THE LAKE SHORE tfSWS, WtlPAIf. MARCH *. liH. Social Happ ByRUTHRISLBY Phone WSMkette i Invitations nave been issued by Jsjr. and Us%. Henry B. Gates, .6 Wilmette avenue for iJ»e marriage of their daughter, Juliette. 4a ESmtrOocett MouTton o? Tbrf Smith. Ark., the ceremony to be performed at the Congregational chureh on Tuesday evening. April 6, at S:*o o'clock. A reception at the bride's home wHI iollow. 4 mm Another of those delightfully entertaining springtime musicales, wttidt; by the way. are annual affairs, was given yesterday afternoon by trie Ravinia club in the crystal ballroom of the Blackstone. presenting Beryl. Rubepstein. pianist, and Mr Nikolai Sokoloff. « Charles A. vVanner is chairman of the \V ilmette chapter (fen* Mrs. H.-K. Snider, first vice-chairman; Mrs: Charles Brakhw&itff, " e-chairtnank and Mrs. Louis Bruch, third vice-chairman; M*~ «|e ls«s«crc|ary. The members of the committee, include 1 fallowing residents of Wflmette: Mesdames Alfred Bersbach, Frank Scheidenhrfm, E. L. -Scheidenhelm, W. D. Mathews, W. L. Fits Ran- dolph, E. D. Lilienfield. Walter D. Baldwin, E. W. McCullough, Frank P. Collier, J. |. Siddall. Jr., Theodore Breycr and Miss Anna Dingee. A new list of the governors of the various suburbs, acting for the cldb, has been completed and is as follows: Evanston, Mrs. O. B. Tennis; Wilmette, Mrs. Charles A. Wanner; Kenilworth, Mrs. James Pease; Winnetka, Miss Josephine Landon; Hubbard Woods, Mrs. Lucius B. Sherman; Glencoe, Mrs. George -Graves; Raviuia, Mis. Charles Mauren; Migmand r-ark, Mrs. Everett Millard; Lake Forest, Mrs. Hobart Chat field-Taylor; Lake Bluff, Mrs. Joseph Sosman; Waukegan, Mrs. Clarence E. Smith; Libertyvtlle, Mrs. Wilham E. Wright; Rogers Park, Miss Hatrie Benedict; Edgewater. Miss Burdick; Chicago, Mrs. Adam Beidter; Racine, Mrs. William Milwaukee is likely to be added to the group at an early date. Wednesday, was Reciprocity Day at the Wibnette Woman's dub, and the presidents of the various clubs of-the tenth district federation, twenty-two in number, were the guests of honor. An attractive and 'interesting program of music and discussion was arranged hy Mrs. H. K. Snidef, the hostess. Fran Amelie von Ernie gave a most interesting address on "The Modern Woman of Europe," and Mrs. Harry Snow augmented the afternoon's entertainment with special music. 'Theclubs in the tenth district -and their presidents are as follows: Edgewater Drama Study club, Mrs. Philip B. Price; Portia club, Argyle, Mrs. George C. Rice; Highland Park Woman's dub, Mrs. J. A. Put- nam; Drama Club of Evanston, Mrs. Jotiett P. Singleton; Evanston Catholic Woman's club, Mrs. R. H. McCdtt; Kenmore dub, Mrs.J. F. Anderson; Lake Bluff Woman's dub, Mrs. Horace Wright Cook; Edge- water Catholic Woman's dub, Mrs. J- J. OT>onneH; Evanston Teachers' tftrt), Miss'EvaSmedlev; Lake forest Woman's dub, Mrs. James W.Cor- rin; Library Club of Glencoe, Mrs. Alien G. Mills; Maurine club, Miss Maurier; Ravinia Civics dub, Mrs. R. B. Craig; Rogers Park Catholic Woman's club, Mrs. J. W. Hoagan; Wilmette Catholic Woman's dub, Mrs. J. j. Cunneen; Winnetka Woman's club, Mrs. M. H. Lieber; Ev- anston Woman's dub, Mrs. Rufus Dawes; Waukegan Woman's club, Miss May Hutchins; Zion City Woman's club, Mrs. Aletha Miller; Wil- mette 'Woman's club, Mrs. Henry B. Gates {NoVes Street Mothers' club, Mrs. A. N. Hobart; North End dub, Mrs. G. R. Watson; Ravenswood Woman's club, Mrs. C. E. Cleveland; Ossoli Club of Highland Park, Mrs. Rex O. Jones, and Neighbors' Club of Kenilworth, Mrs. Calvin S. %MMi tee Uev j^^n^a>a*sws# fa "*** gnpsmanew at clubwomen acre- ««â- »* ' tram for the' :'*wtf â- esasons Include* hams la _ several very laterestfag aa well aa la- team to mag* aa egtended vWt •truetlve addresses, one by Mta, John sjmoeaeesaents have been received »t; another Mr.. Frederick A. Dow. whose subject read, 4* Mr. de Kle of New York city include the Helen Household *ithalun«b- o be followed by and two Uber . Mr. William B. •a, The Imlt. System mis*- and Mra. ubject was eney.'