r« THB LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH H. lUfc 'â- = = Social Happenings in Wilmette By RUTH RISLEY Phone WUmette 1940 MMMMMMMMIMMMM ; Ttaoogh March li Mil quite to pop- ular among brides as the balialar April. Wltaefcte haa had one wide thla month, Misa Inser Miller, the taughter of Mr. and Mra. John Miller. vho «u united In marriage to Mr. Charlea Drlcker, aon of Mr. and Mra Charlea William Drlcker. of Tit Ous- Savenue. Bvansion. on Tuesday ev- if at eight o'clock at her home. r Charlea atreet. The home waa made exceedingly attractive with dec trsttve ferns, palms and eat flowers. JAM bride wore oil exquisite oress of white crepe de meteor, trimmed In Obnrmeuse and hand-embroidered chiffon, and carried a shower bou- quet of white bridal roses. Her two attendants. Miss Slgrld Johnson, as Ing at the homo of Mrs. Charlea J. Carlson, Ml Washington avenue. ' Mrs. O. C. Eastman. 411 Central ... will be the next hoateaa to the "Real tad Only Tuesday club on March 16. Next Thursday afternoon the Wo- man's Catholic club of Wllmette will meet at the homo of Ufa. Carl 8. Schroeder, 711 Park avenue, to sew for the poor. Not a vary large pro- portion of the membership seem to bo Interested enough in the work to oat to these meetings. Mr. George Rodelius was host to the Amlcltla club Monday evening at bin home, 2018 Stowart avenue. Bv- anston. Tfct Jtrnm««rtfcl* boatoLa»oattag of the Wllmette Public School Art aM of honor, and her cousin. Miss league will be held Tuesday morning •Catherine Miller, as bridesmaid, wore .at the homo of the president, Mrs. S. ______ _» _._,. â€"iJi • w»„_ »nnn Am '« m...A aaa T.lia Minn*. gowns of pink and ' blue crepe de chine. Little Miss Maragaret Dewey. a niece of the groom, was ring bearer. Mr. Drlcker was attended by Mr. Jack Sloane of Wllmette, and Mr. Clarence Miliar, a cousin of the bride, ushered. The young couple did not pte a rsdding trip but will make their home In Wllmette for the next few months. ! Mlaa Janet Jones will entertain the Saturday Afternoon Bridge club to- morrow at bar bone, 822 Washington -afroane. â- â€" â- I The Young Ladles' Auxiliary gave n card party Monday afternooa at the Woman's club. A most attractive luncheon given mat Saturday by Miss Marion Hoberts. st her horns, 1014 Lake ave» oue, in honor of two brides-to-be, the ' IlsseB Juliette Gates snd Helen Pops, were laid for twelve, tbe Hasel Plerson. Helen Skinner, . Gates, Helen Pope, Juliette G&tes, Helen Kale of Highland Park, gjorratne Powers of Chicago. Caroline Pope of Waukegan, Ruth Saunders of Rvanston, and Mesdamos Monroe Cole, and Thomas Thompson. ' Military euchre will be played at jho ouilmettc Country club tomorrow evening. .Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, 1501 fatjyrjiMi â- *â- •?-», sf. tar, engagement of their daughter, Christine, to Mr. Al- fred Weeks. The wedding will be solemnised shortly after Easter. I A number of delightful prc-nuptlal affairs are being given for Miss Juli- ette Gates this month. Among them was a bridge party given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Tlyomas nragene Thompson, at her home, 730 Kline atreet. This afternoon. Mlas Marga- ret Hall la giving a email bridge party for Mlas Gatea at her home on cen- tra! avenue. C. Gurnaey Clarke. 626 Washin&tuu avenue, will entertain a number of the members of the Northwestern Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity at his home tnls evening. nV91$<<- - â€" . •» The Birthday Club Will meet tumor tow afternoon at tbe home of Mia* Gertrude Blade, 117 Broadway avenue. [Mr. Roy Kir Hand and Mis* Hel«u Kirtland entertained a number of their friendH informally Sunday o«e hlng at their home. 824 Lake avenue 8. Dingee, 932 Lake avenue. The Woman's Catholic club of Wll- mette aro making elaborate plana for a "domestic Science day" to be held at the Wllmette Woman's club on Fri- day, March II A luncheon for the club members will be given at one o'clock, to be followed by an election of the nominating committee for the annual election In May. At half paat three o'clock a food sale open to the public will bo conducted. Mrs. H. J, Riteher, 1111 Hill street, will be the hostess to the Fortnightly BridTO club » week from Monday. There will bo an all-day auxiliary masting