Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1915, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT WILMETTE, ILL. Room 2, Brown Building 1159 Wilmette Aventie. Telephone iS4C. T. C. Ferguson... .Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR' nifljt.tai'pwi. u'm *â- â- *â-  "Ml'i I *^ Entered as second-class matter March t%. |9i«, at She po«tomc« at Wilmette, Illinois, under- the act of March 9, 187». The us Address all communications to Lake 8hore News. Wilmette. Anonymous communications will not bo noticed. Re- ferted tnnmiHcrlpta will not ba returned unless accompanied by postage. All mat- . ter for publication In the current week's '•sue •houM reach our office not later than Wednesday noon. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1915. AX INDUSTRIAL EXPERIMENT. Few experiments in the industrial world have attracted the widespread attention which baa foiiowed upon the profit-sharing plan in operation in the Ford Manufacturing company. To get at the real value of the re- sults of an experiment, the conditions under which it is made must be fully known. This is Just what is lacking in most discussions of the Ford com- pany plan. The following editorial comment by the New York Evening Post is an interesting digression from the usual: "Unlike most of the testimony that been presented to the Industrial Relations commission, that of Henry FOrd is of keen Interest. Any addi- tional light given to the public as to the working of the extraordinary ex- periment in Industry and humanity Which the Ford company has been car- rying on at Detroit must be welcome to all thinking people. The picture iwn was one of complete success in all three of the aspects of the experi- mentâ€"the unique rewards offered to labor appear to have borne rich fruit only in Immediate happiness, but alio in Industrial efficiency and in the tiding up of character. Not the least rkable of the facta stated by Mr. are those relating to his success- ful employment of ex-convlcts. That World at large may learn a lesson from all this is certain; but one must be cautious in judging what that lea aon is. It must be remembered, of course, first of all. that what can be done in an establishment whose prodts are twelve hundred per cent on the in- vested capital is very different from What is possible where tiie rule of profit is twelve per c<mt or six per cent, or perhaps nothing at all; aud u Is also necessary to bear in mind that ihc p*i pends on the sir; For Inetosns. the substance which most he breathed to the waiting rooms of the alsvatsd sta- tions, while it threatens death to al- most any living organism, proclaims itself to the Boss to be a most salubri- ous habitat for those microscopic ene- m!es of mankind. :> â- '," ;*t»z~ There are times en the street cars of the city. Whop one has keen suspi- cion of the efficiency of the-sir as a germicide. There are times in the shops of .the city when the same un- pleasant thought comes uppermost. Air may be Heaven's germicide, but as a cure for earthly Ills it must be taken with discretion. m m m WE WISH THEM LVCK. The faculty of Harvard has reached the point of naming a committee to In- vestigate the causes for carelessness of students In writing English and to look Into the too whole-hearted adop- tion of phonetic spelling even in de- fiance of the regulation of the hoard on simplified spoiling. Not possessing the enthusiasm for the cause of simplicity and naturalness in the matter of or- thography, not being in sympathy with this means of developing traits of In- dividuality, as are some of our middle- western and western institutions of learning, those who sit in the seats of authority at Harvard are distressed by the liberties taken with the estab- TH* LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEByUARV i. Inmios No. 1120. AN ORDINANCE reaulatlna the nrenaratlan. manufac- tare, packing, storing, transportation and distribution of food exsoaod or intended for sale, in the Village of Wilmatte ^Ff. tFF^^^pTt^^ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRES- IDENT AND BOARD OF TRU8TEE8 OF THE VILLAOK OF WILMS*** 8ectlon 1. That for the purpose of this ordinance the term "food" shall include all articles