* The Fortnightly Bridge club will be entertained at me home of Mrs. William Collyer. G24 HU1 Street, on Tuesday. April 13. At the last meet- ing, held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. J. Richter, 1211 Hill street, the prise winners were -Mrs. Charles E. Lord and Mrs. Richter. to their borne ea Rosyln read. Calbtrtasn, who formerly mad heme la Xeallwortb, will of the marriage of Mra. C. K. Panne- lee of Melrose avenue, near en Monday. March I lore well reading the It, Rev. Shanes iiorsweu raaaina «•« i "Salisbury flhrlnes." wlH be held Hon- service, .-**!>.» and Mr* de »x wlff &#. it*** ft, at the heme of Mra. make their home la New York, leaving JJJ p, j^ K^STmt^flat^ m^bTt. â- «• *â- ** *" * ** ****** u£aZt^uXâ„¢J«£oVWna g^g1 *£?*»> 'gSmTS? Dora Williamson, daughter of Mrs. *^l£ JR'h*f£JZ ' Williamson of Sheridan road. w- ** Fox »ctlnS *• »o«sss. aiHlTfT John Friar White. The eleventh lecture of tho Domestic which la to take place on Tuesday aft- Art and Science class was held In the a^WR%kr> chare*. <*f*^â„¢*t^ ^^S^tS Chicago. Mrs. Williamson and her daughter Ware former residents of Kenilworth. ....... ;f, ., â- ..... = .......i.......mniiii. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk • On Monday afternoon Mra. Lucinda â- gas entertained informally at bar homo, 1011 Central avenue, in honor of Miss Juliette Gates. The Travel Study class was enter* eaaaa yesterday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Julian Smith, ea Greenwood avenue. IS Domestic Science Day," affair, at the Catholic Worn- club. An Informal luncheon will open the program, to be followed by a short business session, at which time the nominating committee will be appointed. Next will come the ex- hibition of home cooking of all varie- ties and the distribution of awards; sad at 3:30 o'clock the articles of the culinary display will be offered tor sale to the public. Mrs. John D. Cross and Mra, Charles A. Barton are in charge of the day's entertainment and the following ladles will preside over the various tables: Preserves and Jellies. Mesdames Edward Dolan, Mevers and C. F. Bunte; pickles, Mesdames Matbias Miller. Q. *. Pat terson and P. J. Delaney; fancy des [»MM MS tMe«M IM U MMI Wilmette Societies and Clubs fce<eaMS»s>MvVs*»a»»MM The Utile Music Study class held a meeting Tuesday morning at the home of Un. George W. Springer, 124 Forest avenue. The Saturday Afternoon Bridge club will meet Informally tomorrow afternoon at the home of Miaa Doro- thy Webster, «9 Forest avenue. Next Thursday afternoon there will be a meeting of the "TwUa" at the residence of Miss Mumper on Elm- wood avenue. V* -â- "v ', ' Mrs. M. J. Sicbte? was bo***** to the Fortnightly Bridge club Monday afternoon at luncheon at her home. 1211 Hill street -One of the smaller Tuesda> l/uti eheon and Bridge clubs was enter- tained this week by Mrs. George Mar- tin, at her home. 1046 Kim wood ave The Young Ladles' Auxiliary of the Woman's club mot Informally Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edgar O. Blake. 921 Tenth street. One of the smaller Tuesday Bridge this week at the residence of Mrs. George A. Weaver at 812 Ashland avenue, for luncheon. The lar«e Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club w|U be entertained neat week by Mra. Louis B. Springer, at 420 Hill street. W A meettag of the Travel dub was sjetf, Tuesday atteraoon at the home of Mrs. Helen Gage, lift BSSWOOO *ven*e. A delightfulfeature of the afternoon's eatertainment was the mnwmg or s psper as -Tee nwiss Jrhaja I age £aegtanee 4m Baste." by Mas. Harry K. Sabter. serts, Mesdames Edward Kirchberg aad P. J. Lahey; cakes, Mesdames J. H. Verhalen, Edward Kelley and Frank Gelerich; doughnuts, pies and cookies. Mesdames.. Carl Schroeder end Peter Sullivan; salads, Mesdames W., J. Pbalen and Frank J. Seng; bread, Mesdames G. J. Bichl and W. J. Lyons; baked dishes, Mesdames Ed- ward Schaeger, Kutten and CM. Bruae. Mrs, Looaard a. Lower woe hastes* to the Luncheon end Five Hundred club Tuesday afternoon at her home, 104 s Linden avenue. The progress at th* «,iittw.