at St. Augustine's pariah house today, with a luncheon at 12: SO o'clock In, charge of Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley. On Friday evening the Young Peo- ple's Union of the Baptlat church were the guests of Miss Mary Jane Sbmerville, at the home of Mrs. J. D. Grelg, 835 Greenwood avenue. Bach member came dressed in character coatume, and each tried to outdo the other In dressing. A program of games, followed by delicious refres'. • meats, was the entertainment of the evening. The annual all-day meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry L. Beach, 1227 Ashland avenue, with a luncheon served at noon. As this was the an- nual meeting, reports for the year were read and approved, followed by the election of officers for the ensu- ing year, resulting in the following: Mra. J. D. Gralg, president: Mrs. Wil- liam Marsh Burns, first vice-president; Mrs. Thos. A. Copeland, second vice- president; Mrs. Florence' Davidson, secretary, and Mrs. Henry L. Beach treasurer WilmeHc The monthly meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League took place yesterday afternoon at the Win- nctka Woman's club. Mr. William J. Societies and CH* * |*8&*5*j** **St£J8£ ! mat scnool, gave a most Interesting address on "The Vocstlonsl spools et Illinois." Special music was fur- nished by Mrs. P. K. Brennan of Edge water, soloist, Mr. Herman Bob- rens, violinist, and Miss Myrtle Cor- nish of Chisago, accompanist. , MMM>sMatM8i........f Mr. and Mrs. Orvlfle D. Jonea en- tertained their "600" crab Saturday evening at their residence 1611 For- est avenue. The Merry Matrons Circle waa on- tertalned Wednesday afternooa by Mrs. H. D. Skelton, 611 Wast Railroad avsnue. Tho Little Music Study club met Tuesday morning with Mrs. Percy Sklllcn, at her homo on Ashland ave- nue. During the afternoon the missionary shore have a real opportunity here. .'The majority of u.o u.«u.<*... ... tho Wllmette W<jrao,)'s iub are It k log forward with eagerness to the wn drama, entitled "The Conversion of Mrs. Meredith to Foreign Missions," and written by Mrs. J. D. Gratg, was presented by a number of the young ladies and younger girls in the church. The story centers about the fashiona- ble Mrs. Meredith, known as a social butterfly, who scottn at the Idea of for- eign mlssious. She takes a trip abroad, and it Is at this time that she becomes acquainted with the good work that Is being conducted by these organisations. Miss Gertrude Tabor portrayed Mrs. Meredith exceedingly well, as did aloo the other girls in their respective parts. Among those partaking in the affair were the Misses Ruth Upton, Doris Gathercoal, Minnie Mae Schmidt Evelyn Segsworth. Jcan- ette 1 ultilll ;t.td Naomi McDowell. II . I |uj.u aV6uUu Neigh bur K..od ,;cle will ph.. their next evening nual gallery tour to be taken on Thura j i>urty m Saturday, Mu.ch 20 at the I home ,<f Mr and Mrs. H. a. Gemmlll, 829 (J.et.iloaf avenue. day, March 18. They will go to the Art Institute In Chicago, where ihey wlll be conducted through the various rooms. Forty ladles attended the oridg« party given monthly for tbe numbers of. the Oullmette Country club Mon- day afternoon. Three prizes were offered and won by the Mesdames. it. J. Calloway, Max Zabel. and Fred E Harwood. The members of tbe Round Robin Dancing club, about fifty In number, were guests at a delightful dinner party last Friday evening, preceding the regular monthly dancing party, at the Oullmette Country club. A part of the evening was given over t6 a cotillion led by Mr. Frank Brown. h Mrs. Charles A. Barton, Jr.. win en Certain at bridge tomorrow afternoon at her homo, S08 Ashland avenue. There will be six tables. Mra. Barton will entertain at bridge again on Wednesday afternoon. This affair will take on the sir of a St. Patrick's party, the decorations and refresh meats being In green. There will be seven tables. Mra. C. C. Camahan will entertain ' the ' urge Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club next week at ber home, 700 Central avenue. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke will be e hostess to the Friday Luncheon and Bridge club today at ber home. 526 Washington avenue. Mffc llerbei t C. A..m» li.