Mm. Fred Fatten fee* been 111 the |S*a\P»'dr wau^sWg#er%«uid. . Mrs. Joseph Carman* will enter- tain the Mender Bridie dub Febru- ary 8. i Mr, and Mrs. Herbert H. Sharer an- Bounce the birth of n daughter, Janu- ary 27.. • JrS§: The B. A. B. club will hold its fort- alghtUr^dlttJS Friday evehjhg. Febrn- arff n. "â- ->$*? â- â- ••'â- â- 'â- - â- '*^ -^ : T»e*Iay. February 2. from 1^1 o'clock. - - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Clark of Oleneoe, are at the Maryland, Pas- adena, Cal. Mrs. Joseph Cormack will be hostess to the Worm While club Tuesday, February 9. The Neighborhood club will hold Its fortnightly dance Saturday evening. February IS. A large number from Oleneoe at- tended the skiing meet held at Cary, III., Saturday. Mrs. Curran Weeks and Miss Weeks with a muslcale. Dr. WHllam Leach was called to Virginia, 111., last. weak, by the death of liis brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown of Rhine- la mler, Wis., were tne week-end guests of Mrs. Gerry Taylor. ; Mrs. Ruth C. Collins opened a danc- ing class for young people Thursday evening at the school gymnasium. Mrs. William O. Miller and chil- dren and MIbb Jessie DeLong leave Saturday for Blloxl, Miss. Miss Dorothea Ravenscroft enter- tained a number of her friends with a slelghrlde party Monday evening. The sixth lecture ot tno course In demestic art: nail science was held Wednesday, gnhjeoti "Sunday ^ve- ning ,Teas.', Miss Emma Power returned: home last week from Philadelphia, where she has spent the past six' weeks the iciest of relatives. Master Edward Brandriff gave a party Friday, January 29, to a num- ber of his little friends who helped him thus to celebrate his seventh birthday, - ____,. '.' .1 - Mrs. Robert Davis ane Mrs. Edwin Buell are entertaining for their daugh- ters. Miss Louisiana and Miss Vir- ginia, with a dance Saturday, Febru- ary 0, from 3 to 6 o'clock at the school gymnasium. Mr. Tom Ward, director of the Cen- tral New York Musical association, with headquarters at Syracuse, N. Y., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Parry. Mr. Ward is here to arrange with Mr. Stock for the May festival. The young ladies of the Sunday aft- ernoon club tea In the t lor a Tuesday, February IG, from 3 io 6 o'clock. The money will be sent to relieve the suffering in Albania. Everyone made welcome. Bring your dime and help a good cause.' â€" > â€"'â€"â€"^ ~? TO GIVE RECITALS. Mr. John Poena, director of the organ department of the School of Music of Northwestern university. will give a series of organ recitals at the Panama exposition. financial circles. She doesn't livl him. but he can sup- ply all of f)f luxuries a woman's heart ej Stafford does not know whether ha loves the girt or not. but he knows he wants always to be near her and pro- tect her, and he Interprets that as love.gjnd it probably is. ^fnW other people in ly less prominent, are ley, a $14-aweek shipping clerk, who marries Virginia's sister, and Fannie Maine, who becomes Mrs, James Gil- ley." •..'"•» r:: These four characters are the foun- dation, structure and roof of "Bought and Paid For." 7. special bargain matt- Wshsjnary 12, is at Fa*" by PMjr ru«t aenuineiy successful of the year . crop of new pl|y\ln New York, and achf aecutlve pprfrimsiifr ft William A. Brady's Nowadays whef a "girl wJBs, her friends do not sal "What JCd of a TH* LAKE SHORE MEW*. FRIDAY, J-JLil II j1 .. ' = Is roconunendad by those w VsW •*» tsm*J*^V "^ â- nBssnxi ^ i ltlf. nr* â€"At thaaJr i*r u uurovem needed sanins to ~~ ^7\_ _tl7 i ji jt 7 ~ *""" w__7 oe. inejrti giauiy an vise you aopu* it free of charge. The expert installation of the Mon- arch is a nan The permanent and positive de- vice for keeping out cold and dirt. It Is a taps within a tube, eliminates of "Monarch" is indication of Co. spsrtsMss an this character of work, and their serv- by exhibitors and art the middle west. have built a ^npnuni7Cr__~ time. kid;, for the purpose of g a- north shore virtue Follows Adversity. Prosperity doth best discover vicej but adversity doth best discover vir- tue.â€"Bacon. â- .....limn. ' Completes Tree's Uprooting, fuckle has been invented by a Cal- i.irnian to make a tree pull out Its roots when cut down. HOME ON THE NORTH E AND THOtl WHO HELP TO MAKE IT ATTRACTIVE. shore Is known as the Middle West, and comfortable individuality enf"' Among the many buted their ltlaaito building this repu be mentioned some of well-known The Am ing co., idx5 ton, have don! plumbing and north shore, tation establi Of the work it may be their field cfe? west, as cvhleiu ltarium. tho Gprn Co, at Argo; the N ning, and a long buildings that technical experience. No homo is considered complete without a metal weather atrip, because It renders admirable service the year around. Golden's metal weather strips nave many advantages, it being all metal and made in