used for food, drink, liquor. sonfeotlBBOry, or condi- ment by man. whether simple, mixed or compound, jT building, "room, basement or part thereof, or enclos- ure, occupied, iied or maintained as a bakery, Jonfeetionery, cannery, slaughter house, cream- ery, cbeese/actory, restaurant, hotel, grocery, nfeat market, shop, ware- house, onf manufacturing establish- mentVeJ for the preparation, manu- fsctureMaoklng, storage, distribution or sale of any food which la Intended for sale shall be properly and ade- quately drained, lighted, plumbed sad ventilated, and shall be" conducted with strict regard to the Influence of of tvee Buch conditions upon the h the clerks, employes and or other persons and the purity and wh the food' thereto produ tured. prepared, stored, tributed. Section 3. The floors, ceilings, furniture, recepi ments and machinery of every establishment or place where food intended for sale is produ prepared, manufactured, pad stored, sold or distributed, and all cars, trucks, and vehicles used in the transportation of such food products shall at no time be kept or permitted to remain In an unclean, unhealthful or Insanitary condition; and for the . purpose of this ordinance unclean; Imbed form of the English language^biUieJtM^w toaajtary conditions is hereby of tats to bo a Section 7. No manufactured, prepared served, sold «f stored, unless all such foods thereto are at all times to her- metically sealed packages. Section 8. No employer shall re- quire, suiter or permit any person, who Is affected with any contagious or venereal disease, to work, and ho person so affected shall work, to any such building, factory, or any part thereof, which Is need for the produc- tion, preparation, manufacture, pack tog, storage, sale, transportation, tributlon of food. Section 9. No fruits, meat, sea foods, gonf< other articles to for Sale, or man food shall be oa the sidewalk, o: of business, or In window, nor shall i upon a public or i such articles are cove ucd, metal, paper another verlng. No vegjsmbles or sold for human food shall or stored except in clean keu shall be so corcrei sjp . sp sw â-  aws^^aw^^p Ford sonal qualities which Mr Ford has put Into his humane endeavurb aiv> noi to be had for the asking but »o would not belittle the value <>i ,,n «. i|K Intent Which may ecr.c to iA», a what can t>« done for Working people of Hi,; varied types wheu c«..diu«iu are Ideal." THE Rkp'LKJT*i>N ... It Is necessary to k. ep o .m Oneself continually t.l.nt *, are n, „, tion at peace and ncmrai wh n u.e «»a SOS'S styles are the eukje< t ot jucus ston. The spirit of war Is um^i.t in Colors, in shapes and in the < ut ..( a «" ments. How is out; to i>i'-<iliai .pon the glories ot »»-a< v ut. t,.,u. ndi|. gray the m«>»i • on»i>iv ,»,,Uo «„r u»< «..-« son's colors that irlkjo. <i .at, Joffre Mil-- i.i Boui<-thii»g else ijmi.o as military? What hâ€" i........... ............ .. Of our iiiatetrt of f*.hlm t.iat Â¥bey ^an think of no more int. rutins; color to Oppose to the dull battleship t,,uy than the shades of the sands or the desert? An interesting feature of the mill tary note in the fashions is its somber- ness. The glory and the pomp of war are not a part of the business ot kill .tag men today. Ilea have learned from the birds not only the art of flying, of dropping from the sky upon prey be- neath, but tbey have applied the prin- ciple of protective coloring for their a considerable proportion of the stu- dent body. It ought not to be unreasonable to expect sixteen or more years of study to create or to develop a capacity to use one's native tongue correctly, If hot eloquently. The Harvard commit' tee of investigation of the subject will have conferred a boon upon mankind when, or if, they discover the cause ly- ing behind the general lack of capacity in English composition. * m m IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. In the future the school children of Boston will be taught the spelling of only such words as are needed for every-day use, according to the plan announced by the director iff. the de partment of educational In realisation Of course, the word., needed fo» everyday use vat, ac<o.Jlng to the character of tnc community it. w..M. everyday conversations hop>/eh to be held. Th« ©very-day vo. uhular, li. a business house. In Hie school i m>,.» at a Social function a* a ,>olUt« ti gatb enng offci points if i«islderabld dif- ference Howcvo. ii ......, » » ,»..