their home. 1611 ~ «U1 be twenty Uim Rss^atSaa Wright win enter* win Informally lemon n â-  eftemoon at her home. HO Praadway avenue, the guest of honor beta* Mies Nancy Sher- man, who. with bar family, will leave shortly far their new home la Denver. Colo. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. George N. Gilford will entertain the Home Social dab at their home. Ill Fifth Utile Miss Elolse Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms of IS Crescent place* gate a slelghrtda party to thirty of her friends last Monday afternoon. Following the ride refresh- ments were sorted at the Arms home. Mrs. Edward P. Belts entertained at luncheon Tuesday at her borne, 1111 Elmwood avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Forsyth Ander- son will five the third of a series of dinner parties at their home, 900 Chest- nut street, this evening. Covers will be told for twelve, The Town club baa issued invita- tions for a bard times party to be given tomorrow evening at the Wom- an's club, and a rare treat is in store for. those win attend. Every one must come dressed In a hard times costume. Master Marvin Berry of 026 Lake avenue entertained a number of bis friends with a "movie party" Tuesday evening of last week. Afterwards the ten guests took supper at muiiier's confectionery. Mrs. Henry^Pope was a luncheon hostess to twelve guests yesterday at her home, MO Lake avenue. Mrs. Charles J. Cross entertained informally last Thursday afternoon *t her home. 1011 West Railroad ave- Mr. and Mrs. Charles A, Hastings *ere nosts to tho Neighborhood Din- ner and Bridge club Tuesday evening at their home. 608 Central avenue. Covers were laid for sixteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Keller will en- ioftaln at dinner this evening at their home, 820 Greenwood avenue. Covers wUl be laid for eight. M»» Albert W. Hawkct,, u« ucutrai -.enufc entertained at bridge last Fri- day afternoon. There were three AUctlou bridge Will be flayed ot the ..ollmette Country club tomorrow eve- ning. a naiukoi ot frlena* ourprtaca Mr ~d Mrs. George F. At^pleyard Mon- day evening at their home, 1111 Lake •venue. The occasion was Mrs. Ap- pleyard'a birthday anniversary. The drat division of the Ladies' aid ^ciety of the Methodist church served a dinner to the men of the church Tuesday evening In the church parlors. Mrs. J. Parker Gowlns will be .<«tess To" ihe^ Weaneidsy Morning Bridge club, February 2 at her home, 630 Washington avenue. site. Votaey Underbill eateitatned . luncheon Tuesday, following the M*oton of the Music Study class, at her home, 701 Waahiagton avenue, covers were laid far twelve guests. Her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Lee Under- bill, and If me. Goedecke, were the guests of and Mrs. George Ckwe*. eta*^ at bridge mat Saturday ning la honor of Mr. and Mrs. D. M Noorse. who have recently moved here from Chicago. There ware seven ta- bles. Mr. R. W. Jordan aad son. William. of 1317 Elmwood avenue, have be visiting In New York, later going to Mr. Jordan's old home In Maryland. They mill return the latter part of neat week. Mrs. C. P. Evans, 616 Gregory ave- 55m, »« caned to southern Missouri this week by the sudden death of her Ml»..................... WUmette : Societies and Clubs •••MMMMigggiiMlgMjg' Mrs. Charles R. Mack will entertain one of the Tuesday luncheon and bridge clubs at her home, 707 Central nvenue, nest week. The next afternoon meeting of the Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle will be held Monday at the home of Mrs. Rexford Bellamy. The monthly luncheon of the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will be held in the church parlors, Thursday, February 4. at 11 o'clock. A business meeting will be held imme- diately after the luncheon, at 1:30. The Young Ladles' auxiliary to the Woman's club held a meeting In the clubhouse Monday afternoon. A short parliamentary drill was conducted by Mrs. L. A Piemen. 'M Mrs. J. Hugh Fosfcer entertained her Luncheon and Bridge club Tuesday at her home, Oil Oreenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown enter tained the members of the Tuesday Evening Bridge club at tlscir heme, 606 Washington avenue, this week. Mrs. Harry V. Donaldson was hostess to the Contend Card club Tuesday aft- ernoon at her home, 1116 Forest ave- nue, Mrs. George H. Bird. 610 Washing- todm-mmus m-*?