Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1915, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE MEWS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1. IMS. vsisattesw birthday, be siren. TIM program at the Oull- metto Country dab to "Just brim fair of "good times." and it In expected that all of the sBatehsra will partici- pate la as many of the affaire aa pea* sible. OB Hnntsj evening there was a lecture giveii. Ulustrsted by Walter D. Moody of the Chicago Baa com- mission. Tomorrow evening there win bo a clnb dance. The program for the following weeks to aa follows: Monday afternoon, Feb. 8â€"Bridge luncheon* 60 cents per piste. Wednesday evening, Feb. 10-En- tertalnment. Guest night. Madame Elia Harthan Arendt, eoprano; Alfred Goldman, violinist; Mabelle Church Vaa AlBtyne, reader. Saturday evening, Feb. 13â€"Valen- tine's psrty. Hearts. Monday evening, fab. 16â€"Lecture. Mr. Frank W. Smith, secretary of the Com Exchange National bank, will give his vary interesting illustrated lecture on "Early Chicago." Saturday evening, Fab. 20â€"Two thousand dollar dinner. Drawing of bonds. Entertainment by Msrion Chase 22-Milltary Fridsy evening, Fab. 26â€"Junior Ssturday evening. Fab. I7-Cards, bridge. , Dr and Mrs. Byron C. Stolp eater* tained informally on Wednesday eve- ning, January 27, at their home, 929 Thirteenth street, the occasion being Dr. Stein's birthday. The guests of the evening, twelve In number, were entertained by. the showing of the many slides that the Stolps have ob- tained on their frequent trips abroad. On Thursday afternoon, January 28, the eighth grade of the Central school held the mid-year graduation exer- cises, the class comprising Harold Finlay, Catherine Earl. Clyde Harrison and Dorothy Knudson. Among the special features of the afternoon was a vocal selection by Mrs. Williams, a former teacher of the school; a read- ing; by Mlsa-^frehe Paullson; also three piano eoloa by three of the girls of the class, the Misses Ethel Flen- tye, Florence OiUson and Rath Watt. After tab exercises the floor was cleared and there was dancing. Re- freshments were served. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Lower entertained at dinner Saturday eve- ning at their home, 614 Hill street Covers were laid for eight A dancing party is to be given at me Woman's club tomorrow evening by the Ouilmette Dancing club, the guests to be mssked. Mr. sad Mrs. George Shrader enter- tained Informally Monday evening at their home, 907 Elmwood avenue. Among the affairs being given tor wilas Marlon Noble was a small bridge party last Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Frank H. Gallagher at her home, 123S Forest avenue. The Thursday Luncheon and Sewing ~iub was entertained this weak at the Tip Top inn tor luncheon and later at a matinee party at the Princess thea- ter, ss the guests of Mrs. Percy Bur- ton of Evsnston. The following WII- melte women ware la attendance: Mrs. John Dalton. Mrs. Herbert Dahake, and the Misses Frances aad Gertrude siade aai Lacy Bleb. * Marie Brahm. _ both Wilson, Lllllsn Thelan. Rose Mil- ieu. Mary asdorsoa. moaner Aubere aad Marion aad Catherine Cook, la the afternoon the natty attended *±s Vlllsge theater, where "Mrs. Wiggs of Os Cabbage Patch" was bates shown. The charity card party given for the benefit of St Fraaeto Xaviera church tost Fridsy sfternoon aad evening it the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Cbartaa E. Lord. SIS Central avenue, waa a gratl- fying success. The homo was deco- rated In pink roses, carnations aad pretty greens. Eighteen prizes, all donated by the women of the church, were awarded the following winners: Mr. and Mrs. Oelerlch, Mr. Shoeppy, Mr. O'Sullivan, Mrs. Kutten, Mrs. Cun- neen, Mrs. Sunderland, Mrs. Schroe- der, Mr. Joseph Schroeder, Mrs. Scha- ger, Mrs. Runt*. Mrs. Bants. Mrs. Meyer. Mrs. Ohlendorf. Mrs. Lamkey, Mrs. Fonts sad Mrs. Reichmann. The Woman's CsthoUc league will give a cotton cotillion next Friday eve- ning at the Wilmette Woman's club. Valentine favors will be used. tain at luncheon and bridge today, the guest of honor bates her sister, Mrs. Ralph C. Richards of Geneva, 111. Covers will be laid for eight guests, all residents of Edgewater. Mrs. Phil A. Grau gave a delightful birthday party for her three-year-old daughter, Rosalie, on Tuesday after- noon at her home, bus. The little were Katherine artea and PhfJtp Watt, William and Milwaukee and Helen and Theodora Elmwood ave- who •fijjjha Mercedes Caspar of The of the of Mrs. Royal club with Mrs. J. Parker Gow- Mrs. E. Jsckson Caase. who la two â- oaths at the rvmgrsss â-  hostess to the) Little Music Study class Tuesday. Mrs. George Murdock. 