zinc, copper and bronze, thereby eliminating any chance of rust timated that b m umptlon o! against' draught and rattling of win dows. _'-j^--'il_iw_ j In the hoiwp of a large number a*, residents along the north shore you will find Johansen's back rest couch. This contrivance can be adjusted to any position, and is a blessing to the Ured and Infirm, "Irhlle Johanenu, whoso factory Is at 2139 WeBt Division street, does a large upholstering and special work business. The featur- ing of his rest couch has gained him a large reputation. The Pfelfer family have bant in the bolter business for fifty years, and the large number of boilers installed in the north shore district Is an evidence Of their ability to give satisfaction, to build up their well-known reputa- The Pfeifer Boiler Co. specialize In repair work, and their prompt serv- ice Is one of the factors which helped Installed. Ills an undisputed fact that a largo â€"in some cases as high as 80 per lost. The Heat Saver Co. gua to install, under contract, a device that will save 26 per cent of your fuel bill, hence purchasers take no chances, for tho reason that tho Heat Saver Co. will refund money and remove de- vice at their expense, if it does not savins claimed for it. . „ vin * Co.. plumber supply located at 709-13 North £ They not only do a with tho retail trade. tho dforacter of work Installed by them/fn the north shore needs no Where price and quality is t the firm of L. Levin & Co. cat to tho eisarr and attention to detail have up an enviable reputation. Sanitation is tho watchword of every community, and tno Sanitary Refrigerator sad Table Co. build a ru- frigerator that Is tho essence of sani- tation. There is no wood used in its construction; the three inches of cork used in Its installation compels it to UBQ'lSSSJ' fed market. The sanitary kitchen with its opaline top. Is nnknje, Installation of one of these re: ators and tables in the home fill W;ftS^ •â- â- fff **"*j!»T "- ^r^j^^rT^Pv Hay's Dry been lasated s the last twelve Everyone eon- la the cleaning Lamp? Wett. ind saves i If there's any place It won't stl we haven't found it. and the j a two dollar bill will put i to the North- frota Rvaaston and, r shore towns Is the convenience « loop train, la the abupssni djgTi One now can board a tram at \ &e.aa§ any of the loop stations In Cal- aad In a few minutes or two i any shopping part of the loop. Co.. IT W. Van ers of the Al Metal men hundreds of satisSsd user â- turn Is made of unbreakable The degree of est- building or . of the home. IsjsJs and true km Is revealed In the quality of ather than in most artistic appointment. *«nvs will insure in every i iTTE. 1640 re CBirgco si us louowing mvw 7>^cesuperliae. Aft Other CJsjjBntjnne. 9 cents, far lias. Miaimsm Price. 15 ceatt. No sdverusemeat charged for leu tita 25 ceau. sm Tuesday, FOB 1499. SALEâ€"USED PIANOS, OVER- hauled, guaranteed five yesrs: fSIO Leund. $55; tino^sThsoto/k, $85; HoS. $50u CJlsswing/ $JJ5: $350 way, $JPM^TJO0 •Kimball, al- new. %bwt Euay payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Shermanav., Bvanston. , ltc FOR Ines, cdbrhauled, Dom< m i, $i ^ Wilc-ox fine bargui USED SEWING MACH- iteed five itandard, $5; 7; Franklin, r. drop head, Alsoother itsed Singer sew- Sherman av., Ev- t iOUSEHO Did yon over think of the time and expense saved by having a garage In your yard? The K»rr cw tobmiouse Co. have> a patent^ s^eaj frame garage, and white they are por- es the garage. -They-are buill 5, and are a winter necesi is well si a summer luxury. The American Ironing Machine Co. have been established over ten years. They have an Ironing machine that will solve this problem for ovary home, whether large or small. The Simplex Ironer is In thousands of homes today. This wonderful Ironer enables even an inexperienced per- son to do an Ironing In about one- fourth the time usually taken by an an exxpert laundress. The finish is equal to that of the most perfect-hand Ironing. It Is possible: to obtain one on easy terms If desired. They can be operated by hand, electric or gaso- line power. Many north shore homes have a Judd Laundry Machine. Those who have one recommend them to their neighbors, because of its many Ideal features. It deans, without wear; the solid copper tube, smooth as glass te- LMsususjai MtlMHtHMIIMMI mm shipped. proof "w-tf m insura A. Wight agents. Phono 203. household ltc SVA US â€"â€" â- â- HP** â- vi.*' Name in tbe Bun** â- ensM# - RIEN ithcT name It is the names in list mmunity. a teiepnone at once and y#ir name will appear in the new directory now in prepara- tion. Telephone Company nimhi *' > ': W mmmm" s|^S>|MdMM$tftd,M$$fM>dtM^>»d»» .....M*IMtiMi$.................I..... This Directory Will Appear in >...................MJlfil' Clip It for Future Reference = ♦»»»M»MtMM>H^M»>»tM».......ndsIM.......MHMIH.............................{