THB LAJCB SHORE MBW8, WtlDAY, FEBRUARY M,ItH. = 3= Socio! Happenings in WUmette By RUTH RISLEY Phone Wi 1940 that Wilbur . Guthrie of North- University will lead the grand •t the annual promenade of the class, to be held in Patten gym- lettered prominence in athletics. He is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Miss Guthrie Is a a member of the Gamma sorority. Mr. and Mrs, 11 Delafontaine, 910 Oahwood avenue, were hosts Tuesday evening at a small musicale evening. each meet taking part in the program, a number of whom are the pupils of Mrs. Delafontaine. Mrs. S. S. Dingee entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday after- noon at her home, 932 Lake avenue, in of Miss Juliette Gates, March of the Forest Sprites.. Gay nor Blake Roberts. 1 Caesa ».,«........-----.Jessie G Song of the Armorer.. .Jessie O Dance Lightly..........Jessie Kenneth Page. Gondolier ...................uarnsey A Little Duet................Vincent Virginia and Dorothy Snow. Japanese Doll ....•.............Swift "Billy- Jordan. Gavotte.......................Brown Margaret Murray. Merry Bobolink ...........Klogmann John Maban. Cuckoo dock.................Hlnes Ruth Anderson. Kcrmess ........."..........». .Gurlett Leonqrn.- Dingee. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby will j rtanse of the Marionette............. . entertain Informally at dinner this [..................... Crosby-Adams evening at their home, 835 Lake ave Margaret Cutler. u The guests of honor are to bo. skating Song............. ...Dutton and Mrs. S. 8. Dingee, who will Elizabeth Cope, ------r re. shortly for their new home in . .. â€"» . , ..,- ,( . rsaw. Wis. A wedding of. interest to residents â€" • of Wllmette will be solemnised on Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates were hosts to the Omega Psl fraternity of Lake Forest College Sunday evening wfth Mgjsrnass ever since the mat one took place. It is true Mr. Richie is quite clever, and no one could have pleased the youngsters more. An* was the musical program furnished by a number of the children, a!! of whom were under 10 yean of age. The following little people took part Goblin.................Jessie Gaynor Evening Song ._......^Jessie Gaynor club next Wednesday ntlanMM. This time her subject will ho "Other Dm- tooay anu its ******** *Pt'*^"k^ through the Cottle Revival." The of n now chairmen will be at this â- 4et3 UliO VawlmlA'la vl Wv M^Bmffmmmm *»>w*»" society of hold an home of HJU street. Luncheon will ho serrod at noon by the hostess. of the Methodist church wlU all-day meeting today at the Mrs. Louis B. Springer, 430 hom^lo^wood SST * hW ^raPh? horn ff to- rn Ural avenue lor hoiajk'tii <$•* Covers were laid tor 2 =? Mention of WUmette Folk mgumm |||sn Ida Mourse was hostess at a Tuesday evening, March 9, at eight ilhgton tea Monday after-1 o'clock, when Miss Ingar Miller, the nam ft her home, 1137 Greenwood j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, avenue, to twelve young women from i.-,o7 Charles street, will become the the city. About 200 children, with bride of Mr. Charles Drlcker of 719 awe-stricken faces, Watched the j Custer avenue* Evanston. Miss Mil- omsilnj wonders performed by j ler will have two. attendants, the Charles T. Richie, the famous magi-; Misses Sigrid Johnson, and her cousin dan, Wednesday afternoon at the Miss Katherine Miller. Mr. Jack Women's club, for this was the annua) Sloane of Wllmette will attend the Children'? psrty, looked forward to groom as best man. T Clarke, 526 Washington avenue. Cov- j t rs were laid for twelve guests. The Ouilmette Dancing club will give their next dancing