%u« coun- try club for tomorrow evening will be varied a trifle. Instead of the usual dancing parties, bridge will be ployed, with an added feature, that of elec- trical prises. Mr, and Mr* c. i-e>~,. suiut. &tw<i a dinner party ior fourteen gu««U last Saturday evening, preceding the for- mal dance at the Uuilmettc Country <lub. Mr. ang Mrs. David Betto will en tertain the Neighbors' club at their home on Thirteenth street, tomorrow evening. . •Tho last «pon meetu« «« iu< wu motto Woman's Democratic ltAgu,. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Theodore Breycr, /25 Wash- ington avenue. Mrs. Isabel Back Ing- ham, chairman of the literature de- partment of the Chicago Woman's club, addressed the meeting on "Pub- lic Schools as Social and Civic Cen- ters." The use of school buildings for vacation schools, evening schools and meeting puces have made the school plant a better paying invest- ment than the old plan of using It from nine o'clock In the morning uaUl four O'clock In the afternoon. Ave days a week. The school should be the so- cial unit of a community. Mr*. Buckingham hna beet. «i«atly interested in thr Jones' school on Ply- mouth court and 'Harrison street, Chi- cago. She told of her work there la helping to make It a social center and of the results obtained. It made the women of the village who were present feel that they were very busy doing nothing; oat while conditions around Janes' school were not ours, neverthe- less there are some things we might do. The meetings which are being con- tinued at the Wilmette Methodist chureh at thy, request or a number of people have been very successful up to the present time. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth- odist chureh ate planning to give one of their monthly luncheons.on Tnurs- day at twelve o'clock in the chureh parhnsv.. Thie will tm.fulluaod by Mra. B. Jackson Casae of 633 Fori est avenue, is spending a few days visiting In Peoria, III. Mra. Lorretto Coffleld lias sold her home at 120 Woodbine avenue to Mr. Foster of Edgewater. MS. Louis A. Clark of 716 Lake ave- nue returned Sunday morning from a week's trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Herbert R. Dahncke of 1517 Forest avenue has been very ill .at bar home during the last week.' - Miss Margaret HI ait man has re- turned from m. nwmth'a visit with re!s tivee end friends in Lincoln, Neb. Dr. H. A. Hobin of DePau w Univers- ity spent the week-end with bis cousin, Mra. Thomas Mesne Gale, 1024 Lake avenue. .-. -*: â- • •• Mr. and Mra. Frank J. Scheiden helm, 804 Forest avenue, have • re- turned from an extended trip through tho south. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson Cases of 023 Forest avenue returned Monday from a'week's sojourn at Excelsior Springs, Ark. Mrs. Matbias Miller. TOO Linden avenue, has as her guest this week her cousin, Mrs. Valentine J. Weber of Janesvllle. Wig. Mr. Patrick H. Heffron Is very ill at his home, 610 Forest avenue. A late report, however, states that he to slowly recovering. Mrs; Alexander McCallum and her two daughters, Jean and Lois, of 831 Central avenue, left on Thursday for a month's stay in Ashevllle. N. C. Mrs. Sheldon B. Greiner of Green- wood avenue and Miss Margaret Al- len of 1004 Ashland avenue returned the latter part of test week from s short trip to Terre Haute, Ind. Mr=. Louie R. Rugg, of 820 Fifteenth street, to very 111 at her home. Mrs. Brandt baa bought the house at 1617 Forest avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs; Herbert Dahncke. Mies Eleanor Bradley of 1104 For- est avenue arrives home today from Western college. Last week Miss Bradley took one of the leading parts in the Junior play, "The Taming of the Shrew." Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, the parents of Mrs. Frederick D. Bookman. 1031 Oak wood avenue, returned Tuesday evening to their home in North Da- kota. Mr. Johnson has just returned from • short trip to Cuba. Dr. E. L Baton, who so pleased the people of Wilmette with his services, spent Monday and Tuesday nights in Wisconsin, in work against the saloon- Wednesday evening, be started a cam paign at the Irving Park Methodist church In Chicago. Mrs. Frederick O. Merrill of Essex road entertained at luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Hush Foresman of Essex road met with rather a uerteua eeeideat Tuesday evening, while roller skating. for she fell and broke her arm. Mr. and Mra. Joseph M. Cornue of Warwick road have returned from Nassau, where they have -been spend- ing the greater part of the Winter. Miss Virginia Little wUl entertain forty.of her friends at five hundred tomorrow evening, in honor of her guest, Miaa Marion Tilt of Holland, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mct.toud are expected to return to Xeallwortb shout the middle of next month, after aa extended sojourn la and near Jack- sonville. Fta. Mrs. Olmetead. who has been mak- ing an extended visit with her daugh- ter. Mrs. E. a. Bentley, returned the ef this week to her home la Neb. Baring class under the direc- tion of the Misses Agnes Peas a end Louise Were were the guests at a large party glvea Wednesday after- at one-thirty o'clock. There "movie" A meeting of interest to residents of the north share was held last Friday at the Ravenswood Wamaa>s clan, that of the Tenth District Federatkm of Weamuri and two at the Assembly fffl only he of the Cristo" alas. | Mr. and Mrs. ' witt return next Kenilworth As- the auspices Kenilworth club. "Monte Mr and Mra. Herman B. Butler will hot open their home in â- Hubbard JruomtaalMso second week in April. Mrs. Christian Fenger and her have Joined the towards California. The William W. Case residence on Bsstwcid avenue in Hubbard Woods to Mrs. Charles F. for the summer. Mrs. Ayrea Boal left Friday eve- ning to Joth her mother, Mrs. torsnto M. Johnson, at the tatter's winter home in Santa Barbara. Tho smjHhjS Baa Germano of Ar- tlno and Rome, Italy, who has en- Joyed Winnetka enough to return for a second stay with Mrs. Harry H. Barnu, left for the east Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ferry, with their daughter. Mrs. Walter Dean Peck and her children, are spending a month in California. Mrs. Ferry to both secre- tary end treasurer of the Parents' aad Teachers'association. Fuller to giving a tea n of April sixth for ried set, to meet Mrs. nthaler, who haa re- Winnetka to live. Mrs. Schoenthaler Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kerfoot of Chi- cago. The Infant Welfare committee of Winnetka, consisting of Mra. W. J. Cook, Mrs. J. R. Qulnby and Mrs. N. L. Hoyt, will take no active part In the "Baby Week" being planned to be held in Chicago April 8. The entire time of the committee to given to the station at Chicago Commons. