Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1915, p. 2

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T Social Happenings in WU By RUTH RISLEY Phone Wilmette 1640 ±ssst THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRILS, 1011. i ; . A unique invitation has been issued to the.old residents of Wil nicttc, which reads like this: « â-  "Hear Yef . To ye Olde Towne Koikes of Ouilmetteâ€" Hearty greetings, one and all! . Hear ye words of Invitation, Hearken to ye urgent call. Ye are summoned to assemble At ye early candle light, At ye Woman's Club so stately. April ninth will be the night. â-  â-  , r • â-  â-  Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh «*>eter will t& room in whloh to rest, visit and •ntertln their Saturday Evening Bridge dab Usui row evening at Ml flgâ€"leaf avenue. Ye will join in friendly converse, Clasp the hands of friends most dear, Ye will feast, drink and make merrie, With a tale of by-gone year. Do not disappoint ye housewives. Who have labored hard for thee, Bring'thy good-will and thy blessing. Yell be welcomed heartily." At the wedding of Miss Juliette Gates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Cafes, 1126 Wilmettc avenue, to Dr. Everett Crocett Moulton of Fort Smith, Ark., the details are to be most simple. Miss Gates has chosen to be married in the Congregational church on next Tuesday evening, and has asked only a few intimate friends and close relatives to witness the ceremony. Rev. Roy E Bowers will officiate. As a result of the nearness of the wedding date, countless after- noon and evening affairs arc being given in honor of the bride-to-be. The following parties have been given during-the last two months: February 3â€"Bridge party, given by Mrs, R. P. Miller at her home in Chicago. February 9â€"Luncheon, given by Mrs. E. R. Webber, 815 For- est avenue. February 25â€"Luncheon and bridge, with Mrs. S. S. Dingee as hostess at her home, 932 Lake avenue. March 6â€"Luncheon and bridge party, given for Miss Gates and Miss Helen Pope, by Miss Marion Roberts, at her residence on Lake avenue. March nâ€"Bridge party, Mrs. T. E. Thompson,'735 Kline street, hostess. March 12â€"Miss Margaret Hall entertained at bridge at her home, on Central avenue. March 16â€"Miss Lorraine Powers entertained informally at her . home in Chicago. March 17-â€"St. Patrick's bridge party, given by Miss Helen Skin- ner at her home. 725 Tenth street. March 19â€"Miss Louise Lane of Glencoc entertained at bridge. March 20â€"Mesdames Hoyt King and Munro Cole entertained at bridge for Miss Gates and Miss Helen Pope. March 22â€"A number of the young ladies of the village and their mothers were entertained at the home of Mrs. B. F. Clifford, 803 Lake avenue. March 25â€"Bridge party at the home of Miss Elsie Clague in pifinnctka, March 26â€"Bridge. Miss Helen Hale of Highland Park, hostess of the afternoon, April 3â€"Miss Winnifred Goodsmith of Chicago will entertain the yottng ladies of the bridal party at luncheon and a matinee. A pleasing recital was given on Wednesday evening of last week by the senior pupils of Madame Eda Gocdecke. assisted by Miss Bar- bara Pale, mezzo soprano, a pupil of Madame J. V. Scherenberg. and Miss Marguerite Rowe, accompanist, at the Wilmettc Woman's club. Following is the program for the affair* â- â€¢-I. Spanish Dance...............................Moszkowski Phoebe Hoffman. 2. Valsc Lcnte............. Mao. Oaoego A» Van Dyke enter* talkid her fuesday Luncheon and Bridf* mnm week at ber borne, il0W#f S7* Wednesday evening a borne mis- sSonary thank offering mooting will bo how at tan Congregational church. Mrs. Frederick Â¥. Bowes will sing a group of Indian songs; Mrs. fatter' a and Miss Jenkins will give "Leaven Noisy Creole." and Mrs. Eugene Lawrence will give an interesting synopsis of what Talladega college did for ber. Wilmette Societies and Oub$ Mum Mumper was "Twigs" yesterday home on Elmwood avenue. i aft hostess to toe ernoon at her enjoy a refreshing cup of tea. The week of April 6 Is to bo the e^^wVo^VSr As the New