Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1915, p. 6

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1 ..... ' i •.......i i in ' ' â- 5 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE. OR1MNANCB SO. 11«. All ORDINANCE. PROVIDING FOR THE I8SUANCB OP1 BONDS OP THE VILLAGE OP WILMETTE. TO THE AMOUNT OP TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. FOR THE PURPOSE OP OBTAIN- ING FUNDS WH ERE WITH TO AC • all of the in said Village, the rear 1914. of reunbors- t account of QUIRE NECESSARY REAL ESTATE to afflxcd. and th la bond to be signed the sane falls due and to the principal hereof at maturity. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Village of Wilmette. by Its presi- dent and board of trustees, has caused Rs corporate seal to be here- TO BE USED AS A SITE FOR A FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, AMD ALSO TO ERECT A FIRE ENGINE HOUSE AND TO PURCHASBJnRK EN- GINES. HOSK CAR1S. HOOKS AND LADDERS AND/OTHER IM- PLEMENTS FOR IVHE PRl TION AND EXTiXGUISHM PUBS IN THE VILLAGE METTE; PROVIDING LEVY AND COLLECTION, DIRECT ANNUAL TAX THE INTEREST ON THE PAL OP SAID BONDS; AND) THE OTHER DETAILS OP SUE. BE IT ORDAINED BY TH DENT AND BOARD OP OP THE VILLAGE OP WI SECTION 1. That for th of providing the necessary acquire necessary real estate need as a site for a fire engine house, and also to erect a fire engine house, and to purchase fire engines, hose carts, hooks and ladders and other Implements for the prevention and es- ajgjtfjJUjMBI "f nr** <w th» MBâ€"s of Wilmette. there shall be borrowed on by Its president and attested by its clerk, aed each of the Interest cou- pons hereto attached to be executed by the IRbographed fpe-stnile signa- tures of said president and viliare clerk, this first day of Hay. A. D. 1915. Attest: Seal) President. Clerk. ) $11.25 Village of Cook and bearer $5100 DOL- M the United at the office of the said Village of Wil- Viilage, for the semi- la accordance with the duties him by law. ascertain to produce the isTied tor , m collscttoa upon the tax rolls In con- ~ with the taxes levied la such by said village for general ril- ilmctte, in te of nil sum of in la ites of A Treasurer of mette. In said annual interest due oh that date on Its bond, dated May 1. 1»15. No.------. Attest: President. Village Clerk. Section 3. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the president, at- tested by the Village Clerk of said the credit of the Village the sum of twenty.thousand dollars ($20,000.00). and to evidence such loan there shall be and there Is hereby ordered and directed to be issued the negotiable coupon bonds of said Village of Wil- mette to said amount. Said bonds shall be forty (40) in number, num- bered from one (1) to forty (40) in- clusive, and of the denomination of Jive hundred dollars ($500.00) each. Said bonds shall bear date of May 1st. A. D. 1915. and shall become due and payable as follows: Bonds numbered one (1) to eight (8), both Inclusive, aggregating $4,- 000.00 in amount, on May 1st. 1929. Bonds numbered nine (9) to six- teen (16), both inclusive, aggregating $4,000,000 in amount, on May 1st. 1930. Bonds numbered seventeen (17) to twenty-four (24), both inclusive, ag- gregating $4,000.00 in amount, on May, 1st, 1931. ppnds numbered twenty-five (25) to thirty-two (32), both inclusive, aggre- gating $4,000.00 in amount, May 1st, 1932. Bonds numbered thirty-three (33) to forty (40), both Inclusive, aggregat- ing $4,000.00 in amount, on May 1st, 1963. Said bonds shall bear Interest from their date until paid at the rate of four and one-half (4%) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of November and May in each year, which Interest install- ments shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each bond; and principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Treasurer of said Village of Wil- mette, in said Village. SECTION 2. That each of said bonds and each of the Interest cou- pons to be thereto attached, shall be in substantially the following forms, respectively, to-wit: (Form of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK. VILLAGE OP WILMETTE No...;.......... $5©s.ou KNOW AliL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: . That th* Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and ~ State of Illinois, acknowledges Itself ^Jt& owe, and, for value received, here by promises to pay to bearer, the SUm of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, on the first day of May. A D 19â€". together with interest on bald sum from tbe date hereof until pal J. at the rate of FOUR AND ONEHai.f (4Mi) PBR CENTUM per annum, pay able semi-annually, on the first days of November and May In each year, as evidenced by and upon the pre sentation and surrender of the inter est coupons hereto attached at> they severally become due a both principal and interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of said Village of Wil- . mette. in said Village. And for the P prompt payment of this bond, veith interest as aforesaid, at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of said Village are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is issued by said Village for the purpose of providing neces- sary funds to acquire necessary real. estate to be used as a site fur a fire engine house, and also to erect a fire engine house and to purchase hr« en gines, hose carts, hooks and laduem and other Implements for the preven- tion and