«rt ia«ued , *rda ur « briuie ,)atty to be given at her home. 33 Crescent place, on Fri- day afternoon. March Id. Mrs. Louise Walker and her dough ter, Elaine, of Edgewater, will be the luncheon guests of Mrs. In. G. Drury, 622 Central avenue, today. Mrs. Wilson T. Whlffen euUitulned at bridge Friday afternoon at her home, 1120 Ashland avenue There were nine tables. Mra. Albert M Lottg of i6i« Forest avenue and her daughter. Mrs. Taylor, of Aberdeen. S. D.. were the luncheon guests of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Keene Gale. 1024 Lake avenue. The late Rev Taylor waa former pastor of the Methodist church In Aberdeen RAINFALL RECORD. It.<5 following information .-...o.- infi tl»a amount of rainfall for the month uf February was furunished by Dr. Henry Ogd«n. 2022 Lincoln street. Evanston For four weeks end ing Sunday. February 28. the rainfall was live and three-quarter inches. The highest rainfall in one day was one and seven-eighth inches, while the lowest was but one eighth of an inch. Jie Friday Luncheon snd clubs WSS entertained St the _ ^r-Mrsr OfTWT Schmidt, it? Btmwood avenue, test week. One of the smaller Luncheon and Bridge clubs met Tuesday with Mrs. C. H. Smith, tit Forest avenue. Tko Travel Study clsss beld a (^traliffe.4ElectriGPL No. J Electric Place WILMETTE Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, will en- tertain the Reading Circle at lunch- eon next Monday afternoon at her home. 1004 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. William K. Wyckoff will bs the next hostess to ths Central Ave- nue Circle at her home, 1238 Elm- wood avenue, which meeting will be hold next Friday afternoon. The Travel Club met Tueaday aft- ernoon with Mrs. 8. A. Wheelock, 822 Central avenue. Mrs. Helen Gage read an interesting paper on "Zurich ami Its Vicinity." - For various reasons the meeting of the Tuesday luncheon and "500** club haa been postponed until next week, and will be held at ths home of Mrs. Frank 8. Lower, 614 Hill street. The North Shore Catholic Woman's league is collecting all of the old newspapers and magazines from the various north shore suburbs possible. The proceeds from the sale of these papers will be turned over to the philanthropy department of the organ- isation for distribution. Mrs. F. O. Bchoeppe, the chairman selected for the work la Wllmette, will be very glad to hear from any one interested in contributing to this worthy cause. A meeting In the interests of tbe Infant Welfare work will be held at the Wllmette Woman's club next Wedneaday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Speakers from. Chicago will tell of the work in 1914 of tho New Trier Infant Welfare station and of the Christmas party held there. A number of the Wllmette women are deeply Interested In this splendid construction work, many are'lowing ror the babies, and others are visiting the New Trier station and personally assisting weekly. We of the north which Is not being lost. Kach town has its local chairman 4.ml the work is welt organised and efficiently carried out. Mrs. Carl R. Latham Is chairman of the Wllmette division. As this meeting Is open to the publicâ€"and our public has already shown its interest in Welfare workâ€" a large attendance la expected. Nearly two hundred of the mem ten of the Woman's cldb were In at- tendance at the quarterly business meeting and luncheon held Wednes- day afternoon at the club house. The main business of the afternoon con- sisted in nominating officers for the coming election In May. The nomi- nating committee i. composed of the following ladles: Mesdamen John Segsworth. ehairm , O. C. Kaatman, J. G. Wray. Seth i» Roberts and M. It. Skinner. Following this a very delightful address wits given by Mrs. Lewis, president of tbe North End club of Edgewater. her subject being, "Paris, In the Early Days of the War." The topic was especially Interesting since it was composed greatly of the experiences of Mrs. Lewis during her trip last summer and fall. The music of the afternoon was rendered by Mrs. Seth Blake Roberts A business meeting oi the MUalc! Sumy club was held Tuesday morn- J Ing at the Woman's club, for the pur- pose t>f nominating a chairman of the ; club, wnich resulted In this linal de- oision, Mrs Harry M. Snow, chair- man; Mrs. L.orin Hall, treasurer, and Mrs. Harry Ho