THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. MARCH «. »U OSCAR SCHMIDT Admits He Is Candidate, but Not Free To Give Other Namesâ€"No Issue Yet \New Trier Jottings 1 ; »» . at hU SIT Elmwood avenue, by a rep- • of The Lake 8hore News, wee a candidate for the presidency of mete' the village of WUmette. Asked aa to with set «t liberty, as yet. to give out the siPMot any candtdotoe "Teir USA he, n em a candidate for preeMent or WUmette. I am not bow at liberty to gtte the names of tot men who are candidates for true- Hat of tot Tillage- No. I now know of no Important issues upon which tot eleotlon would he likely to hinge." "I am much In favor of the $20,000 pent issue for an up=to-date Are de- reduce the Insurance rates of Wll- Mtte. Bet. of oourec, that is a mat- ter upon which tot people themselves must tote, and which they must de- cide for themselves. • "Yes, 1 can give yon some figures at to the reductions possible in WU- mette insurance rates. We can bring the village Ureal class four and one- half to class four. If we meet the fol- lowing conditions: We must have a 1,000 gallon automobile pump; 1,000 feet of standard hose for the present hose wagon: four half-inch uosstos; a volunteer depsrtment of fifteen men; two paid menâ€"to sleep In the station â€";and an additional twelve suctlonsl Use, unless, It baa been provided since the inspection, of April, 1914. r be- lieve the volunteer department num- bers about fifteen, although I am not positive on that point \ "If we meet these conditions, it will ^---â€" tk* f/tllsuirlns. PArtflnHnna* On Oa Saturday evening at 9 o'clock eharp, the New Trier Dramauo crab will present two oaeeet playe which ate of unusual Interest, "Bverystu- dent." a modern morality play repre- senting contemporary school life, and mean Bath Charms." The playe wUl be given in the school auditor!- an; toe adBlertwB #ftf be twenty-five sea the following reductions: On btick mercantile buildings, 0 per eel The characters hi "Everystudent" are typical students called "Class- "Everystudent," together Good Times. LsUn. Math. . etc. Result, assuming the role of Success or Failure, together with Truth to sought by Everystudent. Despite the terror inspired by the ghost Exam, Everystudent, assisted by Study, comes off victorious, and to smelly crowned by Alma Mater and Success. The play closes with a morris dance In enetame by twelve girls, and this gives a fitting close to the play, modeled es it to after the old morality play. ------ Four of the chief characters In the drama ere: Frank Herdman, who takes the part of Everyman: Paul Sample, Classmate: Clementine Bast- man, Truth; Dorothy Poole, Result The second play. "Music Hath Chsrms," to no less delightful. A pitcher of renown on the varsity team falls In love with a pretty girl whom he moots shortly before the import- ant game of the season. He neglects practice and loses Interest in college affairs as a whole. His friends in perplexity discuss the sltustlon and finally, knowing his fondness tor music, decide on a ruse. They have the college glee club, to which many of them belong, ask per- mission to practice in the athlete's room, flinging songs that hs knows, they aoon Interest him, and at last when they see he to In a good frame of mind, toko him ebout the girl and his loss of Interest In college affaire. He declares that his passion Is en- tirely over, and is scon seen on the end on their contents, 7 per, field playing and winning the great on frame mercantile buildings., game for his school. It to hoped that there may be e large attendance at the entertain- ment Special care will be provided to take the guests to and from the school. The curtain will rise prompt* If et eight o'clock end the ptoy will be over promptly at ten. and their contents, about 6 per cent. Other things ebout In proportion. "There Is very little to be said es yet- â- DINNER TO MR. ,, AND MRS. DINGEE Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby Gaye Dinner To Couple Soon To Leave. Fridey night Mr. and Mrs, W. Kibby gave a dinner at their home, ' , to honor of Mr. end Mrs. 8. B. Dingee, who are-to leave WUmette In April. Thirty-two guests were presentâ€"twenty at one table, sad twelve et another. The decora- tions were at once simple and beauti- ful, and the affair wee to every way a Edward Clark, who delighted the Woman's club two weeks ago. sang. He was accompanied by Mrs. Beck- with, of Boston, were the only guests who were not old friends and neigh- bors of Mr. and Mrs. Dingee. Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Kibby, with Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith. left for Hot Springs, Ark., where they will spend a week. TWO HOR8E8 SHOT. Tuesday the WUmette police were v Jled upon to put two horses out of their misery. Both belonged to the Began livery on Twelfth street One of them had hurt himself by running away after he had been left standing without being hitched. The other had beed injured for a week or more. â€"OUR MOTTO- MADE IN AMERICA SOLD IN WILMETTE From now on there will be many In- teresting events at ths school. Dates are reserved In April for the cantata and the Junior promenade. Various speakers have been secured for asesm bly the coming month.. The schedule include Father Vattman, who Is to •peak March 8 on "SgMes"; Mr. Bar- Ingham, who to tcTgWa travelogue on March 10, and Dr. Kappes, who to George speak March 17. Ths Social Committee. -t<)e>weisissVrFto.^is%todlse of the social committee or toe faculty had tea with representstivee of the various villages and Mr. Brown. Among those present were Mrs. Scheldenbelm, Mrs MacMlllan, Mrs. Patterson, aii of WU- mette; Mrs. WIrtly, Mrs. Porter end Mrs. Blssell of Winnetka; Mrs. Sample of Glencoe, and Mrs. Foresman of Ken- ilworth. Athletic News. New Trier had a.notable swimming victory Wednesday evening at toe Sears-Roebuck T. M. O. A, when the boys won for the second time the championship of the Amateur Athletic federation. They took first honors and lowered three A A. F, records. In the 100-yard back stroke Dudley DeOroot took second place, making the swim in 1:24 2-5 minutes, a second better than the previous one at New Trier. In the half-mile swim DeOroot set a new school record of 14:29. In the 40-yard back stroke Ogden Cook broke the rec- ord of the star swimmer of Lane, Ol- son, and got the first medal. In the relay race New Trier came second, making a better school record then ever before, the time being 1:85 min- utes. In the plunge for distance, Fran- cis Allen plunged 57 feet, thus receiv- ing second honors. In the 40-yard swim In 13-1-8 seconds. The total record held by Bake of Lane ton school, by making the In 1814 â- seeaea. The total - of aetata won by New Trier wan it*. The Trier heavyweights lost in the baskets*!; touraameat held at Joliet, bat acquitted themselves creditably in every way. lIMlllllMlliiiiiilfiii ; What PaopiB Are Doing Mr. John L. Day arrived home Ha day from Micco, Fie, The Young People's Sunday After* noon society held a social la the Glen- coe Union church parlors Friday ev- AT THE VILLAGE DURING NEXT WEEK Management Has Provided Special Feature for Each Dayâ€"All New. â- I â- of Gold Dust is sec Miss Margarette Foote returned Sun- day from a fortnight's visit with her sister at Galva. III. a Mrs. Augustus Rows of New York city to the guest of Mrs. Charles Mor- timer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Ktmball. 770 Bluff street, were hosts at a din- ner Monday. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs.* C. H. Howard entertained at luncheon Wednesday for out of town guests. Mr. William Kloxhtem Is putting a sewer connection Into hie residence on Linden avenue. Mr. Clemens Dopier hes begun the erection of a small cottage on Adams avenue, east of Vernon. Mr. Matt Schramm has purchased the dwelling erected £ couple of years Gold Dust really works. It does the work the fingers and wa mops and brushes cannot possibly ' quickly Merle Dressier, the inimitable come- dienne, to the star Monday at the Village Theater. "TtlUe's Punctured Romance" to the name of the vehicle which she noes to make us tough. So- SfluKTS ."SiX SL" does the work easily hearty laughs. The well-beloved Marguerite Clarke MilllOTlSof Women knOW leads Tuesdey to "The Goose Olri.'i