Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1915, p. 5

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.♦llllHHMMMIIIIimi Wdai h*i*» fit If NMIM JMlaa Florence Smith himi Bdie Aiin, F».. tfrday. Mrs. John R. Montgomery Is enter- taining her stater, Mtos Dldoud, of Brooklyn. ' « Be sure to rt'serve the evening of February * and attend the,Woman's Blub benefit. A Delta Gamma Theta dance will , hold at the Woman's club tomor- row evening. This evening a dance will be given st the Woman's club by Mr. and Mrs. F. Dammann, Jr. Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Jr., entertain- ed at dinner Wednesday evening. Cov- ers were laid for ten. The Current Events class held its regular meeting Tuesday to hear a talk on European conditions. Mrs. Frederick Dickenson has her mother, Mrs. L. A. Towasend of Galea- 4>urg. staying with her; _ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carpenter were called to Portsmouth, N. H„ Monday, by the death of Mr. Carpenter's sister. A!is. Joseph Winterbotham of Chi- cago is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Winterboth- am. A "Back to Childhood" party was given by the New Fortnightly club Wednesday evening at Community House. Mr. Frederick S. Tyrrell and daugh- ter. Miss Constance, on February 8, will leave for the California exposi- tions, stopping in Arizona en route. The W. C. T. V. will meet with the Woman's society of the Congrega- tional church on Wednesday at 1:30 Mrs. DIvelbiBS of Chicago will speak on "The Value of Cooperation in Mis- sionary and Temperance Societies." The boys of Christ church choir will give a concert the evening of February 11. at the Parish House, on the corner of Oak and Linden streets. It was hoped Community House might be available, but conflicting dates pro- vented. Tickets will be |1 for reserv- ed scats and 60 cents for general admission. The proceeds from the concert will be used for the summer camping fund. The meeting of the Woman's club, Thursday, will be an open one under the charge of the Civics and Philan- thropy committee. The subject to bo discussed is "Our Neighbors' Civic Ac- tivities'* and the principal speakers will be Mrs. W. J. Fyffe of Highland Park, on the work of that district and the Ossill club; Mrs. Rufu* Dawes,. President of the Evanston Woman's club, on the club's work, and Miss Catherine Beebe, on the Girls' Junior league in Evanston. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. JANUARY S», 1915. i â€"â€"â€" â-  i i â-  i i i I â-  THI HOME ON TH1 NORTH }HOHSANB THOSE WHO HELP TO MAKE IT ATTRACTIVE. shore is known as the of the Middle West, and ious and obmtortsble homes individuality entirely 1 many firms wl sir skill and _'_ to "building this reputation may be mentioned some of the following well-known concerns: ; The American Heating and Plumb- ing Co., 1615 Benson avenue., Evane- ton, have done a large portion of the plumbing and heating jecrk along the north shore. Notwithstanding the repu- tation established by them on account of the work done on the north shore it may be of interest to know that their field covers the entire middle by them on the north ehors mention. Where price and Qt important the firm of L. Levin & Co. ices are sought by exhibitors aid art Stead out in the clear; their prompt service and attention to detail have built up an enviable reputation. Sanitation is the watchword of community, and the Sanitary _ (rator and Table Co. build a re- fr.'SH'ttG? that ie the cs t* S.> ft -c«* sani- tation. There is no wood used in Its construction; the three inches of cork used In its installation compels it to use less lee than any other on the market. The sanitary kitchen table, with its opaline toft, is unique. The installation of one of t%se refriger- ators and tables In the \,. * fills a want that only n housevfe 6sft yen ever think of th expense saved by having garage In your yard? The table House Co. have a par west, as evidenced by successfully equipping.the Chicago Wlnfleld san- itarium the Cora Products Refining trame garageT"anTwhiieThey Co, at Argo; the Nurse's home at Dun- tahi*-ihev are also as strong in every detail as ning. and a long list of ii buildings that require skillful technical experience. No home la considered without a metal weather strip, it renders admirable service th around. Golden's metal strips have many advantages, It