pp. secretary. Follow- ing this, another of those delightfully Inspiring programs consisting of a paper on "Folk-Songs of the Nether- lands, Norway and Sweden," read by Mrs. Amos W. Hostetter, and illus- trated with songs by Mrs. A. N. Page; a piano number by Miss Louise Muel- ler: a group of songs by Mrs. Frank N. Harker; a piano number by Mrs. J. J. Siddall and songs by Mrs. Harry Hopp, were given. The next meeting which is to be held on March 23, will be followed by a luncheon, to Which the members may bring guests. The Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle will meat Monday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Bobbins, at her homo, Its* Linden avenue. The Becond division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. B. W. McCullough, 023 Elm wood avenue. Tho first division of the Ladiee' Aid society of the Methodist church held a meeting Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Frank D. Fogle, 1817 Greenwood avenue. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, entertained their Bridge club at the "movies" and with carda at their home at 33 Crescent place. A meeting of the board of direcor's of the Wllmette Woman's club was held Tuesday morning at ten o'clock in the club house. spending a fortnight as the gnsstof her alstor, Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and lira. Henry Harfat of.IBM Lake avenue have recently purchased the George M. Pond house at 730 Elm- wood avenue, and will take possession about May first. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Hopp, alO Chestnut street, moved test week to the pigeon term on Ridge avenue, Gross Point, They will make thla their permanent home. J Word has been received from Mr. snd Mrs. Samuel 8. Sherman, who made their home st 831 Forest avenue until recently, stating that they are now comfortably located to Denver, Colo. | Convenienge Checks reeled by youcanbt^l ytofaiai^ deposit as you mail your ovnfcheckf to oMjss^r !s i« not rteeej8«yto comefcerj^aUy to thU i ii Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mrs. W. D. Matthews. 1521 Lake ave- nue, Is quite IB at her home. Mrs. Edwin E. Beaser, 1221 Green- wood avenue, returned Monday from a southern trip. Mra. Richard I>. Allen, 030 Central avenue, has returned home from the Evanston hospital. Mr. Rufus Kirk Of Idaho Is now at tho home of his father, Mr. R. L. Kirk, 1044 Forest avenue. Mrs. Brandt of BIG oak wood avenue has gone to Dixon, HI., called thereby ber mother's illness. Mrs. E. H. TonkerB and small son of Sheridan road are making an ex- tended visit In' California. Mrs. O. J. Bun of 1027 Elmwood avenue la entertaining her mother, Mra. Fleming of Champaign, 111. MM. W. J. Cox, 217 Broadway ave- nue, haa as ber guest her mother, Mra. Charles Borfol of London, O. Mrs. W. D. Knight of Superior. Wis.. is a guest at the home of Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, today. Mr and Mrs. R. Wluwn More of 911 Linden avenue, announce the birth of a son, on Wednesday, February 24. Mr. snd MM. W. J. Cox. 217 Broad- way avenue, are receiving con«ratula tlons upon tbe birth Of a son, March 3. Mrs. E. J. Borthwick of Ktt«iewoud Is making an extended visit with 1k niece, Mrs. Bruce B. Powell. 908 abi. land avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse hove returned to their home at 633 Forest avenue, after spending two months at the Annex. Mr. B. F. Lewis and tbe Misses Lewis of 908 Central avenue, left this week for an extended trip through the south. Miss Gertrude En gel m turn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard Engelmann. 1011 GreenleSf avenue, is 111 at the Evanston Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams of Mar nballtowa, la., are visiting Mrs. Adams' parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Watson. 