1316 Elmwood avenue, entertained the members of her bridge dab at luncheon Tuesday. Mondsy morning a meeting of the Ravinla club was bald at the Black- atone hotel. The Drama Study class met Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. M. Trask. 1045 Ashland avenue. The Neighborhood circle held Its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue. Mrs. L. F. Gates was hostess to the Monday Reading circle tola week at her home, 723 Eighth street â-² Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Charles Knox on Central avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr. aad Mrs. William Crawford of Haw Task are now residing at 337 Br. of La _0J . lOlSWUmette aad Mrs. Lester E. Mee. 1227 avenue, had as their weak- Mr. aad Mrs. Albright of The Ladles' Aid society of the Con- gregational church will hold their reg- ular masting Friday, February 12, at Mrs. George D. Richards will enter Iaaan- Thm fiWZ Coâ„¢** «*"** w»i The Gamy quilting the parlors church. . circle held a all day yesterday la Of the Congregational The Thimble dab will hold its sn- osai luncheon next Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Frank Watson. 1204 For- est avenue. Covers will be laid for twelre. The East End circle mot -fternoon with Mrs. Milton & Cornell, 1030 Ashland s The Tan Sigma Gamma club will mast this evening with Miss Ellen Rosberg, 1217 Lake aveaue. Miss Louise Mueller, ISO Wilmette avenue, will entertain at bridge this afternoon. The guests will include a number of young ladles from Wil- mette and Evanston. Among thorn, will be the Misses Dorothy Rao, Flor- ence Pond, and Mfsdamss Phil. A. Grau, Lyman E. Gobs and Erbte. Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Williams entertained at "500" Saturday evening at their home, 910 Central avenue. There were three tables. Mrs. Charles H. Brethold was a luncheon hostess to twelve guests Thursday at her home, 1102 Central avenue. The Eta Gamma eorortiy of North western university will give a danc- ing party this evening at the Wll mette Woman's club. Saturday evening the u»dcD Ave- nue Neighborhood circle will give a Valentine's psrty st the home of Mr and Mrs. M. H. McMillan, 1010 Lin den avenue. The Young People's society of the Presbyterian church are making prep- arations for a novel party to ha given next Friday evening in the church parlor*. A part of the program will consist of the showing of a number of stereopticon (views (on Abraham Lincoln: a part will be In celebration of St Valentine's day. :' have a bakery sale, and the Twigs a candy sals. Luncheon will be served by the Washington Avenue circle. An sddress will be given by Mrs. A. M. Clark, president of the W. B. M. I., who has Just returned from a trip around the world, sad will speak of the conditions In the various missions visited. Ths fifth division of the Ladles* Aid Boeiely oi ifc# Methodist church will hold a special meeting this afternoon st the home of Mrs. John Clark Baler, 347 Hill street. Mrs. Henry B. Gates will be hostess fo ths next meeting of the Reading circle to be held a week from Monday afternoon at her home, 1110 Wilmette avenue. "Pygmalion" Is now under There will be a guild meeting at St. Augustine's parish house today at I o'clock. i Mrs. William S. King, 1014 Oak- wood avenue, was given a pleasant surprise by sixteen of her friends Tuesday with a luncheon aad shower. Covers were lsld for sivtoea Among those present were the Mssfsaies Fieckenstein. Sayar. Hutchinson aad Raymond of Rogers Park, Mrs. Bay* del of Birchwood, Mrs. Archibald J. Brack of Kenilworth, aad Msaaames Charles E. Lord. W. D. Collyer. Her- bert A. Morin. Arthur aV Lamkey. George Saadertead. Fred O. Schoeppe. Harry WBsoa. Peter White aad Ed- ward Bcboeaeea or WBssalte A meeting of the art and literature department of the Woman's club waa held Wednesday afternoon at the clubhouse. Mrs. Mary K. Ames Den- ney spoke on "Lady Gregory, Trans- lator sad Dramatist." . Mrs. George Lemtner, 24 to Thayer street, Evsnston. will bo hostess to one of the Tuesday clubs on Tuesday, February 16. The date of the annual gallery tour of the Woman's club at the Art Insti- tute has been changed from Thurs- day, February 18, to Thursday, March 18. The postponement is due to the fact that the officials of the Art in- stitute will be able to give better services st the lster date. On Monday afternoon there will be a meeting of the Woman's Home Mis- sionary society of the Baptist church at ths home of Mrs. Edward Mend- sen, 801 Greenleaf aveaue. The meet- teg will be In charge of the Child Welfare committee, with Mrs. Henry L. Beach ss chairman of the day. Mrs. S. C. Jennings of Chicago will speak on Ths Child la the Midst." A feature of the afternoon will be the music by a chorus of children from Iho primary department of the Bible school. Owing to the inclement weather which may be expected during Feb* ruary. ths board of directors aad of- ficers of the Old Town Folks dab hsve decided to change the date of the annual meeting to early April. Mia. William 8. Freeman. 