all metal and maJs in Sine, and bronze, chance of timated that weather consumpti ppeqeme on and their serv- galleries throughout the middle went. Their hand carved ornaments and ar- tistic effects have built a reputation that is unique. The North Side Cleaners * Co. have been established a time, but tor the purpose of giving Evanston end the upper north shorn better service have taken over the Hay's Dry Cleaning plant, which has at the same place for e years. Everyone con- this establishment is a e laundry man. who op- own plants, and whose synonymous with fair deal- nigh business Ideals. They everything in the cleaning line, have special departments for dif- ferent characters of work. 351 j shore housewife takes In her linens. Many north homeB have been provided with Classified AdvertUomonU \l FOB SALEâ€"HOUSES e and handle thereby eliminating any simplex Ironer Is corrosion. It is es- the use of Golden's per cent Is saved In fuel. It Is a prevention get and rattling of Win- el.....Ill 111*3 I III II11114 In Glencoe Mr H<u./id Hirscn leaves Friday to .isit Lis parents at MaitlandVFm. - The Monday Bridge club was enter- uined this wetk by Mrs. H. B. Board- man Th<. While club will meet Jth ivirs Jo jph Cormack Tuesday, February b m • saunioi George Goas and daugh- r Miss Haiel, left Friday for Mait- 1 nu Ma M.„ !-\t:<i i-iitton entertained the i. fan Weifu,e association Wednes- ...»' ui.cTilOOU M. and Mrs tudwln M. Clark of 678 m&\ ood avenue left Friday of last veek for Pasadena, Cal. Mr Curran C. Weeks and Miss v\ etsku have issued cards for a rau- •Jealo. Wednesday, February 3. .Mrs Martin J. Powers of 181 Beach â- id hjs issued cards for an at-home Tue&Jty, February 2, from 4 to 6. % Mind Ethel De Longe entertained a mibc of her friends with a birth- day party Wednesday of last week. to r j Iran Cole of Winnetka now oc- • I'l-., the home of Mrs. Will Under- Vfx.ds on the corner of Vernon and iiikoI.. avenues. Vuuajf People's- -Sunday -Afternoon i<it> at. the Union church from 5 to 6 </<k,. k Miss Elisabeth has charge of the meeting for January 31. the bowling alleys of the Union h Saturday evening the men and residing north of Park avenue bowl for individual champion- against dowi In u^ftTkomes of a large number of residents along the north shore you will find Johansen's back rest couch. This contrivance can be adjusted to any position, and Is a blessing to the tired and Infirm, while Johanseh, whose factory ia at 2139 West Division street, does a large upholstering and special work business. The featur- ing of his rest couch has gained him a large reputation. The Pfelfer family have been in the boiler business for fifty years, and the large number of boilers Installed in the north shore district Is an evidence of their ability to give satisfaction. The Pfelfer Boiler Co. specialize in repair work, and their prompt serv- ice is One of the factors which helped to build up their well-known reputa- tion. The name Pfanschmldt stands for high quality in window shades, bath- room accessories and awnings. The firm of B. C. Pfanschmldt has been built up by cnroful, conscientious work and the voluntary recommenda- tions of my customers to their friends. He has so much confidence In hla New Idea window shade mate- rial that he guarantees its wearing qualities for twelve years. The low prices he makes are Indeed very at- tractive. Whenever you think of hardwood- floors you think of Moore, because the firm of B. B. Moore & Co. is known as the most expert floor men in the middle west; they know everything that can as dene to preserve and bean tify floors. Why not get their advice? It's free, no matter how small a mat- ter the improvement needed seems to be. They'll gladly advise you about it free of charge. The expert installation of the Mon- arch metal weather strip carries an unconditional guarantee. The Mon- arch ie a permanent and positive de- vice for keeping out cold and dirt. It Is a tube within a tube, eliminates storm sash, saves fuel, and Its name of "Monarch" Is indication of what users think of these strips when once Installed. It Is an undisputed fact that a large percentage of heat from fuel goea up the chimney, and is, therefore, wasted â€"in some cases as high as 80 per cent lost. The Heat Saver Co. guarantees to install, under contract, a device that will save 26 per cent of your fuel