932 Fo.est avenue. Mrs. M. E. Mogg has returned to her home in Indianapolis, Ind., after t: Ii-i-'-U!,iiij' ' â- 5- Miss Charlotte Everett of Abbotts- ford road is spending the month of March with relatlvea to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss of Cum- nor road are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulse of Mel- rose avenue, near Sheridan road, re- turned Saturday from a fortnights trip to New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Collldge of Woodstock and Abbottsford roads returned home Monday evening from an extended trip to California. The guild meeting at the Kenllworth Union church was postponed a week on account of the death of Mr. Cul- bertson, whose burial services took place on that day. A meeting of the Neighbors was held yesterday afternoon at the As- sembly ball. A paper on "Mexico, the Land of Tomorrow," was read by Josephine Hall Raymond. An exhibi- tion of Spanish dancing was given by Helen Breckenridge. Communications have been received by several of the residents from Mr, and Mrs. Charles McCloud, who are at St. Augustine, Fla., where Mr. Mc- Cloud is recuperating. They expect to return about the middle of next month. Miss Frances Stevens has issued in- vitations for a luncheon to be given on Friday, March 19, at her home on Essex road, 1n honor of Miss Dora Williamson of Chicago, a former mem- ber of the younger set In Kenllworth, whose wedding Is to take place early this spring. Covers will be laid for sixteen guests. The Misses Frances and Eleanor Serrell entertained at bridge yester- day afternoon at their home on Mel- rose avenue, in honor of three pros- pective brides, the Misses Marie Has- ten of Kenllworth, Dora Williamson of Chicago, but formerly of Kenllworth. and Helen Pppe of Wllmette. There i were five tables. A rare treat Is In store tor the mem- i bers of the Kenllworth club this eve- | nlng. for a few of ita number will pre- sent tho comedy in four acts entitled. "The Oacillis Engagement." at the As- «embty hall The cast of characters Includes aevo.al ot the younger mem- bers, some of th«m ver> clever nctors, and ihus there is .nuch pleasant an 1 ticipatlon of a .iUCvessfut play | Word has been received In k<.u!1 j worth of tf\^> ver/ sudden dc.th »;f ; Mr. Jhoieo A v'ulbfc.tsou. at his home i in 1'asadena. Oal last F.id^y Deatn I w*,s due to heart failure Mr. Culbert I eon wub well-known in the village. ! having bc<?n a resident hc.re until bv*. i recently, since the world's fair year. j By a strange coincidence a targe num- ber of his very close friends were in that part of the country at this time, the James Ohapmans having arrived at bis home only the evening before. The funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at Pasadena, Cal., but the remains will be brought to Lake Forest for intervncnt during the next two months. moreval- ndtr to you sr.d to the WILMETTE WSW BANK wc 17 "AlkeTn Wonderland" Wonderful! Bring the Conven mmmmim mmmmtm HOB ART BOSWORTHIN h4 f* hob art moswORin in 18 "Buckshot John" chas. t r*a lOArs nwm grow ...... d»19"i FLORENCE N. ft BEAUTIFUL HAY OF THE SOUTH Saturday, March 20 ______MATINEE AND EVENING ROBERT WARWICK IN «1 DON'T MISS THIS Where Can You Find a Program to Equal This. See Village Movie for Stories of fty&e Admission 15c Cleanlin^r ;: fiualftx 1 lL6&Jffi\mette Avenue \/^ WILMETTE WILMETTE lip, i -iâ€"â- !.â- ........ , 11 ii ,i ;., "" ii ... i .'!, â- i !' -.â- .!..,.â- .ji'H' Wk tmeopathic Physici Hours l to 6. Evenings by appoint cc-s the open- f her office in the wn Building Room 29 House phone Wil. 980-J Louie Chandler Mom S3t WitmttU CTRI DAHNCKE & Wl 736 Twelfth St. WILMETTE FftoneTJM WIRING REPAIRS FIXTURES SUPPLIES APPLIANCES THE W TE ARTHA M, •*„ Solicit Your Vahted Patronat,* Hairdressing, Facial Treat Ti Waving, Scalp and Central Avenue, WILMETTE Wilmette-Actual buyers will find real bargain* at our WilmetttoffiaL+JijRrices and terms; houses ipest to thm highest real estate enables U* and vacan years' experience in luabte advice. inlan & Tyson DEARBORN ST. wor WILMETTE, near Post Office Too can obtain here all selections of Cat Flowers We Deliver Anywhere in Wilmette, Evanston, Kenilworfk, Winnetha, Hubbard Wood* and Glencoe Custom dictates that as cflttv pared with Christmas, the Easter gift shall be but a trifleâ€"yet it shall convey the true spirit of the seasj spirit of good ship and kirn when- to these persynajftoueh it tim*juAfnout sejjJyp^nTality. Betwedl friendsâ€"a photograph. H. G. Borgfeldt 1144 Wilmette Avenue -^Telephone1764 â- WIUIETTE S jK-teSaa*1^ Gardner -fir Popular ARLOR We solicit year shoe repairing. We call fcr Phone Wllmette 1722 •Of W. Railroad Avenue mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmimmmm