TBS LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. If ARCH It. Itlf. Personal Attrition of Wilmette Folk *-*â- tvenue, is wy Ml it Mb Mr. William Ski* 1010 Linden ave- nue, has returned from South Dakota. Mm. Dm gats, mother of Mr. C. E. irftM of lit* Lake avenue, la very 0 with aoeameala. Mrs. John T. Ling of 1116 Green- la In the east on a two Ǥ..__._......_...... Mr. had Mia. George Foster ef 608 Mirhlgan avenue, moved Saturday to their saw home In Wheeling, »il. Mrs. W. R. Reese or Milwaukee. W»8.. was the week-end guest of Mrs. Charles B. Lord* *16 Central street. Master Gordon dark spent a num- ber of daya last weak with hl«. ancle, Mr Charles 8. Harris. 711 Michigan avenue. Mr*and Mrs. Charles Dunhar. 1115 take avenue, are enjoying a month's â- ojourn in Blloal and Pass Christian. Miss. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson Casse, 6SS Porost avenue, left last Saturday tif- fing for a week's stay at Excelsior Springs, Ark. Mrs. Dougall McDougall, of 211 Tenth street, haa had aa her guest, until yesterday, her slater, Mrs. W. E. Mirneld of Port Huron, Mich. Mrs. 8. Schultz and daughter, Edith, of 11S1 Lake avenue left a fortnight •go for St. Petersburg, Via., where they will make an extended visit. Mrs. B. It. Webber, 815 Forest ave- nue, has returned from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Donald M. Payne at her heme In Paw Paw, Mich. i JBav. Jftoy .JS JHewere^of-4he-Sottgre» rational church was called to his home In Ashland, 0., Monday evening, be- cause of the serious Illness of his father. Mrs. G. A. Van Dyke of 610 Wash- ington avenue left yesterday for a ! week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Powers at Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Frank Butler has returned to her home in Denver, Colo., after spending the past four months as the guest of tier daughter, Mrs. A. P. finite, 1113 Sixth street. Mrs. Sheldon B. Grelner, of Green* wood avenue, and Miss Margaret Al- len, 1004 Ashland avenue, left Satur- day evening for a short visit with rel- atives In Terro Haute, Ind. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Beholden- helm, 804 Forest avenue, are expected to return tomorrow from an extended trip through the south. This week they have been visiting in Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Mr. C. A. Kelley of Chicago has pur- chased the home of Mr. A. B. Wolff at 620 Park avenue and will take pos- session about May 1. Mr. Wolff and ale family will move Into the house at 1240 Central avenue. Mr eM Mr*. Frank IHaneer ef Blaekwell. Wis., are receiving congrat- ulations upon the birth of a son, Thursday. Maivh 11. Mrs. Planner waa formerly Miss Louise Patch, and they are now visiting at the Patch home, 611 Washington avenue. A communication has been received from Mrs. Milton Reed Barker, who has been making an extended visit in Pasadena. Cal.. stating that she la now In Santa Pe, New Mexico, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I. L Grimshaw. Mrs Barker writes that she Is greatly pleated with the exposition. Previous to her coming to Wllmotto, which was about two and one-naif years ago, Mrs. Florence Butler Snlto waa the soloist at the Rufus A. Watte church, located on the south side. She has been Invited to render her Borv tees at this church again next Sun- day Her selections will include Recl- tatho and Aria, from "Naaman," by Coata, and "The Song of An Angel." from 'Paradise Lost," by Rubenstetn. 'iiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiii x If Hal luODIB AiB UplilK ! *â€"• in Winnstka Th». guild meeting of the Kenilworth baton church, was held Monday after- noon ,.t the pariah house. Mi H. Huntington Dyar returned ttam Cleveland. Ohio, to s^end the we«keod in Kenilworth. Mr.