^ tit i..i..j that the Hi It..(too ,o or<ln ,1 very day ,»c<-..An!ty in i». ot. .. Is a let.j> b-iI OUS .estrlCtlOi. than WoUid 1>« the _-llm inuklon of all l/iu tLu ahaelut > i,c :odoI ties of e\t<ty Jay intc.course t.oiu the epditiib h-asoim . f youugsleiA in Any othci lo, alll v <t ... iw hK A.i Hi . i. . cfd.od tj « A|>, < I ^v si . tit rwalr* lit oi w.d j<», ( j, j tki6 q»&Utlea whlct. ccatrlhut, .e. An obSt, rvance li tbe etiquette radlag rr^ .n the parading Ployed An hi. . Ui„ la likCl> rnifiii!,. to <i<> a t,,y mat i& not a reasoi Abie ni.n A nit.n stiforlnt, audec the sting of « ht.t he considers shall be deemed to exist If food, In the process of production, prepara- tion, manufacture, packing, storing, sale, transportation or distribution, is not securely protected from flies, dust, or dirt, and as far as may be neces- sary by all reasonable means protect- ed from all other foreign or injurious contamination, or if the refuse, dirt, or waste products subject to decom- position and fermentation incident to tbe manufacture, preparation, pack- ing, Storing, selling, transportation or distribution of such food are not re- moved daily, or if all trucks, trays, boxes, buckets or other receptacles, or the shutes, platforms, racks, tables, shelves, knives, saws, cleavers or other utensils or machinery used in moving, handling, cutting, chopping, mixing, canning or in other processes are not thoroughly cleaned daily; or if the clothing or person of clerks, employes, operatives, or other per- .screens. f pa ii.. -m o tlnd g 9 m m m Aim AB A GERMICIDE. The assurance in a health Jfctet to one of Chicago's morning pa- ths* air is Heavens germicide is act exempt, for H aB do- toss cats. Injustice, the senti^tont expressed by | tion the ii..-« nation "Why ittwuld Wc nta.>« in the midst uf plenty?" is not lu a syuipa.hetlc Atood with *n> sOtt of argument wutch leaves htm la inO same evil atate ot physical and mtutal discomfort Under th^ i.iicu<nstd<.ces, then, tbe outcome of tne meeting of the unem- ployed yesterday in Chicago is not as- tonishing, by any means. k- Zi •& Think of It! Motion pictures of Chicago ss seen from the elevated railroad have been made to be ex- hibited at the San Francisco fair. Could anything more unkind have been thought of to complete Chicago's rather too extensive reputation for sacrificing everything and Incidentally everybody on the altar of utility? mm* A real inspiration waa that Idas oi the man who places stuffed cats in fruit trees to frighten away the it saves tbe fruit, does not harm the definitely of a few sons therein employed is unclean. Section 4, All such factories, build- ings or parts thereof containing food shall he provided with proper doors and screens adequate to prevent con- tamination of the food by flies. Section 0. All bakeries. gTOwrtes, markets, restaurants, or food factories shall be supplied with sanitary water closets and with sanitary lavatories with tunning water. Such water closets shall not open directly from any room in which food is prepared, exposed for i»ale or stored, and such water closets must have floors ot non- absorbent material which must be washed a«iiy. Such water closets shall be furnished with separate ven- tilating dues and pipea. discharging Into tlx, open air. «nd be lighted from tha ou.side or provided with good and sufficient artificial light ap- prove d b> tbe Coiumissioned of Pub- lic WOrkS lavatorUx, -...t »»»k .«..»