FRIDAY. MARCH a, IMf. „ >-. â€" tit wv am simple wading jwft be Mr. and lira. Charles Ssnford Odrue aad tfr. aad Mm Donald M. . _ :.5HPen ttrofMr he mdted la eane*_ Drleker. of «» Caster ave- elub tomorrow evening, at the heme of the 1507 Charlea street, two attendants. Miller, will MmChariea Little Mar- niece of the groom. the ring-bearer. Mr. Jack or Wilmette will attend Mr. hi best man, and Mr. Clarence Another of the series of delightful parties given by the Town ": place las? Saturday evening â- ctah._ ______ Under the able direction of the se- rial committee of the Woman's club. iiillgjlalaf hTtodemos Theodore Brcy- er. A. N. McCallum. E. P. Patch. H, S. Oemmlll, John Tutbill. F. D. Day. Louis T. Starkel and PhUlip V. Bright. one of the most profitable afternoons of the year was given yesterday at the clubhouse. The prime object of the af- There will be an Informal dancing party far the seniors at the Country Miss Marion Hogle will entertain a number of her friends at the "movies" this afternoon. Later the party will take dinner at the Hogle residence. 407 Central avenue. ... . Mr. ant Mrs. Clarence H. 349 Hill street, entertained at dinner Sunday of last week. Among -their guests were Miss Alteon Dunne of Springfield. OL. and Mr. Charles Sw> Ing of New York eity.. The Alpha chapter of the Alpha PI Omicron fraternity held Its semi an- nual banquet at the new Morrison ho- tel Saturday evening In honor of the newly elected officers. Messrs. E. A. Could and Carlton Could lenroeentod the Beta chapter from Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Rlel^artf fcof 015 Lake avenue entertained ttfonnnlrr Mra. Charles W. Gates aaa Miss Myr- tle Gates of Geneva. ML. were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Mr was to promote sociability among Saturday, evening at their home In the members, and as this trial proved honor of their guest. Miss Phoebe the an successful. It Is probable that sev- eral more will be given. Both bridge and "600" was played, for which a number of handsome prises were given. For those who did not care to participate In either of these, there was a smell sowing comer. Mrs. C. Percy Skillen entertained twenty guests at luncheon Wednesday at her home, 714 Ashland svenue. A novel feature of (be dancing party to be given tomorrow evening at the Woman's club by the Oullmette Dane- tng club will be the arrival of the mem- bers in old and "hard time" togs. Of the affair will be very Informal. wniinghamofhte»pWs,Tennv , Miss Marlon Roberto will entertain I at luncheon tomorrow at her home, ! 1014 Lake avenue, for two prospective l brides. Miss Helen Pope and Miss j Juliette Gates. Covers will be laid for twelve guests, i^j^n >vr< -,.••; mm Mrs. Edgar O. Blake entertained at i luncheon yesterday at her home. 921 ! Tenth street. In honor of Mrs. S S. I Dingee. , ~xhr>~,-:i- -.i: ,-••• ***â- *â- . --«j. Invitations have been Issued by Mrs. Charles A. Barton. Jr., 008 Ashland avenue, Jpr a bridge party on Satur- day afternoon, March 13, when there will be six tables, and for a St. Patrick's day bridge party on Wednes- day. March 17. .Covers will be laid for twenty-eight at the second affair, and the refreshments will be In keep- ing with the day. The Round Robin Dancing club will five a dinner-dance this evening at the puilmette Country club. Cover* will be laid for twenty-five couples. The hosts and hostesses of the evening a " Lenten welfare work and activities of a religious kind will occupy much of the attention of the society folk during the next few -weeks... ..£# -jfclH suit, the program at. the Oullmette Country club has been "cut ;downr considerably this month, then Mas only one afternoon .card party and four evening affairs. Following ore the dates that the club will be open: Saturday evening, March Câ€"Club (JqtjCG - ** Monday afternoon. March 8â€"Bridge, 2:30 o'clock. Saturday evening, Match 13â€"-Mili- tary euchre. Saturday evening, March SO.â€"Sen- ior forma|. Saturday evening', March 27â€"Bridge, formal. Electrical prises. a â- *.',,"' â- l â- :â- â- ',' , fddooiaooooaoooaooaoooooor WUmetie Societies and Clubs »W»Ots^t»»iS»MMdt>0 ,A Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week at the - home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Itathbone. 710 Central avenue. i â- -. . ', â- Mrs. Frederick M bo»tu i...