extinguishment of fires in the Village of Wilmette, under and in ac- cordance with the provisions of an ordinance duly passed by the Presi- dent and Board of Trustees of said Village on the 2nd day of March. A. D. 1915, and pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly or the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. And it is hereby certified and >e-Tl cited that all things, acts and condi tlons required by tbe laws and con- stitution of the State of Illinois to happen and be done and performed. precedent to and in the Issuance of; this bond, hare happened and been pcoperly done and performed In regu- lar and doe form as required by law; pad that the total indebtedness of said Village, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statu tory limitations and thaLPf&vision has been made for the collection of a direct annual tax. in addition to all Village, and impressed with the cor- porate seal of said Village; and each of the interest coupons shall be exe- cuted by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said president and village clerk; and ssld officers are hereby authorized and directed to so execute ssld bonds and coupons for end on behalf of said Village. Section 4. That the Interest accru- ing on ssld bonds In the year 1915 and on May 1, 191t>. shall be paid out of the general fund tax of said village tat years both inclusive, a tax sufficient to pro- duce the anm of $900.00 for Interest. For the year 1987 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $4,900.00, being $900.00 for interest and $4,000.00 for principal. For the year 1928 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $4,720.00, being $720.00 for Interest and $4,000.00 for principal. For the year 1929. s f* aj^pahafepa produce the sum Is each of said years 1915 to 1921, both Inclusive, the taxes hereln- aoove levied shall be collected by the same officers, at the same time and la the same manner aa the taxes levied by the said village far general pur- poses far such years are collected, and when collected shall be placed In a special fund and used solely for the purpose of paying the Interest on anl principal of the bonds hereby author* lied when and as the same mature. Section 5. That when properly ex- ecuted as aforesaid, said bonds shall be delivered by the treasurer of said village to the purchasers of the same front the president and board or trus- tees of said village, and the proceeds derived IbanffOin shall be used solely for the purpose for which said bonds i recite they are Issued. Section 6. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, la conflict with die prerialaaa of thi« «w«H|iM««. b* of the village clerk of said village this 2nd day of March. A*J*W*> EARLE.ORNER, Village Clerk. Approved ay the president of the Village of Wilmette this Sad day of Hares. A. P. 1916. . . JOHN D. COUPPER, President of the Village of Wilmette. EARL E. ORNER. Village Clerk. Published on the 8th day of March. A. D. 1SI5, la Tax Lakk S hore News. a newspaper published la said Village. EARL E ORNER, - Village Clerk. FIRE DEPT. GALLED TO (Continued from Page 1.) of $4,840.00. being $540.00 for interest and $4,000.00 for principal. For tbe year i930, a tax sufficient to""1â€" oTAVilmatle »t the general else lad tbe same are hereby repealed. Section 7. That Ibis ordinance shall bo submitted to the voters of the Vll- produco the sum of $4,880.00. being' "on «* «• *»* I» *»« rillage on the $360.00 for Interest and $4,000.00 for ttlrd Tuesday of April, A, D. 1915, principal, 'and tne bonds authorized by this or- For the year 1931, a tax sufficient to | finance shall aot be Issued unless this produce the sum of $4,180.00. being! ordinance is approved aft said election $180.00 for interest snd $4,000.00 for principal. i And the Village Clerk of the VII-1 lege of Wilmette is hereby directed forthwith to file a certified copy of this ordinance with the county clerk of Cook County. Illinois, to the end that said county clerk may. In each j of said years, 1915 to 1931, inclusive. by a majority of such voters voting upon the question. Section 8. This ordinance shall be la fall fores and effect from and after Its passage, approval and publication. PASSED by the president and board of trustees of the Village of Wilmette on the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1915, and deposited and filed in the office m twelve hours off each week. Is rather strenuous. Last year, 1914, there were mora calm than In any preceding year, but a smaller toss. During last year there were fifty-two calls, or an average of one each week. That there should have been a larger number of calls, but a smaller^ loss, speaks well for the fire department and Its efficiency, even with its antiquated apparatus. Perhaps Wilmette will say to its fire department: "Good and faithful serv- ant, thou hast been faithful in that which is little," we will make you boss over more. Incidentally, they will be saving for themselves a nice tidy sum in reduced Insurance premi- ums. Bell System •i GLENC0C WINS. The basketball team of the Larimer school, Evanston, played the Qlencoe grammar school team In the school Gymnasium Saturday evening. The score was 32 to 28, In Glencoe's favor. extension telephone sets for business .and For the many tei phone o is a necessi ou can secure an extension elephone for a small additional moi Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager Ta>I#f)r\fMrlf* naaaflft â-  â-  iV ": GARAGE aiiSSxo for Burlap Far decorating, excellent quality, fast color, yard wide, green, brown and red, at fully one-third saving. For this week, spe- ] o/ cially priced, per yd* O^C Picture Frames Colonial Silver Picture Frames, of unusually grace- ful and simple designs, the eight-inch size, identically the same frame as we hava sold for 98c, now........... 49c THOUSANDS OF TAGS, LABELS, WRAPPERS, COUPONS, ETC., COME INTO YOUR HOME. I ^^ Start Saving 1 hem Right Now y^tney are worth real money to you, for they can be exchanged for Rosenberg's Red Trading Stamps. A book of a thousand red stamps is worth $|.50. By saving all the labels, tags, etc., that come into your home, you can soon fill a book. Gather up all the tags, labels, wrappers, etc., and turn them in for •*â- '"" Rosenberg's Med Trading Stamps A partial list of labels, wrappers, tags, etc., that can be exchanged for Rosenberg's American Family Soap Wrappers. Hamilton Coupons. United Profit Sharing Coupons United Cigar Stores Co.'s Cou pons. Library Slips. Universal Coupons. American Tobacco Co '» Coupons. Tags, etc. American Tin Tags, with Paper Backs. Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co 's Coupons, Wrappers, etc Hundreds Of Other Tobacco i a^ Coupons and Certificates The Rhedivial Co. s Coupon* ig Stamps ;oupons. ? ig Cigarette Certificates iipons. family Soap Wrappers.^ lus Soap Wrappers. Economy Specials 4c 36-inch bleached Surgeon Cloth, good qual- ity, yard........ Ribbon Remnants, in bunches, all colors and widths, per bunch..... Fine Chenille Cords with silk tassels, all q shades, special.....*/C Women's Stamped Gowns, mads full and for . .„..;... 39c French Ivory Files, Shoe Horns, Cuticle and Com Knives of supe- rior quality, with heavy handles and good steel The kind we sell regularly for 39c, and consider exceptional value at that price, for sale now, for, only.. jj UR BRUSHES Exceptionally good bris- tles, regular 25c <« g\ . value, for......'. J, UC BOUDOIR CAPS Of fine shadow lace, trim. med with silk ribbon, made to sell for f%e% 50c, special......ZaJC ;-. Beginning Wednesday Illinois State Souvenir Spoons 10c .»*..- Wn\, A.i?«##J,.. Guaranteed Silver oit Full Teaspv u« Si, The sale of sou/e&i spoo.ts has met with ove - whelming success. Dur- ing the course of the week about 500 people started collections. We now have on hand some MISSOURI SPOONS in addition to the Illinois State Spoons we arc placing on aale this week Quantity limited; buy in the week. The spoons are the cele- brated Wm A. Rogers 1881 Guaranteed Silver, every spoon carrying a guarantee certificate. Illinois The Sucker State' One of the greatest states of the Union was first settled by the French at Kaskaskia in 1682. With Us present boun- daries, it was admitted to the Union as a state in 1818. In spite of the fact that it is the home of many tremendous manufacturing industries. Illi- nois is primarily an agricul- tural suite. It surpasses all others in the production oT wheat and corn. It contains more miles or railroad than any other state; is second in the production of coal and fourth in population. . • _ _ Announcing the Introduction of ButUrich Patterns Beginning Monday, hcic For the first two w ing C*,. will be here to aid personal attention and ad »* .~fc~. ,m ... . av^> earn in Dehnea tteriek Patterns and Publications will be for sale h a New York designer of the Butterick Publish- tion of spring patterns. She will give you her find no better time to buy PATTERNS nt of unusual impor- e of ye&Jy subscriptions Delineator AT JUST HALF PRlCUi A year's subscription, price of which is $1.50 for.................. the icguUi 75c Other Butterick Publications, 25c Butterick Fashion Quarterly, with any pattern............ Butterick Embroidery Book, •)£* with any embroidery pattern. a«OC â€" SALE OF Left Over From Last Year All the odds and ends have been gathered together in one group, about 50 pieces in all. Anyone with an eye to economy can se- lect a dress or skirt pattern for less than half the ordinary price. Originally priced at 2 to 7 times the sale price YARD iW#*.<«*«4 areâ€"Ratines, Scotch Suitings, Br* coded Veto Cloth*, Romany Taffeta* ant Wool Chattiesâ€"white they lost. Specially Featured are the Suits for $16.95 mi w»4 French serge wilts, a jaunty short coat, full circular flare skirt, fancy Parisian collar: coat lined with best quality peau-de- cygne silk. Women's and misses sizes. Black and white chck«.a suits, lined with green peau- de-cygne silk, pretty, plaited black silk collar, newest flare skirt, short coat, sizes for women and misses. AIlWool Serge and Pop- lin Suits, of various styles and colors, a very showing, both Spring Dresses Like Illustration With the short waisted bodices, and bolero effect, full flare skirt, long sleeves, in all wool serges, silk poplins and other pretty materials: all the new shades small and large sizes, at yery smm loolring dresses, lifce U $18.50, $2220 and $25. lustration, exceptional values at This Week's Exceptional Drug Bargains Palm Olive Cream, 50c size. .39c Powder, 50c .....!...85e Pozzoni's Face size ...______ Face Chamois Skins; special quality.................. •* Talcum Powders, popular brands,2 for............25* Little Liver Pills, per bottle .10e Peter's Chocolate, 10c cake . * reen Soap, lb. Jan. .*& »/4-H>. J. & J. Bed Cress Cot- toil 15c Beef, Iron & Wine, with Malt pint bottle...............75c . â- 

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