..o ..mot i.., furnlshe * wi„h s, ip ri. inlng water and clean iowols. ana must be maintaineo in u sanitary condition. (Klerks, employes, operatives aud all persons who handia the material front which food Is prepared, or the finished products, before beginning work, or after visiting the water clouts, shall wash their bauds thoroughly in clean water There shall be no expecto- rating on food, utensils, nooid or side walls in any »uch buildings or any parts tbe.eof SeCiion 0. a.., »,..t. c.n it... or factory, or a., ptti. the» of. aud ..ny such furnttuw rcccptaclet,«v mentd appliance or machin«ry and any cair truck or vehicle used lii the moving^ distributing or transpt.rta- food prepared for lmme- ptlon, such as cooked meat, pickles, ssuer kraut ouCndy, shall be displayed, exccpMh^lass cases or under proper coverf^ad'o frufta, vegetabled, seg foods, confectionery or other articles to be sold or offered for sale, or in- tended for sale for human food shall be stored or displayed in any store except such fruits, vegetables, sea foods, confectionery or other articles, shall be placed on a raised platform, elevsted shove the floor level, or otherwise suitably protected from contamination with th« floor and tbe refuse thereon. Section 10. All bread sold or of- fered for sale as'human food must be wrapped in clean paper within a rea- sonable time of removal from the oven, and shall remain thus wrapped when offered for sale and until deliv- ery to tbe consumer. Section 11. No person shall be per- mitted to 'sell meat, or fish at retail from any wagon or other vehicle In the Village of Wilmette. No meat, fish, or fowl shall be dis- played on any counter or show case in any market unless same is protect- ed f it in handling (by others than em- ployees) by a suitable screen Of woven wire. All inclosed or Indoor shops, or mar- kets, in which meats or meat product! are stored and exposed for sale, shall be kept scrupulously clean. During the summer months all doors and windows opening into such shops shall be effectively protected agnfast the entrance of flies by the use of fly Blocks or stands aaoB are cut or chopped shall be sMWMMisigsJr dean by ing and by scraping. Scales, knives, and toaUuments of •very description small be cleaned at ured throughout once each wash, loftai Floors 4f|fWrsrjr room thoroughly scraped ^ twice a weak; all need saw- must be removed snd fresh saw- sprinkled or laid (Where used) st lesst twice a week. Butchers and other persons or.ea> ptoyes whO handle meats which are aold or exposed or offered for sale, shall be cleanly dressed, snd they . shall be free from contagious snd ta- ^hakery or M&^^ffaetloits-ditaasos. taslr hands-and outer garments shall be kept clean. ,.' No refuse, scraps, bones, rancid fat, or decaying flesh shall be kept in the Ice box with fresh meats, nor shall sn ice box used for the keeping of meats be employed for any other pur- pose. No meats shell be wrapped to old newspapers or in wrapping paper that is soiled, or that Htm been used for say other purpose. Every piece of meet sold shall be wrapped in fresh, clean wrapping paper that has not been used for any other purpose. Section IS. Live poultry shall pot be kept In the same room or compart- ment to Which meats are prepared, stored, or exposod live poultry be kept to any room ad- joining such room If the room used for storage for live poultry ventilates into the next shop so that the odors from the fowls and their cages may contaminate the moats, (Continued on Pago d.) f â- '1.:r:i; i:;a Biscuits and sanavi m luncheon a more more Your grocer h rfl orth it. â- i 11 •â- â€¢ cidentor will get it for you from er and Speidel, Wholesale Distributors S03Sor Wilmette 642 No meats of any; description shall be permitted to hang or stand in the uty food product which shall itructed. Kept, maintained or to remain In a condition to any of the requirements 3&!i Semi-Annual Bargain & $1.19 c ice $2.00 i LAID BLANKETS pair...........___ $l.73 *.>,00 FJLANNE1 AND wash Waists......... MUSI IN UNDERWEAR Table full at.....„.,....... CH11 DRENS CREEPERS AND ROMPERS........ $ioo MUNS1NG UNION suns................... SNAF FASTENERS Dozen MEN'** 35c HOSE Box 6 pairs......... DECORATED CREPE t^PER NAPKINS, dozen,................. Cloths. 2 yards square. Embppiffery Floss SkdrT:.............. Lace Bands. Worth to 50c yard Fitted Hand 1W* Choice....................., Children's $2.95 Serge , Dresses......................I &1.50 Comforters. Silkoline covered.. . Discontinued Corset | Lines......................2 CHILDREN'S CUPS AND SAUCERS. Each................... 54-INCH HEAVY TABLE PADDING. Yard SAMPLE HAND BAGS. ' Choice___............ t Bargain Items Cashmere Hosiery lor all, pair .. . 10c Muslin

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