-..» ; Greenwood avenue, was Hostess . . the • i North End circle of the Confer*** tional church Monday afternoon. ui.t The Young Ladies' auxiliary met Monday afternoon at the Woman's club, for their regular business ses- sion. On Wednesday afternoon, before the art and literature department of the Woman's club. Mrs Mary K. Ames Denney gave a lecture-recital upon the minor dramatists and poets of the Celtic revival, and a brief talk upon "Ireland of Today." The OiWnu Study „taf«. J>u.~ oute. mined at the home »f Mi. Jem W Illff, 1115 GreenwooJ avenue, yester- day afternoon. One of the Tuesday luncheon bridge clubs was entertained at the! m»«» *Y»<te>i<,». J of Mrs S. 8. Dingee. 932 lake! t>er ho...e at 436 tak to the avenue, this week. Next Tuesday afto.!»«,<.•. u^t. »v»u Conifer wilt entertain the Ccnand ' Card club at her home. 'J03 i.ake ave There will be a guiiu ^..uuj „. u. Augustine's parish house this ai.«r noon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. R A *i„ «... Street, entertained the Tu da> ,un< h eon and "500" cjub si her ho, ts this Neighborhood circle oi the Coagrega- tlonal church Tuesday afternoon. The Heading circle mot Mwrxl&y <A .moon at the borne wf Mrs W E In gersoll. 517 Central avenue. m.u ex t- rai.4.n e«.i£.un. .a . ..i ti.e si..ali^r Tuesday Lunche* h ml Bridge clubt this neck at her home. CM Washington areoue lu,« n..*,.t. *â- ;, i*<cttit «... ... i nast E.M clnie it her oOHie 14V33 land avenue, Mon.lay afterntuon. ,.sh regular monthly l.,«.< i,^.,,. <>i, .the Ladles' Aid society of the Con*.-e j gatlonal church will be served by tin- Neighborhood circle on Friday, March ; IS. At this meeting the Washington j Avenue circle will h» if* a bakery sale and the Crescent circle will have a; sale of Jellies, pickles and preserves. The- Woman's Catholic league held j .- sn iaformal sewing meeting Wednes- day afternoon at the borne of Mr*. E. Lord. 615 Central aveau* Tho Tau 8i«au Uaututa gtrtft will i>c .otertained this evening at tho of Miss Sophia Evans. 11*« Wesley avenue, iC vans to.. Mrs lames SUtr.. _». ..ui...i m» Thursday Luncheon ~nd Sewing Job yesterday at her home in Ravens wood. The Fortniithtty Bridge clah. «ui ix- entertained at luncheon Monday at the of Mrs. Lyons. 918 Linden ate- Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk There will b»- * buaia^s a*****..,* «< the Music Study class ne.,t Tuesday | at the vVomaa's «-!^b at 10 All nmsshars sre urgently re- to be present as soase lsapor- : things are to be brought up. Fol- this there will be aa excetteni I of a paper en "Folk ; of the Netherlands. Norway and to be read by Mra. Asses W. r. end illustrated with A. N. Page: a piano a a group by Mra. Frank M. Marker; anssher by Mrs. J. J. by Mrs. Harry Itopp. of the Twigs at the 1112 Mr* I. K. Blunt. toOS Oak«ood a«w aae. hi ill at St FrancU' hospital. 5J«». Bf^ndt *A 916 Okkwood a.» U.UB is kil at her ho^ae with pneumonia | Mrs Anna W Sparbeck. 125 Fourth street is ill at (he Henratin hospital la Cfekago. Mr Morti^Kri. ttkto«.^« It* T«-ntn street, was la No *• York Lst v<«k on trip Louise MtMrtWi 1X22 Witmerte Is vtsitingg tn Milwaukee, Wis., this week. Mr. Orian Galitz. tsee Gresmy ave is ill at the Cranston hospital with typhoid fever The fourth divtetoo off the Meth- | odlst churcb gave a asm as on tn the - church parlors yesterday. Mrs. L D Martin of Marinette. Wis.. Is the guest of Mrs. Ralph B. Pettk of 1033 AshhUSd avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard of 1056 the birth I. E. Dalton of tM Wood court. had as her weekend guest, her cousin. Miss Vera Suslsnd. aad her aunt. Mrs. Doll of Plymouth, Ind. Little Miss Blisabeth Page, daugh- ter of Mr. snd Mrs. A. N. Page. 934 Elmwood avenue, is very ill at her home with an infected ear. Miss Kate Mala, who has been vis- iting her sister in Elkhart. Ind.. la again at the home of Mra. Arthur W. Allen, lost Thirteenth street. Mra. Theodore B. Potter and her daughter, Mrs. Slay ton, of 829 Elm- wood avenue, left the first of this week for an extended trip In the west. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. HefTron and daughter. Elisabeth, of. C10 Forest avenue, left Monday evening for n month/a stay at Hot Springs. Ark. Dr. Alice D Turtle gave one of a series of dinner parties hut evening at her home, 622 Washington avenue. Covers were laid for. twelve guests. Mrs. Charles R. Mack and little daughter. Mary, and Mrs. Mary E. Springer of.707 Central avenue left Monday for a three months' visit In California. ,Massrs.J£elth Roberts. 