-. John Vennema of l.ecelster i«a<i. „ear Woodstock avenue, enter* taiueo a few friends Informally Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. William Schmedtgen of Greea- )»af avenue. Wilmette, gave a St. Pat* nek a luncheon Tuesday at her home. for Miss Marie L. Hasten. There has been some talk in the vil- ii-se of annexing West Kenilworth to Kenilworth. As yet, however, there Is much to be said on both sides of the question. Mr and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves. Jr.. Sod daughter. Halan. hava T»tnrned ta their home oa Warwick road, after a three weeks' trip to New Orleans, Points hi Texas, and Denver, Colo. Miss Prances Stevens is entertaining •t luncheon today at her home on Es- *x road, in honor of Miss Dora Wil- liamson of Chicago, bat formerly a number of the younger society set. Cotera wiu be laid far sixteen gaests. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Starr of Mel- "*e avenue, have issued invitations to J number of their Kenilworth filiate **aloy IfoasV *** recently tr*n»lation of the "Parsifal/* will be in of the A toaHseawtal ~ at the Mr. mm director of the pany la New York. Mr. In Evaaston. but Is well known along the shore. In the number of the of the committee la charm la Mr. Mark W. Creeap of Abbotuford road. north â- -a i Set ilia afternoon wa a Mr. Wilnaea B. Owen, principal of th a Chicago Normal school, who gave a t Ok on the "Voce- tional Schools of 111 tools." Mr. Her- man Behrena played two violin setoc- tions aad Mrs. P. K. BrennanotEdge- water sang a group of songs. The ac- mmpanlat waa Mlas Myrtto Coraleh of The Mrs. John B. Leonard returned from a long sojourn In Florida Saturday. is FHsabeth Layman gives a con- cert la Recital hall in the Auditorium building, Tuesday evening. The Wilmette-Winnetka W. C. T. U. will moat with Mrs. J. H. Bmurr. 741 Eighth street. Wilmette, Tuesday af- ternoon at 2:30. The Philanthropic department of the Woman's society of the Congrega- tional church held its regular meeting Monday morning. Mrs. Prank Blatch- ford read "The Unseen Empire." Mrs. Philip 8. Post haa returned from a trip to Augusta. Ga., where she haa been a guest at tap winter home of Mrs. H. P. Crowell. Miss Mollis Best of New York gave a series of original monologues at the home of Mrs. William C. Boyden, Sat- urday evening, for the benefit of the Chicago Lying-in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Case of Hubbard Woods left for Windsor Park, F!a., Tuesday, to attend the wedding of Miss Mae Phoebe Spooner, sister of Mrs. Caae, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Spooner of Hubbard Woods, to James Taylor Dickson, on Saturday, March 27. The ceremony Is to take place at the printer home of the family at Windsor Park. The Rev. E. P. Grosser of Chicago will officiate. Mrs. Case is to be matron of honor and Mr. Case will serve as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson will be at home at the Hyde Park hotel after May l. Mia. J. Allan Halnea. who Is chair- man of the committee In charge of the sale of negligees to be held at the win- ter home of Mrs. James L. Houghtel- ing, 850 Lincoln parkway, the after noon of April 8, for the benefit of the Grove Home for Convalescents In Bv- anston, assisted by Mrs. C. W. Hub- bard, haa so Inspired her workers that over 160 garments will be ready for sale at the appointed time. Mrs. Ed- ward Griswold looks out for tho lin- gerie and breakfast caps, Mrs. Hale Holden is specialising In little satin slips to be worn under lace coats and Miss Margaret Hougbtellng, Miss Dor otby Linn, Mrs. A. C. Magnus and Mrs Walter Dillingham are lending fascl natlng negligees to serve as models for the busy workers. The North Shore Catholic Woman league held its monthly meeting at the Woman's club Thursday, of last week. Invitations had been extended to the presidents of the various city and sub- urban clubs, for It Is Reciprocity day. Mrs. M. H. Lleber, president of the Woman's ctub, made a short address and the work of associate clubs was outlined by Mrs. R. H. McColl, presi- dent of the Evanston Catholic Wom- an's club; Mrs. Cruch, vice-president of the Rogers Park Catholic Woman's club; Mrs. W. A. Klttermaster, regent of the Gleneoe chapter" of the Daugh- ters of the Empire, and Mrs. Enrlght, president of the West End Catholic Woman's club. The prinolpal speaker ElMIIIIIIMMMMij Psonte AfB Doing; IH lalllflSAiB ^^^a^^i^ Mies Catherine Groves la visiting relatives at St. Joe, Mich. Mrs. Fred Patton will entertain her bridge dab Monday. Mrs. Oscar West haa far her guest Mrs. Cola of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Fred King returned the first of the week from Blloxl, Miss. Miss Anna Wagner was the week' end guest of Miss Jeaa Harford. Mrs. Samuel Powell entertained Wednesday at luncheon for out-of-town guests. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schnur returned Sunday from a six weeks' trip In Cali- fornia. Mrs. Robert Davis entertains today, Friday, with a luncheon to out-of-town guests. Mr. snd Mrs. George Carrlngton will leave Wednesday, March 24, for San Diego, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darling enter- tained with eight tables of bridge, Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Charles Mortimer was hostess at a luncheon Saturday. Covers were laid for sixteen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrew enter- tained at dinner Batorday. Covers were laid for twelve. > Murray ft Terry real estate agency will occupy one of the store rooms In the Carrlngton block. Miss Jean Hurford Is spending the week with her sister. Mrs. Gilbert Wagner of Spring Valley, 111. Mrs. Albert Dennis entertained the ladles of the Washington circle at a St. Patrick luncheon Wednesdsy. At the lodge meeting Isst Friday evening Messrs. Frank Darling, Horace Smith and George Chandler wore Initiated. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet In the church parlor Tuesday, March 83, at 1:80 p. m. at the St. HIâ€"nth the choir boys to a acta* entertained dap party Saturday afternoon. Tat feature of the aiiaraaas was a Punch and Judy show. The ajmad of the course of lectures by Miss Julia Hoary. "Over the Downs to Juniper Hail." will be given Mon- day, March 12. at 8:80 p. m.. at tho home of Mrs. Brace MeLetoh. The Young People'e Sunday After- noon society will meet to the church parlors Sunday at 6 p. m., under tho leadership of Mice Marian KUahalL Discourage- the At a public meeting held at Episcopal Guild ball. March 8, a ond ticket for village officers, to voted for April 6. was agreed A. S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 630 Davis Str««i Tele. 84 U. MIS. 841*. 2417 ivies. ft TaM.isa%f1laftf.SIS jui i to he called the People's Party ticket, aad petitions aomlaatiag the ticket Following Is tho ticket nominated: For Presidentâ€"Holter J. Mueller. For Trusteesâ€"George W. Heeler, Andrew Lundqulst, Henry C. ochroe- der. collectorâ€"No nomination. Street Commissioner-Jos. Braadl. Marshalâ€"Jacob Rudolph. Police Constable*-Hugh A. Ham- mer. Library Directorsâ€"Mrs. May L. Wlenecke, Mrs. Mary Luettlg. A musical farce, "Trial By Jury," by Sullivan, Is In course of preparation snd will be given about April 16. Special Prices in Force March 22nd to 27th "£*&* 1(0 site....8fic IK slse. FLORIDA CRAPE ERUITâ€" Unsurpassed quality. 64 slse. Each........fa Das. 54 size. Bach........8a Das. SIRD EVENING OF CHAMBER MUSIC . Fine Art! AaatmUv Room /i march »4eV-*ew1sa*«ett./ VEISBACH. lV//< '. ejlirwii \ J ClWa-W •a TNfrctlon:CM Fine, LOUDON. BoxWMc*. Kino ArU ThMtro ArU Bulldin* • CHICAGO An Annual March uis] ruffled and fl|tinAe&lin curtains. wof fine g$mty materials, neat :asure two and one-half Fns of plain fcwiss, with Sr^upiof five tuclfc,ruffled at. Pair Curtaiisr&f pattened Swiss, in $1 small fwfres and checks, ruffli or with flat edge. Pair Ruffled Curtains, in plain* plaid lor figured f |0 Swiss. Pair - - - '• - • *«Vr Curtains of extra wide Swiss, plain and figured patterns, hemstitched ruffles or with lace | j edge. Pair - - • • -low Special Marquisette Curtains Of tan or white mercerized marquisette, with | one inch lace edge, PsSr ^~ - ~*~* Navels are now at their heat, 178 slse. Dos.......fie 180 else. Das 188 slse. Dos.......82c 100 size. Dor CALIFORNIA LEMONS-** size Dos TIP TOP CREAMERY BUTTER- A favorite brand. Best quality. One poii weight. Lb.................... EGGSâ€" Spring eggs are best. Dos. ...................... Holland Brand Bggs. Dos. CRACKERS - aii Nat. 8 for................88c Sunshine Crlsptes. Large til Hreinner Bros.' Butter Wafe (illinan's do Luxe Wheat C Dr. Johnson's Bran Cooky Dr. Johnson's Educator. Bustena Biscuit. N. B. Co, bound to be a winner. Try SOUPS â€"Caropbell'H Condensed! fifteen kinds 8 cans ........................I •.......... .25c Hoinz'H Cream of Tomato. Can.if............14c ileinz'B Cream of Green Pea Can...........Its Heins's Cream of Celery. Can................1te BROMANCELON -Bis flavors. 