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fellows, who re- cently moved Into the house at 809 Lincoln avenue, entertained twenty- five teachers Thursday evening of tost week. Mr. Fellows, aa the only man. was allowed to Invite an assistant and selected Mr. Fred Swanson, teacher of manual training. AH sorts of talent cropped out during the evening. An "Umbrella Dance" i and a "Kitchen Quartette" .helped to furnish enter- tainment. Some striking 1016 "Fashion Models" made the affair extremely up- to-date. Miss Canfleld sang, Miss Shufflebotham played, and Mtoa Stod- dard, assisted by Mtos Canfleld. poured. Little Caroline Olson entertained Frt- son of tost week with a rty to a number of her lit- business was traaaacted the hnatoss served tea. The annual nnf^r for tho election of officers will bo held In May. Miss Julia Henrys third lecture. wlH bo held Hon Wednesday afternoon. The subject wee, "Delectable Salads." < The Young Peoples' society of the Glencoe Union chureh will meet Sun- day at 6 p. in., with Willard Holmes In charge. The aubjact for the meeting to. "Getting Ready for the Next Lire." The cantata to One of the best Known of the Lenten works and to a beautiful musical setting of the Savior's last seven days upon earth. The public to cordially Invited to at- tend. The bridge party for the benefit of the Infant Welfare society, given at the Women's Library club rooms, March 17th. waa a success socially and' financially, the net proceeds being 2100. The program for the movies matinee Guarding Against Famine IT is reported that the German Government is taking pre- cautions against famine. The "inspired" newspapers there give large space to lectures on economy and recisjAfor substt- t$> bread and meat. M i fherGov- he end pTecaut_ uch for thggte dependent urces last if your economy, youn How lent off? re, is your surplus tte Exchange State Bank will keep your savings r, have them for you when you want them and pay you for the privilege. iflf 12118 Hit! It III 11IIII8; in Mtos Isabel Brown returned home Sunday from a month's visit to Cali- fornia. ...... Mrs. e<u.v«td Mason returi*«4 lam week Lorn & winter's sojourn In Cali- fornia. Miss Jc iiurfom returned M«.nu<iy from a wtvik"a visit with relatives at Spring Valley. 111. Mari^tie and Edwin Cassells loft Wednesday to visit relatives an La Crosse. \VL Mr. Jacob Beck to at the St. Anthony Hospital, having undergone an opera- tion for varicose veins. Mr. Roy Jost, Who was operated up- on for appendicitis at the Augustaaa hospital last Week, Is making a fine recovery Mr. ana Mrs. Will Sctmur left ea the Overkud limited Friday evening for California to be absent several weeks. The Daughters of .the Empire will meet Tuesday afternoon. March 30. w|th Mrs. Samuel Gees of Longwood avenue. The young people of the Glcm-oe Methodist Episcopal church will meet tonight. Friday, to form a young peo- ples' society. Saturday at 8:80 p. m. in the Glencoe Public School auditorium will be: Pathe'a Weekly. WUd Bird Life, Life's History of the Silk Worm, Comedyâ€" The Tailor's Bill. Animated Cartoonâ€" Romette and Julio, Pictures of Mad- erla. On Saturday afternoon, April 3rd. there will be a five reel exhibition,' Adventures of a Boy Scout. The sacred cantata, "Olivet to Cal- vary." by Maunder, will be given at the Glencoe Union church on Sunday evening, March 20. at 7:20 o'clock. A mixed chorus of twenty voices will assist. The solo parte will be taken by Mtos Trade, soprano; Mra. Brand- riff, contralto: Mr. Ires, tenor, and" Mr. Cole, baas. Mrs. Dwight C. Os> cutt is the director and organist. Mrs. Ruth Collins' class in ball room dancing held Its final dance Thursday afternoon at the school gym. It was a masquerade. Colonial dames, clowns, jesters, fairies and flowers cantered, fox trotters, and had a merry time. Six of Mrs. Collins' pupils infancy danc- ing did a number of special dances. Refreshments furnished an enjoyable feature of the evening's entertainment. At dhe Glencoe Union church Sun- day morning Rev. Douglas Cornell's theme will be, "The Reigning Mon- arch." Musical program aa follows: Prelude. Hosanna.............Wachs Athem, The Palms............Faure Offertory, Spring Song. .Mendelssohn Anthem, Jerusalem â€"......Parker Postlade, Triumphant March....... ........................ Dickinson Sunday evening at 7:30 the beauti- ful cantata. Olivet to Calvary, by Maunder, depicting the seven last days of th» life of Ch» tst. will be given. The Basket club meets Friday after- noon with Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Carrington left Wednesday for California. Mrs. Percy Hood entertain* tne Bridge club Tuesday. The Glencoe Equal Suffrage adhocla- tion met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frederick W. Smith. 455 Washington avenue. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Fred King. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The first speaker was Mrs. H. F. Thurston of Winnetka, township supervisor. She gave an interesting sketch of her work and the duties attending thereto. Mrs. Bertram Slppy of Chicago spoke of the universal peace movement Messrs Hot her Mocllcr «nd Albert MacRae, candidates for tne village presidency, had been asked to talk to the ladies. Mr. Moeller. on the Peoples' ticket, gave a detailed account of the things done aad those left undone by the present board. Mr. MacRae tried to anew how much money had been made and saved by the present management for the year ldlt^snd '16 over that of the year 1013 amT'14. " â- "â- ; > in ilmett nan Cleanliness :: fiualby TTService 1165 WUmette AJbnue >rftS!pHONES < wilmette r Ilmette 1 449 450 i, mij RS. ETHEL •nnounce* tbt Employ ma Let ME try to secure your help for OVER yAM DSUSEff'S STORE* _y or permsnently. rVionc Wilmette 984-L â- â- ' â- P.M. 'ennecaar** Orttf Store at 50c ""'i â- â- ster â- BSJBmSBJBBI fM/E have a full line WEASTER LILIES $1.50 per plant. Spin SiiOO to $1.50 each, colon* 35\ and 50 Azaqeas andmojty other ing Lily o\J0k Valley iJon&uilsjmd Daffodils efuUy selected t SOeto plants, 'bright Begonia, , inclad- Tulips, is. 35.50 'ERS. In udSGion to cu^0ttfefLilies finest assortmenL^f^ut flowers for from: American Beauty Roses, Mrs. ises, Ophelia, Sunburst, Mrs. Shawyer. lliant. Pink and White Killarney and Richmond .ations in all the leading varieties, many of which bud with as. ...!.*â- «.» Oar Sweet Feas are the finest yon can get anywhere. Violets, both single and double. Bulb stock, Tulips Jonquils, Daffodils, and Lily of the Valley. We offer yoa the best it is possible to obtain at most reason' able prices. OUR STOCK is GROWN in WILMETTE, and is delivered to yoa fresh from our greenhouses. We deliver anywhere in Evanston. Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe and Hubbard Woods. we have you to st Russell Killarney Roses. Cc have origin PYFER & OLSEM wilmette, Illinois Telephone Wilmette 23 If yoa own sufficient area of really meaaifin ave to sell, thoroughly study its possibilities, knowledge, yoa tpill place yourself in Ivealth and happiness. I REAL OPPORTUNITY T Would youfbe interested people, in a v summers: whd with won GATION; round; is plentiful and kets are nearby; the advantages never suffered f i you want at tow It WITHOUT Sws are profit tful in modern ft mild, short ry crop of 1 biggest and bes . hogs, sheep and'eows are profitabjejhjsyear is deep and consistently good; wbjgglBrwater ; where transportation is amaMgmrnere the mar- re the scenery is most ingjPng; where almost all y life are within reach; where land values have an artificial boom, and where you can got the land among good neighbors on 10 YEARS TERMS? Does it Appeal to You? • P*"t*r* *••*•»* •J"** OapertaeltJV'-iny 22 page booklet of plain facts and photographs of this valley in Klick-i-tat County. Washington along the beautiful Columbia River. It includes the list of hvanston families who have bought, some or all of whom yen may know, also my proposition. -inftftf.*^ *n Evan»t<>" â- >•«> SBS Ms wife have to sar:â€""It sires SiSy.lS'S?""". *° â€"* tlmt w mot only fm* ttep a»>a»ie-. SJSf^fL£em-£i^Li0.b*- bul in B,»n* insttBMM,onr enwota- hobs were-far exceeded.«----- A. KAPPELMAN. 81 D. TELEPHONE 1515 EVANSTON, ILL.