party a week from Saturday evening at the Wll- mette Woman's club. iiiimififtfofftooooooooi WUmette I Societies and Clubs ooooeOO»Oo»eosooeMde»MO The annual gathering of the Old â€" Town Folk's club will be held in the Tho Travel club met Tuesday after- Mmette Woman's club building. Fri „oon at the home of Mrs. H, A, New- ling, April 9. The date of the ; ton. 436 Lake avenue. As this was assembly has been changed from that | the annual meeting, reports of the of previous years. j year were read and the following of- '" {fleers elected: President, Mrs. E. B. Mrs. William Smith entertained the | Wheelock; vice-president. Mrs. H. A. members of the Thursday club at berj Newton; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. on Lake avenue, yesterday aft h. G'. Drury. Preceding the business j meeting, a delightful George Wash I Ingtbn luncheon was served by Mrs Little Music Study class was Newton, assisted by her two daugh entertained Tuesday ai the home of.' ters. Mrs. E. Jackson Casse. 633 Forest t â€" "we. A delightful luncheon wa»i M,„ h * uium ».n i«, f, S £j .>>!!ir,'--0 *>tll t>> Ill-Dlton to Mrs. S. A. WheelocK cntortoiuoa ti>. Central Avenue circle last Friday aft ernoon at her home, 822 Central ivo Irs. Raipi. t.-ke. ., „ ,.. ... Jfrayel Study cja.„* jt tcvdiiy h ernoon at her residence on avenue. h«r Tuesday Lunctifeon Bridge clul nc\t Tutjiday at b.., 932 I I-altv. avenue •oil (cfiile 1 ,li 1 ly 't (ilmble I. b at hjr home 400 ( .-UuU. L\\ t'YI >f IS van ./it > da) ithvv&od avenus, One of the *iu«»il u,.i., . a and Bridge ciubs was euten i.uua whlu week at the bomb of Mm J B Wuite ly. 727 Kim wood avenue MrS. Max ZatXil uyea. . . . at 610 Greenteaf avenue. T <:*-\ r i.jr an all-day meeting of ti.e fuu/.h Ui Vision of the Ladies' Aid socletj ol the Methodist church I il^ iO.. M litlt,y nao W .I>l.l..n(..L . | . .i ihdaj .be meoniiK « f the Yuuns I u.lics' .. iMiliary, in .f the â- (-liil.uai. ruj.y t»r tl. YvjIu i aii'e clul), wt,4 postponed »>». .- >.....i. «ll«.. .. i.. . the xuauK l idiea' ; in rro\ after, can at her tu a<i. Forest ...enuc ,18 Mrs. KftieM t H. ., wood avenue, va.. hctio.o day club last week K» it...... , in i. 6 to 1. tbV l3 tiuu„e. «iii. ai. j, clook. it, *. j, llSliiit'li a luacl. < , t Miot 12.30 ..clock, it jhaiV.i I Mi»« vV laud A aa me.;tf>«s a. .4 tract. . i..acheou v. ill follow at Mr. aud Ai.. ty entertained ,ae "H u„i at their home. 600 W*shi nue, Tuesday e^eniL«. tut Ave .ht t...... .t.....,.at -. t..«-,. . ami o. tti ye&L v>at< pifc.*t ..« ,t luead, / n..«rul..g heu..o th^ rncn,Dna >{ the Mu&lc Stud/ claae of the VVorn »n s ciub. tin/lor the ablt direction of Mia A. ti, i^iti.Key Two excellent pape.a vci. read. on« by Mrs. Ralph Baker, and the other by Mrs Lorin Hall. \,a "the Ancle, t JOmb.^sera." Ttieie were eighteen Another tutere«.lng feature was the llluatrati./n of the sotlfih of land Itt-laud Scotland. WaLs Nor way *nd Sivwun, alven u.v Mrs « N 1'agv lhe otbeia taking .art 11 ,he prpgr~..i W6/e Mrs 8euJai.Jn K G.^ge Mrs Flti.cnce Butl r Snite. IWra C C Mitci<. 11. Mrs A N McCaIIuk, &ad Mrs D. V Wc^te. Bridge will be played Saturday eve- I slug at the Ouilmette Country elub. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Duncan of Glen Ellyn spent Saturday with friends in Wllmette. ' " Mrs. Mary E. Springer, 707 Central avenue, has returned from a few days' visit in Harvard, 111. Mrs. Alfred D. Hermann entertained her Evening club Tuesday at her home. 1124 Greenleaf avenue. The North End circle will meet Mon- day afternoon with Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, 1033 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. Bruce B. Powell. 