wmmamm WOniTO MOW The plsy is staged by Lasky. Love WOrk OI WatMing 018116 and romanc-v are seen In their reel, as | â- well, or rather more than In, their reel is r it- form. It to life story more than a But HOC Oil OX these make belteve story. The plot Is in tensely Interesting. Wednesday play-goers will have a treat. William Fox presents Wilton Lackeys In Israel Bangwlll's master piece, "Children of the Ghetto." This drama-Is indeed rare, and It to as strong and moving a piece as has been produced for some time. Thursday another of Lasky's pre- sentations will be ssen. Edward Abeles takes the leading role in "After Five." Thto-te »~pteturisatlon •of the modern comedy hit. The plot too good to spoil by telling. It is the helpful uses of Give Gold Dust your full confi- dence. It cleans and brightens everything. 4 Dust d g floors to really original. You will not guess the | •^'S^^*. i. *. .torr 1.1 The active principle of GoM Durt ago "in 8outh avenue by Mr. Michael' whtch Cnrlyle Blackwoll interosto tho «.*he Valuable antiseptic cleail8« n«»aiitm* audience Fridey for six fascinating reels. The novel Is by Jacques Fu- trelle, and the plsy is presented by the Favorite Players Film company. Aa a fitting climax to a week of good pictures, Saturday will be shown "A Daughter of the People." In this Laura Sawyer, Frederlch De Belle- vlllo. end Robert Brodertck will star Gold Dust is indispen- sable and inexpen- siveâ€" 5c and larger pack- ages sold every where* Retslnger Mr. John Mathews of West Adams avenue, village trustee, who has been for some time In a Chicago hospital, Is horns again In improved health. Mr. Jacob Nelson, whose dwelling on Madison avenue, between Vernon and Greenwood, was burned corns weeks ego, Is rebuilding. Mr. Isaac H. McCurdy has bssn making some Improvements on his dwelling at the corner Of Kasbl ave- nue and Sheridan road, adding to Its good looks outside end meklng It more roomy and "comfy" within. Messrs. Charles and Dwlght Budd, Clifford Cushmen snd Miner went for a "hike" Sunday morning, going west over the Skokie and tor away. They reached the "Pink Poodle" with appe- tites large enough to absorb the plen- tiful supply of chicken and waffles ordered. Mr. Elliott Jacobs, who recently left Glencoe to seek his fortune as a farmer In Old Virginia, has effected a Isnajjaa. es "Mobjsck" bay, on the wait shore of tho lower Potomac, where,It widens Into an arm of the Cmegageeihe, between the outlet of the Rappahannock and York rivers. Ho has made a contract for a year's su- pervision of a big farm there and writes the colonel, his father, In en- thusiastic terms about the beauties and advantages of the Virginia coast. Norfolk, Washington and Baltimore af- ford near and good markets. On account of the election, the regu- lar meeting of the Glencoe Suffrage and Civics association has been postponed and will meet Mon- day, March tt, with Mrs. Frederick Smith, 455 Washington avenue. The speakers will be the candidates. Mr. Albert MacRae, Mrs. Thurston and others. Mr. Ssmuel R. Hurford and Mr. Ro- land Hurford (tho police are just back from a two months' so- journ on their orange plantation at Micco, Fto. The report Is that the season there hes been unfavorable for the citrus fruits and disagreeable for pleasure seekers. It has rained a great deal and when It didn't rain It blew great "northers," to the discom- fort of the Glencoe colony et Micco. For the Sake of Shopping, A few women get so much fun oat of chopping that 11107 really hope tho article, they really bay wont last ss long es the clerk promises, so that they can the sooner repeat the ex- perience ing agent-iB so remarkably aHUXFAlRBANKBBHm thorough that you literally rinse away tile dirt, grease and grime, deans metalwork, AYE $5.00 to $10 ing Hat LlutMuon'a kiihapM. \try Co. I door north lit seat* of kcupyinff loucri urouencn wm omr. • 1 1 f This is a stupendous production of nickel, enameled ware, etc., vital Interest, end Imbued with the spirit of the times. Industrial con- ditions in this country are given a clear showing. without scratching or marring, and leaves a newness, bright- ness and sanitary cleanness. GROCER tVANtTON es* w â- ^â- swep sTu^pse 630 Davis Strte.; Telr 2414, 3413.3416.3417 » sessssnsfijiTni^iiTTnnnfii nnnintSYinr mm rsifft e TefcwSie.SII.SI9.SIS in th to 13th TIP TOP CREAMERY SUTTER- Always the hlgheet grade of fresh butter, one pound net weight. 