Trior Welfare station, at Chicago avenue and Noble street, is supported by funds raised in Now Trier, tbooo * Wffcoatte who are In charge of the work here earnestly call the attention of the men of the vil- lage who annually contribute to the station In Chicago to make their de- posits through the Wilmette commit- tee. . . ":;* *; This will not In any way lessen the work In Chicago, and It wil. placo the offerings of Wilmette residents direct- ly, at the same time assisting tho committee In charge hero. ±1 2= Ml Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk = honor of 1 3. Madrigal ... To Spring . Album Leaf Ruth Watt. Louise Hawktv Adah kcimolds. Elizabeth Brown .urlcg . Kami Scherzo....... Ethel Flcntyc Vocal soloâ€"Le Parlatc d'Amor (Flower --iff^v..-7-;-.......................... Miss Barbara Dale Carlicr Jv»n» [ S. Duetto____ §t<&ir Oanzonetta jJttX- -Scherzino . M9- 13. tA. 15. Miss Mildred McCuIloo^h Miss Jane Kendall Mrs. William F. Bauer Marcel................................. Miss Martha Lusted Vocal soloâ€"Good-bye (Addis)........ Miss Barbara DaL (a) Croquis et Silhouette, N'o. 3...... (b). Sous Bois.................... Miss MarjoHe LusicJ Prelude in G Minor................... Miss Kathertne Hodgkint. Berceuse.............................. Mrs. Edward B Kathbone. Staccato Caprice...................... Miss Louise Mueller â€"Faust, Act ........Gounod Newell Barbour .... Schuetf Moszkowski Mrs. Donald M. Gallic was hostess to her Thursday Luncheon club yes* terday at her home. 1115 Elmwood avenue.. . , ,...t/.ir, .., (< Mrs. Louis B. Springer entertained the largo Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 430 Hill street, tills week. Covers wore laid for twenty-four members. The Tuesday Luncheon and Five Hundred olnb was entertained thin week- at the homo of Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman, 1081 Oakwood avenue. The Linden Avenue Neighborhood circle mot Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Henry J. Burbaeb, 1030 Linden avenue. The next evening psriy in scheduled for Saturday eve* nlng, April 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wbltsett, 830 Oak- wood avenue. Mrs. Charles Ban ford Clarke was hostess to one of the smaller Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs Tuesday at ber home on Washington avenue. The "If. and W." club was enter* talned last Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue at their home, 881 Washington avenue. Bridge was played. Mias Ruth Lasher will bo tbe nest hostess to tho Saturday Afternoon Bridge club, on April 10, at her home, 124 Laurel avenue. The annual meeting of tho Public School Art league will be' held In the east building of tbe Central school on Friday, April 8, at three o'clock. Of- ficers will be elected for the ensuing year. Tbe league has recently pur- chased a set of slides for stereopticon, showing tbe principal paintings and sculptures of Chicago Art institute. These were recently shown to the school children with an explanatory lecture, and will be repeated at this annual meeting. The No. th Bnd circle wUi give a luncheon on Monday, April 12, at 12 o'clock in the parlors of the Congre- gational ehurcb. In connection with thia, the Central Avenue circle will conduct a "Unique Supply Sale," where laundry articles, mending ac- cessories, fancy work, toilet luxuries, cleaning day help's, bakery goods and rag ruga may be purchased at very reasonable prices. There will be a Mr. James O. Barber. 021 Linden avenue, Is expected home for over tbe week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dahncke moved Thursday from 1818 Forest av enue to 732 Twelfth street. Miss Joan Mann of Aberdeen, Scot- land, was the guest of Mrs. Harry Cum beriand of 119 Ninth street last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Nicholson of 625 Hill street ore making an ex tended trip along the western coast Mrs. Frank B. Robinson of 716 Lin- den avenue has returned from tbe German hospital and is convalescing satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Duer Phillips of Oak Park were the week-end guests of MT. and Mrs. D. B. Allen, 518 For- est avenue. __-t~- Mr. Albert E. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, returned Monday morning from a week-end automobile trip through Indiana. Mrs. D. K. Dickinson and little daughter of 511 Washington avenue, left last Thursday for an extended visit in Washington, D. C. Miss Marjorle Noyes will return to- day from Milwaukee Downer academy to spend the Easter vacation at her home, 827 Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Lower.of 614 Hill street were the dinner-guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank «. Spohr at their home hi Kvanston. Mrs. Charles Smith and her little daughter, Delia, of 919 Forest avenue are making a short visit in Cleveland, O., the former home of Mrs. Smith. Mr. Orlsn Galltz, 1206 Gregory ave- nue, returned Tueaday from the Ev- anston hospital, where be has been confined with typhoid fever for tho last month, ' *fcd JA Miss Elisabeth Haahtns returned Monday from Wells college to spend the Easter week with tier father, Mr. O. T. Hasklns. Mr. Clarke Hasklns returned Wednesday from Alton Mili- tary academy to spend the Easter va- cation. that tbe many Mrs. Alexander removal to their future home In Michigan. Mr. Pottle left laat week, but Mrs. Petrle and children will be guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. French until April V-- «>>.F fl-- ?v It wm. lakwsp know that Mr. F. B. sold hie home at 715 Linden avenue to Mr. MiiUngtOB ©f Rogers Park, and that he will leave Wilmette with his family the latter part of April, fir. Mllllngton will take possession about May 1. lor of 419 Sheridan at a tea to bo, of April 6 In Marshall Schoenthaler. who recently moved to Winnetka. Mrs. Schoenthaler Is building a home near the Indian Hill club, whloh Is' ex- pected to be ready for occupancy soon. Miss Edith E. Lanyon of England and of Portland, Ore,, who has been making an extended visit with friends all along tho north shore, sailed last Friday on tho steamship Mlssumble from St. John's, New Brunswick, Can. She will take up a special training in Rod Gross work at tbe London hos- pital, and hopes to leave shortly for the front under the British Red Cross Bociety. Miss Lsnyen has a number of friends on tho north shore and In Chicago, who admire her brave spirit and whose prayers will go with her on this perilous undertaking for ber country. HPRINO BONO. It woe the bloomy May, It was a laughing boyâ€" Together they ran away. Away with comrade Joy. So far away they ran. The boy return* no more; Mil May wende back to the man And Joy to the old door. â€"John Khudlau. . I . A* W. Sirkkfi V ;J, Lived well, raised and cducat contributed to cliaxitv and sav a home. He ference and ary avcragi This- is amount of ember of s 43 ye«*f a ye*r- Q is The Man, hot at detunes js| WILMETTE STATE mett Manliness :: fhx r165 Wilmette A virtue WILMETTE ~.JES<44» WILMETTE 1450 .. u , i is â€" WUMETTE SHOE.PARLOR GardnerJfc Benr Popular pricesâ€" Shodjedtr th re solicit your shoe repairing. Km nhtWe call foTand Phone Wilmette 482 le Family ired as factory new. 6Q9 W. Railroad Avenue Because of the general desire to keep Holy Wtek, th<t (>i tyrant of he Ouilmette Country club has practically been discontinued during the last few days. The only festivity to be carried on will be "open house0 tomorrow evening, when bridge and billiards will be played. fThere will also be bowling and dancing. The Town club held their annual dinner and dance Saturday evening at the Wilmette Woman's club. ^Iwsaorrow evening tbe Ouilmette Dancing club will give another of their delightful dancing parties at the Wilmette Woman's club. Ladd entertained at laat Friday afternoon at ber Lake avenue, in honor of of Chicago. __ Th* ariiiu,.! reunion of ihe Sigma chapter of ih«j Delta Gamma sorority was held Saturday erenlng, at tbe Mis- sion^ tea room In Chicago. Miss Juliette Gates was toostmistress, and tbe fol- lowing yonng women were In attend- ance from Wilmette: Tbe Misses Helen i