90S Ashland avenue, ban as her guest her aunt, jfrit, E. J. Borthwick of Englcwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bnker. 507 Lake avenue, will leave today for a fortnight's visit in southern Florida. Dr. J. V. LaCroix of Kansas City. Mo., was the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell, 616 Gregory ave- nue. _/_ j{ The Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. Rexford Bellamy, 1660 Linden avenue. Mre. E. B. Rathbone will entertain the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club next week at her home, 110 Central avenue. Mrs. Philip A. Gran was hostess Monday afternoon to the Fortnightly Bridge club at her home, 663 BJmwood avenue. The Town club will give another of their monthly dancing parties tomor- row evening at the WUmette Woman's club. Mrs. Charles Slade, 117 Broadway avenue, spent the week-end and Wash- ington's birthday visiting friends in tho city. Miss Alta Arthur of Orchard Park, N. Y., If visiting her cousin, Mrs. Louis Bruch, at her homo. 1201 Green- wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Gapen, 1021 Greenleaf avenue, had as their guests Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.Stev- ens apd little daughter, Catherine, of Crystal Lake, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Cremarius have sold their home at the corner of Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue and will move to Edgowater shortly. The Junior church gave •> colonial ..aity Monday afternoon in tlu> parlors of the Wilm.rtte Methodist church. lh-.o bving nearly sixty pre»o«»t Mi-b W Lahncke 736 1 welfth a,.<,^i i...a btou visiting daughtei. Mrs 1 ««„urd \ an U««j - i*a, at her hoiae in t-Iessville dUting the MMt week,; Mrs i^ui« A. Cla.k wul ente. tain ui bridge this afternoon at tier home, 716 I,ake aven«- ia hoiior ol hci guest. Mfi Moore of Minneapolis,. Mini. Mia Charles W Gates and Mts<t Myrtle Gates t. Geneva, ill., a.e to upend he weuk ^ad as th.; guests of Mrs b S Oingee. 0a2 1 ake avenue Mi .,tiu Mrs. George Wnitc. Hoi .».fM..,Dud uvwuic. also c.tcrtait.^d at iliniici Moi day eveaiug preceding the aiilltai / ctitlUK. A ai the Cuuuiry tiub Mr ai.d Mrs 11 G Vc.-gscldt or Mil . jako have in./VtJ to Wllmette inhere X». Vol useldt vul -,,dn a pho icfii-.iptiy ft.udia at ItiV Vvllmette ave P. H. Henrron anu 610 Forest av- nlght for a Arkan- â- •â- 'â- ij ! â- â- .way nt^* t. their absence. L,J|h*k Is dangerously 111 lOddiorest avenue. His Kirk of Sandwich, 111.. ters, Mrs. Herbert W. N. Y., and Miss euro of Rochester, have here on account of hip are now at tho family Tho social committee of the Wo- man's club has planned a large card- party for next Thursday afternoon at the club-house. Those members who do not care to play cards may bring their sowing. Both five-hundred and bridge wttl be played. The commit- tee in charge Includes Mesdames Theodore Breyer, A. N. McCallum, E. P. Hatch, H. 3. Gemmlll. Tuthill. E. D. Day, Louis t. Starkel, and Phil lip V. Bright lathe bly room at _ annual iowor W*** fe ***** taral oodoV wBl be held la tho fffs* naslum «d â€"embly room f Ogn- mnnlty House early in Jnly.