1 lb. carton...... EGGSâ€"Quality Fresh Eggs, bos........ gand- Freeh BggS. DOS.. ."rrrrrrrrm Juicy fruit. .....23c .......880 be surpassed 40c value. .'.'.'....'22e loo and India. .....See c quel. Lb. 48c 01â€"40c quality. Fancy, fresh. ...10c ...18c ...28s Swift's PrgejUuia Oleomargarineâ€" Jus? the thing In cooking. A money saver. 1 FLORIDA CRAPE IRUIT -very ___. quality. This is ths season when they are . prime. 64 size. Dos........... 64 slse. Eech.........8s Dos. ......... California Sunkiit Navel Orange*- They ere superb new. 178 slse. Dos..... 160 slse. Dos......28c 124 site. Dos.. CALIFORNIA LEMONS - Bonanza Extra fancy. 200 slse. Dos............., FLORIDA ORANGES 174. size. Dos.. lSv*fclse. Do*. COFFEE- My own bl In smoothness and Lb, ...........*-.. Cubana. 25c value. TEAâ€"Tetley's Green Vj lb. pkg.......... Basket Fired Japan. W. English Breakfast Lb. .............. RAISINS -Seeded and 1 lb. phg................... Hultana. Seedless. 1 lb. pkg Spenisb Clusters. Table raisins. 1 lb. pkg. RICEâ€"Fancy. Head. Lh...................V/*e Monarch. Uncoated, whole been. The finest that grows. 2 lb. pkg......1......................18c MACARONI AND SPACHETT!- Made In America. Try one pecksge. end you will And It aa improvement on Imported. 1 lb. pkg. 10c CHEESE â€" Pull cream White or colored. Lb.23c Wisconsin. Brick. Lb.......................20c Roquefort. Imported. Lb.â€"................48c Swettzer. Imported. Lb.....................dec Camemberi. Box...................... .....28c Edams. Large. Each.......................08c HONEY- -Airline Brand. Superior quality. Put up with extreme care. Comb. In sealed carton..28c Strained. Ho. 28 jar........................28c Strained. No. 60 Jar..........-..............80s BLUE LABEL CATSUP -Curtice oro*. Plat bottle........ ........................Its NAVY BEANS - Hnn.l picked. Lb.........7c LIMA BEANS - l>r»ed. Lb.................«c COCOANUT â€"Oriole. Shredded. , % lb- pkg^.........7e V> lb. pkg........12*40 CURRANTS â€" Plum Pudding. Cleaned. 1 lb. pkg....................â- .««............1te FOOD Ot WHEAT-A very superior wheat cereal. Fkg.................-.................taVae MONARCH SHRIMPS- Dry Pack. Ho. 1%. cast............â- MONARCH LOBSTER Ho. % am.........tee Nevl WHITE STAR TUNA FISH- 12e 8 Nap Old Dutch Cleanser. 2 pkge....... Kitchen Klenser, 2 large cane....... 20 MULE TEAM BORAX- i lb. pkg...........He JVi lb. pkg.........aft BROOMS - No. 1 Carpet. 46c qua!...........tts Cottage. BOcqusI.. ..48c Imperial. 60c quel. 48e SILVER POLISH -Peacocks Jewelers' Paste. 8 os. Jar............ - Shtoon Jewelers' Paste. Jar..................ts STARCH-Hulk. Lump. Lb.................OS Klngsford's Corn Starrb, Phg................St Klngsford's. 8 lb. bos........ Klngsford's. 3 lb. boa........ ArgO. tpkgS. *iVMrjoiv;vvy....vr..........5S ASPARAGUS -Llbbya colaeeal. I^tod. No. 2fe large eaa. The grandest yon over taeteeV Can...............20c Dos...... .....i. Oriffln's. Fancy Green Points. No. 2 large can. Can............80s Dee............ MAINE SWEET SUGAR CORN The beet quality. _ Can......... ......lie Dos. .............Wm PEASâ€" Lakeside. Sifted. Early Jane. Can................17c Dos............ Lakeside. Extra Sifted Early June. Can................its Dos..... ..... Both these have an enviable reputation. TOMATOES-Monarch. No. 3 can. There are no finer. Can........14e Dos.............8L8S Red Rover. No. 3 can. TJeli to oar best. Can............... tie Dos.........^.....eiJt MONSOON HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE- Sliced. Very fine. ^^ No. :.",. can.........its Dos. .......... •frS No. 2 can...........ISc Dos..............tWt SALMON- Monarch. Salmon Steak. No. I Oat can.......28c Dos. .............88J» No. «... fiat can......18e Dos. -------<*.......8 Yacht Club Salmon. Not 1 tail can.......17e â€" Imported. can*8 Read Lake Shore News Adsâ€"It Pays