bill, hence purchasers take no chances, for the reason that the Heat Saver Co. will refund money and remove de- vice at their expense, if it does not effect the saving claimed for It. L. Levin St Co.. plumber supply men, are located at 709-13 North Wells street. They not only do a Urge business with the retail trade, but the character of work Installed linens from the Linen Store at 34 They are Hunt in South Michigan avenue, who special- winter necessity, fee In table and bed linen, lingerie, monograms, etc. .Many north shore brides have had their trousseaux se- lected from this well-known firm. Have you seen the Wallace Portable Electric Lamp? Well, it stands. hangs, clamps or sticks anywhere st m thousands of any angle yon put it. Concentrates homes today. This wonderful ironer {the light where yon want it; keeps enables even an Inexperienced per- your eyes in shadow, and saves strain son to do an ironing in about one*:if there's any place it wont stick to, fourth the time usually taken by an ] we haven't found it, and the priceâ€" er luxury. Ironing Machine Co. established over ten years. ve an Ironing machine that will solve this problem for every home; whether large or small. The U l 0> , will M and Mrs. Harry O. Chamber- .J Crescent drive, entertained a ii.n. ur of out-of-town friends with a (Hunt r cvnd dance at the Woman's Li- brary ciuD rooms lasT Saturday eve- iln«t Th i.adies* Aid of the Methodist » pi»c« ,>al church will hold an all-day m««-ilug Tuesday, February 2. at the t>o»,e of Mrs. W. S. Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, ror the purpose of tying com- forters, which will be given to Rev, Elmer L. Williams of the Grace Meth- <<ttst Episcopal church, Chicago, for distribution among the poor. Tho musical program for the Irr service at the U.nion church will beJ Prelude, Valse Triste, by Sibel- ius, anthem, "Thou Shalt Keep Him In Perfect Peace," West; offertory, Berceuse. Kreisler: anthem. "8avIour, Uk* a Shepherd. Lead Us." by Frey: r">sthide. Hosmer. All are cordially welcome. The Women's league of the Glencoe Union church win hold Its regular monthly meeting at the church Tues- day, February 2. Luncheon will be served at 12:15. Adults, 35 cents; children, 25 cents. At t.p. m. Mies Harvey, a former missionary from In- dia, who is now n student at Chicago tnrrersttT, will be the speaker for •ftcrscohj 1 an exxpert laundress. The finish is equal to that of the moat perfect hand ironing. It la possible to obtain one on easy terms if desired. They can* bo operated by hand, electric or gaso- line power. Many north shore homes have,a Judd Laundry Machine. Those who utterance, have one recommend .them to their' end most neighbors, because of Ha many Ideal' conveniences of the house features. It cleans, without wear; the solid copper tube, smooth as glaaa In- side, can't tear finest laces; Is abso- lutely sanitary, because It will never crack, warp, rust or sour; then, again, it wrings part while washing others. Do you wonder that the simple, rapid, up-to-the-minute Judd Electric Washer is recommended by those who have one to those, who need one? Every home has painting and pic- well, a two dollar bill will put one in your grip'when yon want to travel The sound of the human voice Is ever building or destroying the har mony of the home. The degree of cul- ture and true human companionship la revealed in the quality of every-day rather than in the finest artistic appointments and The ap- plications of the principles of Lyric Diction, as taught by , the Katharine Schuster school, will insure harmo- nious conditions in every place or habitation. One of tho greatest conveniences that have been added to the North western elevated from Evanston and north shore towns la the convenience of a loop train, In the shopping dis- trict. One now can board a train at tures that at some time need restoring moat any of tho loop atatlons In Chi- and reframing. This character of cago and in a^few minutes or two work requires long, artistic tramtng.Jf*ech any shopping pint of the loop. TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 %ant Ads ia the Lake Skore News us charged it Its following 15cests. Nosdvert emest staffed for less taaa 25 cents. HI I POUND .Hy. line. Rea- el565 ltc -HOUSES IrIhv SEWING MACHINES-SINO- J7.00; Domestic. •e.OA/btandard, 10.00; Sing- gjso large as- and Wheel* ft Wilson mnfhlMg. Patterson Bros., MM Shermanav., Evanston. ltc LOS. $380 eelock. 