______ â€"MI66ll66i6ilJ Kenilworth News Notes Mr. and Mrs. James It Chapman of Roslyn road, will leave Monday for a six weeks' visit In California. Mrs. Owen T. Reeves of Warwick road Is spending a fortnight visiting In Denver, Colo,, and various points In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hall of Abbotts- ford road near Woodstock avenue will leave Monday for an extended visit in California. Mrs. Calvin S. Case of Warwick road near Melrose avenue will return Monday from a two w«eks' visit with friends In Michigan. The Cbl Omega sorority of North- western University will give an In- formal dancing party tomorrow eve- ning at the Kenilworth Assembly hall. A meeting of the Neighbors was held yesterday afternoon at the As- sembly hall In. charge of Mrs. Fred Bulley. The subject of the afternoon was the "County," and tho speakers Included Miss Amelia Sears of the Public Welfare association, and Mrs. Ira. Cetes Wood, of Winaetka. fl MMtmil||iiMliilMM WbatPsopftAre Doing inWiiinotka .The. JBsaaa dub »,« *i..„, ...,» tertaiued Saturday ev enlng at home of Mr. Orian Ualitz. 12«m; vreg ory avenue, with a George Waahing tonton party xuests. Mrs. Chalice it h.i..,„ ......... at her home. LOi! Elvnw o<i avenu.3 on Friday afternoon for her tiaughtor Allce Mae. in celebration of her birth IK The junio, .i. , ,i. ...... Country club arc It kin for With greia pieasun to the unc lag party to be given tbU e/enlng at the clubhonae it. their honcr The af fair promises to be a oioat .•u.ceat.ful mi*. ..ias ,'earl <'ov ./or w ..1 .;.. :ru,m, { otub ichi club ai L.,r h. at,, 'JO', I »venue 04.. Among the ,^, ..-------- .. |L;,^ evening U. honor t.t t a^ige aeUce en's birth Jay wu thuit of 1 IA I'll. (Ai.j u,j.:je i ai t..ib. .hla wet at be r csl 124 l- ires! ave . t.J i»e M i-ry Mat.on/ club U>du« .day ttftemo >n at her home. .615 Ferest avenue. Tbe 1i.'.'-iH, ttxliv »...,„ M^+ boo fiob was enter tained thu wt„a at tbe home of Mrs. Frederick D. Buck- 831 Oakwood avenue iJLadiea' asseclaties ot the Prektry to|l|n church. An exceptionally large proportion of tbe membership at- tended, despite the inclement weather. and Mrs. Louis A Clark enter at dinner Monday evening at home, 71S Lake avenue, pre- eeding the cotillion at the County! etab. I Mrs. C. Percy Skillen has u0„o<i i„ Tu* **«*«»» '»«" *»»« "»««"-• »«»»- iMlllisis for a luncheon to be *Krr. l -*tho,<t Woman's club scheduled for On next Wednesday. Marct. 3. at her >lnis afte.noon. wilt be ot an especial ^heeae. 714 Ashland aveaae Corerar*«t«*e«t as the different stieakers will F4B he laid tar twenty guests. i be the local members of the associa â€" ! t ion. Among those entertaining at din j â€" Monday evening preceding the Mr» hV> K. Ante* CV^nej will nBUon a* the Country ctab i lead another meeting oc the Art and and Mrs. Charles Sanford' Literature department of the Woman's Mlo 1. «..l«t .I....1.1. .1 r.kJy.^ka i,urg„ \ a , left Monday e\ suing aftei tpenoing t«c eekend at tbe guest of Mies Lart* Slade, Lit Broadway »vanu« Mrs i ii i.... .. ...J i... Mrs. Siaj .01. of i»2t> filt w,o> 1 .tvenuc. will lea v.: f i .in jjtlr idon . ialt In ldab.> and C.^U/or...a aitout .he ti.-at at tbe mob.h f*he cvenHn^ ...~-»i..„ .,t ti . t ...j«v wtoiij Neigh.othooii itv iv; vill be Iield Saturday evening Mar t 13 at the tiome of M. and M»4. II 6 G. at- mili 829 tirveuleaf a.enu« Thj m_uy friend., of Mrt. «.... /,- * nAttmm will le grieved to l< .111 ..f 1 ei lllnean durtai; the pas. In i., eh at iho ho ,ie of h ir d^ugb.oi K,c» liru.h ]2v>l \i!iee.iiwood kvtauc The drat Jlviaion of tbe t.udi . mj . cleti of .he Metl.odtut hurch ..a»e I. Gcoi ^c Washington p^rt/ M.. adu.» i . nliiK a. the home 0/ Dr _nd Mid I 41 S.iii, 11 1,»25 <Ii jx>i. tvo.. J av. nue .vii. Mor> r:. £*|>ringor afiff- Mrs 1 . 011<., K M tk and dau^i.ter Mar> hi T<>7 ( cn.ral at nue will tea*./ Mon lia, fcr a thtti- u.ontl a' »UU hi (,,'ali folliia While 1.. the W^st ti.ej will! visit ti. exposition Mt at. J Mrs. \J. D. Math.^^ ,a*t | I -ike avenue. 1 etut ne,j Monday eve-} itlng t'rom a oelightful trip of . flree aeekrt' duration to their fruit taiin in Haynes City. Fla On their return trip they stopped n«w duys In Tampa. Fla.. and Chattanooga. Tenn. Mia Horace G Newball ....u.iui...