*® â„¢* home served. A delightful luncheon was The «d met John C one. 'ill be the of the t~aw of the Methodist church with Mrs. •N Oakwood nve- The W. «J T, U. helO It* .uouuaj meeting last futrfday at the home ot Mrs. George C. Hughes, 100b Central avenue. The Youua ladies' &>ia*« -»•». «IM be entertained tomorrow aft^rnoca at the home of Miss Mildred Cunneen, 731 Ashland avenue. The Central Avenue ot.^i*. win entertained thin afternoon at tue hb<ne of Mrs. Betts on Elmwood avenue. The Tuesday Luncheon end "ooe~ ciub wns entertained this ^cok at the home of Mrs. Fred D. Buckman, 111 Oakwood avenue. A meeting Of the Omu at at Ajtd. une's Episcopal church la scheduled for today at 1 o'clock In the associa- tion rooms. Another ot ti»o Luncheon and Bridge oubs met Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. W. T. Whiffen, 1110 Ashland avenue. The Travel study class met Tucs day afternoon at the home ot Jfra. H. B. Wheelock, 810 Central avenue. The ae*t meeting of the Washing- ton Avenue Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Alfred B. Wilson. 610 Central avenue, on Monday. Febru- ary 8. The "*rwla»~ win a« entertained next Tnursday aitern-on «t the home of Miss Helen Pope. 010 Lake avenue. Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford. 836 Elm- wood avenue, was hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon end Bridge clubs that week. Mr* Vfilliato a Mann «* ees to the Friday Bridge club next week at 1111 Gi ££-; New Trier Jottings Mm. L. B. Blunt, Hag Oakweed ave- nue, will he hostess to the Woman* Fraying band today. In the evening, Rev. end Mra. T. K. Gale will be their Personal Mention of WUmette Folk AUTOMOBILE SHOW of about thirty, or Walking through tho aisle* of the Coliseum, where the Chicago automo- bile show la being held, one of the moat lntereatlng sights Is the crowd â- jauierea aroiura ute eetxiou vwre %ac Dodge Bros, motor car Is on display. "" *JT«*Z.Zh *t th« a»ninr /i«â€" Ea»erlenced antomobUe men. novices **Z*J??u£Ztttt* •â-  *~ â€" tpgem of gee*, la academic work. The averages will be computed on the marks of the first three end One half years of school. Mr. Bellows, president ot the school to present appro- aflUlated with the automobile business are busily engaged In discussing this new ear. It Is easily the center piece ot the whole- show. For months Its coming has been heralded throughout prUte emblems to each student The hundred, of totemrted spectators are f. â- â€¢â-  Mr. P. A Myers. 617 Lake avenue, la In Michigan this week on business. Mr. a F. Kirtland, 824 Lake ave- nue. Is recovering from e two months' Mr. R. W. Jordan and son, "Billy." of 1117 Elmwood avenue, are spending the week In New. York. exact nature ef this emblem Is now under discussion. The House Comidjttee. The house committee of New Trier bee made Itself useful In numerous ways this year. One of its recent ac- complishments baa been the securing of a curtain for the mess hall, to be used to shut off the serving ooun- Margaret Millen. 1116 Green- ter aAjsjg school dances. The cur leaf avenue, is ill at her home with an attack of appendicitis. Miss Helen Nicholson. 626 Hill street, baa returned from a three months' visit In New York. tain has been ordered and will be hi place by February 6. when the second school party of the year will be held. The entertainment February 6 will ton consist of a short play given by the carefully examining this wonderful car. Nor do they content themselves with examination alone, for the sales of the Dodge Bros, motor car have far exceeded those of any other auto- mobile at the Chicago show thus far. A great many north shore people have msnifested a decided interest In this sensational car. For their "Con- venience a special exhibit of the Dodge Rro> motor car hss been ar- ranged by the North Shore Motor Sale« *â- *<» •♦ '°2« I>avt* street. Evans- The intent son of Mr. end Mrs. Her- rjmmatlc club, and a dance and bert Weld. 1010 Thirteenth street.