3 for.....28c MOLASSES -r dinger Cake Brand. A fancy dark molasses. No. 2V4 can.........14c No. 8 can...........87a No. 10 canâ€".............................80c I.nolo Brand. Fancy Light. No. 8 can..........18a No. 5 can..........32c IMPORTED WATERS- Celestln's Vteby. Qt. bottles......m,.........27c Doz...........................JrT.........83.00 Apoil I na rlH. Pts. Dos. 81.78 Ogr Doz.......82.80 IMPORTED CINCEJ^CLe C. ft c. Pints. DoaafTT....................81J0 Old Maise Mftjjfe and Cane Syrupâ€" A pnref Huwfp. The maple «yrup alone does not taste day better. No. if can.........28a No. 8 can..........88a No. 8& can.........86a No. 10 can.......4iJo COCOA Walter Raker'a. Vi lb. tin..........20c Hurler's. »i lb. tin..........................21c CHOCOLATE â€"Walter Baker's Premium. 1 lb. nkg. ...................................84a Baker's German Sweet, in M lb. cakes. Lb. .25c Hollundls Powdered. Bensdorp's. Sweetened. For hot chocolate or cake letng. % lb. tin... .22c DRIED FRUIT â€" Prunes. Santa Clara. r.o.flo atae. Lb......tt*/. 4040 slse. Lb......14a 80-80 slse. Lb........tfe Apricots. Lb.....17c BACON â€" Lay ton's. Siicud. 1 lb. not weight.. 28c Back or Brisket, in piece. Lb...............24e POTATOES - wis FLOUR-pu Thetrsjhfwif ro«j n 5 Htm leading speaks tor .IBs W'2**»..........Sra CORNâ€" K:""•"* 11a Dos...............SMS h Brand. A Telephone Pea of fsney ........17e Dos.........,...eL0» Extra small. „ Can................18c Do*...............82.16 Medium Bize. Can. .14s Dos..... .....f1J8 TOMATOES-Monsrrh Brand. No. 3 can.... 14c DOS. ..........5...........................flJS Bed Hover Brand. A snap at this arias. Can................He Doz...............61.80 ASPARAGUS POINTS-arlffln's. They are .11 asking far this brand at this bHc*. Can................20c Do«...............6fJ6 ASPARAGUS Ik Peeled. Nothlns finer to be had. No. 2>A can..30c Doz..............68.60 LIMA BEANS-Blehelleu Brand. *•«"»•» Green. Cen...l4e Das..............flJi .7.7.RR .....S1.f» ......60e Doa..78e MONARCH Large halves. No. 2% can.........24a Dos..............62.75 HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE -Noaeaea Brand. Sliced. A known quality. No. 2fc can.........16a Das......... No. 2 can...........16e Dos......... monarch blueberries- no. scan...........18c DOS. ........ TOILET PAPERS- Sterling. Do, Whltn linen. Doz...76c Java Crape. CENUINE CASTILE SOAF-B.r tt» yi/%K 11 »a* â- «n^s.a%ffi^aa*^ws#s» A limited qusntlty on hand. No more In sight. Jar..................;......................20c AIRLINE HONEYâ€" Comb In airtight cartons. Carton.............24s Strained. Absolutely pure. Mb. Jar.............26c 8%-lb. Jar.........4t» PORCELLA-Knamei Cleaner. Pkg.......tS^a SANI-FLUSH- For closet bowls. Can........22a LIQUID VENEER-The standard polish. Coi.bot............20c Ilea. hot............4te SALTâ€" Morton's Free Running. Pkg...........6a ^66!P6aip66686|8j^^ ' Alar*, lie Alilitairc........ UitfiiiKshcil Symphony (Fir^Movement).^....................Schubert Low............. \M-i-%......,'.... JV.-----..........-----iltklach Ftoods of Spring-----../................... .\_............ RuchmanisoS Mrs. Murch. (a) Liukr the Luafcn Tree............. Clarinet agfti Velio obtigatos by Messrs. Bhswar^Ssn r\4ak. ^i>) spring 33jprftia£ J>afejwwc................. INTERMISSION sette with edge of wide Cluny lace Curtains of very fine cream voile, drawn work, double row of drswn work for border, were