^ .< bridge this evening. Mrs Helen Vincent !.». ..t...._.i 1. um a (o,ur w»aka' stay ,n S. rmgdeld. m. fc x "y MiaS KultChoi ^aVe a tan^y jreSb children's party at the club i,ouse. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs WaUci t w-..a.,c ..i .vtt Pleasant r..itd <sntv.rt .in^d im >r matiy at a dance. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs ^rank Oaden Magi^ no to Corouado i.aach, Wednesuay, for a mouth's stay with Mr. Magie's two brothers. Tbe pro^tiw t the i.ut«u _«.».».. s^ espjressed set ali/ by the pt\ aiarity of Informal dances, icemen tea da aces, and Sunday night -t homed Miss Juliu Henry Will IcCtare. WtJ ..osday on The liealiug Waters ot Soraers.i." »lth . cadlngs trom J1./10 Austen, at ihe 1. >oie of K.ra. L./man Walker ...fthw«ct» .„ uai.^ literary aud auaical Fortni^ntly dub at llig On \V < Inert Jay II roipH nT9 W inGlencoe ill wwiiesv Mrs.; A. a Welta gntertainodf]#jfc a luncheon Thpxoday. ./' 'jc& The Bnoge club met 'with M&. Ernest DUKm Monday. \v ^* Mrs.' Chsrles Mortimer returned Sunday from Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams were hosts at a tea Sunday evening last. Mrs. Frank Andrews will be hostess to the Basket club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Allison entertained with n luncheon and bridge Wednes- day. Mrs. Charles Howard entertained at tea to a few friends Saturday. Feb- ruary 80. The "Deltas" met at the home of Donald and Paul Samples Monday evening. ""Mr. Samuel R. Hurford and son, Ro- land, are expected home Monday; from Micco, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tobln, 799 Bluff street, entertained Saturday eve- ning with a "good time party. Mrs. A. D. Watson spent the first of tbe week in St. Louis, Mo., visiting her son, who Is in school there. Mr. John Fanning underwent an operation Friday of last week at 8t Luke's hospital tor mastoid abscess. Master Stanley Hopkins entertained at dinner Saturday for the members of his class at Sabbath school. Covers were laid for twelve. Dr. and Mrs. Dwlght C. Orcutt were hosts st dinner Tuesday evening vat their home. 185 Green Bay road. Cov- ers were laid for twelve. A number of ladies will meet with Mrs. Ernest Dillon Saturday afternoon In the Interest of the peace movement. Mrs. Edwin Sberwln will read "Brides of War." The Young People's Afternoon so- ciety will meet in the Glencoo Union church parlors Sunday at 5 p. m. Miss Elisabeth Packer will address the young people. The Women's auxiliary of the St. Elisabeth church held an all day meet- ing with luncheon at the guild hall, on Tuesday. Mrs! George Tapper gave a paper on "Reminiscences of the Early Days of Our Church." The first of five lectuie* a ji„i>k Loyer'a PilgTiniago, ' by Mis., Jv.tia 8. Henry, will be given Monday after- noon, March 8. at 3;ow, at the home of Mis Jam^s Jin.pson. Ine K.ibject of this lecture is "Fro... Southwark to Old w'helsea • . (> i "HUVfN Mr. Hojrt King.ourTownship< his availed himself of this bank. He will g! will send your pro] Taxea bank, i mail, pri King at this through the pff Ww i HP VS> â- v.' SML i VVILhjlEtTifftfifBA 'â- â- 'K/'kx-^'"f"<f'>. THEATRE. BEAUTIFUL M.L.SPARR.Mutcer The to if iki Pin OrgM Mil i'lic vVonicl.'. t. ;ion church nieetii. f, with March â- ,*. Thv ernoon will be ..i churge of the of tho you. g t/.jt pic'.) S,.Iuijsy OO./Q O Clct> rim tx .d uu ail day Uw.cheo. .'uoauay, proitram u.. the aft- glrlfl • fttr A & liiE \ ££ ft AtitU DURING NEXT Talen. t ,.,i. ..y pro\ .d< d (.rofi/am for . tI t.t regular ue . truing The !