711 Lake avenue. Is spending two months visit- lag to New Orleans. Miss Clara Root to accompanying her. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lewis sad Miss Pauline Lewis of 800 Central aveaae are spend tog several months in Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Mr. B. H. Robeson. 630 Central ave- nue, has been confined to his home on secount of tltesss. Mr. and Mrs. Julius 8. Nolan. 1601 Forest avenue, announce the birth of a son Monday evening. Mr, J. C. Kinney of Rock Springs. Wyo.. wss the week-end guest of Mr. aad Mrs aveaue. Dr. Alice D. Tuttle. 622 Washing- tea avenue, broke her arm Tuesday while attempting to crank her ma- chine. Mr. Char|es D. Heller, 808 Elm- wood avenue, publicity manager of Marshall Field * Co., Is very ill st Ms second. Mrs. Dod- aaa; third. Mrs. John Everett; Sawta, Mrs. Frank Sty; fifth, Mrs. Frank There waa aa ttea of Kenil worth residents at the Kenllworth Assembly hall. Wednes- day evening, to bear Dr. E. L. Stetoar of Grlnnell college. Iowa, deliver his Unusual lecture oa "Immigration Problems.** Dr. Steteer has made a special study of this problem and has a fund of information of interest to his audteaca.____ Costumes of various agee aad fan- cies were to be seen test Friday eve- ning at the Assembly hall, when the Kenllworth club held .their annual masquerade revels. Tha committee te charge consisting of Meedamee Os- wald Lockett. Jr., chairman: F. E. Nellie, Jr., Grant Rldgway. Earl I*. Korrady and Sidney Y. Ball, are to be congratulated upon their success la this undertaking. m^^-fum â-  Your Considera 97% of all persons 65 y< * Vfi ha 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIH |WhatPeop!eAreDoi Mrs. Lewis Day Is visiting her sls- J. C."Mltchell."814" Linden tw'*n-C K- Billings. In New York. The Misses Alles are leaving town for a three months' trip through the south. Mlea Marjorie Miller of Kenosha spent the week-end with her cousin. Miss Ruth Lleber. The Friendship circle of Community house will give s dance in the assem- bly room, February 16, st 8:46 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Allen, with Mrs. Phelps Hoyt and daughter, Miss Emily Hoyt. left town Sunday for a three months' stay In Augusta, Ga. The Woman's society of the Congre- gational church had Its regular lunch and meeting st Community house on Wednesday. Mrs. Mabel Dtvelblss read a paper on "Home Missions." w Monday the Hawthorne Lane circle meets with Mrs. John B. Lute, Tues- day the Esst Willow Street circle will meet with Mrs. Hsrry I. Orwlg, and the Ridge Avenue circle with Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett. Rev. J. W. V. Davtes went to At- lanta. Ga.. Wednesday, to give an ad dress ths following day at the Wesley Memorial church on "Religious Edu- cation." He will return for the Sun- day services at the Congregational church.-------------â€"-------â€" -----â€" Mrs. Amos W. Hostetter, 628 Green- leaf avenue. Is convalescing in a Chi- cago hospital after sn operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Puhlmsn. 623 Washington avenue, bad aa their guests test week Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tuley of Kentucky and Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Wells of Michigan. [ends of Mrs. Louis Nettieman, Gregory avenue, near Sixteenth street, will be pleased to learn that she aad her two children are recov- ering from attacks of pneumonia. . Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wright of Cleveland, O., were ths guests last wsek of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer. 601 Linden avenue. Mr. Wright Is s brother to airs. Kaumeyer. Mrs. Harry Thomas will return the tetter part of this week from a short trip to New York, where Mr. Thomas to engaged in business. Ths family will move then early In the spring. Mrs. James R. Morin wlU lsavs ths test of this weak for her home in Galena, Kan., after spending several weeks ss a guest at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert A. Morin, 636 Hill street. '» M?. R. W. Jordan* and son, "Blllle," of 1317 Elmwood I avenue, returned a visit In Nsw i's noma town, home Mondsy Turk and la Mr, Camhridxe. Md. Jordan, returned Mrs. Pail A. avenue, has had as her guests this week her sister, Mrs. Carolyn Casper, with her two sons, William and Junior, aad her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. aad Mrs. Andrew E. Ziegler, and their two children, Helen aad Theodore. Kenilworth News Notes A mealing of the first division of the Lsdies' Aid society Of the Meth- odist church wlU be held all day Mon- day atthe boss of Mrs. J. H. Kaaf man. 102* Bam wood avenue. A box toafhona will be served. The next msaftog Of the win be st ten o'clock at the Woman's Mrs. who la In charge, baa arranged the fol- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen of Essex road and Melrose avenue are In Cali- fornia this month. Mr. mm* mâ€" Frssk W. Cooltds». Woodstock and Abbottsford roads, will leave the first of next week for California. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of £» sex road and Woodstock avenue wilt leave about February 22 for an ex- tended trip through California. __ Miss Virginia Evans, the leading lady In "Hanky Peaky.1* was the guest of ths Misses Blanche and Alice Thoreea this week. Mrs. Robert Stesrns, formerly of Kenllworth. bat bow residing In Mil- waukee, was the guest of Mrs. Henry Tsylor Tuesday at her heme on Essex road. Mr. aad Mrs. James Murray and con, Robert, of Cumnor road, near Melrose aveaue. will leave the first of next week for a six weeks' visit la Florida. The aeat regular meeting or the Neighbors is scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the Assembly hall. The program will be la the form of a lee lure-recital, given by Miss Anne Irene Lsrkla sad Miss Henrietta Weber. Mrs. Baa A. Stoker of Abbottsford road, aear Ivy court, gave a delight- ful sleighing party to thirty-five litt -o folk Wednesday afternoon, for her two children. Bath aad PauL After the ride Ught served at the Stoker residence Mr. aad Mrs. William Henry team Oo marriage Nettle, to Meal* a- ant Charles Stevens W. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fltigerald of Cherry street who have sold their house to Mr. end Mrs. A. C. Allyn of Hyde Park, toft Tuesdsy for their new home st 6919 Sheridan road. Mrs. litigerald's, mother. Mrs. A. D. Cor- rlsr. will Uva with her. Saturday evening a group of Win netka people, Including Mr. and Mrs. Morris Greeley. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin F. Snell. Mrs. Carrie Prouty, Miss Gillespie. Miss Ruth Lleber and Miss work for to work for yourself. can help you save it. WILMETTE WOT BANK tig Stars ii Big Fntiras Evtfy ttigfel AtfiistMi 15c CMMm III THURSDAY MAT. aV CVE. is. M. K. Meyer and daughter, and Mrs. Lendon Hoyt and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Burllnghsm. attended the concert of the Northwestern orches- tra at New Trier. Mrs. Harry 8. Grlswotd of Wilmette entertained at lunch yesterday In honor of Mrs. Martha Coleman Sher- man, suthor of "Poems of Childhood," who is breaking < up her Wilmette home to accompany her husbsnd to Denver. Among the guests were these friends from Wlnnetka: Mrs. Melville C. Chstten and her sister, Mrs. J. R. Dickinson, Mrs. Roger Sher- man. Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Penoyer Sherman and Mrs. Edward L. ^Jris- wold. Mrs. Sherman gave a rea to the Chicago Woman's elub Wednes- day. There ere sports and sports, and when those native to the states be- come tamo there Is the foreign field to draw on. Sunday wss the day of the ski tournament at Csry, a party of Wlnnetka people out warm and dry to witness may have been warm when they re* turned, but the effect of dryness re- sembled sheets of soaked blotting pa- per. Among the enthusiasts were Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry HoSts. Mr. sad Mrs. M. T. Clsrk, M|f aad Mrs. WUllsm H. Hib- bard snsTMr. sad Mrs. V. H. Clsrk ne uay or r. 111., aad T_ le started iW is It The:* I 1 WTT IffTTTTlT TTTTTATPTS* WUtJUrJL 1A JLAJLill JUL M<i FEATtraa COMBDY and Flora Fourflush" DON? FAIL TO SEE THIS ALL SEATS 10c TTE SHOE PARLOR Gsrdner Popular prii solicit your shoe ropali We call fa 609 W. Family repaired aa factory new. materials for the fall and win- r season of 1914-1! wo cordially Inylt^you to^sfiPTnd In- spect same. "ateluaraJrTfo our work. 1 ESN ROLLS All Bread Wrapped in â€"Wsx Paperâ€" Wilmette Baking Co. HIS B\enaB» ass. M BUmMi dan ORD SPECIALISTS J* W. Mcytr & Sons «2S

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