^ died ^mmm aji members of the school are Invited, but owing to the limited ca- pacity of the mesa hall, parents will be the Only outsiders who cao be wel- comed. . New Recruits. The mid-year class entering from Saturday at the Evanbton hospital. Mr. Charles B. Lord, 616 Central ave- nue, will return today from a ten-days' business trip in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Llllenfleld of 816 Michigan road left yesterday for an extended trip through California. AT THE "VILLAGE Monday night. "The Man Who Could Not Lose." a five-part photo play by Richard Harding Davis, with Carlyle Blackwell In the leading role, will be shown at the Village theater. Tuesday afternoon and evening. Wilson Barrett's "The Sign of the j A Local Institution RESIDENTS of WUmette own the controlling inter*** in she Wilmctte Exchange Stat interest Bank. There Witmett Kites in La In banking with your own of our liters, of Point. 3 vanston, 1 WIL lanccTielps to build you will get the benefit ration. » 1 â-  f» CXCMANGE .1 It STATE V Mrs. Jease Duer Philips Is visiting tbe various schools ot the township Cross." with William Parnonii as "Mar- at tbe home of her parents. Mr. and' promlaaa 1 ; thirty, cub Superbus." will be given This Mrs. David Everett Allen. 616 Forest Plans are being made to receive these production is conceded to be the> fort, new member*, even to securing new roost Aim classic produced tn Atner- lochera for them, as the present sup- lea. avenue. Mrs. Arthur W. Allen. 1069 Thir- teenth street, returned Saturday from a week's visit at the home of her sister in Elkhart, Ind. Mrs. Augustus N. Cage, 1210 Green- wood avenue, returned Sunday from an extended visit with friends relatives in southern Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pierce of Cin- cinnati, O.. were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlman, 623 Washington avenue Mrs. A. A. Brigham, 718 Greenwood avenue, who was taken suddenly ill Friday evening, is now convalescing at the Presbyterian hospital In Chica- go. Mrs. Garrett, her son, Mr. Hurst F. Garrett, and her daughter, Miss Gar- rett, of 1482 Forest avenue, have closed their home for two months and are liv- ing In Chicago. The W. H. Ellis family, residing at 828 Greenwood avenue, all of whom have been confined to their home on account of Illness, are reported to be convalescing. Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washing- ton avenue, is spending the week as the guest of Mrs. Sheldon at her home ply of lockers Is exhausted by tb« students now in attendance. There will be few changes In the courses given during the year, except for the addition of some half-year and| courses Tor the enter Ins fresunnsn. Athletics. Two basketball games and several swimming meets have been held dur- ing the last week. On Friday eve ning, January 22, one of the most In- teresting games occurred. A game between the faculty of New Trier and those of University high. As at Oak Park, the New Trier faculty won, the score being 86 to 22 Miss Main, who has been making her home with Mrs. Arthur Allen, 1022 Thirteenth street, is with another sister, in Elkhart, Ind., where she will remain for several months. Mr. Wilson T. Whiffen, who has re- cently moved to Detroit because of business, spent Sunday with his family at their home, 1120 Ashland avenue. Within a short time the entire family will go to Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harmon, 214 Sixth street, were among the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hallman last evening at their home in High- lend Park. Afterwards the party went coasting at Exmoor Country club. Mrs. Bradford and Mrs. R. 8. Nater and daughter, who have been guests at the O. C. Eastman home, 412 Cen- tral avenue, since November first, have taken a furbished apartment on Ken- more avenue, Chicago, until the spring. They will then leave for their home In Porto Rico. Wednesday night, "The Idler," by C. Haddon Chambers with Charles Rlchman and Catherine Countiss in the leading roles, will be shown. Thursday night, Dustln Farnum in the fascinating southern dramatic romance, "Cameo Kirby," by Booth Tarkington and H. Leon Wilson, will be given. Friday night, "The Chocolate Soldier," from Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," with an all-star cast, including Alice Yorke, Lucille Saunders, Edith Gordon, Tom Rich- ards and others, will be shown. "The M^Ghira«*oliCho«ol»te Soldier" Is said to be the last word In the art ot motion pic- New Trier was the star player, mak tag thirteen baskets. On the same t«r0 presentation. eveningthe lightweights of the two â- â- *â- â- Â«â- * •*te?