••«.. i*..<Min I ...t»t at the h< j* of M. j. Edv .n F I .Sncli \\'»da> aftern..un Mrs i wniiw D. McK^n^te read anu Mrs John E Ma/ sang Mt„ »* F BahtooK u< w-„i »e-.. ! K„d MtLo kM / Judson p /otdettt of I the t>ake lilu/T orphanAige were the 'KuevU of Mr a d Mrs. W M P«.i«r boii. Wed. ead-y vn^ning M*« E. N. Rl.odas entc. i.. j »»., ..ache,s dht. ladies who are on the loan) of --dm ation and tn<? v iy» m of (be men members of th«i board, at a tea give Saturda/ afternoon Mi«. K»c ierlck Dickinson gave so interest lag program of humorous selections. Tno Colombia School of Music gave a concert. Mon lay afternoon, which w_a well attended by the parents af tbe dttiah performers. Several Of the aan.bers ^ere exceptionally well ren- dered and the event went off with a promptitude a^d dispatch many pro- Kenilwoi fesstonsl mnsiciaas would do well to foUow. At the meeting of the Art and LK- erature department of the Woman's tiub. yesterday/ the construction of plays was studied. The subject was illustrated by a curtain raiser called . . ..0»»ttCllt ilito 1". ., t.ivtl ii^.itrial Fea* are i >r Each Dity All Hew ti ...»..• of Kitty Cobb' »Jil le ret. Thin „s t. unique tiling ^nd has . ii th%. charui to.' which the t atbor is uoted Cha«... 11 ^i.ii;.... j>i t>t\ „i.(.. i..„^,i.., Marie Do..». in the "of orals of ularcui*." which is a picturesque romantic corned/ WedUwoMtojr «VtfMaui Ka tittacuts William Fan...m in tl.„ grt.i Broad- way success. "The Gild«d Pool," as played by Nat Goodwin. This is un usual. Editl. T^ILtotlv *!.«. t...d t>«o.. i.-c.v i./ mai.jr. will sL.r it. "\oung Ro- mance" Tnursday Friday L«w Fields «m oe t... ,/<.d U "Old Lutch ' Saturday there Kill lh-. â- u», *i, lack i nanty In five parts. Monday; ' Jsmat Montflomory Flaigg in " Adventorci of Kilty CrObb" AMed Foatar.-VAl.E.UAUVAUD OAMR Tuesday, Mar. 2 pp tsf Ertninf MARIE DORO In -THE MORALS Wednesday, ANCE" ma .f Bsmaatle Yoath '• .in iJHuihi! MAX FIGMAN JACK G^3Clf?rYM Herbert Fotitner'a American Romanrt â- â€"â- â€"â€"â€"nmâ- â- inn â- â- !-il htatlnco intf Evening r,6 LEW FIEt.S uF SEitn * FiEiDS in "OLD hUffK" Fun I Fun I Fun I rr Eventually You Will Be a Patron of ike VILLAGE. Why miHtwl Admission 15c WUmette our Wilmct and vacant, s±perie to give you valuable advice. priced,- ou<> 29-years' experience in tell mm » find real bargaim at ceo and term*; hou$ca â- â- }eape$t to thm kiskest to teal ettate enable* us Quintan & ^^^mE^^WM z 1 'â- â- â- â€" Office SB ' : SPECIAL SALE ON 20 vr. arold-fillwl ca«e with 17 j< tiffin movement at..... So Beileti Je i THIS WEEK ONLY ino nickel ruse with 7 jewel tA bam movement at...........Sr* TO, IJ6€ IW/melto Avenue i f OH CSB Ob lero ill selection* 6t Deliver Anywhere in WUmette, Evanston, ImlwortK Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe Staple oV SRr^HM 1041-1042 "MARIE SID Mr. and Mrs. Edward J- Sct»a«Cr "The Vestibule" and -The Militancy save a large bridge party Monday ev-| 0f BveUna." a atory by Frances Ster- cnlng at their home. 1222 chestnut, svv ^ dramatised bj Mis. Fieterlclt. enue, In honor of Washington's birth I Dickinson. day. Tbe home \*as delight fully dee-: orated with sags an.i red and white fiewcra. Thrfe *r*>re awe t«biea Over one hundred couples attended the military rorilliob given last Mon- day evening at tbe Oailmette Country club. The affair proved to be a most enjoyable one. the decorations and fs rors being la.keeping with the day. Mr. and Mm. Higgn led the cotillion. A^sbfcd by FRED FLAll, Teeor, and i«^e.^ih,cM. EU24BETH PHELPS, Pianist ^J^Zt^0" JSte milmcnvT&ezm Shop IBLBrrtitn* I „ Aatttts iuo CBN ^ENUE WlUtCTTg, lUIKWS I - â- , i