1014 Lake avenue, and Stanley Pierce, spent the weekrOB'i at Champaign, 111., attending tts.wsua! initiation of the Beta Theta TfevlllBUV,m0»\fin been spending several days with his daughter. Mrs. William Relnhold. 1005 Ashland ave- niie. JrMurned tt hfe home In Phila- delphia Tuesday, Mrs! Thomas S. Adams and little son, Robert, of Marahalltown, la., are guests at the homo of Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. JameB Watson, 932 Forest avenue. , . Unique invitations have been is- sued by Mrs. .T. Nye Macallster for a St. Patrick's day euchre party, to be held on Tuesday afternoon. March 10, at her home, 018 Ashland avenue. Jfr. And Ml». Harry Thomas and two daughters, 611 Lake avenue, will leave within the next fortnight for their new home In New York, where Mr. Thomas Is now located in business. Mrs, Louis Brucb, 1201 Greenwood avenue, will have as her guests next week, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Butler and Mr. Frederick Mason, who are return- ing from the Panama-Pacific exposi- tion. Mr. Warner Gates, 1126 Wllmette avenue, was a week-end guest at the Omega Pal fraternity bouse at Lake Forest college. On Friday evening, he attended the junior prom at the school. ,. > Mrs. Hubert Harmon, with her two children, Welphyan and Hubert, of 214 Sixth street, left Monday evening to visit her sister at her home in Los Angeles. Cal They will return about May 1 MinS titan* l., .,1 t.uiwkilda^o. Md . who ha been l»..uig at the borne of her trother, Mr R. W*. /or-t dan. 1317 Elmwood av~-ntie, will spend the month of March with her sister in Princeton. Ill Scott Alexander il» ih..... jtar old •on of Mr. and Mrs J oh.. S Alexander of 730 Linden avenia. wad token to St. Francis hospital a week ago Sunday, where a successtui mastoid operation was periormed Mr. and Mra <;<urh<. h Fernald. *11 Forest avenue, are b.liiK congrat- ulated upen the olrth <-f a grand- daughter. th« child of Air auJ Mrs., Paul E. Feraaid of Tuc»i>n. Aria, born February 13 Sbe has bven named Eileen Frances A party of ww...a>. ^^v^t» '«-it .Ykonday e\.-nit»^ for a foi .night's dtay at Hot Springs. Ark. In the snoop are Mr. and Mr? PaLtck Heffron of 610 Forest avenue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Maass. S22 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs George W Kibby of S35 Lake avenue Mr. J. G. Barb, i +i tk..«,. in»rt. la-, will retnrn today t.< &»*end the week- end with his parents. Mr. and Mra. Albert E. Barber. 621 iJnd<-n avenue. Mr. Barber is one of the many voting men of the villa** wno are "gong to amount to something ** Mrs. Charles Welter ..•*«• tataed at 1 i« nebcin last Thursda> at her hoiue. | 1234 Hill street In non.»r «.f her (nest Miss iJabr..i.««». who baa Just • retnrikvd from an . ktenued trip | abroad, bud wh.. »tu tyc here U SO l indefinhe p«rK>d C« >et^ «•* laid lor twelv* eueat . tie <>..!. o«l of- | town guest beinn <aUs vYein.~skirch at Rosers r^art „ *fr. and Mrs. Frank Young of <M^J*u. the March winds of KenUworth new rend sn» yesterdsy for the coast, to eunny California are Mr. and .Mm.. lames R. who left of Abbottsford road ba?rrir^rt^^m0fa trip to London. Mm§ flSunam N. Corhfn of rend left the first of this week for an extended visit on the coast, Mr. tajifni Sttftoy T. 6a8 of Es- sex road and Woodstock avenue are spendlag » nooih or so in CaUfornia. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray and HtUe son, John Robert, of Cumnor read, are spending some time In south- Mr. nam .Mrs. E. A. Laughlln and family of Cumnor road and Wood- •took avenue have gone west on,an extended trtn. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew have rented the Rockwell home at Sheridan road, near Kenflworth avenue, for a term of three years. Mrs. Clavin 8. Case of Warwick road, near Melrose avenue, returned Monday from a fortnight's visit with friends in Michigan. The men of the KenUworth club gave an open meeting Tuesday even- Ing at the Assembly hall, to which the ladles were invited. Mr. and Mra. Pierce of New York, but formerly of KenUworth, are guests at the home of Mrs. Pierce's sister. Mrs. Rufus K. Porter, of Cumnor roaa. this week. The next of a series Of subscription dances will be given at the KenUworth Assembly hall this evening. It Is ex- pected that the affair will be very well attended. Last Friday evening. Mr. and Mra. Frederick C. LUtle gave a dinner- party for twelve guests In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James R, Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong, at their home on Essex road. Miss Marie Kasten was hostess at an Informal tea Tuesday afternoon at her home on Melrose avenue, In honor of Mrs. Cart Kelly, a late bride of Hinsdale, who has but recently come to KenUworth to make her home. Mra. Ralph Farwell gave a farewell luncheon Saturday at her home on Warwick road. In honor of Mesdames James R. Chapman and Charles M. Armstrong, who left the first of this week for an extended visit in the west. Covers were .mid for twelve. Owing to the observation of Lent by many of the, villagers, tho vaudeville entertainment given last evening by the KenUworth club at the Assembly ball, was not as well attended as usual, but the program proved to be a most excellent one£ consisting of dancing, musical "stunts," a quartet and h«v- eral arauslngjjiionologues. t Mr. James Craig of Detroit, Mich., was the guest .Wednesday- evening, at the Stuart hajne on Abbottsford road, nmsji* •' "____.â- j,i , REMEMBER! 'DT iok*£» cgational Cutfrdu stswSss hero on his way to Orals la known an aa â- Inlet w It " that It wen he who won the heM tkra. of Roalyn road. to visit the •sneat- Mr. snd Mrs. H. A. Hall oYAh- road. and Mr. and Mra, Charles M. Armstrong of Essex road left Monday for an extended trip also. The families of Dr. and Mrs; eefiry H. Everett of Cumnor road and Mr. and Mra. John C. Everett of Abbotts- ford road ware guests nt the weddlnf of Miss Irene Everett and George J. Harris, which was celebrated at high noon Monday on the seventy-sixth birthday anniversary of the bride's mother. Mra. William 8. Everett of Chicago. It wan. h quiet home affair, with no attendants, and the Rev. Br. McCIuro of the McCormlck Theolo- gical seminary read the service. The only guests at the wedding word menv bera of the family, including the bride's six brothers and their fami- lies. Mra. Harris is the youngest of i«u cuiiuren. On Friday evening, March 13. I number of the members of the Kenli worth club will present a comedy four acta entitled, "The Caslllis gagement," before the club at the As- sembly hall. The story of the play centers around the breaking of one engagement and the making of an- other, in a most clever manner. Among those who wilt take part In the farce are Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard, Miss Virginia PoweU, Miss Agnes Pease. Mrs. W, I. Woodward, Mrs. Henry Taylor. Mist Frances SerrelL Miss Marie Kasten, and Messrs. Edward Wheeler, Robert Lester. Herbert Taylor and Leoi Allen. "PINCHED" WITH ONIONS. The police have a good many freaks come under their "care." but Tuesday night the night policeman came across a new variety In the wee small hours he heard sowe one jumping around among the freight cars on the railroad tracks and at once went to investigate. It was a weird looking caricature of the human race whom he found. The stranger wore a stiff hat. Protruding beyond this for two Inches was a ruff of black hair. He carried a grip, full of onions. On being questioned he said he was from Indiana, and was on bis wa? back there, via Cnicixgo. He was treated to a board In the basement of the village hall, and his share of th* heat. --.: **%*â- ' FRIENDSHIP inn most valuable scl for no true friend will impose upon You can acquire this *- with people. Choose CENTRAL! AVENUE On Electm Car Line No, t Electric Plate WILMETTE Fruits KenUworth Phones 1041-1042 mmmmmmm Wilmette - Actual i ourWilmett priced; our 29 to give you Quinlan & Tym will find real bargains at . price* mnftwrma; houset cheapest to the highest life real estate enable* u* TH DEARBORN ST. or WILMETTE, Hoar Poet Office Monday, Mircb 8 Ssstss MlMM Ml EtMriaf "Tillie'i Oreatesi Tuesday 5 Mbiy 9 «the Harold 44 EDWARD ABLE* In "AFTER FIREW â- Hilarious pâ€"tody ' / CARLYLE BLACKWELL In "THE HIGH HAND" IJitqots FdriM'i fmm ttin frm Utwttj Ittshf red i SalyruanM«r.13..AD^2r8o7tt\eB' n Big Stars in Big Features Every Night _â- 'â- â- ' QBT THE HABIT on Children IAm - -â- I â€" _*» fsezsgn Avenue, 449 & 480 4 1 here all selections of Cat Flowers Wilmette how has photography. His thorough,and his expel He comes here from a prize noAbyThe iation of New Ei Hew excellen raphers' Boston. Mr. Borgfeldt lxtends to the people Wilmette a hearty invitation to visit his studio at any time. From time to time he will acquaint the public with the details of his equipment and facilities. 1144Wihu«eATe. T,l^n,WssdUl7»4 V"*Smm