°?n â- "• •""ft schoota ptayed. New Trier winning "The "*•» 5""EL*.cfSii ?««t. again, with a score of 89 to 10. On underworld, with Clare Kimball Young SaTurday therTww^a heavyweight |a- "â„¢"° ™°" w«l be given. game between Morton and New Trier at Morton. Morton was defeated by a score of 29 to 19. 8wlmm The Newi-v'j continued t Victories. [swtaimlng team swimming Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Tinsman of Es- sex road near Woodstock road have gone to California for the winter. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong of Essex road are planning an ex- tended trip to California tor the first of next month. Mr. and Mrs Harry V. Crooks or Cumnor road, will entertain the Neigh- borhood Bridge club tomorrow ning at their home. Mr. and Mra. Luther s Hammond and son, Lather. Jr.. expect to leave within a week or so for a trip through the south. Mrs. Edmond H. Stevoaa ot Essex road bee postponed her bridge party until next Tuesday afternoon, on ac- of the death of little "Billy" nn High schoorOTThlcago . The meet was a r^jrj onesided af- fair, aa can be seen by tbe score. Not a first-place was annexed by the vis- itors. DeQroot ot New Trier won the feature race of the meet against Sailor ot Senn, defeating Sailor in the 220-yard crawl by a scant yard. A new record was made by him in this event of 8:07. The results ot the meet wcro •• toi lows: Plungeâ€"Coulter N. T. 1st , Allen, N. T., 2d.; Rogers. Senn, 3rd ; 6< ft Forty Yard Swimâ€"Pope. 1st.; Hal- deman, Senn.. 2d.; Cook. Si. T. 3d. Time, 22 2/5. 100-Yard Breaet Stroke Weld. N. T., 1st.; Householder, Senn. 2d.; Bax- ter, N. T. 3d. 100-Yard Crawl Cook. NT i*t, Searle. N. T„ 2d ; Sailo*. oen.., Sd. Time. 1:16. Fancy Dwla«- Allen, N. T \*t ; Lorens. Senn, 2d.; Huguenia. N. T, 3d. Forty-Yard Back Pope, N. t. l«t ; DeGroot, N. T., 2d , Rogers, Sen,.. 3d Time, 32 sec. 220 Yardsâ€"ueurdot. N i. i»t. Sailor, Senn, 2d.; McCurdy, N. i . 3d Time, 6:07. Relay won by New Tn«r Time 1:36. Pope-Cook-Weld-Searle New Trier meets University high at New Trier Saturday afternoon-at 2 o'clock. Public cordially Invited. On Monday afternoon. Feb. 1. New «t«T«p» Jin Ihmrflnne "Brinsiae, IlftgatAar", "BRINGING UP FATHER." "Bringing Up Father" comes to ths Victoria theater for an engagement of one week, commencing Sunday mati- nee, January 31. This is about all the announcement that is necessary, would play to capacity business, as It has done all along the line, but we like to talk about "Bringing Up Father" and the success it has made in every part of the country- It Is music to the ear to hear box office statements read, announcing more rec- ords "smashed to smithereens." Every- body knows by this time that "Bring- ing Up Father" is the one great big smashing success of the theatrical sea- son. New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and in fact every town, city or hamlet in the country with an opera house has played "Bringing Up Father" to tbe biggest receipts of the season, in fact many times to the rec- ord of the house since its opening. There's a reason for this, and It is not hard to guess. "Bringing Up Father" Is Just what the people were waiting for, and you couldn't keep them away from it with a team of horses. O© early «nd avoid disap- pointment. Tough Spider Webs. anno of the spiders of Java ba/e ,/obs so strong that a knife is re- quired to cut them L/.S.M i>ler< Si Co. Allort«r»wtt sssMllsa. s f S y#«ri )• WttmttA r»72VG •as«i CAMEO KIRBY" YORKE AND TOM RICHARDS IN OLATE SOLDIER Saturday MiVsH lei EttBtif CI CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN DEEP PURPLE" III stirs ii Big Nitim Eurr light AdiissioR 15c Ciilenc toe THURSDAY MAT. A EVE. BROADWAY STAR FEATUUE With Anita StoWArt. Ji»ll«Bw»yno Oot**. Karl* Wlttlssw) atasfsn* Mortkru* .....II.' â-  «â- â- 'â-  i I »l» mi '"" â- (........ TTE THEATRE WOMEN" â- . . â- â- â-  ........â€" "Tsulj Million Dollar Mystery" $£%&&*&!& *â€"â€"m WILMET p^foUe Popular pri licit your shoe repel We call 609 W QE PARLOR for f* Phots Family slo^repalred as factory new. ailroad Avenue. for the fall and win- n of 1914-15 are noa here and we cordially spect same. WlaflU^AN i.adif.vQyr> osMr TAILOR eSS Railroad Are.' H«ffroi. BMg

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