95.00; $350 player with Easy pay 1522 Sh ltc lis. »St ments. •" Pati Stw-tf >us for 2 or t Vei 14437WV0 lGE 7/& FOR-WfiNTâ€"A 4-ROOM FURNl! mumii IHf- fchfi, linsiiillu| sHlniilli river, Baldwln^fcegtfy. Alabama. fin Hi iiIiiijl thffitfi TTiTiTrsi n |~i i is â- blvd., Chicago. i.....JUliM Wanted To Rent Homes WANTED or amaH house to FOR SALE, Its. Teleaho BATOR, chick- street, ltc >*â- â€¢'_' â- *- . â- v»v*»*«ft-»',*ig mt*b ^TRIUMPI V "' .-4, OE â€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS ed, packed. BtorejL^aHr*shli>ped. ates freea^Ir<flle Fireproof irehouse, rjafcn^-av., Evans- I nl<i m ion, til. llw-tf ersonBros. Shirans *»«. 74 W. WASHINGTON STREET TELS. RANDOLPH 288123 ssf 4 . fc- busy, can be carrie have been provided. New York to San Ft pushed fact. The celebration triumph in tne^ place. tt time e« The with its slifl Ma continent bytel is now an latest and has the public product of have, standing, the\gssff intimate comradeship thst the human voice establishes. The neUhborliness of a whole nation ia advanced by of the physical restraints of cet^ This contribuUontc^i^adBfiSr^kslpTOrand prosperity of a OssfS^Iosely united people has not been brought about, however, by the over- coming of n tew isolated, concrete difficulties. Its success has depended upon the exercise of the highest engineering and technical skill and the solution was found only in the cumulative ef- fect of improvements great and small, in tele- • tter, line, cable, Switchboard, and _JPSWSS in the transmission â€" ' In this work the atrffsriinssffl and research department of the Bell System of which this Company ia a part, bat been cngag the telephone became a commercial possibility, less than 40 years ago. With no traditions to follow and no iBiirhaei top ment, which In now directed by a staff of 550 engineers and scientists, including former professors, post graduate students, scientific in- vestigatorsâ€"the graduates of 140 aglsarsitfe** has created an entirely new art-rthe art of tele- phony, and has given to the people of ttos coun. try a leiepuoue service uiax nas no eojum. It has required vast expenditures of money brains, AmerWlffinitiative and Amei tific and technical Skill, n transcontinen^l tele- phone service, the equal of winch it approached in all the other nations of theTworld. It is a splendid scientific achievement of the very highest character. The power that sends the human voice out over the telephone is scarcely greater than that of a breath, yet the means have been provided' by Which this tiny, almost imaginary impulse, made up of as many ii 3,000 separate vibrations a second, can be picked up by a delicate instrument, conserved over a dis- tancs of 8,400- miles, and tsprodacafl ggyfefefry and instantly across the continent. The human voice has been made to travel as fast as light, faster than sonild unaided by technical apparatus; and Immense concentration of effort, but these indeed, it rivals THOUGHT even, in the swift- * - The imagination can nut feebly grasp, much less attempt to measure, the far-reaching signifi- cance of such a tremendous accorhpHshttCfit. One hundred million people will have for their daily use a system of communication that knows no East, no West, no North, .no South. Dialects, provincialisms, sectional prejudices, must event- ually yield to the. closer union, the better under- have bean justified by results of immsaenrshls benefit ti the public. The transcontinental tele- phone line, S.400 mHet Idhg, joining the Atlantis and Pacific, la part of the BeflSyirtem of sl,000,ooo miles 6» wlW€bvTffecning»tea^DTW'fflepoone sis* tions, located everywhere throughout the United States; Tele sociafed Companies and gi vin g universal servic c to WANTED FOR RINT FURNiSKED am UNFURNISHED WINNET .4 .- i We dally fii locate Wilmeite: a W1LMETT& KENILWO luirics from pfiffk Jhorc, ao list your now tt any of our tE BRANCH OFFICES desiring to omes T.ulT' Winnetka: ^'V^w'SiSS sTr* >. C. & N. W. Depot, Tel. Clencot IS McGUIRE ORR CHICAGO GENERAL MERCHANDISE aarr CROCERI OB O. Baker's Good. B. WINTER Quality and not 6N JEWELERS MEN'S '? [ott a House For Rent? U sirable UFIED itlMJ ;pai •W . = -----.-_*sr. - â-  I , • • ' ^ass lc Shore News **Wi Ads" Bring

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