Skinner. Marion Roberts, Dorothy ' Illff. and Mrs. T. E. Thompson. The winners of the electrical prize* the formal bridge party given last Saturday evening at tbe Oollmette Country club wsrs Mr. aad Mr» Ar ij& JL Allan, Mrs. Arthur Scibold WM Mr. Alvtn But*. The Town crab gave a dinner-dance at tbe Wilmette Woman's club laat Saturday evening. Covers were laid for seventy. This was one of the most enjoyable affairs ever given by this popular dob. IWlunauinoiT Notice is hereby glv<m that 00 Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1916. >u the office of Qtiinlan & Tyson, No. 1164 Wilmette avenue, for Precinct No. 1; at the Village Hall (or Precinct No. 2; at Library Hall for Precinct No. 3; and at the office of Robert Rae, southeast corner of Greenleaf avenue and Fifth street, for Precinct No. 4; in the Village of Wilmette. County of Cook and State of Illinois, an election will be ticld for the following Village Officers, via.: One President of tbe Village One Village Treasurer, Throd Village Trustees. One Village Trustee to All vacancy, Two Directors of Free Public Libra u A* itte Mid election, the following proposition will be AODau.t«.* Shall bonds for the purpose of providing necessary funds to acquln ssry real, estate to be used as erect a Are engine bouse and u ladders and other implements In the Village of Wilmette. dent and Board of Trustees?i The following question The Tau Sigma Gamma girls will be entertained next Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Ellen Rofberg, gfl Lake the Round Robin Dancing club will 7~* of their delightful din Mr. Albert G. Wigglasworth eater* on the erenlng of ApJtl 1 talned the Bota lain, ffci finfMaHj ad Infornwl summer dress is to be; his home, 4JT Central awenke, last MK i sionoay evening. Initiation wan held, ji i and White KUIdrmey, 1 in all the leading varieties, haveoeiguiaUd uitki Oar Sweet Pern* are the finest you can get anywhere. Violets, bo**""gl*?nd doable. Bulb stock. Tulips. Jonquils, Daffodils, and Lily of the Valley. * - â- * ~ We offer yom the best it is possible to obtain at moat reason- OUR STOCK is GROWN in WILMETTE, and fresh from our greenhouses. We deliver S2S^l£SK^^oa!r*• ***"""*• "'*"*'• PYFER & OLSm wl&rS,1 Telephone Wilmette 29 THEATRE ILLINOIS will engine house, and also to Bines, hose earU. hooks and and extinguishment 0F fires 00. be issued by tbe P: I â- :-id ;K voters of said Village: Shall the following descjbed territory be annexed to tbe Village of Wilmette, to-wit: All that part or the East fractional half of fractional Section thirty - three (33). in Township forty-two (41) North. Range thirteen (12). Beat of tho Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County. Illinois, lying and being within the following described boundary lines, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Wilmette avenue with the center line of Namrig avenue, (said Nanzlg avenue being the street deshsnated as "Falrvlew Avenue" on the plat of a certain subdivision known Straube's Addition to Wilmette. recorded in the Recorder's Office of Cook County. Illinois, on August IS. 1890, as document No. 1321573); running thence to the potnt of intersection of said center line with tbe center linTof Isabella street: running thence West to the West line of said Bast fractional half of said fractional Beetlon thirty-three (33, on a line being the said center tine of Isabella street if produced West in the same direction; thence North alone said West line of said East fractional half of said fractional Section thirty- three 411) to the point of intersection of said West line 5g theJsjtorjBi of Wilmette avenue; and thence in an Easterly JlfeCtion alone tha^wS aTf^S^SS^^«***^<«»**«**- .itoated in thoC^Sj Yet R _- mmmm I Which election will he opened at seven, o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. morning, and will continue open until Bee o'elook in Given under my hand at WUmetle. Illinois, the 20th day of March. . -â-  . D. ItlS. BARL B OBNBM. Vlllngo Clerk. i

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